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S01.E06: Episode 6

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Although things are still playing out much like Broadchurch (looks like that's going to change now) this was a really good episode, the best to date.  Nick Nolte turned in a fantastic performance as Jack, which was as sad as it was in the original show.  The scene where he tells his story to Mark was effective and was a good moment for Mark as well.


DT's facial expression when he said "Dirty Hugo" was hilarious.  The man does awkward fantastically and I'm glad they kept in his cringe-inducing scene with Gemma.

  • Love 7

Well, sure enough, Jack's conviction had nothing to do with with boys, so everyone pretty much assumed the worst of him.  Granted, it still was kind of creepy to me (a twenty year difference and she was still only sixteen?), but, yeah, way different from assuming he did something to Danny.  But, nope: the media crucified him, Vince tried to unleash a mob on him, and even Chloe and Dean had to be assholes, by making accusations about him to Renee, that didn't seem that accurate (Dean kept saying one thing, only for Chloe to exaggerate it.)  So, now, he's killed himself.  Yep, Gracepoint is just a suckass town, full of assholes.  I'm Full Carver now, when it comes to Gracepoint.


Credit though, Mark actually standing above the fray, finally made him a decent person.  Took them six episodes, but they finally did it.  Still not perfect (I don't know what he was going for, but he certainly seemed to be blaming Beth for the affair), but I'll take what I can get.


With Jack gone, it looks like Susan might be stepping up now as a potential suspect.  I wonder if she smokes the same cigarettes they found at the beach?  I also still think something is up with Paul.


The "Dirty Hugo" scene was easily the best Carver/Miller bit, and one of the few times it felt like David Tennant and Anna Gunn were enjoying themselves.  Also enjoyed Carver's hilariously bad attempt at hitting on Gemma.  Oh, Carver.

  • Love 7

RIP Jack.   I don't know if you were too good for the town, but you were probably a damn sight better than most there.


The Vulture and Vince had best watch their asses. Whipping up a lynch mob will put you on the cops radar, even if it was a clear suicide, in Jack's case.


I was dismayed when a) Ellie was surprised at Owen connecting his dad's boat to the one burned, and b) unwilling to figure out a way to at least hear what her sister said. I get not wanting to be blackmailed into having evidence given, but then you sic Carver on her ass for obstructing a murder investigation. You'd know if she was just being her "old self" or if she could actually help the case.


Tom on the skateboard, at the top of the hour? IT gave me pause for a moment. When I saw Tom's face, then the cops, I realized that it was a recreation, as opposed to a flashback/dream.


Very glad Kathy talked directly to Ellie. Unless being Keeper of Some Keys got Susan to feel she should be Keeper of THE Skeleton Key of Gracepoint, how the hell did Susan get into the paper's office?  I don't trust Susan's offer of dog-walking to Tom.  I like Archie the Dog, so far, but his owner? No.


Speaking of 'No.'? Chloe? You don't have a syllable to say in whether your mom decides to stay pregnant, so zip it. I have a whole bag here of 'shhhhh' for you.


Speaking of Beth, I enjoyed her payback (of a sorts) and her emotional roller-coaster just afterwards. ("Should I pay her for -No! I'm not going to pay her for anything!") I also applaud her sarcasm at Mark and Paul's point of agreement. Exactly. Still, she acts like she is the only person-not only in town, but in her own damn family- that is torn up over Danny's murder. Mark gets to look at his son's baby pictures without you reading stuff into it, Beth.


"Dirty Hugo" and Carver/Gemma being weird and awkward: great stuff and glad it was in the episode. The "Dirty Hugo" scene did seem like fun for both Ms. Gunn and Mr. Tennant.


Owen, if he has come to his senses about The Vulture, has won me back. Now if he and Kathy can put out either actual truthful pieces and or throw shade at some of the 'regional reporting' and prove how sloppy The Vulture is, then I'll be happy.


Ellie brought up Rosemont and was quickly shut down. I hope it isn't a big part of Danny's case, the way Carver's been nibbled by ducks over the damn thing.


