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Lisa Rinna: These are the Lips of her Life

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I don't see how LisaR "tattled" on her co-worker when we can all see for ourselves that Kim hasn't been keeping up with her blog. Kim has a history of blowing off her blog when her behavior has been indefensible and this season is no exception. 


Many posters have wondered why Kim doesn't have to keep up with her blogs while the rest of them seem to be able to do so. I'm glad LisaR wants to know why Kim doesn't seem to have to pull her weight on the show the way the other women do. Kim isn't expected to throw parties, Kim isn't expected to promote any business ventures, Kim is rarely called upon to host, Kim doesn't have to blog, Kim doesn't put in the same number of WWHL appearances, Kim's gotten away with blowing off filming events for multiple seasons (1-3 especially), she's been permitted to pull a no show for a reunion, etc.


Kim could even tell viewers on her blog that she won't be able to blog anymore for the season because there is too much going on in her life right now but she can't even handle that. 


Kim has a history of being unreliable so again, I'm glad that LisaR is asking why Kim isn't being held to the same standard as everybody else one the show.


Kim has treated LisaR horribly this season and LisaR is still supposed to be expected to tiptoe around Kim's sobriety even with Kim's digs about anorexia and Harry? Why? What does LisaR owe Kim at this point after the way Kim has treated her? 

  • Love 11

I don't see how LisaR "tattled" on her co-worker when we can all see for ourselves that Kim hasn't been keeping up with her blog. Kim has a history of blowing off her blog when her behavior has been indefensible and this season is no exception. 


Many posters have wondered why Kim doesn't have to keep up with her blogs while the rest of them seem to be able to do so. I'm glad LisaR wants to know why Kim doesn't seem to have to pull her weight on the show the way the other women do. Kim isn't expected to throw parties, Kim isn't expected to promote any business ventures, Kim is rarely called upon to host, Kim doesn't have to blog, Kim doesn't put in the same number of WWHL appearances, Kim's gotten away with blowing off filming events for multiple seasons (1-3 especially), she's been permitted to pull a no show for a reunion, etc.


Kim could even tell viewers on her blog that she won't be able to blog anymore for the season because there is too much going on in her life right now but she can't even handle that. 


Kim has a history of being unreliable so again, I'm glad that LisaR is asking why Kim isn't being held to the same standard as everybody else one the show.


Kim has treated LisaR horribly this season and LisaR is still supposed to be expected to tiptoe around Kim's sobriety even with Kim's digs about anorexia and Harry? Why? What does LisaR owe Kim at this point after the way Kim has treated her? 

Kim could have done something along the lines that Yolanda did. Write a blog expressing that her life is too overwhelming right now to take the time to watch the videos and write a blog for what ever reasons, those reasons must be believable though, not some made up crap or vague excuse.  A lot of viewers would respect her for doing this but no, instead we see photos of Kim having fun at a party thrown by Kathy with other "Reality" stars! Also, Kim went MIA well before Monty got this latest bad news, before her child went into (rumored) a private psych facility and before she brought (rumored) Kingsley back into her home. Kim always goes MIA when she gets called out on her bad/ugly/addict behavior, this is nothing new and IMO, has very little to do with Monty, Chad or Kingsley, this is just Kim.

  • Love 12

She's a nasty, mean, bitch.  No wonder she's friends with Kyle, and Kardashian, and Resnick.


Monty posted on Instagram about a month ago that he had news (indication, bad news) and then what, about two weeks ago he followed that up by announcing his remission is over, the cancer is back, and there is nothing more they can do.  Kim's child was also just supposedly admitted to a psych ward, for probably the second time.  I'm sure BRAVO understands why Kim may have a few more important things going on than to write a blog.


If Kim is struggling right now for sobriety, then posting that shit is even worse.  I'm glad to see some tweeters took her to task for that.  What grown up "tattles" on a coworker?  Especially at a time her friend, and her child's father is dying?


Get a fucking grip Lisa, and lay off. 

I checked his Instagram, but I don't see anything where he posted this info. Instagram is usually about posting photos and videos, but I am not seeing anything that he actually posted the words he is now dying. I know the man has lung cancer and there is a chance the end is near, but just trying to figure out where he posted this info.


Being that LisaR is Kyle's friend, I would think she would know what Kim is doing right now. I certainly have no clue if her child is still in the mental hospital. I have no clue if Monty is on his death bed. I have no idea if Kim is out and about drinking it up or hanging out with friends, doing everyday normal stuff.  LisaR is reminding me of Brandi in that I seem to recall Brandi also going after Kim for not blogging during a particular season. Someone tell me I am remembering this? Certainly Kim was dealing with her own health issues at that time and god knows, what other personal matters she was dealing with, but it didn't stop Brandi from being the "truth cannon" and putting Kim on blast. Oh no, Brandi was just being real and telling it like it is. Same thing, different people.

