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Mob Wives - General Discussion

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Dating myself here but every time Ang speaks she reminds me of a female version of Herman Munster (Fred Gwynn) - same slow, deliberate speech, even the same laugh.  


LOL ME TOO! My brother and I always do the Herman laugh and say things in Big Ang's/Herman's voice like "Louieeeee don't pee on the carpet!" and "I like the wise guys!" and "Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds!"



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I used to love Growing up Gotti!


Yes, one thing I always loved about Big Ang is that she stayed out of those silly, posturing cat-fights; she had a little dignity  I hope they don't send her down that road..


Renee's looking more like BA every season.


I absolutely know I'm in the minority here but I wouldn't mind if Victoria Gotti was added to this trash-tastic cast (as I cover my face, hanging my head in profound shame).  Wondering if the ladies would be afraid of sparring with VG though.  I busted out laughing at scenes where Big Ang was at Gotti's house for the big "Sit Down".  Ang looked so star-struck you'd think she was meeting Pope Francis himself.

Victoria Gotti's role is to be the Don/consiglieri of the group. Someone that can settle their diifferences. What I want to see is Victoria and Karen in the same scene.


OMG, this.  A thousand times over.  I want to see VG and Gravano mix it up myself.

Edited by beesknees
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I absolutely know I'm in the minority here but I wouldn't mind if Victoria Gotti was added to this trash-tastic cast (as I cover my face, hanging my head in profound shame).  Wondering if the ladies would be afraid of sparring with VG though.  I busted out laughing at scenes where Big Ang was at Gotti's house for the big "Sit Down".  Ang looked so star-struck you'd think she was meeting Pope Francis himself.


OMG, this.  A thousand times over.  I want to see VG and Gravano mix it up myself.

ITA, I've missed Victoria.

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Six of one, half a dozen of the other, IMO. I'd guess she wanted big tits and lips, asked for the jumbo size on both and got 'em. I can't recall what her before pics looked like, but I'd be willing to bet she's happy with the way she looks.

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I feel like VG is the mob wife par excellence. She's so trashy and she'd be perfect. But she is so thirsty for airtime...


One thing: as a Sicilian-American who actually holds dual citizenship and who lived in Italy for many years, I have a huge pet peeve with these women. Do none of them actually know how to pronounce their own names? They're so into being "Italian," you'd think they'd know. Guercio is not Gurrrr-see-oh. It's gware-cho (approximately).

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I feel like VG is the mob wife par excellence. She's so trashy and she'd be perfect. But she is so thirsty for airtime...


One thing: as a Sicilian-American who actually holds dual citizenship and who lived in Italy for many years, I have a huge pet peeve with these women. Do none of them actually know how to pronounce their own names? They're so into being "Italian," you'd think they'd know. Guercio is not Gurrrr-see-oh. It's gware-cho (approximately).

Not sure on this but my ancestors were from Ireland and changed the spelling/pronunciation of our surname (family's last name) in order to make it sound "less" ethnic.  I was shocked when I found this out but a century ago I know it was considered "dirty" or low-class to be of Irish heritage in certain parts of the United States.

Many Jews a century or so ago also changed their surnames to avoid stigma (i.e. - surname changed from Goldman to Gold).  Sounds less "ethnic" and more Americanized.


Back in those days I think people in certain parts of the country also thought Italian immigrants who emigrated here were "dirty Italians" (i.e. - lower-class, or less than?).  I'm also thinking that the younger generations of Guercios weren't speaking Italian at home so maybe their last name got morphed as generations went on into some kind of "American" pronunciation of the last name.


Not sure if you watch "Real Housewives of New Jersey" (loosely based around a group of Italian-American women) or not but one of the main characters Teresa Guidice started out on the first few seasons of the show pronouncing her last name "Joo-dice" (American pronunciation ?).  Then when she started pushing her line of Italian cookbooks all of a sudden she and her PR team?  decided Teresa was s'posed to be more Italian so out of the blue she started pronouncing her last name as "Joo-dah-chey". 


