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It's quite the balancing act deciding how much to spoil Riley when it comes to food.  Her appetite just isn't particularly robust - she simply doesn't eat a lot, even if given unlimited access to her very favorite things - so she's not at all a food-motivated cat.  So if she's feeling the least bit off - because she's scared, because she's sick, because the moon is in the seventh house, whatever - she's never going to feel hungry enough to eat something she doesn't absolutely love.

So I can't do the tough love routine, because all that will result in is her not getting adequate calories/nutrition for the day, and the same thing will happen the next day, and the next, and ... it doesn't take long for that to become a self-perpetuating problem.  But I can't let her dine exclusively on poached chicken breasts, baked salmon, and dry food, either.   Bringing breakfast to her used to be enough to make her eat it, but then she went through whatever she went through off and on the past few months, and I had to start adding chicken breast to it to get a full meal into her.  Now that she's doing better, I'm sloooowly trying to wean her back to eating just cat food for breakfast and figure out where the "okay, if you won't eat any more cat food, you've had enough for the day that I can say that's it for the chicken breast, too, and we'll just try again tomorrow" line should be drawn so I keep her healthy without creating (more of) a monster.

It's like her "meep meep" meow summons to me throughout the day when she has woken from a nap and wants to be cuddled or played with.  Okay, she huddled, terrified, in a box inside a shelter cage for five months, doesn't seem to have had the greatest life prior to that, and took some time to really get comfortable here, so I want to make up for lost a time a bit with the love and attention.  But I can't teach her that I'll come running every time she meows.  So sometimes I go cuddle/play, sometimes I just talk back to her quickly from the office and carry on with my work, and sometimes I ignore her.  That balance is working out really well - she, in turn, sometimes comes to sleep on the office couch or my desk when I ignore her, and sometimes just ignores me right back and finds something else to do - so hopefully we'll get there with the food.

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Yes, I knew all of you would understand. :)  I guess the one that floored me was a very dear friend. Other friends are looking for a new place to rent. They have a cat. Dear friend found them an amazing apartment, no pets allowed. I pointed this out to her. She replied, "the apartment is too good to pass up. It will be fine. They'll just have to get rid of the cat...then they'll be accepted easily". Umm. What?


I sympathize with the feeding issues. We had to change Jack's food so many times when he was diagnosed with kidney failure. We'd find something he liked, he would love it for a few days, then he wouldn't touch it. This was really scary for us. Jack also wasn't a very food driven cat. He was not at all fussy, and kibble was the best thing ever. Eventually we had to hand feed him to get him to eat at all.

Chelsea is an entirely different beast. :)  She loves her food SO much. She is only 2 years old, but I'm already worried about her weight. She is a tripod, and it is a front leg she is missing...so if she lands too hard on that single leg... I don't want to think about that!

Oh, speaking of Chelsea...the last time I posted I was worried that her mastitis may not have fully cleared. Not the case at all! It had cleared, but the infection was so bad that the gland is permanently stretched. She also has a sizeable primordial pouch. How have i had cats since childhood, and I am only now finding out about the primordial pouch? Live and learn I guess! :) 

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Aww, when I was a kid we had a one-eyed black semi-feral cat show up, whom my dad promptly named One-Eyed Jack.  Well, it became apparent in short order that Jack was a Jackie.  We couldn't capture her in time for a spay-abort, so she had six kittens (sigh) under the neighbor's house, but when the time came we were able to capture all of them, keep one, find homes for the other five, and keep Jackie.  We never could touch her belly, and could only rarely pick her up for a few seconds, but she came to love being petted, sleeping on the bed (alone or with our other cats for a nap, but not with us overnight; nights she spent sleeping in the garage as it felt more secure to her), and playing with little foam soccer balls - including summoning someone to come throw them for her.  She was both tough as hell and a class act.  (And she once came barreling over a gate to get between me and a baby rattlesnake as I stood oblivious in the driveway washing my grandpa's car.)  We only had her a few years before cancer claimed her, but it was an honor to give her a home after a rough life.  (The "missing" eye was there, but way down and completely covered over by scar tissue; she'd likely lost it in a fight.)

