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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Maybe. I tried to look at the tweets from Adam and Twitter is telling me no. Oh, CS. Never change.


Now I am wondering if Killian was always destined to draw the sword but the Emma has seen courtesy of Merlin that whoever does. ..dies putting an end to the Darkness and she's trying to get around it by making Rumple worthy enough to take his place.

I hate so much about the things you choose to be. -- Michael Scott

Edited by sharky

I think Hook's father will be a one-off like Blackbeard and Liam.

Well technically...Blackbeard's been in 4 episodes (minor role though, but still). I wish we would get to see Liam again, but I have a feeling we won't. There's still a possibility we could see a younger him(teen? He's like 10 yrs older than Hook, right?). Bernard Curry sounds like he'd love to come back if they ever needed him.

Anyways, 2 names on the sword?????? Yesssss!!!

Twitter's not working for me that well either.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Isn't the YVR guy usually "protective" of anything too spoilery? Was he scared someone would steal his thunder? I don't even know why he posted these pics. I'm not complaining because this season has been very confusing, and every spoiler that comes out is more confusing than the next.


I think we should start a drinking game, because the word "hero" is about to make a huge comeback. Two shot for every "Killian Jones/Hook is a hero." Choose your poison.


In all of this, all I keep wondering is WTF happened to Arthur and how much Merlin sucks ass.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 1

I'm getting caught up. It might be wrong, but I'm most excited about Hook's new coat. I get sick of all the leather jackets on this show. I would love for Hook to wear jeans and a Henley at least once in Storybrooke.


Having both Killian and Emma's names on Excalibur is a nice surprise. I will try and manage my expectations, but the rest of this half season sounds pretty darn good.

  • Love 7

I am going to up the cheese level here so look away if it upsets you

Going back to my theory that Killian finds out about Emma trying to sacrifice herself and protect him resulting in him on the roof prepared to jump...after that is the scene of them holding hands. I think that's after he talks her around to letting him do what he's destined to do and it's the parallel to Snowing's "as we shall do everything, together"

I think my molar just got another cavity from the sugary fluff overload...sorry. .I did warn you.

Edited by PixiePaws1
  • Love 6

So why does Killian pulling out Excalibur "create" his name on the sword, when there doesn't seem to be Arthur's name on it now? 


Because Arthur might've been just the placeholder for CS? Maybe their names are gone once they accomplish whatever it is they need to accomplish?


The whole sneak peek that we got though seems to take on a whole new meaning. Rumple telling Emma that the dagger is calling to its other half. Now we know there are 4 halves. 

  • Love 2

Isn't the YVR guy usually "protective" of anything too spoilery? Was he scared someone would steal his thunder? I don't even know why he posted these pics. I'm not complaining because this season has been very confusing, and every spoiler that comes out is more confusing than the next.

I don't know exactly what's going on here. At one point, he posted photos that included Excalibur and then pulled them, explaining in his post that there was something spoilerly in the photos, which is why he took them down. But of course, the fanbase is resourceful and probably saved them before they were pulled. So either he had them and pulled them or pulled them and then posted them because the cat was already out of the bag.

So why does Killian pulling out Excalibur "create" his name on the sword, when there doesn't seem to be Arthur's name on it now? 

And another thing to note, why is it Killian Jones and not Captain Hook? If the sword recognizes him as a hero, then it's also recognizing him by his hero name and not his pirate/villain name. Maybe it's a bit too cheesy and heavy handed by the writers, but I love it!

  • Love 1

So why does Killian pulling out Excalibur "create" his name on the sword, when there doesn't seem to be Arthur's name on it now?

Maybe Arthur isn't the true king of Camelot...joking, joking.

Maybe the Twitter problems are due to higher solar radiation or whatever it's called. Usually that can mess with wi-fi, etc. if the activity level is up. I know there's a good chance to see the aurora borealis tonight for people up north (like, Upper Peninsula north).

About all the Regina heavy second arc and it cant be about Hook more than a one episode. Maybe the show is just more ensemble now I mean Regina as a lots of screen time this half a real sl if the new savior title, Rumbelle too as focus. And I am no worry that Regina still will play a role in the end of the arc.

But it is not opposite to a more active role for Hook in this half and the second.

When I looked at what the actor responded it still could be a important player in the second arc.

A an E love Regina but I am not sure they will pass all the potential of Davy Jones for another totally arc on new Savior Regina!

I think all the major cast member will have some focus in the second half and really it depens if Emma still is the DS at the end of this arc.

