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Small Talk: The Cabana

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Always choose an American carrier, never fly a foreign airline.  Our standards for everything are much higher.  My son is a pilot and is adamant about this.  


Remember the German airline whose pilot flew into a mountain on purpose?  He never would have been hired by an American line.  He had a history of depression that was documented.  He dropped out of flight training due to this and they took him back a year later!!  

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Always choose an American carrier, never fly a foreign airline.  Our standards for everything are much higher.  My son is a pilot and is adamant about this.  


Remember the German airline whose pilot flew into a mountain on purpose?  He never would have been hired by an American line.  He had a history of depression that was documented.  He dropped out of flight training due to this and they took him back a year later!!  

I fly a lot and do the opposite. I avoid American Airline.. I'll take BA, Virgin, Norwegian any day of American planes.  BUt there is also a difference between big names like those and some of the smaller budget airlines that the US and Europe have.

 Of the the top twenty airlines safety ratings,  only one is American.. Jet Blue is 10th. I saw another list with top 20, and on AA was on there.

 And JFTR, what I like about the Euopean airlines is..... the free alcohol in coach. Heck BA gives out drinks in the waiting area at Heathrow

Edited by JennyMominFL
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Anyone watch the superbowl?  Yay Broncos.  Most of the game was actually kind of boring.  So were most of the commercials.  I don't think companies want to spend so much money to produce 'special' commercials and then have to pay the price for airing it.  I thought the Dorritos' commercials were the funniest.


Big time production half time shows fall flat when it's still light outside.  I do like Coldplay and love Bruno Mars.  I appreciate Beyonce's talent but I'm not that much into her music. 

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Anyone watch the superbowl?  Yay Broncos.  Most of the game was actually kind of boring.  So were most of the commercials.  I don't think companies want to spend so much money to produce 'special' commercials and then have to pay the price for airing it.  I thought the Dorritos' commercials were the funniest.


Big time production half time shows fall flat when it's still light outside.  I do like Coldplay and love Bruno Mars.  I appreciate Beyonce's talent but I'm not that much into her music. 

I kinda of watched. LOL I loved the Snickers commercial with WD, that was hysterical IMO, but I also love WD. I enjoyed BM part of the HT show. I was finishing up icing a cake and dancing in the kitchen when it was on. My husband was laughing at me dancing while icing the cake with home made whipped cream! LOL (I made a French vanilla cake with fresh raspberries, with fresh made chocolate ganache and whipped cream between the layers and then covering it)   ps, I love to bake LOL 

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I kinda of watched. LOL I loved the Snickers commercial with WD, that was hysterical IMO, but I also love WD. I enjoyed BM part of the HT show. I was finishing up icing a cake and dancing in the kitchen when it was on. My husband was laughing at me dancing while icing the cake with home made whipped cream! LOL (I made a French vanilla cake with fresh raspberries, with fresh made chocolate ganache and whipped cream between the layers and then covering it)   ps, I love to bake LOL 

And you didn't ask me over?????  What? 

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Replying to this from another thread:

Lol at your husband not knowing Dr Dre. I'm terrified of flying also. We flew several times a year when I was growing up, but I developed a phobia in my late teens. It got worse after I had kids. We don't take many vacations so I only have to deal with it every few years. A couple years ago, I searched for websites for people with flying phobias. I found several good ones and even a message board that I didn't join but did read thoroughly. I wish I could remember them. They helped quite a bit. I'm sure you can find some good ones if you search. I highly recommend it.

A couple things that stuck with me:

One had a detailed explanation of normal airplane noises. It said to give yourself permission to worry if you hear anything abnormal. I realized that all of the noises that freaked me out were normal. I have yet to hear an abnormal one.

Another one described how a plane can still land safely, even with complete engine failure. Understanding plane mechanics helped me a lot.

Any turbulence terrifies me. I read that the plane is not bouncing nearly as bad as you think it is. I found a suggestion to keep a drink on the tray or water bottle with you. If you look at the liquid in the bottle or glass, it is usually not moving very much at all, even if it feels like the plane is bouncing a lot. That reassures me a lot.

