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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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That sneak peek was like a breath of fresh air after the last two sorry excuses for episodes.  I wanted to jump up off my couch and yell, "hell YEAH, Hook!  Tell 'em how you really feel!"  It's so obvious that the poor guy is fast reaching the end of his rope, and he feels like he's the only one who actually gives a hell about Emma's well being.  I was rather floored by Snowing and OQ's blasé, borderline patronizing reactions to the whole situation.  


Ugh, I just want him to grab his Swan, flip them all the bird, and ride off with her into the sunset.  It's not like anyone would notice they've gone anyway. 

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Why would she get excited about Emma saying ILY when we've seen her say it already? I think the ILY is for a first.

Because it's part of Captain Swan saying ILY and IDK about you but I would get excited no matter what.


Especially because this will shut the idiots that said that she didn't mean it because it was in the heat of the moment and we do have morons that believe that.

I think Hook is the one who says "I love you" this time. That would make at least one ILU not given in a life-or-death situation for both of them! It ties in with the conversation in Adam's Script Tease. It looks like Hook and Emma are having a conversation in the middlemist meadow about their joint future. I think that Hook gives Emma one of his rings as a sign of hope/promise, and she wears it on a chain because it is too loose for her fingers. Yeah--my expectations are sky high now. ;-) 

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So now I'm definitely convinced they're in the Underworld. The video was pretty telling, with them all with their weapons. Then you've got all those new shops around the time connecting with things about death.


If Hades has turned the Underworld into a destroyed version of SB it's brilliant. For one it shows he's a gentlemen and wants to make sure his honored guests feel at home(in a very sadistic way).


It's also cost saving big time. No need for green screen CGI effects all the time. 

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We've had a baker for a while. Last season we added a butcher. And now there is a candlestick maker. Coincidence or relevant?

Lumiere's grand return? You know we've all been waiting for it... not.

The video was pretty telling, with them all with their weapons.

What video?

Edited by KingOfHearts

Why the hell would you bring a young teen into the Underworld? Why are the parents of very young children who will be orphaned should they be unable to return in the Underworld? They are all the worst parents ever. 


They've all grown fond of Killian so it wouldn't surprise me that they're doing this. They'll do anything for Emma's happy ending because she's fought so hard for theirs.

Because he's the author. It's his destiny! Or whatever.

So there was a picture on tumblr of Barbara Hershey on set in Steveston and it got me thinking. Is it possible, could it be, dare I hope to have Regina, Zelena, and Cora in the same place? Because I could actually get into this Zelena storyline if that were the case.

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KingOfHearts, I think it's this one.

Thanks, didia!



Why the hell would you bring a young teen into the Underworld? Why are the parents of very young children who will be orphaned should they be unable to return in the Underworld? They are all the worst parents ever.


It could be that they were forced to go there by Hades. But knowing this show, it was was probably by choice. These are the parents who hired the Wicked Witch as a midwife, hired the Dark One's wife as a babysitter, used their own child as shadow bait, and left a baby in a castle with a tyrant ruler looking for leverage. (We haven't seen Snowflake since Snow/Charming defected to Merlin, now have we?)



So there was a picture on tumblr of Barbara Hershey on set in Steveston and it got me thinking. Is it possible, could it be, dare I hope to have Regina, Zelena, and Cora in the same place? Because I could actually get into this Zelena storyline if that were the case.


Even if Cora is only back for one episode, this is what I want to see. Cora and Zelena coming face to face with Regina bringing the popcorn. 


I can't decide if I'm excited about 5B or not. I'm not too thrilled about Hades and Team Olympus. Underbrooke is very intriguing and I like the drastic aesthetic changes. If not all the undead characters can stay, at least one or two. That's a very powerful idea I'd hate to see wasted on a single episode.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Why the hell would you bring a young teen into the Underworld? Why are the parents of very young children who will be orphaned should they be unable to return in the Underworld? They are all the worst parents ever. 


Yeah--it's not like most of the time all these extras do anything to move the story along, anyway. Most of the time, Snowing are usually either standing around as part of the semi-circle formation (heh), or messing things up for Emma. Robin is only around to look pained and hold Regina's hand. Henry gets to say some trite stuff and pretend to be an adult. It's appalling that all these "heroes" are taking their kids with them and travelling to the Underworld! Because lbr, they probably brought Granny along to baby sit Snowflake and Roland while they had a chat with Hades. Ideally, Emma, Rumple, Regina, and Charming would be enough. They could use some magic mirror or something to communicate with Snow, Robin, Henry, etc. back in Storybrooke. I don't get why A&E think it's imperative to always keep all the main characters together and maintain the same character dynamics.

Edited by Rumsy4

I'm actually really excited about the confirmation that it's a Save Hook mission. I usually try to lower my expectations for this show, but for once I'm going to let myself get excited. IMO, these underworld spoilers are some of the more promising ones we've gotten in a long time. I know the 100th episode obviously isn't going to be ALL about Captain Swan, and there's a good chance I'll end up disappointed, but hey, that's nothing new.

