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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Ooh, I hate Mary. She's such a bitch to her sister, Edith. But I'm a few seasons behind, so maybe she gets better? No, probably not. Yikes if Jullian Fellowes based Mary on his wife, because I find her to be awful. Sybil was always my fave. It sucks that the actors on DA only had three year contracts because I wasn't happy about some of them that decided to leave.

Mary is always Mary but she doesnt seem as mean to Edith as she used to be though that might be due to them avoiding each other more. I think it bothers Edith less, nothing Mary can say is worse than what fate/life has been doing to her. Poor Edith. I think I am partly a lifer on Downton Abbey because I'm hoping at some point she'll catch a break. That and Barrows has gone from someone I hate, to love to hate and even occasionally sympathize with. He's just so awful and then he goes and does these heroic things.

It's the layers on the characters that keep,them so interesting to me. Except for the circle around Mary who I can't keep track of their names or remember which is which, none of the characters are one note. It's easy to disagree or be frustrated without ever losing empathy which makes it still highly watchable for me.

Edited by BkWurm1

I keep tuning in to Downton Abbey hoping Edith will catch a break but she never does.  I think Fellowes must enjoy torturing her, if it wasn't bad enough being left at the altar for no good reason at all (her line "Spinsters get up for breakfast" the next day while Mary was lounging in bed was so sad) to finally falling in love with a man only to have him married to a woman in an asylum, and then vanish in Germany when he tries to get a divorce, and then find herself pregnant and have to give up the baby while she watches her sisters' babies grow up.  Stay tuned to see  her catch an almost fatal and highly communicable disease.


I honestly can't stand Mary and the spoilers for the coming season are such a turn-off.  Just give me five minutes with her to tell her what I think of her behaviour.


Downton Abbey was also brought up on the other page since we were discussing an article that was trying to define what makes a show a "prestige" show (for the most part I'd say the answer is location, location, location, insert eye roll) and Lady Mary was compared to Laurel.  It's an interesting take but I have to side with the person who pointed out that by Lady Mary owning that she's not a very nice person, she becomes far more likable.  


For me, it makes her less impressive or admirable because she knows she's in the wrong but she's going to keep doing it anyway.  I think there's nothing wrong in having an illness or a mistaken belief; what I have a hard time forgiving is when you know it but you don't try to get better.

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Yeah, I thought Agent Carter more then lived up to the hype.  Peggy/Hayley Atwell was the best.  Jarvis was right behind her.  Overall, the entire casting was great.  Chad Michael Murray as the douche agent, while Enver Gjokaj plays the one that seems decent enough to Peggy?  Yep, no complaints there!


Only wish for now is that I hope Lyndsy Fonseca's character ends up being more then just a diner waitress.  You don't cast Alex from Nikita, and have her just serve food!

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I loved Agent Carter! Hayley Atwell hit the right marks between tough and vulnerable. I'm wondering if Enver Gjokaj's character is Peggy's future husband. They said he was a solider in the war that was saved by Captain America. 


Jarvis was great, I can see why Tony modeled his AI after him.


Casting CMM as a douche agent is how you cast right. Play to an weak actors strengths and they can do well. 


Lindsey Fonseca's character is probably an undercover Hydra Agent. Or I just keep wanting to see Alex appear. 


I know it's probably not the case, but since one of the EP's of this show is married to the EP's of Arrow. I couldn't help but make a comparison. Peggy started out saying everyone leaves her, then changed it to people get killed because of her. That's the kind of self awareness that Laurel lacks. Dangerous (or in Laurel's case, stupid) decisions have consequences even when they are out of your control. 


Another thing I liked was, when Jarvis asked if it was arrogance or ignorance. Peggy replied. probably a little of both. I love that she's at least aware of her flaws. That makes her human and someone I can root for. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Haven't watched Agent Carter yet but I'm excited to check it out because Hayley Atwell was the best thing about the first Captain America movie. By about a mile. I am a little apprehensive about Chad Michael Murray and the girl from Nikita*, but when Hayley Atwell and Enver Gjokaj are around I'll watch anything.


*And if she is an undercover agent like people are speculating I hope she isn't Russian because I don't think I could handle her 'I AM ALEXANDRA UDINOV' voice again.

