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Your beautiful calico cat pictures reminded me of my beloved Kali (from which my online persona devolves) who was the longest lived of all my cats so far - she crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 8 years ago at the age of 23. She was exceptionally sweet to me but not crazy about any other humans as her mom was a feral cat who dropped her and her brother kitten (Krishna) off at my house one spring. Krishna did not have a long life - he was a jet black long hair and just vanished one day when he was about 2 years old, but Kali went with us from the Bay Area up to the mountains and her remains now rest under what I think was a bocce ball court on our former property on the flanks of a dormant volcano. I have an impressionist painting of her on my office wall so I think of her quite often. Our Mister Oh was over twice her size but she completely bossed him around - he learned to wait politely until she got first dibs on any food treats or he would get a stinging claw aimed at his nose.

So, very early this morning my Louis (senior orange tom) went out uncharacteristically (he usually stays in bed until 8 AM when I get up and give him breakfast) and brought back through the cat door a very large rat, already dead, thank God, which he chewed on noisily while making strange meowing sounds in the dining room. I got up to make sure the thing was most sincerely dead and then went back to bed, carefully closing the bedroom door just in case he thought it was a good idea to bring it to me for some reason. Thinking about it I realized that all my toms have been assiduous hunters and none of my girl cats have ever hunted anything. Is this a common experience or just my particular set of felines over the years?

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So some Einstein thought it was a bright idea to stuff these kittens into a pair of black leggings, zip tie it, and stuff them into a cat trap in an effort to trap the mother--in 90 degrees and sunny weather, to top it all off. And people wonder why I'm a shut-in. Thankfully, the neighbor called Animal Control and I was able to save them and they weren't in bad shape when I got them out. How adorable are they? They already have a rescue hold!



Edited by AgentRXS
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Awww I love them! I hope the monster who did that is stuffed into a cat trap and thrown off an overpass.

I took the cat-cat to the vet yesterday (he's fine) and he cried the entire drive. Made friends with the vet and vet techs, cried the entire drive home (half mile each way). Got home and the kitten-cat has been hissing and growling at him since we got home. The cat-cat just looks at him like WTF.
So the vet scanned the cat-cats microchip and when I went to update the address attached to it and another name came up. The shelter said they chipped him there so I'm wondering if the vet transposed it. I called and the number they have is the number they gave me but it's the first time I've taken him there. Gotta call the shelter and hope they have a record. If this chip is attached to this other persons name / info then I know the name of the horrible person who abandoned my sweet boy.

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Those are some sweet babies, @AgentRXS!

I'm pissed off because I just saw on the label of the rabbit food that the cats have been eating for the past couple months (it's always their choice and we rotate brands/flavors; I just obey their whims) that the second and third ingredients have been changed to beef and beef broth. I just got the order Wednesday. Forty-eight effing cans. The company changed the formula and didn't inform the customers. I was feeding it to the girls because it DIDN'T have beef or chicken in it, both of which Little Girl is allergic to.

She puked a little in the hall this evening (before I noticed the ingredient changes), so she's reacting to it. I give her steroids daily and feed her and Little Mama food that won't set her off, but when I don't know the formula has been changed...

I think I'll be firing off a heated email to the pet food company (I and Love and You).

Now I've got to try to convince the girls to eat one of the other four kinds of food we have. I know how that's going to go. They are going to wonder where that delicious beefy food went, even if it makes some of us throw up. They will dramatically refuse to eat anything except $8.00 a can food made by magickal virgin fairies using locally sourced unicorn farts and yeti toenails.

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I ordered it from Amazon, so I don't know if I have any recourse there. They'll probably refund because I order so much from them. I guess it's my fault for not reading the label every single time I order. :|

It's not uncommon for pet food companies to do this. It's shady, though.

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On 5/3/2018 at 6:47 AM, bosawks said:

Happy 6th birthday to Alli!!!


Those closed eyes!

What an irresistable face -- and that lovely slope down her long, elegant snout -- animals,  keeping us human ; )

Edited by film noire
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11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

So some Einstein thought it was a bright idea to stuff these kittens into a pair of black leggings, zip tie it, and stuff them into a cat trap in an effort to trap the mother--in 90 degrees and sunny weather, to top it all off. And people wonder why I'm a shut-in. Thankfully, the neighbor called Animal Control and I was able to save them and they weren't in bad shape when I got them out.