The preview seemed to be saying that Stuff was Going To Happen, so I hope it does. I'm scared for Tom, as is; the preview didn't soothe my fears.

Yep, Gracepoint is just a suckass town, full of assholes.  I'm Full Carver now, when it comes to Gracepoint.

WORD! Everyone in this little town is a dick. Every week just pushes me further into Camp Carver.


I find it really difficult to believe that in this day and age where we have this thing called the internet which allows you to access old newspaper articles, public records, etc., an entire town got out their pitchforks for Nick Nolte without anyone trying to find out any details about his conviction. Idiots.


Loved Carver's extremely awkward conversations with Ellie and Jemma. Hugo is exactly the kind of jerk that I hate. First you ask out a married woman, which is bad enough, but then you can't take no for an answer. So slimy.

  • Love 5


I find it really difficult to believe that in this day and age where we have this thing called the internet which allows you to access old newspaper articles, public records, etc., an entire town got out their pitchforks for Nick Nolte without anyone trying to find out any details about his conviction.

That bugged me too and the police would have access to his records to clarify. But no, they could never imagine that the population of that town would go after the guy. Ignorants. The police apparently also does not know what a pedophile is.


Still bugged by "cocaine dealing is ok in this town" approach.  And Chloe could just go find something else to do, something that does not require her to be visible to us.


Add me to the Carver team. And for the first time I thought Ellie was actually being cop-ish

  • Love 4

I enjoyed this episode only because of Nick Nolte and his wonderful performance. Poor Jack.


I, too, was annoyed by the town and their pitchforks. No one thinks twice. No tries to look a bit further into the charges. Why couldn't Ellie try to correct the misperception? Someone needed to sit down with Kathy - the newspaper editor - and make sure the correct story was written. And Mark keeps the truth about Jack's past to himself. Nice!


Why was Chloe's boyfriend so eager to lie about Jack? I'm about done with Chloe, her boyfriend and the rest of the Solano family. Not sure if the writing or the acting is to blame. Some scenes don't enhance the story - Mark and Chloe in Danny's room discussing Beth's pregnancy - and are a distraction from the main plot.


I am also done with Renee. The ambitious reporter with no regard for the truth is worn-out. Please send her home.


I'm also on Team Carver. He needs to lose the neck beard, however.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
  • Love 3

I was equally annoyed with Carver and Ellie last week for just pulling Reinhold in for questioning without digging into the records to see the circumstances of his conviction. I know that sometimes the public records only show the charge so a simple google search or the info available through the Megan's Law website would turn up the statuatory rape charge without any specific details, but Carver and Ellie are the police so they should have been able to call the city/county where this took place and get all the information about the case. But they didn't even try!

  • Love 5

I, too, was annoyed by the town and their pitchforks. No one thinks twice. No tries to look a bit further into the charges. Why couldn't Ellie try to correct the misperception? Someone needed to sit down with Kathy - the newspaper editor - and make sure the correct story was written.

I thought the story was written in the out-of-town papers, such as the San Francisco paper for which Renee works.


Some scenes don't enhance the story - Mark and Chloe in Danny's room discussing Beth's pregnancy - and are a distraction from the main plot.

I think that depends on whether the main plot is "Who killed Danny" or "How do the people in the town react to Danny's murder"

  • Love 2
Yep, Gracepoint is just a suckass town, full of assholes.  I'm Full Carver now, when it comes to Gracepoint.


Agreed.  I hate everybody.  I actually get annoyed when Carver tries to fit in in some way because I don't want him to.  I want him to kick everyone's ass, solve the case. and move someplace far, far away from that horrible town.

  • Love 8
I, too, was annoyed by the town and their pitchforks. No one thinks twice. No tries to look a bit further into the charges. Why couldn't Ellie try to correct the misperception? Someone needed to sit down with Kathy - the newspaper editor - and make sure the correct story was written.
I thought the story was written in the out-of-town papers, such as the San Francisco paper for which Renee works.

