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Roamyn - Oh, so sorry for the loss of the beautiful Lily. RIP on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, Lily!


And sorry, but I could use some quick cat advice: My Louis (10 years old or so, adopted us 6 months ago from the local shelter, classic orange and white sleek tom cat) has all the sudden (today) developed a protruding pink swelling just below his front lower teeth (like the gum is all the sudden very irritated or something). He ate normally during the day and is showing no other signs of distress but I'm worried....as he has now ignored dinner (totally unusual for this guy!) and I can't imagine what would cause this to swell up so quickly (its the size of a large pea and not red, just very pink). I assume I can watch and wait until tomorrow to see if it subsides and then take him to vet if not - is there any cause for immediate alarm and an emergency vet visit in anyone's estimation? (No matter how many cats I've had, and they have now been quite a few over the last 40 years, each one has their own set of stuff apparently!)

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Neo is sleepy. Probably from following me around for 45 straight minutes while I was preparing food in the kitchen hoping that something would fall on the floor. 


Edited by JTMacc99
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Thanks for your advice, Riley! I took Louis in as the vet opened this morning at 8:30 AM (after getting up many times during the night to check his mouth, which he did not appreciate much as he was just trying to sleep :) and fortunately it was not an abscess - not teeth related at all - but some sort of cystitis or other minor growth on his chin (but right where the chin meets the bottom of his gums). The vet has prescribed a course of antibiotics for two weeks and chin wipes (pretty funny - they are like the kind of things us ladies use to take makeup off with) and if that doesn't clear it up we may have to try steroids. Louis was extremely cooperative with having his mouth poked and prodded and stretched around (impressed the new young vet who kept saying what a good cat he is!) but as you might imagine, even happier to get home and finally get some breakfast (I stuck him in the carrier just as he was expecting breakfast at 8 AM because I thought they might have to operate and I know they can't do that if the cat has eaten within 12 hours). He is now sitting on my office rug looking at me ready for lunch which means his first dose of meds (they have to go with meals apparently) - quelle surprise for Monsieur Louis!

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This is Spitfire...




No, I didn't get a kitten.  He belongs to a friend of mine, on her way to the big EAA Fly In in Oshkosh next week.  She's been on the road about a week now, meandering her way there, stopping to see various friends from the air show world.  They crashed at my place last night.  Spitfire was a ball of energy after his car ride, and was bouncing around my place half the night.  He was really taken by his reflection in the glass doors of my entertainment center, poking at it, jumping on it, and a number of times, after poking at the reflection, scooting around behind the cabinet, seemingly looking for another way at that crazy cat inside.

Edited by Moose135
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@Moose135 Love the name Spitfire. A planes name, yes? Ha, at first I thought kitty was named that for being very active. It's all clear now. I love his big expressive eyes. I would have been entertained well watching the cutie play with his reflection on the mirrors. Alas, mine are older and I miss that exuberant playful side. 

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@roamyn Sorry for your loss. I know how hard that can be. Back at the end of 2001, we had a dog who had a litter of puppies. On New Year's Eve they were five weeks old and she went outside to go to the bathroom. One of her nipples had a cut in it and that cut touched the ground. She contracted Clostridium Perfringens, which caused gas gangrene. It killed her in three days. She was six. I still miss her after 15 years.

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4 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

I almost hate to admit this, but I have night vision goggles.  I rather like sitting on my back porch and seeing what's hanging around.  I adore animals, some people not so much, however if someone loves animals I have a connection with them. 

How cool!  Although my critters are all so used to feeding near my back door that I wouldn't need the night vision goggles - but I'd use them anyways.  ;-)

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31 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

I almost hate to admit this, but I have night vision goggles.  I rather like sitting on my back porch and seeing what's hanging around. 

I'm laughing because I considered getting my mom night vision goggles this past Christmas, precisely so she could watch all the critters in her hill, but my eyes got a little crossed trying to parse the reviews for something that would be good enough for that purpose without costing an arm and a leg.

