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S01.E02: Fashion Capitals

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Was that worse? I'm pretty sure that was worse. Also, it was so mind-numbingly boring this week. There was barely anything to mock. I'm going to have to think of so many musical theatre references to write this recap. Grandma was cute. Aliyah was actually less annoying that Kenzie in spite of all the sass in the previews. I have to go to Jersey tomorrow so the recap may go up tomorrow or it may go up Saturday. Also, ugh. They were crazy if they thought I was going to watch three hours of Project Runway this week. I watched two hours. I skipped the reunion.

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I'm probably going to hell for watching Project Runway:Special Snowflake--I end up really rooting for the most spoiled kid to lose.


The kid who won was actually a nice girl, and she did a really nice job with her New York dress, and she seemed like a genuinely nice girl.   Her hometown dress was not good but I thought Christian was probably on target with his thought to flip the top and bottom treatment.


I loved Grayson --but I loved his grandma even more.    The host telling him to jazz it up was so off target I think she really ruined him for the competition dress.  I thought his original design they showed in the beginning was super simple but extremely tasteful and the main issues were in styling and fit--and for a 14 yr old boy, of course he's not going to be that experienced with those things yet.


Aliyah lost.   Good.   I thought her Paris dress look was tasteless.


I am very impressed at how restrained and positive Christian is with the kids--he gives specific feedback but he has been very careful and encouraging.   He can be very outspoken, but I think since he WAS one of those kids he has a very unique perspective.

I hate the host--her and "why didn't you do the crop top".

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Why is this show called, "Threads?" It makes no sense. Why isn't it called, "Project Runway: Discards from Forever 21?"

These kids seem awfully camera ready. Did they call central casting and ask for teen thespians who also know how to operate a sewing maching?

Can't believe I watched this again. Can't believe I will watch it again next week.

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Ok, I said last week that I wouldn't snark on the kids because, well, they're kids. 


But seriously, Aliyah Royale?  14 and already referring to yourself in the 3rd person?  You have to wonder how many thousands of those tacky "A's" her mom shelled out for.  Some Chinese sweatshop guy that cranks out fake, sparkly initials saw her coming a mile away! 


GG (Grayson's Grandma) was awesome.  I liked him fine, and I was SO happy when I saw him dying that white dress.  I do a lot of sewing & knitting, and when I don't have the color I want for a project, I pull out my fiber dyes.  Easy & really fun to do.  If he had stuck with the yellow & green without the purple sash, it would have looked better.  Or maybe used a simple purple ribbon at the waist.


Christian is really doing a great job.  I've always loved him and his clothes, and he's maturing nicely into a thoughtful and considerate mentor.  Because even though he's a judge, he's still young enough in his career to give great advice to youngsters. 

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I wish they only had the kids make one garment.  They are not experienced enough to whip out two in such a short period of time (I did not mean to have that sound critical-it's just that they are so young and the competition is a new experience for them).  I don't like anyone referring to themselves in the third person-just stop it!  I don't like the host at all-and her advice doesn't always make sense; plus I think she takes it personally when they don't follow her 'advice'.  I liked Grayson, but really liked the winner's New York look.  


I just don't understand why the producers feel the need for so many twists for these kids.  I would like to see 1 garment as well designed and made as possible.

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Of all the dresses, I liked the one Grayson did on his own before bad advice was given to him.  It was very cute and I liked the peek of the floral fabric under the skirt.  He seems to have a good relationship with his grandmother.  I liked that he dyed the white dress, though he might have dialed back on the New Orleans colors.  Still, with very little time, he accomplished quite a bit.  I was not that crazy about the kimono dress (the top of it looked messy to me).  I hope he doesn't base future designs on what was said to him on this show. 


The winning dress by Grace reminded me of a Project Runway winner (designing for the Rockettes)...I guess you can't make a dress inspired by New York without someone trying to recreate the skyline. But she did a nice job with that design and I like how she handled the sparkle and bling without it overcoming the dress.  I think Christian gave her some good advice about the second dress (actually, I think he is a good judge for these youngsters; he is honest but kind and helpful, unlike Vanessa who seems stuck in a crop top rut).


As for Aliyah, as soon as I saw the feathers under the bust with her ego initial hanging off it, I knew it had a problem.  The model looked like a movie stereotype of a Parisian.  Her L.A. look was actually more successful, in a way, because I do see young women wearing that kind of thing.