I remember when the name pronunciation change stated because I was all like - "Teresa Joo-dah-chey and Teresa Joo-dice?  Who are these two people?  I thought they were talking about cousins or something."


This is my theory.  I could be wrong and just over thinking things.  Maybe Natalie's bunch could just be fucking stupid.  Period.

Edited by beesknees
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I hear what you're saying, I really, really do. Without going too off-topic, Italians have had a long and tumultuous history in the United States and I've actually been the brunt of it more than once (it's especially worse when you're Sicilian as people label you automatically and give you the "finger on the nose" to make it crooked symbol). We're in total agreement on that matter. 


That said, I find it particularly interesting that for women who are so pervasively into being Italian and use it as an arbitrary excuse for a series of horrible behaviors ("I'm not loud! I'm just Italian!" or "I can't control my anger! I'm Sicilian!"), they would not know something as basic as how to pronounce their own last names. We're not asking anyone to write a dissertation on Dante here--a simple correct pronunciation of their own names would suffice. 


Usually when other traditions go by the wayside, there are two big ones that remain: food and last names, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Edited by RococoChanel
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Okay.  YES.  This.  A thousand times.  When I was in my 20's my BFF since childhood was wild - out of control.  Loud, always yelling, fighting physically, very animated and over the top. To the point of exhaustion for those around her.  When my friend was about 22-23 she got the shock of her life and found out she was adopted. 


She found out that her birth mother had an Italian last name and used her horrible behavior as an excuse - "See?  This is WHY I DO all these horrible things, I'm Italian!  My mother's Sicilian!  See?"


Later we found out her unacceptable behavior was due to bipolarism.  I'd say to my friend "Hey, I like to drink.  A lot.  I partied a lot when I was young and in college but I don't blame it on the fact that I have an Irish last name."  I hate it when people act "fake" Italian (that's what I call it).  It's like, okay, calm down, 4 generations ago your ancestors moved here from Italy.  We get it. 


Its soooo funny because those are the "wannabes" who KNOW ZERO Italian history, know zero about true Italian culture, couldn't show you on the globe where Italy even is, don't speak one word of Italian, have never set foot in Italy or Sicily, so called "Sicilains" who think Sicily is a city located inside the country of Italy itself.

Edited by beesknees
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This show is so shitty I love it.  The ages of these women are outrageous.  If you would have told me that Rene was in her mid to late 50s I would have believed you.  Just looked it up and Victoria Gotti is the same age as I am.  GOOD GOD WOMAN!  She looks like the crypt keeper.

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I hear what you're saying, I really, really do. Without going too off-topic, Italians have had a long and tumultuous history in the United States and I've actually been the brunt of it more than once (it's especially worse when you're Sicilian as people label you automatically and give you the "finger on the nose" to make it crooked symbol). We're in total agreement on that matter. 


That said, I find it particularly interesting that for women who are so pervasively into being Italian and use it as an arbitrary excuse for a series of horrible behaviors ("I'm not loud! I'm just Italian!" or "I can't control my anger! I'm Sicilian!"), they would not know something as basic as how to pronounce their own last names. We're not asking anyone to write a dissertation on Dante here--a simple correct pronunciation of their own names would suffice. 


Usually when other traditions go by the wayside, there are two big ones that remain: food and last names, which are passed down from generation to generation.


Cosign.  And I think it is hilarious that out of food and last names people like Natalie G.  and Teresa Guidice can't even get their names straight ;)


Changing topics here - I LOVED Karen's hair/hair color (especially in her TH's/talking heads) last episode.  The previews for next week look insane.  Karen leaping over and pouncing on Natalie, pulling her hair! when they were all on the boat.  Grown women fighting.... gotta keep things turned up for ratings as they all basically have ZERO story lines between the entire bunch of them.


I'm just curious.  Your thoughts RE:  Victoria Gotti.  Do you like her and would you like her to join the cast if possible.  Yes or No?

Edited by beesknees
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I'm just curious.  Your thoughts RE:  Victoria Gotti.  Do you like her and would you like her to join the cast if possible.  Yes or No?

I vote yes if she is in a consigliere role.


