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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I'm one of the few who actually likes Merida on the show, but I also never watched the original movie so maybe that has something to do with it. Although it does bug me that Merlin tells Merida to forget about those blue wisps. So why did we spend the majority of the premiere on the wisps if they aren't even going to be helpful deus ex machinas?


I wonder...if I made a petition to make Merlin a series regular and drop Zelena, how many signatures do you think I could get? I feel like it would be a terrible mistake to not keep Merlin around after 5A but then be forced to watch the Zelena/Robin/Regina/Baby drama instead.

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Okay, so the latest round of shooting pictures show Emma as Dark Swan. But weren't there pictures earlier in normal Emma mode, complete with red jacket and apparently wearing either one of Hook's rings or one of his necklaces around her neck? Are they shooting entirely out of sequence, was "normal" Emma a flashback, does Dark Swan have an inner "normal" Emma, or does she revert after whatever happens to Hook? The way the photographer talked about those earlier normal Emma pictures, she was at that time the former Dark One and Hook had sacrificed himself to destroy the Darkness. At that time, were they shooting on this location, or was that an entirely different location? If it's an entirely different location, then it might be really out of order, with all the scenes for this location shot at the same time, even if they come earlier in the episode.


Which episode are they currently shooting, anyway? They just announced the casting for Merida's parents. That was for an earlier episode, I thought, not the mid-season finale. I wouldn't think we'd have "normal" Emma back until the mid-season finale.

The scenes where Emma looked back to normal were in the woods.

Okay, so very different location, and therefore likely out of sequence, so we've already had glimpses of the end, and this stuff now is moving into probably all the town scenes for the episode, possibly before and after the stuff shot earlier. But is this the final episode of the arc they're shooting, or does it come sooner?

They are filming the fall finale. I don't have a clue why they announced Merida's parents being cast today. Maybe they're filming them with the second unit since they're part of the extra episode and they were unable to film all of it in the time originally planned for the regular one hour ep? They wouldn't be filming with the main cast anyway.

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They announced it today cause her centric is on Sunday so Merida-related news.

That means that I might actually be right and 5x09 is titled after Arthur, and not Fergus.

I think 5x8 and 5x9 makes up the 2 hr session. They're just counting each hour separately. That's why they taped both episodes at the same time. It could still have a double meaning. Wasn't Arthur taping with the Brave crew?

Awesome sneak peek! I'm happy that we're getting a good variation of magic with Merlin. Fireballs and magic beams are getting a bit old.

Not gonna lie, I didn't even realize Belle was in the sneak peak until she had a line; it wasn't because of all the pretty guys either, she's just so tiny! Hook still owns my heart, because I know Merlin won't last forever.

Didn't they shoot the extra hour of stuff at a later point last year (concerning 4a). I thought there was an interview that mentioned how they pretty much wrote/filmed the episode as an hour, but once they got word they added/filmed the extra stuff later. Maybe it was my imagination.

I like the semi-different combos of characters we are getting this year. Captain Charming Book Sorcerer seems like a fun combo.

Lol at "Emma would have wanted it" in regards to freeing Merida. I wonder if they would have left her there to rot. The writing does like to show how the main characters disregard other character's feelings. Lol.

those pics of nearly all the main characters marching down main street with Dark Emma have me very confused. to my absolute horror my first thought was she's gone on a heart ripping rampage ('cos that is what those mongrel writers have done to my mindset) and they are following her because they have no choice but Regina is there and I can't believe she hasn't protected her heart.

why would they follow her voluntarily instead of hiding under their beds.....or throwing another damn party??

Does she only look like the DO at ths point? ?? so so confused! !

Edited by PixiePaws1

Apparently Zelena has made an appearance. I was wondering where she was. 


This whole thing with Emma and everyone else minus Hook makes me wonder if he didn't strike out on his own with Emma and they did the whole Excalibur thing without bringing anyone else into their decision. There doesn't seem to be much commentary about the scene except that Regina & Emma seem upset.


Do you think it's possible that Emma/Hook have fixed whatever the Camelot issue was, but the furies stuff is a separate piece where they actually are planning to make Regina pay the price? And that then leads into the 5B hell stuff.

Maybe at this point Emma is still the Dark One, and whatever happens to get her back her red leather jacket and blonde hair happens later in the episode.


