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S13.E06: 13 Chefs Compete

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The teams are tasked to create unique protein-and-starch dishes. Later, they serve VIP guests at the dinner service, including members of the Dine LA Board of Directors, Olympic medalist Allyson Felix and the NHL's Willie Mitchell.


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To be continued?! What bollocks!



It's just part of their nefarious plan to make the season stretch on as long as possible.  I'm pretty sure last season took about seventeen years to go from twenty contestants down to six, and they probably want to break that record.

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Go away, Stirling. Please. For the love of God, go away.


Personal comment - I have the DVDs for Seasons 1-10. Some seasons I like more than others, but they are all interesting in their own way I can play them over and over while I work. These past two seasons, what can I say? They're so boring. It's hard to tell who's who, they don't really do anything interesting but mess up orders, I dunno... I used to sit glued to the TV when it was on, now, blech. I still watch, I still love GR, but the thrill is gone...

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To be continued?! What bollocks!

I think they pulled that crap alot last season too.

I floved Ramsay cooking.

I thought I heard everyone calling Sade, "sawday". Isn't that how the singer pronounces it?

Haven't the guys from Animal been there before? They were pricks then too.

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Seems like every single time we think the women have ditched all of their weak links, new ones keep emerging.  First Janai, then Denine, then Kalen, and now Katie fucks up everything left and right and deservedly goes home because of it.  And Roe turns out to be not much of a prize herself, either.  Are LaTasha, Sade, Ashley, and Jennifer seriously the only four truly competent chefs on that team?


Meanwhile, Sterling is thrown under the bus despite only having one bad service (and not even this current service!) while they have Steve, who's fucked up two, and Santos, who's fucked up quite a bit but still avoided the chopping block somehow!  I'm almost positive that he's not getting tossed next week.  I think he's being moved to the women's team to even up the numbers with Katie gone.


I agree with Ramsay's frustration.  I see no obvious winner from either team.  Sade, LaTasha, and Jennifer seem like the best of the women, and . . . I don't see any breakout stars among the men.  Sterling and Aaron seem like the most competent, but even they have their own stumbles.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I thought Steve has been the weakest of the nominees, but the fact that he brings drama saved him over Katie. I think Roe will be gone next week. Bryant and Sterling seem the strongest male chefs right now, Fernando is way stronger than he used to be.

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Sterling may be a competent line cook, but I see absolutely nothing about him that says "chef." He's a clown (and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible.) He can take his exaggerated Stevie Wonder upper lip smiley schtick, his overwrought hack-comedian talking heads, and his over-the-top growly pro wrestler style elimination appeal, and get the fuck out asap. Way to fuck up a pork chop, Mister I'M FROM DA SOUFF, SON! Of course, the previews showed him hugging Ramsay (sans jacket?) so he's clearly staying.

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Seriously? SUSAN FENIGER lends her good name to this mishigoss? 


And not just that - Susan Feniger lends her good name to this mishegoss and they give you one flash of her in the dining room while olympians you've never heard of sit at the chef's table. OTOH, that might have been one of her conditions for appearing.

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I am continuously surprised at the clout Gordon shows; the tables were full of restaurant owners/chefs and for just an average weeknight he managed to pull in some big names (Feniger).  I'm impressed. Too often the chat makes him seem like a washed out has been so it's good to see he's still got it in the culinary world anyway.


I do not see anyone on the screen that even seems like they could grow into possibly running a restaurant.  No wonder he's panicking. 


I like the in your face this is who I am short brown haired girl, dislike the finger shaking snap of the girl with dreads and her mouth.  I was with Katie on that one.

The remaining blonde really needs to wash off her eye makeup and start over.


Looks like next week all the big mouth talkers manage to totally screw up, omg for Gordon's dial a meter!

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I'm a meat eater and all, but I thought it was mean to chase those screaming baby animals around for "entertainment." 


Sterling may be a super nice dude, but something about him just gets on my nerves. IDK why exactly.

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Stirling, I mean Stepin Fetchit -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQl2GoEbPys


I'm sorry folks, maybe my age is finally catching up with me, but jebus h, I truly dislike this person. At least Stepin Fetchit was an act; I'm pretty sure we are seeing the real Stirling. In the past, this is the way black people interacted with whites because 1) whites expected blacks to be stupid and 2) you could get in trouble if you were too smart around 'massa.' I'm old enough to have known people who were young in the 30's and 40's and we've talked about this type of person, but I am surprised as hell to see a grown man, in 2014, act this kind of a fool. 


