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20 hours ago, ABay said:

A big adventure for Sir Robin!

He's being a miserable brat today because he wants to go back outside.  He's finally calmed down but for a good 30 minutes her was 10 lbs of fury.

I've been looking at greenhouse kits at Home Depot online so I can try to figure out how to convert one to a cat enclosure.  I figure if I cover it with screening and wire mesh, I can snug it up to the house and he can access it through the window.  I'm sure there is a fatal flaw in my plan, but those I only discover after I have invested both time and money.

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

He's being a miserable brat today because he wants to go back outside.  He's finally calmed down but for a good 30 minutes her was 10 lbs of fury.

This is Ella every day. She drives me crazy because she stomps around the apartment like a petulant toddler and whines in the throatiest, most tortuous meow you've ever heard. And she carries on like that all night, when the weather is cooler.

Pet behaviorists advise against acknowledging the demanding behavior; if I don't talk with her, she gets louder and the meows more frequent. I have to tell her "Go to your room, Ella" 5 or 6 times before she calms down. Her "room" being her cat tunnel LOL. 

Edited by AgentRXS
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Bird feeding update 2: There are birds in my yard! A few have tried the spiffy new feeder, many more are at the base of the little tree where I dumped a bunch of seed this morning. Woo!

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So I couldn't sleep well last night and I inexplicably woke up at 6am. Ella and Diamond noticed me staring at my phone and immediately started begging for their Fancy Feast breakfast. I gave them their can and then went back to bed, only to toss and turn until it was time for me to get up for work (10am). When they saw me get up for the second time, they started begging for their breakfast again.  I was too tired to deal with the pleading, so I just gave them a second can to quiet them down.  What was cute was as soon as they heard the can open, they rubbed against each other and then nose-bopped each other as if to say to each other "Good job on fooling her into giving us a second can!". I wish I recorded it LOL

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So last week(ish) when I got Kook the new bed, I also got Sir Robin a cat scratcher house - this one.

Kook's bed is on the floor in my room and the cat house is next to it.  When we go to bed it takes a bit for them to settle down.  Once Kook goes to lie on his bed, the cat will go into the house and stick his arm through the window to bat at whatever part of the dog is closest.  Eventually he'll get tired of this game and come on the bed to his normal sleeping spot.

Kook has not been chewing on the bed at all so that is progress.

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Bird feeding update 3: Cardinals and blue jays have found us! None of the window feeders look trustworthy--I've had bad experiences with suction cups...So I got two nice hanging feeders and have hung them very close to the front window. Everything I read said within 3 feet is the safest place, so they're under the awning, at the far side from the front door, and will be sheltered from most rain and possibly beyond the reach of squirrels. Even without birds, girl cat is intrigued by these shiny objects so close to her window perch. Now we bide our time and await our discovery by the feathered ones.


I hope I didn't hang them too close together. I guess I'll wait a few days and see what happens.

Edited by ABay
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Hello.  I'm a longtime lurker who needs some help/advice/constructive criticisim on cat behavior issues.  I have two cats: a 10 1/2 year old orange tabby male named Pumpkin who I've had since he was 10 weeks old and and a 3 year old tuxedo female named Cookie who I've had for  over two weeks.  Both cats are neutered/spayed.  Pumpkin's littermate Pepper (female) had been with us until May 2017 when she passed away unexpectedly.  Since Pumpkin had always had a feline companion and seemed a bit lonely without one (and I also enjoyed having two cats in the home) I decided to adopt another cat.  I had waited until January due to some health issues for myself and wanted the timing to be better.  When I went to the shelter there were a few cats I was interested in but specified that I needed a cat that got along with other cats as well as one who was an adult, because I wasn't sure if Pumpkin would tolerate an active kitten at his age.  Cookie met those requirements.