The first story (the one that Owen and Renee wrote together) was in the SF paper but the following stories (including the last one about Reinhold's wife and kid) were in the local Gracepoint paper.

  • Love 1

So, they've killed off the only character I even gave a shit about in Jack.  I'm firmly in the Carver Camp, and I don't care what his psychological damage is…I hope he hands them all a giant shit sandwich and forces them to eat.  


And, Beth?  Just STFU you self-absorbed twat.  


The most annoying aspect that all these townsfolk share is this belief that each of them knows so much more than the other, each is so righteously indignant and preachy, one dimensional…..Jack was rather the exception, so I'll miss him and his three dimensional character.  


RIP Jack, full marks Nolte.

  • Love 4

I, too, was annoyed by the town and their pitchforks. No one thinks twice. No tries to look a bit further into the charges. Why couldn't Ellie try to correct the misperception? Someone needed to sit down with Kathy - the newspaper editor - and make sure the correct story was written.


This was a major disconnect for me. Its not the 1950s, most of us have seen enough Law and Order to know that "statatory rape" with a man is generally male/female with parents being pissed that someone had sex with their daughter. There's no reason for the *police* to not know that Jack's crime was with a 16 year old female and there's no reason to not say so. I'll throw Jack a bone or two in not wanting to share out the story - but this is supposed to be a town where everyone knows everyone. Really hard to believe no one knew Jack had a son and a tragedy. It just felt implausible - there's "everybody has secrets" and then there's "he's lived here for years and years, and we've all thrown our pubescent sons at him for years in a creepy indiscernable after school program that apparently has no supervision or oversight and now we're angry"......


I mean, its 2014. Schools run background checks.

  • Love 7
Ellie hasn't been much help to Carver, she has spent more time being the town's apologist, the town's enabler.  It is hard for me to believe that she is a cop at all, she seems more like the town whiner, in a town full of whiners.  She would probably learn a lot more about what went on with the murder, if she had spent more time talking to her son.


Not to mention she could have hauled her sister in for questioning, with a charge of impeding a police investigation and extorting a police officer.  Shouldn't they be running down every lead, even if the "I saw something" is coming from a deadbeat sister?

  • Love 6

RIP Nick Nolte. He was great this episode. Although when he was standing in front of the ocean, I knew he was going to do a full-on Coming Home Bruce Dern. I actually teared up when his body was found.


So Jack opens up to Mark and tells him his whole story and Mark walks off saying he'd better get out of town NOW, he can't live there any more? Way to be sympathetic, Mark, you jackass, because Jack saying the death of a child can destroy a marriage is exactly what is happening to you and Beth.


Beth's scene where she asks Mark why he cheated was so realistic. If anyone out there has had that happen, her reaction and questions to Mark were spot on. And Mark blaming Beth for his affair ALSO was spot on! It's always someone else's fault when a partner cheats. I actually liked Beth then, for the first time.


Carver/Gemma was awkward, yes, but I've had the feeling she's been coming on to him so I was surprised she didn't take him up on his offer. She parks herself at his dinner table, she goes through his wallet while saying she's his wife (and he could do worse) at the hospital, then bringing the towels to his room and hanging around instead of just handing them to him through the door. I found myself trying to decide who would be better, Mark or Carver.


Tom skateboarding down Main Street with cops in tow? WTH was that all about? Timing from cameras to estimated murder time? It just didn't make sense to me.


So the boat is gone. Anyone could have cut that chain and taken the boat. Or was the padlock unlocked? I couldn't tell. If it's unlocked, then Owen's mom needs some cop-time questioning.


So a co-worker asks you out for a drink. What's the big deal. Then all-tough-cop Ellie is afraid to talk to the guy on a work-related thing? Ugh.


When Elllie asks Carver if the case will ever be solved, then she says they can't let everyone down, all those people are her FRIENDS, I wished Carver had replied, "Well, one of your friends is a murderer."


I did love that he shut the Rosemont conversation down. That's the Carver that I love, all real cop tough.


Am I the only one who thought what a tragedy it was that Gemma left the beer flowing out of the taps after Beth left the bar?