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Jackie sounds wonderful. :) It is amazing how far a feral cat can come in becoming a pet while still retaining her independent nature :)

Jack's eye was still there as well, just receded far back and non functional. We could see it when he opened his eyelid, but he kept it closed a lot of the time. He had a bullet (probably from a pellet gun) lodged behind his right ear. Hence the loss of the eye and some hearing. He was the best cat I ever owned (or, more accurately, the best cat who ever owned me!). Totally mellow, and he loved everyone he met. One of my friends described him as "the Matthew McConaughey of cats". Totally chill surfer dude, but capable of discussing philosophy. 

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14 hours ago, shanndee said:

Posting 2 in a row...but i'm missing this guy. One-Eyed Jack 2000-2016



But, in the interest of equal time: Chelsea (expressing her displeasure at my interruption of her laundry basket time)


Your Cheslea and my Diamond could be sisters! Grey tabby owners unite!:



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Bilgisticat is not much longer for this earthly plane. I can't go into it too much or I'll lose it, and I'm trying to keep it together now for him. I did a terrible job of that last night. We got in some snuggles today. I've got a vet making a house call in the morning. I'll update when I can.

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@bilgistic  My heart breaks for you and Bilgisticat. Although the circumstances were crap (on your previous job) I'm glad that you have at least had all this time with your kitty in his time of need. You have been a blessing to him and braved through all of the challenges presented. Fingers crossed for a kind report today. Hug. 

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Coming out of my Xanax-induced haze to tell you that Bilgisticat crossed over this morning. The in-home vet was so kind and gentle and assured me it was the right thing. I am utterly distraught. My home is empty.

Thank you all so much for your beautiful and kind words. Your unending support means the world to me.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

The in-home vet was so kind and gentle and assured me it was the right thing.

I have no doubt it was the right thing to let him go this morning.  It would not be possible to have taken better care of him than you did in life, so it follows that you did what was best for him one last time.

I hate that you're going through this; the cat-less house is brutal.  You remain in my thoughts.

Edited by Bastet
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@bilgistic I am so, so sorry. Its just  been a really shitty past few weeks for a lot of us on this board. I'm glad you got all that extra time with Bilgisticat these past few weeks.   I don't think I know more devoted pet owners then you and  BASTET.  Hugs to you, my friend.

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bilgistic, I completely understand about the emptiness and loneliness of a house without our pets. It's been almost a month for me and I'm still not used to it. All of the love and comfort going out to you tonight and in the days ahead. Know that you did everything you could for your sweet baby and he crossed over peacefully and full of your love.

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@bilgistic, I am so sorry for your loss. The hardest part about loving a companion critter is knowing that eventually you will have to say goodbye to them. I hope you will be able to derive some comfort from knowing that you did everything you could to make Bilgisticat comfy and happy.

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@bilgistic, you have my deepest sympathy during this terrible time. You were the best mama that Bilgisticat could ever have. In a day or two, I hope you will read this poem entitled Victory which helped me a lot. Just substitute cat or kitty for dog because it has the same meaning. You did everything you could and more. Hugs from me and my pooch.


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The in-home vet was so kind and gentle and assured me it was the right thing. I am utterly distraught. My home is empty.

I'm relieved you had an empathetic, caring person to provide this service for you and Bilgisticat.  So very sorry for your loss and well know the empty home feeling.  It is so heartbreaking to make the decision to let them go even when you know it is the necessary, ultimate act of love. 

Condolences and peace to you.

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I'm peeking out from under the covers to say thank you all again for your kindness and support. I'm slowly starting to breathe and walk again. I know I did the right thing for my boy, but good god, I miss him.

My folks invited me to go to the beach with them next week, and I'm taking them up on the offer. I haven't been on vacation (even overnight) in two years.

Here's my favorite picture of my sweet boy and me from a couple years ago. I'm sure we were having a deep philosophical discussion.


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@bilgistic great pic!  Matched coloring :)  I hope you have a great trip to the beach, relaxing or having fun, whatever you want to do.

So the queen normally goes to work with me Tues & Thurs and occasionally a Mon or Friday (I work at different places) and I do get this look if she is bored, even though she wanders around and gets lots of attention. 