When I brought her home, I kept her in my second bedroom for the first nine days.  I spent time with both of them separately and would rub their scent on socks and let each cat smell the others scent.  There was some initial hissing but then nothing more.  On their first introduction, there was hissing and growling, primarily on Pumpkin's part, but then he just walked away and they remained separated.  The next day of introductions, Pumpkin came up to her, they sniffed noses, he hissed and then left.  Their third interaction was in my living room: there was hissing and growling but no swatting or physical signs of distress or aggression.  The following morning they were in the living room together again;  Pumpkin hissed and proceeded to walk away to the kitchen.  Cookie then chased after him and pounced.  I made a loud noise and they each walked away.  Pumpkin then went to go upstairs where the litterboxes are and Cookie chased after him again and pounced on him.  When I got upstairs they were in cat fight posture; I didn't want things to escalate so I gave each of them a spray with a water bottle and then put Cookie back in the second bedroom since I had to go to work.  I didn't want them unsupervised at that point.  Things improved the next couple of visits and since Wednesday I've left them unsupervised while I was at work.  

However, since Friday evening things seem to be deteriorating.   I have three levels of home {first floor, second floor, and basement). There are litterboxes on each floor.  Cookie had blocked Pumpkin while he was in the litter box on the first floor.  Then, yesterday and today, I was gone for the morning and afternoon visiting my sister.  When I got home Saturday, Pumpkin was at the top of the basement stairs and Cookie was at the basement door.  The basement door was opened but he wouldn't walk past her to get to me.  He always greets me at the door when I come home (he knows the sound of the garage door means I'm home). I got her food for her and then actually carried him upstairs.  He stayed in the living room all evening.  They would watch each other but I don't believe he hissed any.  Their posture both appeared normal and non-aggressive.  Today when I got home, Cookie was on the first floor, and Pumpkin was again downstairs in the basement, not even on the stairs just in the basement.  I brought his food down to him and he started to eat.  He seemed like he was ready to go upstairs and I tried to coax him back upstairs with his food, but once he saw Cookie upstairs he went right back down.  She then followed and I heard some more hissing and then he proceed to hide in this small space under the basement stairwell. 

I haven't seen any physical fights or seen any signs of fighting, but it's like she's bullying him or he's just plain scared and doesn't want to be around her.  Back when Pepper was alive, they would fight some; Pumpkin would want to play but then he would take to far and Pepper would start growling and hissing. They would chase each other; she would even swat him and couple times and  knicked his ear, but then the fight would be over.  She was never scared to walk through her own home and neither was he.  I don't know want to do.  If he hides in the basement all the time, I can make sure his food and water is downstairs with him (again, there 's already a box for him to use) and I can shut the basement door while I'm at work if necessary. But, I hate to do that him.  I'm getting to really enjoy Cookie but Pumpkin is my heart; I just love the little guy so much.  Plus, he has medication for hyperthroidism that he needs to take twice per day and ibd medicine once per day.  If he's hiding the stairwell, I can't get to him to give him his meds.  I don't want even think about this not working out and having to return Cookie but I'm not sure how to resolve things.  If you made it though this long post and have some suggestions I'd appreciate it.

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You did all the right things in introducing them to each other and the new kitty to your home, so be proud of yourself for that!

My input, for what it's worth, is this: Two weeks may feel like a long time since they are fighting, but it's not really that long for them. Cats crave routine, and the new kitty has been through a lot, just moving into a new home. It will take time for her to get settled. Your older kitty lost his sibling and roommate (and grieved) and then got used to being the lone kitty. Then along came an interloper. ;)

They will work it out in time. One will establish himself or herself as the alpha cat and things will calm down. It may take a couple months.

Feliway pheromone calming oil works for some cats. I don't trust the diffusers; they tend to burn too hot and the plastic part(s) melt. My vet uses the diffusers, though. Feliway also makes a spray formula.

I have had good luck with this one from Whisker City. When my late female cat was in her last week and was sick, my boy (now also passed, they were three years apart and not related) pretty much left her alone because I was spraying the world with that stuff. I adopted a mother/daughter pair in October and sprayed everything with the stuff. I think it helps. It's never stained anything I own. Nature's Miracle makes a spray, too.

There are also tinctures they can take orally. Jackson Galaxy has a line and Green Hope Essences has some. I can't speak to their effectiveness, but @Bastet has had some experience.