I know it's probably not the case, but since one of the EP's of this show is married to the EP's of Arrow. I couldn't help but make a comparison. Peggy started out saying everyone leaves her, then changed it to people get killed because of her. That's the kind of self awareness that Laurel lacks. Dangerous (or in Laurel's case, stupid) decisions have consequences even when they are out of your control. 


Another thing I liked was, when Jarvis asked if it was arrogance or ignorance. Peggy replied. probably a little of both. I love that she's at least aware of her flaws. That makes her human and someone I can root for. 

I'd love it if Tara Butters explained all that to her husband.  But I think it would be better for their marriage and their kids if she just kept quiet.


Is Enver Gjokaj supposed to become Carter's love interest?  I like him and I think he's a very good actor but the way they are writing the story Jarvis has a ton more chemistry with her, in the "the person you can be honest with and who stitches you up is  your soulmate" kind of way.

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Yeah, that's what makes me think that Sousa is her love interest, and also that he seems like a nice guy.  But they only have eight episodes so they're going to have to have him know her secret pretty soon unless they're going to make the same mistake that Arrow made and the Flash is making, which is to keep the hero's love interest in the dark and end up with more chemistry for an alternative pairing than the real one.  

Finally got to watch Agent Carter, and it was so good, that hour and half just flew by!!

I literally enjoyed every second of those episodes. Can't wait for next week.

Also i wonder who was that woman Jarvis was talking to in the first episode when he was sitting in the car and watching Peggy. Or was i imagining it? I swear he was talking into a cell phone like thing, or i know his voiced and then a woman voice.

As for the waitress girl.. I don't think she's hydra. Maybe she's working undercover for Stark? I don't know.

Edited by foreverevolving

I hope they don't bother with a love interest for her, to be honest. Not in these eight episodes, anyway. It's not necessary, and I think the idea of Peggy just making friends is powerful enough to carry them through this season. They've set up her isolation, and her reluctance to open up to people, with two or three different characters already. No reason to make it any more than that yet. Throwing a love interest in just for the sake of it is exactly what so many shows get wrong. I think Hayley Atwell can probably manufacture chemistry with anyone, so they can cast their net very wide when the time comes.


And I hope Sousa is Hydra, because he's just too nice for his own good at the moment. No edge to him of any kind. Plus, all movie limpers are bad guys. It is known.

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I think, but I could be wrong, that the Agent who lost his leg in the war is Peggy's future husband. In Winter Soldier there's a video of Peggy talking about a time when Captain America resecued a bunch of POWs, one of whom she ended up marrying.

There was something in the first hour that gave me the impression, this Agent was one of the POWs maybe when he gave his regiment?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Beauty and The Beast has become the 8th Wonder of the World.


BATB (and Kristin Kreuk) won People's Choice Award! I know this will cause serious eye-rolling on your part, but I have to admit that BATB is my "guilty pleasure". Yes, the story IS crappy, and that's why I still feel guilty about having kept watching this show through all of its more or rather less glorious 44 S1/2-episodes. However, there are several reasons why I still got considerable pleasure out of watching BATB: (i) I REALLY love the interaction between Vincent, Catherine, J.T. and Tess. The friendship between the two women, the bromance between the two guys and, of course, the chemistry of VinCat are just so wonderful! (ii) I am a huge fan both of Jay Ryan (who is an outstanding actor IMO) and Austin Basis (who is very active on Twitter and does a great job of staying in touch with the fans). (iii) It is fun being part of this fandom, because it's so damn passionate. Chatting with other BATB fans feels like being in a football stadium among the ranks of your favorite team! Since the show is something like the underdog of the underdogs, strong bonds were forged between the fans who feel like a tiny minority whose members must stick together and cheer each other up when cancellation threatens. (And cancellation has been threatening almost since the night the pilot aired back in October 2012...)


Let me try to connect my BATB fan rambling with some considerations about ARROW. IMO, what you can learn from BATB is this: Even a show with a mediocre plot and lame villains can survive and, indeed, be entertaining and enjoyable to a certain extent, when you are able to create a team of heros/ protagonists whose relationships and interaction are meaningful and whose actors have good chemistry. Of course, you must cultivate and foster the relationships between the members of your team of heroes! Maybe ARROW could learn a lesson from BATB's "fantastic four" and give us back Team Arrow instead of toying around with more and more instant heroes in capes and tights while pushing back "the three of us" with whom everything started???