I have noticed that in the box onscreen that describes each lady - Ratalie's has "allegedly".  Too funny when you want to be part of the mob but you are only "allegedly" part of a mob.

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Okay.  YES.  This.  A thousand times.  When I was in my 20's my BFF since childhood was wild - out of control.  Loud, always yelling, fighting physically, very animated and over the top. To the point of exhaustion for those around her.  When my friend was about 22-23 she got the shock of her life and found out she was adopted. 


She found out that her birth mother had an Italian last name and used her horrible behavior as an excuse - "See?  This is WHY I DO all these horrible things, I'm Italian!  My mother's Sicilian!  See?"


Later we found out her unacceptable behavior was due to bipolarism.  I'd say to my friend "Hey, I like to drink.  A lot.  I partied a lot when I was young and in college but I don't blame it on the fact that I have an Irish last name."  I hate it when people act "fake" Italian (that's what I call it).  It's like, okay, calm down, 4 generations ago your ancestors moved here from Italy.  We get it. 


Its soooo funny because those are the "wannabes" who KNOW ZERO Italian history, know zero about true Italian culture, couldn't show you on the globe where Italy even is, don't speak one word of Italian, have never set foot in Italy or Sicily, so called "Sicilains" who think Sicily is a city located inside the country of Italy itself.


THIS!!! I would never act like these women in a million years and--not to toot my own horn--but I can guarantee you that I can wipe the floor with their "italianità". I wonder if they even know who Matteo Renzi is... but anyway, moving on. Those who use ethnicity as an excuse to act like an idiot do a huge disservice to our community and it only brings us back further to the Sacco and Vanzetti days. 



Cosign.  And I think it is hilarious that out of food and last names people like Natalie G.  and Teresa Guidice can't even get their names straight ;)


Changing topics here - I LOVED Karen's hair/hair color (especially in her TH's/talking heads) last episode.  The previews for next week look insane.  Karen leaping over and pouncing on Natalie, pulling her hair! when they were all on the boat.  Grown women fighting.... gotta keep things turned up for ratings as they all basically have ZERO story lines between the entire bunch of them.


I'm just curious.  Your thoughts RE:  Victoria Gotti.  Do you like her and would you like her to join the cast if possible.  Yes or No?


Omg I agree. Karen is looking really pretty this season and her hair looks really nice too. I like that she's a bigger woman and she knows how to flatter her figure very well, but the one thing I'm not really into is how they are almost always wearing these sky high stilettos. I'm afraid for them lol. I feel like they'll topple over any second!


Re: Victoria Gotti. I think that the whole mafia is an abomination, but damn she is good tv just because she's so thirsty. I feel like if anyone were to be on a show called Mob Wives, it should be her. She's like central casting (or is it central booking? ;-) ).

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It amuses me to see Karen play peacemaker. And who the fuck does she think she is practically ordering Ang and Drita to bring Natalie in her presence. If you want to talk to her, do it; don't order your friends around as though they are your boot-licking lackeys. Have all the seats.

Renee likes to forget that she's usually the instigator of drama, then cries when anyone doesn't want to buy what she's selling. Girl, fix your face (if possible because you done fucked it up) and worry about AJ, 'cause I'm not falling for that crap.

Drita is the only one I believe can throw down and cause permanent damage.

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Best line of the episode:  Ang about  Renee, who does she think she is the Bishop of Staten Island.  They repaired that rift awfully quickly.  Not really sure why Ang is showing so much loyalty to Natalie.  Not that I like Renee, she is my least favorite.  Natalie and London stuff is boring.

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I think that 1) Ang may believe Natalie when she says she only called the cops to avoid further domestic violence; 2) Ang is seriously pissed that Junior ratted on her cousin, and 3) this shit is scripted to he'll and back. ;)

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These women! They really think there's nothing worse than being a "rat." Not killing innocent people, probably not rape, nothing. But you dare go to the police, you're the worst scum of the earth. It's bewildering. I love Drita, but her insistence that Lee went to jail because of "rats" was ridiculous. Lee went to jail because he committed crimes! I know she's smart enough to understand this. 