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Chelsea looking less evil (or, as a friend said, "showing less resting cat-bitch face").




She is getting quite...pleasantly plump. We need to get that under control. I don't want too much stress on that single "landing leg". I just don't know what else i can do. She only gets half a cup of Performatrin Healthy weight formula dry food (and the label indicates 3/4 cup to maintain 8 lbs of body weight. That was her weight when we adopted her...she is getting close to 10 now). We also give her one tablespoon of wet food (she doesn't seem to drink a whole lot, so we give this to her). This doesn't seem like it should be too much...

Edited by shanndee
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bilgistic, I'm very sorry.  I've found that no one loves us the way an animal does, & vice versa (especially cats, in my experience).  You were both lucky to have each other, so I hope you can take comfort in your happy memories. 

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bilgistic, I hope you're doing better. For me, a little time has eased things, although I still miss my Olivia constantly.

I've started looking at rescue dogs in my area. It's hard, I can't really remember how I found Olivia (it was through a rescue group but I can't remember which one now 11 years later). I've made inquiries on two that caught my eye, so we'll see. I keep hoping Olivia will somehow give me a sign but she's probably busy romping around and causing trouble in pet heaven, lol.

Edited by emma675d
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Thanks, @emma675. My mind had basically accepted that my boy is gone, because I don't reflexively expect to see him or think a noise in my home is him. I still miss my girl kitty who passed two years ago. It's acceptance more than anything else. I send you hugs.

I'm also looking to adopt again, though it's been a very short time since Bilgisticat's passing. I am simply a cat lady, and I need to take care of cats. I wish I could adopt them all, but my dream of owning an animal rescue ranch is just a dream...

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

bilgistic, I hope you're doing better. For me, a little time has eased things, although I still miss my Olivia constantly.

I've started looking at rescue dogs in my area. It's hard, I can't really remember how I found Olivia (it was through a rescue group but I can't remember which one now 11 years later). I've made inquiries on two that caught my eye, so we'll see. I keep hoping Olivia will somehow give me a sign but she's probably busy romping around and causing trouble in pet heaven, lol.

My local shelters have a lot of "hurricane" dogs, and this weekend the SPCA is offering a $5 adoption fee special (probably to make room for more refugees).

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Ok. I'm convinced girl cat has either supernatural powers or she purrfectly understands human talk. I stayed up late last night. So late, that I didn't get up at my usual early hour. First thing upon awakening I feed the kitties. The only thing that they will allow is a brief visit at the loo. Girl cat was screaming at me and as I opened my eyes and looked at her, she was up on my dresser threatening a ceramic sculpture. That piece is very sentimental and irreplaceable. She never goes up there. It's not as tho I have immediately ran to protect it or taken it away from her. It's the only dang thing on my dresser. She just gave me that stare that said "Get up and feed me or it goes.".  What choice did I have but to put my feet on the floor and go feed her? Really...there was no choice. I didn't feed her her favorite flavor tho as I am not rewarding bad behavior. She's been content and normal since our little am greeting. Perhaps I am reading too much into this or personifying. Regardless I am taking that statue down tonight so it won't be a pawn tomorrow morning. 

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Bilgisticat would knock over my nightly glass of water on my nightstand if I didn't get up when he thought I should. I had to resort to adult sippy cups for my coffee, because he'd stick his head or paw in it and take a slurp. He clearly knew it infuriated me, since he kept doing it.

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I've found putting a little dry food in a pyrex bowl with a lid in my bathroom works well.  I either open it before I go to bed or when I get up to use the facilities in the middle of the night.  Sir Robin eats it happily and is a lot less intolerant of my need to sleep in the morning.

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I slept in 3 hours later than normal (thanks to waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep right away). My cat got so worked up over her "brunch" that she started having a case of the "cat zoomies". In her heightened state, she ran into the bathroom door 3 times in an effort to open it by sticking her paw under the door; she then jumped on my bed and started batting an imaginary object she thought was on the bed, she then flung herself off the bed, ran under it to the other side where her bed is and jumped into the cat bed with such force it went sliding across the room. She peeked her head out to see how far she traveled, climbed out, and climbed on my bed again and fell asleep like nothing happened.

