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Funny moments - what are your favorites?

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The entire opening segment of Knit, People, Knit, where Emily and Richard give Loralei and Christopher "Wolf Girl" to start their art collection and playing the message of Loralei telling them that she and Christopher had gotten married in France...


And I've found more than 1 opportunity to use Emily's, "You're like a dolphin at feeding time" when telling Loralei she can finally open her gift.


That whole segment keeps me laughing from beginning to end...everybody involved in that scene was pure perfection.  

  • Love 2

Paris: "Don't sound so surprised!"

Rory: "How do you know he sounded surprised?"

Paris: "Because I'm a genius, Rory. I have deep and powerful clairvoyant abilities. For example, I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name 'Paris' in the same sentence as the word 'date', jaws will drop, confused looks will cover faces and words like 'How?', 'Why?' and 'Quick, Bob, get the children into the minivan, because the world must obviously be coming to an end' will immediately fly out of people's mouths."

(3.01 Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer)


That one just randomly pops into my head from time to time. Perfectly delivered.

  • Love 5

Lorelai threatening Luke into coming to Career Day with Louis Armstrong impressions. "Hello Dolly! This is Louis, DOLLY! I'll be comin' 'round the diner singin' sooooooongs!" Also, her southern cheerleader for "Butch Danes" impression. 


LORELAI: Oh, the girls just swooned when Butch Danes took the field.

LUKE: I knew there was another good reason not to do this.

LORELAI: Oh no, don’t walk away, Butch. Well, if I thought you didn’t care, I’d die, oh, I’d just die.

  • Love 2

I really love the scene in So Good Talk where Emily is abusing the flowers and Richard tries to talk some sense into her:


EMILY: You couldn’t wait to run over to that inn of hers for your secret clandestine meeting!

RICHARD: Well, how clandestine could it be? I just told you about it.

EMILY: I do not understand why you refuse to stand by me on this.

RICHARD: Why haven’t we gotten stools in here?


For some reason that random comment cracks me up.  And, of course:

RICHARD: And hopefully, with time, we will be able to convince her to come back and things will return to normal. However, if we simply cut her off, no contact whatsoever, then the odds of being able to get things back to the status quo are not very good at all. Don’t you agree? [Emily looks petulant.] I thought so. All right, now don’t worry. [He kisses her forehead.] I have everything under control.

EMILY [as he is leaving]: Of course you do. Because you’re the favorite.


I also love Richard's delivery of the lines about Luke towards  the end of You Jump, I Jump, Jack.  Especially the last sentence.


RICHARD: It happened to be a fruitful outing. I am going to assist him in franchising his diner.

EMILY: Richard! That hirsute lout is not capable of running a complex business!

RICHARD: Well, that’s obvious, Emily! That’s why he will have no significant role, he will be the frontman! We’ll shave him, stick his picture on the menus. The whole thing will, hopefully, bestow some credibility on him. At least then, if this insane relationship between him and Lorelai continues, we can legitimately take him to places like the club. At least, on holidays.

  • Love 2

My daughter was getting ready for her Valentine's Day date this morning and it reminded me of this funny scene from Rory's Dance --


EMILY: This is a once in a lifetime event. You get to be there and I don't.

(Lorelai lies down on the floor, trying to get comfortable.)

LORELAI: Oh, boy.

EMILY: I figure if I got enough pictures I could at least line them up in chronological order and pretend I was there.


EMILY: Maybe bind them together, make a flipbook out of them.

  • Love 3

Emily Gilmore's opinion on getting counseling, from "Back in the Saddle Again":


 Lorelai: Lots of people swear by it. 

Emily: Yes. Disturbed people. Deviants. People with multiple personalities who see things and hear dogs talking to them and roam the streets talking to themselves and licking parking meters. 

Lorelai: Mom...

Emily: Next thing you know, you'll be suggesting I go to a psychiatrist.  

Lorelai: Too many comebacks. I cannot pick.  



Picturing all 4 Gilmores doing the above after that exchange. 

Edited by moonb

Lorelai in 3.01:

Rory: Not fair.

Lorelai: Yes fair. The fairest. The Snow White of fair.

It's just so witty!

I also love this exchange in 4.05:

Babette: One day you'll walk out of the house and 'Pow!'. Colour coming out of your yinyang.

