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S02.E09: You're Grounded

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I thought it was strange Amy said it was risky hooking up with a coworker but riskier when a person's brother was on board. He's not 12. I think it's an odd word usage. I could see her being careful she wasn't being sexual in front of him but risky? I'd be just as concerned over coworkers hearing sex stuff as an adult brother.

Articles about the show:  Nothing good about Kate Chastain.


I totally agree with this entire article.  If Bravo does Season 3 I would hope the start out with an all new crew except for Ben.


And a new Captain too.  When he briefs Ben and Kate about the new charter he says nothing when they make snide remarks and joke about the guests.  This sets the tone for the entire charter.  His crew must feel very comfortable (well maybe not Kelly) around him to make jokes about the guest.  Makes me think the Captain has the same opinion.


I have to say I could relate to the seemingly normal people that were this weeks charter guests.  They were normal down to earth people that apparently could afford Waffles and Chicken on a private yacht.  Good for them.  Too bad the two skinny blond mean spirited bitches felt it ok to make fun of their guest underwear on TV.  And to top it off these guests actually gave them a great tip.

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The best laugh for me on the show was when they were leaving port and Johnny Day Sailor refused to give way to Ohana (Ok, that could have been dangerous but it turned out alright). Eddie and Captain Lee were absolutely right about Ohana having right of way, but the part when Eddie said read the book was priceless. I've said it and anyone with true experience on a boat have screamed this out to people who don't know all the Maritime rules.

I don't understand how hard it was for Amy to set a table for dessert, cut a cake and get some drinks. She wasn't serving a three course meal here. Kate and Kat did set up a dinner, served it and cleaned up. Yeah, they apparently took their time getting back but really? What did Amy have to do that was so overwhelming? Amy is a whiner like her brother. And I still don't get that Kelley is so hot.

Jennice - I liked her somewhat at the beginning but now, not so much. Apparently, she got over Kelley's issues very quickly. After watching Kelley on WWHL, they don't seem to be dating anymore after his response to how good a kisser Jennice is. It also reinforced my opinion that Kelley is immature and a bit full of himself. He and his sister's relationship is just off.

I also didn't take their comments about the guests as being racial or bigoted. Their comments were about hair and style. What was insulting to me was the comment about NJ. They obviously haven't been there and Snookie isn't from NJ. People in the service industry are going to snark on the people they serve. I don't understand why some people think that this unusual. People do this all the time - in the workplace, at a bar, here, wherever.

Lastly, Kate is small boned and thin. I never even considered and still don't consider her to have any kind of eating disorder.

I agree with all of this. I realize I'm in the minority but Kelley comes across to me as a bratty kid that when he doesn't get his way, he goes crying to Mommy (Amy). I picture him the type that if Jennice broke up with him, he wouldn't let her go & stalk her & possibly worse (like seen on Dateline Mysteries). I realize they work on yachts & Will be on different ones in the future so the stalking aspect wouldn't apply to them but something about him gives me the creeps. It's fine when things go his way but when they don't, it's everyone else's fault. Like at the beginning when he was going to tell Jennice how he felt - it could have gone 2 ways & because it didn't turn out the way he wanted, he couldn't accept it. Grow up !!! I like the caller on WWHL that told him his actions were like the Coast Guard not the Marines.

Previous poster was commenting that Kate & Kat had left Amy alone doing the Rugby player party. I thought it was explained in the episode that Amy was assigned the "night shift" (or whatever they call it). When Kate or Kat (whoever had the early shift) had to get up at 5 or 6 am to work that shift, Amy got to sleep in because she would stay up later doing her night shift. Granted the party got a little wild, but they should have rules saying in that type of case you can call for help from the others. Didn't she call Kelley who was up too?

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I agree with all of this. I realize I'm in the minority but Kelley comes across to me as a bratty kid that when he doesn't get his way, he goes crying to Mommy (Amy). I picture him the type that if Jennice broke up with him, he wouldn't let her go & stalk her & possibly worse (like seen on Dateline Mysteries). I realize they work on yachts & Will be on different ones in the future so the stalking aspect wouldn't apply to them but something about him gives me the creeps. It's fine when things go his way but when they don't, it's everyone else's fault. Like at the beginning when he was going to tell Jennice how he felt - it could have gone 2 ways & because it didn't turn out the way he wanted, he couldn't accept it. Grow up !!! I like the caller on WWHL that told him his actions were like the Coast Guard not the Marines.

