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Funny moments - what are your favorites?

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Chime in with the moments that made you laugh.
Any format is ok - text, picture, link to a video, whatever you like.
Here I'll kick off with a couple.

  1. Luke's response to Lorelai's reaction to buying the Twickham house:

LUKE: I bought a house, Twickham House. I bought it for us, I don't have it any more, I could probably get it back, but I just thought you should know that I bought it. For the kids that we don't have to have. It's a big house and we don't have to fill it up with kids, we could get furniture, you know, go shopping for a couch or get some end tables. I hate shopping for furniture. For me kids are easier.
LORELAI: (still sleepy) I love shopping.
LUKE: Go to sleep.
LUKE: Is this really happening?
LORELAI: Yes it's really happening. (Luke starts to lie down. Lorelai suddenly is awake) You bought a house without telling me?
LUKE: What?
LORELAI: A house? I mean a house is huge!
LUKE: Yeah, I know that's why I told you.
LORELAI: A house full of kids?
LUKE: And a plant! Don't forget the plant.
LORELAI: Please don't do that, OK? I mean any other address or life changing decisions, please include me in.
LUKE: I will! I am! I'm sorry! I won't! I will.
(they settle back in bed not facing each other)

LUKE: Sorry.
LORELAI: Kids would be good.
(they both smile)


    2. Rory's description of Cinnamon's demise:

LANE: They said that they rolled her body into a lamp.

(Rory nods her head 'yes.')

LANE: Did you laugh?

(Rory shakes her head 'no.')

LANE: Did you want to?

(Rory nods her head 'yes.')

RORY: But it's sad.

LANE: Yeah, it's sad.

One that always makes me laugh is when Jess finds the eggs on his car. I love love love Luke's reactions to this.

 JESS: Someone egged my car.

LUKE: Geez, it stinks.

JESS: It’s gonna take me forever to clean this up.

LUKE: These eggs are cooked.

JESS: What?

LUKE: They’re not raw eggs. They look like. . . deviled eggs.

JESS: Someone devil-egged my car?

LUKE: Well, that is paprika.

JESS: Someone prepared deviled eggs to throw at my car?

LUKE: Man, they must hate you a lot. Hey, maybe it was the guy in the garden department.

JESS: I’m gonna go get something to clean this up.


Another one is when Jess shows up with the "uniform" at the diner.

  • Love 1

One of my favorite funny moments is the scene in Luke's diner where the "J Crew catalog" group has taken over the diner and the one mom proceeds to nurse her child. The dialogue amongst Rory, Lorelai and Luke is hilarious from start to finish. When Jess enters and cries out "Oh Jeez," I split a gut. Great timing on all the actors parts.

  • Love 4

I laugh my ass off when Lorelai is on the dreaded double date with Rune in Season 1 and calls out upon his leaving, "Bye Loon!" 


Also, in season 2, during a town meeting, Lorelai is amused by Luke being a Trekkie when he was a kid, and calls out, "Was he dressed as Sulu?!" when he was in the first grade or something.  


I also find the interaction between Jess and Luke hilarious at times.  I'm on Season 2 for the Netflix Binge.  One of my favorite endings of an episode is in "Lost And Found" when Luke breaks the wall, repeating Jess's sarcastic line from earlier, "We'll hold hands and skip afterwards."  


I love this show so much until...won't go there in this thread.  

Edited by sunflower
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The "Hi....hi....hi....hi....hi....." scene in Double Date always makes me howl.  Neither of them knows what to say, it's just so cute!


Lorelai's burst of laughter when Luke goes off on his "They got stood up....they should've been wearing prom dresses" rant cracks me up too, mostly because Lorelai usually doesn't genuinely laugh out loud like that.

  • Love 2

I love when Jess gets beaked by that swan and refuses to explain, until Luke confronts him. "That's a brand new ladle! Take the baster!" I especially love it because Lorelai once made fun of Michel for being attacked by a band of swans as well. 


Lorelai's burst of laughter when Luke goes off on his "They got stood up....they should've been wearing prom dresses" rant cracks me up too, mostly because Lorelai usually doesn't genuinely laugh out loud like that.



That reminds me of "Great, now I'm not even the town whore!" and the followup with Kirk playing her in the Revolutionary War re-enactment, while Lorelai and Rory wonder just how far he and Taylor are going to take this.


And it can't be said enough. "You hit a deer?" "No, I got hit by a deer!"

Edited by bettername2come
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Rewatching, Mrs. Kim has emerged as probably my favorite of the supporting/recurring characters and she had a number of hilarious moments, including


1) In episode 4.21 ("Last Weeks Fights, This Weeks Tights"), her horror at discovering Lane's roommates are Zach and Brian and her wordlessly but hilariously fleeing.




2) In episode 5.08 ("The Party's Over"), after she finds out Lane and Zach are dating, when she berates Zach in front of the news stand, which sample lines like, "You will burn in the hell fire for this!  You will swim in sluge with Satan's helldogs and feed them your innards for eternity!"