  • Love 1

YES to everything in that sneak peek!

Poor Emma, I wonder what happened? Also, I'm actually digging the Snowing dispute. Snow hit the nail on the head about David bein star struck, and it kind of encompasses what a lot of us here were saying. How does Charmz going on an adventure and being knighted really help Emma?

Man, Charmz was fast to turn on Lancelot, although it's true that the last they knew he was dead. So I can understand him being a little suspicious.

Also, did they edit something out when David was talking? Or was it just te quality of the video, because it sounded like they intentional cut out something David might have said.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I'm dying here, at work, trying not to freak out too much about the sword! I'm hoping both their names are on it because it's some kind of ying yang thing, and not because both of them are the Dark One. I just hope they're not sharing one body like Rumple and Neal did.

Well, both of their names are on the sword, and this show is awfully fond of the idea that "love is a weapon." Maybe the restored Excalibur is some kind of super-duper True Love's weapon?

I think Hook's father will be a one-off like Blackbeard and Liam.


WHAT? Do you have a link? I've seen pics floating around but I can't make out any names.


Oh I definitely don't think that. He's gonna be in more than one episode, hence all the protection around his role.


Holy crap guys it's true love sword. Killian and Emma have joined together to complete Excalibur.

  • Love 2

Emma was holding Killian's hook in that sneak peek.  Be right back, dying of cute.


OK, I'm done.


I'm digging a lot of the speculation about possible directions for 5B.  We really don't know much yet, and a lot of it could be wrong, but frankly I don't care.  It's fun.  The spoilers certainly seem to indicate a big roll for him in the finale of this arc, that may or may not mean anything for 5B but I'm going to enjoy it.  Frankly I find the idea that Killian can't possibly be important in 5B because it's always about Regina and no one will ever get the spotlot to be really tedious at best.  It's not even speculation, it's anti speculation.  Some people were saying before the season began that no matter what the writers and actors were saying in interviews Killian couldn't possibly have a big roll in 5A because it would always be about Regina.  Regina certainly has had a lot of screen time, but so has Killian.  The doom and gloom predictions about Regina always monopolizing everything gets old after awhile, especially when none of the actual concrete spoilers we currently have really indicate that at the moment.  Sure, these writers have a history and it could always turn out that way, but I'm still watching because they occasionally still pleasantly surprise me.  Right now there's literally nothing to indicate everything will be about Regina except pessimism, and while people are entitled to that, I don't see what it adds to the discussion.  


I like the speculation about the underworld.  I don't know that I'm totally convinced yet, but there are fun possibilities, especially if they go with the Disney movie version of Hades.  He's one of the funnest villains from the Disney pantheon.  Yes it would probably make a mess of the mythology, but the mythology is already a hopeless mess.  I've given up on expecting coherence from anything even slightly related to magic or world building.  If it entertains me, I'll go with it.  

  • Love 7

OMG! Are Snowing actually having a fight? Honestly though, Snow totally nailed David on this one. Why become a knight of the round table? Plus, yeah, David was completely star struck by Arthur.


She has a point. Admittedly, so does he. I like that, it seems more real.


The best part of that sneak peak was Regina's "I don't really want to hear you two fight, but I really want to hear what you both say." demeanor. I'm not normally a huge fan of hers, but I loved the way she played that tickled my funny bone for some reason.

The writers one uping true loves kiss with a true loves sword. lmao I keep saying that Regina might be their favorite character but they really love writing for Emma's love story with Hook or maybe Jennifer got them so hype on those fairytales she read over the break. Ha.

Also fuck yeah to Snow and David fighting over Lancelot and Arthur.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 2

Emma looks the way I look after I'm done puking up my stomach. Girlfriend looks sick and exhausted.


Maybe she's pregnant? sorry, not sorry.


So you get your name on the dagger by absorbing the darkness. Do you get your name on the sword by absorbing the lightness? What is the significance of them being joined? There are so many thoughts running through my head, but none of them really make sense. I still can't figure out why Hook would be sword fighting Gold.

Ok the 2 names on Excalibur thing is kind of cheesy. Less cheesy than heart splitting but still put it on a cracker. Isn't removing Excalibur going to be bad move according to Merlin's prophecy who is confirmed by A&E to be good, even if he's useless? Also if Hook is pulling it out, we better see Merlin making a visit to his wee self. I guess with the kid Hook flashback that his daddy and lineage tie into Camelot? They would predate Arthur a couple of hundred years.


A&E did say Hook would be a large feature in the first 11 episodes.