I'd also advise tiring them out with play using a feather wand toy, for example. Good quality catnip toys (at least one for each of them!) will help, too, as long as they get silly but not aggressive on the 'nip. These are what I order. The knotted toys are the favorites around here. The catnip is really strong and the toys are well made.

Make sure they both have their own places to perch. That same Etsy seller has very cool cat hammocks made from PVC pipe and fabric. They are generally cheaper than traditional cat trees. My girls love theirs.

My late boy kitty also had IBD, and I learned a great deal from a Facebook group to which I still belong. The group name is IBDKitties (it's private; you have to ask to join) and the moderator's website is ibdkitties.net.

My late girl kitty was hyperT, so I can relate to that, too.

Glad to talk to another kitty lover! I hope some of this is helpful!

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Thank you for the reply and advice. I bought the diffusers this past Tuesday but will definitely try out the spray formula. I'll also get some more play in with Cookie as well. She was downstairs after my original post. She was watching Pumpkin and then got distracted by a ball and started playing with it. She's got a lot of play in her to be released. 

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It took about a month before my previous and new cat started not hating each other. The behavior you're describing seems completely normal and mirrors my experience. I ended up separating them when needed but made sure I was never mad / using a raised voice when I did it.  My new kitty had humans who abandoned him, then he was dumped outside, then at a kill shelter where he got a URI, then I rescued him, took him to my friend who was going to keep him until we could find a permanent home, then the next day I had to take him. He had been through so much I refused to give up and now they love each other.

I also took the suggestion of the internet and placed their food & water bowls next to the door keeping them apart and that really helped.

Also: there are dedicated pet forums that may have experts to offer additional advice.

Edited by theredhead77
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On 1/23/2018 at 4:15 PM, AgentRXS said:

 And she carries on like that all night, when the weather is cooler.

To my utter delight, my cat, who for the past 5 years was cuddling with me in bed while I read only to run away once I switched off the light, is now running to me once I've switched off the light and get in sleep position - and she goes straight for the crook of my knees. No idea if it's the cooler weather, or something else, but I love it! A furry purring cat in the crook of my right knee more than make up for my inability to move much for the rest of the night...

(The adorable P. I thankfully shared most of my life highs and lows for 18 years before used to sleep on my butt. Made perfect sense: I sleep my stomach, she found a spot which was both higher-ish and super comfy. My girl!!!!)  

2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

You did all the right things in introducing them to each other and the new kitty to your home, so be proud of yourself for that!

My input, for what it's worth, is this: Two weeks may feel like a long time since they are fighting, but it's not really that long for them. Cats crave routine, and the new kitty has been through a lot, just moving into a new home. It will take time for her to get settled. Your older kitty lost his sibling and roommate (and grieved) and then got used to being the lone kitty. Then along came an interloper. ;)

They will work it out in time. One will establish himself or herself as the alpha cat and things will calm down. It may take a couple months.

Feliway pheromone calming oil works for some cats. I don't trust the diffusers; they tend to burn too hot and the plastic part(s) melt. My vet uses the diffusers, though. Feliway also makes a spray formula.

I have had good luck with this one from Whisker City. When my late female cat was in her last week and was sick, my boy (now also passed, they were three years apart and not related) pretty much left her alone because I was spraying the world with that stuff. I adopted a mother/daughter pair in October and sprayed everything with the stuff. I think it helps. It's never stained anything I own. Nature's Miracle makes a spray, too.

There are also tinctures they can take orally. Jackson Galaxy has a line and Green Hope Essences has some. I can't speak to their effectiveness, but @Bastet has had some experience.

I'd also advise tiring them out with play using a feather wand toy, for example. Good quality catnip toys (at least one for each of them!) will help, too, as long as they get silly but not aggressive on the 'nip. These are what I order. The knotted toys are the favorites around here. The catnip is really strong and the toys are well made.

Make sure they both have their own places to perch. That same Etsy seller has very cool cat hammocks made from PVC pipe and fabric. They are generally cheaper than traditional cat trees. My girls love theirs.