Lorelai: I'm going to have colour coming out of my yinyang.

Rory: Well then maybe you'll finally get a man.

AB's deadpan delivery and LG's mock horrified/amused expression are priceless!

I also love some of the Lorelai/Kirk exchanges. The scene in the diner post Dance Marathon where Kirk gloats with his trophy is great. Lorelai's annoyance is hilarious.

Kirk: My trophy is so large it's almost like a weapon.

Lorelai: Can I hold it then?

  • Love 2

I also love this exchange in 4.05:

Babette: One day you'll walk out of the house and 'Pow!'. Colour coming out of your yinyang.

Lorelai: I'm going to have colour coming out of my yinyang.

Rory: Well then maybe you'll finally get a man.

AB's deadpan delivery and LG's mock horrified/amused expression are priceless!

I also love some of the Lorelai/Kirk exchanges. The scene in the diner post Dance Marathon where Kirk gloats with his trophy is great. Lorelai's annoyance is hilarious.

Kirk: My trophy is so large it's almost like a weapon.

Lorelai: Can I hold it then?


I'm cackling over both of these.  SO hilarious!!


Another exchange I thought of recently:



LUKE: Oh hey.

LORELAI: Doing a little shopping?

LUKE: Yeah, I just had a couple things to pick up.

LORELAI: At the cat club?

LUKE: Yeah.

LORELAI: You had a couple things to pick up at the cat club?

LUKE: Yeah I did, okay?

LORELAI: Okay, I just never took you for a cat lover, a 97 year old woman, or. . . Hey what'd you buy?

LUKE: Nothing.

LORELAI: You've got a little bag there.

LUKE: I know that.

LORELAI: It's got a cat paw stamped on it and a little cat nip bow.

(Luke hands her the bag.)

LORELAI: Wise man. (Lorelai pulls a pot holder out of the bag.) Wow, pot holders.

LUKE: Yes.

LORELAI: Little kitty pot holders. (she pushes a button that makes them meow.) They meow.

LUKE: It's a present.

LORELAI: For someone you hate?

LUKE: It's Rachel's birthday okay. And don't say anything, she doesn't want anybody to know. She hates birthdays.

LORELAI: Not as much as she's gonna hate these pot holders.

LUKE: I don't know how to buy gifts, okay, I don't like to buy gifts. I don't like getting gifts. I mean, this whole gift giving and getting process is completely insane.

LORELAI: The rant begins!

LUKE: I mean suddenly, on a certain date, the level of my affection for a person isn't measured by the way that I treat them or what we share.


LUKE: I mean just because I didn't buy her furry slippers or a giant shoe tree, all of a sudden, I suck.

LORELAI: Luke, stop. You know you cannot give her these pot holders.

LUKE: Yeah I know.


>.<  The way he just gives in at the end with the "Yeah I know."  Hahahahaha.  That, and "She hates birthdays."  "Not as much as she's gonna hate these pot holders."  Heeeeeeee.

  • Love 1

LOL, we have to go full out Sharon! I'm now re-reading the Die Jerk transcript and chuckling. This is a really underrated exchange. I love LG's and AB's delivery here.


LORELAI: I wouldn't dismiss it so fast, Mom. The internet is more than just good porn now.

RORY: Yeah, I'm on it constantly.

EMILY: What do you use it for?

RORY: Research like for when I can't get to the library.

LORELAI: And for shopping.

RORY: Yeah, shopping.

LORELAI: A lot of shopping.

EMILY: Shopping?

LORELAI: Yeah, the stores you normally have to go to, they're on the internet now.

EMILY: But going to a nice store is half the fun of shopping. I like being greeted at the door and the bustle of people and the shoes and clothes all lined up nice and pretty.

LORELAI: That's true.

RORY: Yeah, we like that, too.

EMILY: Having someone help you pick out the right thing or help you exchange it if it's not right. With the internet, what do you do? Mail it back?

LORELAI: We usually just forget.

RORY: Yeah.

EMILY: So you're just out the money?

RORY: Pretty much.

EMILY: I don't get it.

LORELAI: I don't get it anymore either.

RORY: We should go to real stores more often.

JASON: But the internet is really good.

  • Love 4

It is a really funny episode!


