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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Regina killed Marian, but why did Emma have to save her?  They spent more time making sure Emma felt guilt for "destroying" Regina's happy ending by saving Marian, then they spent time making sure everyone understood that Regina murdered Marian because she Marian was trying to do the right thing, save a life, just like you know, Emma trying to save a life...


The writers need to leave well enough alone.  We're getting Marian flashbacks with Robin which I'm thinking might be a lot more canon regarding what their love story is, so where does that leave OQ.  If Marian and Robin had come with the 1st curse, when the curse broke, they would have found each other much like Snowing did.


I wonder what these flashbacks are going to accomplish but I doubt they'll do anything for OQ.  I'm even starting to wonder if we won't actually end up with the triangle at some point.  Six weeks should be enough for that fairweather asshat to remember why he fell in love with Marian in the first place.  


Just me?

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Imagine if A&E spent time plotting character arcs for the main characters instead of bending over backwards to create a plot situation which would allow the incorporation of more Zelena.  I'm pretty sure we saw every possible whiny lament that could come out of that wicked waste of time.

Edited by Camera One
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I'm wondering if in early four a when Regina admitted that she didn't remember killing Marion was because she didn't. 


That's not why she doesn't remember it.  She doesn't remember it for the same reason that she doesn't remember whose hearts she's still keeping stored in that vault of hers -- she's simply done it so many times that she's lost track of exactly who all of her victims were/are.

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Adam posted a BTS photo of Snowing and Captain Swan (from last Friday's 4x17 filming, apparently, based on the director). Nice costume parallels! (Sighing at all the people asking "Where's Regina???") Emma & Snow are wearing the same outfits from 4x16 filming (Snowing lurking and then getting a phone call/Emma walking through town dazed and then hugging Hook on the docks).

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So now the speculation is that Marian is going to be refrigerated for Robin? And then he can conveniently move on with Regina, right?

How long is he going to mourn? Half an episode? Three minutes?

Yeesh. I'm hanging on for Cruella (pls just make her crazy evil, I like my villains crazy and evil) and Captain Swan. 4B looks like a giant mess to me.

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Adam posted a BTS photo of Snowing and Captain Swan (from last Friday's 4x17 filming, apparently, based on the director). Nice costume parallels! (Sighing at all the people asking "Where's Regina???") Emma & Snow are wearing the same outfits from 4x16 filming (Snowing lurking and then getting a phone call/Emma walking through town dazed and then hugging Hook on the docks).

It's 417? When I saw it I actually assumed it was 412. They're standing really similarly to how they're standing in the 4B promo where Regina is doing stuff with the dagger. On purpose? Coincidence?

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I'm pretty sure it's from 4x17, because the photo is by the director for 4x17, and the red jackets are the same as 4x16. IIRC Charming isn't in the dagger promo scene; it's Belle instead.

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I'm suspicious that it's a BTS photo and not an actual scene photo, because it seems way more JMo than Emma to me. Like whoever took the photo said, "Be adorable and in love!"


I've still got 100% of my bitterness from the 4A finale, because it was just that egregious.


Interesting that they put this CS photo and the Snowing/CS photo out today. Methinks they're trying to calm/win back CS shippers disgruntled by the 4A finale and all the villain/Regina talk.

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The Rumple photo is interesting. He's on the ground, presumably at the town line, in front of Ursula... he looks kind of desperate too. Doesn't look like Dark One Rumple that he'd usually act like in front of the Queens and basically everyone not Bae or Belle.

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The Rumple photo is interesting. He's on the ground, presumably at the town line, in front of Ursula... he looks kind of desperate too.


I'd like to say how the mighty have fallen, but really, we all know this won't be going on for long.  He'll be back to his full on jerk mode in no time and it will be like the last 6 weeks never happened.


CS, probably backstage, but hey, beer and wine on the table, quiet moment.  I'll take it because of course the shit will hit the fan.


