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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Oh geez, if that's the case and they're still filming for a few more weeks, then I can totally see that being the start and not the end of the season finale. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself so I don't worry as much.


I thought it was more of a 5x22 ending if the poor idiots fell through the portal than a season finale ending. They were taping 5x22.


There are a lot of questions...like have the mothers realized that their son has taken off? Would they let him go to NYC on his own? Although I imagine after being in the UW, NYC is like a walk in the park if anything.

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It's boring, repetitive, unoriginal and lacks creativity, of course Hook, Snow and Charning are going to fall through the portal, and the finale would be the SQ film nobody (except a group of stalkers and abusers) is asking for.

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I'm pretty sure we know filming goes through April 2, so if they are in fact falling though a portal - and I am not convinced they are - there is no way it's the final scene of the season.  If they are stupid enough to make the finale a SQ quest, I think the kerfuffle about Sean and the made up fandom reasons he is potentially leaving the show should prompt a hasty rewrite.  There are only so many times something should have to quack before you know it's a duck.

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In no way am I standing up for that fandom, but there are in fact fans who do enjoy watching Emma and Regina scenes as just friends. So just because Emma and Regina happen to share the screen together in the finale doesn't mean we all need to attack SQ. With that being said, it would be annoying if we got a repeat Emma/Regina adventure for the finale because, like many people have already said, there are plenty of other character combinations that haven't been explored yet which would be refreshing and a lot more fun to watch. 

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It looks like the fandom, on tumblr at least, believe that Snowing, Zelena and Hook are indeed pulled through the door. I am still not convinced. I didn't see a single BTS that looks like a fan machine was used. I didn't see a fan at all in fact.


A&E decided that there had been too much sucking on the show.


Wishing to be different this time around, they had Snowing Zelena and Hook dragged into the portal. We can't see what it is until they do the CGI....but we can deduct. Four people dragged through a door? Must be something with at least 4 arms. If we rule out Shiva (and I hope we can because I can't imagine what a hash A&E would make of that - there would be letters, many angry letters), I'm going with a Kraken. And if it's a Kraken, we are going to Pirates of the Caribbean world.  The prisoner is clearly Captain Jack Sparrow caught in the dungeons. I wonder who they will cast to play the dog? Captain Jack Sparrow will turn out to be Regina's Lost Twin.


Or, alternatively, the twist this time is that Snowing, Zelena and Hook are pushed through the door? What could do that? I'm going to go with a Zamboni. Who would push people through a door with Zamboni? Why, nobody else but Hans who has come back with his evil brothers to do more evil. Hans doesn't seem to need much of a motive so A&E can do whatever they like with him. Nobody is a fan of Hans so there will be no letters of complaints about character assassination.


If it wasn't sucking, dragging or zamboniing through the door, what else? Tonnes of Great Ideas ! Maybe they were picked up and flown into the portal by Hopper and his gang from a Bugs Life? Maybe they were picked up by Sid because they are actually all toys in Sid's bedroom (Toy Story).  That would certainly explain all the whack stories we get with sadistic undertones.  Or maybe it is a killer robot from The Incredibles.


No fan? No problem, A&E can definitely get them through that portal against their will. If the story needs them through a portal, through they will go.

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What if Hades created Underbrooke for Zelena so she could have what Regina wanted? (In spoilers thread because of Zades spoiler.)



Hopefully we get more Snowing, Killian and Zelena because that's a new refreshing combo that could potentially be entertaining.

Yes, not having Emma or Regina is refreshing.



In no way am I standing up for that fandom, but there are in fact fans who do enjoy watching Emma and Regina scenes as just friends. So just because Emma and Regina happen to share the screen together in the finale doesn't mean we all need to attack SQ. With that being said, it would be annoying if we got a repeat Emma/Regina adventure for the finale because, like many people have already said, there are plenty of other character combinations that haven't been explored yet which would be refreshing and a lot more fun to watch.

Here, here! I'm one of those people who actually like Emma and Regina together, just not romantically or when verbal abuse al a 4x05 is involved. They make great partners in crime. But I do agree that it's tiring because they're often paired off or get the spotlight both mutually and exclusively. So I'm all for a Hook/Snow/Charming/Zelena adventure. (Even though many fans would complain.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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KingOfHearts, on 18 Mar 2016 - 4:15 PM, said:

What if Hades created Underbrooke for Zelena so she could have what Regina wanted? (In spoilers thread because of Zades spoiler.)