I'm starting to wonder if Fancy Feast puts cocaine in their food LOL.

Edited by AgentRXS
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7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm starting to wonder if Fancy Feast puts cocaine in their food LOL.

I've speculated that the secret ingredient is crack. My girls live for that can of Exquisite Medleys they split each evening.

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On 9/13/2017 at 11:23 AM, bilgistic said:

I'm peeking out from under the covers to say thank you all again for your kindness and support. I'm slowly starting to breathe and walk again. I know I did the right thing for my boy, but good god, I miss him.

My folks invited me to go to the beach with them next week, and I'm taking them up on the offer. I haven't been on vacation (even overnight) in two years.

Here's my favorite picture of my sweet boy and me from a couple years ago. I'm sure we were having a deep philosophical discussion.


This is a wonderful picture! 

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I've discovered I have some sort of pet one-upsmanship (sp?).  Kook gave himself a thorough dust bath after dinner last night, so I washed off his face with a wet wash cloth (designated for dog usage) and took him to the dog park so he could get himself properly dirty since he was going to get a bath today anyway.  When we were leaving, a lady was coming in with her Samoyed which was very cute, fluffy and gleaming white.  Kook was pretty dingy from the dust bath and a good frolick, so not looking as pretty as usual.  He's is usually the cutest (subjective) dog and the fluffiest and whitest (objective) where ever we go.  The level of __________ I felt at him not being the cutest, fluffiest and whitest dog was quite the surprise to me.

The dog park has a two gate system - one that leads into a small entry/egress space where you can leash/unleash your dog and then another gate into the actual dog park.  The normal courtesy is you don't enter the small part if someone else is in there so you don't distract their dog or get two unknown dogs corralled in a small space.  The Samoyed owner entered the space while I was in there with Kook trying to get him leashed up. 

I've been searching the Great Pyrenees rescues looking for a dog for my Mom.  I saw a mix that they were guessing was Great Pyr and English Sheepdog.  It is adorable and I want him for myself. 

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On 9/23/2017 at 3:26 PM, bilgistic said:

Thanks, @emma675. My mind had basically accepted that my boy is gone, because I don't reflexively expect to see him or think a noise in my home is him. I still miss my girl kitty who passed two years ago. It's acceptance more than anything else. I send you hugs.

I'm also looking to adopt again, though it's been a very short time since Bilgisticat's passing. I am simply a cat lady, and I need to take care of cats. I wish I could adopt them all, but my dream of owning an animal rescue ranch is just a dream...

That's so courageous and generous of you, that you are willing to help and give of your heart so soon after losing what someone very dear. 

My family has a saying many many generations old, translated into English, a dog (or cat) only lives long enough to break your heart. It's hard to explain the meaning but when they pass it pierces a person if (they cared about them) soul. And it's fucked up since when a person truly cares about the pet when they pass,  you both have such an unconditional ride or die ultra close bond at that point and then senselessness they're gone and the gag is dickheads live like 60 more years than that. That's just one interpretation. 

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1 hour ago, isalicat said:

If you love and/or admire felines, you will definitely appreciate this:




do you believe the paws on those kittens? so adorable!

Awesome!  Puts my back door raccoon families to shame.  ;-)


1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

That's so courageous and generous of you, that you are willing to help and give of your heart so soon after losing what someone very dear. 

My family has a saying many many generations old, translated into English, a dog (or cat) only lives long enough to break your heart. It's hard to explain the meaning but when they pass it pierces a person if (they cared about them) soul. And it's fucked up since when a person truly cares about the pet when they pass,  you both have such an unconditional ride or die ultra close bond at that point and then senselessness they're gone and the gag is dickheads live like 60 more years than that. That's just one interpretation. 

The only fault I can find with animals is their short life spans, or, in the case of some parrots, their long life spans (outliving you & your loving care).  Animals have changed my atheist proclivities to agnostic; I desperately want to believe in some sort of afterlife where I can be reunited with my loved ones - and they are all animals.  Sorry/not sorry, humans.  :~(

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