I know! All I could think was TURN OFF THE TAPS! Plus shout after Beth, "You're getting invoiced for this." It's one thing for Beth to confront Gemma, it's quite another for her to walk in and trash the place.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 6

I hated Chloe insisting that Beth have the baby. I know Chloe lost her brother but that doesn't give her ANY say in Beth's pregnancy. A brother is not a pet hamster. If yours dies, your parents are not obligated to replace him for you.

Loved that when Reinhold was telling his story to Mark, he made sure to point out that his wife was the same age as Beth was when Mark knocked her up in high school. I know that there is a big difference between a 40 year old man and a high school student having a relationship with a 16 year old girl, but I love having Mark be reminded of that fact by multiple people (especially after his assy attempt to blame his affair on Beth).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 7
Tom skateboarding down Main Street with cops in tow? WTH was that all about? Timing from cameras to estimated murder time? It just didn't make sense to me.


Thank you - I was wondering the same thing, too.


We get one little clue every episode and then it is never pulled together into a cohesive manner. Why the skateboarding? What does it link to? We see minimal "detective work" going on as opposed to lots of Solano marital issues and Carver/Gemma odd flirtations.


We are now 4 episodes away from what is sure to be a shocking(!) reveal of the murderer and yet I don't notice a trail of evidence that would point to anyone in particular. Have they hauled Susan in for extensive questioning yet? What about the creepy priest? Mark's assistant - Vince? - should be investigated further. 


I'm tired of this little town with secrets along with Ellie's pained expressions when she realizes that nothing is as it seems.

  • Love 3

The burned boat ... doesn't everyone here know everyone else? In that case, anyone could have identified who owned the burned boat, plus been able to account for the one missing among the ones still there.


Not sure what the deal is with Ellie's sister. So she can't pay her bills. She's obviously not the coke dealer since then she would be loaded with money. Danny had $500 stashed. Maybe Sis should ask one of the kids for cash, not Ellie.


This week we are being pointed to Creepy Trailer Lady as the murderer. Which, I'm guessing, means she's not. But wouldn't it be easy to find out where those cigarettes are being sold and who purchases them, if it's a local store?


So Carver passes out once and Gemma deduces it's some major death-dealing illness? We never did get a doctor's diagnosis before he strolled out of the hospital.


Gemma's inn is full of reporters and photographers? What newspapers have the cash to send staff off to live in some small town and WAIT for something to happen?


Thank you whale tail. One whale has now been counted during this major whale-watching season in a whale-watching town.


EDIT: I know I sound sarcastic and snarky, but I really am enjoying watching this show. So there's that!

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 5


I thought the story was written in the out-of-town papers, such as the San Francisco paper for which Renee works

It doesn't really matter. The police people should know that statutory rape is not the same as pedophilia and that it is very rare for pedophiles to chase pre-pubescents of both genders. They also should have known that such cases cause a lot of emotional response, and that should have be prepared for that. But since people can deal drugs and what until the officers are not so busy to deal with this, it makes sense that thy would not protect Jack

  • Love 3

Considering there are 10 episodes (in a mystery!) I don't find the pacing of the story all that slow.  This is sweeps month so tension in each episode is needed for ratings purposes (even if they aren't that great).  There will likely be a hiatus on T-Day, hence we'll be strung-along for two more episodes--then the "dominoes will start falling" until the last 10 minutes of the finale.


We can cross Jack off of the list of suspects, but Dean just shot up the list! (Maybe even at the top). The cellphone/smartphone issue raised is a clue.  It ties in with the $500 cash that was found--Danny was in business.  Compare the two cellphone issue in Breaking Bad and in Gracepoint


I would like to toss-in the issues of Ellie and her husband's lifestyle (living comfortably--long vacation, after downsizing from a two income family to "only one"), the actions of their son throughtout the show, and Ellie's situation/actions as a cop.  Ellie's actions as a cop are mystifying:  Ignoring the cocaine dealing;  the incessant defending of the locals, and as a clincher--the hiring of Carver (an outsider) as Chief of Detectives over Ellie in a town that is so "insider/homer-loving".  It's as if the Police Chief knew that Ellie (or more likely her husband and/or son) was in some crimal business and he had to prevent the total corruption of the Gracepoint Police by hiring Carver as the new Chief of Detectives. 