Then it would seem that Zelena has decided that she doesn't want to have what Regina has, at least not as a copy in the UW ;-)


(I'm kind of one of those people who actually like the Regina-Emma friendship... )

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In no way am I standing up for that fandom, but there are in fact fans who do enjoy watching Emma and Regina scenes as just friends. So just because Emma and Regina happen to share the screen together in the finale doesn't mean we all need to attack SQ. With that being said, it would be annoying if we got a repeat Emma/Regina adventure for the finale because, like many people have already said, there are plenty of other character combinations that haven't been explored yet which would be refreshing and a lot more fun to watch. 


Fair enough.  I didn't word carefully here and I should have said a subset of the fandom.


I will say I personally have no interest in watching Emma and Regina go on any other quest together.  I'm over it; I don't think Regina has any "adventuring" skills and I just don't buy this friendship at all.  I am still bitter over 4x5 and 4x11 which is irrational, but I am.


I still live in the dream world where Emma will get to spend time with her parents.  I would love to see an Emma / Charming quest to save Snow or even Emma and the dwarves go save the Charmings - i think that is a fun parallel to Snow and the dwarves during her bandit days.  If Zelena is sucked into the portal, Robin dies, Roland is back in the EF, and Henry is in NYC - maybe Regina can go pick up Henry with Pistachio and Emma can go find the portal sucked characters.

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I don't like Regina, at all. She is not that interesting or well writen and she drags the characters she interacts with down (Henry, Snow, Emma). And I would never call the relationship she has with Emma friendship. A friend doesn't do or say the things Regina has done and said to Emma, and I'm not talking about season 1, I'm talking about 5A. So I'm not excited with the prospect of two hours of Emma, Regina and probably Henry running around looking for the others. Because, really, no way A&E are going to develop the Snowing-Hook-Zelena partnership. They haven't done it before and they are not going to do it now, in season 5. If Emma and/or Regina are not there, the screentime those characters would have would be minimal. And let's not forget that Ginny is pregnant.


But, hey, this is my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong and Regina and Emma are the ones with mininal screentime in the finale and everything is Hook-Snowing-Zelena bonding and having adventures. But looking at the 101 episodes we have already seen of the show that seems more than unlikely.

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Maybe I'm wrong and Regina and Emma are the ones with mininal screentime in the finale and everything is Hook-Snowing-Zelena bonding and having adventures.

If they actually focus 80% of the finale time and the A-Plot on Snow, David, Zelena, and Hook, I will bake a huge batch of cookies and mail them to the writers just for surprising me for once.

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I would like to see Emma and Hook having another adventure together (S3 finale), so I would prefer that those two are not separated. However, Hook being trapped somewhere with the Charmings could be interesting too. I'm torn!

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I don't like Regina, at all. She is not that interesting or well writen and she drags the characters she interacts with down (Henry, Snow, Emma). And I would never call the relationship she has with Emma friendship. A friend doesn't do or say the things Regina has done and said to Emma, and I'm not talking about season 1, I'm talking about 5A. So I'm not excited with the prospect of two hours of Emma, Regina and probably Henry running around looking for the others. Because, really, no way A&E are going to develop the Snowing-Hook-Zelena partnership. They haven't done it before and they are not going to do it now, in season 5. If Emma and/or Regina are not there, the screentime those characters would have would be minimal. And let's not forget that Ginny is pregnant.


I was just going to say that.  If anyone gets transported, its got to be because they are preparing for Ginny to be out in the early days of filming next season or maternity leave.   So I would guess that if anyone gets transported with Snow, they'll get minimal lead time very early next season. And there is a good chance that when whoever is left behind catches up to them, Snow will have been taken and they'll all be in another realm searching for Snow.

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I'm nervous this is going to be another freaking Lily situation. Remember the episode Lily? No? You know, the one where Hook, Snow, Charming, and Henry were all ditched in Storybrooke for an entire episode, and we were excited because that meant that they'd finally interact with each other without Emma present? And then they never even shared a scene together, and instead we got the pointless Emma/Lily/Regina plot? Crap, I think I just joined RadioGirl27's negative party. :P


I need new spoilers. Like, now.

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I'm nervous this is going to be another freaking Lily situation. Remember the episode Lily? No? You know, the one where Hook, Snow, Charming, and Henry were all ditched in Storybrooke for an entire episode, and we were excited because that meant that they'd finally interact with each other without Emma present? And then they never even shared a scene together, and instead we got the pointless Emma/Lily/Regina plot? Crap, I think I just joined RadioGirl27's negative party. :P


I need new spoilers. Like, now.

