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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Are we sure those aren't just Emilie de Ravin's clothes/shoes that she's wearing while she and Robert Carlyle practice the scene? Last week JMo and Josh were clearly wearing their own clothing while rehearsing, and then changed to shoot (while Michael Socha was clearly already in costume). Belle's outfit in those pics looks much more like de Ravin than Belle to me. (What I'm saying is, I wouldn't count on no heels just yet!)

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Are we sure those aren't just Emilie de Ravin's clothes/shoes that she's wearing while she and Robert Carlyle practice the scene? Last week JMo and Josh were clearly wearing their own clothing while rehearsing, and then changed to shoot (while Michael Socha was clearly already in costume). Belle's outfit in those pics looks much more like de Ravin than Belle to me. (What I'm saying is, I wouldn't count on no heels just yet!)


I think that might be the case. It's really different from the way that Belle is usually dressed. I'm pretty sure that she has never worn pants/jeans in Storybrooke before either (except in the hospital scene in Lacey).

I'm looking forward to a Hook/Rumple scene.  I always manage to find some sort of hilarity in them.  I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.  I get the impression that Gold might've called the meeting.  What between Hook who seems to be hanging out with Elsa a bit more than the others and being responsible for bringing her to the present, that might be the whole reason for it.  Maybe Gold wants Hook to urn her back.  There are just tons of possibilities with those two.


So if Knave is drunk, is it possible that he tells Hook something he doesn't like?  I like both Emma's and Hook's jackets.  Between the pics from yesterday and today, I'm starting to look forward to all of this. 

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    Colin and Robert are shooting a scene at the docks now.



    Hooks holding some sort of knife while sleeping



    Colin’s laying down on the bench holding his hand? Rumple comes over Hook gets up. It looks like hook was sleeping there


Pic. Another pic.

So was Hook holding a knife or his hand? Or both? Could he have somehow gotten hold of the dagger? Or maybe the fake dagger? Looks like his shirt is blue, so I guess that one earlier set report was correct!

Here's a good roundup of filming spoilers:


One thing I found interesting was that Hook punched drunk Will after he was trying to break into the library. I wonder what Will wanted in there, and why does Hook want to stop him?

Also, is the snow queen trying to kill Emma or just slow her down?

It was noted that in this pic, Rumple has a streak of gray/white in his hair reminiscent of Anna's in Frozen. Perhaps Elsa zapped him.


Maybe Hook's gold doubloons ran out and Granny kicked him out. Or maybe he just missed the sea and went to sleep beside it, which is utterly sad.

Edited by Souris

The thing I love about spoilers for this show is that they're so random and chaotic that they don't really even count as spoilers because they don't give that much away but rather just tantalize with hints. So we've got Hook in modern clothes sleeping on a bench with a knife or dagger and his real left hand is showing and he's meeting with Rumple in various places and there are flowers and meanwhile Emma is spinning around on ice and chasing the Snow Queen and the Knave is breaking into a library and being stopped by Hook. It sounds like the kind of episodes I dream when I'm taking Benadryl, where they make total sense and seem like real episodes while I'm dreaming and then I wake up and realize it's totally insane. So even with all this info, I suspect that actual episodes where it's all in context will still be almost totally unspoiled.


I'm liking the fact that Hook and Rumple have scenes together. Those two actors play off each other well.

From what Colin said in the commentary to "And Straight on 'Til Morning," he was apparently essentially president of the Robert Carlyle fan club before he got this role. Carlyle was his acting idol and role model. So I imagine it's a huge thrill to actually work with him and have scenes together, and that energy comes through in the performance. In their negative interactions, they went all-in, and then when they were cooperating more they did some interesting non-verbal stuff. I look forward to seeing what they do in a new situation/relationship.


Ragweed is kicking in today, so tonight I may get to see if I come up with anything crazier than the actual spoilers.

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One of the pictures on the dock Colin is clearly wearing a pinky ring on his left hand. Colin doesn't wear a pinky ring but it does seem like something Hook would wear. I need to go look at some pics from The Crocodile to see if he was wearing a ring.


Only pic I could find of Killian's left hand, no ring.


Edited by daxx

Oh my goodness--he looks hot in that pic!

What is happening?! Hook is crashing the Rumbelle outing. And there is a report from katmtan that the Knave may be crashing the CS date. lol

If Hook got his hand back so early in the season, I can't see him keeping it for long. I bet he loses it again by the end of the half-season.

