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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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They all felt like life wasn't fair or whatever ever but maybe Emma's reasons are just she don't give a fuck which is weird since she's one of the main characters who should be pissed at the world and yet still grew up to be a good person.


Two basic OUAT models for sliding into darkness:


1) the Rumpel/Regina/Hook model of darkness triggered by the loss/potential loss of a loved one (Bae, Daniel, Liam, Milah)


2) the Cora/Pan model of miserable people with miserable lives who choose darkness because it gives them control - aka, Villians Who "Own It"


Not without reason, Emma has certainly moaned enough about her lot as Savior off and on over the seasons to fall into the Cora/Pan model with the added shove of the DO. It would be a stretch, but they could do it. 




They simply don't do healthy presentations of sex on this show. It's either not shown, or it's nonconsensual/tinged with adultery. Hell of a family show there!


One plays into the other. Becuase they don't show anything, they divorce themselves from the implication of what they present. If they could show a dead-eyed, de-hearted Graham having mechanical sex with Regina, they couldn't easily avoid the rape issue.


As we've all mostly figured out, the part of the fandom that expects hot DarkSwan-on-Pirate sex on screen hasn't been watching the show. If any sex happens at all, it's going to be close-mouth kissing and fade-to-commercial. Maybe some post-unseen-coitus bare shoulder. That's the nature of 8pm on Sunday "sex."

Edited by Amerilla

Ok if Zelena has been wearing the anti magic cuff then who took Robin's heart out?? Did Regina do it because she's worried that when Emma turns up she's going to try and crush his heart for ....oh so many reasons... (maybe a public service ridding the world of one more cheating husband pops into mind)...

Ideas anyone??

Edited by PixiePaws1

I think it's an unnecessary headache. Not looking forward to those debates. I can see it now "Emma is possessed by the DO, she couldn't consent, he's raping her.", "Hook is only sleeping with her now because he's afraid she'll go batshit if she thinks he's rejecting her, SHE's raping HIM", "Does this mean that all Rumbelle sex up until now was rape?!"

I'm going to say it now, and chalk it up to head canon or whatever, but I think they have been intimate already; Look at their body language from 3B to 4B. The sexual tension has eased off, and Hook and Emma have a comfortable familiarity with each other. It's been over 6 weeks, after all. In fact, sex isn't even on the table in 4B, it's trust and seeing the best in each other.


So, I don't have a lot of problem with DOEmma and Hook getting together, other than I'm sure certain fandoms will use it to further their agenda against Hook. But you know what? It's not about them.

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In regard to the CS sex while Ems is dark...just WRONG for all the shit we"ll have to put up with about 'rape / controlled' sex. It would rob Emma and Killian of something that they can never get back. However, given Emma's implied one night stand history maybe Killian just goes with it if Emma threatens she'll go find someone who's interested. Ick..made my own skin crawl!

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I think Zelena simply managed to find someone to get the anti-magic cuff off.


It looks like all the actors are wearing the same clothes from when they were filming in Camelot for the scene they're shooting now, so I'd imagine any realm-jumping will happen soon after this scene on the episode. I also don't think there's going to be much of a time-jump (if any) in the first episode, considering Bex hasn't been costumed to look visibly pregnant.


On the whole Dark!Emma/CS sex thing, for some reason I don't think they'd go there, even with this show's horrific track record when it comes to issues of consent. I think it's more likely we'll see her trying to seduce Hook after she's gone off the deep end and him resisting it.

  • Love 3

I'm a bit disappointed that apparently like Emma won't be mad about her past and the people who have wronged her and her family. Regina's crimes but be ignored and forgotten at all costs! I would love to see Emma dealing with her past more now that she has not restraint, so we can really see how she feels and what's stuck with her.


I'm wondering if this "dark swan outfit" thing is for a promo? Like the one they shot with Elsa coming into town? Because why would Emma be the "Dark Swan" and then be back to normal when they go to Camelot?


Anyway, if they're shooting Emma destroying Granny's like it was rumored, they can't hide her outfit for long.


EDIT: Belle has the jar. I really think this is pre-Camelot.

Edited by Serena
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Another report: Zelena is holding a black wand and apparentely she has Robin's heart and wants to trade it for the dagger

So, did they let Zelena  out so she could help them find Emma, or did she trick/blackmail her way out?  Any chances she had Robin's heart stuffed up her dress, or something when they were in New York?  In preparation for Regina's rescue?


Oh, but the SQ shippers are going to "love" it if Regina trades the dagger (Emma) for Robin. Only to see their reaction I hope it happens.


Now I want this to happen.  So many heads would metaphorically explode.  I would even be able to suck it up and ignore that in order for it to happen, Regina had to have the dagger.


I think Emma might use her sexuality to get to Hook but i think they wont go there at least I hope. Do they really want another Graham/Regina on their hands with a couple they seem to actually care about?

