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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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Well, Lisa R has been accused of having an eating disorder, a drinking problem, snotty kids and a husband who has a deep dark secret like HIV. So by the Brandi/Kim standard, she's going through a really hard time and shouldn't be judged for the horrible things she tweets. Kim should just allow Lisa to say whatever she wants because it's all basically Kyle's fault anyway.


LOL.Yeah, I get the point but none of those things are proven.  Kim is a drunk and an addict and she has a dying friend and a kid with problems, and a lot of people telling her she should get off the show and/or die. I know, who cares, right? But, Lisa is acting like a ninny.  Right or wrong I've always held her to a higher standard than messy, messy Kim Richards.  Well, I did until a couple weeks ago.



Thanks.  Worlds collide.  David Foster!

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This is what LIsar has up now on her Twitter feed:


"I do still own my tweets but deleted because the words weren't kind and they didn't need to remain on my timeline. I live and learn daily."


I have no doubt that she had some phone calls from people telling her that she needed to stop that shit ASAP. I will commend her for not acting like she didn't say anything at all, but for explaining why she took them down. Usually when folks take down their tweets, they try to pretend as if nothing happened. 

  • Love 9


    Thanks.  Worlds collide.  David Foster!


Multiple Participants <:O) Loved Seeing Gigi Hadid [braces & All Back In 2008] In The Audience Chuckling @ Michael Bubble's Comments Re: Being A Foster Child HaHa...Perhaps I Should Also "Link It" In Yolanda's Thread  ;O)

Edited by PreposterousISTA

"I do still own my tweets but deleted because the words weren't kind and they didn't need to remain on my timeline. I live and learn daily."


I have no doubt that she had some phone calls from people telling her that she needed to stop that shit ASAP. I will commend her for not acting like she didn't say anything at all, but for explaining why she took them down. Usually when folks take down their tweets, they try to pretend as if nothing happened. 


I would agree but she always says she's learning or it's a new day and time to let it go. I went back several pages on her Twitter to look for the 'Take Kim to an alley and beat her senseless' remark and it's gone.  That's when I saw all the "Time to move on, let it go...blah, blah, blah."  Her M.O. is to write mean, juvenile crap like that and then delete it. She's either learned that it's not smart to do that or she's controlled by her own recklessness. 


She's impulsive, and by her own admission, trashy.  This will be fun to watch.

  • Love 4

This is what LIsar has up now on her Twitter feed:


"I do still own my tweets but deleted because the words weren't kind and they didn't need to remain on my timeline. I live and learn daily."


I have no doubt that she had some phone calls from people telling her that she needed to stop that shit ASAP. I will commend her for not acting like she didn't say anything at all, but for explaining why she took them down. Usually when folks take down their tweets, they try to pretend as if nothing happened. 


Yeah I can respect that. I am not one who believes people need to tiptoe around Kim's addictions because that just enables her. And when Kyle (who I have trouble liking most of the time, her friendship with Lisa V aside) outed her as an alcoholic in Season 1, I completely got it.  Lisa has every right to call Kim on her shitty behavior, whether that behavior is caused by her addictions or not. But this came off more like mocking the fact that she's an addict at all, and it was just not necessary. Or maybe it was, if Lisar was doing it to secure her spot next year? This messy show!

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Lisar is perfectly entitled to smack Kim around on twitter. Kim has long ago forfeited any consideration from her cast-mates. Welcome to the NFL.

Rinna is entitled to do anything she wants.  It totally reveals who she is, not Kim - Kim has already shown us who she is on BH. Rinna has relatively come out unscathed on the show this season - a victim really of Kim.  She is undoing that by tweeting crap like this - not necessarily about the blogging, but the tire iron stuff and the take a drink stuff.   Like Ryebread said, this shit happened months ago.  I agree that these latest tweets probably have to do with getting Rinna's contract renewed.  But it reveals a mean spirited, loose cannon person.  I am sure it will help her get re-signed.

  • Love 6

"I do still own my tweets but deleted because the words weren't kind and they didn't need to remain on my timeline. I live and learn daily."


Under that tweet of Lisa's, someone commented:

House Wives ‏@HW_Fan15  · 1h1 hour ago 

@lisarinna I HOPE U SPEAK TO KYLE b/c somebody clued her in & doesn't seem cool with it on her page. GOOD that u r learning!! ;)


Juicy.  But whatever it was on Kyle's page, it's gone now.  Let me gaze into the crystal ball and see who is at odds next season....

