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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Some observations of recent Days:


So glad they wrapped up the character of Ding-a-Ling/Wang Chung/Chow Mein/Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong-- At least we finally know who John's family was, his past, why it happened.  That has been playing out for decades, he has his answers.  I laughed that the only child of John's that Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong chose was Paul.  Maybe because Dim-Sum was pretending to be Asian and Paul is partly of Asian decent.  But I figured it was more that Paul was the best choice out of the idiot children that John has.  Belle is female and I'm sure that Chow Mein didn't want the "girl child" to carry on his missions.  Then there's Brady...sure he just had heart surgery, but more than that Brady is just a moron.  Hard to brain-wash the brain-less!


I think that the thing about Joey that bugs me the most is that constant loud whiny tone that he says everything in.  It's like a whiny child having a tantrum, only he is in his upper teens.  He yells and whines everything.  I have never seen this young man be anything but whiny, loud and dramatic.  Ugh.  Shut up!  Throw his ass in juvie.  


I have noticed how much Jade resembles Ava.  She's as weird as her too.  I could see her being "the child".  Ugh though.  Jade and Ava both have the duck-face thing going on.


Roman is the worst.  Must be nice to have a police commissioner that chooses nepotism over the law.  There have been two murders in his town and because they were family, he has turned a blind eye to it, knowing that they happened and who did them.  The law is the law here, buddy.  If he doesn't like you, you pay the crime.  If he does like you, you can murder someone and walk free.  he'll even let an innocent person take the fall for you, knowing that they didn't.  He is so corrupt.  The Salem PD and most of their cops are corrupt.  I so want them to be brought down just out of principal.


I'm sick of the teens.  I just don't like nu-Ciara.  I don't feel for her.  I don't especially like any of them at this point.  The only one I liked and cheered on they decided to make a rapist and cart away.  That whole plot was a bad decision and a waste of a good actor and character.  Yuck!

First paragraph gave me my laugh for the day!


So true and I am glad that the storyline is ended.

  • Love 2

I was giggling like an idiot at Paul when he was sitting at the floor coming out of his brainwashing haze with that befuddled look on his face. Kinda of reminded me of Flick from A Christmas Story when he had his tongue all bandaged up after ripping it from the icy pole. If I were him, I'd forget I'd ever met John and leave Salem.


Yes, please.

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Paul isn't giving this twist the levels it needs to be compelling. Did he seem like someone who has just been kidnapped, drugged and brainwashed to you? Nope. I was really disappointed. Ali Sweeney knew how to play various levels of trauma. Someone needs to coach this guy or his whole Assassin storyline will be over before it begins.

I'm checked out of the Hernandez drama already, even if it is coming together in a decently scripted way.

Pretty low-key episode, but that was needed. Glad Gabbi took time to chat with her coworker Paul.

Think Yo Ling had issues with Paul being gay? I'm not sure where he would stand on that...and if he knew about Paul's career, then he surely knew about his orientation.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

Some observations of recent Days:


So glad they wrapped up the character of Ding-a-Ling/Wang Chung/Chow Mein/Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong-- At least we finally know who John's family was, his past, why it happened.  That has been playing out for decades, he has his answers.  I laughed that the only child of John's that Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong chose was Paul. Maybe because Dim-Sum was pretending to be Asian and Paul is partly of Asian decent.  But I figured it was more that Paul was the best choice out of the idiot children that John has.  Belle is female and I'm sure that Chow Mein didn't want the "girl child" to carry on his missions.  Then there's Brady...sure he just had heart surgery, but more than that Brady is just a moron.  Hard to brain-wash the brain-less!


Or maybe...just maybe (if the writers even remember)...Paul is some kind of universal donor. He was called into the hospital by Maxine to donate when Sonny was stabbed and had lost so much blood. They credited him with saving Sonny's life.

  • Love 4

I can't stand Galen Gering. The guy has no energy; he gives off nothing. I have taken very long breaks from Days through the years, but years ago I tuned in to see him having some kind of romance with Christie Clark and all of their scenes were in an office and he was horrendous. The guy irks me something horrible.

I agree, Paul did not convey any of the emotions he should have today. Dude was very low key, just like, hey, uh so what's up?

I enjoyed Marlena and John today...and I can't post about them without a rant of WHY ISN'T HE ROMAN?!? Sorry guys, I can't not do it.

Kayla looked pretty and Steve looked sorry (as in sorry I hurt you sweetness. The crappy writers made me do it). I will love them forever, in whatever small doses they give us.