I don't know . . . they didn't seem to fully realize the icky of the Graham/Regina situation, and A&E and Parilla have made statements that indicate they don't see it as rape, merely dub-con, which is not good, but not quite as bad in some eyes. 


Adding in the other questionable portrayals--Robin/Zelena, for example--and I don't know that I trust their judgement about what would be Not Good.


They seem to see dangerous women using their strength against men as sexy, falling into the thought-trap that beautiful women can't really rape men, which is crap.

Edited by Mari
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If it's not a promo, the timeline is just not making sense to me to have Emma as full-on Dark Swan in SB but OK in Camelot. It made me go back to the weird tense usage in Eddy's answer here:




What can you tell us about Emma (Jennifer Morrison) as the Dark One? What are her powers like and has she gone full on evil?

The right answer is you’re going to see both. We intend to show you how she would become dark and what would happen if she was.
HOROWITZ: It’s a slow burn as opposed to all of a sudden.


Adam's reply makes sense. Eddy's doesn't and is odd with the "woulds."


So I'm wondering if we see the Zelena and Camelot stuff, then at the end of the ep it's a flash-forward and we see Dark Swan. It could even be a, like, crystal ball or scrying vision.


ETA: I swear, I'm not going to be able to NOT see Tilda Swinton when I see Dark Swan.



Edited by Souris
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Well I for one would be happy to see Emma let go a little and get a bit naughty with Hook. Poor guy deserves it. I expect she'll become a bit of a tease though, and they won't actually do anything until after she's her again. But bring on the sexy make out sessions, I don't see anything wrong with that. She's a little bad, he's a little bad.

I dig.

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Here's a wacky theory: If Camelot's time moves differently or it's "timeless," maybe the Dark Swan that arrives in SB in the premiere is from the future, so we see what she will become. But when everyone journeys to Camelot, it's in the past, so they can try to prevent her from going full Dark. Along the way, we see Emma starting to go Dark, interspersed with flashes of her going Dark in the "original" timeline.


I don't know. I'm just spitballing here. That's probably not what is happening. It doesn't fit with the spoilers about it being a gradual/lengthy process. But A&E certainly have worded some things oddly that make me wonder about timelines and time shifts and such.

  • Love 1

Here's a wacky theory: If Camelot's time moves differently or it's "timeless," maybe the Dark Swan that arrives in SB in the premiere is from the future, so we see what she will become. But when everyone journeys to Camelot, it's in the past, so they can try to prevent her from going full Dark. Along the way, we see Emma starting to go Dark, interspersed with flashes of her going Dark in the "original" timeline.


I don't know. I'm just spitballing here. That's probably not what is happening. It doesn't fit with the spoilers about it being a gradual/lengthy process. But A&E certainly have worded some things oddly that make me wonder about timelines and time shifts and such.

I really like this theory!!!

  • Love 1

Good theory Souris. It seems odd that they've got a blatant Oktoberfest sign. Maybe this is a possible future. .a vision/warning that they have until October to get the darkness out before full on dark swan.if visions are involved I suspect the darkness is taunting Ems with it or maybe Rumple....they don't usually give much away about the actual month. They did say she won't go full on dark immediately ..so seeing her all 'darked' seems a bit early.

Unless it is cosmetic only.

..or split time frame/ flashback.

Of course it could just be a Good Morning Storybrooke newsflash. Oh my aching head!

  • Love 1

I hope like hell it looks better on screen, because her hair looks like they coated it in Elmer's glue.

*shudders* it totally does. In some of the pics, you can literally see globs of it in her hair, plus there's a huge line at the back where you can tell they stopped "painting." Very odd... Glad I'm not the only one wigging out at the return of Narnia's ice queen. Holy Tilda Swinton, indeed.

Sherrif Sneezy is giving me life. He's hands down my fav of the dwarves, and I was super bummed to see he wasn't in the Camelot crew. This more than makes up for it - ha!!

  • Love 1

Is this how Henry finds out what happened to Emma from Regina? Angry tone of voice and no real explanation? I get he's all mature for his age but geez!

what if the whole Beer Company is something designed to show that we are going to have a time jump? When the thing is gutted, we can see Granny's in the back. I'm assuming that if they didn't want that then we wouldn't see it at all and they would've just used a whole other building if they intended this to be a stand alone.

Emma's black feather coat is kind of awesome and I really like the look. I'm thinking it will translate much bettter on tv.

I am expecting some kind of transformation of Emma back to "herself" in this episode.

ETA - of course what throws the whole theory time jump is Zelena's outfit which she's been wearing since NYC. And also the fact that she's pregnant.

Edited by YaddaYadda

I'm surprised Hook didn't grab the dagger and stab Regina instead of trying to summon Emma. If only. I'm guessing Regina's reaction is the writer's way of having Regina feel guilty and not knowing how to deal with it.