I think Ang has been done with Renee for a while and it's because Renee is a self-involved pain in the ass. She's at level 9 drama all the time. 


The two Natalies are kind of boring. I love how Karen believed New Natalie didn't have a motive because she said she didn't have one. Oh okay, I guess it can't possibly be because you need a storyline to get on this show strange newcomer? But the most confusing thing of all is how New Natalie is a model. With that jacked up face? 

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These women! They really think there's nothing worse than being a "rat." Not killing innocent people, probably not rape, nothing. But you dare go to the police, you're the worst scum of the earth. It's bewildering. I love Drita, but her insistence that Lee went to jail because of "rats" was ridiculous. Lee went to jail because he committed crimes! I know she's smart enough to understand this. 


I think Ang has been done with Renee for a while and it's because Renee is a self-involved pain in the ass. She's at level 9 drama all the time. 


The two Natalies are kind of boring. I love how Karen believed New Natalie didn't have a motive because she said she didn't have one. Oh okay, I guess it can't possibly be because you need a storyline to get on this show strange newcomer? But the most confusing thing of all is how New Natalie is a model. With that jacked up face? 


New Natalie/Natalie 2.0 - Ummmm, when I heard her (or someone) say she was a model I was thinking "Model?  More like the love child of Jocelyn Wildenstein "Cat Lady".  Nat needs to lay off the bad plastic surgery because she's headed down an ugly road.

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New Natalie/Natalie 2.0 - Ummmm, when I heard her (or someone) say she was a model I was thinking "Model?  More like the love child of Jocelyn Wildenstein "Cat Lady".  Nat needs to lay off the bad plastic surgery because she's headed down an ugly road.


Naw, it helps her fit right in with Renee and Big Ang.

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These women! They really think there's nothing worse than being a "rat." Not killing innocent people, probably not rape, nothing. But you dare go to the police, you're the worst scum of the earth. It's bewildering. I love Drita, but her insistence that Lee went to jail because of "rats" was ridiculous. Lee went to jail because he committed crimes! I know she's smart enough to understand this. 


I think Ang has been done with Renee for a while and it's because Renee is a self-involved pain in the ass. She's at level 9 drama all the time. 


The two Natalies are kind of boring. I love how Karen believed New Natalie didn't have a motive because she said she didn't have one. Oh okay, I guess it can't possibly be because you need a storyline to get on this show strange newcomer? But the most confusing thing of all is how New Natalie is a model. With that jacked up face? 

I didn't want to say it, plus she kind of looks old to be a model.

And what magazine throws a big expensive party to launch a picture spread? Just another Real Housewives type of little phony "career " set-up.

Edited by xls
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Episode 7:

"The Anti-Social Network"

A social-media war rages as two women's hatred toward Natalie continues to grow. Meanwhile, tensions reach the breaking point when Ang arranges a meeting with everyone.

Airs January 28, 2015.

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What I want to say is that Karen proved who she is once again - she was looking like maybe she had matured and was not a crazy pathetic 

trying to make herself a story line individual. First of all - you started talking crap about someone else on social media and then they came back at you with something - and you think there is some rule book to follow on how low or what they will say back. Give me a break - act like an adult and dont run around conspiring with another loser by getting photos to post with some lame comment and  then cry when that person says something back to you. Hello ?? I hope she gets her a-- kicked good by Natalie and maybe she will figure it out. If this crap is real and not scripted - I am totally behind Natalie and the only reason I can see for their disliking her is that she is doing what they wish they could but cant anymore and for some never could. The comments about her outfit - really ?? with the stuff they all wear screams jealousy and insecurity which is not a good look at their age. You can dress them up and they can grow old but they really have never grown inside past jr.high or high school.Sad.

But then again Natalie seems to run a successful business and other ventures while the rest except for Angela- run from one pop up business to the next pop up failure. I guarantee if they take her off the show nobody will watch the show unless for Angela. Also - Karen you have been a dead beat mother and you should not let your daughter go on social media and get involved in the trouble you create - then try to blame it on someone else!! Thats another plus for Natalie - she has not exploited her son for fame or her 10 seconds - wish Renee and Karen could say that instead of the display they put their kids on. And Drita must be worried about Lee around Natalie cause she is acting ridiculous and if she doesnt think so she is seriously certifiable. 