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image1.JPG.9d48d2813b3ac3af9c93bf0f5d90e022.JPG I'm pleased to announce that my big boy is losing weight. Lol..I'm paying the price. I get yelled at (more by his little sister who thinks she has to be compensated three times over for what her brother pushes her out of eating) and now they think that they are on a "demand" feed schedule. They have never forgotten that they were meant to be worshiped! 

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14 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

Thank you for sharing your pictures.  I dragged my hubs to the computer to see.  He loves humongous dogs.  He's seen the movie "The 13th Warrior" about 999 times and he thinks the one dog in it is an Irish Wolfhound so he has a fantasy of owning one.  Geez he sure is a handsome fellow!

Happy to share! He's a big part of my life. It's been a long time since I've seen The Thirteenth Warrior. I'll have to check it out next time it's on. They're pretty mellow dogs. I got lucky that the night we finally got him I was able to just lay down and go to sleep with him. He bonded with me instantly because of that and I've been the most important person in his life ever since. In fact, the first few months we had him, he slept on my pillow curled around my head. Once he got too big for that, he'd sleep between my wife and I. Eventually he got too big for that, too, and he now has his own bed on the floor that we've put memory foam into for him.

If you do decide to get one, they're amazingly smart! They only learn from positive reinforcement and they learn after only a few repetitions. So be careful what you teach them! LOL

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1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Happy to share! He's a big part of my life. It's been a long time since I've seen The Thirteenth Warrior. I'll have to check it out next time it's on. They're pretty mellow dogs. I got lucky that the night we finally got him I was able to just lay down and go to sleep with him. He bonded with me instantly because of that and I've been the most important person in his life ever since. In fact, the first few months we had him, he slept on my pillow curled around my head. Once he got too big for that, he'd sleep between my wife and I. Eventually he got too big for that, too, and he now has his own bed on the floor that we've put memory foam into for him.

If you do decide to get one, they're amazingly smart! They only learn from positive reinforcement and they learn after only a few repetitions. So be careful what you teach them! LOL

The chessies I've had and have are the same way, they will shut down so fast if you try any thing other than positive reinforcement.

And good lord are they stubborn, but so darn cute.........

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@Jaded That was one of the cutest cat videos I have ever seen. Thx for sharing. If I only knew what my kitties wanted before I go to feed them, dinner time could only be so easy. Was the kitties name Pavlov by any chance? 

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For all you nature lovers out there, PBS is running an excellent series called Rare - Creatures of the Photo Ark (next episode airs Tuesday on my local station).  It follows National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore on his quest to photograph rare and endangered species.  I am really enjoying it, and the pictures are amazing.

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49 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

Sweet!     What kind and how old please?


40 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

My guess?  Happy happy dog.  Young at heart.  ;-)

She's a 5 year old light deadgrass Chesapeake Bay Retriever or as @walnutqueen said a happy, happy young at heart dog!

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1 hour ago, PearlClutcher said:

Hilarious.  I never knew a kitty would eat pasta.  

I had a cat once named Dolly Llama who would do anything for a taste of lasagna. When she was 21 and the vet said it was time to let her go, I told him to give me a week. I went home and made her a lasagna (all the good ingredients) and she savored it (well as much as she could), she also got canned tuna and cottage cheese mixed with cooked ground beef and then sadly I had to let her go. She'd eat spaghetti too, but a lasagna she'd go bananas for. 

I love that cat video!! 

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Bad news. That pack of wild dogs that killed my daughters chicken flock came back last night. The last remaining 5 chickens had their pen secured and lived, although the dogs were all over it. They went out, armed (sorry folks but they live in the country where their kids could be at stake), but couldn't do anything because the ferals were all over their buildings. One dog did get one of their cats. Chewed her tail off. She's in shock but should make a recovery but I swear she's used up 8 of her 9 lives. Animal control won't do anything because they live in the country. My poor child is just putting her head into her hands and crying.

