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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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"A lot of Regina." Not that it wasn't 100% expected, but blech.


Second half is usually Regina, so there's no shock in that, plus they're bringing in both Cora and Henry Sr. And the Underworld is likely populated with a bunch of people she ended.


I guess that if everyone has fake memories, or Underbrooke is Storybrooke in S1, then Emma is basically playing Henry's role or Hook's role in NYC in this with Hook in that she has to get him to believe.


How things have truly changed since Emma arrived in Storybrooke.


And this might give the writers the opportunity to give whatever job, cursed memories they were planning to give Hook if they had gotten the rights for season 1.


I don't know how things would work since Cora seems to remember, and know who Regina is. And if there's a curse in Underbrooke, I imagine Hades will be one pissed guy at everyone showing up. He might just kick Hook outta there out of sheer annoyance at these people challenging the status quo.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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So whose the Savior in Underbrook? Or is it still Emma? lol


Obviously Regina, with all the talk of her being the new "savior". And lbr, Regina has been called a savior in both S3B and S4B. :-p 


I guess that if everyone has fake memories, or Underbrooke is Storybrooke in S1, then Emma is basically playing Henry's role or Hook's role in NYC in this with Hook in that she has to get him to believe.


And this might give the writers the opportunity to give whatever job, cursed memories they were planning to give Hook if they had gotten the rights for season 1.


As boring as a retread sounds like, I can see this happening. :-p Maybe a CS TLK will break the Curse on all of Scarybrooke. And then they will share a heart so Hook can come back with Emma. Sharing a heart before a TLK seems like putting the cart before the horse. Although, since 5B is Regina-heavy, the TLK may be OQ. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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I'm taking that as everyone in the UW has been cursed with fake memories and is living a Groundhog's Day existence.

Negative, a least in Cora's case. She seems to remember who Regina is in the promo. The Blind Witch looks the same as she did in the Enchanted Forest, which would be pretty weird in a modern day setting.

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I'm not betting my house on the TLK being CS, but it had damn well better be after all the teases & failed ones this season.

They teased a CS TLK in season 3 (including one that didn't work and a kiss curse) and we didn't get one.


This is Regina's arc, we are going to get a Regina/Robin TLK. 


I suspect that they are going to drag out the CS TLK until the series ends. I kind of hope that ABC gives them an end date so they can plot to a conclusion. That  helped to get Lost focused. I'm afraid they'll get cancelled before they finally get around to giving Emma her happy ending.

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If Hook had his memories taken, how many cute meets with this be now for him and Emma??? Four? Five?

Also I hope there doesn't need to be another heart-splitting plot tool and they figure out an alternative to get him back without that kind of drama.

Also, not to break everyone's heart but I'm watching the Victoria Secret Fashion show and they had Ellie Goulding singing that song from 50 shades, and they cut to Jamie Dornan and damn, he got even hotter than he already was. Not that I want him to come back and get between Emma and Hook, but still. Damn.

Edited by Watt
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I don't think Milah will have her memories nor will most of the non-villains/quasi-villains.

If the UW is a place to work out issues and if Hades' power is related to how many souls he 'keeps' then his desire will be to have people not work through their issues. Milah will have been there quite a long time. I bet she's single with no kids fated to be a crossing guard to 'punish' her for 'abandoning' her child. And the environment is geared towards not having her break her cycle of misery.

So people like Cora and Pan are rewarded with their memories in exchange for ensuring the rest stay in limbo without any forward progress.

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Also, not to break everyone's heart but I'm watching the Victoria Secret Fashion show and they had Ellie Goulding singing that song from 50 shades, and they cut to Jamie Dornan and damn, he got even hotter than he already was.

Speaking of Dornan...

"I think the second half of the season is that our characters are going to have to face their past -- a lot of them are going to have to try and get closure on some things that have always bothered them. [...] In fact, you can have unfinished business without being a villain, and I think that a lot of our characters are going to be encountering a lot of people from their past -- good and bad"


I can think of decent man whose heart was crushed unfairly because of some terrible, petty reason, all while he was trying to be a good friend to Emma, and then the true nature of how he died was so secretive that Emma still believes several years later that he died of natural causes, and to put the cherry on top of the crap sundae, she actually became besties with his murderer. So yeah, if Rumple tricking Emma and Hook with the Excalibur switcheroo was enough to piss Emma off and force her to go to the Underworld to save Hook, then we better fucking see Graham with some unfinished business of his own. I don't want any Emma/Hook/Graham love triangle stuff, but I really need to see Regina ripped apart for this one, especially if 5B is going to feature her a lot and will supposedly be all about encountering not only the bad people from their pasts, but also the good people.