My late boy kitty also had IBD, and I learned a great deal from a Facebook group to which I still belong. The group name is IBDKitties (it's private; you have to ask to join) and the moderator's website is ibdkitties.net.

My late girl kitty was hyperT, so I can relate to that, too.

Glad to talk to another kitty lover! I hope some of this is helpful!

About the part I bolded, I've had (and other people I heard of too) a good experience using Bach rescue remedy for pets in case of huge changes/big stress. Check it out maybe. In my case, it made a huge difference in a roughly 20 hour voyage, which included two flights. 

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Another bird feeding update: Woodpecker! On Sunday, tufted titmice (tit mouses?) found the feeders under the awning but I haven't seen them since. This morning, sparrows and I think some house finches swarmed those feeders (it was snowing so the one out in the yard was covered in snow), along with a couple of blue jays. Now I've added a hanging tray feeder which has pulled in more jays, a couple of doves, a junco (I put seed on the ground for them; I love those little round guys), and a woodpecker. I hung up the tray, went inside, closed the door, turned around, and there was the woodpecker. But no cardinals, which is a bummer. I know they're there because I see them eyeing the tube feeder in the yard, but they haven't come to the tray feeder yet.  Girl cat is transfixed.

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2 hours ago, ABay said:

Another bird feeding update: Woodpecker! On Sunday, tufted titmice (tit mouses?) found the feeders under the awning but I haven't seen them since. This morning, sparrows and I think some house finches swarmed those feeders (it was snowing so the one out in the yard was covered in snow), along with a couple of blue jays. Now I've added a hanging tray feeder which has pulled in more jays, a couple of doves, a junco (I put seed on the ground for them; I love those little round guys), and a woodpecker. I hung up the tray, went inside, closed the door, turned around, and there was the woodpecker. But no cardinals, which is a bummer. I know they're there because I see them eyeing the tube feeder in the yard, but they haven't come to the tray feeder yet.  Girl cat is transfixed.

Hah!  Welcome to the dark side, my fellow birdwatcher.  The winged ones have ways to make you feed them.  ;-)

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The kitten-cat did something to his inner paw pad. I took a peek and it looks a bit raw and irritated and he keeps licking it. He's otherwise behaving normal, running around like crazy.  Then again he was behaving normally when he had a huge cut on his back, only going for sympathy post surgery when he was bandaged up.

I guess it's back to the vet we go!

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@Tabbycats, how are the cats doing?

@theredhead77, how's the kitten-cat's paw?

Drama in the bilgistic household... The girls are fine, but Little Girl hate/loves me. She has an autoimmune response/allergy to food. Her lip swelled and she had a cyst on her chin and several more under her "arm".

I've hopefully eliminated all the potentially allergenic foods (chicken, beef, fish) and she is now on prednisolone (steroid) liquid that I have to squirt into her mouth once a day. It's butterscotch flavored because "cats seem to like it!" (per the vet). Big no from the little miss. She smelled it the first time and drew back and wrinkled her nose like she smelled a fart.

I wrap her in a purrito before their "midnight snack" (meal) and give her the med, then feed them. She hates it. They are now eating venison canned food, which is approximately a million dollars (or $3 a 3oz can), and the best thing on the planet. They can't get enough of it, and her symptoms seems to be clearing up.

The bad thing is she's now scared of me any time we are in the kitchen because that's where I grab her and take her to the table to give her the med. They were eating earlier, and I was in the kitchen (their food station is in there) and she kept running away every time I moved.

Also, I opened the door because I thought I heard something hit it earlier though I'm not expecting a package. She ran out the door. Thankfully, my apartment is inside a building, so she just ran around in the hallway, upstairs to the apartment above mine and stood at that door, then cowered at the stairs. She finally came back up to our door and I was able to open it and she went back in. My heart was racing.

She was still skittish for a bit after that. I went to the bedroom and she came in and loved on me. She's under the bed now, while Mama's in my lap(!!) purring her heart out.

Well, Little Girl just jumped up on the bed and laid in my lap with Mama. What a goof.

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Can you purrito her sometimes and give her a treat instead so the purrito is not just associated with something unpleasant?