Previous poster was commenting that Kate & Kat had left Amy alone doing the Rugby player party. I thought it was explained in the episode that Amy was assigned the "night shift" (or whatever they call it). When Kate or Kat (whoever had the early shift) had to get up at 5 or 6 am to work that shift, Amy got to sleep in because she would stay up later doing her night shift. Granted the party got a little wild, but they should have rules saying in that type of case you can call for help from the others. Didn't she call Kelley who was up too?


I loved Kelley the first couple of episodes, but I totally agree.  I don't know what the hell happened in his house that makes his sister want to protect him so much, but he seems like his emotional maturity is that of a 5 year old.  I know divorce is tough on kids, but he seems mortally wounded.


It's also hard for me to understand how he was ever in the military if he can't take orders from the Captain and he breaks down that easily.  Maybe it's just post traumatic stress?

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I have to say I was really pissed at this episode.


I don't believe dipshit Kate when she said she has been employed in the service industry for many years. I have and I know for a fact that working class people or people who risen from the working class are the best tippers. Not the rich types who expect everything and think a 10% tip is more then enough for the "service people." When I ran a bar it was the Con Ed guys and the plumbers who tipped not the lawyers and stock guys. 


The fact is they had contempt for these people is plain and simple because of their ethnicity. The Snookie remarks are a tell tale sign. Would Andy Cohen be cool with that it they said something similar about Jews or black people? I guess Andy thinks all Italians or Hispanics are low-lifes because of Theresa Giudice. 


To go into their personal effects and show their underwear on TV is beyond the pale. How they hell is that ok in anybody's world. These are paying guests. But even if they were on Bravo's dime that is just bullshit plain and simple.


The Captain should have withheld Kate and Kat's tip or at the least fine them half and then give it to Amy  because she seemed to be doing all the work and was the only one who performed professionally in this episode.


I hope that Kate never gets another job in the industry. Anyone that hires her is a fool.


I so agree, Amy deserved half their tips in addition to hers. She was the only one being professional and working hard.

Those two disgust me. Kate has no business being anyone's boss.

I was shocked at them showing off the underwear. Honestly, it was disgusting.The other thing that irritated me was when they said the guests were eating all the time. Who Cares? It's their charter!

Right, and they paid big $ for it.

I've always thought the inside looks like more work. The deck hands seem to sit around talking about how hard they work.

And their quarters are so tight! I don't know how they do it!

It's fine when things go his way but when they don't, it's everyone else's fault. 

Yeah what was with Kelley's whiny "The captain is out to get me blah blah blah he laughed at my elbow blah blah blah" stuff in this episode? Like what? The captain isn't laughing at you because your elbow hurts, he's laughing because you're trying to pawn it off as some "work injury" that happened a few days earlier, when you, the captain, and everyone else know you just mysteriously hurt it while you were falling down drunk the night before! Yeesh, that guy sucks. 


Did anyone see the "sneak peek?" I was surprised that Kelley was married for 3 years!



I think their bunks are normally just sleeping compartments. At least 1/3 of the crew seems to be up at all times, so two people may not be hanging out in their room at the same time very often.


I think Kat is gone next season. Sober Kat is just annoying and not as much fun to laugh at. Amy should be chief stew, but Kelley would have to be gone. I'd say Jennice is a lousy deck hand, but she was better than Andrew and better than Kelley this episode. She needs to be able to work on the slide, though.

I dated an Army guy years ago. It never got as far as an engagement, but at the time he was recently divorced. In the years since he and I were together (which was in 2010) he's gotten married, divorced, and is now engaged again. Some people just are never ready. Or they never figure out how to make it work.


I'm just glad I missed out on that mess!

I dated an Army guy years ago. It never got as far as an engagement, but at the time he was recently divorced. In the years since he and I were together (which was in 2010) he's gotten married, divorced, and is now engaged again. Some people just are never ready. Or they never figure out how to make it work.


I'm just glad I missed out on that mess!


I wonder if it is due to the uncertainty of where they will be placed that makes them want to have *something* grounded like a marriage.  And of course, having that type of relationship isn't easy.

I wonder if it is due to the uncertainty of where they will be placed that makes them want to have *something* grounded like a marriage.  And of course, having that type of relationship isn't easy.

I could see that if he was active duty. But he isn't. He's reserves. He doesn't have to worry about relocating unless he'd go back to active duty...and as far as I know he's still satisfied with his mostly civilian life and job.