And finally Snowing get something to do even if Charming is coming off a little dumb. Maybe they should've made Arthur his childhood buddy or something to explain this insta-bff.

Ok the 2 names on Excalibur thing is kind of cheesy. Less cheesy than heart splitting but still put it on a cracker. Isn't removing Excalibur going to be bad move according to Merlin's prophecy who is confirmed by A&E to be good, even if he's useless? Also if Hook is pulling it out, we better see Merlin making a visit to his wee self. I guess with the kid Hook flashback that his daddy and lineage tie into Camelot? They would predate Arthur a couple of hundred years.


A&E did say Hook would be a large feature in the first 11 episodes.


And finally Snowing get something to do even if Charming is coming off a little dumb. Maybe they should've made Arthur his childhood buddy or something to explain this insta-bff.


He's gonna feature int he entire season but at that point they only wrote the first 11 episodes.


This explains so much, including why Hook is so drawn to the door. The sword is calling to it's owner.

Edited by Hookian
  • Love 3

Is the Nimue/Merlin flashback the same episode as the Hook jumping, holding Dark!Swan's hand? Because now all I'm picturing is Merlin/Nimue making the sword together but their bond not being true enough or something and it breaks apart. Then parallel to the future with CS putting the sword back together because their bond withstands the whole dark/light problem.


And also Arthur may have just been interpreting the prophecies wrong and his role in the whole drama was just a catalyst and nothing more.


This explains so much, including why Hook is so drawn to the door. The sword is calling to it's other half.


OMG this is so perfect

Edited by snarkastic

I never got the impression Hook was drawn to the door with the lock; I figured it's a huge ass lock and anyone with two eyes would have thought that looked fishy. However, I do like the idea of Hook being drawn to the door because the sword happens to be behind it. I just wish they were a bit more subtle with not making it a square foot lock outside the door. 

  • Love 3

I'll totally take a badass sword with Emma and Killian's names on it over a True Love's Kiss™ any day. (I mean, I want the latter too, but that sword is awesome.)



Boy "love is a weapon" takes on a whole new meaning here.


Best. Day. Ever.  Even if for some reason Hook loses the fight to Rumple, it doesn't matter because he's holding Excalibur with he and Emma's names on it??!!


Merlin only told Emma not to pull the sword from the stone, I imagine that either Rumple or Hook pull it.  My money is on Hook since his name is on the sword.  I wonder if Arthur knows more than he's letting on about Excalibur, perhaps Merlin has told him that the Storybrooke gang will free him from the tree but also take Excalibur?  Perhaps that's why he's doing what he can with diversions to stop them (the ball, sabotaging the mushroom mission)?


Seeing Hook and Emma's names on the sword should hopefully put to rest whether they are true loves are not.  The most powerful weapon is inscribed with their names!  Hook heard the sword calling to him through the door at Emma's, because it's calling to him just like the dagger calls to Emma.


I love the little touches on this show too, in the sneak peek, Emma's holding on to Hook's hook and hand.  Snow's tiara headband has buttercups on it and I noticed that Emma's ball gown has buttercups embroidered on it as well just like Charmings' shield.


I still think that Hook's father will only be seen in flashbacks. It makes sense in that we've seen Killian as a noble Navy man, how he became a pirate, now we'll get to see him as a boy and  that his dad either

a.  sacrifice himself for the good of his sons or

b. became a dastardly pirate and abandoned his family, something Killian would never do even as a pirate.


If they are role reversing the scene with Rumple and Killian he is coming to him for the woman he loves and because she has a son, I could see a flashback with Hook's dad maybe making the opposite decision, choosing to abandon the boys for power or piracy?

I never got the impression Hook was drawn to the door with the lock; I figured it's a huge ass lock and anyone with two eyes would have thought that looked fishy. However, I do like the idea of Hook being drawn to the door because the sword happens to be behind it. I just wish they were a bit more subtle with not making it a square foot lock outside the door. 

It's subtle but as Hook is waiting for Emma, there are whispering voices in the background that cause him to focus on the door.

  • Love 1
a.  sacrifice himself for the good of his sons or

b. became a dastardly pirate and abandoned his family, something Killian would never do even as a pirate.

If they are role reversing the scene with Rumple and Killian he is coming to him for the woman he loves and because she has a son, I could see a flashback with Hook's dad maybe making the opposite decision, choosing to abandon the boys for power or piracy?



I get the feeling Papa Jones is alive in the present day, but that's just me.