Paris also has another great line about Rory being the one who possibly was the target of the Die Jerk. Isn't like "that would be like Dorothy pissing off the tin man"?


And the FND exchanges are hilarious, from Emily arguing that the cheeseburger Jason was planning on eating would make a fine meal to Emily's little smirk when Lorelai reminds Jason that Chris hated him and tried to dunk his head in a toilet bowl after he heckled him.

Edited by JaggedLilPill
  • Love 1

Jason and Lorelai's first date, when he gets them into the hottest ticket in town and is so thrilled with himself that he got them the private room.  I could almost hear Lorelai's plaintive whimper as the door closed behind them.  She wants to be out among the crowd and doesn't understand why Jason is so thrilled at them being all alone, then the misunderstanding at the taco shack -- it just kept going from bad to worse and I thought it was hilarious.  

I love how little moments from this show will come back to me and make me smile. Yesterday I saw the French word "vin" and immediately thought of one of my favorite random funny lines. Lorelai and Sookie were in line for the dance marathon and Sookie said something like, "Jackson and I had coq au vin last night....so naturally, the topic of kids came up." And Lorelai just nods along...lol.

I just read page four of this thread but need to go read the rest. Enjoying all the moments.

  • Love 1

Besides the dialogue and facial expressions I think what makes me giggle sometimes are the inconsistencies when they do several takes and after putting together the episode it just dosn't add up.


For example during Rory's 16th b-day episode when she is in the diner and the baloons keep appearing and disappearing. Or when Dean comes over with the pizza/salad and once Lorelai and Rory each have a slice it just gets jumbled like crazy. They are holding slizes, then they are not or holding slizes they took a bite off and then not.

Season 1, Star Crossed Lovers.  Emily set up Lorelai without her knowing about it.


Blind Date:  So, Lorelai, are you a member of the DAR?

Lorelai:  No, I'm not...... D - A - R - N!  Haha.  Haha.  (Silence.)  It's like DARN, cuz it's a play on DAR --- boy, these carrots sure are tiny.


Blind Date (bragging about his job):  Picking my locale, it's a very coveted position to be in. 

Lorelai (brightly):  Yeah.  I'd like to be picking my locale right now!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3

I love that DARN! joke so much. For more S1 FNDs, I love the gag of Rory and Lorelai putting post-its on the stuff they want in the will:


RORY: I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before.

EMILY You like the bowl?

RORY: Mmm.

EMILY: Put a post-it on it when you're done.


LORELAI: So what do we think of this?

RORY: Where would we put it?

LORELAI: I don't know. The Emily and Richard Gilmore Psycho Museum?

RORY: This is the strangest evening I've ever spent here.

EMILY: So, how's it going?

LORELAI: Great, just getting ready for the big day.  


And especially:


EMILY: Should I sit down?

LORELAI: Yeah, but not there, OK? We got a post-it on that. We'd like to keep it nice.

 EMILY: It must be very exhausting to be you.

Edited by Melancholy
  • Love 6

Emily yelling at Rory in Friday Night's All Right for Fighting:




EMILY: We take you in. We pay to redecorate the pool house so you can have a place all your own.


RORY: I did not ask you to do that.


EMILY: You accepted it. You did not turn it down. I didn't hear you saying, "grandma, stop." I didn't see you throw yourself at the decorators while they were putting up your very expensive WALLPAPER!


Something about Kelly Bishop's delivery of "wallpaper" cracks me up. Clearly the very expensive wallpaper was the most egregious part of Rory's poolhouse saga. 

Edited by moonb
  • Love 2

There's a Season 2 episode where Rory has a big debate and everyone comes to watch her:


Rory:  Oh, I'm so glad you're here.

Sookie:  NO YOU AREN'T

Rory:  What?

Sookie:  Oh, I'm just trying to get you in the mood.


(The GGs are running around rampant trying to clean up for Sherry):


Lorelai:  They might expect food and drink.

Rory:  Guests usually do.  We have leftover Hallowe'en candy from last year?

Lorelai:  OWWWWW waste that on company?

  • Love 2

Oh my god.  Doing a rewatch of GG as leading up to the Netflix revival, and I have come to one of my favourite parts that I had forgotten about!


The opening scene of Season 2, episode 22.


