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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Joey may be incredibly stupid but he's right about one thing - watching Ava and Steve kiss will make you want to puke.  It was one of the most disgusting scenes of two people starting to get it on that I've seen in a long time.  So gross.


I did not realize that today was KdP's last day and missed her scene with Eduardo.  I'll try to catch it on NBC's site tomorrow.  Sad to say but show is not holding my attention lately.  It's still better than GH, though!


Re the young woman who plays Claire, someone here posted YT videos of her singing and she was very, very good.  So maybe she's holding back here so the character can show growth or improvement, or she's nervous, or (like someone upthread said) they're giving her songs that aren't in her wheelhouse. 


Whatever the reason, I'd listen to her sing any day if it meant escaping the weird and creepy Jonas worship.  I am so sick of hearing about Daniel.  He's DEAD.  Give it a rest already.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 4

Belle was neck and neck in the vile wretch race but she's currently IN THE LEAD, passing by Abigail doing the Kangaroo Hop. 


Yes, now that Abigail isn't onscreen all-the-time she is less annoying, which has given Belle the opportunity to rise to the top of my "I hate that character" list.  Great job writers!


Claire looks so much like Kirsten Storms it's kind of jarring, since it just brings back memories of the old Belle for me. 


I loved Kirsten Storms as Belle, and nu-Belle seems nothing like that sweet girl I remember.


I did not realize that today was KdP's last day and missed her scene with Eduardo. 


I think they were both just talking about regrets and mistakes they'd made in their lives.  But nothing to indicate we wouldn't be seeing Eve again.

  • Love 4

The casting on Days is actually pretty good at visually making matches (unlike y&r who will put anyone as a recast as long as they're the same sex, ethnicity, and within a 15 yr age range).

The actors who play Claire, Belle, Sami, and Carrie all look alike. The two Belles had a resemblance. Ciara and Shawn look like Hope and Bo's kids. The Hernandez family had passing similarities.

  • Love 5

We have known since the day they showed Dan's funeral. Kate blew up at Nicole and once again sorta shut down Theresa. Kate left to take a phone call and Nicole and Theresa decided to start their own company. So, it was definitely shown.

I missed that completely, but managed to catch all the Daniel worshipping. Boo! Bad timing!

  • Love 2

I don't get why Belle is so cold with her daughter.


I can deal with the   witchy-vibe-with-men-while-also-trying-to-charm-them-because-she-secretly-wants them attitude,  but I don't get the personality she puts on with her kid. Everybody on this show is a superficial parent to some degree, but at least the rest look like they know how show affection for their children, even Marlena when she's in clinical psychiatrist mode. 


To be honest, I don't know how she even has time to worry about her sex life right now when she, Sean, and the daughter look kind of stressed out. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 6

Was it just me or was there a huge resemblance between Abigail and Hope? At one point I looked up to the TV (I just have it going in the background because really this show is not terribly interesting anymore) and was like why is Chad talking to Hope? Also - Abigail is such a bitch. I think moving into the Dimera mansion was her lifelong dream no matter who she had to screw to get there.

  • Love 5

I think they were both just talking about regrets and mistakes they'd made in their lives.  But nothing to indicate we wouldn't be seeing Eve again.

I was wondering if I missed her exit b/c of not watching vs reading tweet recaps but I guess not. 

Wow. How wonderful. What a great way to send off a core character and an amazing actress. 

  • Love 9

Seg 1

Jen is coming off as little hypocritical. She poppin pills and it's in the AA meeting where Eric should get help.

Theo wants to know why Nonno didn't say goodbye, lol. I'm liking JJ in every scene with Abifail. He always calls her on her shit.

Chase is sitting in the dark being emo boy.

Andre "You used your gun to kill my fathaa" Then he gets his eviction notice. And someone get the pantyliner off his face lmaooo.

  • Love 4

Seg 6

Eric is in Club TBD asking for whiskey.

Abifail and Chad are at the house with the baby. Abifail and Chad want to change the decor of the house.

Theo is grilling Chase. Cool.

Oh there goes the soap trope, Hope spills the wine on Rafe's shirt. He didn't take off his shirt but it was awkward enough for Rafe to leave. I think Hope is horny and need to see some man meat.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Yes, now that Abigail isn't onscreen all-the-time she is less annoying, which has given Belle the opportunity to rise to the top of my "I hate that character" list.  Great job writers!