Edited by Revlonred
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Chad and Abifail aren't in the shoebox anymore, thats probably the only bring spot. And ughh KM and this "acting". Chad is going to tell her, he lied.

JJ/Gabi are being cute.

Mami Hernandez looks so young. Definitely favors Gabi. Paul is so fighting the aftereffects of the brainwashing.

Dario wants Ed to leave town. Shush chile.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Or maybe...just maybe (if the writers even remember)...Paul is some kind of universal donor. He was called into the hospital by Maxine to donate when Sonny was stabbed and had lost so much blood. They credited him with saving Sonny's life.

Ah yeah, forgot about that.  Who knows if the writers remembered, or that Paul was the only one of John's kids that wasn't involved in a story line.  I still think that Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong figured that Paul was the smarter of John's children and didn't want to go through the painful chore of brainwashing idiot Brady.


Gah, Abby makes it hard for you to feel bad for her when she comes off so bitchy and snobby and gross all the time.  All that weird inappropriate smiling she does when people say something she doesn't like.  She is just so disagreeable about every freaking thing!  People always have to cow-tow to her moods it seems.  I laughed when JJ was holding the tip of her nightie.  I know it was supposed to be to keep the finger-prints off for evidence, but he looked more that he didn't want to touch the grody thing and suspected it got ripped during one of his sister's skanky romps.  He looked more like a grossed out little brother than a cop in that moment, haha.


Yes the Hernandez clan is starting to shape up the way the Vega clan did on OLTL (and later the Ford clan).  They were too much at times.  I forget, is an old OLTL writer writing for Days now?  It would explain a lot.  A Lot.  I hate how the Hernandez men were trying to protect and shield mami.  Like she is something helpless because she is a woman.  She seemed to be holding her own just fine despite them.


I have to say I really liked the John and Marlena scene today near the end.  When he was saying how he wished she hadn't gone looking for him and she stood her ground and said that she would and was he more mad because she is a woman.  I always want the females of soap to hold their own like that.  And when he said it was because she was "his woman" and the look that she gave him-- you go girl!  John quickly back-peddled and said that he just would never want anything to happen to her because she is his world.  It was a good scene.  John is married to a badass who is willing to play with the boys to get the job done, and John know it.  Props to badass Marlena!



Think Yo Ling had issues with Paul being gay? I'm not sure where he would stand on that...and if he knew about Paul's career, then he surely knew about his orientation.

I wondered this too, and wondered if it would be something else Dim-Sum tried to brainwash Paul out of.  Like all the sudden Paul was a trained assassin and straight.  Seems like something they would try to pull on a soap, if they weren't sure how to write for Paul these day.  Luckily, it seems like they didn't take it that far



Is it really necessary to have Arianna, Arianna Grace, Adrienne, and now Adriana?

Yeah, that's a confusing tongue-twister of names.  Maybe they figure they can use Adriana now that they barely ever show Adrienne anymore...Sigh.

Edited by LadyJaney
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I hope we get some denouement today with Brady, Eric and Belle getting the details of John's ordeal.

Speaking of, when is Eric going to trial? It's been three months since his accident and I haven't heard a peep about who will represent him in court...


Eric's lawyer is Belle.


It's too bad they went with Mami as the backup hostage, it would have been nice to see that they had kidnapped Eve.


How dare people not give Abigail everything she demands?


Keeping saying "It's all over" means it is not all over.


Will Paul grow a beard and start acting all Gabriel from Hawaii 5-0 like?

  • Love 4

Someone give that wildebeest Abifail an overdose of Xanax. 

Maybe Abifail is going through " Unbanged Dimera Syndrome". With Stefano dead, EJ dead, and Andre gone, the only Dimera man she can bang is Chad. Giving her anything to calm her down (or comatose her) would be in everyone's best interest.

So Edurado left. We get it! Maybe he should have stayed years ago and let the assassin clan kill off members of the Hernandez family.

Note to self: If I ever get into trouble with the police, I'm gonna change my last name to Brady and run to the Salem PD!

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All he needs is a vacation to Hawaii (warning, not for the squeamish):


This is who Paul should have been..A psycho villain tormenting Wilson..Instead we got Saint Paul...From what I hear, Tomsell wanted Paul to be a shady character, but Ken Corday wanted to Will to be a clone of Sami....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

Yesterday's show didn't record - maybe it was the Canadian government Budget Day. I dunno.


A. Martinez can actually *act*. The two Hernandi brothers look pretty, um, yes, that's it. Mrs. H. isn't quite the glamour girl that Arianna or Gabi were/are. But she can probably hold her own with Papa H.