And I'm usually skeptical about a possible CS TLK, but is there any chance at all the 100th episode will mark Emma Swan finally officially finding true (romantic) love? I know, I know, it's a longshot. And I know there are a lot of people who find TLK overdone on this show, but I for one want to see it. I'm normally not a big fan of TV romance, but this is one time I really need the payoff!

Edited by Katherine
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I suspect that they won't be in the Underworld all that long. Mostly because these returning villains are basically making cameos for the 100th episode and our heroes won't be seeing them again. Also, Zelena isn't with them, there are other not dead characters returning in 5B, and because the show learned a lesson about leaving Storybrooke for too long during the Neverland arc. Plus, separating Hook from the others for an entire half season would be really, really tedious. If you're looking for a Captain Swan True Love's Kiss, you're more likely to get it in the season finale, not the premiere.


One thing I notice is that no one seems angry or upset or anything with Emma about the whole Dark Swan thing. So no consequences again? Or Emma really did have a good reason for what she was doing and/or they did screw her over in Camelot, so they feel like they're even now. 

  • Love 2

I suspect that they won't be in the Underworld all that long. Mostly because these returning villains are basically making cameos for the 100th episode and our heroes won't be seeing them again. Also, Zelena isn't with them, there are other not dead characters returning in 5B, and because the show learned a lesson about leaving Storybrooke for too long during the Neverland arc. Plus, separating Hook from the others for an entire half season would be really, really tedious. If you're looking for a Captain Swan True Love's Kiss, you're more likely to get it in the season finale, not the premiere.

That's all true. But. A&E did describe 5B as "hell" and TV Line said the (presumably) hades character was "heavily recurring." So is hell coming back with them? Are they all going to some... god realm with Hercules et al? 

Me think Rumple and Hook might've buried the hatchet for real this time.

A double for Imp-Rumple (the incarnation of the darkness) was seen on set during the Jolly Roger fight between Hook and Gold in 5x10. Hook, in whatever linked state to Emma he's in now that explains his name with her's on the sword, will be able to see him. My guess is that Hook will forgive Gold, pin Milah's death and all the bad stuff that Rumple did to him on Imp-Rumple, and destroy him instead. That'd explain Imp-Rumple's absence in 5x11.

Edited by Mathius

I was thinking that a good way to initiate a time jump without the audience missing character growth would be to have time move a lot slower in hell compared to the real world. Everyone goes to save Hook. They're gone for a few days (a few episodes maybe) and when they come back six months have passed. Zelena would be ready to pop and we wouldn't lose the character development from time lost. The only issue would be the time lost for Baby Snowflake (Snowing's fault for leaving their child to go on an unknown expedition that they shouldn't be on as parents of a newborn) and Roland (who probably thinks his father is Little John right now, let's be real).

Edited by KAOS Agent
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I think it's a day trip to the UW. They manage to retrieve Hook, likely bring Hercules and Meg back with them, manage to piss off Hades who follows them. Emma pulls a Marge Simpson.

This. "Save Hook" would not be a half season long arc. A&E are not going to build a whole storyline around him and thinking that they are going to do it would lead you all to disappointment.

This trip to the UW is not going to last more than one or two episodes and it's going to be about Regina and Rumple facing their ghosts from the past. That's why they are there, not because they care about what happens to Hook. Saving Hook would be secondary to the main story. In fact, I doubt we would see much of Colin while they are there.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I also think that the UW won't last that long, if only for the fact that they can't leave Steveston looking like that. How long did it take them to set up and break down all the changes to the town?

I also don't think they will make Hook the focus of a half season arc. He will probably be back by the end of ep 100.

Edited by OnceUponAJen

I also don't think they will make Hook the focus of a half season arc. He will probably be back by the end of ep 100.

Yeah, I think him being taken to the underworld (I don't think he'll be dead dead -- otherwise why would they go after him?) will just be the catalyst for them opening up the doors between the the two worlds. 


I'm pretty pumped for the 100th, though. Everything about it sounds great.

  • Love 3

Do we know who says the lines that were overheard on set? Because my money's on Regina: the tone comes across as petulant and she calls Hook "pirate".

It's Regina for sure. "Your pirate" gives it away.

But I'm glad she's there because after what Emma did for Robin (not to mention all the times she's saved her ass), she owes Emma 100%.

Edited by Serena
  • Love 1
I also think that the UW won't last that long, if only for the fact that they can't leave Steveston looking like that. How long did it take them to set up and break down all the changes to the town?

It took them one day to set up that town to look like that. By noon, they had set up most of the stores (still had one sign to hang) lunch time and part of the clock-tower set was still on the truck (it came in two half pieces with things like the clock being  added during the set-up).  That clock-tower is probably built out of styrofoam or something because they didn't even have a crane to move the pieces (when they constructed the jail in Stevenston, it was built out of pre-made light-weight blocks as well. It was quite high, so they did have a crane to move the high pieces - it took them the weekend to build it). It obviously took longer than usual, because they are often only getting started with the shop set-ups around noon. 