I hate people sometimes.  But I am really glad that the neighbor called & you (not one of your co-workers) got the call. 

I can't imagine how difficult your job is - I'd be a raving lunatic in a matter of days.  Thank you.

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17 hours ago, isalicat said:

Your beautiful calico cat pictures reminded me of my beloved Kali (from which my online persona devolves) who was the longest lived of all my cats so far - she crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 8 years ago at the age of 23. She was exceptionally sweet to me but not crazy about any other humans as her mom was a feral cat who dropped her and her brother kitten (Krishna) off at my house one spring. Krishna did not have a long life - he was a jet black long hair and just vanished one day when he was about 2 years old, but Kali went with us from the Bay Area up to the mountains and her remains now rest under what I think was a bocce ball court on our former property on the flanks of a dormant volcano. I have an impressionist painting of her on my office wall so I think of her quite often. Our Mister Oh was over twice her size but she completely bossed him around - he learned to wait politely until she got first dibs on any food treats or he would get a stinging claw aimed at his nose.

So, very early this morning my Louis (senior orange tom) went out uncharacteristically (he usually stays in bed until 8 AM when I get up and give him breakfast) and brought back through the cat door a very large rat, already dead, thank God, which he chewed on noisily while making strange meowing sounds in the dining room. I got up to make sure the thing was most sincerely dead and then went back to bed, carefully closing the bedroom door just in case he thought it was a good idea to bring it to me for some reason. Thinking about it I realized that all my toms have been assiduous hunters and none of my girl cats have ever hunted anything. Is this a common experience or just my particular set of felines over the years?

Going through pictures to post is sometimes hard.  I've got digital pics since 2000 and I need to start figuring out which year to start at.  Those who have passed pictures are just so bittersweet.  I love the memory but can't help wishing it wasn't a memory.

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The crazy pit mix sisters.  Just one time was all it took for them to associate the sound of the mixer with goodies.  (I tried the yellow potatoes here...not impressed but they were).  Now I know they're just playing dumb when it comes to things they don't want to learn.





Does anyone know the size of pics for the forum.....everything I post displays a lot larger than I save them.

(Also....Apache seen at the edge of the one photo got a different more dog appropriate treat since there were only 2 beaters)

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Our local humane shelter had their equivalent of a door-buster sale today: Free adoptions! Chipped, fixed, and immunized, with a free vet visit afterward! Apparently they have an arrangement with Bissell to fund this yearly adoption event. Somehow the house ended up with two new cats. They're currently hiding in their respective safe spots, so I haven't been able to take pictures.

First there's Catsby (that's the name he came with), a very large young male black cat with faint gray markings who put on some weight during his 152 days in the shelter. At different times three of the people who work there gave some variation of  "Ooooh, you're adopting Catsby! He's soooo fun!" Going to have to wait to see how "fun" he is after he settles down. What they should have said is "He is soooo loud!", because he sang all the way home. At maximum volume. With that Siamese-sounding voice that black cats tend to have. There will definitely be earplugs involved the next time he has to take a car trip. He spent most of the day hiding either under the dining table or under the bed, occasionally nagging just for the hell of it.

The other one is Calypso, a dainty black & white young female who's missing her right eye and has a crook in the end of her tail. She really wanted attention during the get-acquainted session at the shelter. During the car trip she only sang a little bit because she was busy trying to figure out to open her carrier. She spent the first couple of hours at home inspecting the entire place from top to bottom, occasionally checking in to make sure that Mom & I didn't object, then took off to some hidey-hole for a nap.

Edited by Sandman87
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New Cats Update: Progress is being made in convincing the cats that I'm worth hanging around with. Specifically, Catsby will not leave me alone now. He's like a puppy, tangling himself up in my feet every time I walk anywhere and nagging all the while. And I've had to chase him off of the keyboard about 5 times so far while trying to type this. Meanwhile, Calypso is still standoffish, but allows an occasional head rub.


Calypso, in her favorite lounging spot. You can see where they closed up where her right eye used to be.


Showing off her more recent surgery scar.