Finally smells like the second half is around the corner.  For all my whining, I really miss this stupid show!

Edited by YaddaYadda
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The Rumple photo is interesting. He's on the ground, presumably at the town line, in front of Ursula... he looks kind of desperate too. Doesn't look like Dark One Rumple that he'd usually act like in front of the Queens and basically everyone not Bae or Belle.

I wonder if the queens turn on him as soon as he gets them into town and he has to convince them of his usefulness. I would if I was them.

Edited by retrograde
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I don't know how advertising works, so I'm not really sure that it has any bearings, but the 5 seconds promo of Once on Hulu has Emma going down in the elevator with David's sword, it's from season 1 when she's going to fight Maleficent.


Thought the choice was interesting given that Mal is back in this upcoming half.

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I wonder if the queens turn on him as soon as he gets them into town and he has to convince them of his usefulness. I would if I was them.

I really like the idea of Rumple and the Queens having some sort of distrust or power struggle. In those pictures where he has the dagger*, I picture him claiming it to be real when it's actually fake. This show needs more uneasy allies and neutral characters. It's too black and white.


* I know we said it was just a script page, but in some pictures it's too reflective to be paper.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't know why it makes me so happy to see a photo of two fictional characters having a beer and wine date together, but... they're just so gosh darn adorable. (Even if that's a behind the scenes shot, the wine and beer on the table still implies they're grabbing drinks together.)

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I don't know why it makes me so happy to see a photo of two fictional characters having a beer and wine date together, but... they're just so gosh darn adorable. (Even if that's a behind the scenes shot, the wine and beer on the table still implies they're grabbing drinks together.)


But there are two glasses of wine and a beer.  When I used to watch General Hospital, there was this saying we used every single day about a character that also had crypt sex, shall I paraphrase it for you and apply it to OUAT.  Regina ruins everything.

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So did Once write their crypt sex after they saw the glory that was the crypt sex on General Hospital?  Is that where they got the idea from?  Because if they did, well they really shouldn't.  


I think the Emma/Regina scene is separate from the one with Hook/Emma even though it looks like there's more than 2 people at that table.  Emma is holding that cup in her hands, so maybe she's having coffee.  If Regina is there, I hope she's not whining about her life and the author and drops her St. Victimus act for more than 5 seconds so that I can enjoy whatever is going on.

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So did Once write their crypt sex after they saw the glory that was the crypt sex on General Hospital?  Is that where they got the idea from?  Because if they did, well they really shouldn't.  


If I recall correctly, it went Game of Thrones, General Hospital, and then OUAT. 

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Ha! TVline spoiler pics....ya, I just looked at my calendar and the timing is spot on. We've entered the part of the hiatus where they start releasing cutesy spoiler pics (that may or may not be just BTS and not actual scenes) to ratchet your hopes and expectations sky high, get you frothing with anticipation, but then they promptly SMASH AND CRUSH those hopes into teeny, tiny bits on March 1 and just rub salt into your wounds for the rest. of. the. season.


Remember kids, it's This Show -- 



Edited by FabulousTater
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Interesting that they put this CS photo and the Snowing/CS photo out today. Methinks they're trying to calm/win back CS shippers disgruntled by the 4A finale and all the villain/Regina talk.

My guess would be that it's less reactive (because the various fandoms are always mad about something) and more proactive -- they want to get people talking (well tweeting and tumbling) about the show again, so they directly target the three of the most active ships — Captain Swan, Swan Queen, and... well, just Rumple (question: do Rumbelle shippers skew more towards Belle or Rumple? Or is it both/half-half?). I assume they'll release the full set of press photo in a few weeks. 


Is Jen's phone white?

Not sure about the actor's phone, but Emma does have a white iPhone. 

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Remember kids, it's This Show™ --

Love this gif. I'm going to be doing that through the entire spring premiere!



Actually, now I see 5 plates on the table, two glasses of wine, a beer, holy crap are we actually getting a Charming Family dinner scene?!?11!