Edited by Rumsy4

Photo of Hook lying down. He appears to have his jacket draped over him, which does kind of indicate sleeping. Combined with the bloody knuckles, I wonder if this is the morning after last night's filming?


Dumb question: do we even know there's a date this episode? Or are we all assuming that because of the wardrobe change?


Jmo, Colin, and Michael on set. JMo was covered up! Cant see the dress



All I saw was beige heels!





I can't help but laugh at them being so secretive as to what she's wearing.



Jmo totally went into the restaurant completely covered by a black cape and some unbrella’s. She was wearing heals though



Edited by Emma
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Okay, judging from the spoilers this is what I've managed to piece together so far:


Henry demands that his grandfather remove memories of both of his mothers, and return him to the custody of evil flying monkey almost-Daddy in New York, because evil flying monkey or not, he never forgets the cinnamon for the hot chocolate. When Rumple refuses, Henry attempts to blackmail him by threatening to tell Belle that Rumple has been wearing her high heels when she's not home. Rumple requests that Henry tell her about the dagger instead, but Henry refuses, breaks into the shop one night, toilet-papers the entire place, and steals Hook's hand for reasons better left to the imagination. Since Rumple has been utilizing the hand for the same reason, tensions arise between Rumple and his grandson. This ends with Rumple trying to emulate Doctor Who and creating a metacrisis Hook. Hook 2.0 likes to wear skinny jeans and sleep on public benches. That's right, people. Hook does not grow a new hand. The hand grows a new Hook.


Emma's car skids on a patch of ice. Emma decides she enjoys this and spends the next week just spinning around and yelling "WEEEE!!!" When she notices Elizabeth Mitchell following her, she demands to know why. It turns out EM simply wants to return the change Emma forgot to collect when she bought 8 gallons of Rocky Road the other day. 


Fresh out of the urn, Elsa extracts her revenge on Rumple by giving him a really horrible highlight, and then tries to partner with Original Hook to open up her own rival ice cream shop. Since neither of them have the business sense of a lemon, they mostly just sit around the Rabbit Hole insulting people they don't like, and occasionally giggling when Elsa ices up the floor and sends drunks careening into each other. Elsa discovers that her sister, Kristoff, Sven, Pabbie, and Olaf are all trapped in a Tupperware container in Regina's refrigerator. Meanwhile, Regina tries to adjust to Robin declaring he wants both women,and having Marian as a sister-wife. Roland has come down with SORAS, is now 17, and has the hots for Regina.


Metacrisis Hook falls madly in love with Rumple and follows him around town declaring his ardor, at one point jumping into Rumple's car and presenting him with flowers. When he assures Rumple that he finds high heels very attractive, Rumple responds by taking Belle out for a romantic boat-ride and tossing her overboard, at last gaining full control over her footware for himself. 


Snow White and David feel very guilty that they never got to play peek-a-boo with Emma like they do with her brother. Deciding that their children must be treated equally, they stuff Baby Neal in a hollow tree, telling him "See you in 28 years!" 


And someone from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland shows up, and the three people that actually watched that show are delighted.

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This short Disney feature on Frozen coming to OuaT has a reaaally brief bit of new footage (starts about 0:13) of Elsa in Storybrooke. It's a low quality clip, but for those wondering what her outfit will look like on screen, this should give you some idea. 


Here is some footage of Rumple and Belle from today. 


According to a person on set last night, Hook was drunk not Will.

Edited by retrograde

Especially the spoilers from this show because the fantasy element means that pretty much any crazy prediction could be right. I'd love it if they could do something just to mess with people. I've always wondered what the speculation would have been like if the Hook/Rumpel hug in Season 2 had occurred out in the open where people could have taken it and run with it? The spoiler speculation is often more fun than the actual show most of the time.


On the topic of actual spoilers, why is it that no one can provide a decent photo of Hook's footwear? Does no one understand that this is important to me? The one pic I saw with a full shot looks like it's possible the boots were changed but it's not clear. I hate Hook's boots with a passion. The overly long look with the curved end combined with Colin's pointy ears makes it really elfin and they need to be consigned to the rubbish bin posthaste. 

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The spoiler speculation is often more fun than the actual show most of the time.