This is what happens when people dog dump in the country. 

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29 minutes ago, Moose135 said:


My slinky black kitty, Da Boy, who looked like an Egyptian goddess (and sounded like one,too, what with his little high pitched meow), was totally obsessed with me in the bathroom.  Followed me in there every time like a shot, and proceeded to rub his beautiful face on my bare feet as I sat upon the throne, him purring & drooling like a fool.  Apparently bathroom foot love is a thing, y'all.  Don't judge.


3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Bad news. That pack of wild dogs that killed my daughters chicken flock came back last night. The last remaining 5 chickens had their pen secured and lived, although the dogs were all over it. They went out, armed (sorry folks but they live in the country where their kids could be at stake), but couldn't do anything because the ferals were all over their buildings. One dog did get one of their cats. Chewed her tail off. She's in shock but should make a recovery but I swear she's used up 8 of her 9 lives. Animal control won't do anything because they live in the country. My poor child is just putting her head into her hands and crying.

This is what happens when people dog dump in the country. 

That is just all kinds of wrong and awful, @Mindthinkr.  I feel as bad for the feral dogs as I do for the poor hapless chickens and the sweet kitty.  And I hate humans who allow, no CAUSE this situation.  Spay, neuter, and don't get a pet you can't afford to keep safe and healthy for life.  If your life turns for the worse and you can't fulfill that obligation, find someone who can.  

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@Mindthinkr so sorry, how frustrating and scary for your family.  Unfortunately the dogs will probably return again since they were successful once, even if they weren't successful this time with the chickens.   Yes, this is absolutely the fault of people dumping dogs they no longer want because people can be lazy and careless.  I hope your family can take care of the problem so they can live peacefully again, even if it unfortunately is by using a gun.  I suppose these are large dogs that cannot be trapped, even if your family wanted to go to the bother/expense.  I volunteer for an animal rescue and we've had to use humane traps when one of ours took off from his handler, but these are small 16-20 lb dogs, which is what made me think of that.

Happy note?  Sometimes I need to brace myself to sniff the tree just right!



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It's not a pleasant thing to contemplate, but if they live in a rural area with leash laws people are allowed to shoot roaming dogs on sight precisely because of things like this. Not only do they slaughter small, defenseless animals like chickens but they go after livestock -- goats, sheep, and even larger animals like cattle and horses. And they kill for fun, which I have a hard time wrapping my head around. I'm not normally bloodthirsty but I'm hoping they do manage to get the dogs. Enough.

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@Mindthinkr I am so sorry about what happened again and I'm sorry the Animal Control Dept in your daughter's area is good for nothing. They do sell large dog humane traps...they usually run for $150 or so. I wonder if AC would respond if they are confined in a dog trap?

On a different note, at the animal shelter I work for, we have a colony of cats that we TNR'd in the parking lot. Since I work nights, I've taken to feeding them if I have time just before my shift ends. There is a really pretty Domestic Mediumhair that everyone fusses over and wants to pet. I am the only who he will allow to pet him.

Yesterday, he discovered that he likes chin and cheek scratches, and purred while being petted for the first time ever! It is such a good feeling when you share a bond with an otherwise feral animal, and they finally trust you. It makes me laugh that everyone else wants to pet him, but I'm the only one who can.

Attached are photos.....they didn't come out as well as I liked, because it was dark and he's not so sure about the cellphone being pointed at him...but here he is:




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@Mindthinkr, I'm sorry for all that your daughter's going through.  This is just so sad in every way - people living in a sort of terror, those poor chickens and the cat, and even the dogs, who didn't choose to become feral.  

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I do wish to set the record (?) straight. My kids did try trapping. Unfortunately they caught vermin of the harmless variety (their pets/yard friends). They aren't concerned about the wee predators.  Just after the wild dogs that indiscriminately kill for the sport of it. 