Edited by ArizonaGrown
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So, as I watched the catfight go down, I was confused as Karen talks as though she won.  Umm, Karen?  You were on the bottom with Natalie on top, and when you all were pulled apart, you clearly had a messed up face (more than normal) and Natalie had a scratch on her face.  From the outside looking in, that would mean you lost the fight.  No doubt that is why Karen wanted to go after Natalie again - she was trying to save face, hoping no one noticed she just got her ass kicked by someone half her size.  Idiot.

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I only started watching this show a couple of weeks ago but I can't believe that 2 supposedly grown women were rolling around on the ground like a couple of crazed animals.  I was actually embarrassed for them.

Pretty norm for reality shows.

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Here's a link to a great recap site endorsed by the ladies of Mob Wives: http://mobwives.blogspot.com/


Natalie started the drama.  She tweeted incessantly at Karen, calling her Miss Piggy, fat, a rat and basically slamming her whole family before she even met Karen.

Karen retaliated with a picture she got from Nat D (not hacking Gnatalie's mom's FB Page).  This set off Gnatalie's "dead beat Mom" tweets to which Karen's daughter got involved by tweeting to Gnatalie to leave them alone.  This is why Karen was so upset and the girls rallied around her.  Gnatalie did not admit to any wrong and kept saying that Karen started it, when she did not.


Basically a hair pulling cat fight over social media, which was painful to watch and kind of pathetic. 

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I can't approve of alleged grown women hitting and hair-pulling but I do understand Karen's getting upset about Natalie's making comments about her daughter.  That's kind of gross and the kids should be kept out of it.


That being said, Natalie's proving to be a little tougher to beat then Karen or Renee first thought :)

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I'm pretty convinced Jenn Graziano is scripting everything on this show, probably including the whole twitter war.  That being said, how come every physical fight between these women is nothing more than hair pulling?  No one actually throws a punch.  I'd be in favor of putting gloves on the combatants and hauling them into a boxing ring.  If you're going to constantly talk about how tough you are, let's see it.  They're marshmallows, all of them.  My mother could drop-kick them all down the street.

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I don't think Drita is in any way jealous of Natalie, I just don't see it. Now, Renee feeling jealous? Perhaps.

Karen got her ass handed to her, or would have if security hadn't stepped in.

Renee could leave this show and I wouldn't miss her at all.

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I can't figure out how or why Ang could be so naive about Natalie G, unless it was scripted.

Also, how could Nat G's funeral home be so successful if she is so hated in Philly? BS, I don't think anyone cares.

Edited by xls
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Ang isnt being naive she is being rational. Natalie did not attack Karens daughter at all she said stuff about Karen like she is a dead beat mom.Karen can only blame herself for acting out that part two or three seasons ago with her daughter and ex husband on the show for all to see. And Drita is acting so ridiculous I just cant even find the words to describe her act this season. The link to the recap on Mobwives blog is totally one sided as they are clearly seated on Karens side - I tried to comment there and they would not post it as they read first. Also I would like to know why Natalies rep in Philly is now bad just cause of Natalie D saying it is? Who is she ? Not enough to make me believe one word. I would really like to know why Karen is even on the show since she is not a mob wife of anyone ? 

Edited by ArizonaGrown
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I can't figure out how or why Ang could be so naive about Natalie G, unless it was scripted.

Also, how could Nat G's funeral home be so successful if she is so hated in Philly? BS, I don't think anyone cares.

It is a family run Funeral Home so how much does Natalie even do there? Last season her tie to the show was only the funeral home that was allegedly preferred  by the Philly mob, now there is some cousin that may have ties? LOL


Ang isnt being naive she is being rational. Natalie did not attack Karens daughter at all she said stuff about Karen like she is a dead beat mom.Karen can only blame herself for acting out that part two or three seasons ago with her daughter and ex husband on the show for all to see. And Drita is acting so ridiculous I just cant even find the words to describe her act this season. The link to the recap on Mobwives blog is totally one sided as they are clearly seated on Karens side - I tried to comment there and they would not post it as they read first. Also I would like to know why Natalies rep in Philly is now bad just cause of Natalie D saying it is? Who is she ? Not enough to make me believe one word. I would really like to know why Karen is even on the show since she is not a mob wife of anyone ? 