I loved Kirsten Storms as Belle, and nu-Belle seems nothing like that sweet girl I remember.



I think they were both just talking about regrets and mistakes they'd made in their lives.  But nothing to indicate we wouldn't be seeing Eve again.


The soap press is reporting that yesterday was Eve's last day.

Seg 7

Abifail wants to throw Andre out the house and doesn't want Chad to be manipulated by his family... ummm girl.. what are you doing! And here comes the ring. Barf.

Eric wants to drink and JJ sees. Eric controls himself and don't do it.

Theo and Ciara hug and Chase can't take it and leaves..

Andre, being a mustache twirling villian, outside of Hope’s window in his Red Reddington hat looking like 'Imma get you my pretty'

Show ends.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Was it really necessary for them to have Eric out here looking homeless? He may be an alcoholic but he still has a place to live.


Jen is at the AA meeting popping pills. Ok. 


How exactly was bullying Theo supposed to make Ciara pay attention to Chase?


If I'm going to have to deal with batshit over the top Andre then he should make himself useful and kill Failure. 

  • Love 4

Seg 7

Abifail wants to throw Andre out the house and doesn't want Chad to be manipulated by his family... ummm girl.. what are you doing! And here comes the ring. Barf.

Eric wants to drink and JJ sees. Eric controls himself and don't do it.

Theo and Ciara hug and Chase can't take it and leaves..

Andre, being a mustache twirling villian, outside of Hope’s window in his Red Reddington hat looking like 'Imma get you my pretty'

Show ends.

I don't know who Ted Reddington is but, when I first read this, I thought it said Paddington, as in Bear, hat!

Didn't Eric's apartment get turned into Ben's apartment? So technically, he doesn't have a place to live...

I loved JJ calling Abigail out in the living room like that. I'm just stunned the show is dancing so awkwardly around the fact that Abigail rode EJ in that house and is now apparently just fine moving back in. I can understand why Chad is blocking that little bit of her history out of his head, because partners do it all the time for the sake of the relationship. But Abigail? I'm surprised she doesn't still regularly flashback to that, being the sociopath that she is.

I really really like Theo. The actor is doing a fantastic job of making the character autistic without turning it into a joke. And I really loved the acknowledgement of Theo's affection for Stefano, even if the two actors have never shared a scene since Theo was SORASed. Don't forget, Theo was at Stefano and Kate's wedding and seemingly had both of their love.

Jennifer taking pills at an AA meeting was just so stupid. I thought the writers might do a slow burn on her addiction storyline, but instead they're handling it about as subtlely as they handle everything else these days.

  • Love 5

How is Eric even an alcoholic. He made a stupid decision to drive drunk with tragic consequences. It does not mean that he is actually an alcoholic. I find his sudden addiction so contrived and pointless. It is Dena at her horrific finest. I will never understand what that hack has over Ken's head to keep on getting hired again and again and again. If Ken Corday wanted a past writer that knew the show's history, then, he should have rehired Sherry Anderson. She was one of the best writers on the show. Her stories were wonderful and she gave us so many wonderful super couples. She knows her history and I have no doubt that , had she been brought back to the show for the anniversary. The show's tone would have been totally different from the doom and gloom that we have been getting since Tomsell's firing.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

Why are Adrienne and Justin talking with Chad?


Wow, Abigail, way to throw bad news at Theo.


Man, Andre has gone from insane to freaking insane.


Oh, God, Chase, please don't turn into "poor little me."


Why was Jennifer at the AA meeting?


God, that stupid Our Lord and Savior Daniel shrine is still there.


Are they doing Snickers commercials now?  "You get grumpy when you're hungry."


Damn, the Club was dark as heck.


They have guards at the house, but Hope doesn't think she needs them?  smdh


Why is Abigail shocked that Chad would ask her to marry him?  Just because she sleeps around doesn't mean he does.

  • Love 4

Seg 7

Abifail wants to throw Andre out the house and doesn't want Chad to be manipulated by his family... ummm girl.. what are you doing! And here comes the ring. Barf.

Eric wants to drink and JJ sees. Eric controls himself and don't do it.

Theo and Ciara hug and Chase can't take it and leaves..