I keep reading about Kim's child being in the psych ward. Does anyone know for a fact he is still there? There are 72 hour holds. It has been longer than 72 hours.



I'm the wrong person to ask.  I don't Twitter or tweet or wth it's called but I sure spend an awful lot of time bagging on all of them here.

I hear you. I spend way too much time here sometimes. I have a pile of laundry waiting for me, but with work and this place? lol I'd be lucky to get a few loads in the washer, dryer, and then fold the clothes.  I understand Twitter in some aspects, but as I scan over them when they are posted here, it is very hard for me to decipher who is posting what. When the twitterer (?) is posting a short post, I get it. But when people re-tweet and I see several names, I get so lost. I am not sure who is the original poster. As I look at that list of tweets above, I am not sure who is posting what. So confusing.



Well that explains why Kim will never delete a tweet. Cool.




Kim is a big girl. She can dish it out and she needs to take it. Or not. She can quit the show and do us all a favor. Lisar is a tough broad and will have to own up to what she says and does. I think she will unlike Kim. Time will tell.


Edited by GreatKazu

I keep reading about Kim's child being in the psych ward. Does anyone know for a fact he is still there? There are 72 hour holds. It has been longer than 72 hours.


I hear you. I spend way too much time here sometimes. I have a pile of laundry waiting for me, but with work and this place? lol I'd be lucky to get a few loads in the washer, dryer, and then fold the clothes.  I understand Twitter in some aspects, but as I scan over them when they are posted here, it is very hard for me to decipher who is posting what. When the twitterer (?) is posting a short post, I get it. But when people re-tweet and I see several names, I get so lost. I am not sure who is the original poster. As I look at that list of tweets above, I am not sure who is posting what. So confusing.





It was a voluntary admit to the psych facility from what I read, not an involuntary/forced commitment, so there is no time line. Whichever child it is, can check out at will. There has been no official statement by Kim or any family member about this but I don't remember there being 1 last time it happened.

  • Love 3

It was a voluntary admit to the psych facility from what I read, not an involuntary/forced commitment, so there is no time line. Whichever child it is, can check out at will. There has been no official statement by Kim or any family member about this but I don't remember there being 1 last time it happened.

I will take this over to Kim thread.

I was rewatching Lisa and family tear down the swing set. I don't think there were massive edits in it. The older sister always had on lace type shorts and the other switches from what looks like a khaki school uniform skirt, to workout shorts.  It only flashed back to her khakis once.  I think it's just as likely she wanted to play on the swings one last time and didn't want to get the khakis dirty so took them off and either 1) already had the shorts on or 2) ran back inside and switched.

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Rinna is entitled to do anything she wants.  It totally reveals who she is, not Kim - Kim has already shown us who she is on BH. Rinna has relatively come out unscathed on the show this season - a victim really of Kim.  She is undoing that by tweeting crap like this - not necessarily about the blogging, but the tire iron stuff and the take a drink stuff.   Like Ryebread said, this shit happened months ago.  I agree that these latest tweets probably have to do with getting Rinna's contract renewed.  But it reveals a mean spirited, loose cannon person.  I am sure it will help her get re-signed.

"Loose cannon" is a good way to put it - she basically exploded when she went for Kim's throat and broke that glass. Lisa R is likeable and at the same time sort of on the edge.
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 I have no idea what would make anyone say something like that.  My guess is that it speaks volumes about LisaR's trashy side.

Well had she told us in her own words that she's trashy, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to figure it out for ourselves. LOL.


She can be funny, but I agree that she's bordering on absurd trashiness.  It's one thing to be self-depreciating.  It's another to be so much so that it seems you're trying to deflect.

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No Need To Go Eat Bread... Über Toned & Fit... Achieved By Dedication & Hard Work ....Not Emaciated, IMO

I agree. She certainly runs a low body fat but there is too much meat on those bones to be an anorexic. It's what Harry said during DWTS. She is fit and doesn't have anything extra when something like 8 hour dance workouts starts.

  • Love 6



Keeping tabs on Lisa Rinna’s lips can be taxing. She walked out of a yoga class in Studio City and the area above her plump upper lip appears to be smooth and white compared to the rest of her skin. Maybe it’s some kind of skin treatment. Lisa is obviously enjoying stirring things up on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She doesn’t have her Belle Gray stores any longer, but sells her clothing collection very successfully on QVC.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI



Edited by talula

In ten years she seems to have lost a few pounds and is just as firm. Portrait of Dorian Grey like!  I think she may be perfect for a second round of Playboy.  Maybe she'll make more money than Depends paid her. It sure appears that she may have been thinner in Amsterdam?