I've been thinking about Hook's hand, the Knave trying to break into the library and the blackmail to Rumple. Maybe it's Will the one doing the blackmail (and that's why he wants to go into the library, looking for the dagger) and Rumple makes Hook recover it in exchange of his hand.

Kaos -- Colin did the Ice Bucket Challenge and you definitely get a clearer picture of the boots and pants. Looks like he's got his Prince Charles boots back, which I much prefer to the elf ones. The pants are looking good too. I love the leather pants but they have a tendency to get bunchy in places.


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I had a rather wacky thought. With the reports of Hook having a knife in his hand in the scene when he's sleeping on the wharf, I wonder if maybe he actually tried to drunkenly cut off his hand again, but it wouldn't cut off. There was a roll of bandages on the table, which I initially figured was for the hurt knuckles after punching Will. Since all magic comes with a price, dearie, maybe Rumple is somehow controlling it or there's a catch with it being reattached, and Hook doesn't want to pay it anymore (or never did, if, for example, Henry asked Rumple to give it back and Hook didn't ask for it). Shades of Lindsey's "evil hand" on Angel!


CS date set spoilers.

Edited by Souris
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What is Michael Socha doing filming with Colin and Jen for the CS date? The Scarlet Captain Swan crackshippers must be going nuts (yes, they exist-lol). Something bad happened to ruin the fancy date (as we were expecting). Will seems to have been at least part of the problem, and so Hook punches him later, and passes out drunk in a bench. He is found by Rumple in the morning. I'm assuming the Rumple/Hook car scene happened earlier, but who knows. They could be filming out of order.

Where did Hook get the money to buy new clothes, and for the fancy date? Did he have some gold doubloons in his coat pocket?

Edited by Rumsy4

I had a rather wacky thought. With the reports of Hook having a knife in his hand in the scene when he's sleeping on the wharf, I wonder if maybe he actually tried to drunkenly cut off his hand again, but it wouldn't cut off. There was a roll of bandages on the table, which I initially figured was for the hurt knuckles after punching Will. Since all magic comes with a price, dearie, maybe Rumple is somehow controlling it or there's a catch with it being reattached, and Hook doesn't want to pay it anymore (or never did, if, for example, Henry asked Rumple to give it back and Hook didn't ask for it). Shades of Lindsey's "evil hand" on Angel!


CS date set spoilers.

Well, it seems he was filming until very late and cutting something with a machete


This hand stuff seems more and more like a "be careful what you wish" kind of thing. I don't think it's going to be permanent (and sadly neither the new clothes). He's probably having an identity crisis, and once he solves it, the pirate attire and the hoook would be back.

What is Michael Socha doing filming with Colin and Jen for the CS date? The Scarlet Captain Swan crackshippers must be going nuts (yes, they exist-lol). Something bad happened to ruin the fancy date (as we were expecting). Will seems to have been at least part of the problem, and so Hook punches him later, and passes out drunk in a bench. He is found by Rumple in the morning. I'm assuming the Rumple/Hook car scene happened earlier, but who knows. They could be filming out of order.

Yeah, that's also my interpretation of the date spoilers. And I think that, apart from Will appearing, the hand is going to factor in the date being a disaster.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Holy spoilers, Batman! I leave the Internet alone for one night and all this happens...

Well, it seems he was filming until very late and cutting something with a machete.

This is really interesting. So here’s my crazy speculation based on the current spoilers:
Hook somehow discovers Rumple’s dirty little secret about the dagger, and uses that information to blackmail Rumple... so Hook forces Rumple to magically make him look like someone who fits into Storybrooke because he’s having an identity crisis and wants to look nice for Emma on their date. (This could be a way around the whole “Wait, does Hook even have money to buy these clothes?” question.) So, kind of like Cinderella in a way. But with Rumple being Rumple, instead of just giving Hook some new modern clothes, he also gives him his hand back, which Rumple can control as he pleases – thus, Hook punching Will and Hook saying “don’t make me do something you’ll regret.”  Rumple can also use that hand as a way of forcing Hook to keep the dagger thing a secret; if Hook tells anyone about the dagger, Rumple will take his hand away for good. Hook might be okay with this deal for a bit, but apparently something goes bad enough for him to consider cutting it off on his own – which would coincide with him practicing cutting things with a machete. Ultimately, he doesn’t go through with cutting his own hand off though, and sleeps on the bench with the machete/knife in his hand.
Okay, it really just needs to be September. Like, now.

