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Jane the Virgin in the Media

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Yeah, I guess in plain numbers that's mondo shitty ratings.


That said, the CW is so foreign to getting critical praise (at least of the kind that leads to awards) that this gives the show a publicity advantage.  Networks subsidize shows more in situations like this (NBC did when their ratings were in the shitter but they had a few critical successes, for example).  I think even Advertisers are probably more wiling to buy into a critically acclaimed show getting lesser ratings than a show that's got equally shitty ratings but no buzz.

Darn it! I've googled and googled trying to find an online clip of this, but I can't. I just saw a new commercial for the "Sirens" show on the USA Network, which starts another season in January. This commercial has a background of bullfighting-type music, and a narrator who sounds very much like Anthony Mendez in his Jane the Virgin style--enough so that I'm taking it as an homage to JtV's popularity. If you watch USA, keep an eye out for it and then tell me if I'm nuts.

I don't know, but some experts are saying that the win means Gina AND the show both have a real chance at the Golden Globe. Which would make me so so happy.

I’ve been reading the various predictions on who the critics think will win. Looks like Gina is the top contender for Best Actress because she’s a fresh face and has a lot of buzz, and the Golden Globes loves to award the hip new things. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is her biggest rival, but she’s been shut out of the GGs for Veep so far (whereas she’s won the Emmy three years running). So either the GGs will finally decide to throw her a bone or keep the shutout streak going. Third place seems to go to Taylor Schilling. And no one’s even talking about Lena or Edie.


For Best Comedy/Musical, it seems to be a toss-up between Orange is the New Black and Transparent.

I always thought the show was a longshot.


Gina's win makes perfect sense if you look at the stats. In the last 11 years, 9 of the winners in her category were on their very first noms in the category. The other 2 times were wins for the recent Golden Globe hosts, who were up against all returning nominees so there wasn't the possibility of rewarding a newbie.

So basically it was either Gina or Taylor Schilling, and Taylor's been overshadowed by her co-stars of late.

Oh I actually forgot that Taylor/Orange were Drama contenders last year so Gina had to win or else the voters would have broken a decade-long streak of giving the award to a newbie every time at least one was nominated.


Also it amuses me that usual awards juggernaut HBO had as many Globe wins as The CW had last night - with these 2 wins being the best of the night (movie or TV).

Edited by jjjmoss

The Good Wife, How to Get Away with Murder, The Blacklist and, of all things, Mom also got nominations.  And maybe Downton Abbey, depending on how you classify PBS.

I think Kromm and jjjmoss were refering to Jane the Virgin being the only CW Network show to garner a GG Nom (much less win).


Thank you for posting that video Kromm.  She's so sweet and it seems like the reporters themselves really like her.

I followed the Golden Globe thread live and had never heard of Jane the Virgin before. I admittedly never, ever, ever watch The CW. After seeing so many people say how great a show this was on the live awards thread I was pleasantly surprised to see that last night The CW aired the first two episodes. I watched it and love it! Now, how the heck do I watch the rest of the episodes... aaah!

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I followed the Golden Globe thread live and had never heard of Jane the Virgin before. I admittedly never, ever, ever watch The CW. After seeing so many people say how great a show this was on the live awards thread I was pleasantly surprised to see that last night The CW aired the first two episodes. I watched it and love it! Now, how the heck do I watch the rest of the episodes... aaah!




You'd better hurry though, because they age out which episodes are free (the ones with the little green h+ are NOT free--anything without that IS free).  Currently, for example, if you hadn't already been able to see Episode 2, it wouldn't be free.  Episode 3 through 9 are still free for the moment, but at some point they'll all stop being so in turn.

If you have a cable TV service, the show probably is also "on demand" there as well.



You'd better hurry though, because they age out which episodes are free (the ones with the little green h+ are NOT free--anything without that IS free).  Currently, for example, if you hadn't already been able to see Episode 2, it wouldn't be free.  Episode 3 through 9 are still free for the moment, but at some point they'll all stop being so in turn.