Takeoff and landing also terrify me. I count to 30 on the way up. If everything is fine by then, I can relax. The long descent still scares me, but we flew last summer and had a really bad landing in a storm. Several people were freaking out, but I was surprisingly calm. I knew that a lot of the turbulence was normal in that situation and pilots deal with it all the time. Of course everything was fine. I was very proud of myself. I've come a long way, but I will never be comfortable flying!

I don't know if any of this helps or if you already knew it since you fly a lot, but I thought I'd share anyway. There may be more posters here that share our phobia. I'm sure everything will be fine. Have a great vacation!

Well I'm sitting on a beautiful beach thanking the airline gods that I didn't die on the way here, tomorrow I will begin worrying about my imminent death on the plane ride home. If my math is correct a week's vacation boils down to 4.5 hors of relaxation. Lol and amen to only flying American carriers. I flew a Russian carrier in the middle of winter in Central Asia ....they were de icing the plane with a old airline engine mounted on a ladder pointed at the engines. I didn't know how to say " get me the fuck out of here" in .russian so I was stuck. Another fun fact most of the sets weren't bolted to the floor . Aww good times .

Replying to this from another thread:

Lol at your husband not knowing Dr Dre. I'm terrified of flying also. We flew several times a year when I was growing up, but I developed a phobia in my late teens. It got worse after I had kids. We don't take many vacations so I only have to deal with it every few years. A couple years ago, I searched for websites for people with flying phobias. I found several good ones and even a message board that I didn't join but did read thoroughly. I wish I could remember them. They helped quite a bit. I'm sure you can find some good ones if you search. I highly recommend it.

A couple things that stuck with me:

One had a detailed explanation of normal airplane noises. It said to give yourself permission to worry if you hear anything abnormal. I realized that all of the noises that freaked me out were normal. I have yet to hear an abnormal one.

Another one described how a plane can still land safely, even with complete engine failure. Understanding plane mechanics helped me a lot.

Any turbulence terrifies me. I read that the plane is not bouncing nearly as bad as you think it is. I found a suggestion to keep a drink on the tray or water bottle with you. If you look at the liquid in the bottle or glass, it is usually not moving very much at all, even if it feels like the plane is bouncing a lot. That reassures me a lot.

Takeoff and landing also terrify me. I count to 30 on the way up. If everything is fine by then, I can relax. The long descent still scares me, but we flew last summer and had a really bad landing in a storm. Several people were freaking out, but I was surprisingly calm. I knew that a lot of the turbulence was normal in that situation and pilots deal with it all the time. Of course everything was fine. I was very proud of myself. I've come a long way, but I will never be comfortable flying!

I don't know if any of this helps or if you already knew it since you fly a lot, but I thought I'd share anyway. There may be more posters here that share our phobia. I'm sure everything will be fine. Have a great vacation!

Well I'm sitting on a beautiful beach thanking the airline gods that I didn't die on the way here, tomorrow I will begin worrying about my imminent death on the plane ride home. If my math is correct a week's vacation boils down to 4.5 hors of relaxation. Lol and amen to only flying American carriers. I flew a Russian carrier in the middle of winter in Central Asia ....they were de icing the plane with a old airline engine mounted on a ladder pointed at the engines. I didn't know how to say " get me the fuck out of here" in .russian so I was stuck. Another fun fact most of the seats weren't bolted to the floor . Aww good times .

Edited by nc socialworker
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Snow, snow and more snow here!

Watching Netflex, the North & South series. So far it's good, the beginning of episode 1.

Worth watching?  I still have three more episodes of Making of a Murderer.  


We were supposed to get 3 to 6 yesterday but everything melted by middle of the afternoon. This morning was a coating that went away by noon.  Thank goodness.  Now it's supposed to be ridiculously  cold this weekend.  I'll take that over significant snow.....and wind.  Stay cozy talula.

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I had hopes for Potomac but gave up after 5 minutes of the first episode, second chance with another episode. When I saw that old woman getting out of the car and then the serving of tea and this tea is too cold, yep I was out for good. Horrible show. Hope that Dallas fills a spot.


