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Small Talk: The Quiver

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Actually, it has a former Arrow guy: Roger Cross played Detective Lucas, Quentin's former partner, who ended up on the wrong side of Cyrus Gold.  Plus, he's pretty much been in every show shot in Canada ever.  Must be in his contract!


Besides that, I do know that Zoie Palmer is Dr. Lauren on Lost Girl.  Considered a big fan favorite, but I'm one of the few that was never wild about her (granted, I thin Kenzi is the only character that I really love on that show.)

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Considered a big fan favorite, but I'm one of the few that was never wild about her (granted, I thin Kenzi is the only character that I really love on that show.)

Seconded. I love Kenzi. I can take or leave Lauren, although yes, I know she's a fan fav because of Doccubus (Bo/Lauren).

I always remember Roger Cross from Stargate SG-1, although I think he only made a couple of appearances early in the show's run. And then yes, he's on Continuum (or was-haven't seen the most recent season yet).

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Considered a big fan favorite, but I'm one of the few that was never wild about her (granted, I thin Kenzi is the only character that I really love on that show.)


She's a fan favorite?  Lol.  I so did not get that memo.  Lauren has always been the blandest of characters (and this despite often getting sexed up by a succubus). 

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Ha, maybe I'm off, but usually anytime I stumble upon Lost Girl stuff (usually not too often, but every now and then), Lauren's always topping some kind of fan poll.  And, I know Bo/Lauren shippers can be very extreme compared to the other ones, like Bo/Dyson or Bo/Tamsin.  Again, I really don't have a horse in this race, since I only casually watch the show, but I just always found it odd that I see praise for her, and I never really warmed up to the character.  


Unlike Kenzi.  I am way too excited that Ksenia Solo is going to on Orphan Black this season.

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Ha, maybe I'm off, but usually anytime I stumble upon Lost Girl stuff (usually not too often, but every now and then), Lauren's always topping some kind of fan poll.  And, I know Bo/Lauren shippers can be very extreme compared to the other ones, like Bo/Dyson or Bo/Tamsin.  Again, I really don't have a horse in this race, since I only casually watch the show, but I just always found it odd that I see praise for her, and I never really warmed up to the character.  


Unlike Kenzi.  I am way too excited that Ksenia Solo is going to on Orphan Black this season.

Not disagreeing with your assessment, she's just soo not on my top ten list of why I watched the show, but then I didn't enter the fandom.  I think I commented a couple times back in the day on TWoP.  On that site Kenzi was adored more anyone but then I expect extra good taste out of TWoP users. . 

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Lauren/Bo shippers are like SwanQueen shippers on OUaT, except Lauren/Bo is a canon ship.  But I don't know anyone who liked the character who wasn't a Lauren/Bo shipper. She always seemed to me to be like the worst trope of a girlfriend, weak, needy and too often a damsel in distress in spite of being the show's doctor.


I think Ksenia Solo was the best actor on Lost Girl by a mile.  It will be interesting seeing her on Orphan Black next season.

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No, you're not off. From what I've picked up, Bo/Lauren (known as Doccubus) is the Olicity of the Lost Girl fandom, and Lauren is kind of a fandom darling among the shippers.

I don't get it personally - I find Lauren just about the blandest of all Bo's possible love interests - but that's just me. Besides, I'm mostly watching for the Kenzi show anyway.

ETA: or what statsgirl said. :)

Edited by Starfish35
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I'm a big time Doccubus fan, and even I will admit that much of Lauren's popularity does stem from the fact she is in a relationship with Bo. That is to say if she was just a character whose only interaction with the others was when they needed medical help, she would most likely just be in the background, mostly noticed only by those who find Zoie Palmer attractive. 


Kenzi is fun to watch even when Ksenia Solo isn't really trying. Especially in her scenes with Vex.

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Apparently the Tampa Affiliate mentioned they had been renewed accidentally. One of the SpoilerTV admin staff asked for confirmation and they confirmed it.

Unfortunately, it looks like the folks at the Tampa affiliate confused a full season pick-up with a renewal, and SpoilerTV fell for it. The shows haven't been renewed for a second season yet.

FYI, I expect Flash to get an early renewal in February. Jane is a whole other matter, though.

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Unfortunately, it looks like the folks at the Tampa affiliate confused a full season pick-up with a renewal, and SpoilerTV fell for it. The shows haven't been renewed for a second season yet.