That's what I would assume. Hook isn't anywhere to be seen in the group shots walking down Main Street, so maybe Dark Emma is on a mission to find him. I could see Hook going on a rogue mission to sacrifice himself if he knew it could free Emma from the darkness, and she's trying to stop him before he can do that. So at this point, Emma is still dressed in the Dark One outfit because Hook hasn't gone through with the sacrifice yet. Then we cut to the scene that was filmed a few days ago where Emma is wearing the red jacket because that's after Hook was successful. 

Edited by Curio

Apparently JMo and Colin had a scene together, and the last scene was Lana and Colin. Can't forget that this episode also has the Hook/EQ adventure in it. 


I wonder though with the whole Hook/EQ adventure if they don't figure out some of the solution to destroying the Dark One. We know Hook hates him, and Regina isn't a huge fan. 


BTW, the stills from yesterday for 5x06, Hook's dagger pendant has been changed to one that has the Templar cross on it, the same way Excalibur has it in 2 different places.

The more we see and the more I think about it I am now pretty sure in the scene of Hook fighting Gold with the restored Excalibur, Gold is actually Emma, Dark Swan in disguise. She needs Killian to kill her to destroy the darkness just like Nimue showed herself in front of Merlin with a disguise. I believe Nimue may have wanted Merlin to kill her to destroy the darkness but he failed when he recognized her. Emma may be trying to ensure that Hook doesn't recognize her and that he will destroy the darkness. I assume she either messes up and he figures her out or he goes the hero route and refuses to kill Gold, just disarm him messing up her plan. Maybe she uses a fighting technique he taught her and he calls her out on it.

Edited due to confusing sentence structure.

Edited by daxx
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The more we see and the more I think about it I am now pretty sure the scene of Hook fighting Gold with the restored Excalibur is actually Emma, Dark Swan in disguise. She needs him to kill her to destroy the darkness just like Nimue showed herself in front of Merlin with a disguise.


Yeah, but if Emma is disguised as Hook, then she's holding the weapon that would kill her. Gold's sword is essentially like Hook's hook, where it wouldn't do any kind of damage to her.


If you want a switcheroo, then how about Gold is Emma in disguise? Until further notice, Hook still hates Gold, Emma can pretend he did something to her, Hook goes after "him", fights with "him", but realizes that it's Emma. Might explain head Rumple being there too.

Thinking about the filming spoilers...sounds like there is yet another "party at Granny's," perhaps because Excalibur has been reforged?  Then what ever next season's big bad is (something unfortunately related to the Underworld) swoops in on main street (as usual) and our ever optimistic heroes decide to once again march down the street together to confront the new threat.  Obviously, the heroes are back on Emma's side since they are marching behind her.


The stuff filmed last week at the lake must take place later in the episode because Emma is back to her " old red leather self" by the end of the episode...

Am I the only one who thinks Emma's parents and Regina never did anything to her and she just said that to get them to hate her or something? The way she randomly left that dream catcher on that table is suspect. I think she wanted them to see it for some reason.

Well, if her goal is to get Hook/someone to kill her with Excalibur, it would make sense for her to do everything in her power to make them hate her.

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Interesting theory that Gold is Emma in disguise.


I think Regina will be the one to kill Hook, to harken back to Emma giving her the dagger in ep 1 because she'll be able to destroy her when no one else would. I think after Hook jumps off the roof in ep 8, DS finally lets him pull out Excalibur. Then he becomes a Dark One too, based on his costume spoilers of the dark jewelry & the hair parted on the opposite side.


Emma won't be able to kill him, just like Merlin couldn't kill Nimue, so Regina steps up and does it. So Hook is the price & the sacrifice, but it's ultimately Regina who saves Emma. This show always sets it up to be somebody else as the hero, but it's always Regina who swoops in at the end and gets all the glory. It's possible Hook may be in on it and asks Regina to do it, but I'm doubting that. And then Emma will thank Regina for killing her boyfriend. So, basically, the arc will end with SQ killing CS and Hook's death looking permanent. They will probably make it look a bit nebulous so both CS and SQ fans can talk themselves into being appeased.


I do NOT think anymore that this is going to be some grand romantic thing that CSers are assuming and counting on.

Edited by Souris
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Then in "The Bear King," Red and Mulan (Meghan Ory and Jamie Chung) return to help Merida uncover the truth about her father's death.