  • Love 2

I checked his Instagram, but I don't see anything where he posted this info. Instagram is usually about posting photos and videos, but I am not seeing anything that he actually posted the words he is now dying. I know the man has lung cancer and there is a chance the end is near, but just trying to figure out where he posted this info.


Being that LisaR is Kyle's friend, I would think she would know what Kim is doing right now. I certainly have no clue if her child is still in the mental hospital. I have no clue if Monty is on his death bed. I have no idea if Kim is out and about drinking it up or hanging out with friends, doing everyday normal stuff.  LisaR is reminding me of Brandi in that I seem to recall Brandi also going after Kim for not blogging during a particular season. Someone tell me I am remembering this? Certainly Kim was dealing with her own health issues at that time and god knows, what other personal matters she was dealing with, but it didn't stop Brandi from being the "truth cannon" and putting Kim on blast. Oh no, Brandi was just being real and telling it like it is. Same thing, different people.

Here is the link to his photo/announcement.   https://instagram.com/p/0LMDH4wfOD/?taken-by=montybrinson

It took me a couple of times to realize that you have to click on the photo and there is usually a post along with the photo.

  • Love 2

Thanks Wirewrap, I was just going to post that.

The long and winding road. The reason for my Instagram is out of love and quotes to others that may be having a bad day. As my family and friends know I was diagnosed with cancer in may. Let me back track back then they said they couldn't save my life but prolong it if all the treatments work. I've had the best dr's and respect their honesty. 2months to a year I had. Treatments we're working. I was at stage 4. The tumor went down 50 percent I was ecstatic. My last treatment was December. A month ago they did a cat-scan. Not news I was prepared for. They would have to stop all treatments because the tumor was growing back. I asked the dreaded question how long because I respect honesty and accept it. 2 to 3 months. If you knew me I take a negative and turn it into a positive. I know ill be around for a very long time. Too many plans lol. The fight in may, my daughters wedding in May, another wedding in London in June then tropical vacations in the summer. I feel fine I wouldn't know anything was wrong if it wasn't for Dr's. and the main main reason I'm not going anywhere is because I still have to watch over my children, my ex's and my friends. So get use to me being around. What I would like to say to my family, friends, and to the people I've never met thank you for the prayers and kindness everyone has shown me on Instagram and in life. That comes from my heart. I'm a fighter there's no giving up in me. I only believe in love and kindness. So thank you. #words #truth #saying #life #friends #heart #family #children #prayers I only wish the best for everyone in life


3 weeks ago
I'm fine right now, but I might not be around in a few months but ill explain it all in another post but this is for @kimrichards11 always remember these words. People who shine within don't need spotlight. #friend #family #life #heart #rhobh #love #blessed #thankful #grateful #shine


Edited by Umbelina

Kim could have done something along the lines that Yolanda did. Write a blog expressing that her life is too overwhelming right now to take the time to watch the videos and write a blog for what ever reasons, those reasons must be believable though, not some made up crap or vague excuse.  A lot of viewers would respect her for doing this but no, instead we see photos of Kim having fun at a party thrown by Kathy with other "Reality" stars! Also, Kim went MIA well before Monty got this latest bad news, before her child went into (rumored) a private psych facility and before she brought (rumored) Kingsley back into her home. Kim always goes MIA when she gets called out on her bad/ugly/addict behavior, this is nothing new and IMO, has very little to do with Monty, Chad or Kingsley, this is just Kim.

I was just about to add this. 


I agree that this is just the way Kim is. 


I actually feel like LisaR has been pretty straightforward with Kim. I thought it was great when Lisa flat out asked Kim if she'd had a drink or taken anything. She didn't mince words or beat around the bush, she just asked Kim what her deal was. When Kim gave her the cold shoulder on the way to Calgary, Lisa just gets to the point and wants to know if Kim is upset with her and if so why. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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lisa rinna ‏@lisarinna 2h2 hours ago

Why isn't it ok to to ask the question? You all seem very worked up over it. So tell me why?


LoriAnne ‏@dlbcanderson4 1h1 hour ago

@lisarinna question about the blog is fine-inebriated comment is unnecessary-plz don't act like u don't understand that.


lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

@dlbcanderson4 childish and unnecessary yes.

8:39 PM - 22 Mar 2015



lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  48m 48 minutes ago

Oops I'm going again.





lisa rinna ‏@lisarinna 1h1 hour ago

I'm going to just shut the fuck up now.

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 1h1 hour ago



lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna



Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 47m47 minutes ago

. @lisarinna @sherry_hylton is this suppose to be funny? Where are you trying to go with this? What's the point....


