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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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I figured out the FJ answer by looking back at the category and thinking of a company that's been in the news a lot recently. I can understand how some found the wording to be strange. Hell, the contestants all looked completely baffled by it.

I feel ridiculously happy when I get FJ and no one else does. I was quite proud of myself for figuring out that one. Also, I loved the plurals category.

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FJ didn't even make sense to me so I was totally lost.


I was so confused by the wording of the clue that I couldn't come up with anything at all.

I liked the plurals category. I missed opera, however.


So did I.  And I love opera, but just never knew it was the plural of "opus".  Jeopardy, it's so educational.

Oh, and when the kahlua clue came up, I was actually sipping my kahlua and milk.


I drink kahlua.  I adore kahlua mudslides.  I love kahlua so much, I put it in hot chocolate in the winter.  Yum.  So imagine how stupid I felt when the word that came out of my mouth for that clue was "sambuca".  Even though my mind knew it was wrong, and knew full well that sambuca is Italian, not Mexican, that's what I said, although I did immediately correct it.  Ugh.

I thought the Cape Horn clue was highly over-valued as a DD in DJ, so was surprised the contestant missed it.


I completely mis-read that clue, and was trying to come up with some cape along the Equator.  I'll show myself out now.

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I thought the Cape Horn clue was highly over-valued as a DD in DJ, so was surprised the contestant missed it.


I think tons of people get Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope mixed up so I didn't fault him for it.  Jeopardy did though.

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I completely mis-read that clue, and was trying to come up with some cape along the Equator.  I'll show myself out now.

Come & sit by me!  I was only about half paying attention and misheard it as Pacific & Indian Ocean border!  And trying desperately to come up with the cape name on the southeastern point of Australia!  (Which is, appropriately enough, "South East Cape"!)


I remember Brian from his appearances on WWTBAM,  

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The first city that popped in my head for FJ was Honolulu but I knew it wasn't right. I was on the wrong side of the world.

I know we rail about pictures, and I'm actually not that mad about Dana Delaney because that show was almost thirty years ago, but I am calling 100% foul on a picture of the freaking Pillsbury Doughboy.

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Awwww, 25 years of Trebekian marriage.

Alex: Will you marry me?

Mrs Alex: No.

Alex: Boo, hiss

Mrs Alex: Just kidding. Yes.

Alex: Hello!

Edited by GaryE
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I wasn't terribly impressed with the Sean Connery imitation.  But Havana was the first city that came to mind for FJ, then I second-guessed myself trying to decide if the Caribbean islands count as part of the Americas, or if they're in their own special category.

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Contestant Robert - Here's a clue "Just because your Grandfather thinks it's cute, you still shouldn't do it on national TV". "What is your really terrible Sean Connery imitation?"

I answered Honolulu for FJ but was 99% sure I was incorrect.

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The first city that popped in my head for FJ was Honolulu but I knew it wasn't right. I was on the wrong side of the world.

I know we rail about pictures, and I'm actually not that mad about Dana Delaney because that show was almost thirty years ago, but I am calling 100% foul on a picture of the freaking Pillsbury Doughboy.

The Dough Boy has a name. It's Pop'N Fresh. I call shenanigans!

But seriously, I'm on a roll with the FJ questions. I've know (or guessed) them all this week!

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I said New York also, and then thought that wasn't correct because bridges probably count as "connections" to the mainland. I didn't come up with Havana, though it makes sense in retrospect :P

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I couldn't believe Gomer Pyle was a $2,000 clue in the Military TV category, and was heartbroken when it was a TS...


I got Havana right away - New York City almost would have been the right answer, but part of it (The Bronx) is on the mainland.


Also, I didn't get the joke, the one comparing Alex and a bag of gold, I think it was.

It was actually "What's the difference between you and a man with a cold..." but he didn't really have a punch line.

Edited by Moose135
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The first city that popped in my head for FJ was Honolulu but I knew it wasn't right.


Same here; I knew immediately it wasn't right, but that's what popped into my mind first.  It didn't take me long to come up with Havana, and I was a little surprised only one of them got it.


The Dana Delaney picture didn't bug me because the clue wasn't asking for her name; she was named in the clue (so the picture was just rather randomly superfluous) and it was the TV show the contestants had to come up, so I was appeased.

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It was actually "What's the difference between you and a man with a cold..." but he didn't really have a punch line.

OK. I wasn't sure if the last thing he said was the punchline, which I didn't get. Poor guy. Bad impression, bad 'joke.'

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Yeah, Robert's Sean Connery impression was pretty bad. Also, I didn't get the joke, the one comparing Alex and a bag of gold, I think it was.