  • Love 4

Considering there are 10 episodes (in a mystery!) I don't find the pacing of the story all that slow.  This is sweeps month so tension in each episode is needed for ratings purposes (even if they aren't that great).  There will likely be a hiatus on T-Day, hence we'll be strung-along for two more episodes--then the "dominoes will start falling" until the last 10 minutes of the finale.


Maybe its me but I don't find "tension" in each episode. I am bored most of the time. Last night was the first time I didn't doze off while watching. I want to see more detective work. There is a little too much small town drama for me; that isn't why I am watching.


I think that depends on whether the main plot is "Who killed Danny" or "How do the people in the town react to Danny's murder"


The writers should be trying to achieve a balance between the two but that's what - IMO - they aren't doing very well.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
  • Love 2

Am I the only one who thought what a tragedy it was that Gemma left the beer flowing out of the taps after Beth left the bar?


Am I the only person that's never seen beer taps installed without a drain under them to collect drips and spills?


They found a burning boat, and they never canvassed boat people to see who was missing a boat?  The police seem to be making no effort to solve this crime!  Carver is no exception -- all he does is snap at people for being incompetent while doing SFA himself. 


They suspect Danny had a SmartPhone because Tom said Danny had a better phone than he did.   Do they bother to ask Tom what type of phone Danny had, and what the number is, so they can triangulate the phone?  No.  Owen's Mom says she saw something.  Do they take her in to the station and shine bright lights in her eyes while she "assists them with their inquiries?"  No.  CreepySuzan threatens a leading citizen with rape.  Is she promptly arrested and subjected to the Third Degree?  No. 


So, what progress did the cops make this episode?  Well, they timed a kid on a skateboard.  A kid traveling extremely slowly, it looked like, to me.  A kid who may not want them to have any accurate picture of Danny's movements.  Oh, and Carver made a completely artificial 'move' on Gemma, that I thought he was sarcastically trying to show her how inappropriate her behaviour was, but apparently... he was serious.


This show is rapidly approaching the border with Crapland!

  • Love 3

I was thinking about why the police didn't just look into Jack's conviction themselves.  Then I realized, that would have happened 35 years ago. (He said he married her at 40 after 2 years in prison, and I think they said he was 73 now.)  If this happened 10 or 15 years ago, it would be easy to get information, 35 years ago, not so much.  And this all seemed happen over 3 or 4 days, including a weekend.  IN that time, you might be able to find out what the conviction was for, but not the details.  I am a criminal defense attorney, and about 4 or 5 years ago, I handled a Felon with a gun case, and I had to review his 1982 conviction to look for anything that may relate to a pardon.  The Clerk had to dig it out of storage from another building.  It took a few days for them to find it and get it in, and I am in a small county.  If this happened in a bigger county, it may take weeks.  Old files are not necessarily digitized, and if they are, it is usually just the basics.


That said, his blood is on the police departments hands.  If he has any family anywhere, I would expect a civil suit.

  • Love 8


I would like to toss-in the issues of Ellie and her husband's lifestyle (living comfortably--long vacation, after downsizing from a two income family to "only one"),

I rewatched the pilot and Ellie was returning from a two-week vacation, a typical American length of vacation, during which Carver was placed in Gracepoint to get him out of Rosemont, for whatever reason that was arranged by people at the cop top. It just happened Danny decided to get killed on her first day back from vaca. And we don't know how comfortable they are living as a one-income family. Many moms (or dads, in this case) give up a job because daycare baby-sitting costs are more than what they were making. Ellie's husband was an EMT, right? They don't make all that much. Plus we haven't seen they have a big-screen flat tv or cable or anything that would put them over the top on income or living "comfortably".