Harvey ‏@HarveyAl2015 45m45 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton Kim is in need of help. Period. I've seen how mean those wt addiction can be and that is KIM

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 44m44 minutes ago


d carson ‏@kingdc33 44m44 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton but its hilarious when kim tries to insinuate lisa has an eating disorder #byefelicia

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@kingdc33 @lisarinna @sherry_hylton never said that was hilarious... I'm not laughing at all!

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@sherry_hylton @lisarinna I didn't say that was funny either so...

d carson ‏@kingdc33 42m42 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna why call out lisa when your fave has come for her since poker night. kim never has to take responsibility.

Real Housewives ‏@RHousewives101 42m42 minutes ago

@lisarinna she wouldn't say anything if you'd just leave her alone. btw, I love your version of taking the high road & letting things go...

Corri Burman ‏@Dragon_Diva 42m42 minutes ago

@HarveyAl2015 @KimRichardsFans don't excuse Kim's behavior. That is her problem. Always excusing her behavior. Not a fan any more.

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 39m39 minutes ago

@kingdc33 When Kim is wrong I've said it.. now @lisarinna is SO WRONG and I'm saying it again


d carson ‏@kingdc33 35m35 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna your timeline says otherwise.

peruvianprincess ‏@iamoliviaxoxo 34m34 minutes ago

@RHousewives101 @lisarinna I just love how lisa is so out spoken n tells it like it is gotta luv her for dat

Patti ‏@Bravolebrity1 29m29 minutes ago

@lisarinna @sherry_hylton Love the way you support and promote harmful, behavior! Didn't HH and your sister die from this? #GrowUp

Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 24m24 minutes ago

@lisarinna @RHousewives101 I find it atrocious that a twitter site that should be info based about all the HW's is so anti -LisaR read cont

Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 22m22 minutes ago

@lisarinna @RHousewives101 your TL and all the Brandi and Kim groupies were having a little powwow calling LisaR a moron. SHAME on you

Real Housewives ‏@RHousewives101 18m18 minutes ago

@trelenah who was calling her a moron?


Trelena Henry ‏@trelenah 20m20 minutes ago

@RHousewives101 it's on your timeline




lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

Somebody stop me! Lol

9:02 PM - 22 Mar 2015


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  56m 56 minutes ago

I will always speak my mind, if you don't like it I'm sorry then don't follow me. It's simple easy breezy.


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  54m 54 minutes ago

What I can tell you...... is that reunion is off the fucking charts!!!!!! Now.... THATS ALL.


lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  42m 42 minutes ago

“@cw1090: @lisarinna you've not had cake today, that's what the problem is” Good call! You're right!

  • Love 1

I was just about to add this. 


I agree that this is just the way Kim is. 


I actually feel like LisaR has been pretty straightforward with Kim. I thought it was great when Lisa flat out asked Kim if she'd had a drink or taken anything. She didn't mince words or beat around the bush, she just asked Kim what her deal was. When Kim gave her the cold shoulder on the way to Calgary, Lisa just gets to the point and wants to know if Kim is upset with her and if so why. 

I agree, Lisa has been very upfront with Kim. She, more than the other HWs, including Brandi, is treating Kim like an adult, not like some naughty child/toddler.  JMO

  • Love 3

lisa rinna ‏@lisarinna 2h2 hours ago

Why isn't it ok to to ask the question? You all seem very worked up over it. So tell me why?


LoriAnne ‏@dlbcanderson4 1h1 hour ago

@lisarinna question about the blog is fine-inebriated comment is unnecessary-plz don't act like u don't understand that.


lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna

@dlbcanderson4 childish and unnecessary yes.

8:39 PM - 22 Mar 2015



lisa rinna @lisarinna  ·  48m 48 minutes ago

Oops I'm going again.





I will never, ever understand why someone tweets a HW they dislike! It makes zero sense IMO. Do people really think any of these women will suddenly change their minds, do something different, make friends with their chosen HW? LOL

  • Love 4

Yes, because telling someone who struggles with addition to "Have a glass of wine!" is so very funny.  Oh, right, she's just being "upfront."

I don't think wine will help anyone with any math problems, but it sure would help sometimes to calm people the fuck down. Why oh why doesn't that work for Brandi and Kim? It gets them all riled up and they start saying shit to people who are just there for some poker! lol



I will never, ever understand why someone tweets a HW they dislike! It makes zero sense IMO. Do people really think any of these women will suddenly change their minds, do something different, make friends with their chosen HW? LOL

Tell me about it.  Why do these loons follow HW they hate?


Maybe Kim is in rehab and that is why she isn't blogging?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Do they dislike her, or the comments she made tonight?  There is a big difference.  It thought the one with the handle 'Kim Richards Fan" was very obviously talking abou the comments, not Lipsa, for example.