If you have a cable TV service, the show probably is also "on demand" there as well.

Thanks for the quick response! I checked my on demand last night and the CW did not show up at all. Since I have an aversion to watching TV on the internet (It's one of those irrational hatred things I have), I double check my On Demand when I get home. Other wise, I guess I will give Hulu a try, Thanks again!


ETA: It looks like the CW website has most of the episodes available so I don't even have to mess with Hulu! Answering my own questions here :)

Edited by Mountainair
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It's been awhile since I tried it, but I recall the CW's media player being far more annoying than Hulu's.

They could have changed it though.  Both I'm sure include commercials--the one thing that's good about Hulu's version of that is that the video playback doesn't fail because of those commercials, whereas I've always had a ton of trouble with the various network website video players failing to go back to an episode often after playing a commercial.

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I followed the Golden Globe thread live and had never heard of Jane the Virgin before. I admittedly never, ever, ever watch The CW. After seeing so many people say how great a show this was on the live awards thread I was pleasantly surprised to see that last night The CW aired the first two episodes. I watched it and love it! Now, how the heck do I watch the rest of the episodes... aaah!

Same here.


I caught the pilot and chapter 2 on the CW last night, hooked!

Immediately moved on to on demand and watched chapter 3 and 4... by them it was late and needed to head to bed.


I will check the WB site and hulu today for the rest, on demand was jumping from chapter 4 to 9 for some reason and I MUST catch up before the new episode next Monday!


I agree that the should make the show as available as possible after Gina's Golden Globe win, this is their moment and people that are mildly interested will not go to great lengths to watch, they need to at least be able to sample it first.

Edited by PiggyRod
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I agree that the should make the show as available as possible after Gina's Golden Globe win, this is their moment and people that are mildly interested will not go to great lengths to watch, they need to at least be able to sample it first.

Really the only thing they can do that they aren't is contacting Hulu and making them back out the Hulu Plus status for the show (where only the Pilot and a set number of episodes are free, and the rest are only available through Hulu Plus).  And I guess maybe nail down with the various cable companies that ALL episodes should be up for the On Demand services.


Maybe they can also accelerate putting the show on Netflix before the season is over.  Does that ever happen anymore?


Well all this and more advertising.  Although I'm sure that's coming.  And maybe a total series replay over the summer on air (which I bet wouldn't have been in the cards otherwise).

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I thought I read they were putting up all the episodes on hulu (free) for a short while but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Maybe they can also accelerate putting the show on Netflix before the season is over.  Does that ever happen anymore?

 It happens if the production company has an agreement with Netflix.  The agreements will determine where it goes.  It's why there are some shows on hulu+ that aren't elsewhere.  Or why some end up on Amazon Prime but not on Netflix. 

I am a bit lost, I have Hulu Plus and looked for JtV episodes 5 to 9 to no avail. all I found was 1 to 4 and 9.  Any reasons for this?

Actually you are correct.  I skimmed it too quickly the other day and didn't notice it jumps straight from 4 to 8.


To say that sucks is an understatement.  Free OR paid you can't use Hulu to see all of the episodes.

So it's 


1 - free, 2 - paid, 3, 4 - free, 5,6,7 - missing, 8,9 - free


Makes no damn sense.

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Actually, what's on the CW site mostly aligns with what's on Hulu, except that Episode 2 is also free.  They have 1, 2, 3, 4 and then skip to 9.  So they also have 5, 6, and 7 missing, but also 8 missing as well (which IS on Hulu). 


It's a total mish-mosh. You have to use a combination of both sites even to watch 1-4 and 8-9, but have no access to 5-7 anywhere.  It's a total fuck you to any new fans they're trying to draw.

Edited by Kromm
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Well.. there's the expensive option.  Amazon has ALL episodes seemingly... for $1.99 each.




No clue if Prime members maybe might get a break (I'm not one).

It also looks like iTunes, Xbox video, and maybe even YouTube paid/Google video might also have the same kind of a la carte per episode deals.

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