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But with Rumple being Rumple, instead of just giving Hook some new modern clothes, he also gives him his hand back, which Rumple can control as he pleases – thus, Hook punching Will and Hook saying “don’t make me do something you’ll regret.”  Rumple can also use that hand as a way of forcing Hook to keep the dagger thing a secret; if Hook tells anyone about the dagger, Rumple will take his hand away for good. Hook might


Interesting idea.  I can buy the idea that Hook has heard too many "what good is a one-handed pirate" jokes from the Charmings (Emma included) and in a fit of self-loathing blackmails Rumple into getting the hand back for the date.  The date goes badly (due to some combination of the Knave and Emma perhaps wondering why and how he got his hand back).  Presumably Emma would not be too excited about the idea of Hook blackmailing Rumple, so Rumple now has something to blackmail Hook with.  Hook then proceeds to get drunk, punch the Knave, and then go pass out at the docks where he tries to take the hand removal into his own...erm....hands.


I'm not entirely excited about them doing more to woobify him, but I think we've all been expecting the inevitable turn from over-confident "and I will win it" Hook to "I'm a pirate...I don't deserve her" Hook.  And I'm also not surprised that once they presumably deal with Emma's issues at the end of episode 3, we then get all the angst from Hook's side. 

If Hook's hand is just temporary, I'll flip tables. It's such a huge character thing for Hook that I would absolutely hate to be just a temporary plot device. Plus, it feels really stupid for Hook to be working with Rumple. I thought by now they knew to stay away from each other. If Hook is running some kind of scheme to impress Emma that involves magic with a price, I'll also be mad. Captain Swan really doesn't need that crap right now.

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If Hook's hand is just temporary, I'll flip tables. It's such a huge character thing for Hook that I would absolutely hate to be just a temporary plot device. Plus, it feels really stupid for Hook to be working with Rumple. I thought by now they knew to stay away from each other. If Hook is running some kind of scheme to impress Emma that involves magic with a price, I'll also be mad. Captain Swan really doesn't need that crap right now.

That's why I think this Evil Hand scenario is not necessarily of Hook's doing. I feel like the hand shows up against his will along with the clothes perhaps, which is why he is doing things so out of character and why he has the knife with him at the docks. And I really like the idea of Emma now being the one who has to win him back to the light side. I would love to see a scene where she tells him that he's off the rails and she liked him better before the wardrobe and appendage change. Of course, that would also smack of some after school special if not done right.

I really have this bad feeling that the hand-restoration is a temporary plot device, and that by end of the half-season, the hook and the pirate garb will be back. It seems a flippant way to treat a disability, but we can only wait and see how it all plays out on-screen.

As for the CS-date, maybe Will is sitting at the next table and relaying useful tips to impress Emma via microphone. But he gives Hook dumb suggestions, Emma finds out, and flips out! lol

I was also wondering if Hook was somehow working with/for Rumple, with the hand as a reason somehow, either for payment or as a means of control. There would have to be something else going on, though, for Hook to agree to cooperate with Rumple because he's got enough pride that I don't think he'd do that just to get his hand back. One scenario that I've imagined is that Belle discovers the hand and makes Rumple give it back, which he has to do or else reveal that she doesn't actually control him, but then he does his own sneaky trick and works in something with magic to make the hand a way to control Hook.


I've also figured that he may end up losing it again, which I'm not sure I like. I've always hated those "a person gets healed and gets a glimpse at a normal life, then goes back to the way they were" stories. The thought of him losing the hand again or willingly giving it up so that Rumple can no longer control him may have been influenced by the episode of Haven I rewatched last night, in which Nathan gives up the cure for his Trouble after one day of being "normal," but in that case, he wasn't just giving it up to make a point. It was a sacrifice to allow someone else with a worse problem to be cured, and he believed his own problem was temporary and would eventually be over. With Hook, though, it's not like he'd be giving up a hand so someone else would be helped, and it's not like he knew that he'd get the hand back some other way somewhere down the line. He's way too pragmatic to just give it up on principle, but it would be awful for getting the hand back to be worse than not having it.

One scenario that I've imagined is that Belle discovers the hand and makes Rumple give it back, which he has to do or else reveal that she doesn't actually control him, but then he does his own sneaky trick and works in something with magic to make the hand a way to control Hook.