You mean the fancy Lipton Tea, lol. I'm still watching it but they seems broke, ignorant, and lack self-awareness... more so than usual for housewives. The arguments are over stupid stuff--- a friend comes to cook for you (with her plus 1) and you get mad that they made noise in the kitchen and go up to your room where you are getting ready with your make up team. That entire argument was just dumb. All of the arguments have been dumb. I don't know why I am still watching...maybe because I find the one that looks like Evelyn (sp? from that married to basketball stars show, whatever it is called, interesting). Actually more so for her cute kids. Also one of the younger HWs hasn't totally irritated me yet (one who married her boss). Yeah the show is bad! I'll probably quit now but I'm feeling that way about the Atlanta version and I'm afraid I will go into HW withdrawal;-)


I don't have high hopes for the Dallas one based on the trailer but it looks like they have money and lots of jewelry and other material porn to make up for the trashy fighting. I'm going in with LOW expectations so that may help. I'm interested not just because it is a HWs show but because it is not too far from me (4-5 or so hours) and my MIL lives in Dallas and my SIL lives in Plano. I predict OTT bitchiness and drama...plus new money vs old money (annoying). Regardless, I am excited to see it even with my low (lol) expectations.


Sorry Mods! This may not be the right place for this post but I didn't know where to put it since it involves HWs but also some personal OT stuff.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Anyone watch the Grammy's?  I only watched part of it.  I feel sooo old.  Highlight of what I watched - Taylor Swift slamming Kanye West for his taking credit for her career success.  You go girl.  And she was classy about it.  She didn't even touch his assumption that he could have sex with her if he wanted.  This is the same guy who claims to be tens of millions in  debt and asking billionaires to give him money.  Maybe you're just not all that Kanye.  I just can't stand him and his ego.  Put him on an island with Yo and Donald Trump.  That, I would watch.

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Anyone watch the Grammy's?  I only watched part of it.  I feel sooo old.  Highlight of what I watched - Taylor Swift slamming Kanye West for his taking credit for her career success.  You go girl.  And she was classy about it.  She didn't even touch his assumption that he could have sex with her if he wanted.  This is the same guy who claims to be tens of millions in  debt and asking billionaires to give him money.  Maybe you're just not all that Kanye.  I just can't stand him and his ego.  Put him on an island with Yo and Donald Trump.  That, I would watch.

Always remember Donald Trump use to date Kim Richards. 

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Shivers of pure revulsion are running down my back right now - thank Dog they didn't procreate, because the hair and eyebrows alone in one neat package?  Bad enough, but the personalities melded?  Oh, the horror!


The only good thing I can find in a Trump-Richards union is that he doesn't drink, and she does/did.   He also won't allow his children to drink.  (His good example doesn't make me likely to vote for him.)  His stand on drinking comes from the fact that his brother was an alcoholic and died young.


Can you imagine Kim as First Lady, hiding behind the draperies to take a snort?  Come to think of it, we've already had an alcoholic First Lady, and the union didn't sink.

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Trump's wife has an almost masculine face in that picture, but I've never noticed it in other pictures.  Maybe it's because she isn't smiling.  That top (or dress?) she's wearing is to die for.  I love anything lace.  I'll bet that cost a pretty penny.  It might be fun to be her for a day, but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it.


Gorgeous top/dress. I also love lace and crochet/embroidery/cutwork and all the other gorgeous handwork done on material throughout time.

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So, the guacamole at Frida looked so good that I had to stop by. It's super good and the carne asada and margaritas are even better. Way better than SUR or Villa Blanca.

They have a pretty decent happy hour too! SUR's food and drinks are horrible and only get worse every time I go but I love Pump's brunch. Probably because I'm pretty tipsy by the time we get our food, but whatever ;)


Fun fact, Frida's is like three blocks from the Soul Cycle they were at but I love that they took a stretch limo anyway. 

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Trump's current Eastern European lady:2lkbrsg.jpg

Can she even see with her surgically "enslittened" eyes?


Below is Spy Magazine's 1989 article on Ivana, Trump's Eastern Euro wife #1. It's great, but lengthy, so its hidden by spoilers.

That was a fascinating read. I had forgotten how brutal Spy could be (and how outrageous Ivana was). Wow.

Milania looks 'roided up.

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The woman is quite gorgeous.  Period.  I don't think she's roided up.