Andre, being a mustache twirling villian, outside of Hope’s window in his Red Reddington hat looking like 'Imma get you my pretty'

Show ends.

Has Abifail forgotten that Andre has a dimera penis?

  • Love 2

And we're on the Salem Seesaw.  A day without Belle means a day with Abigail and vice versa or something like that.  And it ain't pretty.  Abigail getting the old google eyes when Chad fell to his knees to beg her to ruin his life aka marry him and present her with the Captain Cody Decoder Ring was more than a bit disengenuous considering the conversation she'd just had with JJ.


Yea, JJ!!  He's become the Salem truthteller, and it's obvious that he couldn't get through that cement pea brain of Abigail's if he hit it with a hammer.  Now that's not a bad idea......Anyway, it's nice to see he's becoming immune to her emotional blackmail.  Casey Moss was a good hire and when Show uses him appropriately, he's a delight.  


Ummm, Show, Jenn is NOT an addict.  Not even close.  Going by the wonky timeline, she's barely a week out from getting smashed up in a car accident.  She's not abusing drugs, she's not using them appropriately.  Instead of using her pain meds as her doctor instructed, to use them BEFORE the pain becomes unmanagable, she's waiting until the pain is unbearable and then taking them.  Too many people have this misguided idea that suffering is some sort of noble act when it's anything but.  A doctor's worst nightmare, and a perfect patient to end up with a problem.  But she's not there yet.  And for Show to suggest so is to do a public disservice.

Using a medication because you NEED it isn't abuse.  Get it right, Show.


Eric.....I don't know if he's an alcoholic or just a permanently emotionally stunted manchild who gets a pout on with a side order of self pity every time he gets an itchy butt.  Right now he's drinking too much, but he's such a wuss I have trouble believing he's able to get down a scotch or a whiskey without puking.  He needs an AA program that starts out with, "I'm Eric and I'm a Poopy Pants Cry Baby".  

He shouldn't go to prison, he should be sent to day care.


I'll stand alone over here in the corner but I'm liking all the younger actors right now.  I think Theo is just terrific.  As DisneyBoy said, he's portraying his autism pretty wonderfully and the actor has an easy and believable delivery.  I've always been fond of Chase and I think Ciarra is getting better, and always better in situations with the other young actors.  Claire is a natural.


Hope better enjoy the honeymoon period with Rafe, because as soon as he gets used to her, he'll be sniffing and snorting with impatience, telling her what she can do better and how to do so, and walking around with the nasal snorting "I can't BELIEVE this" face he graced Sami with for so long.


Speaking of Sami, GOD do I miss her!  We've got Belle and Abigail and God knows who else and none of them make up - for me - for the absence of Sami.  


Oh yeah, Adrienne was on today - and being her usual Gladys Kravitz self.  Show has got to write better for Judi Evans.  

Edited by boes
  • Love 13

Maybe Abigail thinks she's some weird rom-com heroine. With *two* engagement rings. The first one hasn't really been worn enough and now there is another one. Be a co-parent with your baby daddy for a while. If I was Chad, I'd be worrying about the ring he gave her - was it big enough or is it just a placeholder til someone else comes along.


Perhaps JJ is housing the Salem Brain for the week.


Eric needs either daycare, or perhaps a return to Africa for 6 months community service. There are, though, a lot of people who foolishly hop in to their car after an evening of drinking. Nothing will happen, there won't be any checkstops. They do end up paying the price. Have someone drive you home, take a taxi/Uber.


Rafe better be careful with the fish. Only a matter of time before Hope puts him on a piece of plank and hangs him on the wall.

  • Love 5

Chad is trying to sell his stake in Club TBD (so he can pay the back taxes on the DiMansion and then buy it) to Sonny. Adrienne has been managing the club in Sonny's absence. I guess Justin is Sonny's lawyer?

If I were Chad, I'd ask Sonny for a different lawyer. Justin was such a DICK about railroading Chad into murder charges as the neck tie killer. 


I'd love to have heard the convo between Justin & Sonny wrt Ben/Chad - "Son, as it turns out, it was BEN not CHAD who killed your husband and those two women. My bad."