Edited by Curio
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I can't honestly I say I have qualms about OQ finally getting material. It'll probably horrible, but they've gotten absolutely nothing since 4B and I'm tired of dropped plots.



I don't know I think this one's actually going to be CS.

I'm 80% sure this TLK is going to happen early in the season. A&E don't think that far ahead on details. It might be between Hercules and Megara for all we know.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't know I think this one's actually going to be CS. I thought only True Loves share hearts? If Emma's going there to give him half her heart does that mean she knows they are true love?

Yeah this makes sense. If you could split your heart and give it to anyone then they would be doing that all the time. Haha. 

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If I was Zelena and I'd just gotten my magic back, I'd have taken Regina's voice first, then gone for the monkeys!


Graham will never not be a thing for me, unless or until they deal with the situation honestly. Sadly, I don't think they're even capable of it at this point.

Edited by Dianthus
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From A&E's EW interview:


I'm so excited for Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas and their new baby, but I'm curious to know how that's going to play into the story. Is Snow going to get pregnant again or are we going to see her wearing a lot of heavy winter coats?
EK: I think we are going to winter coat that one [Laughs]
AH: And actually just given the timeline of our show, I don’t think that is physically possible for her to have a another child [at this point.]


A&E have clearly never heard of "Irish twins." Baby Snowflake has to be at least 3-4 months old (if you figure in the 6-week jump in 4b and the 2-week jump in Camelot, plus the admittedly snail-like pace of the actual on-screen story). Many women are back to ovulating within 6-10 weeks of giving birth - unless they're breastfeeding, and lets face it, life in Curse Central does not lend to the proposition that Snow is breastfeeding.


Not that I'm sorry they aren't doing Snowflake 2, it's just that there's no theoretical barrier.


Also from the interview:


There are plenty of villains there, but the Underworld is not hell -- it's sort of an in-between place and it's a place that's filled with people with unfinished business, and that's what we're going to be exploring.


I don't like the premise they're peddling here, especially when it comes to, say, Nealfire. You can hate Neal as a character, fine, but in terms of the story the show told, he died about as good a death as you can get in the Onceverse. He died by choice in an effort to help save other people, he reconciled with his father, he and Emma were at peace, he got to say his I-Love-Yous and his goodbyes, and died in the arms of the two people who had loved him the most, honored by the community for his sacrifice.


So what's his "unfinished business?" "Ah, shit, I forgot to stop the auto-payments on my apartment!"?


Even if it's something more logical, like he can't let go of Henry, it seemes pointlessly cruel to write him as a child or a teen - a condition he had spent decades or centuries trapped in -  and stuck in a netherworld with the mother who abandoned him and the demon grandfather who kept him captive and then tried to kill him, his son, and his father...just so people from his past can briefly interact with him in the Underworld. Because that's what this is like to be: a series of very brief interactions with people from the past


Since the other "dead" people seem to have their memories - Cora, Pan, Milah (at least recognized Rumple) - and are out and about in the town setting, I'm going to have to continue to assume that Hook is somewhere else or a prisoner or whatever.


I think that's true, given that Pan and Cora are apparently only there for the 100th episode, for example, and do we know if Rachel Shelley/Milah is signed for more than a single episode?

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They teased a CS TLK in season 3 (including one that didn't work and a kiss curse) and we didn't get one.


This is Regina's arc, we are going to get a Regina/Robin TLK. 


I suspect that they are going to drag out the CS TLK until the series ends. I kind of hope that ABC gives them an end date so they can plot to a conclusion. That  helped to get Lost focused. I'm afraid they'll get cancelled before they finally get around to giving Emma her happy ending.


Honestly, is a TLK even necessary at this point?


I mean, yeah, it's nice and all (or whatever, I think TLKs are overplayed on this show anyway), but the implication from Emma about splitting her heart, and comparing what she has with Hook to what her parents have says a lot about where she's at. 


This is Emma we're talking about. Two failed TLKs this half season, and she still believes that he's the one, and compares their love to Snow White and Prince Charming's.


Emma has come a fucking long way.