FYI, I expect Flash to get an early renewal in February. Jane is a whole other matter, though.



But but but but....she just got nominated, they just got nominated for a Globe. That's gotta count for something considering I think it's a CW first.

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You'd think, but networks have cancelled award winning shows before this.




I will be devastated if they cancel JtV. It's so great and fun to watch and I love that (so far) Jane has told the truth instead of lying for the sake of drama, and people who keep secrets keep them for actual good reason, and the people on the show I'm not supposed to like make me love to hate them. I wish more people would watch it.

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I'm really counting on the Golden Globe nominations to keep Jane around.  Other networks have canceled other award winning shows but the CW has never had any award winning (or even nominated) shows to cancel.  It really is a wonderfully written and acted show.  I feel like it just needs the right exposure and it could take off in a big way so maybe the network people will give it some more time to do just that.  At the very least maybe if it gets canceled, maybe a Netflix or some other outlet will pick it up.  It's just so darn charming and fun to watch on so many levels.  Fingers crossed.

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So I've been catching up on Agents of Shield's over the past few days (holiday break from both school and work is a great time to catch up on shows while not cleaning my apartment)

The next post has spoilers for the show if you haven't watched it yet.

I'm into the 2nd season, and Man the show really improved as the first season progressed.

I even like Skye, even though heard she's the least liked, i feel like she's the type of character where you need to have a good balance when you write for, give her the wrong lines and actions and you risk turning her into a snowflake character. They've been okay so far, for the most part.

I really adore Fitzsimmons; In their quirky way and when they are together in low doses. I think I like fitz the most of the two- and the man may have just broke my heart while watching 123 and 201. Also I really! don't want to see them in a romantic relationship, I just get a very Dawson-Joey vibe from them.. Childhood friendship/faux siblings/soul-mate type of vibe, their two people who obviously love each other, and on paper are compatible, but should never, ever!, cross the romantic line. I did find Simmons has some great chemistry with Tripp (so i hope he is still alive - I'm on episode 201).

I freakin love May, but Ming is one of my favorite actresses ever since she's been on ER so that wasn't too hard.

Coulson is awesome and he is freaking me out with that weird drawing he did in S01 finale.

I wish Raina would have joined them. She's so deliciously insane, but i think she is also aware she's not the sanest person out there. I just liked her, she's like a lost puppy you find in the street and don't have the to leave it there. She needs a home!!

Wish they haven't killed agent Hand, and Lucy lawless character.

And can i say what a great idea it was to turn Ward into an Hydra agent? It made him so much more interesting and layered. He looked so broken and way over the deep end in 201, which made me want to hug him and give him hot chocolate to ease his pain, and then put him in a stray jacket for life.

Also they had some fantastic guest actors and actresses!

Edited by foreverevolving
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Agents of Shield turned a corner after some iffy early episodes.  Count me as one who did not like Skye but the show changed my mind.  In season two my only real reservations about her are her bangs.  The mid season finale was probably a game changer but I don't know enough about comics to know exactly what's going to happen.  Fitz and Simmons still break my heart and I agree, I really was bummed when Lucy Lawless died so soon.  I instantly loved her character.   

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Agents of Shield started improving in the second half of Season 1. Now it's one of the only shows that haven't been a huge disappoint this season. Ward has gotten more and more interesting since he's not only a Hydra agent he's also bat shit crazy. Which I love. I never hated Skye as most people on this forum do. I love her storyline this season and can't wait to see where it goes. Raina's as well. 

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Agents of SHIELD definitely turned a corner late in season 1.  They were killing time till Winter Soldier was released, after that, they got to kick it in gear.  This season they haven't had to kill time.  Now it's on a long break, so we can watch Peggy Carter kick some major ass.


Still hoping Emily Van Camp reprises her role as Sharon for a spot or few in the show, along with Rumlow showing up.

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I think they have lost some of the magic they got at the end of Season 1 but it is still really good, I think Coulson is not a good anchor for the show, and killing him off would do wonders for me. KM acting was so good in the Mid-season finale, especially compared to Clark Gregg's, which did not help me buy into the Skye/Coulson stuff.


I love Ward and his sexy beard of evil(?)/shadiness...