  • Love 6

Rewatching, Mrs. Kim has emerged as probably my favorite of the supporting/recurring characters and she had a number of hilarious moments, including


1) In episode 4.21 ("Last Weeks Fights, This Weeks Tights"), her horror at discovering Lane's roommates are Zach and Brian and her wordlessly but hilariously fleeing.




2) In episode 5.08 ("The Party's Over"), after she finds out Lane and Zach are dating, when she berates Zach in front of the news stand, which sample lines like, "You will burn in the hell fire for this!  You will swim in sluge with Satan's helldogs and feed them your innards for eternity!"


I LOVE Mrs. Kim!! Also, when she forces Zach to write a hit song before he can propose to Lane is golden!

  • Love 2

Also hilarious?  Emily's breakdown in "The Reigning Lorelai" with her sitting around in a robe, knocking back booze and smoking cigarettes, made all the better by Lorelai and Sookie's WTF reactions.


Sookie: I'm so sorry, Emily.


Emily: About what?


Sookie: Well, about Richard's mother dying. 


Emily: Are you?  Huh.

  • Love 6

Emily's pre-funeral meltdown is one of my favorites.  


I also like when Emily out-Lorelais Lorelai - for example, climbing out the window while fighting with Richard in "Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller." Or her snarky, Lorelai-ish story about her friend Sweetie. 


A tiny one for Richard is in "Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers," where Lorelai's boring date from hell is blathering on about Hartford's traffic patterns, and Richard gives him this "are you KIDDING me with this" look. Makes me laugh out loud. 

  • Love 3

One scene that I find oddly hilarious is in In the Clamor and the Clangor, when Lane is in the midst of a Seventh Day Adventist study group, discussing which world leader they should write a letter to, and one student keeps insisting on Assistant Pastor Eric!! For some reason the way he keeps asking, "So then it would be Assistant Pastor Eric?" is endlessly amusing to me.

  • Love 4

Episode 306, Deviled Eggs, has the funniest townie segment ever!

It starts right after the titles and lasts until the end of the town meeting.

The best part about it is that everyone seems to be having great fun. 

Some favorite lines include:

  • Some of these birds seem to be doing this on purpose
  • Put sharp metal spikes on top of the fixtures and then when they land, POW! They're shish-kabob!
  • Patty's relationship with Jesus
  • The town needs as many Boo Radleys as we can get

So much funnier than the baby show at Sherry's later in the episode, and every bit as good as the car devil-egging. 


Edited by junienmomo
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I know I'm not being specific but anything by Paris or Mrs. Kim. They crack me up!


Yes! Two of the best characters EVER!! Here are some of my favourite moments of theirs' offhand:


- Meltdown on national television after finding out she did not get into Harvard! 

- Hip Hop dancing with Doyle! 

- Announcing to Rory and Anna that her Doyle had just had sex! 

- Paris speed dating!! 


Mrs Kim: 

- Mrs Kim vs Emily - the ultimate showdown! 

- Mrs Kim yelling at Zac about how he will burn in hellfire for touching Lane. 

- Mrs Kim turning to Lorelai for advise on how to handle Lane living with boys (just pretend they are girls of course)!

- Mrs Kim insisting that Zac writes a top hit worthy song before he can propose to Lane. 

  • Love 1

Just saw this awesome exchange:


Digger:  Nothing bonds 2 businessmen like being caught passed out in bed with a hooker.

Emily:  WHAT??????

Digger:  It's a figure of speech.


I also think Emily's obsession with Russia is hilarious.  Her dream of a Russian winter theme for Lorelai's wedding, and her delighting in the fact that it's "okay to like Russia again" are both great.  I love Emily.  I think she's funnier than Lorelai.

  • Love 4

Just finished watching 3.11, I Solemnly Swear. 

The big with Paris and Rory was at first adorable, but became delightfully funny as Paris took their fencing exercise as an excuse to yell at Rory for telling others about Jamie. So cute!

Also loved Sookie and Joe's interchanges. Even Jackson play that picture perfect. 

Smiles all around.

When Lorelei & Emily are in the Mother Daughter fashion show...Emily looks like she's having such a fun time! The way she shakes her butt and sways around, with that big grin on her face, it always makes me laugh. She's so cute there.

Jackson & Sookie freaking out about their back lot being a marijuana field. Calling it pickles. I really want to know what happened when Lorelei showed up that night all sad and the house was full of "pickles".

When Doyle drops out of nowhere to get Paris to fight him so they can practice krav mega in the apartment...she says "I love you!" right before they go at it...

When Paris Lane and Rory drink the Founders Day Punch and get wasted, Paris harassing people for pay phone money and giving them a weird gesture when they say no...

  • Love 2

When Luke hires Lane and is telling Lorelai and Rory that it probably won't work out, he doesn't know why she took the job -- "I totally blew the interview!" and then Lane bounces up and asks Luke if he's "got this" and he puts on this huge smile and says nervously, "Yeah, I got this!" The whole thing cracks me up every time.

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