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Mob Wives - General Discussion

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Renee was high as a kite at that "charity" party.

I think they brought Carla back because they know this new trashy Philly girl is gonna be one and done. This show is getting desperate for story lines.

Are we gonna be subjected to fake phone calls from Sammy the rat every week now? Yes Karen, we all need to know your dad finished his drug treatment program in prison. Like we give a fuck. He's a piece of shit. Just like those that continue to go on tv talking about how great he is. Lemme know when he completes his "killing people is bad" program, maybe I'll care then.

Loving Ang's commentary this season. It's almost like the producers left her out of the script and she's reacting like one of us.

Edited by hottesthw
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WhoTF does Nat D think she is? She needs to sit on those fat slugs she calls lips and STFU. The last time I checked, bitch has only been in about three episodes, yet she's "offended" that Drita isn't trying to be her bestie? Or taking the word of this nobody over the word of another mostly nobody? Have all the seats.

And Carla (or Carler, as Renee says it) can join her. Someone obviously needs the money since her ex-husband has no interest in getting back with her. Can't wait to see if he shows up blissfully happy with his new woman.

I've always loved Ang, and this season has just deepened that love. She's the only one with an iota of sense 90% of the time.

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I do wonder why Nat D is so invested in Drita's not being friends with Nat G--it's rather bizarre.  I guess the show is going to divide into Ang, Drita and Nat G on one side and Karen Renee, Carla and Nat D on the other.  Sounds interesting--NOT!


I did like seeing Drita interacting with her daughter and the scrapbook is rather cute--even if we're only hearing it in his phone conversations, it does appear that Lee adores his kids.  That's a definite positive.

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How did Renee, Karen and Nat D become good friends?  Drita does makeup on this chick, reports back to "the girls" the shit she said about  Natalie G and now she is good friends with everyone, hugging and kissing and bad mouthing Drita.  Carla's back and buddy buddy with Renee?  She doesn't even live in Staten Island, that house is a rental for purposes of the show so it appears she lives there.  I read she lives in Westchester.  Nat D doesn't even know Carla and she is complaining to her about Drita and Nat G.  Give me a break, this show is so full of shit.  Now Drita is the outcast again.  They are just going in every direction to keep an audience.    

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As long as Drita stands her ground and doesn't betray her friendship with Nat G, then I am good. I like the friendship between Ang, Drita and Nat G. Hope the script continues to have them stay friends up to and including thru the reunion. Let the other 3 "sea hags" LOL, kick rocks. Make that 4 if Carla is rejoining on the side of the obviously, unhappy "hags".

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As long as Drita stands her ground and doesn't betray her friendship with Nat G, then I am good. I like the friendship between Ang, Drita and Nat G. Hope the script continues to have them stay friends up to and including thru the reunion. Let the other 3 "sea hags" LOL, kick rocks. Make that 4 if Carla is rejoining on the side of the obviously, unhappy "hags".

Exactly I'm really loving the Ang, Drita, and Nat G's friendship. I'm glad that Ang stood her ground about Nat D's stake in all this. Glad Drita is finally starting to question why Nat D is going so hard to get her to break her friendship with Nat G.  So for the sake of the argument, say that Nat G did make an offhand comment about Drita you really have to question Nat D's motivation in all this. 


Sidebar: Ang's new house is gorgeous.

Edited by JBC344
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If the Renee we saw on Chopped was the Renee we saw on Mob Wives, I'd be a fan.  She was very funny, joking about her mob ties, very supportive of the other contestants and an all around good sport.  I was surprised that she talked about being a victim of domestic violence because she didn't seem to talk about it but maybe that's the new direction she's going in for this season?

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Why the hell is Carla back?  She is probably a nice person but what is she adding to the mix?


I think the way Ang handled herself at the charity event was great.  Nat D tried to stir shit and it did not work.  Even Renee had the brains to get up and take a pee to avoid a confrontation or her blood pressure going up.  Drita not showing up put a dent in Nat D's plans to try (again) to undermine Nat G.


