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Viola Davis is my reason to watch the show.  Great acting.


I thought at first she was a stone cold bitch who would do anything to get her client off 

she and her assistants knew their client was guilty but hid it

and then there was a scene in the washroom where I thought she was faking tears so her student wouldn't tell on her but then it looked like they were real tears after all so she's a cold bitch who will manipulate the law any way she can with no thought to ethics and she cries real tears. That's why I thought of Laurel.



Not too bad of a number- considering the network. it is way less than the other networks (Gotham is bringing in 180K-ish). The flash has a 3k above Arrow, but arrow has a 7k+ over Supernatural. while TVD is at the top with 59k.

does anyone has the figures from last year? what was Arrow amount then

maybe if the CW will start charging just a bit more Arrow won't have to worry about budget stuff.

VD had 55.788

Arrow 47.859

Supernatural 39.410

Here is the link for last season


Did anyone watch Parenthood tonight? D: I think this TV season is going to kill me.


I don't normally watch (I've caught an episode or two each year because Lauren Graham) but it seemed to me that they hinted at an awful lot that could happen in the final 12 episodes. 


That said, watching it I kept comparing every character to someone on Gilmore Girls. 


I really miss Gilmore Girls.


On a quirky note, did anyone watch Garfunkel and Oates when it was on?  A weirdly great show.  I hope it gets renewed. 

From the Felicity thread:

I think the issue starts with programing aimed at young kids.  Studies have proved that girls will watch primarily "boy" shows with a girl add but your not going to get boys to watch "girl" shows with a boy character added so they typically play up to the boy and toss in the token girl character.


Now they studies also said that the imbalance was supposed to shift later on since more women are invested in programing than men when they grow up and yet the same ratio of lots of guys and one token woman often still emerge.  Personally I blame the lack of enough female writers. 


Okay, I just read the weirdest thing - I was reading about a study done on dreams, and they said in passing (and I quote) "women dream equally about men and women while men’s dreams are two-thirds populated by men"!?!  What is that about?

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This is a bit random, and you guys will probably vehemently disagree with me, but I was talking to a few people today and they were really offended that I didn't like Frozen at all. I just didn't think the story was great (too predictable and campy), the songs sucked (yes, even Let It Go. I've heard much better Disney songs), and it was just weird at a few points (The rock trolls, and I didn't like the snowman at all, he wasn't funny). 



This is a bit random, and you guys will probably vehemently disagree with me, but I was talking to a few people today and they were really offended that I didn't like Frozen at all. I just didn't think the story was great (too predictable and campy), the songs sucked (yes, even Let It Go. I've heard much better Disney songs), and it was just weird at a few points (The rock trolls, and I didn't like the snowman at all, he wasn't funny). 




I did like the snowman, but I thought it was a fairly, um...not good movie.

This is a bit random, and you guys will probably vehemently disagree with me, but I was talking to a few people today and they were really offended that I didn't like Frozen at all. I just didn't think the story was great (too predictable and campy), the songs sucked (yes, even Let It Go. I've heard much better Disney songs), and it was just weird at a few points (The rock trolls, and I didn't like the snowman at all, he wasn't funny). 




I feel you. People get all upset when they find out I've never seen the movie & have no interest to. I've had several people try to convince me to watch it, but it just doesn't interest me at all. Also, I've heard the songs and I agree - they're okay, nothing out of this world.

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The songs in Frozen were very campy, but I liked the movie because in the end it wasn't true love between a guy and a girl that saved the day, it was the love between sisters. All the Disney movies besides Brave and I guess Wreck it Ralph it's always about the girl finding her true love with a guy. 


On another note I love whoever does the Disney Princess Club art.






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All the Disney movies besides Brave and I guess Wreck it Ralph it's always about the girl finding her true love with a guy. 



Eh I disagree :p Off the top of my head, here are other disney movies that have nothing to do with finding your true love in a guy: 

  • Toy Story
  • Up
  • Monster's Inc.
  • Ratatouille
  • Brother Bear
  • Emperor's New Groove
  • Mulan
  • Finding Nemo
  • Treasure Planet
  • Lilo & Stitch 


I feel like these were all better than Frozen :p (Which is probably why they're covering it on OUAT. Ugh I want to quit that show but it's my guilty pleasure)


And thanks for the cute images! Poor Ariel :p 

I'm behind on princess films. I just saw Brave, and I really liked that the happy ending wasn't about getting married. (But then, it 's a Pixar film).  I've never seen Frozen and I'm not too thrilled that all that promos for next years Once Upon A Time relate to it.  Is it very different than the original Hans Christian Anderson story, The Snow Queen?