However, they did show her hypocrisy after all her bullshit claims about how much she "cared" about Kim all season.  I think she's  probably drunk.

  • Love 3

Do they dislike her, or the comments she made tonight?  There is a big difference.  It thought the one with the handle 'Kim Richards Fan" was very obviously talking abou the comments, not Lipsa, for example.


However, they did show her hypocrisy after all her bullshit claims about how much she "cared" about Kim all season.  I think she's  probably drunk.

I think she, LisaR, is just snarking, nothing more.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

Yes, because telling someone who struggles with addition to "Have a glass of wine!" is so very funny.  Oh, right, she's just being "upfront."

We haven't seen her do this yet. She says it's a great idea and to me this says that she's agreeing with the poster's point that she is being attacked for making comments about Kim's substance abuse/medical issues while the Kim supporters on Twitter don't seem to take issue with Kim sounding off about LisaR's alleged medical issues. 


I think the tweet that talks about how excuses are always being made for Kim's behavior is dead on. 

  • Love 5

Most that follow one, follow all. 


Hateful tweets to Brandi have been posted here, much worse than anyone said to Lipsa just now. 

I don't care which HW they like, there is no need to go on a HWs twitter account that you do not like and tweet something. Go to your favorite HWs twitter and say something nice, support them and ignore the ones you dislike. This sort of behavior is childish IMO. I dislike Brandi and Kim, read both their twitter accounts but would never dream of attacking them with a tweet. I read/check out all the HWs tweets but have never tweeted any of them, including those I like. LOL

  • Love 5


However, they did show her hypocrisy after all her bullshit claims about how much she "cared" about Kim all season.  I think she's  probably drunk.

I don't know. I cared deeply for Kim for a long time and defended her because of her addiction and now, I just can't with her.   I am thinking LisaR knows exactly what Kim has been up to and it has nothing to do with Monty or Chad. She is likely to have info on Kim's whereabouts and what she has been up to. I mean, if all of Hollywood knows about Harry Hamlin's private life, surely LisaR knows where Kim has been for the past two weeks.



Hateful tweets to Brandi have been posted here, much worse than anyone said to Lipsa just now.

I realize that. It is a message board. lol

  • Love 4

Neither have I, but that's the way twitter is.


Also, re-TWEETING it is saying it.  It doesn't have to be said to her face. 

That's assuming that Kim keeps up with Twitter. I know she tweets but she seems out of the loop in general. 


Even so, assuming that Kim did read the re-tweet then wouldn't it be fair to say that she and Kim are even? True, Kim went after Lisa wrt anorexia in addition to going after Harry, but the bottom line is that they both made digs about medical issues. 

  • Love 2

Neither have I, but that's the way twitter is.


Also, re-TWEETING it is saying it.  It doesn't have to be said to her face. 

Re-tweeting does not mean anything other than maybe she, in this case LisaR, thought it was either funny or on point. They all re-tweet, even the meaner tweets from their fans about another HW they are having issues with. In part, it is playing up to and supporting/thanking their fans, Kim has done this in the past as well, as has Brandi, Yolanda, LisaV, Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor, Camille, Kenya, Nene, Teresa G, Melissa, Tamra.........the list includes all of the HW across the franchise!

  • Love 4

Re-tweeting does not mean anything other than maybe she, in this case LisaR, thought it was either funny or on point. They all re-tweet, even the meaner tweets from their fans about another HW they are having issues with. In part, it is playing up to and supporting/thanking their fans, Kim has done this in the past as well, as has Brandi, Yolanda, LisaV, Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor, Camille, Kenya, Nene, Teresa G, Melissa, Tamra.........the list includes all of the HW across the franchise!

LOL They all do it. If I didn't read the links posted here, I wouldn't know about their tweets.  Kim throws daggers and now LisaR is throwing them back. Brandi throws out daggers and whoever is her target will likely shoot one back. Let's sit back and wait and see what Kim may shoot back once she has time. I did check out Kim's Instagram and Twitter just to see what, if anything she has posted. In the last two months (while Monty is dying) she has gone to Cabo, has been to some special screening of Witch Mountain, getting facials, having her hair done, and not sure, but it looks like she has been helping someone with wedding preparations.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

She retweeted and put big lips on it saying she loved it.


Many retweet, but not mocking someone's disease. Interesting to see, since it's only Kim being attacked, it's fine.


I think she's drunk, she may start deleting by morning.

LOL They all do it. If I didn't read the links posted here, I wouldn't know about their tweets.  Kim throws daggers and now LisaR is throwing them back. Brandi throws out daggers and whoever is her target will likely shoot one back. Let's sit back and wait and see what Kim may shoot back once she has time. I did check out Kim's Instagram and Twitter just to see what, if anything she has posted. In the last two months (while Monty is dying) she has gone to Cabo, has been to some special screening of Witch Mountain, getting facials, having her hair done, and not sure, but it looks like she has been helping someone with wedding preparations.