I think you recommended some kind of pureed cat treat that you were giving Bilgisticat when you had to purrito him.  I bought some before we went to see my Mom for Christmas for Sir Robin.  He loved the stuff.  Gave some to Mom's cat too and she was nutty for it. 

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I second DeLurker's advice. I tried that with a previous cat, and it eased the stress A LOT.

In other news...I was searching for something in my closet. I pulled out a bunch of stuff and turned around to see this:



No Chelsea, we're not going anywhere! :) 


Edited by shanndee
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So much stuff has allergens in it (to her). She's not allergic/not reacting to only venison and rabbit, after trying chicken, beef, pork and duck. Those squeezy treats I used for Bilgisticat were chicken and fish, but he was at the end of his life, so I let him have whatever he wanted.

She's not a big treat eater, but I will look for some venison treats. The vet pharmacy couldn't put any  meaty flavoring in the med because of it being a protein and possible allergen. She's going to be on the med indefinitely, but hopefully the current food will continue to calm her system and she will not have to be on much and as often.

They've both been laying on me for the past two hours. I can't move, but I don't mind. :)

10 minutes ago, shanndee said:

I second DeLurker's advice. I tried that with a previous cat, and it eased the stress A LOT.

In other news...I was searching for something in my closet. I pulled out a bunch of stuff and turned around to see this:



No Chelsea, we're not going anywhere! :) 


What a sweet face!

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25 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

She's not a big treat eater, but I will look for some venison treats.

When my friend and I were feeding my "nephew" novel proteins (venison and rabbit, like you) to check for a chicken allergy, we found treats made of freeze-dried venison liver (that's the only ingredient) and of freeze-dried rabbit (rabbit meat and rabbit organs).  Or maybe it was this brand for the venison liver.  Anyway, you may want to try.  Shermie wasn't overly into the freeze-dried, even if we rehydrated it, so it turned out that for a treat we just made a little ball of his (pate) canned food and offered that like a treat and he was thrilled.

Edited by Bastet
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I was just looking at the Sojos treats. I think I'll try those. I'll try rehydrating it and mixing it with her med and see if she'll eat that. I'm afraid of her associating the bad taste of the med with her food and then deciding her food is poison, so I'm hesitant to mix them.

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4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

@theredhead77, how's the kitten-cat's paw?

We had a very stressful vet visit. Paw is irritated but otherwise fine. He got an antibiotic shot to clear up / prevent any potential infection and he flipped!his!shit. He hissed, growled, swiped and I think spit at the vet and the vet nurse. He then hopped back in his carrier and proceeded to his, growl and swipe at me. He's never done that at the vet before and hasn't been Mr. Hissyface Growlybutt since the move. Thankfully as soon as we got in the car he calmed down and was fine when we got home.

I called the vet to make sure the doc and nurse were OK and they said not to worry. I was afraid he would get reported to animal control or a mark on his chart that he's a vicious cat but thankfully they've seen him enough (unfortunately) to know he doesn't normally behave like that.

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Girl cat is thrilled with the squirrels that have overrun the tray feeder right outside the window. I am not so thrilled. I don't begrudge them the food so much, but I'm worried they'll break the feeder or the awning slat it's hanging from. Has anyone had luck with adding cayenne to mixed seeds?

Sorry to hear about bilgistikitten's problems, @bilgistic. Girl cat has a sensitive digestive system but her problems manifest at the other end.

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4 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

We had a very stressful vet visit. Paw is irritated but otherwise fine. He got an antibiotic shot to clear up / prevent any potential infection and he flipped!his!shit. He hissed, growled, swiped and I think spit at the vet and the vet nurse. He then hopped back in his carrier and proceeded to his, growl and swipe at me. He's never done that at the vet before and hasn't been Mr. Hissyface Growlybutt since the move. Thankfully as soon as we got in the car he calmed down and was fine when we got home.

I called the vet to make sure the doc and nurse were OK and they said not to worry. I was afraid he would get reported to animal control or a mark on his chart that he's a vicious cat but thankfully they've seen him enough (unfortunately) to know he doesn't normally behave like that.