LOL, Okay, so to add the opinion of the eternal optimist (that's ME!), let's say this is part one of the finale, and not part one of the next arc. If Snowing, Hook and Zelena are sucked through a portal, I can actually see a fun AU/Time travel adventure rather than a  #SaveSomoene situation.


According to spoilers, this group is sending residents of the Enchanted Forest back home. So if they were sucked in, neither Snowing or Hook would be completely be lost (again ff that's what happens).  If so, I can see some comedic potential rather than dire straits.


Filming will continue next week. I hardly think this is is the absolute final ending of the season.

Edited by ABitOFluff
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I hope Milah tells Rumple that one year with Killian was better than a lifetime as Rumple's wife. apparently Rachel Shelley retweeted a giff of Milah telling Rumple she never loved him. Milah better get a happy ending.

I am looking forward to Hook meeting Cora as the mill's daughter.

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I hope Milah tells Rumple that one year with Killian was better than a lifetime as Rumple's wife. apparently Rachel Shelley retweeted a giff of Milah telling Rumple she never loved him. Milah better get a happy ending.

I am looking forward to Hook meeting Cora as the mill's daughter.

^ I saw that and laughed. I hope this is a good sign that Milah won't put up with Rumple's crap.

I can't wait for my evil dream team to be reunited. I loved Hook and Cora working together in season 2. A lot has changed since they last saw each other.

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Does anyone else feel like Red, Mulan and Dorothy are going to be totally pointless? The fact Zelena lives says a lot.

Yes, and I wonder if they get left behind in the Underworld...

The Dorothy episode seems like filler, again.

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The Dorothy episode seems like filler, again.

I was kind of hoping 3B could come full circle and she'd slay Zelena. Here's the prophecy transcript:


"The sorceress from another land will make Oz her home until she fulfills her destiny and unseats the greatest evil the realm has ever seen."


I've always thought since 3x20 that the prophecy was a misdirect. Glinda misinterpreted it as meaning Zelena would unseat the greatest evil. Dorothy wasn't even a sorceress, yet somehow she qualified when she dumped a bucket of water on Zelena. So either the sorceress is someone else completely or Adult Dorothy has learned magic and perhaps redeems Zelena in some way?


In the show Tin Man,

the Wicked Witch is possessed by the ghost of a dead witch and is actually Dorothy's sister. After the ghost is forced to leave her body, she is automagically redeemed.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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KingOfHearts, on 20 Mar 2016 - 5:46 PM, said:

I was kind of hoping 3B could come full circle and she'd slay Zelena. Here's the prophecy transcript:


"The sorceress from another land will make Oz her home until she fulfills her destiny and unseats the greatest evil the realm has ever seen."


I've always thought since 3x20 that the prophecy was a misdirect. Glinda misinterpreted it as meaning Zelena would unseat the greatest evil. Dorothy wasn't even a sorceress, yet somehow she qualified when she dumped a bucket of water on Zelena. So either the sorceress is someone else completely or Adult Dorothy has learned magic and perhaps redeems Zelena in some way?


In the show Tin Man,

the Wicked Witch is possessed by the ghost of a dead witch and is actually Dorothy's sister. After the ghost is forced to leave her body, she is automagically redeemed.


It seems like no matter what, Zelena, unfortunately, refuses to be defeated. I might be wrong but I was under the impression that she was meant to have been defeated in S3; she seemed to have been brought into the show as a villain/antagonist only (she was never at the verge of being good/starting to do something good and then going back to her old ways like Regina and Rumple did in the earlier seasons/Rumple still does) and that makes it very hard for me to root for her and like her and I had hoped that she would be defeated this time around. But when I saw the title for the episode "Sisters" I kind of had a feeling that wouldn't be the case. I have a feeling she'll be around next season as well. Personally, I'd much prefer if we had Malificent instead of her...  

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After the Devil's Due I can see why the set for Emma's house has been dismantled. Why would Hook and Emma move into a house and start a life together when it holds such bad memories? First as dark ones and now as gateway to the Underworld?

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I wonder if we find out Emma is related to the evil King that sent Killian and Liam to Neverland and that's why he doesn't think she's good enough for Hook. Other reason would be because Hades trying to fuck shit up. Other wise shoot I'd be happy if Emma was dating my brother...or me. lol

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I wonder if we find out Emma is related to the evil King that sent Killian and Liam to Neverland and that's why he doesn't think she's good enough for Hook.