Okay, I just read the weirdest thing - I was reading about a study done on dreams, and they said in passing (and I quote) "women dream equally about men and women while men’s dreams are two-thirds populated by men"!?!  What is that about?

When I was a teenager I was in to all the old movies like Robin Hood and Captain Blood and Scaramouche (thank you, Elwy Yost), and I remember I had a dream where I was the captain of a pirate ship and I was a man, but I was still me, but in order to be a captain I had to be a man. It freaked me out and I decided that there weren't enough action roles for women and there really needed to be more.  I think it too till Fascape until there was one though, although Leia was a good try.

•Toy Story


•Monster's Inc.


•Brother Bear

•Emperor's New Groove


•Finding Nemo

•Treasure Planet

•Lilo & Stitch


Technically half of those were Pixar not Disney.


Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear, New Groove were about finding family and Mulan about family honor and rising to the challenge..  Treasure Planet couldn't have been that good sine I can't remember ANYTHING about it.  ;D


So I would say Frozen did explore new territory showcasing the depth of love between sisters and also the sheer wonder of self empowerment.  I don't think there has been anything like Let it Go before.


 I also would say it made Anna more relatable than any other of the princesses or at least as relatable as Merida in Brave.  I also think the "Let it Go" sequence and song was Oscar worthy and I still tear up during Do You Want to Build a Snowman.  But it wasn't a perfect movie. 


I actually had no problem with the rock people, but they appeared out of no where.  More time could have been spent on them.  Also the reveal that Anna's Prince was a scumbag was too out of the Blue.  He didn't have to be EVIL, he could have just been not in love with her.  That part felt campy and unearned. 


I think because the movie unexpectedly became not about the same old same old and because the soundtrack went viral, the movie gets too much praise, but I think all the praise backfired since the people who actually see the flaws don't just not love it, they absolutely despise it.  (See IMB)


I think that Tangled was a better story but the big two songs of Frozen were better.  Any way, I am glad for the acclaim -deserved or not - that Frozen got since it might just revive the out and out musical format again which I like.  Tangled was a great first step but for some reason, no one paid attention to it. 



I HATED Olaf in the promos, I found him surprising sweet and adorable in the movie. 


Is it very different than the original Hans Christian Anderson story, The Snow Queen?


Yeah, very different. Probably as different as The Little Mermaid. 

Edited by BkWurm1

Technically half of those were Pixar not Disney.

Okay I'm going to be a little douchey and amend my statement a little :p 

  • Toy Story (released by Disney Pictures and Pixar)
  • Up
  • Monsters Inc. 
  • Ratatouille 
  • Brother Bear
  • Emperor's New Groove
  • Mulan
  • Finding Nemo (released by Walt Disney Pictures & Pixar)



Anything movie made after 2006 is Disney because that's the year Disney acquired/merged with Pixar. But the older movies like Monsters and Finding Nemo, Disney was a part of the production company along with Pixar (as in they had a stake in the profitability of the movie). 


But yeah, we'll agree to disagree on the movie! While I like the idea of Disney focusing on Sisterly love, I just didn't like the execution of it. 

I liked Frozen because of the sisters' relationship.  That scene at the beginning where little Anna jumps on little Elsa's bed reminded me of my childhood when my younger sister used to jump on my bed on Christmas morning to wake me up.  I didn't care for Olaf the Snowman or the rock people, though.  I also liked the song "Let It Go" and the scene where Elsa is singing it as she finally sets free her power as she goes up the mountain.

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This is an interesting poll... I voted for The X-Files and Firefly (I'm nostalgic that way):

The SpoilerTV Favourite TV Series Competition 2014 - Day 19 - Doctor Who vs. The X Files & Firefly vs. Sherlock
Posted by Bradley Adams at Saturday, September 27, 2014


If at first, you don't succeed....

Lost’s Josh Holloway Reunites with Carlton Cuse in USA’s ‘Colony
By Chris Kind on Sep. 26, 2014

Edited by tv echo

It could've been executed better but I still liked that it was true love between sister's that broke the spell. I also liked that the love story was secondary to the younger sister doing anything she could to reach her older sister and never giving up on her. Even though her sister ignored her most of her life. Stupid reasoning for things is in every single movie or tv show so I mostly go with the flow on those. The troll things didn't make much sense, but that's because the movie wasn't really about Kristoff. While it's not the best song ever, I liked "Let it Go" within the narrative of the movie. I don't like hearing it outside of that though. 


Here's an Honest Trailer for Frozen.