Skye has improved, and I think Fitzsimmons should stay platonic, frankly you could get rid of Fitz and I wouldn't mind one bit. Gemma (and EH) plays well against all characters, that being 1 half of that duo hold her and the character back. 


I also like a lot of the new characters.


However it's improved I just can't rate S.H.E.I.L.D above Arrow in terms of something that I want to watch and engage in more, especially in the fandom (not even to lurk).

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I like AoS but I never feel any urgency to watch it and no, never even peaked my head into the forums or fan sites.  I did ask a friend to tell me what the significance of Daisy was but his answer was all gobble-de-gook to my confused ears.  Suffice to say comic boy was excited.     

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Agents of SHIELD will never be worth my time as long as it has Coulson as the 'figurehead' of the show. He's terrible, and so is Clark Gregg. I've said it before, but there's a reason he was only ever a bit part actor prior to this odd fascination in Coulson that sprung up after he was killed off. Fitz is almost as bad (though De Caestecker is at least a good actor), and that 'ship of him and Simmons was another huge reason to not watch. Why lumber a character as fun and engaging as Simmons with him? I got a really unpleasant mix of geek/arrogance/douche/Nice Guy from his character that just made me not want to watch him.


Turning Skye into Daisy Johnson (not sure how that works, but whatever) won't encourage me to watch. Not that I remember much about her anyway, other than she was a teenage protege of Nick Fury in Secret War (and she only stood out there because the artist modelled her on Angelina Jolie's Hackers look. I had the biggest crush on her, back then), and then joined one of the myriad teams that Marvel set up after Civil War before, presumably, getting lost in the shuffle. Did she do something of significance that I never heard about?


It's a shame, because Chloe Bennet seems really fun and engaging in interviews, and so do Elizabeth Henstridge and Brett Dalton. I wish they had a show that I actually want to watch. But then, I could say that about Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards as well.


I'm pinning all my hopes for a genuinely enjoyable comic book TV show on Agent Carter. No pressure, Ms. Atwell.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I don't really mind Coulson. I kind of just ignore him or he hasn't been as forefront this season (so far.) I kind of just see him as the boss that no really pays too much attention too. I was hoping Cobie Smoulders would want to be on this show more and she can be the boss. (I know they won't get Samuel L. Jackson). 


As for FitzSimmons so far they are keeping them in the friendzone. Fitz is in love with her but Simmons is not in love with him. I hope they keep it that way. Simmons has become a badass in her own right and I'm really liking her interactions with Bobbi. 


I don't watch Arrow anymore so The Flash and AoS have surpassed Arrow on shows that I look forward to watching. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't mind Coulson either, and I like Clark Gregg from way back when he was Josh's FBI buddy on West Wing, but I do think the show itself realized that Coulson can't anchor the show, which is why they've significantly reduced his screentime and story importance, and brought on new players, plus gave Ming Na Wen a whole lot more to do. These changes worked for me as a viewer just fine.

My thing with Shield is that this show so far hasn't been able to activate my fangirl mode. I watch it, I'm entertained while I watch it, but I'm not in any way fannish about it. I don't 'ship any pairings, there's no particular character I adore to the point of watching FOR them, so there's just no engagement other than watching it for the sake of it. Like Sakura, I wish Cobie Smoulders would pop up again on a more recurring basis, because Maria Hill *would* activate my fangirl powers of engagement, but alas.

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Caught up on all the AoS episodes.

And everything i said in my earlier post holds true, except now my heart is broken because of Tripp.

I was sad Ward took off his beard- the actor looked hot with it in my opinion.

And I still love Raina, Hopefully she'll be joining the team when the show is back in march. I love the change from seemingly lost puppy to actually being the goddamn wolf! (Or possibly lost kitten to a tiger- if that is what she was transformed into) also i want all of her dresses! She'll be great for the team for undercover missions, she's a good actresses.

I probably won't continue to watch in march.. Not on a weekly basis (mostly because I'll be starting an internship and I'll feel damn lucky if I'll time to even watch Arrow live, or even on a weekly basis). I'll probably binge watch the remaining of the season once summer starts.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Chiny11, I don't think this is a stupid question at all.  I'm going to respond over in the Superheroes thread since I think that's where we're supposed to discuss the crossovers and Arrow/Flash interactions. 

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Chiny11, I don't think this is a stupid question at all. I'm going to respond over in the Superheroes thread since I think that's where we're supposed to discuss the crossovers and Arrow/Flash interactions.