Catsby steals my chair.


Taking a break from licking the grill on my old box fan. Don't ask me why, I dunno. This one gives a good sense of his size.



And finally, a picture of the late Stinky sleeping on my laundry a couple of months ago.


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More about the new cats:

Calypso ventured into my bedroom today. She jumped up on the bed, turned to face the closet, and went into the standard feline "Uh-oh, a strange cat!" routine when she saw her reflection in the mirrored closet doors. Absolutely hilarious. She figured it out eventually.

The two cats still tend to hiss and growl a bit whenever they get closer than a couple of yards from each other. Catsby always ends up running away, even though he weighs more than twice as much as Calypso. What a wimp gentleman.

Catsby did his first number two in the litter box today. I swear it looked like a medium-size dog had done it.

Edited by Sandman87
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Sterling as a kitten in love with my then Flemish Giant bunny Karma who has since passed on (darn the short lived big breeds).  Sterling loves bunnies and dogs but can be real snotty to the other cats.....mostly the girls.






Karma sterling hug.jpg

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Now I want a bunny too.

I tripped across a pet rescue and now I want to go adopt all their cats.  It will be a miracle if I make it through the weekend without getting one. 

In other news, Kokuma (the dog) is finally starting to show affection to Sir Robin (the cat).  Usually it is the cat going over to bump heads with the Kook or snuggle up against him.  In the past week, Kook has been seeking out Sir Robin - he even was grooming that cat's feet the other evening.  Unfortunately, Kook affection often includes giving the cat the Pyr Paw which is sometimes delivered without a lot of awareness that he is 70 lbs and the cat is 10.

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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Unfortunately, Kook affection often includes giving the cat the Pyr Paw which is sometimes delivered without a lot of awareness that he is 70 lbs and the cat is 10.

Ha! I can picture that. 

Dog: [Wham!]

Cat: WTF?

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4 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Now I want a bunny too.

I tripped across a pet rescue and now I want to go adopt all their cats.  It will be a miracle if I make it through the weekend without getting one. 

In other news, Kokuma (the dog) is finally starting to show affection to Sir Robin (the cat).  Usually it is the cat going over to bump heads with the Kook or snuggle up against him.  In the past week, Kook has been seeking out Sir Robin - he even was grooming that cat's feet the other evening.  Unfortunately, Kook affection often includes giving the cat the Pyr Paw which is sometimes delivered without a lot of awareness that he is 70 lbs and the cat is 10.

The Flemish Giants are awesome.  Karma and Destiny were 20lbs each.  Super friendly except with each other (I suspected jealousy).  But so short lived.


Mr Maggie, holland lop, (he was supposed to be a girl but he wasn't) tolerates Sterling though he was friendlier with him when I first got  him, Wolfie a palomino mix ignores him.  Olivia and Lucky will chase him out of their cages.  But all except the Giants were rescues and had been through varying degrees of trauma so are not necessarily typical.

Next month I will have had Lucky 11 years, he was young but not a baby when I got him....(he was bought for snake food but the snake wouldn't eat  him but he was stuck in with the snake and had to watch it eat another bunny so he's had attitude since I've had him which I guess saved him)... I will have had Wolfie 10 years...again young but not a baby.....in the fall.  He was a confiscation case, rare because rabbits are considered livestock here in Indiana, and ironically when I got ready to give them their morning carrots today Sterling was sitting in his litter pan (all bunnies are fixed and all bunnies are litter pan trained)

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I think cats originated the WTF face.

We're having an odd overcast snap here, so when Riley trotted off this morning to sun herself as per usual and found no sun, she was back in bed within two minutes with her WTF face on.  The she crawled under the blanket, like, "Winter is back!  Take cover!"  It's her own little apocalypse. 

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4 hours ago, DeLurker said:

It sounds like Riley has become very comfortable & confident.  

The transformation is nothing short of astounding.  Even her mortal enemy, the running washer/dryer, is something she can deal with now (our deal is still that I'll finish laundry before her meal time if at all possible [her bowls are in the laundry room], but on the laundry days when things just get away from me and I've still got one last load in the dryer come dinnertime, she manages to eat despite the beast). 