Nat D is just trying to up her profile.  For someone that was hosting a charity event, she acted like a low class idiot.


Drita having her girls make that scrapbook was sweet.  I hope Lee does not screw up.  Those girls deserve better than having him go away again.


I have zero sympathy for Karen when it come to her baby-daddy having "other" priorities.  She laid with a loser and her daughter is paying for it.  She needs to own that.

  • Love 3

I have zero sympathy for Karen when it come to her baby-daddy having "other" priorities. She laid with a loser and her daughter is paying for it. She needs to own that.

And wasn't the kid's father the wonderful guy she left her with when she first took off for NY leaving the girl behind. Guess now that she's a "star" in need of a storyline he's a deadbeat.

  • Love 2

Renee is the 2-faced one! She was rallying up Nat Di to have beef with Drita. Isn't one of the producers Renee's sister? It looks like someone wants Drita to completely flip out, but Drita is not one to tangle with.

I'm really liking Ang and Drita (aside from the "rat" comments).


A wee bit off topic but for anyone who wasn't on TWOP or doesn't remember, someone came to the site who had gone to school with Drita and said she was just as mean in school as she is on the show.  I think that poster said even back then she was not one to tangle with.


They really need to tweak this show in a major way.  I agree that the ratings are probably so abysmal that they're grasping at straws by bringing Carla back.  I always kind of enjoyed Carla but I can't for the life of me figure out why she'd come back to this debacle, especially supposedly having a beef with a friend.


And, because it's my favorite phrase from this show and it's just fun to type, RAT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!  

  • Love 5

Drita has talked about her growing up years and how she was poked fun of and had to fight back.  It was a sad story.  She did not dress like the other kids and had an accent.  They were merciless.


Yes!!  Karen was so hot to get to NYC that she left her daughter in Arizona and then found out that she was left alone when daddy decided to spend time with his new woman!  So now, she is so shocked and hurt?  Uhh, no, Karen, leopards do not change their spots.  For her to think he would be different is not only silly, she is getting her daughter's hopes up for nothing and that's not cool.


On a side note - I was shocked to see Neil show up with Ang at the charity event.  He looks like a poor man's Russell Crowe to me.  Well, if you stand back a little and squint really hard.

Edited by Cubsfan

Why couldn't we hear the recording Nat D played for Drita?

Why was Drita meeting with Nat D instead of the baptism? For that matter, why wasn't AJ there? No family members gave a crap that she was doing this?

Why does Karen squint her eyes so much? She's not an ugly girl but she looks 60 years old with that squinty mug...does she need glasses? Are her Spanx too tight? What?

This damn show with their not so creative editing, it's so annoying when you have a hard time following along, we shouldn't have to think this hard for reality TV!

For all of the Mob Wives fans in the Philly area, Nat D and Nat G are going to be interviewed on Philadelphia's CBS affiliate, Channel 3 tonight during the 11 o'clock news. I have no doubt that it will be a laugh riot :):)

Oooh! You must give us the play by play ;)

  • Love 3

Ok so let me see if I have this right. Drita barely has time to go home, to see Lee, to do family stuff because she's "SO BUSY" but she made time to have lunch with Nat D? Really? Also her talking head interviews. Did they use the Photoshop "smudge tool" on her face? What was going on there?


Nat D is shot full of fillers etc but omg her mom! HER MOM! 

Tonight's ep really had me wondering if there's a whole group of people who have to decide: Funeral Home Makeup Artist or Mob Wives Makeup Artist. They really look like they could be in coffins at open casket viewings. 


I think they couldn't play the recording because isn't it illegal to record someone without their consent? Something like that.

Edited by DiabLOL
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Actually New York is a one party state where you don't have to have the other person's consent.  Now the show and VH1 may have their own internal rules about playing recorded tapes.


Sorry just remembered since both Natalie's are from Philadelphia and that is probably where the service and "taping" took place.  Pennsylvania may be a two party state.

Edited by JBC344
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I feel like all I do when I watch this show is tell Karen to STFU. But her BS about "taking responsibility" for her crimes and in th same breath admits her FATHER is serving time FOR HER? OMG, the blood, it boils.