I got the impression Ellie was promised the Top Cop job as an Upwardly Mobile Equality thing. Governmental departments have to meet quotas of so many women/different races to get federal funds. Not that such thought has gone into this show!


I can't criticize a show that's a continuing series for certain episodes not achieving much more than laying groundwork for events to come. Events WILL come. Whether we like those events or not, we won't be able to say for another four eps. That's why binge watching is so much more satisfying than one commercial-laden episode per week.

  • Love 2

The episode was a little better, which does not make it good. All the goodness was on Nick Nolte's back.

The characters bore me, annoy me, so each episode I have a favorite to be the one who killed Danny. Maybe it was a conspiracy and not only one murderer. And creepy trailer lady should be the next one to die.


I was thinking about why the police didn't just look into Jack's conviction themselves.  Then I realized, that would have happened 35 years ago. (He said he married her at 40 after 2 years in prison, and I think they said he was 73 now.)  If this happened 10 or 15 years ago, it would be easy to get information, 35 years ago, not so much.  And this all seemed happen over 3 or 4 days, including a weekend.  IN that time, you might be able to find out what the conviction was for, but not the details.

Still does not excuse basic knowledge about rape, statutory rape and pedophilia. And it does not excuse the common sense of anticipating strong emotional reactions. If I remember well, the police was questioning him about "being too close to boys", which shows me their ignorance. And if Carver was one of those, it makes the writing even worse

  • Love 1

Ellie's actions as a cop are mystifying:  Ignoring the cocaine dealing;  the incessant defending of the locals, and as a clincher--the hiring of Carver (an outsider) as Chief of Detectives over Ellie in a town that is so "insider/homer-loving".  It's as if the Police Chief knew that Ellie (or more likely her husband and/or son) was in some crimal business and he had to prevent the total corruption of the Gracepoint Police by hiring Carver as the new Chief of Detectives.




Most of Ellie's behavior seems to me like a result of her being naive/trusting about a town full of mostly friends, with a relatively low crime rate.


Hiring Carver over Ellie... I don't know. I've seen it so often in the workplace that outside men get hired over inside women that it didn't register on my radar as anything more than regular ol' sexism on the job.

Edited by Tippi Blevins
  • Love 1

So a co-worker asks you out for a drink. What's the big deal. Then all-tough-cop Ellie is afraid to talk to the guy on a work-related thing? Ugh.


I wasn't getting the vibe for that scene. It started as Hugo just asking Ellie to go get a drink, an thing I've seen on plenty of cop shows all the time. It's a way to unwind and hang out in a more relaxed setting with co-workers. Tbh, I was trying to figure out what was on the plate in front of Ellie. ( Muffins/cupcakes that were upside down.) So far nothing strange.


Then Ellie gets all '...but I'm married!' My reaction: ...And? At this point in the scene, nothing untoward has been suggested. I feel that Ellie made it awkward firs,t with the repeated assurances that she is happily married. Apparently only unhappily married women go out for a drink with co-workers? What? Hugo, who I'm not totally defending, seemed as surprised by Ellie's reaction as I was, and didn't formulate a graceful exit to that conversation. IA, once you ask and it's answered, move on, dude.


It was made worse when Ellie told Carver about it, imo.  Unless there is some secret, work-inappropriate conversations that haven't been brought up, then this is the first time Hugo has asked Ellie for an after-work drink. She has been hammering home about how she's grown up in the town and knows these folks like family and blah-de-blah closeknitcakes. Why am I supposed to be skeeved about "Dirty Hugo" when he has been shown as a professional guy?


And it does not excuse the common sense of anticipating strong emotional reactions.


It was  mentioned in the episode, by Ellie with Carver close, that the cops they had were already thinned out. That was why there was only the one cop, who outshone Pete pretty handily, imo. We're talking a police force that was depleted due to an annual whale festival, so much so that in order to do a proper murder investigation, they had to send out for help.