A literal round table of Lorelai looking bored, Rory with her head buried in her own arms, and Michel looking miserable, set to Ella Fitzgerald's "I Can't Get Started."  A shot of Sookie's head swaying back and forth with the beat, her face looking like she's in absolute heaven.  She's picking her music for her wedding to Jackson.  (She's so adorable.)


SOOKIE: It’s a classic song.

LORELAI: A classic song with lyrics about a woman who can’t make her relationship work, whose life is filled with emptiness and regret and pain.

SOOKIE:  (giggles) Oh, who listens to the lyrics?


LORELAI: (going through Sookie's other song choices)  "Don’t Cry Out Loud?" Sookie, do you even like Jackson?

MICHEL: Okay, I have a wonderful suggestion.

LORELAI: Great, let’s hear it.

MICHEL: Okay, here we go. How about I leave?


All of the dialogue in this scene is so funny and Sookie is just in a totally different mood than everyone else.  She's so darling

  • Love 4

I always liked the mini-plot about Rory trying to organize production of the world's (really maybe bigger than Woodbridge's) largest pizza for Lorelai's birthday in Happy Birthday Baby. 


PETE: Instead of this whole one huge pizza concept, we’re gonna do a hundred little pizzas all sitting next to each other.

RORY: What?

JOE: Like a pizza doily.

RORY: I don’t want a pizza doily.

PETE: Okay, less a doily, more of a collage.

RORY: I don’t want a pizza collage either.

JOE: Hey guys, I got another idea. How about we put the pizzas together, and then put pepperonis over the open spots.

PETE: So it looks like one big pizza, tricky.

RORY: Okay, hold on.

JOE: Or we could put cheese over the holes.

KIRK: Please don’t say the C- word.

RORY: Guys.

PETE: Cheese might fall through the holes.

JOE: We can use slices.

PETE: That’ll work.

RORY: That will not work!

PETE: Hey, Rory.

RORY: No. Now you three listen to me. We agreed that this was going to be the world’s largest pizza. That was the concept. Now I realize it can’t be the world’s largest pizza because that pizza was insane, but it is still going to be large. Very large. Crazy large.

PETE: But we –

RORY: No buts! That was the concept – get back to the concept! This is not Gangs of New York now with Cameron Diaz. This is Gangs of New York twenty years ago with Meryl Streep as Scorsese originally imagined it. Come back, refocus, remember the goal. Am I making myself clear?

JOE: Cameron Diaz is hot.

RORY: Not the point, Joe.


I love AB's delivery on that last line. 

  • Love 1

This is my favorite part of that first scene in Scene at a Mall:


LORELAI: Man, I love e-mail. Every day Rory and I write each other multiple times. It's great.

LUKE: You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?

LORELAI: Wrong perspective. E-mail is a return to the romantic days of letter writing. It's pure Dickens.

LUKE: Why Dickens?

LORELAI: It's just when I picture letter writing, I picture Charles Dickens.

LUKE: Charles Dickens wrote more letters than other people?

LORELAI: No, it's just I can easily picture him in his study with his dog and his pipe and his fancy feathered pen, writing [british accent] "Cheerio, old bean. Have a cup of tea. How's Big Ben? How's the Tower of London, Sister Suffragette? Tuppence a bag."

LUKE: Sounds like an idiot. [struggles to crawl under phone cord]


And of course, Emily's tear through the mall is hilarious even if it's a dark moment for her.


EMILY: And jewelry. Add an assortment of jewelry appropriate for a man with a moustache. What would that be? Bracelets, pinkie rings?


EMILY: And a moustache comb -- the most expensive one you've got.


And Kelly Bishop's delivery here:


EMILY: I want this.

SECOND SALESMAN: I'm sorry, ma'am, that is just a display. It's not for sale.

EMILY: Everything's for sale.

  • Love 2

Re-started Season 5, it is already so much more spirited than Season 4 (sorry guys).


When Paris calls Rory to tell her that Asher passed away, Rory has the nerve to ask if Asher died during sex with Paris.


Paris:  No, Rory, this great man was not brought down by my vagina.


I always liked this part, when Luke and Lorelai are about to go on their first date:


LORELAI: What are we gonna do?

LUKE: I've got some thoughts.