So Renee is impressed that Nat D can go at her boyfriend like that? Yeah, cameras and security around…she's so tough! Plus, I find it amusing that she's now fighting with the boyfriend who claims Nat G contacted him for info on Nat D. Hmm…

Drita, beat someone's ass or stop talking about it!

  • Love 6

After watching this episode it is officially over for this show.  Where the hell is this Nat D coming from?  And the mother, dear God, I don't even know what to say about her.  How did she get so friendly with Renee and Karen, Renee asking her how her family is, they barely know her.  Please this is so scripted it is not even funny.  For years I have been listening to Drita threaten to beat people's asses.  How many asses have been beaten---NONE.  At this point I only have patience for Big Ang.

  • Love 4

The Nat G anf Nat D interveiw was basically a rehash of the show:  Dat G is a rat, Nat D isn't really in the mob because she married into it...the usual stupidity.


I did like Nat D saying that she and her mom were super-close and that if she ever needed it, her mom would provide an alibi for her.  WTF??!!  I know that if I ever committed a crime, my mom would be encouraging me to do the right thing and turn myself in, she wouldn't be a willing accessory after the fact.

  • Love 4

After watching this episode it is officially over for this show.  Where the hell is this Nat D coming from?  And the mother, dear God, I don't even know what to say about her.  How did she get so friendly with Renee and Karen, Renee asking her how her family is, they barely know her.  Please this is so scripted it is not even funny.  For years I have been listening to Drita threaten to beat people's asses.  How many asses have been beaten---NONE.  At this point I only have patience for Big Ang.

Call the ambulance....because some hair WILL be pulled!

  • Love 4

Wait, what the fuck was that shit last night?


Some odd homage to the scene in the Godfather where a baptism was going on interspersed with scenes of mobsters being gunned down all over town?


Except in this case, it's a baptism and the Great Telephone Recording playing simultaneously?  


Whoever directed this episode must be a true Francis Ford Coppola fan.


With none of the talent.  

  • Love 7

Isn't that church Renee got baptized in the same church Ramona had that memorial for her grandfather?  It is an Episcopal church.  Last time Renee was seen in church it was a Catholic church.  Pretty sure she is probably Catholic.  Guess Catholic church wouldn't participate.  Not that it matters, just thought it was odd.

  • Love 5

Wait, what the fuck was that shit last night?


Some odd homage to the scene in the Godfather where a baptism was going on interspersed with scenes of mobsters being gunned down all over town?


Except in this case, it's a baptism and the Great Telephone Recording playing simultaneously?  


Whoever directed this episode must be a true Francis Ford Coppola fan.


With none of the talent.  

Hahahaha! I was thinking the same thing. Delusions of grandeur. And Nat D at that lunch steepling her hands together like she's a wise don. Her face is wrecked...lumpy and dimpled in all the wrong places. And those LIPS!!!

  • Love 3

I know it's wrong to shallowly focus on this but Nu Natalie's face is SO distracting! I read on twitter that she's only 24 but I just cannot believe it. Her exaggerated lip contortions when she's talking to Drita and her neck rolls, it's all just too much. I honestly have no idea what happened during that scene, I was so distracted by her face.

  • Love 4

I know it's wrong to shallowly focus on this but Nu Natalie's face is SO distracting! I read on twitter that she's only 24 but I just cannot believe it. Her exaggerated lip contortions when she's talking to Drita and her neck rolls, it's all just too much. I honestly have no idea what happened during that scene, I was so distracted by her face.


24?!!?!? No way. She was 24 like 15 years ago. 

  • Love 6

That was the most boring season finale evah <---- said in Big Ang voice


Where was the Drita/Nat showdown? Silence? That's all we get? 

Agreed! Nat G said "Because I am" (or something like that) on the tape and brought 10 uninvited friends to the party-that was it? BIG DEAL. Then big talking Nat D waits till the other Nat is safely a mile away down the sidewalk and driving away in a car to come after and yell at her. That was so brave.

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