I never got the impression Hook was drawn to the door with the lock; I figured it's a huge ass lock and anyone with two eyes would have thought that looked fishy. However, I do like the idea of Hook being drawn to the door because the sword happens to be behind it. I just wish they were a bit more subtle with not making it a square foot lock outside the door. 

I didn't think anything of it at first, but in the same episode, Regina is stomping around Emma's house -- even with Emma not there -- and never once seemed to give a second thought to the door, which makes me think there's nothing for her there. Also, Hook was walking towards the door when Emma stuffs that rum in front of him. It made it seem like she was purposely trying to divert his attention away from it. Not sure why that is yet, but I'm assuming that goes along with her trying to get the sword out herself with Happy's ax.


Of course, that makes me wonder why Emma was trying to avoid having Hook find the sword and why she was trying to get it out herself. There must be some sort of strings attached to him pulling it. I mean, obviously there's the whole dying thing if it's not yours, but perhaps there's something else. Perhaps despite her darkness, she is doing all she can to keep Hook away from some sort of danger that she knows about because she remembers what happened in Camelot.

We may find out if anyone else notices the door when Hook gets Robin to help him break in and Robin doesn't even notice a door there. Maybe. I doubt the effort is going to be successful so soon, and that may be one reason it doesn't work. Everyone will think Hook imagined it.


As for why "Killian Jones" and not "Captain Hook" is on the sword, I don't get the impression that he's ever used Captain Hook as a name. It's something others call him, but he's generally bristled about other people calling him that. He introduces himself as Killian Jones and when leaving voice messages identifies himself as "Killian." He seems okay with Emma calling him "Hook" as a pet name, but he still identifies himself as Killian to her, and he made that point when she was talking about having to call him "Captain Hand" when he had his hand back. So it seems natural that the sword would use his real name.

  • Love 3

It's amazing how this show can go from absolute, terrible garbage in 4B to 5A shaping up to be one of my favorite season halves ever. Go figure.

Judging by reactions here, I think the show could just put a picture of Hook on the screen for 42 minutes and 98% of the folks here would consider this the best season of the entire series ever. Admittedly, 4B did set the bar very low ;)

  • Love 6

They could put a picture of Zelena on the screen for 42 minutes and it would be better than most of 4B. The bar is ridiculously low.


As for the eye color of Papa Hook, there is such a thing as colored contact lenses, if they're even thinking of genetics. Edward James Olmos wore blue contacts on Battlestar Galactica when he was playing Jamie Bamber's father (while Jamie Bamber dyed his hair black to match his TV dad).

  • Love 2

Maybe the armor is to go along with the name he was given in the EF, Leviathan.  The only Pirates of the Caribbean movie I've been able to sit through is the first one. The other ones were pretty awful. In legend, Lancelot is raised by the Lady of the Lake, in 2x03, he tells Snowing his mother raised him near a lake. But lakes don't have krakens or giant squids in them, so who knows. 

Well Clippy! Rumple told her there's a price to pay, so I'm guessing she's willing to pay it and that's why she's going to Gold first.

It's not that simple though is it?  Emma tried to pay the price for Robin (and it looked like she did with the sparkly skin) but then something came for him anyway eventhough it was Regina who asked her to perform the magic.  What I can't figure out is that Rumple performed magic for his own uses, someone only paid the price when they asked for the magic.  So does Emma have to pay the price if she's using for her own intentions?

I love every spoiler right now, but not only because of Cs or Hook. Its because the conflict with snowing is plausible and the spoiler is unexpected.

But I kwon rumbeller keep insisting that Rumple is the new purest savior, but for me it is the only thing I have trouble with. Despite I am still more naturally curious about his sl than Regina but I do not need him to became a white shining knight and do not buy it for one second.

In fact, this new white heart Rumple seems cheezy! Why everyone as to be the best hero, nobody like gray character anymore in this fandom?

  • Love 1

It's not that simple though is it?  Emma tried to pay the price for Robin (and it looked like she did with the sparkly skin) but then something came for him anyway eventhough it was Regina who asked her to perform the magic.  What I can't figure out is that Rumple performed magic for his own uses, someone only paid the price when they asked for the magic.  So does Emma have to pay the price if she's using for her own intentions?

I don't know if we're talking about the same thing (I also have a raging headache, so maybe I'm misunderstanding). I was thinking of the ending of 5x02 after Emma was zapped back by the sword, and Rumple told her she had to pay the price.


I thought the price for saving Robin was her getting one step closer to being consumed by the darkness, since she liked the rush (I'm still very much WTF on this one) and the failed TLK that she initiated.

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