She's still very anxious about vet visits - to the point I'm considering a mobile service despite how much I love my usual vet - and doesn't like other people.  The latter I understand; Mommy's not that fond of people, either, but has a select list of exceptions and I wish Riley would develop the same for when I'm gone, because she has grandparents and aunties who love her in spite of herself, but she's not afraid of people anymore, and even kinda, sorta, sometimes likes my mom enough not to leave the room.  Especially if my mom is getting out the dry food Riley is allowed as a small treat, heh. 

It's just who she is, and I'm not going to ask for more than that - there's little left in the world that scares her, when it used to be that everything did, and in our little just-the-two-of-us bubble, she is the happiest cat I've ever had.  The cuddles, the purring, the rolling, the rubbing, the drooling; all my cats have been strays or from the shelter, and they've been visibly grateful for their loving home, but she's on another level.  I shudder to think how bad her six or so years prior to the shelter were, given the condition - physical and emotional - she was at intake and as we slowly worked through her issues when I adopted her after five months there, but I hope it's just a faded memory to her.

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19 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Unfortunately, Kook affection often includes giving the cat the Pyr Paw which is sometimes delivered without a lot of awareness that he is 70 lbs and the cat is 10.

I remember that sort of thing happening with our family dog & cats (back in the days when disco was the hot new thing.) We got the dog as a puppy, and the cats trained her to act rather cat-like. Then she grew up into a 90 lb dog. Whenever she wanted to play, she'd use a paw to try to pin whatever she was playing with against the ground.

Dog: "Hey, let's play!" (whump)

Cat: "Squeak!"

And then she'd sit there looking at the cat, trying to figure out what to so with her now that she had caught her.


New cats update: The cats have taken up scampering through the house. Catsby does a simple "go from here to there" type of scamper. Calypso is more inclined to do a complicated loop on and around the couch, then off into the nearby bedroom.

My desk is now a cat highway. Instead of just jumping down to the floor from the boxes against the wall nearby, they jump to the desk, walk across it, and jump down from the other end. Usually marching across the keyboard in the process.

They both have decided that sleeping on my bed is a good idea, but they're still suspicious of each other. The occasional low growling adds a certain ambiance when one is trying to sleep. And now they both tend to follow me around a lot.

Calypso is extremely talkative and loves attention. When you pet her, she twists and squirms and somersaults, meowing and purring all the while. After a few minutes of that, she's all worn out and needs to take a nap.

Catsby is a very laid-back cat. Pet him, and he'll purr like a chainsaw. Very gentle. He seems to like exploring high places, so I've found him perched in some unexpected spots. Unfortunately, he never stays put long enough to get a picture.

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So I am probably going to end up adopting another cat...or at least seriously seriously contemplating it.

When I adopted Sir Robin and was bringing him home, he was in a cardboard carrier and did not make a peep.  I started to take him on short rides with me and he did fine.  Wasn't overly thrilled, but not a lot of protest or stress otherwise.  Probably by the fifth trip it was no big deal for him.  Which is a good thing because when we go see my family in Florida, we drive.  My Mom's cat also doesn't mind going in the car after we took her out for a few short drives.  They are just domestic cats, with no specific cat breed being readily noticeable.

Is this a normal reaction for cats?  Because if I add a new one to the household, road trips are going to be in his/her future.

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When I was a kid, our cats were only in the car to go to the vet, so obviously they hated it.  But we later wound up taking two cats along with us in the motorhome sometimes, and both were always freaked out when we started, and then settled down.

When I got Maddie and Baxter, I took them to my parents' house quite a few times, so car trips weren't always to a bad destination.  They both loved riding in the car (so long as we weren't going to the vet, and you better believe they knew the route to the vet versus the route to Grandma and Grandpa's).  But that matched with their personality; I'm sure I could try a routine with Riley and she'd never stop finding the car frightening.

Bandit and Chester, my parents' cats, are only in the car for vet trips, but they enjoy the ride home, so they could be made into road kitties if need be. 

From my own experience, that of friends who had to move long distance with cats, and from reading various pet forums over the years, I would say odds are good that, yes, you can with time and effort get a cat used to the car, at least to the point a road trip is not unreasonably stressful even if it's not something she/he actually enjoys.  It's not a given, certainly; there will be cats that will always be bothered by it to the extent it's not fair to make road trips a regular part of their life.  But chances are good.