Kim hasn't tweeted since March 13th, (the day after Monty's CT scan) when she wished Kathy a happy birthday.  Before that it was Feb 19.


Her last instagrams were in Feb as well, and many have some truly nasty comments on them.  What is wrong with people?  https://instagram.com/kimrichards11/

Edited by Umbelina


Many retweet, but not mocking someone's disease.

So, Kim can tweet hateful things, but as long as it is not a disease, she is not as bad? Kim just tells people to their faces they are "slut pigs" and tells people how she will reveal things that she knows about! She has alluded to LisaR having anorexia, which is a disease. Kim also said LisaV only cares for Ken and her only bio child, Pandora. Such a low blow. How dare she imply that Max, an adopted child, is not loved equally.



Kim hasn't tweeted since March 13th, (the day after Monty's CT scan) when she wished Kathy a happy birthday.  Before that it was Feb 19.


Her last instagrams were in Feb as well

Right. Those were done within the last TWO months. She may not have tweeted since the 13th, but it does fall within the perimeter of two months.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Do they dislike her, or the comments she made tonight?  There is a big difference.  It thought the one with the handle 'Kim Richards Fan" was very obviously talking abou the comments, not Lipsa, for example.


However, they did show her hypocrisy after all her bullshit claims about how much she "cared" about Kim all season.  I think she's  probably drunk.


Well maybe after all the BS Kim gave her she doesn't "care" anymore.

  • Love 3

So, Kim can tweet hateful things, but as long as it is not a disease, she is not as bad? Kim just tells people to their faces they are "slut pigs" and tells people how she will reveal things that she knows about! She has alluded to LisaR having anorexia, which is a disease. Kim also said LisaV only cares for Ken and her only bio child, Pandora. Such a low blow. How dare she imply that Max, an adopted child, is not loved equally.


Right. Those were done within the last TWO months. She may not have tweeted since the 13th, but it does fall within the perimeter of two months.

No, he found out his remission was over  THIS month, 3 weeks ago.  Not in February.  She hasn't tweeted, let alone posted pictures from Cabo or whereever since he got the news.


Also, I've never seen Kyle send a mean tweet.  Does she?

No, he found out his remission was over  THIS month, 3 weeks ago.  Not in February.  She hasn't tweeted, let alone posted pictures from Cabo or whereever since he got the news.


Also, I've never seen Kyle send a mean tweet.  Does she?

Kim stopped blogging and tweeting before Monty got the bad news. And, Yes, Kyle has re-tweeted some not so nice tweets, they all have. None of them are exempt, even Yolanda.

  • Love 2

2 things I know for sure:


People grieve differently - no two are the same so an argument about that...




And.....Lisa Rinna is as trashy on her blog as Brandi. 


We've already established what Kim is.  But Lisa Rinna...ah she's quickly establishing her place, publicly, as a disgusting piece of work. 


Those tweets will be deleted because that's the way she rolls.

  • Love 7

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 1h1 hour ago


lisa rinnaVerified account ‏@lisarinna


Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 47m47 minutes ago

. @lisarinna @sherry_hylton is this suppose to be funny? Where are you trying to go with this? What's the point....

Harvey ‏@HarveyAl2015 45m45 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton Kim is in need of help. Period. I've seen how mean those wt addiction can be and that is KIM

Sherry Hylton ‏@sherry_hylton 44m44 minutes ago


d carson ‏@kingdc33 44m44 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna @sherry_hylton but its hilarious when kim tries to insinuate lisa has an eating disorder #byefelicia

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@kingdc33 @lisarinna @sherry_hylton never said that was hilarious... I'm not laughing at all!

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 43m43 minutes ago

@sherry_hylton @lisarinna I didn't say that was funny either so...

d carson ‏@kingdc33 42m42 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna why call out lisa when your fave has come for her since poker night. kim never has to take responsibility.

Real Housewives ‏@RHousewives101 42m42 minutes ago

@lisarinna she wouldn't say anything if you'd just leave her alone. btw, I love your version of taking the high road & letting things go...

Corri Burman ‏@Dragon_Diva 42m42 minutes ago

@HarveyAl2015 @KimRichardsFans don't excuse Kim's behavior. That is her problem. Always excusing her behavior. Not a fan any more.