Abs, did you tear the gown? Are you unravelling? You have a baby and a rich baby daddy. And you get to live in a dreary death-filled mansion til you do some redecorating.


It can't take only a couple of hours to brainwash someone. Unless poor Paul has few brain cells.

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I guess I'm having a dumb moment. How does Sparkle being a universal donor make him a good candidate for becoming an assassin? 


Yo Ling wanted a young protege (victim) to carry on the legacy of John as assassin.  I gathered that he liked the idea of his grandson to be this person.  I didn't hear the stuff about a universal donor, but I guess that could help in the assassin world.

Yo Ling had some sort of blood disorder and needed a transfusion to live longer.  Maybe John's blood was too old?  IDK.  I'm still not clear on why his next project assassin had to be Paul.

Yo Ling said he was going to drain almost all of John's blood, which would kill John.  And that he would brainwash Paul to carry on his mission for him.

  • Love 2

Yo Ling wanted a young protege (victim) to carry on the legacy of John as assassin. I gathered that he liked the idea of his grandson to be this person. I didn't hear the stuff about a universal donor, but I guess that could help in the assassin world.

Yo Ling said he was going to drain almost all of John's blood, which would kill John. And that he would brainwash Paul to carry on his mission for him.

Based of the dialogue at the end of Paul's flashbacks, it seems like DingALing was an extremist and trying to pass the torch to the young Paul.

Woah...good catch swtrgrl!

Gurl, puhleeze...I've watched anything WilSon1.0 and Wilson2.0 and Paulson and Horita about a bajillion times. LOL


I guess I'm having a dumb moment. How does Sparkle being a universal donor make him a good candidate for becoming an assassin? 

Those two things are unrelated separate items.

1. JawnDaddy needed family blood to help with his cure for his Caroline disease. Sparkle is a universal donor so that helps since even family members aren't guaranteed to be blood compatible. Also? Science. LOL...or the writers' version of it, anyway. (I'm a beeyotch. I admit it)

2. JawnDaddy was taunting Jawn about turning his son into the same thing that Jawn despised being. Paul is young, fit, etc... he'd be a perfect pawn to become an assassin.

3. I don't think that JawnDaddy cares or even knows about Paul's sexuality but yes, I fear (speculation only) that part of the brainwashing will "erase" the gay away.


I will be fucking pissed if they do that but also...

that may be why they bring Sonny back. To cancel the brainwashing like Abby did with Chad's

Edited by swtrgrl
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I finished yesterday's show a little while ago and there's the Rafe I know and loathe!  


So Mom has been kidnapped by a some international terrorists, held for at least a week or more and Rafe thinks she can't handle seeing her deadbeat baby daddy?  Really, Rafe??  The womon who not only raised his entitled, sexist, sullen little ass and didn't drown him in the tub, who is pretty damn calm after being kidnapped, SHE can't handle seeing Eduardo?

This is the Rafe I find intolerable.  His first response with Da Wimmins is to treat them like second class citizens, too dumb to think for themselves, always in need of his protection, he thinks he knows best and PUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE, Rafe wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground without written instructions.

He did this with Sami, he did this with Jordan - he even tried to do this with Kate - he does it all the time with Gabi and now he's doing this with his mother.


I hope he's singing soprano when she's done with him.  


What a knuckledragging bonehead he is.

  • Love 7

This is the Rafe I find intolerable.  His first response with Da Wimmins is to treat them like second class citizens, too dumb to think for themselves, always in need of his protection, he thinks he knows best and PUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE, Rafe wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground without written instructions.

He did this with Sami, he did this with Jordan - he even tried to do this with Kate - he does it all the time with Gabi and now he's doing this with his mother.


Agreed. It used to bug the shit outta me how he was with Gabi. I mean... she's confiding in her bff, Will and Rafe gets pissed b/c she didn't come to him about stuff. DUH, you're her brother, db.


Who could handle Paul going Hawaii 50 on them?

Meeeee!!! Gabriel is a bad ass.

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Maybe I wasn't watching closely but I kind of loved it how Mama was ready to take all her kids on for their questionable lives and the boys begged off, leaving Gabi to account for her life because she's made the most mistakes.  Especially with the Mama look.  She'll get to all of them. En espanol I hope. Rafe acted as the matri/patriarch for the family for years and you could say it's had something to do with his ego. Maybe it will take him down a bit.  He was good with Jordan but I love it she left him after finding out about Kate. 


I think KM tried her best yesterday. Then I saw she was walking around the room in a nice dinner dress - I guess she has the Dimera money now - and had her baby perfectly presented to her.  I want to see Been knife her to death. 