Ang says 1 thing, "you do not go after or involve someone's kids, ever" but then cuts Natalie slack when she does talk shit about someone's parenting their own child. She can't have it both ways IMO. I do not think Ang would like it if Natalie questioned Ang's parenting after her son's arrest. Isn't Ang the niece of an "alleged" mobster but was never a wife of 1 herself? Oh, and I dislike Karen, Renee AND Natailie, all 3 can go! LOL

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I rewatched the "fight" and it looks like as soon as Karen and Natalie started pulling each other's hair, security got involved and Karen tripped because of it and landed on the ground.  It doesn't look as if Natlaie pushed her down or even got the upper hand--both Karen and Natalie seemed prety evenly matched. 


I also loved Drita's reaction--she wanted to jump in but security kept blocking her :):)

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Karen is the daughter of Sammy the Bull, and dated Lee (Drita's husband) years ago. Though the show is called Mob Wives, it's more like Female Mob Associates. Ang never married a mobster (IIRC), but she has dated a number of mobbed up men.

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So based on what we've seen on the show, Karen comes from a family of rats. That she constantly reminds us of since she has nothing else to talk about. And Karen has proven herself a deadbeat mother when she packed up and left her poor young daughter years ago to come to NY and make a fool of herself on tv. So why is she so mad that someone is now just basically calling her out on info she herself put out there for the world to see?

Karen can take many seats. Along with Renee. Very sad and pathetic women.

I'd watch a show with Ang and Drita all day long.

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Hah! Karen flipped a table! Shades of Teresa Guidice! This show is so scripted and stupid. The only mayhem that happens is when the women talk about the injuries they will inflict on others. Seriously, that fight with Karen and Natalie...Natalies hooker dress would have been around her damn waist. Karen's face didn't look too great in the shots after. Did she break her nose? I hope so. She (Karen) puts on the mobster dead face, as if she's the Capo di Capo (that could be very wrong spelling, but you know what I mean). She's a fake AND she's a deadbeat mom, and Natalie is shallow and all the women are as stupid as a box of rocks. And guess what? I watch and feel stupider after I watch. "Bring me Natalie." Oh, for god's sake. "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." What a bunch of fakety fakes.

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Mini Persnickety and I are adopting the term "RAT MOTHERFUCKER" as our term of endearment for one another.


I don't think we've laughed that hard at something on this ridiculous show in ages.


These throw downs between adult women is what keeps us coming back for more.


And, yes, I do believe Karen was going to have her ass kicked, the RAT MOTHERFUCKER.


Most entertaining episode yet this season.  Can't wait to see how far the fight continues into the parking lot next week.  

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Someone please get Drita some help.  Forget Natalie and Karen, I couldn't keep my eyes off Drita trying to make her way through security to jump in the fight, for what reason I don't know.  Part of me finds Drita refreshing in that "enough with all the talk bullshit" but her hard on for fighting is just too much to take.


I'm actually starting to like Natalie.  I'm leaning more towards her side in this fight.  I have no doubt that Karen most likely started the "Twitter war".  Also you would think she would have a different perspective on "being a rat" considering her father. I don't even know if I understand the logic.  Natalie is a rat for getting authorities involved and yet she is insulting Karen's father/family when she points out that he is a rat? How Karen and Renee don't get the irony here is beyond me. If Karen's daughter follows her on social media (which is the worst idea ever) maybe Karen shouldn't be getting into fights with people on there where she knows her daughter can see.  Posting that picture of Natalie and making fun of her is not a great example to set.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of Natalie, but part of me really likes that she had Drita and Ang and that their friendship isn't waivered just because she has drama with Karen and Renee.  Considering how all of them have fought each other over the years the "loyalty" card kind of goes out the window.

Edited by JBC344
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