It was "a man with a cold" but he forgot the answer!


I bet Robert had to use tremendous self-control to not blurt out, "Famous Titties, Trrre-bek!" when the "Titles" category came up!  So, good for him.  And was he cold, or just really really bouncy?


I said New York also, and then thought that wasn't correct because bridges probably count as "connections" to the mainland.

The Bronx is on the mainland!  I was wavering between Honolulu & Havana.  Probably would have gone with Havana.


I got Radio Shack yesterday but I think it took more than 30 seconds just to parse the weirdly-worded answer.  My dad was a radioman on a C-47 in WWII (aircraft, not a ship!) and he talked about radio a good bit.  And Harry Chapin used the term in "Dance Band on the Titanic."


There's a wild-eyed boy in the radio shack

He's the last remaining guest

He was tappin' in a morse code frenzy

Tappin', "Please God, SOS" dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit!


Whether the term was in use in 1912 is anyone's guess.  According to Jeopardy, it was not, so the lyric is an anachronism!

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For FJ I first thought Honolulu, then immediately decided on Havana. Then spent time wondering if it was part of the Americas. So I would have won FJ but been nervous about it.


I shouted "China Beach" as soon as Dana Delany's photo appeared. I loved that show, watched every episode. Yeah, I'm old. Heh.


I like the runaway games as there is less stress wondering if a favorite contestant is going home or not. Sort of like reading the last page of a book. Takes the tension out. I think Chef Greg is up for Tournament of Champs now.


Am I the only one who shouted WTF! at my tv when Trebek said THE WOMAN contestant knew the answer "Uterus" when the man couldn't come up with it? Okay, I don't mind Woman Author and other "Woman" categories, but I really object to the sexism implied here, that only a woman knows woman body parts. REALLY stunningly offensive.

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That whole thing was odd, and I wish we'd have been able to see what Valerie was doing. (The only thing Alex noted was she was smiling.  How he got from there to "because she knows it's the uterus" is Alex logic.)


I was kind of surprised Robert didn't know it.  Or at least that he seemed to think his guess had a good shot of being right and displayed no recognition when the correct answer was revealed.  No, he doesn't have a uterus, but has he never heard of endometriosis or endometrial cancer?


Given the sexist notions evidenced by some of the clue writing, I couldn't help but wonder if they made that clue the DD precisely because it dealt with female anatomy -- figuring it would be a tough clue for men?

Edited by Bastet
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I agree with you. I mean, unless she was pointing to her uterus off-camera and saying "I know I know!" Alex should just shut the hell up with that nonsense.

At that point, I would have loved it if Robert had said, "Suck it, Trebek."

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Greg is quite low-key for such a good player and doesn't inspire the hackles that Alex J did, even though they have won a comparable number of games and money (not sute who has more)..


Ah well, Celebrity Jeopardy may be a good break.  I'm sure at least a few of the celebtrities will be good players and I hope nobody embarasses themselves.

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Is next week Celebrity week? And yes, Greg is very low-key, not getting any complaints here or anywhere I can see. I count that as remarkable in itself! I believe Alex Jacob won $149,802 in six days; don't quote me on that though. Not sure what Greg's total is so far.

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I think Greg's total is 180,000 something.

I was very surprised that Fodor was a TS. I blurted it out but wasn't even sure where I had heard it before.

Edited by mojoween
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So a woman who stays home with the kids is a stay-at-home mom, but when a man does it he's a stay-at-home parent. Good to know.

I hate cutesy phrases like that. Made me dislike that guy instantly.

I was nervous that Greg wasn't going to win. Bring back the run aways! I have enough stress in my life.

There were too many clues left on the board. I was surprised bread fruit and Denver International Airport were TS. Greg is a Colorado transplant, obviously, since he didn't get DIA. That's my only nitpick about him. ;-)

I guessed Daddy Bush for FJ. I forgot all about poor old Walter.

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I don't suppose they would have accepted "Who was Jimmy Carter's Vice President?" would they?  I completely blanked on Mondale's name.

I wasn't sure he was still alive.  But all the others prior to him are dead & counting backwards, he's the 5th former VP.  It had to be Fritz.

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I also thought Mondale might have died, but I definitely considered him. I settled on Dan Quayle. Duh.


Thanks, GaryE, for providing that clip. It was ridiculous of the contestant to sorta kinda use the joke, which just made him look inept.


I said breadfruit right when I saw the gal holding it. I don't know why I know it. I guess it just seems like a weird name, so it stuck with me.


I couldn't remember the name of the Denver airport. I used to live in Denver, but the new airport was built after we moved out of state.