A&E have clearly never heard of "Irish twins." Baby Snowflake has to be at least 3-4 months old (if you figure in the 6-week jump in 4b and the 2-week jump in Camelot, plus the admittedly snail-like pace of the actual on-screen story). Many women are back to ovulating within 6-10 weeks of giving birth - unless they're breastfeeding, and lets face it, life in Curse Central does not lend to the proposition that Snow is breastfeeding.

These are the same people who had Zelena pregnant 2 months, her baby was kicking, and there was an ultrasound that made it look like she was 5 months pregnant. You'd think there are no women in the writing room, or no internet to verify this stuff.

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From A&E's EW interview:

A&E have clearly never heard of "Irish twins." Baby Snowflake has to be at least 3-4 months old (if you figure in the 6-week jump in 4b and the 2-week jump in Camelot, plus the admittedly snail-like pace of the actual on-screen story). Many women are back to ovulating within 6-10 weeks of giving birth - unless they're breastfeeding, and lets face it, life in Curse Central does not lend to the proposition that Snow is breastfeeding.

Not that I'm sorry they aren't doing Snowflake 2, it's just that there's no theoretical barrier


I kind of thought that it might be like Season 1 and time in Hades is on an infinite loop so no pregnancy would progress during the season.

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I think that's true, given that Pan and Cora are apparently only there for the 100th episode


Not true, Cora is back in 5x14 (the one with Milah), and Robbie Kay said that he's unsure if his appearance is a one-off or not...given his position in Scarybrooke, it most likely isn't and he'll be back in a later episode when he's needed.

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I don't like the premise they're peddling here, especially when it comes to, say, Nealfire. You can hate Neal as a character, fine, but in terms of the story the show told, he died about as good a death as you can get in the Onceverse.

Since, so far as I know, we've only had confirmation of Bae, not Neal, I wonder if maybe the Bae we see will actually be him or might possibly be a projection in Milah's life, because he's her unfinished business. So the real Nealfire might be having an entirely different afterlife, and the Bae we see is a non-player character in Milah's afterlife.


As for Hook, since as far as I know he's yet to be seen filming in Scarybrooke, I wonder if the loophole they're going to go with in him being able to come back from the dead (in spite of the Dead is Dead rule) is that there's something about how he wasn't supposed to be dead, so he doesn't belong in the Underworld, and so he's stuck in a weird limbo bubble, or something like that.

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Since, so far as I know, we've only had confirmation of Bae, not Neal, I wonder if maybe the Bae we see will actually be him or might possibly be a projection in Milah's life, because he's her unfinished business. So the real Nealfire might be having an entirely different afterlife, and the Bae we see is a non-player character in Milah's afterlife.

I'm putting my money on him being only in flashbacks. Maybe we'll see the "good times" before 2x04?


So I think you're right: 5B is going to be Rumple's last stand.  Now that he's the Darkest Dark One, he's reached his peak, and there is just so much about 5B already that hints at him remaining in the Underworld for good at the end of it.

The fact they're re-introducing Milah plays into this, I think. A&E are tying up loose ends (shocker) and she hasn't been touched on very much aside from Hook. He needs to work out with her how miserable he made her life and the fact he killed her. 

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I want to see Liam because I like the idea of Emma meeting him and some interesting conversations between him and Hook, but why would Liam be stuck for centuries in some hellish limbo? Liam was a good guy. It sucks that he's there waiting. And I'm still uncomfortable with all those children that Milah was helping to cross the road. Does anyone even think about the implications of this stuff or is it just supposed to be cool that characters are meeting dead people?

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From A&E's EW interview:





A&E have clearly never heard of "Irish twins." Baby Snowflake has to be at least 3-4 months old (if you figure in the 6-week jump in 4b and the 2-week jump in Camelot, plus the admittedly snail-like pace of the actual on-screen story). Many women are back to ovulating within 6-10 weeks of giving birth - unless they're breastfeeding, and lets face it, life in Curse Central does not lend to the proposition that Snow is breastfeeding.


Not that I'm sorry they aren't doing Snowflake 2, it's just that there's no theoretical barrier.


I think that they mean that in their usual fashion, all of 5B will take place in a short amount of time. So it's not physically possible for Snow to progress through a pregnancy in four days or however long 5B is supposed to take in the UW. They do love to repeat themselves, but it would be pretty egregious to do a sped-up pregnancy like Zelena again in the same season.