LORELAI: Alright, but no taking me to an art museum after hours and then to an empty Hollywood bowl where you give me a pair of diamond earrings that you bought with your college money when all the time you're really in love with your best friend, the drummer, who's posing as our driver for the evening.

LUKE: [pause] Okay, I'll think of something else.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

Re-started Season 5, it is already so much more spirited than Season 4 (sorry guys).

When Paris calls Rory to tell her that Asher passed away, Rory has the nerve to ask if Asher died during sex with Paris

Paris: No, Rory, this great man was not brought down by my vagina.

I always liked this part, when Luke and Lorelai are about to go on their first date:

LORELAI: What are we gonna do?

LUKE: I've got some thoughts.

LORELAI: Alright, but no taking me to an art museum after hours and then to an empty Hollywood bowl where you give me a pair of diamond earrings that you bought with your college money when all the time you're really in love with your best friend, the drummer, who's posing as our driver for the evening.

LUKE: [pause] Okay, I'll think of something else.

Haha I love that Luke/Lorelai bit as well. That look Luke gives her and then you can see him think I'll just go along with it! :D

  • Love 3

My absolute favorite was mentioned upthread: I am not a BEEEEEEE. (Lorelai the first to Emily upon being offered an outing to the arboretum) the delivery kills me; it'll never stop being funny.

Another funny moment (which makes me glad I can rewind live tv because I do this every time I see this) is the spring break one where Paris and Rory call 'dibs' on the best hotel beds by flopping around on them.

Another moment - I think from the same episode - is Trixie's tour of the Crap Shack. It was so visually hilarious: the camera follows as the four women and super-tall Richard shuffle silently from room to room. IIRC it was all one shot.

Side note: why did they call it the Crap Shack? I thought the house was very cozy and cute, though oddly laid out (I.e. a bedroom right off of the kitchen)

Another moment - I think from the same episode - is Trixie's tour of the Crap Shack. It was so visually hilarious: the camera follows as the four women and super-tall Richard shuffle silently from room to room. IIRC it was all one shot.

Side note: why did they call it the Crap Shack? I thought the house was very cozy and cute, though oddly laid out (I.e. a bedroom right off of the kitchen)

I think it was probably because it needed a lot of fixing up at the beginning.

Another moment - I think from the same episode - is Trixie's tour of the Crap Shack. It was so visually hilarious: the camera follows as the four women and super-tall Richard shuffle silently from room to room. IIRC it was all one shot.



And then Emily's response to Rory telling them to have a good time at dinner -


No one appreciates your sarcasm, young lady.




LOL and I just remembered this convo from a little earlier in the ep:


TRIX: I would like to see where Lorelai works.

LORELAI: The inn?

TRIX: I thought we could all have dinner there.

LORELAI: Oh, well, sure. That would be great.

TRIX: Wonderful. Tomorrow night, then.

RORY: Oh. . .

LORELAI: Well. . .

TRIX: What?

LORELAI: It’s just that tomorrow night we were planning to go to this winter carnival at the high school. . .

RORY: But we can skip it.

TRIX: Absolutely not. Rory, you’re a young person who works hard. It’s equally important to have fun. You go to the carnival.

RORY: Thank you.

TRIX: Lorelai, you’ve had enough fun in your life.

Lorelai: And then some.

  • Love 3

I love the first scene of Afterboom in season 4 when Luke's going to get his divorce and him and Lorelai walk down the street together.

LUKE: Hey.

LORELAI: Oh I left a tip this time and I didn't put it under the water glass because I know you hate that and I made sure that it didn't touch the syrup because that makes it sticky and I didn't leave the last dollar in pennies just to get rid of them.

LUKE: I know.

LORELAI: So why are you running down the street yelling at me?

LUKE: I wasn't running, I was walking. I wasn't yelling, I was talking.

LORELAI: Oh what did you say?

LUKE: Hey.

LORELAI: Oh hey!

LUKE: You are a lot of work.

Love that scene!! :D

  • Love 2

In Double Date, Rune is really rude, but I laughed out loud when he sat at the table in the French restaurant decapitating the head of the butter swans. 

When they get to Luke's I hadn't remembered that Lorelai asked for an anvil. I love the anvil theme that occasionally pops up. 


Also, while the pic below isn't talking about Jackson, I always felt that Jackson had an prominent feminine side. Occasionally a little prissy, but mostly OK and fun.



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