Enough of Jawn.  Backburner him now.  Quit while you're ahead.  I might be able to tolerate him more without the GD Clint Eastwood whispering.  All that's missing is chewing gum.

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For the life of me I just can't see it.  Can't see why Chad doesn't slap a sign on Abigail that says "Free to a good home", or "Ben, she's all yours - Free delivery".  


She whines, she snarks, she rolls her eyes at him, she gives JJ the same treatment, she's all "MY husband", "My baby", "MY brother" - could she BE more self-centered? - and all delivered in her constant nasal Valley Girl whine.  She's like an itch you can't scratch or a UTI resistant to antibiotics.  There is always a slow burn going on.


How can they tell she's crazy when this is her normal behavior?

Edited by boes
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"Behold the oracle of Salem."

This line made this crapfest worth it today.

I KNOW! Loved it.

Kassie got nominated for a daytime Emmy for lead actress..Whoohoo... this is so wonderful! The best news is that Kate Mansi did not get one..

Good for Kassie! She really earned her stripes in a crappy storyline (or was that two crappy storylines?)

I really hope this Summer crap doesn't interfere with what I hope will be an epic engagement announcement at Club TBD. Are Eric, Belle, Mar, John, Victor, Maggie, Nicole and Anne all going to be present to exchange meaningful glances? They had better!!

(I really just need Anne and Victor - the rest are gravy)

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Nic and Theresa are working. Baby cries. And Nic still wearing her engagement ring.

Brady and Vic see each at Horton Sq and talking about the engagement party.

The Hernandez family is just giving me life. I will enjoy this while I can before Higley returns and it fucks it up.

Maggie tells Vic he needs to work on his relationship with Brady.

Adriana asking why Eduardo left and how can put hers and the family in danger. Eduardo is apologizing again. He asks if it's best for him to leaving Salem. Adriana is pissed at him and doesn't understand why the children want anything to do with him. Ed is talking to Gabi and Rafe, he feels bad, clearly let his family down. Gabi said all her wants is her family back.

Maggie invited Brady over to house. Victor has no idea about Summer. Maggie claims she gave birtg through "Twilight sleep" Victor can't fucking believe (Victor is speaking for audience).

Hope sees Rafe in the interg. room. They are talking. Rafe is giving Hope kind words about Chase and she doesn't need to blame herself. Hope meets Adriana.

Maggie is being emotional about abandoning Summer. Victor lets her knows it's her choice how far she wants to take it.

Rafe is annoyed that Adriana was a little rude to Hope. Adriana didn't mean it. She tells Rafe she wants him to promise he won't allow Eduardo back in the family.

Victor reminds Maggie to take her meds. She takes them. She feels great. She leaves. Victor is like "You been talking to Daniel on the other side" (VICTOR IS SPEAKING FOR THE AUDIENCE

Edited by BlackMamba
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I guess nobody has bothered to tell Brady that his father was held captive, his father and stepmother were just involved in a shootout, and his half-brother is in the hospital.


"I can't tell you what to do."  When has Victor ever stopped from telling people what to do?


Yay, hot British doctor! What, wait, she's a nurse?

Edited by Rick Kitchen
  • Love 4

Maggie was pretty great today, especially in her scenes with Victor and Brady.  Her explanation of what happened - (even though I did NOT want to see another lost child of hers appear when we already have two long-established daughters and a grandson MIA) - and her reactions to it were very moving.  I make fun of Suzanne Rogers and her waterfall tears most of the time, but today she played it close to the vest, most of her pain communicated through her eyes and her voice and she was very, very good.


I don't know though, why she'd talk to Julie unless she just wanted to hear sounds that mean nothing.  Julie may mean well but there just isn't any 'there' there with her.  She's shocked by the news, then avid for the gossip about the boyfriend, then ready to agree with Maggie about anything and everything - not exactly helpful.  But Julie is a character I tire of quickly, much like I do an aunt of mine who in real life was almost exactly like her.


Mother Hernandez can stick around and kick butt for a while as far as I'm concerned.  Finally, a woman who doesn't think Rafe is so wonderful.  

  • Love 6

Maggie was pretty great today, especially in her scenes with Victor and Brady.  Her explanation of what happened - (even though I did NOT want to see another lost child of hers appear when we already have two long-established daughters and a grandson MIA) - and her reactions to it were very moving.  I make fun of Suzanne Rogers and her waterfall tears most of the time, but today she played it close to the vest, most of her pain communicated through her eyes and her voice and she was very, very good.