Also? Joe, Ellie's husband, didn't seem to agonize over whether to sign the petition. Either you trust the guy with your kid or you don't. If you trust him, you don't even look at the clipboard. His general vagueness has me suspicious. Then again, he could be a human trafficker; no one in that town would seem to care as long as they didn't directly know.


So Creepy Trailer Lady can invite a 12 year old boy to come by and pet her puppy, but if a man invited a 12 year old girl to do that it'd be a thing. Just sayin.


Right? Susan wasn't hiding the conversation, so I wonder if anyone in the public post office will remember her speaking to Tom?

(Slightly off-topic: I love Archie; he's a pretty dog and he seems to be working well with Jacki Weaver.)

Edited by Actionmage
  • Love 2


It was made worse when Ellie told Carver about it, imo.

I know, right? Ellie was all like she was being sexually harrassed by a co-worker who only asked if she wanted to go for a drink. So she reports Hugo to Carver. It reminded me of when Carver called Ellie an eager beaver and she was all "Sexual Harrassment, Sexual Harrassment!" Geezy Pete, Ellie, get a grip.


Joe, Ellie's husband, didn't seem to agonize over whether to sign the petition.

I've seen so little of him, I didn't even recognize that was Ellie's husband. I just thought the guy was too eager to sign a petition that he knew nothing about. Yeah, it would be interesting if Joe ended up being the murderer. He's the only one who hasn't had the creep-oid factor lathered on him, he's the perfect husband.


And no drain under those beer taps. Yeah, what was up with that?

  • Love 4

So, every episode before this, Ellie bitches about how horrible Carver is and how he's an ass, blah blah blah. This episode, she tells him about Hugo hitting on her and for one moment, one little moment, Carver seems to warm up a little. Jokes with her, teases her over it. It was as close to a moment as she could probably get with him. So she goes and ruins it by continuing the conversation with, "Yeah, remember that case that you fucked up on? Tell me about that." Really? You finally have a decent moment with the guy and you go and ruin it? Okay then. 


Beth and Gemma's showdown was hilarious to me, because it showed how bad of a business woman Gemma is. Sure, let her break some glasses, no big deal. Glasses are cheap. She broke a 12 pack. But you're gonna leave the beer taps running? The beer is probably keeping your business afloat right now! 


I have my issues with the "Come play with my dog. Whenever you want. Like soon" creepy woman, but my real issue with that? The kid that's just agrees without a bit of "Yeah sure, crazy lady" in his voice or on his face. I grew up in a pretty small town. If I were twelve and someone I only knew from seeing around town gave me their address and told me to come play with their dog, you'd best bet that I'd be running over to my parents immediately to tell them all about the creepy lady. I think that kid creeps me out more than the creepy lady does. I don't know if it's the acting or the script or the kid himself, but he just seems so flat and boring and... not-there.

  • Love 2


I have my issues with the "Come play with my dog. Whenever you want. Like soon" creepy woman, but my real issue with that? The kid that's just agrees without a bit of "Yeah sure, crazy lady" in his voice or on his face.

So much for "Stranger Danger" which obviously is not taught by the Gracepoint police department.


So she goes and ruins it by continuing the conversation with, "Yeah, remember that case that you fucked up on? Tell me about that."

Yeah, way to get in good with the boss, Ellie. Not.

  • Love 3


It was  mentioned in the episode, by Ellie with Carver close, that the cops they had were already thinned out.

Yeah, I am complaining about the writing, I guess.

Not even having cops guarding the boat house, but at least making an attempt to throw cold water on the emotions by explaining that statutory rape and pedophilia go almost opposite ways. Which lead me to everyone's ignorance



Also? Joe, Ellie's husband, didn't seem to agonize over whether to sign the petition. Either you trust the guy with your kid or you don't. If you trust him, you don't even look at the clipboard. His general vagueness has me suspicious.

Good catch. I though it was strange that he didn't hesitate on taking the clipboard. I would expect him to question all that.

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Beth needs to deal with the adultry issue with her husband, and only her husband.  She had no business going after Gemma.  Gemma isn't the problem.  Gemma is just the person that Mark slept with.  Mark could have gone off with anyone.  Gemma is just the warm body he ended up with.  Given Beth's suckass attitude, I won't be shocked if Mark ends up with another warm body.