Now, I could see them returning to a heavily pregnant Belle in SB, though, because it's possible that time moves differently in the UW compared to SB.


Honestly, is a TLK even necessary at this point?


Yes! If only because it's so much a part of the show's DNA, that CS NOT getting one would omit one of the love story "steps" of the show and leave fans frustrated and hanging. It's been teased for them so many times that NOT having one ever would be bad storytelling (I know, TSTW) and flat-out cruel.

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My two cent on the tlk debacle.

I amis Kindle of over it and honedtly considère that Rumbelle and OQ are already TL confirmed. In facture, CS is the only canon couple that the famous TLK is tease like a carrot before a horse without never confirmer the TL statut of their relation. In fact, anti CS use all that against CS

So, when looking at all the couple the couple that a TLK Will impact the most is CS.

Anyways I Just want CS to have a TLK so everyone have to accept that They are a TL couple.

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The shocking twist will be Killian is playing house with Milah and the little boy she was pregnant with when Rumple killed her.

You know, it had occurred to me that Rumple mentioned he had been to the Underworld previously. Is it possible he already met Milah again? I wonder how that happened and how it affects the present. Either they reconciled or they're still enemies.



One article said in the underworld Killian's situation will be shocking. I was proposing a shocking scenario.

Hook's position is probably unique from anyone else's in the UW. Maybe he has already moved on to the afterlife and that is why we only see his gravestone, or perhaps Hades has him held up somewhere. Maybe Hades needs the Soul of the Truest Survivor to summon the Titans and take over Olympus.

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Hook could be under the library like Maleficent was. Or maybe that's where they keep Cerberus.


Pan and Cora, the pawn shop owner and the mayor, could be the only two souls who know they are dead. I wonder how long it took Pan to get this position. When he and Rumple first arrived, I wonder if they were both without their memories, and Pan was able to move up to pawn shop owner, or if he co-owned it with Rumple during that time. Possibly it is the Storybrookers arrival that makes Pan realize what's going on, like Emma's arrival woke Rumple up from the curse. 

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My two cent on the tlk debacle.

I amis Kindle of over it and honedtly considère that Rumbelle and OQ are already TL confirmed. In facture, CS is the only canon couple that the famous TLK is tease like a carrot before a horse without never confirmer the TL statut of their relation. In fact, anti CS use all that against CS

So, when looking at all the couple the couple that a TLK Will impact the most is CS.

Anyways I Just want CS to have a TLK so everyone have to accept that They are a TL couple.

yes...it needs to happen again (because lighting the spark was regarded as a result of TLK ...referred to on twitter by a fan and confirmed in a roundabout way by either Brigit or Jane...so my head canon is yes it was)..if only because Killian deserves one after all his heartbreak over the failed ones. Poor baby was so upset when DS didn't revert to Emma.

I think it is possible that any one of the people we see in UW are only shades. It may be hard to work out who is real and who are only apparitions there to distract Emma & co from getting to Killian or for other characters to work through their issues.

I have a vision in my head if a CS TLK of huge proportions that rips through the UW ...bringing the 'hope' that A&E referred to..and setting all the trapped souls free to move on.

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The shocking twist will be Killian is playing house with Milah and the little boy she was pregnant with when Rumple killed her.


I doubt it. I forget which interview it was, but as part of the recent onslaught of articles, someone asked Colin if going to the UW might mean any kind of trouble for Captain Swan because Milah was there. He was polite about his answer, but it basically amounted to, "HAHAHAHAHAHA no."

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I doubt it. I forget which interview it was, but as part of the recent onslaught of articles, someone asked Colin if going to the UW might mean any kind of trouble for Captain Swan because Milah was there. He was polite about his answer, but it basically amounted to, "HAHAHAHAHAHA no."


And that starts to get into the "they why bother to bring her back at all?" territory. So she can have an awkward conversation with Emma? So she can yell at the husband who murdered her? She's really only relevant to Hook's story. But if they're not going to delve into what should be a very real emotional struggle for Hook - the idea of choosing to spend eternity in the afterlife with a woman he's loved for centuries or choose life topside with Emma and her wishy-washy family...eh. There doesn't seem to be much point. It's not like Milah has ever been a fan-fave. 

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I like Milah and I think she's relevant to way more than Hook's story. She's Henry's grandmother. She's Rumple's victim. If they show Bae in the afterlife, she's his mother. 