I thought the whole walkie-talkie thing was stupid. Not the fault of the young people.  It just was a stupid idea.


The assistants this episode seemed more useful than last week. 


I'm not as irritated by this show as I thought I was going to be.  Have to say, some of these youngsters seem more accomplished than some of the designers on Project Runway.   I wish they would either give them more time or ditch the second look challenge, but it is what it is at this point.

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Christian is the bright spot here, for me.  He is one of my favorite winners/contestants.  


Somehow these kids designing gowns is like a needle skidding across a record to me.  Anything but, as I see it.  Choose a celebrity and do a street look for her.  Choose a favorite movie and create a costume what would work for it.  Design something for a TV actor.  


Loved the NYC dress that won, that was fabulous.  

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I just had a dreadful thought. You don't think that Project Runway is doing this show with kids so they will have an option on them as designers forever do you? They couldn't be that evil.

Grayson and our winning girl were so mature it was shocking to me. And yet they had "kid moments" too. I think Grayson would have preferred to send out simpler designs but you can't really do that on a design show. He's got good instincts.

Was Aliyah's winning dress in the beginning made by her? Rather the fabric I mean. Did she create all of those little "fleurchons" or did the fabric come like that?

PS the host/advisor is pretty dreadful thus far.

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I love Christian, too, I'd love to see him actually mentor young designers in a completely different format. No second look, no host-giving-terrible-advice. He's doing the best he can in this show, and the kids will learn something from him, but I think he would shine as a true mentor.


I have to give it at least one more week, though, since I just found out a local girl is going to be on next week. 

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I just had a dreadful thought. You don't think that Project Runway is doing this show with kids so they will have an option on them as designers forever do you? They couldn't be that evil.

I guess we'll find out if Project Runway lasts long enough....but,yes, I can see them recycling the youngsters into Project Runway.  Maybe the youngsters versus the adults challenge in the future, as well.  Sigh.

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I just had a dreadful thought. You don't think that Project Runway is doing this show with kids so they will have an option on them as designers forever do you? They couldn't be that evil.

Grayson and our winning girl were so mature it was shocking to me. And yet they had "kid moments" too. I think Grayson would have preferred to send out simpler designs but you can't really do that on a design show. He's got good instincts.

Was Aliyah's winning dress in the beginning made by her? Rather the fabric I mean. Did she create all of those little "fleurchons" or did the fabric come like that?

PS the host/advisor is pretty dreadful thus far.

What's the age minimum for PR? Is it 18?? I could totally see Aliyah Royale on there in three years, probably braces girl too, she was 15 too right?? And of course Mini Corina from last week.

Edited by blaase
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I'm sure that "Aliyah Royale" is the way she is at least partly because of her mother's pushing her to be a diva, but she embraces it fully, so she bears some of the blame too.  I fear there really isn't much hope for a girl who at 14 or 15 is already referring to herself in the 3rd person.  Her Paris dress was just, just, um, well, awful, I thought.  I don't worry much about the second looks because that's just total nonsense to throw at children of their age and experience. 


The bright side of the show, for me, is the sweet kids like Grayson and Grace, some of the helpers like Grayson's grandma, and most of all, CHRISTIAN!  He is so gentle and affirming with those youngsters, and it makes my heart happy to see.  

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The youngest age in the past 13 seasons has been 21.  6 contestants, including Christian, were 21 when they competed. Lil' Diva & her friends are going to have to wait.   I did use Wiki to check the ages, but I think it's probably correct that no contestants have been under 21.  Maybe because of the contracts they have to sign.  18 is old enough to enter into some contracts, but maybe not all that are required.    

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The other thing I have to keep in mind is that the materials they have to work with are from JoAnn Fabric--which has a good selection of quilting cotton, home dec fabrics and shiny prom dress/bridesmaid dress fabric--so we are probably not going to get Paris at JoAnn.

I kind of laughed when the winner said she'd be "set for life" if she won the prize gift certificate to JoAnn.  They did win some nice sewing equipment though--and the $10,000 or whatever it was will give them lots of fabric to practice on.   I  think Grayson's Tokoyo design would have come out totally different if he had a better choice of fabric to work with.

I remember when Christian was on PR and they showed his family, from their description...Christian WAS one of these kids at that age so he is probably uniquely qualified to be on the show.