I swear, if GR gives this clown a restaurant, he deserves to have more restaurants fail. 

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Stirling, I mean Stepin Fetchit -  


I'm sorry folks, maybe my age is finally catching up with me, but jebus h, I truly dislike this person. At least Stepin Fetchit was an act; I'm pretty sure we are seeing the real Stirling. In the past, this is the way black people interacted with whites because 1) whites expected blacks to be stupid and 2) you could get in trouble if you were too smart around 'massa.' I'm old enough to have known people who were young in the 30's and 40's and we've talked about this type of person, but I am surprised as hell to see a grown man, in 2014, act this kind of a fool. 


I swear, if GR gives this clown a restaurant, he deserves to have more restaurants fail.

I'm pretty sure Sterling's minstrelsy is a performance. Whether it's a performance in good taste, I leave to the viewer.

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The promos actually showed at least two of the three remaining chefs. Not much of a cliffhanger. Unless he's going to give one of them a chance to change teams...


Before they showed the promos I figured this was the usual "let's switch up the teams" type of cliffhanger.  I'd be shocked if someone else goes home.


Sterling is annoying as can be but he's cooked decently enough so far (or, perhaps more correctly, there are others who have performed far worse).  He's clearly not a leader given the way he acts like an idiot all the time but he deserves to stay over a lot of the others.


Roe has fallen very quickly, she's completely incompetent.

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I think it was that, plus Ramsay was still pissed off at Katie for nominating herself last week.


I had the same thought, and figured after last week she was toast.  If you're afraid to nominate someone else for elimination because they're going to bust your chops, then you should never have gone on this first show in the first place. GR did tell her that she could cook, which is the first time all season I've heard him say something nice during an elimination.


Katie was actually one of the only benign personalities left. Just about everyone else is extremely unpleasant, annoying, or both.


Those two chefs from Animal (hate that name) seem to get trotted out every season on both Hell's Kitchen and Top Chef. I don't get it, because the two of them combined don't have a shred of personality. Every time I've seen them they appear bored out of their minds. Maybe that's just your basic too-cool-for-school hipster attitude, but in any event it's not good television. There must be other chefs who would like the  publicity and in exchange could muster a bit of enthusiasm. Or at least a smile.


I bet the woman who said how she would love to be able to get a reservation at Animal had never of it before they gave her the line.

Edited by bluepiano
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Yes, the animal chasing really turned me off. I'm not stupid, I know where my meat comes from, but I'd rather not see it running around and squealing in fear. :(

I love GR but I can see his overacting and dramatic license for what it is most of the time. However, he seems genuinely frustrated with these people and I can't blame him. The one or two people who seem competent...and I mean to be in a kitchen, not to run a restaurant...are so grating that I can't pull for them.

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Katie was actually one of the only benign personalities left. Just about everyone else is extremely unpleasant, annoying, or both.

Eh, Ashley, Sade, and LaTasha don't bother me, actually.  Frank and Bryant are sort of okay, just mostly silent.  And since Jennifer's at least competent behind her trash-talking, I'm not that bugged by her, either.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Sade doesn't bother me as much as I think she's supposed to. So far, everyone who's said they had an issue with her has struck me as combative and really anxious to reframe their troubles as drama instead of incompetence. My impression is that she keeps her head down and just works.

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Yes, the animal chasing really turned me off. I'm not stupid, I know where my meat comes from, but I'd rather not see it running around and squealing in fear. :(.



I eat meat, but IDK.... that whole thing was a real turnoff for me too

Edited by ari333
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All reality show contestants who are required to be away from home for weeks at a time get a small stipend. I'd guess the average is around $350 per week, I think Big Brother contestants get more. Survivor contestants are paid on a sliding scale, the longer they are there, the more they make.

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He's a clown (and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible.) He can take his exaggerated Stevie Wonder upper lip smiley schtick, his overwrought hack-comedian talking heads, and his over-the-top growly pro wrestler style elimination appeal, and get the fuck out asap. Way to fuck up a pork chop, Mister I'M FROM DA SOUFF, SON!


I'm not a person of color, but this characterization is very uncomfortable to me. I understand Sterling is presenting himself in a certain way. I think he seems to act a different way in his talking heads than he does on the line. If he's just trying to get TV time, he seems harmless to me. If he's a true contender, his skills will win out, and I think we will see a less over-the-top version of Sterling.


And I would take harmless Sterling any day over deluded, nasty braggart Santos.

Edited by Eolivet
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