I agree that I can't imagine they will be in Underbrooke long because that clock-tower blocks two streets. I can't imagine the locals are too thrilled about that.

  • Love 1

I highly doubt they will save Killian that quick. It's gonna be at least maybe half the season in Underbrooke.


Remember when we thought we would get an Alternate Universe for half of 4B because that seemed like the most exciting and logical thing to do, but instead we got a bunch of pointless episodes about egg babies, random side characters who've never been mentioned again in Season 5, and the AU was saved for 1.5 hours right at the end of the season? Yeah, I have a feeling this Underworld Setting/Save Killian Plot is only lasting for the 100th episode.


Oh, and those bow and arrow sets Robin and Snow are carrying around better be infused with magic, because what kind of damage do they expect a normal bow and arrow to inflict on a magical creature? It's like poking it with a toothpick. (Come on writers...we're 100 episodes in. Get magical weapons for our non-magic folks already!)

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6

Remember when we thought we would get an Alternate Universe for half of 4B because that seemed like the most exciting and logical thing to do, and instead we got a bunch of pointless episodes about egg babies, random side characters who've never been mentioned again in Season 5, and the AU was saved for 1.5 hours right at the end of the season? Yeah, I have a feeling this Underworld Setting/Save Killian Plot is only lasting for the 100th episode. ![/i])


After all, remember when we thought season 2 would center around merging the two worlds, and the fairy backs would center around how Snow and David got her kingdom back? Or when we thought 3b fairybacks would center around the Storybrookers adjusting to the Enchanted Forest and fighting the growing Zelena threat?

Or when we thought a half season titled "The Dark Swan" would center around, well, Swan?

I will be pleasantly surprised if they do a major shakeup that has lasting impact, and actually focuses on Hook, Emma, and/or the Charmings. But their standard MO is to do a reset back to "normal" within an episode or two, with wacky hijinks stories being filler until the end of season.

If we're doing a retrospective with those villains, chances are pretty good that most of the focus will be on Regina and/or Rumple, confronting and overcoming their past, with loads of hypocrisy saucing it up.

Edited by Mari
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They're adorable. That ring screams McGuffin. And Merlin at the end is suuuuuper creepy.


I know, right? He was super creepy!


I wonder what's the story behind the ring?? It's not like we've ever seen him wearing it before, so it's yet another object they've pulled out of thin air. I don't know why they couldn't have just used one of the rings he always wears.

  • Love 5

I wonder what's the story behind the ring?? It's not like we've ever seen him wearing it before, so it's yet another object they've pulled out of thin air. I don't know why they couldn't have just used one of the rings he always wears.

I'm betting his father gave it to him, said it would protect him. And we'll see the scene where it happens in 511. And it actually *has* protective powers from Hell, or whatever.

Edited by Serena
  • Love 2

Holy shit that was awesome.

I wonder what's the story behind the ring?? It's not like we've ever seen him wearing it before, so it's yet another object they've pulled out of thin air. I don't know why they couldn't have just used one of the rings he always wears.

Right? Or make it a magical surviving earring or magical surviving and ever replenishing rum flask. Although I guess the ring has to look like it's from his pre-pirate days and his current rings wouldn't work.

  • Love 1

For me, season 5 have the potential to become my second favorite season after season 1.

I did love 3a but 3b was a disaster for me and really just loved some episodes overall in season 4.

But I mostly enjoy 5a and 5b with Hades, Meg and Hercules is looking so promising! I love mythology (Grec) in general and loved the Disney Hercule. Even A. E. cannot totally waste that for me!

The 100 episode seems interesting in the big firework way. Many villain will comes for a cameo but I am afraid it will be for 5 seconds each.

So, it will be explosive, but after the flash and noise it will be forgettable and not as memorable as it could be if focus on the main cast and their interaction instead. Like a real resolution moment for snowing and Emma that people still waiting for... or something big for OQ, Rumbelle,Snowing and CS That for me will be more satisfaying.

Now, yess I am please about #save Hook from Hell.

Maybe it will only for one or two episode but still Hook valor as character deserve to be reconize in canon. Because he indeed as a come a long way from the lonely one- handed -pirate-with-a- drinking problem to the official member of team hero now! Am still sure all the main will have focus ( Regina,Rumple...)

  • Love 2

I think him having another ring is fine. He could have kept it in his pocket this whole time, just like that piece of coat of arms or whatever that he had of Liam back in Good Form. A&E have done worse when it comes to random objects than this ring. So Hook thinks that's why he's survived..oooohhhh. I am intrigued.

And the "I love you too" was cute. That means Emma recognizes he's saying "I love you" in his own special way (he said he loves her; I wonder if we'll get a straight up "i love you"when the dark swan mess is done?)

And Merlin...yeah. I thought he had an "oh, boy" expression and was remembering what went down with him and Nimue.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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