Kim Richards fans ‏@KimRichardsFans 39m39 minutes ago

@kingdc33 When Kim is wrong I've said it.. now @lisarinna is SO WRONG and I'm saying it again

d carson ‏@kingdc33 35m35 minutes ago

@KimRichardsFans @lisarinna your timeline says otherwise.

peruvianprincess ‏@iamoliviaxoxo 34m34 minutes ago

@RHousewives101 @lisarinna I just love how lisa is so out spoken n tells it like it is gotta luv her for dat

Lord! Sherry and this D Carson is onto something. Im sick my damn self of Kim always being babied especially by some of these sensitive twitter fans of the show. Makes me sick. They are enablers too just like the people who have dealt with Kim's addiction behind closed doors. It's no wonder she will never be committed to being sober. Because everyone protects her gives her a slap on the wrist or chalks it up as the new-Brandi move "Kim is just being Kim." Fuck that! She can throw allegations about folks families and say people need to "go eat" or "eat a piece of bread and you might feel better" but the minute someone shades her popping pills "RAWRRRR HOW DARE YOU LISA R! YOU ARE A BITCH. POOR KIM. WAH." No if you hit me I might hit you back ten times harder. Kim didn't give a shit about Lisa R's feelings so why should Lisa R not do the same in return.

  • Love 4

Tell me about it.  Why do these loons follow HW they hate?


LOL  I'm the wrong person to ask.  I don't Twitter or tweet or wth it's called but I sure spend an awful lot of time bagging on all of them here.  I try to keep my conscience clean, though, by not reading or participating on the other 2 nutters' threads.


I did just go to Lisa's twitter and of course she's been busy deleting.  For all of us who just LOVE when Brandi uses this as an excuse for her crappy behavior, Lisa put this up after deleting her rant:


lisa rinnaVerified account

‏@lisarinna   Just keeping it real.


LOLOL.  Something tells me she's going to be the gift that keeps on giving.  Chick is a crackpot.

  • Love 2

Lisa R is perfect for HW.  So much for all the concern and worry because of Harry's dead alcoholic brothers and her own dead sister that she waited a few weeks to spring on us tearfully.


Kim's child is in a psych ward.  Have some decency woman.  Take the fucking high road.  The show is over.  She's just showing how vile she can be.  Oh yes I get it, Kim is a vile asshole herself, so it's okay for Lisa R to kick her now.  Yes more than okay! Oy.  What is she thinking!  Clearly she thought better of it because she did in fact delete the tweets.  No fucking judgment.  Andy is definitely signing her to a long term contract until he can ruin her reputation and her life and then kick her to the side.  Make room Alexis and Gretchen!  Getting out the popcorn now!  Move aside Richards sisters.  

  • Love 3

I love Lisa calling out Kim for not blogging. This has been mentioned all over the place. Brian even mentioned it in his Vulture recap. Lisa V mentioned (not directly about Kim) in a tweet a couple of weeks ago that they were contractually obligated to blog. She was clearly alluding to the fact that someone is not.


Kim will blog when she thinks things are going her way. That has always been the case with Kim, which is why this is so frustrating. She was spotty in S1, blogged almost not at all in S2 when she was mostly horrendous, then did it here and there in S3 depending on how she came off looking, and was mostly good about it in S4. Because she is someone who is constantly searching for ways to deflect, she struggles in putting together a blog that will defend whatever it is she has most recently done. Brandi mentioned often in S2 that Kim wasn't blogging.


Lisa could and maybe should have mentioned it, but she there was no need to do it in the way that she did, so of course she will need to delete these tweets. She would have been much more effective in saying "I sure wish that Kim would blog so we could better understand what she was thinking during this time" or something like that. She could call attention to the fact that she is MIA without getting all nasty. I agree with others that believe Lisar probably knows exactly what is going on with Kim right now. Whether her son is or is not in the hospital, what exactly she is going through with Monty, etc. I don't think that if she was sitting by her son's hospital bed, or with Monty in a similar situation that Lisar would be calling Kim out like this. This also makes be believe even more strongly that things between Lisar and Kyle are probably not all that good, and I will not be at all surprised to see Lisa V distance herself from her a little bit. I would imagine if we had access to any of these peoples phones that we would have seen texts from both Lisa V and Kyle telling Lisar to cool it. 

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I think Kim is probably beyond saving as a human being, her years of addiction have made her mean and cold and ugly on the inside. But I can't defend what Lisa is doing on twitter. It feels way too much like Brandi's bullshit and I can't co-sign that. 


It's one thing if she's reacting out of anger or hurt, but she seems calm. I don't blame her for being pissed at Kim, she has every right, but this is not the way to deal with it. It also makes all her "concern" during the season seem like bullshit.  There's a lot of hyperbole from Kim defenders and enablers, which is ridiculous and I'm not agreeing with any of that. But Lisa is supposed to be the bigger/better person here. This is Glanville level of attention getting. I mean, I still have hope for you Billie Reed! But you need to study the Vanderpump method of annihilating your enemy. This comes off very badly. 