On to the Oscars.  Pretty boring.  Once again.  Some of the lack of 'black' nominations were funny but then it got stale for me.  Chris Rock threw some shade at Jada and the best part was when he asked if it was 'fair' that Will got paid $20 million for Wild, Wild West.  She got 'read'.  (which reminds me of Erika thinking that she 'had' to explain the definition of being 'read'  to the other housewives....  because they're 'old' and not as hip as her....which goes back to one of her TH's.  Give me a break.)  You're not all that much younger Erika and certainly aren't cooler because you have your 'gays'. 

Edited by breezy424
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I thought Chris was great as always (loved that he called out JP-S) altho I read on the AOL scroll that he's getting some heat for the Price Waterhouse gag that featured Asian-American tots (made me laugh so I am obviously a bad person). In other news, Total Beauty sent a tweet talking about how great Oprah looked and how no one knew she had a tattoo. Problem was, the tweeter confused Winfrey with Whoopi. Oy.

The woman is quite gorgeous. Period. I don't think she's roided up.

Righto, and IMO, she's a beautiful woman who looks like testosterone to keep her lean is not a stranger. Period. (Hey, that was fun. Exclamation point). Edited by steelcitysister

I was reading and had the Oscars on, just to see what Chris was going to do. I may go back and ff through it but I did get to see De Caprio go through his global warming pitch. Ugh. I hate when actors get all into being smart, when they aren't.

I watch just for the dresses. What I glimpsed was:

You go Jen! Make Matt grovel to get back! You looked absolutely stunning, perfection!

I just melted to the floor each time Charliz Theron was shown. I can't imagine what the men do when they see her. She has the perfect body to do the extreme cleavage dresses. Very classy and subdued sexy, even with the low cut dress.

I didn't like Reese Witherspoon's dress. It needed some altering because it seemed to just swallow her tiny self.

There was a presenter, with a white guy who was pretending to act black, I have no idea who either was. Her dress was an example of wrong low cut cleavage, side boob. She needs to be schooled by Charliz in how to do it. I blame the dress, not the lady.

That's all I got for now.

One more thing. I think the commercials were pretty funny. They were made in tune with the Oscars. I am not a Tina Fey fan but I liked her commercials. I am drawing a blank on the others. McDonalds was pretty good, in that it made me want to go out to get breakfast at the drive thru and then come home and watch the show.

eta for clarity, since I misspoke. I did like Reese's dress.

I only tape it to look at the fashion. Don't care who wins nor care to listen to the songs. I just fast forward to the next dress.

I also get to bypass all the preaching and scolding.

I usually don't even watch except for the opening monologue and get all my info on what was worn on Fashion Police.  I haven't been to the movies for a few years because I refuse to pay the price.  I do have to say that Lady Gaga gave a riveting performance amd having victims of sexual crimes on stage with her.  I'm not a big fan of hers but I cried seeing those victims and hearing her sing.

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Anybody out there as happy as I am that Sea World is phasing out whale shows? No more capturing or breeding either. I know they're kind of taking their time to do it, but I'm amazed that it's actually happening. Now, let's go to work on the rest of Sea World and the zoos. According to my mother, I'm crazy in my fairly newfound desire to release all display animals, but my beloved aunt Kathy would so proud.

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It's totally à kind of "off topic", but I wanted to share a video I made last Saturday, at ~6pm, at my hubby's restaurant, during our closing week-end, after the customers left.

The girl is my best friend's bride (we hear his voice on the video) and she wanted absolutely to try skiing, so....one of our employees and friend of all of us too -the one with the white jacket and helping- gave her her material (ski + skins + shoes + gloves + poles) and.... Here you go ! LOOOOOOL ! (it's in French, but I'm quite 100% sure you'll get the sense ^_^ )

(and the feminine voice you hear is mine ^_^ )

Edited by Diane Mars
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The tide is turning, slowly but surely. And maybe it will pick up momentum. People just don't accept captive animals like they used to. 


I'm vegetarian and don't really want to become vegan but I find it harder and harder to overlook the practices that put dairy and egg products on my plate.


I totally admire the dedication of vegans/vegetarians, but wonder how they reconcile the poisoning of the environment with fertilizers & pesticides, damming rivers & depleting water tables for irrigation, destroying wildlife habitat and the extinction of species, all to grow the food we eat.  One way or another, all our food consumption kills other species.  :-(

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