Edited by Bastet
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On 5/12/2018 at 12:44 PM, DeLurker said:

So I am probably going to end up adopting another cat...or at least seriously seriously contemplating it.

When I adopted Sir Robin and was bringing him home, he was in a cardboard carrier and did not make a peep.  I started to take him on short rides with me and he did fine.  Wasn't overly thrilled, but not a lot of protest or stress otherwise.  Probably by the fifth trip it was no big deal for him.  Which is a good thing because when we go see my family in Florida, we drive.  My Mom's cat also doesn't mind going in the car after we took her out for a few short drives.  They are just domestic cats, with no specific cat breed being readily noticeable.

Is this a normal reaction for cats?  Because if I add a new one to the household, road trips are going to be in his/her future.

The younger they are, the better your chances.  When I rescued Babalu as a small kitten, he went everywhere with me - in my purse, in the car, on a harness; to my work, to my bird rescue place, to Petsmart.  He even enjoyed trips to the vet, and would crawl up on their credenza and interfere with Important Veterinary Office Procedures.  He loved lolling around on the dashboard or napping on my cheat as I drove - he even had a litter box & food/water dishes in the vehicle for times he napped in the shade while I ran short errands.  Once I retired and stayed closer to home nursing all his sick & dying older brothers, he developed an aversion to the vet's office, and to car rides in general.  Now he screams bloody murder like any other self-respecting cat.  ;-)

So - get them young and drive them around early & often.

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That seems to make sense - thank you!

My Mom's cat was still pretty young when we started taking her in the car.  Since my cat was already 2 -2.5 by the time I got him, I probably just got lucky with him.  He seems to be pretty happy to follow me around for a good portion of the day so maybe his separation anxiety was worse than fear of the car.  I had expected a rougher ride home when I adopted him.  The girl who fostered him said he was such a sweet cat at home, but really got stressed out going to the adoption events so potential adopters did not get a true idea of his personality.

Edited by DeLurker
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Well, I've put in a request to meet a young cat from a local group - Operation Pets Alive.  And my nephew was perusing the local communities website's classified (he just signed a contract to buy his first house so is checking out the classifieds for some things he will need as a homeowner) and found a 2 year old cat that was up for adoption that hates cat carriers, but loves to ride in cars.  So I've got an inquiry to meet that cat too.

The same nephew came by and fixed my trike brakes yesterday, so I need to get moving so I can take Kook for an outing before it gets way too hot out there for either of us.

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That was me yesterday, helping at my parents' house.  I had folded one set of sheets and had just the flat sheet of the other left to go, when Bandit jumped up on the sofa, discovered dryer-warm sheets, and promptly settled in.  About three hours later, I finally got to finish.  Oh, well - sheets come out of their linen closet with fur already on them half the time, anyway, because when you open it, one or both cats must check it out to see if anything has changed since they were last in there, and sometimes that requires a thorough inspection of all the shelves.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I took the towels out of the dryer last night and put them on the futon to fold later. This is the current state of the towel pile. What did I think would happen?

And it looks like the same thing here.....the dark kitties gravitate to the light colored fabrics and vice versa!

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Hi - Could I please ask for prayers, thoughts, crossed fingers/paws?  My 17 year old cat had surgery last week to remove an abscess and one tooth and she did very well.   Until yesterday when her mouth was bleeding.  The ER said the surgery site had come open.  They cleaned out the food and stuff but that was all they could do.  I talked to our vet this morning and as I thought, the biggest concern is if she has to be put under again so soon.  She did have a bad reaction to anesthesia a few years ago, but, not for this surgery earlier this month.  Anyway, she wants to look at it and determine just how open it is.  If not much she feels more antibiotics and just watch it.  If it is gaping, then that may require surgery.  We are off there in a few minutes.

I just got off work and thought of you pet loving people so this is just a quick drive by or I'd introduce us.  That is her over there <----- though.

Thank you!  

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Wishing for the best! Pain meds (buprenorphine) might be in order because if her mouth is hurting, she won't want to eat. You probably know this already, but soft, very well-blended pate food and bone broth are good options for kitties with mouth troubles.