It's going on his permanent record, like they would always say in school. I'm glad he's fine, if out of sorts for having to go to the mean doctor!

3 minutes ago, ABay said:

Sorry to hear about bilgistikitten's problems, @bilgistic. Girl cat has a sensitive digestive system but her problems manifest at the other end.

She had a bit of soft poops (sorry, everyone) and some puking like Bilgisticat did, so I was afraid she has irritable bowel disease like he did. Things seem to have cleared up with the food change. Fingers crossed that things stay under control. At least Mama seems fine (knock wood).

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Finn flew through his neuter without incident. No cone of shame, as they shaved just enough fur for a small incision and then closed it with skin glue. He acts as if he has no idea anything was done, no problems in the litter box, etc. The vet wants to wait a little longer for the girls since we can (indoor only and the only male now fixed) - at least to 6 months. I shared small bits of white meat chicken out of a sandwich with the kitten fiends and Wren went bonkers! Started growling and flinging her paws out at anyone remotely close to her, while eating as fast as she could. It was so funny! Pearl has about caught up to Finn in size, which is amazing. She has become a little imp as well. My SIL found her carrying the stopper out of my bathroom sink out in the living room - didn't even know it came out! She also found a fidget spinner and attacked it with glee, spinning it around as she smacked it and pounced on it. My brother has completely fallen for the little ones, carrying Wren around a lot as a favorite.

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Totally not. Allin's the sweetest cat ever -- loves everybody, loves being brushed, never bites or scratches, gets along well with the other cats and the dogs. He's something like 14 years old now and I think he's lived with every member of my family at different points in his life!

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Adorable IG!!  I want to kiss that little face.   We have one too, along with two whippets. Best dogs ever, although  both breeds have their quirks and aren't for every one. Can't access pictures right now because my big computer is messed up but will post one of my sighthound crew when I can. Love your dogs color and markings!!

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@bilgistic:  I guess you could it's been one paw forward and two paws back with Pumpkin and Cookie.  Pumpkin still won't come out of the basement; he started to come up this past Wednesday and then turned around and went back down.  I hate to force him out because the basement has always been his safe place during thunder storms or when I've had people in doing home repairs.  I feel torn between doing tough love on him and letting him come upstairs when he's ready and more comfortable.  The basement is finished and it's heated.  He has two litter boxes down there that he's been using properly.  I've been bringing him his food and water and he's been eating and drinking normally.  I withheld a couple meals from him Monday night and Tuesday morning thinking that would get him to come up on his own when I got home from work Tuesday but he just stayed down there.  Unfortunately there is only one small window rather high up so he doesn't have much natural light. 

Cookie has been downstairs when I've been downstairs and there wasn't any problems between the two of them for most of last week.  Thursday she went downstairs and I brought her food bowl down and they were both able to eat with the other one in sight (they were about ten feet apart but both remained focused on food).  Friday though, there was an actual physical fight: most of it my fault.  Cookie went to basement and seemed pretty active, so I followed with a toy she likes (laser beam toy).  She was getting a close so I thought I would redirect her with play.  Well, Pumpkin saw her pouncing on that beam and must have thought she was coming towards him so he pounced on her and a fight ensued: claws out, lots of yowling, fur flying.  I clapped my hands and stomped and then they stopped; the only injury I could find was a scratch on Pumpkin's ear with a few drops of blood.  I had Cookie go upstairs and kept them separated the rest of the evening and overnight.  Yesterday, my sister visited and we let Cookie downstairs.  Pumpkin just growled some but no physical contact by either of them; I gave them both some treat which they both ate.  I'm going to try some more supervised contact today.  

I ordered the liquid remedies from Jackson Galaxy and Bach and they came Friday.  I put some in their water starting yesterday so I'll see how those go.  I had bought another brand at a local pet store but when I got home I saw on the bottle that it was twenty percent alcohol, so I wasn't sure about using that.  I also have some different calming chews that I'm trying as well.  Hopefully, this week, Pumpkin makes a little more progress.