What shocked my eye was the difference in the width of her, in these two photos -- crazy -- maybe it's the slight difference in angle, but I don't think so.

Edited by film noire

The lighter skin on her upper lip is the light catching it.  She has had fillers there.  I see this all the time in some pics of people and a friend of mine, too.  My friend has filler above her upper lip to reduce the lines that occur naturally.   When we take pics of each other I have to retake some because the light is showing that tell tale lighter skin.  


In the pics above Lisar is wearing the same top/dress at different times.  Her hair and background are different.  The dress fits her in both so she is the same size.  I agree the one on the left is photo shopped.  


The  link to her playboy pics did not work.  It said Bad Gateway.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Maybe she'll make more money than Depends paid her.

The extended first look shows Kim mocking her and Andy then asks what she made for the commercial. She says, more than anything else I've done. Andy pressed and asked if it was 7 figures and she said yes. Suddenly at least four of the ladies on the couch were willing to swallow their pride.

  • Love 4

The lighter skin on her upper lip is the light catching it.  She has had fillers there.  I see this all the time in some pics of people and a friend of mine, too.  My friend has filler above her upper lip to reduce the lines that occur naturally.   When we talk pics of each other I have to retake some because the light is showing that tell tale lighter skin.  


In the pics above Lisar is wearing the same top/dress at different times.  Her hair and background are different.  The dress fits her in both so she is the same size.  I agree the one on the left is photo shopped.  


The  link to her playboy pics did not work.  It said Bad Gateway.  

Re Playboy:  It said the same for me, but when I tried it a second time the link worked.  I think she looks the same or better now. 


The photo of her in the same dress is 10-years apart . She appears squished (a technical term) in the photo on our right.  The photo proportions are not squared up.  

The extended first look shows Kim mocking her and Andy then asks what she made for the commercial. She says, more than anything else I've done. Andy pressed and asked if it was 7 figures and she said yes. Suddenly at least four of the ladies on the couch were willing to swallow their pride.

That was very funny and informative for her fellow cast mates who threw shade at her for doing the commercial. Eileen volunteered that she'd wear a Depends on her head, LOL.

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 1h1 hour ago



lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna



Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 47m47 minutes ago

. @lisarinna @sherry_hylton is this suppose to be funny? Where are you trying to go with this? What's the point....


Harvey ‏@HarveyAl2015 45m45 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton Kim is in need of help. Period. I've seen how mean those wt addiction can be and that is KIM

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 44m44 minutes ago


d carson ‏@kingdc33 44m44 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton but its hilarious when kim tries to insinuate lisa has an eating disorder #byefelicia

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@kingdc33 @lisarinna @sherry_hylton never said that was hilarious... I'm not laughing at all!

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@sherry_hylton @lisarinna I didn't say that was funny either so...

d carson ‏@kingdc33 42m42 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna why call out lisa when your fave has come for her since poker night. kim never has to take responsibility.

Real Housewives ‏@RHousewives101 42m42 minutes ago

@lisarinna she wouldn't say anything if you'd just leave her alone. btw, I love your version of taking the high road & letting things go...

Corri Burman ‏@Dragon_Diva 42m42 minutes ago

@HarveyAl2015 @KimRichardsFans don't excuse Kim's behavior. That is her problem. Always excusing her behavior. Not a fan any more.

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 39m39 minutes ago

@kingdc33 When Kim is wrong I've said it.. now @lisarinna is SO WRONG and I'm saying it again


d carson ‏@kingdc33 35m35 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna your timeline says otherwise.

peruvianprincess ‏@iamoliviaxoxo 34m34 minutes ago

@RHousewives101 @lisarinna I just love how lisa is so out spoken n tells it like it is gotta luv her for dat

Patti ‏@Bravolebrity1 29m29 minutes ago

@lisarinna @sherry_hylton Love the way you support and promote harmful, behavior! Didn't HH and your sister die from this? #GrowUp

Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 24m24 minutes ago

@lisarinna @RHousewives101 I find it atrocious that a twitter site that should be info based about all the HW's is so anti -LisaR read cont

Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 22m22 minutes ago

@lisarinna @RHousewives101 your TL and all the Brandi and Kim groupies were having a little powwow calling LisaR a moron. SHAME on you

Real Housewives ‏@RHousewives101 18m18 minutes ago

@trelenah who was calling her a moron?


Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 20m20 minutes ago

@RHousewives101 it's on your timeline




lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

Somebody stop me! Lol

9:02 PM - 22 Mar 2015


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  56m 56 minutes ago

I will always speak my mind, if you don't like it I'm sorry then don't follow me. It's simple easy breezy.


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  54m 54 minutes ago

What I can tell you...... is that reunion is off the fucking charts!!!!!! Now.... THATS ALL.


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  42m 42 minutes ago

“@cw1090: @lisarinna you've not had cake today, that's what the problem is” Good call! You're right!


I took some of the tweets that a poster was kind enough to post in this thread and made them bold for emphasis.


I operate from a place of, "You can't control anyone's actions but your own.'' Others may sling mud, but there's no reason to crawl around in the dirt with them.


Lisa R.'s tweets are disgusting, trashy (!), and cross the line of good taste and common decency.


Regardless of what Kim (or Brandi) does or says, Lisa R's tweets are out of line.

Lisar has had time to cool down. She is not in the middle of an argument with Kim. She's a grown woman and should know better than to tweet half of this crap, particularly as a public figure in a public forum.


Kim can't make Lisar do anything. Lisar's behavior is all on Lisar. Not Kim. Not even Brandi. Kim and Brandi have their own shit to answer for. That Brandi and Kim(?) have done worse is completely irrelevant. Lisa has now firmly entrenched herself in the mud.


I don't care for Lisar's cruel sense of humor and lack of decorum or control in this situation. Just because Lisar was in a chauffeured car to a swanky party while Kim was high and delusional, does not make it right or cool that she's acting like this.


Just because the target of your nasty comments is a nasty person, it doesn't give you an excuse to behave nastily yourself, IMO.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 9

I took some of the tweets that a poster was kind enough to post in this thread and made them bold for emphasis.


I operate from a place of, "You can't control anyone's actions but your own.'' Others may sling mud, but there's no reason to crawl around in the dirt with them.


Lisa R.'s tweets are disgusting, trashy (!), and cross the line of good taste and common decency.


Regardless of what Kim (or Brandi) does or says, Lisa R's tweets are out of line.

Lisar has had time to cool down. She is not in the middle of an argument with Kim. She's a grown woman and should know better than to tweet half of this crap, particularly as a public figure in a public forum.


Kim can't make Lisar do anything. Lisar's behavior is all on Lisar. Not Kim. Not even Brandi. Kim and Brandi have their own shit to answer for. That Brandi and Kim(?) have done worse is completely irrelevant. Lisa has now firmly entrenched herself in the mud.


I don't care for Lisar's cruel sense of humor and lack of decorum or control in this situation. Just because Lisar was in a chauffeured car to a swanky party while Kim was high and delusional, does not make it right or cool that she's acting like this.


Just because the target of your nasty comments is a nasty person, it doesn't give you an excuse to behave nastily yourself, IMO.

Lisa R definitely has a few issues of her own - guess we'll have to stay tuned...
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I really think Lisa was just drunk, and yes, she's a mean girl too, that's why she's such close friends with Kyle, Faye, and Kris Jenner. 


Right before that tweeting tirade she tweeted that Harry said she was a "cheap date."  I think that probably meant she skipped the dinner and just hit the cocktails, and, given her lack of body fat, she got drunk rapidly.

  • Love 2

I really think Lisa was just drunk, and yes, she's a mean girl too, that's why she's such close friends with Kyle, Faye, and Kris Jenner. 


Right before that tweeting tirade she tweeted that Harry said she was a "cheap date."  I think that probably meant she skipped the dinner and just hit the cocktails, and, given her lack of body fat, she got drunk rapidly.



Cheap date often refers to someone who doesn't drink much.   Hard to know what he meant since she eats very little, too!  


Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I agree.  I mentioned that a couple weeks ago. Her tweets are rivaling Brandi's in profanity and inanity. 



I operate from a place of, "You can't control anyone's actions but your own.'' Others may sling mud, but there's no reason to crawl around in the dirt with them.

 Yup.  I don't buy the argument that because Kim said xyz that Kyle or Lisa or whoever her target is should start screaming F bombs in public and throwing glassware.  Sure they have the right, but they look stupid and give her the upper hand.

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