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So I'm old enough that I learned to navigate the web on Netscape but too young to remember who Carter's VP was.

I got breadfruit from reading the Illustrated Classics version of Mutiny on the Bounty when I was a kid.

Is Greg the unicorn, the perfect Jeopardy contestant that doesn't annoy anyone?

Edited by Abstract
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So I'm old enough that I learned to navigate the web on Netscape but too young to remember who Carter's VP was.

I got breadfruit from reading the Illustrated Classics version of Mutiny on the Bounty when I was a kid.

Is Greg the unicorn, the perfect Jeopardy contestant that doesn't annoy anyone?

I think we have had quite a few contestants that haven't bothered anyone on the board. The more annoying ones just get a lot more comments. It's the typical contestants who make the atypical ones stand out so much, at least for me.

I got FJ right away but then also wondered if Mondale was still alive.

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I think the reason I like Greg is that while he's doing remarkably well at playing the game, he is seems to be "playing fair" against his opponents. He isn't fishing for the daily doubles and when he finds them he bases his bets on his own knowledge rather than betting just to humiliate his opponents. He plays in a top to bottom orderly fashion, except yesterday when he needed the high value clues when Double Jeopardy round was nearly over and he wasn't in the lead. He's playing to his strengths and not exploiting his opponents' weaknesses. And he's been successful doing it.

Just MHO.

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So I'm old enough that I learned to navigate the web on Netscape but too young to remember who Carter's VP was.

I'm old enough to remember Netscape too and wondered for a moment whether Mondale was still alive, but I didn't recall a major funeral news story like Ford's so figured he was alive. That was one of the more satisfying FJ's guesses for me in a while!

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There were too many clues left on the board. I was surprised bread fruit and Denver International Airport were TS. Greg is a Colorado transplant, obviously, since he didn't get DIA.



Yes, lots of clues left, and no one here has been complaining about any contestant stalling. What's up with that?


I said "Denver International Airport" right away, then started wondering if it had been assigned some person's name since I flew in there last, which has been a while ago. So I was pleasantly surprised I was still correct. It seemed an easy question, although it depended if one knew the old airport was Stapleton. I clearly remember the sight of giant aircraft using a highway overpass to get to the runways. Yikes!


Greg is indeed the unicorn. I got upset when he was so far behind, but happy when he caught up and won the game. Bold plays, Chef Greg! 


When I saw FJ was Vice Presidents, I instantly bet ZERO dollars.


I usually do something else when contestant interviews happen, but I noticed yesterday Trebek was back with my biggest pet peeve about him: making those interviews all about him. Contestant: "I hiked the Appalachian Trail ..." Trebek: "I did that when I was 20!" Contestant: "I drove the first electric car ..." Trebek: "I bought the first electric car!" Contestant: "When I was a student in Romania ..." Trebek: "I loved Romania when I lived there in the 80s!"


GAH! I have so much Trebek hate.

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Yes, lots of clues left, and no one here has been complaining about any contestant stalling. What's up with that?

I think in at least 2 cases clues were left on the board because of the ad integrations. Both Puss and Boots and the travel company for the Bounty category had long spoken clues and Alex had to thank the advertiser after the category was finished.

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Greg is a miracle unicorn! He's so pleasant to watch.

I watched a rerun episode this evening (Saturday) and almost went insane. Every contestant had some hideous quirk - lots of hemming, hawing, uuuhhhh, staring at the board for 30 seconds before picking a clue, flinging of hair from one guy's eyes and bashing of the buzzer. Not to mention board jumping and stink-eyes.

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Did it bother anyone else that in the "olo" category, the woman who answered "polo" was ruled against, rather than asked for more info? The correct response being "water polo."



Yes to this. I'm guessing a team in swim trunks calls it just "polo" without giving a thought to needing a horse to play.


Has this show always been so erratic? People can give last names only, then be asked for first names too on a whim. It's been happening a lot lately. Or maybe I never paid attention very closely before. But what is allowed and what is not is all over the board recently. I think some contestants would be stumped if asked for a full name when they give only the last.

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Posting about contestants and their game play is within the rules of this forum. Being dickish to your fellow posters is not. Please watch your tone and make sure you are disagreeing in a civil manner. If you feel a poster's tone is out of line, do not engage, and report it the mod team. Thank you.

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At first I expected a "be more specific" for water polo, but then I realized polo with horses is just called "polo" so a "be more specific" would really allow for a changed answer.

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Argh!  I was ten minutes late getting the show turned on and missed the Bounty category!  Which I would've run.  But I did get the FJ correct (a complete surprise since political categories suck for me), although I did some hemming and hawing over whether or not Mondale was still alive.

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