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So here's a clear case of watching too much tv/movies. 
I was watching a moderately crappy movie, GI Joe:  Retaliation and SPOILER, they blow up London.  At first I'm like, 'hey, what did London do to you' along with a healthy side of sarcasm about how the good guys probably should have stepped in a little sooner.  So the silly shoot em up slash ninja fights are going on so of course my mind starts to wander, and I again am thinking about poor London only for it to occur to me that I don't have to worry about London, the Doctor would never allow London to be obliterated, he'd soooooo go back and fix things.    Then I felt better.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I've had some family members over Christmas tell me they thought it was pretty good.  I'm planning on checking it out, but I recently finished Marco Polo, so I'm going to a small break on Netflix produced shows.


Instead, I'm going to get Leverage a go for the first time.  I've heard great things about it, and I am enjoying Christian Kane on The Librarians, so I'm optimistic.

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I've had some family members over Christmas tell me they thought it was pretty good.  I'm planning on checking it out, but I recently finished Marco Polo, so I'm going to a small break on Netflix produced shows.


Instead, I'm going to get Leverage a go for the first time.  I've heard great things about it, and I am enjoying Christian Kane on The Librarians, so I'm optimistic.


I loved "Leverage". Really handled the idea of team/family/community very well, IMO. Handled the "romance" maturely, too. And Christian Kane is fun to watch. Been enjoying him since "Angel." Actually, the whole cast is a lot of fun.

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I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls. Netflix has the entire show up (now can we have ER too).

Which made me realize:

1) Lorelai is an awesome female character!! (i so wanna be her when I reach my 30's.. Minus the teenage child), I miss Michelle, grandma Gilmore reminds me of my grandmas and my mom.. which freaks me out a bit; And I think we can totally blame this show for helping to expend my love for food and having me wanting to be a chef and own my own resturant.

2) I really want Lorelai wardrobe!! (Mostly)

3) I forgot how epic and chemistry Luke and Lorelai had.. Like from the get go!

Edited by foreverevolving
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3) I forgot how epic and chemistry Luke and Lorelai had.. Like from the get go!

Which only makes me that much more angry at what they did to them the last season without Amy Sherman-Palladino. It's why I weep for Oliver and Felicity...epic chemistry between actors (SA & EBR) + contrived writing (MG & Co.) - EP who understands what makes a TV couple spark (GB over in Flash land) = Arrow S3.

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Rest in peace Edward Herrman Aka papa Gilmore.

This is so surreal since as i've mentioned a few posts ago i am just doing a re watched the show, i was just watching the season 1 episode where Richard is hospitalized. This... I'm gonna back to drinking my cheap prosseco and my fancy chocolate cake, now I'm gonna cry every time I'll see him on screen when i watch the episodes. Right.. Okay.. Booze and cake.

Happy new year everyone!


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oh mannn, I so have a different view of Gilmore Girls than you guys. I thought Lorelai and Luke had zero chemistry. They were painful for me to watch, but I suppose I was in the minority. I actually really liked Lorelai and Chris (don't shoot me :p). And teh more I watch GG the less I like Lorelai and the more I like the grandparents. I guess it's because the older I get, the more I see how nonsensical Lorelai was about half the time. But that's just me.


And nooooo! RICHARD! I so loved him. This really hurts :(

Edited by wonderwall
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oh mannn, I so have a different view of Gilmore Girls than you guys. I thought Lorelai and Luke had zero chemistry. They were painful for me to watch, but I suppose I was in the minority. I actually really liked Lorelai and Chris (don't shoot me :p). And teh more I watch GG the less I like Lorelai and the more I like the grandparents. I guess it's because the older I get, the more I see how nonsensical Lorelai was about half the time. But that's just me.


And nooooo! RICHARD! I so loved him. This really hurts :(


@wonderwall you are not alone

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I always figured that having Rory at such a young age slowed her emotional growth. she was thrust into taking care of a baby and just didn't have the time to do some of the emotional growing up many of us do when we are teenagers and in our 20's. it was always stated that Rory was the actual mature stable person between the two of them. to be fair Lorelali got better as the show progressed, but i was happy she didn't completely lose that fast talking happy nonsensical person she was - i think it was sort of build-in in her.

I do like the parents, but Mama Gilmore reminds me too much of my grandmothers and.. i just can't...

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