Edited by Kordi
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But it's known around the office that Peggy worked with Captain America, right? Did Sousa at any point mention knowing him? Meeting Peggy during the war? In fact, did she even know who he was at the office? If Sousa was saved by Captain America wouldn't either he have said something to Peggy about it, or the two of them reminisce about Steve? Not saying he can't be the man she ultimately marries...

But it's known around the office that Peggy worked with Captain America, right? Did Sousa at any point mention knowing him? Meeting Peggy during the war? In fact, did she even know who he was at the office? If Sousa was saved by Captain America wouldn't either he have said something to Peggy about it, or the two of them reminisce about Steve? Not saying he can't be the man she ultimately marries...


Her boss made a remark about her being Captain America's 'assistant' or something, didn't he? Implying that she was only there to perform certain womanly duties.


So if Sousa did have links to Cap, then he's either really dumb or he's hiding them for some reason. It could get spun in a sympathetic way, but honestly, the halo this guy is wearing is already too much for my tastes.

  • Love 1

BATB (and Kristin Kreuk) won People's Choice Award! I know this will cause serious eye-rolling on your part, but I have to admit that BATB is my "guilty pleasure". Yes, the story IS crappy, and that's why I still feel guilty about having kept watching this show through all of its more or rather less glorious 44 S1/2-episodes. However, there are several reasons why I still got considerable pleasure out of watching BATB: (i) I REALLY love the interaction between Vincent, Catherine, J.T. and Tess. The friendship between the two women, the bromance between the two guys and, of course, the chemistry of VinCat are just so wonderful! (ii) I am a huge fan both of Jay Ryan (who is an outstanding actor IMO) and Austin Basis (who is very active on Twitter and does a great job of staying in touch with the fans). (iii) It is fun being part of this fandom, because it's so damn passionate. Chatting with other BATB fans feels like being in a football stadium among the ranks of your favorite team! Since the show is something like the underdog of the underdogs, strong bonds were forged between the fans who feel like a tiny minority whose members must stick together and cheer each other up when cancellation threatens. (And cancellation has been threatening almost since the night the pilot aired back in October 2012...)


BATB was surprisingly compelling its first season. The writing may have been uneven but Kristin Kreuk's and Jay Ryan's incredible chemistry and the strong supporting cast (especially J.T. and Evan) sucked me in. Sadly, the second season was beyond abysmal. I managed to stick with it because of my love for the actors but it. was. torturous. KK and JR continued to bring it but the horrific writing and mind-bogglingly assinine storylines---the ill-conceived Cat/Gabe debacle was particularly offensive---make Arrow's writers look like Pulitzer Prize winners. But apparently I'm a masochist because I'm still planning to give Season 3 a chance, if only because the producers have admitted that they completely f*cked up Season 2 and promised to go back to what worked in Season 1. Won't be holding my breath, though.

Edited by dcinmb
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I watched the first episode of BATB and stopped.  I found it hard to get past the gorgeous young hunk being the "Beast" (what happened to the message of the ugly outside and inner beauty?) and I didn't buy KK as a cop.  She still looks like a little kid to me - kinda like ND on TVD.  When I saw ND as Katherine in historical flashback, she seemed like a little girl playing dress up in her mother's clothes.  

  • Love 2

I watched the first episode of BATB and stopped.  I found it hard to get past the gorgeous young hunk being the "Beast" (what happened to the message of the ugly outside and inner beauty?) and I didn't buy KK as a cop.  She still looks like a little kid to me - kinda like ND on TVD.  When I saw ND as Katherine in historical flashback, she seemed like a little girl playing dress up in her mother's clothes.  


You mean a supermodel with a face scar isn't beastly enough for you?  :)  And now he's just a beastly supermodel...no scar anymore.  Yes, it's ridiculous but Jay Ryan and Kristen Kreuk do have amazing chemistry.  I'm sad that Max Brown is no longer a part of the show, but I saw him over on Sleepy Hollow this week.  He's so pretty!  I'm glad to hear that the writers plan on going back to what worked in the first season because season 2 was awful!