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14 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I do wish to set the record (?) straight. My kids did try trapping.

I hope I didn't sound judgemental; I was just wondering if traps were possible.  Then of course there would be the issue of where they go once trapped if it were possible.

If I were in your kids' shoes, I would us lethal means as well.   I would be a mess, worrying about kids/chickens/other pets. 

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3 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

@Mindthinkr I am so sorry about what happened again and I'm sorry the Animal Control Dept in your daughter's area is good for nothing. They do sell large dog humane traps...they usually run for $150 or so. I wonder if AC would respond if they are confined in a dog trap?

On a different note, at the animal shelter I work for, we have a colony of cats that we TNR'd in the parking lot. Since I work nights, I've taken to feeding them if I have time just before my shift ends. There is a really pretty Domestic Mediumhair that everyone fusses over and wants to pet. I am the only who he will allow to pet him.

Yesterday, he discovered that he likes chin and cheek scratches, and purred while being petted for the first time ever! It is such a good feeling when you share a bond with an otherwise feral animal, and they finally trust you. It makes me laugh that everyone else wants to pet him, but I'm the only one who can.

Attached are photos.....they didn't come out as well as I liked, because it was dark and he's not so sure about the cellphone being pointed at him...but here he is:




He's so handsome!

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Yes, Bilgisticat is a boy. Well, he's 16, so I guess he's a man cat (ha ha!), but he acts like he's the biggest baby ever. That's absolutely not my fault because I definitely did not spoil him. Nope.

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I've been trying to use pTV just as a happy distraction from some things, so I didn't mention it, but Riley didn't feel quite herself last week (and her appetite had been off enough to make her a picky eater for about a week before that).  She didn't feel bad, and anyone else observing her wouldn't think anything of it, but several things were quite subtly off about her normal, adding up to the fact something was going on.  I particularly didn't like the fact she was sleeping in different places during the day - not hiding, or even choosing particularly weird places to sleep (other than a dining room chair, which happened a few times), but not the places she - a very routine-oriented cat - normally sleeps.  Weighing the fact she was still eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, cuddling, playing, etc. - just a little less/a little less enthusiastically for most of those things - and how stressful a vet visit is for her (and I don't have a mobile vet I'm comfortable with), I just kept an eye on her. 

She started steadily creeping back towards normal starting Saturday night, but by this point my nerves were shot so I went ahead and took her in yesterday since she's due for her annual exam this month anyway (which I was going to put off and do in mid-January instead, and then with those blood test results get her teeth done during dental discount month).  Other than needing to hide for an hour when we got home to recover from her vet trauma, she was completely normal yesterday and has been so today as well.  And, indeed, the vet just called with her results and everything is fine.  One of her kidney values has gone up from last year, but it's still fine.  And there are a couple of other high/low results that aren't far enough out of range to cause concern that, taken together, indicate her immune system has recently been busy with something, so based on that, her weirdness, the fact there were signs last week she had a slight fever that then went away, and her current normalcy, I think <knocking on wood> she worked through whatever was bothering her.

I'm relieved, and I'm going to go ahead and finally get her teeth done within the next 30 days (when the blood test results are valid as pre-anesthesia screening).  She's needed it since I adopted her, but she's the kind of cat where it's a big deal to leave her at the vet's office for a significant chunk of the day.  I want to get it done before it gets out of hand, though, and then hope she won't need it again for years.  My vet is going to set up the appointment for me when I'm ready on a day that she has no more-pressing surgeries scheduled, so that instead of dropping Riley off at 7:00 with the rest of the pre-ops and her dental being done in whatever order makes the most sense based on the clients of the day, I can drop her off at 9:00 for the techs to get her IV set up and x-rays taken, and then when my vet comes in at 10:00 she will do Riley first, which means Riley can come home around noon. 

Whew.  Now I just need to get my own medical appointments set up.  You know, while I still have health insurance.

Edited by Bastet
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