How is she less relevant than someone like Daniel or Henry 1, who are mostly only connected to Regina and Cora? I doubt Regina is going to choose Daniel over Robin at this point, just like Hook is unlikely to want to be with Milah over Emma, but I'd still like to see Daniel and Milah react to the things that were done in their name by their loves.

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And that starts to get into the "they why bother to bring her back at all?" territory.


So that she can see her Grandson? So that we can see her get closure with Bae? It would be kind of nice to see Bae and Milah go to the next level together. Sure, Milah made a bad choice to leave her son, but if Rumple got to have closure with Bae after letting him fall into a portal to another world while Bae was trying to save him, surely Milah deserves the same closure when all she did was leave him with a loving father.


Bae got closure with Rumple, Emma and Hook, so he only has Milah and Bae left (unless Tamara shows up and I don't see that happening).  Sure, he's been there 12 or so weeks, but maybe he hasn't encountered Milah yet for whatever reason. If time moves differently in the real world, he may have only been there a few minutes.


Hook isn't in a relationship with Milah because he's somewhere else filming. I bet he's in the special place that Dark Ones get put that Rumple was afraid of going to and the others were desperate to escape from.


In pre-curse-break SB, Regina was Mayor and Gold owned everything including the pawn shop. It's interesting that Cora and Pan hold the same positions of power. Perhaps the evil are rewarded in this Underworld. Milah wasn't so bad, so her only power is directing traffic. Maybe Rumple hated the Underworld because his sacrifice meant he wasn't very powerful and so he ended up being bossed around by Cora and Pan too much. He would totally hate that.


Or maybe this Underworld is something like Manhatten in Escape from New York. The most powerful take it over and run it they way they like. I would die laughing if everybody who meets up with Gold says "I heard you were dead".

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Or maybe this Underworld is something like Manhatten in Escape from New York. The most powerful take it over and run it they way they like. I would die laughing if everybody who meets up with Gold says "I heard you were dead".

Maybe by fixing whatever is wrong in the Underworld, Emma is actually helping Hades? Perhaps that's how she gets Hook's soul back? "I fixed this mess now give me back my pirate."

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For a sort of one off character (you know what I mean), Milah actually has pretty solid ties to the show. Rumple, Hook, Henry. I'm not counting Neal because he died. I don't think she's relevant only to Hook, she was never just relevant to him alone. She's relevant to Rumple too.


I thought that 5x14 given who Bobby has filmed with might be a Rumple centric. But I'm wishy washy on that. It's probably Hades' big intro.

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And that starts to get into the "they why bother to bring her back at all?" territory. So she can have an awkward conversation with Emma? So she can yell at the husband who murdered her? She's really only relevant to Hook's story. But if they're not going to delve into what should be a very real emotional struggle for Hook - the idea of choosing to spend eternity in the afterlife with a woman he's loved for centuries or choose life topside with Emma and her wishy-washy family...eh. There doesn't seem to be much point. It's not like Milah has ever been a fan-fave. 


I think it has more to do with Rumple than anything.  Maybe the writers heard feedback about this for a while because though Milah has never been a fan-fave, plenty of people over the years have been really bothered about how Rumple murdering her has NEVER been truly addressed.  The writers wrote Milah and her death as a plot device for the Hook vs. Rumple feud, yet that didn't change any of their plans for Rumple...and they failed to factor in the negative implications that sends.  They never planned for Rumple to lose Belle (yet), or have Neal super damn-near irrevocably pissed at Rumple, or for Rumple to be arrested or charged with anything illegal by Emma...yet now that Rumple's a wife killer, those things should have happened.  That they didn't has made things like Rumbelle or Rumple reconciling with Neal really uncomfortable for a long time now, so it's WAY past time the issue was addressed and given proper closure.

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I have a vision in my head if a CS TLK of huge proportions that rips through the UW ...bringing the 'hope' that A&E referred to..and setting all the trapped souls free to move on.

What if the Underworld isn't supposed to exist? What if someone (maybe Hades) is stopping people from moving onto the afterlife? There seems to be a connection between it and Storybrooke. It sounds like some sort of curse to me. It could also be that people were taken from the afterlife and put in Underbrooke for some reason.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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If Milah is married or thinks she's married to someone in the afterlife, wouldn't it make more sense that she thinks she's married to Rumple, her actual husband? Assuming the show is portraying Milah as being "punished," wouldn't that be the ultimate punishment both for her and for Rumple when he was there the first time? Being with Hook wouldn't be a punishment for either of them, they loved each other.