I don't know though, why she'd talk to Julie unless she just wanted to hear sounds that mean nothing.  Julie may mean well but there just isn't any 'there' there with her.  She's shocked by the news, then avid for the gossip about the boyfriend, then ready to agree with Maggie about anything and everything - not exactly helpful.  But Julie is a character I tire of quickly, much like I do an aunt of mine who in real life was almost exactly like her.


Mother Hernandez can stick around and kick butt for a while as far as I'm concerned.  Finally, a woman who doesn't think Rafe is so wonderful.  

Don't forget Janice who was her foster daughter that she took  in and has an ornament on the Horton tree as a member of the family. Therefore, there was no need to create a fourth daughter for Maggie, when she already has three...It is a shame that the show ruined her backstory with Mickey..This is why soaps are dying; changing a character's established history for a plot....I hate Summer and I hate that we are still speaking about Taniel...He is like herpes and he will never go away...


The same goes for Deimos and Victor. Victor only had one brother Alexander who was Justin's dad who died in a car accident with his mother in Greece. It was part of Justin's backstory when he came on the show.   Victor and Justin were super close and  it was them against the world..Victor was always obsessed with having a child and his own family. It fueled his obsession with Andrew Donovan and Bo. It was Victor's lifelong desire to have a family that pushed kate to have a child with him, in order to cement her place in the Kiriakis family. If the show wanted a Kiriakis war within the family, then they should have brought back Justin and Adrienne's eldest son Alex  as a villain to fight Philip for Victor's throne...He could have been like Victor and he could have used Brady as a pawn against Philip..His presence could have brought back Anjelica his biological mother back to Salem to create tension between Justin and and Adrienne.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Summer should be around 40 or so. I can see some curiosity about her birth mother, but that is it. I just don't see the need for her. Maybe she'll just be a grafter.


I can also see that back in the late 60s or early 70s, young girls were knocked out when having a baby. Adoptions were more common back then and maybe it was for the best. A young handicapped girl may or may not be able to care for a child, it wasn't easy for the parents to suddenly have a child much younger than their own, and a 'stillborn' child would be seen as preferable.


The show does need some new blood and some new families. Especially compelling characters that the audience would actually care about.

  • Love 5

Summer should be around 40 or so. I can see some curiosity about her birth mother, but that is it. I just don't see the need for her. Maybe she'll just be a grafter.


I can also see that back in the late 60s or early 70s, young girls were knocked out when having a baby. Adoptions were more common back then and maybe it was for the best. A young handicapped girl may or may not be able to care for a child, it wasn't easy for the parents to suddenly have a child much younger than their own, and a 'stillborn' child would be seen as preferable.


The show does need some new blood and some new families. Especially compelling characters that the audience would actually care about.

Maggie was a virgin when she met Mickey. I am pretty sure he would have realized that fact...lol...

  • Love 2

Maggie was a virgin when she met Mickey. I am pretty sure he would have realized that fact...lol...


Not necessarily. Some men are pretty clueless. Maybe the 'Twilight Sleep' also erased some memories. We're talking the 70s! I didn't start to watch the show til sometime in the 80s.


But we're also talking a weird ret-con. Summer having hatched from one of Maggie's stolen eggs would have made some, um, sense. Maggie should be in her mid to late 60s. Having 'Summer' would make her late 50s.

  • Love 4

Not necessarily. Some men are pretty clueless. Maybe the 'Twilight Sleep' also erased some memories. We're talking the 70s! I didn't start to watch the show til sometime in the 80s.


But we're also talking a weird ret-con. Summer having hatched from one of Maggie's stolen eggs would have made some, um, sense. Maggie should be in her mid to late 60s. Having 'Summer' would make her late 50s.

They should have brought back one of her other three daughters...The show is still continuing their weird obsession with Daniel the savior of mankind..It is why I hate Summer....

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Maggie lived on a farm.  Just sayin'.


It's a question of 'what the cluck'?

They should have brought back one of her other three daughters...The show is still continuing their weird obsession with Daniel the savior of mankind..It is why I hate Summer....


A new character is a new canvas, with no history.


Maybe the powers that be will eventually realise that Daniel wasn't the saviour. It was surprising that none of his female patients reported him for his misconduct toward them.

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I still don't understand the egg baby thing. So Maggie had her eggs stored somewhere and somehow Victor found out about this and stole them so he could give them to his married friends who wanted a baby? Why did he specifically still Maggie's? Why couldn't the married couple adopt or use a surrogate or pay someone for their eggs? Are we supposed to believe there could be more egg babies out there? 


And now are we supposed to believe Summer's Eve was stolen and sold on the black market? 

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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