Cookie is a character.  She's been enjoying some of the toys I bought her, although right now she's just chilling out on my bed.  She also seems to be recognizing "Cookie" as her name.  When I adopted her, she didn't have a name.  Her previous owner had died and whoever took her to the shelter must not have known her name.  I don't think she ever wore a collar because when I first put one on her, she acted like I had put some torture device on her.  

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Definitely don't use anything with alcohol in it.

Continue to let Pumpkin come out in his own time. If he's feeling safe in the basement, let him stay there, but you can leave the doors open so they can peek around and see each other. Continue to feed Pumpkin in the basement where he feels comfortable. It took Bilgisticat six months until he wasn't running from fear at every sound when we moved to this apartment even though his super-chill "sister" was here with him. He'd only ever lived in my old condo for 13 years.

They'll work it out eventually, I promise. They will probably never love each other, but will grow to tolerate each other. My two did. My sister has six(!!) cats that somehow coexist. The fact that Cookie and Pumpkin were able to eat within each other's eyeline says that they will work it out.

They are fortunate to have a loving catmom. :)

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My oldest cat uses her scratching board faithfully (an upright, jute one).  The youngest scratches the heck out of my kitchen chairs (wood).  I bought another scratching board and sprayed it with catnip.  He loves to lie on it & then go back to the chairs.  (The chairs where originally used to scratch on by a cat we had to died 8 years ago).  Does anyone have any suggestions?  The chairs are shot anyway, so maybe I should just let him have at them.

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Both cats were in the basement a little bit ago without hissing or growling at the other. They each got some treat for their good behavior. Cookie then headed back upstairs. Baby steps.


@Tanichka: Is your cat scratching the chair legs or chair seat? Would horizontal scratch pads work?

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

They've got very expressive ears.

Yes they do! It's not unusual to see one that has one ear one way and the other ear a different way like Neo has in that picture. I did an image search for Italian Greyhounds and there are some beautiful ones with the same goofy ear configuration. 

To be honest, one of my favorite things about Neo is when he's sleeping on a chair and he hears me open a container in the kitchen. I look over in his direction and I see his head popped up, ears up in some sort of miscellaneous configuration, and sleep in his eyes as he tries to figure out if it was the dog cookie container I just opened. 

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It's happened twice, so I hope it'll continue... The new treats worked for giving Little Girl her med! I bought the venison bites, but they are very hard. I put several in water and have let them soak. I let the girls try them after they'd soaked for a few hours and they liked them. They also liked them dry, but I had to crush them a bit.

I keep some soaking in the fridge now and for their last daily meal's "appetizer", they each get a piece. I cut a little hole in the middle of Little Girl's piece and squirt the med in the hole, then cover it all with the crushed pieces. She snarfs it up in one bite! Success!! No more fear. :)

She's currently laying on my thighs and Mama is on my chest and stomach. I am just another kitty in the pile.

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She's allergic to everything so far except venison and rabbit, so no poultry. Baby food (turkey) worked with Bilgisticat. I'm just happy she's not puking anymore and the girls LOVE the venison, even though it's crazy expensive. If it keeps working and keeps her off more meds, that's a win! :D

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I was taking Bonnie on her usual walk this morning and we came upon the mailman trying to corral a loose dog. It was some kind of Lab mix that was terrified of the mailman (who is super nice) and kept running from him towards a busy road with traffic. I managed to catch her and hook her onto Bonnie's leash, she had a collar and rabies tag but no owner info. I brought her home and managed to get the vet's office off her tag, who gave me her owner's number. Of course they don't answer, so I post in our neighborhood group and on Nextdoor. I also did some internet stalking and found the owner's address. Turns out, it was the house across the street from where the mailman and I found her! I essentially dognapped her, lol! So I took her back to her house, calling her owners yet again, and managed to find where she had escaped from her fence. The owner's finally call me back, which was good because they had jerryrigged their gate shut with bungee cord, and I had to climb their fence to get the gate open and the dog back in.  Long story short, the dog is back home and I'm none too impressed with the owners at this point. Whew.

Bonnie thought this was all a great adventure until I came back home without the dog and she got a bath because they had jumped and drooled all over each other.

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