Well since Regina is in another pic at Granny's and Emma's wearing the same thing in that one, it's undoubtedly going to include Regina.



well, just Rumple (question: do Rumbelle shippers skew more towards Belle or Rumple? Or is it both/half-half?)

I doubt Rumpbelle fans give a crap about Belle, otherwise they wouldn't be shipping it.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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My guess would be that it's less reactive (because the various fandoms are always mad about something) and more proactive -- they want to get people talking (well tweeting and tumbling) about the show again, so they directly target the three of the most active ships — Captain Swan, Swan Queen, and... well, just Rumple (question: do Rumbelle shippers skew more towards Belle or Rumple? Or is it both/half-half?). I assume they'll release the full set of press photo in a few weeks. 

Well I love Belle, but a lot of that has to do with my love of Beauty and the Beast and Emilie, but i do like Belle as a character when the writers know what to do with her.

I adore Rumple, but again a lot of that has to do with Robbie because he's amazing.  Rumple isn't my favourite character right now but I still love him and damn if he's not fun to watch.  But I do adore the two of them together when it wasn't 4A and they had actual scenes as characters and not props.  I'd assume people lean towards Rumple the way people lean towards (or used to) Snow.   We don't like Rumple more than Belle.  Rumple is just the more solid character who gets scenes and flashbacks that make you care.  Belle and Charming mostly serve as a main characters love interest.

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Also, a Zelena/Marian flashback scene was filmed today. Make of THAT what you will.

Didn't think the Marian is Zelena conspiracy theory was still legit, but apparently it is. I wonder why they're trying to keep Zelena's role under wraps. It's got to be pretty major. There's no other way you could explain Marian and Zelena crossing paths in flashbacks without something completely new and contrived.


So many guest stars in 4B. They don't leave much room for fillers, do they?

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If they're doing "Marian is Zelena", it something they just pulled out of their ass. Why would Zelena!Marian give her approval to OQ and kiss Regina's ass like she's been doing?

I really, really hope they're not going there with Marian.


She gave her approval to OQ, she kissed Regina's ass and then she took Robin across the town line and he technically cannot come back so she took Regina's happy ending that way.


Colin, JMo and Jared filming tonight.

Weird question. Is this the place that stands in as New York'd Central Park?  Or is that Stanley Park?

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I don't think they'll do Marian is Zelena just because the spoiler stated specifically that the actress was in town this week to film a flashback. I think TV Line only trades in spoilers they get directly from the show. If she was going to have a recurring role, I think they would have said so, as they usually do. 

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Well, spit. I hate this turn of events.

Not siding with the Zelena-is-Marian theory, but they wouldn't need Zelena for more than a flashback to make her Marian. They'd just have to show her with Marian in the past, killing her--and, look! It's a twofer! Regina didn't kill Marian, Zelena did!--and then have Zelena morphing into Marian over poor not-killed-by-Regina-so-Regina's-totally-totally-innocent Marian's body.

Then, in a modern scene, have Marian do a mhwahaha scene when there aren't witnesses, and complain about being stuck in Marian's form.

Is it a stupid, awful, terrible idea. Yes. But, like we regularly say. "these writers, this show." They may not be able to resist a storyline that pumps up Regina while tearing down Emma for helping someone.

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LOL...I love the ideal of Zelena being Marian...Marian is as dull as dishwater and this can be away to say Zelena is alive...(remember her smoke went back in time too..right?) and still causing trouble AND hopefully she too will stop whining and wanting to be Rump a Dump's girlfriend.

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If they're doing "Marian is Zelena", it something they just pulled out of their ass. Why would Zelena!Marian give her approval to OQ and kiss Regina's ass like she's been doing?

Well, that was right before she became frozen again and Outlaw Queen had to be broken up forever. You know Zelena - she loves messing with people, especially Regina. That would explain why they're living in New York - she wants to be nearby Walsh's furniture shop with magic stuff.