My stepbrother is also active duty in the army, and as far as I have learned you only need to relocate every 4-8 years, and you are given choices as to where. But that may depend on what your title is, and what you do.


But anyway, bringing it back to the show Kelley is discharged from the military now, so he wouldn't have to worry about any of those things. As a civilian he can do what he wants.

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I so agree, Amy deserved half their tips in addition to hers. She was the only one being professional and working hard.


I re-watched the scene where Capt. Lee hands out the tips and Amy was the only person he said, "Thank you" to when he handed her the envelope, and he emphasized it and sounded very sincere. Other than making a point perhaps by saying in front of everyone that she had worked extra-hard and he commended her for it, there wasn't much else he could do since it's an "equal-share" tipping situation. 


I agree about the charter folks not deserving the condescending attitude from (most of) the crew. They ordered a lot of food, they love food, they ate a lot. So what? How many charters are full of people who drink and drink and drink, talk about how much they love to drink and get drunk, and act like drunken idiots? Why are the big drinkers so much more "acceptable" than the people who love to eat? Seemed to me this charter group was polite and appreciative, and other than the meal-planning snafu, they weren't making much trouble.

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Except for Amy, Eddie and the new guy, Lee should have handed the rest of them an envelope with the tip and a plane ticket. They can either take the whole envelope or hand it back and increase the others' share.


Of course, we already know that Bravo charters the boat and the cast are the guests as well as the "charters" who get the staterooms.

Re: Kelley and Jennice. I just remembered how last season Sam hooked up with CJ and pretty much admitted it was just because he was there, on the boat. A warm body. Once they were on shore, out at bars Sam wanted nothing to do with him really. Kelley obviously likes Jennice more than that because he doesn't ditch her when on shore BUT...he would have liked pretty much any girl working with him (except gnarly Kat and Kate) and I have no doubt that he fell head over heels for someone new when he got on his next yacht.

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And a new Captain too.  When he briefs Ben and Kate about the new charter he says nothing when they make snide remarks and joke about the guests.  This sets the tone for the entire charter.  His crew must feel very comfortable (well maybe not Kelly) around him to make jokes about the guest.  Makes me think the Captain has the same opinion.

I disagree. Capt. Lee clearly was uncomfortable with Kate and Ben belittling the charter guests just from looking at their profiles. When he handed out the tips he made a speech about how the crew had acted judgmental about the guests and that it wasn't the right way to treat paying customers. He was embarrassed that they had been given a big tip he felt they did not earn. I think Capt. Lee felt bad that guests who just happened to be of average to plus size, enjoyed eating and having fun, behaved fairly well, and tipped great were treated so poorly behind their backs. He knows it all for the show but still...

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Did anyone else catch the fact that Captain Lee made a Pretty Woman reference in regards to how Kate and Kat were the snobs to "Snookie", when Pretty Woman is pretty much Kate's fantasy that she never let go of? Honey, Young Richard Gere in ain't rescuing you and taking you off into his limo to ride off into the sunset.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I disagree. Capt. Lee clearly was uncomfortable with Kate and Ben belittling the charter guests just from looking at their profiles. When he handed out the tips he made a speech about how the crew had acted judgmental about the guests and that it wasn't the right way to treat paying customers. He was embarrassed that they had been given a big tip he felt they did not earn. I think Capt. Lee felt bad that guests who just happened to be of average to plus size, enjoyed eating and having fun, behaved fairly well, and tipped great were treated so poorly behind their backs. He knows it all for the show but still...

And the Captain is equally aware of who was working in the stew area.

The only response to people like Kat and Kate is to do your job. They can set you up, but their slacking off will shine out. It's lonely to be frozen out, but she has the new boy to flirt with and her brother to commiserate, and now the captain has noticed her.

This will cause the others to really go crazy.

This show might become interesting as Amy moves to the center.

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Rewatching this episode... Amy is such a put upon martyr... While I agree Kat or Kate should have headed back to the boat after dinner, good lord Amy had at least an hour if not two (or more) to decorate for the bday party... While the other gals served the guests dinner on the beach... She has also been quite snarky to her boss...Kate...you attract peeps with sweet, not sour grapes... I guess I could deal with Amy for another season but I don't think she'd succeed at being head stew... She'd be too worried about being everyone's bestie, which would likely mean she'd be taken advantage of and then we'd be subjected to more tales of how put upon she is... No thanks...

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