I just looked up who the heck Vanessa Simmons is, so now I know why she's annoying.

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I so agree that $10,000 at JoAnn's is no prize at all.  As one whose only fabric store within 25 miles is JoAnn's, I know that unless you're a quilter or a crafter it's enough to kill your creativity.  The fabrics shown in the 'fabric room' pretty much represent their style.  It seems as if, from the spin-offs they're doing, that the PR producers are so in love with their 'add another 'twist' to this project' and 'do it in an hour and a half' concepts that they'll never abandon them, even though it absolutely prevents contestants, grown or tween-y, from doing really good work. 

I was glad the little girl with the black New York dress won; both her looks were quite good.    It was interesting that the judges seem resolved to not say anything bitchy about the garments, even though there was plenty that could've been said.  Also, yes, Christian Siriano is doing a lovely job.  He grew up good - both in his mentoring technique and his design career.   

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I just had a dreadful thought. You don't think that Project Runway is doing this show with kids so they will have an option on them as designers forever do you? They couldn't be that evil.

Grayson and our winning girl were so mature it was shocking to me. And yet they had "kid moments" too. I think Grayson would have preferred to send out simpler designs but you can't really do that on a design show. He's got good instincts.

Was Aliyah's winning dress in the beginning made by her? Rather the fabric I mean. Did she create all of those little "fleurchons" or did the fabric come like that?

PS the host/advisor is pretty dreadful thus far.

Joann Sold that floral fabric as yardage.

Edited by EatsomethingTori
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And my recap is live on trashtalktv. Even though it was such a boring week I think I managed to get some good jokes in there. I actually enjoyed the episode more watching it for the second time. They really shot themselves in the foot programming three straight hours of Project Runway content. On the second viewing I was more amused by Grace's snark and Sirje (Grayson's grandma) was even more charming. You miss that kind of stuff when your brain is numb after watching All Stars. I don't think I'll watch them back to back again since I have to recap Threads. It's too much.

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I did not like any of the second looks but loved Grayson's Toyko looks and the NYC dress. Kids at this age are kind of intolerable but he and Grace were okay. Love Christian, he is an excellent judge. He has a really sharp eye and knows what is needed to make a look better right away. I skip thru most of the BS and just watch runways and critiques with all of the PR's lately...

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Aliyah annoyed me as soon as she said her signature was putting an A on all of her designs. Then she lost me completely when she referred to herself in the third person. I thought her Paris design had potential but when I saw the finished dress, it looked like a bad costume. The feathers at the waist really killed it, but even without that it wasn't executed well. Maybe if she had chosen different colors and lost the feather belt, it could have been chic but what she had was underwhelming and cliche.


Grace's original design (and what she wore in the first segment) made me think that she has a very Kate Spade aesthetic and that celebrities like Zooey Deschanel and Ariana Grande would love her stuff. I liked that she stayed true to her style without replicating the exact same thing she brought for the first round though. Her mom was supportive without being obnoxious or pathetic. I know it's only the second episode but after seeing the premiere, I'm already wary of the overindulgent parents.


Grayson seemed like a very sweet kid. Normally I hate the sob stories, but he was clearly still so emotional talking about his dad's death that I can't knock points off for that. His grandmother was awesome and they worked together well without drama.


Of the three dresses that they brought for the first round, I hated Aliyah's. Having those flowers all over the dress made it look so lumpy and heavy. The gold fabric was shiny which didn't help matters. I liked Grayson's. It was simple but flattering, and the flowered lining was a nice subtle touch. Grace's looked retro but wearable in a Modcloth kind of way.


Apparently the first twist on this show is always going to be "here's a white dress that we want you to embellish." This week's were all an improvement from last week's, which isn't saying much. I think Grayson's would have worked with a thinner waistband or maybe a narrow belt instead (but I guess Threads doesn't get the oh so prestigious QVC accessory wall), but it was still cute and wearable. Grace's was a little too crafty and her interpretation of a garden was a bit too literal for my taste, but it was nowhere near as terrible as the street style dresses from last week.  Aliyah's was a bit much for day time but I could see something like that at Forever 21.


Hated the walkie talkie twist. Why can't the producers just let these kids sew without all the twists and surprises and crap?