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Regarding the TV show competition: i can't take any such voting seriously when they don't list E.R. :-/


About Frozen, I haven't watched it either, yet. however what draws me to the general theme of the movie is the fact that the heroine is not a princess, but a Queen! (cause i am sick of princesses unless it's Merida cause she's a cool princess) and that she gets to both keep her powers and her kingdom by the end of the movie. it's that she learns how to control her talent and embrace it instead of repressing it and living a life of misery.

plus 'Let It go' is a pretty good song.

I love Frozen, it's one of my favorites, great music and I love that the true love was about sisters. However, the "twist" seemed totally unnecessary. Tangled is another great film, I seriously love Maximus, even if he was more (Cartoon) dog than horse.

On the Pixar front Wall-e is still my favorite, followed by Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Toy Story 3 and Monsters Inc. Brave was good as well but I didn't really love it and I hated Cars.

I watched OUAT for the first time since giving it up the beginning of last season. I watched just to see what they are going to do with the Frozen characters. 


As for the shows that started up so far, I've been disappointed with Doctor Who which is not much of surprise since I've not liked it since Moffatt took the reins. I was giving it another chance with a new Doctor. I'm probably done with Haven.


How to Get Away with Murder was also not that interesting to me. I'm giving Gotham a little bit of chance only because the actors were super excited for it at the Chicago Con and I want to see where they plan on going with it before I give up on it. I actually enjoyed Forever, but don't think it will last long. Despite the stupid name, I liked the Selfie pilot and will be giving it a chance. Agents of Shield had an interesting premiere, enough to keep me watching. 


A show I'd recommend watching is Outlander.

Edited by Sakura12

Brooklyn Nine Nine totally rocks and you should watch it. It's funny and sweet and, so far, has managed to avoid the usual clichés with their will-they-or-won't-they pairing (gasp!)


Gotham is completely overrated. There was nothing that made me want to watch the second episode. I think it actually made me appreciate Arrow more - it has way less of that "comic book-y" feel. Although I wasn't sold on Arrow pilot until the ending with the Moira twist - and I still love the whole idea behind it and Moira's character in general. I'd probably be still watching the show if not for her death.

Edited by FurryFury
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I was never that enthralled by the Nolan Batman movies and I'm not that thrilled with Gotham either. All the actors do good work but it's overly violent for me and the only character I care about and want to see what happens to her is Catween.  Even young Bruce Wayne is a budding psychopath with the burning so harden himself.  (Does he grow up to be Gordon Liddy?) 


They need a new name for their narcotic drug.  ATP is adenosinetriphosphate, which fuels mitochondria and lets RNA reproduce and everytime they said ATP, all I could think about was my grade 12 biology class.

Here's an Honest Trailer for Frozen.

Thank you for that, I would have been lost in yesterday's OUaT episode without it.  (I still don't see the point of including Frozen though, it's kind of a dead storyline.)

Edited by statsgirl

Given everything, I would be surprised if young Bruce Wayne WASN'T a bit of a budding psychopath. Acting out. Hurting himself. It's the basis for the whole finding his limits thing that is part of the foundation of Batman.


I actually liked the second episode of Gotham, more than the first. It's not my favorite show of the season or anything (at least not yet, who knows) but I am curious to see what kind of plans Cobblepot, the real psycho of the show, has in mind. The only problem is, I'm not sold on Gordon. Something about the actor is off for me, I just can't put my finger on what it is.

Edited by KirkB

I don't understand how they'd let Bruce carry on on his merry way hurting himself. They are setting him up for an awful adulthood. I guess that's the point but still, in real life he'd be all up in therapy. I think this episode was tighter on the story telling. Fewer character introductions, very focused on the plot. I liked it.


I'm quite frightened for Bruce and where this path will lead him.

Hmm. I think if we go by DC logic, if Bruce Wayne is 12, then Oliver Queen is also a little kid. They purposefully set Gotham in a super vague timeline that can be anywhere from the '80s to the '90s [the cars are more '80s, the flip phones are more '90s], but Queen Consolidated is a family company, so it already existed back then.

@KenyaJ, if you haven't read the books in the Outlander series and you don't want to be spoiled, be very careful when reading the forums.  There is one instance I can think of where a non-book watcher was questioning something that didn't seem to be clear from what has been shown on screen, and some book readers answered based on what they know to be true from reading the books.  That one wasn't a very big spoiler, but the thread for episode 8 had people majorly hinting about something that apparently becomes important later in the series.  Some non-book watchers were irritated because they wanted to be as spoiler-free as possible and this alerted them to something that they might not have even noticed at this point in the show.  Sorry if this makes no sense whatsoever, but I just basically wanted to warn you that you aren't even safe in the threads that forbid book talk because people are ignoring warnings and talking about book stuff in those threads anyways.

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