Kim always HAS been a total flake about her blogs, and her defenders on twitter will always find an excuse for her abhorrent behavior, but this may be the one time she actually has a good excuse to be MIA. 

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LOL  I'm the wrong person to ask.  I don't Twitter or tweet or wth it's called but I sure spend an awful lot of time bagging on all of them here.  I try to keep my conscience clean, though, by not reading or participating on the other 2 nutters' threads.


I did just go to Lisa's twitter and of course she's been busy deleting.  For all of us who just LOVE when Brandi uses this as an excuse for her crappy behavior, Lisa put this up after deleting her rant:


lisa rinnaVerified account

‏@lisarinna   Just keeping it real.


LOLOL.  Something tells me she's going to be the gift that keeps on giving.  Chick is a crackpot.



I am so sick of  "just keeping it real"  as a justification for bad behavior.  

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Lisa V mentioned (not directly about Kim) in a tweet a couple of weeks ago that they were contractually obligated to blog. She was clearly alluding to the fact that someone is not.

But does she think the bosses don't realize this?  Apparently Bravo is letting Kim get away with it.  I dunno why. But frankly, the less I read and see about Kim Richards, the better.  But LisaR is looking like a butt-hurt crazy person by pointing out the obvious that Kim isn't writing a blog and wah wah wah.  She had the need to point it out, again, and had she done it like you suggested it would've been so much better.  But you're rational and she's a coo coo.

  • Love 2

No, he found out his remission was over  THIS month, 3 weeks ago.  Not in February.  She hasn't tweeted, let alone posted pictures from Cabo or whereever since he got the news.


Also, I've never seen Kyle send a mean tweet.  Does she?

Not really.  She doesn't like getting them so I guess she doesn't send them.


Kyle uses Facebook a lot.  Tons of cute pictures and thousands of likes.  I think she and Vanderpump for the most part really use social media to their advantage which is why they have the most followers. 

  • Love 2

I think Kim is probably beyond saving as a human being, her years of addiction have made her mean and cold and ugly on the inside.


I think she can be saved.  Charlie Manson and child molesters I have qualms about. There may be hope for Kanye West. 


But I can't defend what Lisa is doing on twitter. It feels way too much like Brandi's bullshit and I can't co-sign that.

It's one thing if she's reacting out of anger or hurt, but she seems calm. I don't blame her for being pissed at Kim, she has every right, but this is not the way to deal with it. It also makes all her "concern" during the season seem like bullshit.


The weird thing is, the creepy weird attentionwhore thing is, she's ranting like all this just happened yesterday.  This was months ago.  Has Kim been poking at her post-season that we aren't aware of?  I mean, Monty is probably going to die in the next couple of weeks - if not days - so I would hope Kim has better things to do with her time than poke at Lisa Rinna.  Why did she pick last night to go off like that?

  • Love 2

But does she think the bosses don't realize this?  Apparently Bravo is letting Kim get away with it.  I dunno why. But frankly, the less I read and see about Kim Richards, the better.  But LisaR is looking like a butt-hurt crazy person by pointing out the obvious that Kim isn't writing a blog and wah wah wah.  She had the need to point it out, again, and had she done it like you suggested it would've been so much better.  But you're rational and she's a coo coo.

My guess is that they are negotiating/signing contracts right now. No way they wait until after the reunions to do this. The Upfronts are the 2nd week of May, and the attendees will be announced way before then - probably before the 3 part reunion is complete. Lisar said something interesting in one of those tweets. She said "see you at the Upfronts - hopefully". If a HW is representing Bravo at the Upfronts, it is the sign to the world that they will be back next season.


I am sure the Bravo honchos are well aware that Kim is not blogging, but I think this is a move by Lisar to try to make sure that they know that people care about the fact that she is not blogging. It has been going on for so long, it has in many cases just become expected that Kim is going to be really flaky about it. I think that Lisar doesn't want her back next season, and she would like to make sure that folks who feel the same are letting it be known that among her other sins, she doesn't support the network or the show with a blog like the other ladies do. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I checked his Instagram, but I don't see anything where he posted this info. Instagram is usually about posting photos and videos, but I am not seeing anything that he actually posted the words he is now dying. I know the man has lung cancer and there is a chance the end is near, but just trying to figure out where he posted this info.


So I went to Monty's instagram because I wanted to 'fact check' what I said about him above - about dying in the next weeks or days.  I found this.  I read it one way, anybody want to throw in their translation?  I'm not religious but 'going home' usually means he's ready to die.  Yes?  No?  Sad any way you look at it.



ETA:  He posted it very early this morning.

Edited by ryebread
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I am sure the Bravo honchos are well aware that Kim is not blogging, but I think this is a move by Lisar to try to make sure that they know that people care about the fact that she is not blogging.