Is it a stupid, awful, terrible idea. Yes. But, like we regularly say. "these writers, this show." They may not be able to resist a storyline that pumps up Regina while tearing down Emma for helping someone.

Yes. This is why I see this happening. If it weren't this show, I could see it to be particularly interesting in 4A, but it's much later in the game and it's going to feel contrived as flip.



If she was going to have a recurring role, I think they would have said so, as they usually do.

Unless Zelena is going to stay Marian for a while, a la Locke/Man in Black.



The only reason that Zelena's spell took Emma and Hook back to Marian's time instead was that the time portal was attuned to the thoughts of whoever went through it, and Emma had been thinking of how her parents met and of that time period.


Maybe Zelena's spirit got stuck in the portal, and her only way out was for someone to use it. She followed Captain Swan, saw Marian and took her place in the prison. "Dying" probably freed her from the pendant's control. It's not a good theory, but it's definitely what A&E would do. It's this show. If that needs something to happen that's illogical, they'll just toss in something contrived.

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But it would make no sense for Zelena to be Marian (yeah, I know, since when has that ever stopped the idiots in charge?).  


The original purpose of Zelena's time-travel spell was to send her back to before Regina was born, in order to somehow prevent Regina from being born by keeping Eva from outing Cora as a golddigging traitor to Leopold, which would have meant that Cora would have married Leopold and brought up Zelena in Regina's place so that Zelena would eventually be the one selected by Rumpel to cast the original dark curse.  That was Zelena's only goal; impersonating Marian had nothing to do with it, as she wouldn't even have been born yet.


The only reason that Zelena's spell took Emma and Hook back to Marian's time instead was that the time portal was attuned to the thoughts of whoever went through it, and Emma had been thinking of how her parents met and of that time period.  There is simply no way that Zelena could have foreseen that Emma and Hook would be the ones to actually travel to the past -- and arrive at a period in the past that was a good 30 years or so later than Zelena had intended to arrive.  Therefore, there is no way that she could have foreseen that they would encounter Marian and end up bringing her back to the present, so even if she had somehow hitched a ride back to that same era with them, there would have been no reason for her to impersonate Marian -- she couldn't have known that Marian would be returning to the present with them.

Edited by legaleagle53
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I hope they don't go the Marian is Zelena route. It would be absurd.

My theory it's that maybe Zelena, with or without Rumple assistance, was the one behind the first encounter between Robin and Marian, as a way to keep him away from Regina. Really, I just don't want the Marian is Zelena storyline.


This girl says that Josh and Ginny were also there yesterday with Colin, Jennifer and Jared. And that they shoot a very intense scene with them running.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I also saw a post that Emilie was filming in studio yesterday.


Put me down in the camp of absolutely do not want Zelena to be Marian. I think/hope it's more along the lines of Zelena prodding Marian and Robin together as a way to mess with Regina. Because, of course, somebody else must be responsible for Regina not getting her happy ending; certainly it wasn't her running away from the tavern.

Edited by Souris
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My theory it's that maybe Zelena, with or without Rumple assistance, was the one behind the first encounter between Robin and Marian, as a way to keep him away from Regina. Really, I just don't want the Marian is Zelena storyline.

It seems really weird they would bring back a Big Bad just for an encounter in flashbacks. You'd think she have to do something with the overall plot, similarly to Cora in 3x18.


This half-season seems very action-packed and full of all kinds of things. It sounds a little exciting to me, because I actually like the characters that are going to be touched on, but I'm worried about this Author plot and if they'll actually do anything interesting with it. Are there going to be major twists mid-arc? Will the cliffhanger be crazy? That's my dealbreaker.

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The only thing I can think of regarding that spoiler with Marian/Zelena talking, Marian (in her prison garb to boot) is that they're about to turn Regina into the biggest victim ever.  Never mind that she's still in full Evil Queen mode during that period.  Seems like this might be happening right before Hook and Emma arrive in the EF.


I swear, this show.  

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