Once again, Vanessa was totally useless. Why does she keep insisting on crop tops? Just because they're trendy doesn't mean that every outfit needs to include a crop top. If the show wants her to be the host, whatever, but that doesn't mean she should be the mentor in the workroom. I am willing to take Tim Gunn's feedback under consideration because he has years of experience. But Vanessa? Nope. Her opinion means nothing to me.

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They all could use some education on fabric choice.  JoAnn's fabric is a sad situation but they must have something better, no?  I have access to other fabric stores and only go in JoAnn's to pick up notions since it is closer.   


If this sees another season we may see more skilled contestants.  Word has to get out.  

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Wow, only 12 designers? And they already cast it for 2015 back in April of this year? I wonder if that is old information?


Now, to Threads: wow. I can't believe I watched this again. Aliyah wasn't so horrible; I blame her mother for most of that ridiculous "diva-ness." GAH!! I hate diva and any derivative; it's been so overused. I thought her Paris dress was tres terrible and Christian was kind to say Miami Beach bar dress rather than hooker. It might have been cuter without feathers at the waist, but I thought the hat was a scosh big also. And does she seriously, at age 14, carry around rhinestone A's to put on everything she sews? I wouldn't want a sizeable rhinestone A hanging off anything I wear unless my name began with A and it does not.


I hated the winner's looks, both of them, but I liked her so much that I was okay with the win.


To echo someone up above, I cannot believe I watched this again, after swearing it off last week. But Christian and even the little blogger girl are both doing a nice job. They need to ditch Vanessa, though.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I thought her Paris dress was tres terrible and Christian was kind to say Miami Beach bar dress rather than hooker.

Yeah, I think he was right on the edge of saying "French hooker" and managed to redirect his sentence into "French...meets Miami hotel bar" after remembering at the last second where he was.

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I really wish they would have done a series-long arc instead of single episode standalones. The kids don't get a chance to get any real mentoring, and don't get to grow or learn. They're just thrown in over their heads with time constraints that make it too difficult for them to do the challenge and the end products end up looking pretty crappy.

If they would keep a group of kids from week to week, at least maybe we could see them get better as they learn from their past mistakes.

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I really wish they would have done a series-long arc instead of single episode standalones. The kids don't get a chance to get any real mentoring, and don't get to grow or learn. They're just thrown in over their heads with time constraints that make it too difficult for them to do the challenge and the end products end up looking pretty crappy.

If they would keep a group of kids from week to week, at least maybe we could see them get better as they learn from their past mistakes.

On the other hand, there is something to be said for not having to watch the more irritating youngsters from week to week.  They aren't getting much in the way of useful mentoring from Vanessa.  Frankly, I'd rework the whole thing around Christian taking the kids through a mentoring workshop and seeing how they change from the beginning (without him) and at the end (after they have had the option of taking his advice).  Take the winners and have them compete against each other so you have the best of the lot going head-to-head. That's not happening, of course.

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I love Christian so I suffer through this misbegotten exercise for him. Vanessa is so terrible it is actually painful. She is wooden, charmless, lacking in any kind of spark of individuality or personality, and does not inspire confidence in her fashion knowledge. if she has any. Kelly Osbourne would have been better.  She at least knows how to talk to people.


I guess I just don't get why the producers thought this hot mess would be entertaining? It would have been fun if the kids had one challenge, proper mentoring, and the opportunity to learn. Watching children cry is not fun.

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Aliyah is a child who obviously has never heard the word "No". I don't know about seeing her on a future Project Runway - I think we're more likely to see her on Bridezillas.


Grayson was sweet and I liked his elegant first look. I also liked his Japanese-inspired outfit, but the New Orleans dress was a bit of a mess.


Grace's New York dress was fabulous. I'm glad she stuck to her 50's aesthetic but made the dress so much more sophisticated than the pastel dress she showed us (and the ones she was wearing). I thought her mum was her grandma at first.


Christian is lovely, but I have no idea who any of the other people involved are (except for Kelly Osborne last week). Maybe they are only celebs in the USA.

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I have to admit, the only celebrities I knew (and I am from the U.S.) were Kelly Osborne and Christian. I figured I was just the wrong age group to know the other judges and the mentor.  I remain unimpressed by any except Christian.  I think some of the kids are actually pretty talented but I don't know that they will get much from this experience (except the ones that win, of course).

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