Edited by swtrgrl
  • Love 8


Long time lurker...old time viewer. Huge fan of the 80s (magnificent glory that it was), had to stop in the 90s...came back to see Bo die (Hope: "How much time do we have??? [sob sob sob]. Bo: "About 10 minutes" HORRIBLE) and the second return of my beloved Steve and Kayla.

Anyway, just had to sign up so I could post how gross today was, and shed yet another tear for this once beautiful show. I understand that budgets are not what they once were...but don't people who can write still exist?

I want to pluck my own eyeballs out after seeing Stephen Nichols being forced to have sex with Carly from GH, who I still cannot stand in any form.

Thanks for listening!

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 9

Dena Higley needs to stop forcing her weird consensual issues on the audience and see a therapist. Or perhaps she should go and visit a sex dungeon and work out her dom/sub stuff in an environment that understands what those issues really are about.


Odin's Ravens... seriously, how many times do I have to see her play out the same fucking thing?

  • Love 10

Dena Higley has to be neutralized from writing soap operas. Sorry not sorry. The woman is a hack sitting here using recycled material from OLTL. Corday has hired this woman three times and each time she finds new ways to screw the show up.

Here's my thing on rape/coercion sex stories or plot points there is such a thing of a "good" ones and "bad" ones.

A "good" rape story/plot point: Kayla being raped by Jack, Eden being raped on Santa Barbara, Liz on GH, Marty's on OLTL, and/or Marlena's by Kellem.

A "bad" rape story/plot point: Bianca's on AMC, Margaret and Todd, and now today.

Dena don't need to be just on "leave of absence" more like a damn "GTFOH". Again I don't know what the hell she has hanging over Corday's head but he has to get it through his thick skull this woman can't write worth a darn. And BTW where the hell Josh Griffith was when Higley was unleashing her reign of terrorism on the scripts! Was he too locked in a woodshed box with Kayla too! Boy I can't wait til Beth Milstein comes and clean up the horseshit Higley has done yet again to the show. I'm so close yet again to turning off my tv like I did in 2009.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Seriously, if this doesn't end with Kayla utterly and completely decimating Ava then there is no point to any of this.


And knowing Higley, that's not how it's going to go down because Not!Todd and Blair had more than earned the right to destroy Margaret (and then Spencer) for what she did them but she wound up getting hit by a car after about three years of terror. And no one of note was even driving the car (unless Higley's new object of obsession, Spencer Truman, was the one responsible... which is possible... but I was so stretched beyond my limit by that time I didn't even care that much who was responsible if it wasn't Blair or Not!Todd) so it was a literal 'going out with a whimper.' She has no concept of how characters earn the rights to things by the shit they go through.


This shit right now? Ugh... okay, Steve is going to allow Ava to blackmail his ass over this despite the fact that it was full on coercion to save Kayla's life. (We can argue over the fact that it never should have gotten this far but it's a moot point... this mess is what it is.) He's going to be secretive and shady and pull away from Kayla due to his own guilt.


Now, Kayla's got to find out at some point. Ava's going to torture Steve but Joey should step up and tell his mother what HE saw between Steve and Ava, making Kayla get VERY suspicious. Once it comes out, finally, Joey will probably not understand and think that his Dad totally screwed his mother over. Kayla will get it, or at least she should. Her anger should be at Steve not being square with her because THIS IS AN ISSUE. (And I swear to Freya I feel like I'm writing about Blair and Not!Todd all over again. Cripes, this woman!)


Ava has gotten enough out of this mess... now she has to lose it all. ALL. She does not get her alleged child. If Steve doesn't have the balls to flat out tell her 'I will NEVER let you near this kid after everything you've done. You don't deserve to get your happy ending and that kid doesn't deserve to get a psychotic rake invading his life! He could be dying in a ditch right now and he'd still be better off there than anywhere near you!' then he'd better do his best to hide that kid from Ava and bury it deeper than John's actual life story.


Kayla also has to get it over on Ava. I hope that somewhere along the line, Ava is hanging off a cliff, begging Kayla to help her and citing 'First, Do No Harm! You're a doctor! Help me!' so Kayla can go... "All you do is harm. If I save you, I will be hurting too many people so I'm not falling for that shit. Suck it, bitch!"


And Joey can be all 'At least I'm 16 years old and allowed to be a fucking moron. What's your excuse for being so desperate for a man who doesn't want anything to do with you? God, how pathetic are you?'