You are probably right.  But she was ineffective.  What's the point of going off like that to let people know something if she's only going to delete it all?  Either get your shit together and be rational in your delivery or go ahead and erase any doubt that you are a buffoon with a hair trigger. 

  • Love 2

You are probably right.  But she was ineffective.  What's the point of going off like that to let people know something if she's only going to delete it all?  Either get your shit together and be rational in your delivery or go ahead and erase any doubt that you are a buffoon with a hair trigger. 

I do think she was ineffective, and if Monty dies shortly after she posted those tweets, it will be bad news for her (obviously horrible if he dies for everyone).  We think Kim was mad after Game Night? Imagine how mad she will be and how long she will hold this grudge. It will go on for decades.  Not to mention the fact that I believe Monty dying will be the one thing that will guarantee Kim another season on this show. 


I feel sorry for Monty, and heartbroken for his children.  I will try to find some empathy for Kim, but that is so hard for me. I think I will give her as much as I think she would give to Lisar in the same situation - which is absolutely zero. Still, it will be nice for her to be the better person, which won't be hard to do. If she acknowledges his death in any manner, or sends her regrets even in the form of a card, it will be much more than Kim would ever do for anyone else. 

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Some people have even questioned who's wrote Kim's blogs this season.  Some have Brandi or Brandi's ghostwriter.  I'm starting to believe that's true.  Kim doesn't watch the show (hence, she doesn't want to watch her bad behavior unfold).  Yet when the blog came out about her hernia people really shut her down and wasn't buying another drop of her shit.  Then we had like one more blog and that's been it. 

  • Love 1

So I went to Monty's instagram because I wanted to 'fact check' what I said about him above - about dying in the next weeks or days.  I found this.  I read it one way, anybody want to throw in their translation?  I'm not religious but 'going home' usually means he's ready to die.  Yes?  No?  Sad any way you look at it.



ETA:  He posted it very early this morning.



I am not religious either. I had a different response to his post.  He is terminal so he knows he is going to make the transition out of his body soon.  He is ready and that is a good place to be.  Better to be ready to go to a place you are calling home than to leave being afraid of this next step.   

  • Love 1

So I went to Monty's instagram because I wanted to 'fact check' what I said about him above - about dying in the next weeks or days.  I found this.  I read it one way, anybody want to throw in their translation?  I'm not religious but 'going home' usually means he's ready to die.  Yes?  No?  Sad any way you look at it.



ETA:  He posted it very early this morning.

It's a Michael Buble song about being on tour, but in context for Monty, I would say that he means exactly what you think it does.

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Lisar is perfectly entitled to smack Kim around on twitter. Kim has long ago forfeited any consideration from her cast-mates. Welcome to the NFL.


I agree. So much more entertaining than if she acted like a rational person with some self control.  Lisa clearly has control in other areas of her life.  She shouldn't let Kim, or anyone for that matter, turn her into that.


I feel sorry for Monty, and heartbroken for his children.  I will try to find some empathy for Kim, but that is so hard for me. I think I will give her as much as I think she would give to Lisar in the same situation - which is absolutely zero. Still, it will be nice for her to be the better person, which won't be hard to do. If she acknowledges his death in any manner, or sends her regrets even in the form of a card, it will be much more than Kim would ever do for anyone else. 


It's hard for me to find sympathy for her, too.  If she were just plain hateful without all this stuff piled on (her kid, ex-husband, all the haters on social media - deserved or un-deserved) I'd probably have less than I do.  I've got a kid that gives me minimal trouble, but when he does it can feel like my world is crashing in and I've failed as a parent. LOL Can't imagine all the rest on top of that.  Plus, I feel like I'm much stronger and better at coping than Kim ever was on her best day.  So yeah, I can scrounge up a little sympathy because she's such a mess.

Well, Lisa R has been accused of having an eating disorder, a drinking problem, snotty kids and a husband who has a deep dark secret like HIV. So by the Brandi/Kim standard, she's going through a really hard time and shouldn't be judged for the horrible things she tweets. Kim should just allow Lisa to say whatever she wants because it's all basically Kyle's fault anyway.

  • Love 6

I understand how Kim has a legitimate grievance against most of the other hosewives.

Kyle never supports her and refuses to admit that her child broke into Kim's house and stuck her hand in the dogs mouth!

Eileen has a face that your have to hate because it isn't ravaged by a thousand cocaine filled nights.

Lisar misinterpreted Kim acting out her audition reel for the part of an insane murderess on American Horror Story. She refuses to admit that Kim is a great actress.

Lisav is friends with Scheana.

When Kim steals pills out of Yolanda's medicine cabinet they are always vitamins and how can you get high off of that!

Thank God for Brandi! At least there is someone to set an example of how to act like a lady!

Edited by Trooper York
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