I was a little surprised about the tone in Hook's voice when trying to summon Emma. I thought he would have been quieter, more hesitant ànd slightly fearful.

I'm probably way over thinking this, but I think it might make sense since we know nothing about the Dark One. Emma in the EF looks nothing like the who shows up in SB. What if the reason is really as simple as where Emma became the Dark One, which was in Storybrooke. Thimk about it for a second. Rumple is Sparkly! Dark in the EF and I'm guessing he could be exactly that in SB because there is magic there. But he's not. And it's not because people would be scared of him if he looked that way. They've already all seen him like that and are scared of him even as Mr. Gold. He just became the Dark One in the EF unlike Emma who took on the Dark One in Storybrooke. So I think it's sort of logical that when she leaves the EF (with Merida's help?) That she'd look like normal Emma and arrive in SB looking like her Dark One version.

I'm going to bed now because I really don't like what my life has been reduced to.

  • Love 4

I'm surprised Hook didn't grab the dagger and stab Regina instead of trying to summon Emma. If only. I'm guessing Regina's reaction is the writer's way of having Regina feel guilty and not knowing how to deal with it.

I was a little surprised about the tone in Hook's voice when trying to summon Emma. I thought he would have been quieter, more hesitant ànd slightly fearful.


LOL, I totally was wanting Hook to stab Regina, too! He was pointing it right at her. Perfect opportunity.


I don't think Hook would be fearful. He's spent hundreds of years trying to kill or snarking at the Dark One. The Dark One doesn't hold any mystique for him. He wanted his Dark Swan back and he wanted her NOW.

  • Love 1

I think Killian has got to be on emotional overload, including a healthy dose of rage that Emma just took his happy ending to give ungrateful bitch Regina hers. Now..we know there is more to Emma's motivation but in the immediate moments after I am not surprised he is angry and hurting; hence the tone of voice for the attempted summoning.

  • Love 3

I didn't mean fearful of Emma because she's powerful, just fearful of the unknown and the person she is now. Will she still be the woman he fell in love with? I think apprehensive is the better word for what I was thinking.

He probably is a bit angry at her for doing what she did. So I guess how it plays out makes sense, I just had a different scenario in my head.

Edited by pezgirl7

Her look really does call Narnia's White Witch to mind! Poor Hook and that summoning scene, ugh! Are we sure it doesn't work...that's heartbreaking.

The pictures I've seen this morning look like she has some sort of white headpiece around the back of her head. I guess it is probably made of swan feathers.

I like Yadda's Dark One theory!

Edited by OnceUponAJen

I'm still iffy on the Dark Swan makeup.  I think it's going to come down to lighting, and if they do any effects in post production.  The eyebrows are what were most out of place in the early pics, and I don't think any set picture is going to accurately portray how those look short of Jen coming up in full costume and posing up close for people, because it's such a small detail.  And the hair looks OK in some pics, and not in others.  Like, in this pic everything looks fairly cohesive, even the lightened/no eyebrows look is working for me for the most part - she actually looks kind of otherwordly rather than an actress wearing bad 90s makeup.  In this one the hair looks pretty bad and you can see the dark line all the way around her hair line where the wig or the lightening powder or whatever they're using stops.  So yeah, still iffy, but maybe it'll look OK on film, whether because of lighting or post production stuff.  Maybe.


I do love the costume a lot.  Much closer to what I was envisioning.  

Wow, okay. So I basically missed all the exciting spoiler action yesterday and have to catch up on everything. If I'm understanding all of this correctly, there were three different scenes shot:


  1. The immediate aftermath of Emma's disappearance on the road. Regina's an ungrateful you-know-what and calls Emma's decision "stupid," Snow shuts her down and says she saved her life, and Hook attempts to summon Emma using the dagger.
  2. Zelena apparently has Robin as a hostage, and forces Regina to hand over the Black Fairy's wand.
  3. A promo for a commercial where Emma is in her Dark One costume and destroys a beer garden?


Correct? No?

Regina calling Emma stupid? Awesome. Episode 5 will be Emma begging Regina to notice how smart she really is then?


Whatever.  Someone needs to tell Regina what's up.  Her calling Emma stupid is rich considering she spent season 4 looking for an Author who would write her happy ending with a man she has been with for a whole week and decided to take a chance on only because she saw his tattoo, then went and managed to get ink for said Author who promptly took it to someone who put people in a book and everyone nearly got stuck there.


If Emma is a moron for making the choice to save Regina and the entire town, then so be it.  I'd rather she shows this brand of stupidity than the one described above because that was in the stratosphere or stupid things someone who is self-involved could do.


Someone calling Regina out on that would be nice though I'm not holding my breath on this one.

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