And then she can die, never to return.

  • Love 10

Hi everybody -I'm another lurker that needs to vent my frustration at Show and Higley's sick fascination with this story that she has to tell over and over.


People loved it so much in 2009 (sarcasm) that they decide to do the same thing again? Really? It just shows the disdain that Days has for their fans or their complete incompetence. Probably both.


I came back for Steve and Kayla and thought I could watch anything they put them through but this is just horrible storytelling. So I think I'm done. I would like to say I'll come back when Higley's crap is done airing but unless Ava is decapitated immediately I'm just going to wonder not if but when they'll have her come around with Steve's baby in tow.


So thanks for the good times Days but I'm done. We'll always have the 80s.

  • Love 6

Ok, that was disgusting.  I mean really, really gross.  Poor Stephen Nichols.  He's got to be wondering why he came back for this.  And the thing is, it's probably not going to get better.


It is inconceivable how Dena Higley is still able to get a job writing soap operas.  She's awful.



Kayla also has to get it over on Ava. I hope that somewhere along the line, Ava is hanging off a cliff, begging Kayla to help her and citing 'First, Do No Harm! You're a doctor! Help me!' so Kayla can go... "All you do is harm. If I save you, I will be hurting too many people so I'm not falling for that shit. Suck it, bitch!"


I love this.  It'd be awesome if Kayla got to toe tap her off the cliff, ala Santa Claus to Ralphie in The Christmas Story.


Except by toe tap, I mean a kick to the face.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 6

Does not look like a Phillip Belle and Shawn triangle. Looks like Belle is way into Phillip even though she does not want to be.

Shawn needs to send her packing, get custody of his kid and never look back. What man in real life would ever put up with his wife cheating on him until she's good and ready to come back to him! That man would tell her peace or cheat on her right back.

Again another bullshit story and again Shawn is written like a weak bitch so Phillip could look more superior of a mate for Belle. It's not even a competition. Let Shawn move on.

  • Love 5

 I'm so close yet again to turning off my tv like I did in 2009.


I did turn off my tv today, around the time Steve threw Ava on the bed.  I wasn't watching in 2009 so this Ava repeat is new to me.  I can't imagine what those of you who are seeing this for the 2nd time must be feeling. 


So thanks for the good times Days but I'm done. We'll always have the 80s.


"Those were the Days"

  • Love 5

Free Shawn.


I did turn off my tv today, around the time Steve threw Ava on the bed. I wasn't watching in 2009 so this Ava repeat is new to me. I can't imagine what those of you who are seeing this for the 2nd time must be feeling.

I turned off my tv right around the time NT Hope kicked in. It was total character assassination by Dena Higley what she did to Hope. One can say what they will about the Princess Gina story and it having 25 headwriters at the time but at least it entertained me and was a guilty pleasure.

  • Love 1

I don't suppose this Ava/Steve story will lead to a Kayla and Deimos hookup? But, ugh, Ava and Steve in bed is pretty gross, and I like Tamara Braun.


Geez, JJ is ready to become a full time cop already, huh?


I wonder if Belle might want to change her wardrobe to look more professional.  A lawyer shouldn't be dressing like a cocktail singer. And is she really saying that Philip is a drug she can't get enough of?  Ick?


What is the homophobe leading up to?  Surely something.


Who was the woman Belle found pics of in Philip's room?

  • Love 3


I don't suppose this Ava/Steve story will lead to a Kayla and Deimos hookup? But, ugh, Ava and Steve in bed is pretty gross, and I like Tamara Braun.

I have always been Kayla-and-Steve forever, but after that disgustingness, the idea of MBE and VI together is kind of hot... I do think SN and TB are doing a great job with horrible material.  But I am sick to death of Kayla NEVER getting another guy when Steve gets these creepy other-woman storylines.

  • Love 6

I don't suppose this Ava/Steve story will lead to a Kayla and Deimos hookup? But, ugh, Ava and Steve in bed is pretty gross, and I like Tamara Braun.

I love me some Tamara Braun. I think she's a good actress but it's unfortunate Dena is writing for her AGAIN. However she did win an Emmy from the last time she was on as Ava (Tamara must had one hell of a reel back then to find anything remotely gold from Higley's work to submit).

  • Love 1
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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