As much as I want to see Red and Mulan, I really don't care about this storyline. Hopefully this coming episode will change my mind. This description makes it sound like Red Warrior is a thing, but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe they fell in love in Offscreenville and ran off to the Enchanted Forest. I know that's assuming Red is bi, but I don't really see any other alternative that connects the dots. I'll be kind of meh if Merida is in the pairing.

Edited by KingOfHearts

I think their big LGBT story will be only an hour before Mulan and Red head back to wherever they came from.


I also see the ratings going down after this episode because of the one week hiatus for some award show where rich, useless people come to pat each other on the back for still being useless.

Edited by YaddaYadda
It's possible Hook may be in on it and asks Regina to do it, but I'm doubting that. And then Emma will thank Regina for killing her boyfriend. So, basically, the arc will end with SQ killing CS and Hook's death looking permanent.


I liked your post not because I like what your are suggesting, I just think you are right.

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Yeah, Regina will probably swoop in and somehow ruins things. Blah.

so Red and Mulan help with uncovering Merida's dad's death? Does that mean they're retconning Red's appearance the 3b finale? Or are we going to get a scene of her falling through a random portal that popped up? But then why hasn't Granny been worrying about her?

The ratings took a hit when the show went on break for the dumb awards show, so yeah, the ratings will probably be lacking for that particular episode. It also didn't help that the episode before the break felt like a finale with Ingrid's big sacrifice and stuff.

So Hook's necklace changed slightly? Has it been changed during all of 5a?

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Merida is so tangential to the main plot that an episodes focussed on her quest that close to the end of the half-season seems a really bad idea. At least the Nov. 15 one is not a double episode focused solely on Merida and Red/Mulan. Too bad about the one-week break. I agree that it might contribute to a drop in ratings, especially combined with the random Merida adventure shoved in just before the break. 

So Hook is the price & the sacrifice, but it's ultimately Regina who saves Emma. This show always sets it up to be somebody else as the hero, but it's always Regina who swoops in at the end and gets all the glory. It's possible Hook may be in on it and asks Regina to do it, but I'm doubting that. And then Emma will thank Regina for killing her boyfriend. So, basically, the arc will end with SQ killing CS and Hook's death looking permanent. They will probably make it look a bit nebulous so both CS and SQ fans can talk themselves into being appeased.

I'm sure Regina is going to have a bigger role in the half season finale than some people think she would, but I don't think it would come so far as to have her kill Hook. But if they go there and they add Emma thanking her for doing what she couldn't, I hope Hook's death is permanent and Colin is not coming back. Both Colin and Hook deserve better.

I do NOT think anymore that this is going to be some grand romantic thing that CSers are assuming and counting on.

This, I completely agree. Most of the fandom in Tumblr is expecting a tearful goodbye, Hook telling I love you, a engagement, even a TLK to save Emma before he is dragged to the underworld. I expect some tears in a 20 seconds scene.  

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As much as I want to see Red and Mulan, I really don't care about this storyline. Hopefully this coming episode will change my mind. This description makes it sound like Red Warrior is a thing, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.


It does seem very likely that episode will set up the Mulan/Red pairing, but if/when that does indeed happen, let's all agree to use their proper ship name: Mulan Rouge.


I hope they tie Merida's future mission into something Dark One related, because otherwise it's going to feel like whiplash going from her random character centric back to the Dark Swan storyline.

Edited by Curio
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It does seem very likely that episode will set up the Mulan/Red pairing, but if/when that does indeed happen, let's all agree to use their proper ship name: Mulan Rouge.

Best ship name ever! (and I'm not even a shipper.)

Gold is Emma in disguise. She wants Killian to kill dark swan with Excalibur but knows he would never kill her so disguises herself as Gold.

Totally agree with this.

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I think all the people running around in cloaks (there were reports of about 10 from last Thursday's filming) could be former Dark Ones. 


That's an interesting idea. Maybe all the Dark Ones make an appearance a la Avatar (the last Airbender). Except in this case they're not there to impart wisdom, but to unleash the ultimate Darkness now that Excalibur is whole again. If after all this, the Dark Curse is not done for good, it will be anticlimactic.  

But if Nimue is there, why isn't Merlin? And if she is just one Dark One, then who is the other one? Does that mean there are 3 Dark Ones running around Storybrooke?


I think Merlin may have died in Camelot. Perhaps Emma accessed the Nimue portion of the Dark One in order to cast the curse by crushing Merlin's heart -- Merlin being the one that Nimue loved most.

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