The evil of the White family goes back for centuries, I guess.

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The complete lack of any meaningful moments between Regina and Robin doesn't bode well for his survival beyond this season. I'm starting to wonder if Sean himself wanted out of the Show after the poor screentime for his character. 

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I wonder if we find out Emma is related to the evil King that sent Killian and Liam to Neverland and that's why he doesn't think she's good enough for Hook. Other reason would be because Hades trying to fuck shit up. Other wise shoot I'd be happy if Emma was dating my brother...or me. lol

Liam may not trust any form of royalty. It could also be because she's kinda related to Pan through Henry/Neal. A double whammy.

Since we didn't see Killian having to choose between Milah and Emma it makes sense he'd have to choose between Emma and Liam. I'm shocked it appears to get as far as walking towards the light. Emma literally went to hell for him and he considers peacing out with Liam instead?

I hate this half season!

It's also awkward that her true love ring is Liam's who doesn't like her...

The complete lack of any meaningful moments between Regina and Robin doesn't bode well for his survival beyond this season. I'm starting to wonder if Sean himself wanted out of the Show after the poor screentime for his character.

Robin seems to be going the way of Will Scarlet, which is so puzzling. Why have they stopped writing for him? I'd Regina supposed to end up alone? I don't get it.

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I'm calling Liam as a trick from Hades and not really Liam. There's no way Liam would want him to stay in the underworld instead of happy with the woman who went to hell to get him. Emma is his hope so Hades is trying to split them so he loses hope.

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I actually do think the writers might want Regina to end up without a romantic partner. They seem to take it to heart that some fans think Regina and Emma have become too dependent on their boyfriends. Their response to that could be to have Regina end up happily alone (with her family and friends). I've actually wondered for a while now if they wouldn't kill Robin at some point. They never seemed to know what to do with his character, he hasn't been particularly well-received by the fans, and his death can be the final test of Regina's "redemption". 

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I'm calling Liam as a trick from Hades and not really Liam. There's no way Liam would want him to stay in the underworld instead of happy with the woman who went to hell to get him. Emma is his hope so Hades is trying to split them so he loses hope.

I wonder if it could end up like The Jolly Roger: flashbacks with real Liam, but the present stuff could be fake!Liam.

I still don't know how I feel about Robin possibly dying. I really wish it was Rumple at this point. The lack of screen time reminds of how Nealfire was basically non-existent for 3x12-3x14 and then only popped back into existence when it was his time to be offed.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I'm calling Liam as a trick from Hades and not really Liam. There's no way Liam would want him to stay in the underworld instead of happy with the woman who went to hell to get him. Emma is his hope so Hades is trying to split them so he loses hope.

I agree. I don't think Liam is really Liam, which makes me sad because I really wanted to see their true reunion, and for Emma to meet the real Liam. If however, Liam is real, they're going to need a really good explanation to why Emma isn't good enough for Hook. I also think it's odd that Hook thinks he should move on instead of go back with Emma. This is the man that out ran a curse, sold his ship, never gave up no matter how many times Emma tried to push him away, followed her through a portal, and still loved Emma when he didn't have a heart. None of it makes sense. Edited by pezgirl7
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There's no way Liam would want him to stay in the underworld instead of happy with the woman who went to hell to get him. 


This should be discussed in the Spec thread. Taking it there.

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Katherine, on 20 Mar 2016 - 10:26 PM, said:

 I've actually wondered for a while now if they wouldn't kill Robin at some point. They never seemed to know what to do with his character, he hasn't been particularly well-received by the fans, and his death can be the final test of Regina's "redemption". 


I have been wondering about that, too. If Robin dies, she would have a chance to prove she can keep it together and since they keep saying she's on a journey that would make sense and would be the next step. Sucks to be her though. Sucks to be Robin, too and Roland for that matter... Men should maybe be advised to stay away from White/Charming and Mills women. Apart from Charming himself, it hasn't really worked out well for any of them so far.

I do hope that she can find a romantic partner eventually though. She needs someone for when Henry's gone.

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I'm still upset that they appear to be breaking up a family. If Roland goes with Little John, he's lost his baby sister and his father. It makes sense to do it that way, but it just bothered me. 


On a separate topic, "Her Handsome Hero" just got much more interesting to me. I'm not usually a huge fan of the Belle-centrics (usually because it's the random adventures of Belle and the Disney Princess of the Week), but this one has something at stake. And it's way more than simply Rumpel is the Dark One again. 