Eight paws crossed here.

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Welcome, @tiftgirl, and I hope you'll soon be back to report that the open incision can heal on its own.  If your strong old gal does have to go under anesthesia again, we'll keep fingers and kitty toes crossed here that it will go smoothly for her just as it did during the initial surgery.

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Thank you all so very much for your good wishes and helpful hints!  I am so relieved to report that it is actually 75% healed and the Dr. felt all that was needed was more antibiotics and to watch it.  She did say that Shlamey's age more than likely means that she is healing slower.  She said the stitches dissolve in 7-10 days and yesterday was day 10.  She said it actually looks very good and is healing well, just slowly.  Plus the fact that Shlamey is pure white makes it looks worse that it is.  The reason I didn't see actual blood and just on her chin is that it is more oozing and not actively bleeding the Dr. said.

Amazingly her appetite is good.  Even after we got back from the E.R. yesterday she went straight to their cabinet and wanted to eat and she did.  I've been giving them extra pate since we found the abscess so, yeah that's a habit now.  :) She looooovvveees baby food.  I give them that as an extra treat, because Shana (Shlamey's momma) has kidney inefficiency (not failure yet) and the Dr suggested baby food as a good source of calories for her.  She gets sub-q fluids every Saturday and her blood test last week showed her kidney levels that same as they were in November and February!

Shana was pregnant when she found me, so, we've all been together a long time now and they are my heart.  We've lost the boys - one in 2011 to liver failure and sepsis and one last year to congestive heart failure, so, it's just us girls now.  I don't think I could worry more about them when they are sick or not feeling well if I actually gave birth to them.  :)

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3 hours ago, tiftgirl said:

Hi - Could I please ask for prayers, thoughts, crossed fingers/paws?  My 17 year old cat had surgery last week to remove an abscess and one tooth and she did very well.   Until yesterday when her mouth was bleeding.  The ER said the surgery site had come open.  They cleaned out the food and stuff but that was all they could do.  I talked to our vet this morning and as I thought, the biggest concern is if she has to be put under again so soon.  She did have a bad reaction to anesthesia a few years ago, but, not for this surgery earlier this month.  Anyway, she wants to look at it and determine just how open it is.  If not much she feels more antibiotics and just watch it.  If it is gaping, then that may require surgery.  We are off there in a few minutes.

I just got off work and thought of you pet loving people so this is just a quick drive by or I'd introduce us.  That is her over there <----- though.

Thank you!  

I had almost exactly the same situation with one of the little old (also 17 years) lady cats I serve. After oral surgery that included removing one of her formerly magnificent fangs, the stitching was showing signs of not healing well a couple of days later. There was a little bloody leakage but with close monitoring from both me and her vet and a temporary diet of the softest foods she would consent to eat, everything looked good at the end of the week without any further intervention. If she's healthy she'll get through this -- you and your vet are doing the right things. 


PS: Baby food must be the kitty equivalent of ice cream -- good for what ails ya and the go-to cat treat after Bad Things Happen.

Edited by CoderLady
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@DeLurker It may be age related and also a crap shoot. I found the kitten-cat when he was a wee thing, just a few months old. His first two rides were in a gym bag. He does OK in the carrier now but he's not happy about it.
The cat-cat was adopted around age 3 and he was OK in the carrier a couple times then he started getting so worked up he starts hyperventilating as he's screaming / crying. It is heartbreaking and I end up crying. It's so bad I have no idea how I'll be able to move him back to CA when my stint in hell is up.

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Good news about Shlamey, @tiftgirl, and also that Shana's kidney values are holding steady!  SubQ fluids are very helpful, and it's good you already have a routine going should the disease progress somewhere down the line to where she needs it more frequently.  A reduced-phosphorus diet can also help, either feeding something already low in phosphorus (this chart shows the phosphorus content - among many other things - of a large variety of [canned] foods on the market) or adding a phosphorus binder, such as aluminum hydroxide, to food.

When my late cat Maddie had to have four teeth extracted, I had to, well, baby her with baby food to get her to eat at all, but when my parents' cat Chester had to have a couple removed, he was like Shlamey -- bring on the food the minute I get home!

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