Oh, I like this theory @Shanna Marie. It would be such a missed opportunity if the writers didn't play a bit with the dramatic irony and Belle thinking she has control over Rumple while Rumple begrudgingly follows her wishes to keep the con going.


I'd surprisingly be okay with the hand thing being only temporary, but I'm also just a fan of Hook's character actually having his hook. It's such an iconic symbol and he plays the character as if the hook doesn't bother him anyways, so this whole hand spoiler has me really confused.


If it is temporary, I'm now trying to think of how he could lose it again without me rolling my eyes at the writers. I think I'd prefer him removing it himself, making it his own decision and not Rumple's. Considering the amount of times Hook gets handcuffed to things, maybe he'll have to cut it off to escape from the handcuffs in order to go save the Charmings or something.

  • Love 2

I was also wondering if Hook was somehow working with/for Rumple, with the hand as a reason somehow, either for payment or as a means of control. There would have to be something else going on, though, for Hook to agree to cooperate with Rumple because he's got enough pride that I don't think he'd do that just to get his hand back. One scenario that I've imagined is that Belle discovers the hand and makes Rumple give it back, which he has to do or else reveal that she doesn't actually control him, but then he does his own sneaky trick and works in something with magic to make the hand a way to control Hook.

I can see Hook agreeing to work with/for Rumple if he thinks Emma, Henry or her parents are in danger, because Rumple threaten them or because someone else does.

I'm also seeing the temporary fix for a handicap issue, which is why I'm hoping this is something that is done against his will. That way, it isn't his choice. If we see him struggling with the idea of cutting his hand off to be back to his "normal" both physically and emotionally, it's a good sign that he's actually fine with who he is and fine with having a hook for a hand. It'll be interesting to see how Emma reacts to it as well. I actually don't think she's going to be all "Yeah, two hands! You're not an incomplete person anymore!" If anything, she'll hopefully be skeptical about the whole thing. Sure, she's made her jokes about him being a one-handed pirate, but she also fell in love with a one-handed pirate and not this weird dude with two hands and a love for punching people and hanging out with Mr. Gold.


But to be fair, I do hope he gets to keep the new clothes, especially those pants and boots. Although keeping the long leather pirate coat around wouldn't be a bad thing.

But to be fair, I do hope he gets to keep the new clothes, especially those pants and boots. Although keeping the long leather pirate coat around wouldn't be a bad thing.

Well, he did the Ice Bucket Challenge with the new leather pants. I don't know how good it was for them :-)

But really, I'm more interested in what's going on between Hook and Rumple is. In some of the pics, Hook seems to be crying (or having a very bad hangover).

Edited by RadioGirl27

Apparently Rumple magics up a broom in the scene with Hook. Odd detail.

I think this ep is gonna be hella angsty painful.

Oh, no. There we go with "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" theory again. I wonder if Hook's hand will have a magical mind of its own like the broom. Mickey used something like a machete on the broom and it backfired. This is getting to be a little too Disney.

I will die laughing if Hook's hand reaches out and grabs Emma's boob while they're having their date and she throws a drink in his face. And not in a good way.

Edited by Kaw912

What the everloving fuck. Seriously, I feel like they just had Robert hold a broom for a few seconds to screw with everyone. Like, "You can't figure out why Hook is wearing those clothes and why he has his hand and why he's sleeping on a bench and talking to Gold and climbing in his car and why Elizabeth Mitchell is wearing a dress with a Christmas ornament. So let's throw in a damn broom!"


But really, I'm more interested in what's going on between Hook and Rumple is. In some of the pics, Hook seems to be crying (or having a very bad hangover).

I think the second one of that pair of photos is more interesting. He seems to be very pensively staring at his hand for some reason -- and it seems to be nicely manicured or something considering it's been on a block somewhere for 300 years.

Hook would have to be absolutely desperate and in a really bad way to go to Rumple for anything. Apart from Emma or Henry being under a terrifying, immediate threat, I'm having a hard time seeing why he would go to Rumple. He certainly knows Rumple's proclivities for contract clauses and magical prices. And he was just reminded of Rumple's ruthlessness when he and Emma were locked in his vault. So I'm still figuring the situation is not of his own choosing. Unless it's one of those situations of the writers making a character do something that makes no damn sense simply for plot and angst.

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