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“As we saw in the premiere episode, Rumple lied to her. The question we get is, ‘He’s lied to her so many times, has he learned anything?’ And I think he has. When he finds out that she’s pregnant, it’s going to affect him, it’s going to affect her, it’s definitely going to affect his motivation. Rumple is a new person.”


I don't even know what to say about this. My snark is gone for the evening.

Edited by Curio
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Wow. That whole interview, just, wow. They don't even realize how irredeemable they made Rumple when they had him toss Milah in the River of Souls. Are we really supposed to root for this "deep love" between him and Belle? 

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Nothing screams change like tossing your ex into a vat of lost souls to get to the new baby.

Rumple wasn't even seeking to see Belle. He was looking for Neal, which fine, but please don't sell RB as some huge story. The story is that Rumple is "changed" because of zygote, not Belle. I don't even know what to do with Belle at this point. But hey, when they announce to her that she's pregnant, I hope they don't forget to let her know she's also having a boy.

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At this point, I'm kind of rooting for Belle to come out of whatever she's under. I have a hard time believing that she couldn't find it in her heart to see through Regina and see the good in her and be at a point at which she would willingly help her deceive Rumple in S4 when Rumple held Regina's boyfriend hostage and yet, Belle keeps forgiving Rumple and sees the good in him time and again while he's the one going in circles and doesn't seem to have any real interest in changing. It just doesn't make sense because the good in Regina is much, much easier to see at this point and was much easier to see in S4, too. (After all, she had just kicked Rumple out of Storybrooke because she had finally discovered that he loved his magic more than her) I hope that Belle's character can get some of her dignity back.


Oh - and if it's both Zelena and Rumple who turn their lives around because of their children then I will roll my eyes because that would be just so lame and uncreative!

Edited by CheshireCat
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I honestly throught Robin dying was a misdirect to cover up a obvious set up for Rumple making some kind of obvious sacrifice to save Belle and bb2. I was sure that the real death this year would be Rumple but after that stupid interview I can't even. These writers think we are all really stupid.

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Has there been even the slightest hint of a spoiler that Rachel Shelley was on the OUAT set post 5.14? Something that maybe was dismissed because most of us thought Milah would be moving on in Devil's Due? I really, really need some closure for Milah. Being told the lost souls get freed from the river (is that a confirmed spoiler or just speculation?) isn't going to cut it for me.

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Ugh, I can't believe Natalie had all those stupid Rumple and RB questions and couldn't be bothered to ask ONE thing about Milah.

Edited by Serena
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She's a terrible writer. I would've grilled Adam/Eddy on why have Rumple do that to someone he's killed already and you expect us to think he's changed. I'd tell them having children shouldn't be a reason why someone decides to be s good person.

What is wrong with these writers, honestly? No wonder why fans give excuses for some of these horrible people.

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Are there any David themed episodes? We had that one glimpse of James, but I'm hoping that we'll see more of him before this storyline is finished.


Sorry, the forecast doesn't look too good. At most, he might have a B-Plot in an upcoming episode when he confronts his brother in the street, but I don't think he gets a full centric. So basically, the writers have put him on about the same level as Regina redeeming a horse in terms of importance.

Edited by Curio
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Sorry, the forecast doesn't look too good. At most, he might have a B-Plot in an upcoming episode when he confronts his brother in the street, but I don't think he gets a full centric. So basically, the writers have put him on about the same level as Regina redeeming a horse in terms of importance.

I think there are filming spoilers of James being Sheriff, I think at the time we thought it was back in Storybrooke, but I can't imagine that's possible at this point.  But yes, we will see James again, I want to say maybe the 4th from the last episode?

She's a terrible writer. I would've grilled Adam/Eddy on why have Rumple do that to someone he's killed already and you expect us to think he's changed. I'd tell them having children shouldn't be a reason why someone decides to be s good person.

What is wrong with these writers, honestly? No wonder why fans give excuses for some of these horrible people.

I don't get how Belle's pregnancy is supposed to change him.  If Hades takes the baby though it does solve the problem of the Rumbelle baby.  I realize that Emilie's real life pregnancy probably precipitated this storyline, but honestly, they aren't writing in Ginny's and with how little storyline she has on the show, could they not've just had her mad at Rumple an unavailable for 5b? 


Rumple isn't going to change, he's going to make the same mistakes again.  Look out for that river of lost souls Belle!

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