I disagree.  Gemma knew Mark was married and instead of turning him down (or not hitting on him if she initiated it) and finding a man who was available, she chose to have an affair with him.  She's just as responsible for the affair as Mark is.  It could have been someone else but it wasn't - it was Gemma.  Maybe Mark would have found another warm body or maybe he wouldn't if the opportunity hadn't presented itself.   Gemma deserved to get trashed by Beth.


I also hope Carver ends up ripping this town of assholes apart.


Ellie hasn't been much help to Carver, she has spent more time being the town's apologist, the town's enabler.  It is hard for me to believe that she is a cop at all, she seems more like the town whiner, in a town full of whiners.  She would probably learn a lot more about what went on with the murder, if she had spent more time talking to her son.


On this we agree. 

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Gemma deserved to get trashed by Beth.

Except Gemma DIDN'T get trashed by Beth, her inn/bar did. This town is full of hotheads with no sense of how to approach a problem or conflict except with more conflict and physical abuse. Lawyers in Gracepoint could really be kept busy with the fallout.

Edited by saber5055
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Except Gemma DIDN'T get trashed by Beth, her inn/bar did. This town is full of hotheads with no sense of how to approach a problem or conflict except with more conflict and physical abuse. Lawyers in Gracepoint could really be kept busy with the fallout.

I thought Beth was remarkably restrained.  Gemma should be lucky she got away with being just yelled at and a few broken glasses and a little spilled beer.

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IIRC, Vince told him what the petition was for, then the dad told Tom to go inside the post office to mail his package. After Tom was inside, Vince made a comment about how they couldn't let Jack get away with it and held out the clipboard to him.

Vince wasn't there at all. The guy who handed Joe Miller the clipboard was some random town guy (possibly the nosy guy who seems to play any speaking role outside of the main suspects). Miller took the clipboard off him to look at it and then told Tom to go inside. You don't actually see him sign but he certainly behaves oddly. Either you trust the guy or you're not interested in petitions OR you sign up straight away. He did none of those.


Joe Miller was also the man who went to Mark about Jack being targeted by the town. So even if he signed that petition he seems to get cold feet about the whole thing pretty quickly.


I thought it was weird that Joe is now sporting a beanie and an almost lumberjack look? Not sure about the significance of the beanie but Vince also has a similar one on in various shots.


I don't really understand the Carver/Gemma scene. Why is he hitting on a woman who he dealt with as a suspect several days ago? Not to mention the cocaine dealing. I get that he's lonely but would he really want to compromise himself with Gemma? He's also one of the few in the know in the town that she's been sleeping with Mark. Like some of you say above, Mark is totally in the wrong...but so is Gemma. Unless Carver thought she'd be an easy one night stand, I'm not sure why he bothered to pursue her....Seems totally unprofessional for a cop who has some kind of looming history already marring his name.

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So Jack opens up to Mark and tells him his whole story and Mark walks off saying he'd better get out of town NOW, he can't live there any more? Way to be sympathetic, Mark, you jackass, because Jack saying the death of a child can destroy a marriage is exactly what is happening to you and Beth.


You didn't get the point of that scene.  Mark was trying to give Jack advice out of concern and Jack should have listened to him.  When he learned the truth, Mark had no problem with Jack but he knew once the town had discovered he served time for having sex with a minor, they were never going to accept him again.  Even if it was proven that he didn't kill Danny.  The whole scene was the one time where Mark didn't act like an ass and tried to do the right thing.


As much as I liked this episode, I can't get past the sloppy police work either.  There's no way in hell the Gracepoint PD wouldn't have been able to find out what exactly Jack had been convicted for.  The only way they might not have been able to find out (at least right away) is if Jack had a sealed juvenile record.  Considering Jack was pushing 40 when he was arrested, that certainly wasn't the case.  Seriously, how couldn't they have found out about it?

Edited by benteen
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