Go ahead and throw things, but you know what, I still like Glee. A lot. I don't ship on it (Any chance of that died when Finn did) and I did have to accept it for the show that it was rather than what it could be, but I'm really glad I did. I like that they randomly burst into song and slip into unexplained costume changes and yes I even like the silly drama and the slushies and the occasional jazz hands. It's the last season and when it's gone, I'm going to miss it.

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I loved glee'first 3 season..season 4 wasn't so bad but season 5.. with cory's death and the strange turn of the storylines, it was really hard to watch, I think I didn't even watch the whole season. However I still love all the things you mentioned and I know I won't miss the last season (even if most of the time I pretend the series finale was the graduation episode in season 3 lol)

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I'm not sure where to post this link about SA's buying a new house in L.A. It has nothing to do with the show nor is it from SA's own social media accounts on FB and twitter Thus, I've decided to put it into this thread as something "off topic". I only mention it because it is interesting to see what kind of stuff gets published about celebrities like SA, and I'd like to know if information like the one in the article can be deemed credible:



Edited by Kordi

I'm not sure where to post this link about SA's buying a new house in L.A. It has nothing to do with the show nor is it from SA's own social media accounts on FB and twitter Thus, I've decided to put it into this thread as something "off topic". I only mention it because it is intersting to see what kind of stuff gets published about celebrities like SA, and I'd like to know if information like the one in the article can be deemed credible:



Wow. To each his own and beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that, but really? It looks like a converted fire station except fire stations usually have more curb appeal. And the popcorn ceilings, pink fireplace and pink-tiled bathroom with the yellow tub? Not to mention a house in the desert without central air conditioning? This is definitely a case of varying mileage.


ETA: I've lived in L.A. for years and the L.A. Times is generally considered to be a credible news organization.

Edited by dcinmb
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Do they normally list celebrity purchases in the newspaper like that? I figured they'd do it for super famous people, maybe, but Stephen isn't that famous. Did one of his people have that announced or something?


I live on the east coast and our local Sunday paper always lists notable real estate purchases in the area which usually equates to very expensive, historical or properties bought by "famous" people (sports stars, tv personalties, etc.).  I doubt SA's people would have announced it because its in the real estate section and most people probably wouldn't even see it.  

Edited by MsSchadenfreude

I don't live in LA, but our Sunday real estate section always lists notable real estate purchases which usually equates to very expensive, historical or properties bought by "famous" people (sports stars, tv personalties, etc.).  I doubt SA's people would have announced it because its in the real estate section and most people probably wouldn't even see it.  


Ah, I don't look at the real estate section. It just seems like a strange practice. I know real estate purchases are public record, but it's one thing to allow people to go looking, but another to write an article about it, especially when the location is so specific and anyone could find it - I figured he would have to have approved a write-up like that - not "announced" it per se. Just allowed it to be put out there like it was, I guess.

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At $740,000 (down from the list price of $759,000, well done). it seems like a fairly reasonable price for something in that area.  (I don't know Palm Springs prices, I know you couldn't get something that size in my area for that price, and certainly not in Vancouver, which has the priciest marked in Canada.)  It looks like it's got a fair amount of entertainment space, which seems like something SA would want.  It's pretty ugly, maybe Cassandra wants a project to do while she's home with Mavi, especially if she can supervise it from Vancouver and doesn't have to live through the renovations.  The worst to me are the two outdoor pool, what with the drought situation in southern California and all.

  • Love 2

Wow. To each his own and beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that, but really? It looks like a converted fire station except fire stations usually have more curb appeal. And the popcorn ceilings, pink fireplace and pink-tiled bathroom with the yellow tub? Not to mention a house in the desert without central air conditioning? This is definitely a case of varying mileage.


ETA: I've lived in L.A. for years and the L.A. Times is generally considered to be a credible news organization.

I'm confused.. where did you see all of that? all i saw was one picture and that is the back side, which really didn't show alot.

as a renting home owner myself (okay it's actually a condo by US real estate lingo), this has to be a fixer-upper rent it out type of purchase. with that being said, i am unfamiliar with the market in the US let alone in that area. if the house has been on the market since summer it is possibly not the most hottest location to purchase, or the house itself is not the best.

it certainly looks like old style hollywood homes.

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