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Maybe the Storybrooke incarnation of the Underworld is new--if it's a learning zone, where people are supposed to deal with their whatever, maybe it changes to suit the whims/images of the person in charge.


Since Cora seems to be in charge, and her unfinished business would most likely center around her daughters, grandchildren, overwhelming drive for power,  and being viciously murdered by that dreadful Snow White,  a version of Storybrooke could make sense since that's where her most obvious (to us) unfinished business is.


As for Milah, well, who knows what the writers could have dreamt up for her unfinished business. But, if her unfinished business centers around never getting to reunite with Baelfire, like Hook said she wanted to do, she might not be married to Rumple--she could be single or married to someone else.

Being with Hook wouldn't be a punishment for either of them, they loved each other.

Except he loved an passionate adventuress, and she loved a pirate.  Presumably, they have personality overwrites and really mundane jobs.  It could be a "This is what you wanted.  Not quite?  Choke on it."


But who knows.  Logic and consistent characterization are not this show's strength.  (Egg babies.  Nondancing queens. Maleficent.)


I'm not sold that it's a straight up memory curse/personality rewrite.



I can't say I'm sold on it, either--simply because the writing team tends to pull things out of absolutely nowhere.  

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I'm not sold that it's a straight up memory curse/personality rewrite. This is supposed to be "your past coming back to haunt you." I'm fine with Milah/whoever not remembering that they're dead, but if they don't remember their connection to those they've wronged or those who've wronged them, it's not really very haunting, is it? Regina wasn't haunted by seeing all her unknowing victims every day for 28 years, and I doubt Rumple especially will be haunted by seeing Milah or his other victims now if said victims aren't very aware of what he's done. Same with Hook's father not remembering that Hook killed him especially if it's at the same time Hook doesn't remember that he killed him or that he's his father. So while Emma and the others giving everyone the ability to move on a la Emma breaking the curse in Season 1 sounds really cool, it's not really as fulfilling for me as it would be if everyone involved remembered exactly what they're supposed to be moving on from.

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As for Milah, well, who knows what the writers could have dreamt up for her unfinished business. But, if her unfinished business centers around never getting to reunite with Baelfire, like Hook said she wanted to do, she might not be married to Rumple--she could be single or married to someone else.


It's almost definitely about Baelfire.  She's seen being a crossing guard to kids, and Dylan Schmidt is going to be in the episode. Feeling and expressing regret for abandoning her son was one of the last things she ever did, so it makes sense it'd be her unresolved business.  It'd probably be nice to get some remorse from Rumple about killing her, too.

Edited by Mathius
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It's almost definitely about Baelfire.  She's seen being a crossing guard to kids, and Dylan Schmidt is going to be in the episode. Feeling and expressing regret for abandoning her son was one of the last things she ever did, so it makes sense it'd be her unresolved business.  It'd probably be nice to get some remorse from Rumple about killing her, too.


I don't know if Rumple is capable of expressing genuine remorse about anything. I've always loved Rumple, but he's making it really hard for me these days to root for him. 


One thing that bugs me is that like Snow with Emma, Rumple seems to not really have accepted that Bae grew up, and became Neal. I hope those scenes are not all kumbaya, and let's hole hands, and whatever. Bae was pretty pissed at his father. I don't know how he's dealing with his mother, but his father wasn't his favorite person.

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So while Emma and the others giving everyone the ability to move on a la Emma breaking the curse in Season 1 sounds really cool, it's not really as fulfilling for me as it would be if everyone involved remembered exactly what they're supposed to be moving on from.


I agree. Unless that is Hades plan. He doesn't want anyone to move on because whatever.


It'd probably be nice to get some remorse from Rumple about killing her, too.


Hahaha. Joke. He is the Darkest Dark One to Ever Dark. Not a chance he will show remorse. He'd probably rip her heart out again if he could. 

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Well, I have no feelings one way or the other about her being pregnant when she was brutally murdered, but if she was, it would be a hell of a lot harder for anyone to justify Rumple's actions. Not that I think crushing his estranged wife's heart when she was about to give him what he wanted was justifiable in the first place. But that's getting into some real world issues. 

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