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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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Yeah, why can't she be best friends with her husband? I'm so over her coquettishness with Doug while she's trying to convince him she's right.


Perfect word!  Coquettishness.  That is exactly the best word to describe the way she was acting -- and I do mean "acting" -- when she and Doug were in the batting cage.


Agreed!  And esp. if you want him to meet your husband.  I have one "ex" with whom I keep very vaguely in touch and see every couple of years when he is in town for some reason, and before Mr. P met him I just called him "a guy I used to date."  The whole "my ex" and "best friend" BS is very wearing.  So is season three of Married at First Sight: The First Year" going to actually be watching these fools make up controversy in year 3 of their marriage?


...and the more I think about the "my ex" thing with Jamie, I have come to the conclusion -- besides the fact that the girl really does lack self awareness - that she is one of those people who preface every noun with "my."   For instance, have you ever gone into a store such as Best Buy, Staples, etc., etc., and asked the "associate" where you might find the HP Laptops or whatever?  The answer you get in return is, "My HPs are in aisle 5 and my Acers are in Aisle 6," and so on?

Another example:  You have a friend whom you've known most of your life. When conversing with this person she brings up her sister, Emily, whom you have also known almost your entire life.  But does she refer to "Emily" as Emily?  Never!  It's "my sister this," and "my sister that...."    I am thinking it must be an egocentric personality trait, but it sure does grate on your nerves when hearing it every five seconds from Jamie on every episode.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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The "my ex" thing doesn't bother me as a descriptor. Yeah, they weren't married, but they were together for 6 years and lived together, so it's a significant relationship. I call my ex-boyfriend of 5 years "my ex" if I need to refer to him for some reason (although I don't talk about him even 1/1000th as much as Jamie talks about hers). I do believe, however, that you should not refer to more than one of your ex-boyfriends as your "ex." Save that for the significant one, if there is a significant one. (Jamie probably has several "my exes.")

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I guess that's why I wouldn't refer to anyone as "my ex" - because to me that phrase really means "ex-husband" rather than "ex-boyfriend" - of whom I could have few or plenty, but they all have the same status - ex-boyfriend.  Unless he was around for enough years to qualify as "common law husband", it's still just an ex boyfriend.  No more.  

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We have talked about it briefly in the Season 3 social media thread, on FYI at the end of each episode starting from this weeks there will be an extra 15 minutes of Jamie interviewing this years participants on their thoughts about it.



Edited by crazychicken
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This is very appropriate, because Jamie is always seeking an extra 15 minutes.

Brilliant, Clare! Love it.

UGHHHH, i hope that this wont become the Jamie show or " poor Jamie show"


Look at what she's wearing! Ha. Of course it's always all about Jamie when it comes to Jamie. She really lucked into the golden goose when she decided to stay with Doug. Edited by sleekandchic
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OK, this new, 15-minute show is officially titled "Marriage at First Sight: Unfiltered: (Episode Title)" Tonight's premiere discussed the newest MAFS episode, "Celebrations."

Between Jamie's overbleached ferret fangs, her peekaboo leggings and her exaggerated, over-the-top, melodramatic reaction shots during the interviews, this brainiac-show was of course all about Jamie...in Jamie's mind.

Also, I hope I misunderstood her goodbye message? Did she say, please join me on Married Life and on MAFS: The First Year? What is Married Life? ANOTHER Jamie show? She's gotta be sleeping with somebody not named Doug..

Edited by sleekandchic
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Married Life is clips recorded by the season 1 couples on a personal camera for the youtube channel it started rather suddenly when all the season 2 marriages exploded to bide time while they recorded the second season of First Year.

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Oh Jamie hit the jackpot when she became friends with a FYI executive producer named Liz Fine, that is how she got the Atlanta gig. All her pleading for her fans went unnoticed until this chic came on the scene, Jamie interacts with her more than Doug on social media.

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Oh Jamie hit the jackpot when she became friends with a FYI executive producer named Liz Fine, that is how she got the Atlanta gig



Does Jaimie have incriminating evidence against her or something?  I do not know why they think Jaimie is going to be the break out star of this series.

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Her unfiltered segments on Season 3 are just horrible


She is not a journalist, journalist do not include their personal stories  in the interview


I personally do not want to know about someones "first" time.  Especially for Jamie to talk about her first time with Doug


I hope if anyone with the production company reads these comments, they will realize she is not the one to help them with the show.


I guess since i am talking about her, that they are actually getting what they want.

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What I have learned from Jaimie's segments:


Jamie first time making love to Doug sucked.  Wait...these segments are not supposed to be about Jamie?

Edited by qtpye
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What I have learned from Jaimie's segments:


Jamie first time making love to Doug sucked.  Wait...these segments are not supposed to be about Jamie?



Well that would be news to her. She clearly thinks its about her, her time with Doug and her facial expressions. I couldn't even watch it all after seeing her ask them all about the texting and being so one sided. UGH

Edited by Evil Queen
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When do these segments air?

They are on FYI straight after the episode and available the next day on youtube, you are not missing much but Jamie mugging for the cameras. If you google married at first sight youtube the channel should be the first link, sorry I can't link on my tablet

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Just watched the latest installment. Noticed for the first time that the title card actually says "With Jamie Otis." It's definitely a vanity project for her.

Whoever is producing and directing the segments definitely has some kind of personal stake in Jamie's success, imo. The camera focuses on her at least an equal amount of time as her interviewees, if not longer. She is really so over-the-top with her phony reaction shots.

Edited by sleekandchic
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I'm seeing the sneak-peeks for the new shows coming up in March and Neph and Jasmine appear to be featured as a third couple right along with the other two.  This really bothers me for no particular reason, but it does. 

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I'm seeing the sneak-peeks for the new shows coming up in March and Neph and Jasmine appear to be featured as a third couple right along with the other two.  This really bothers me for no particular reason, but it does. 


Production is killing the show.


1) Jamie & Doug are not engaging, and Jamie is irritating to many viewers.

2) Jason's father struggle is a horrible story line

3) Imposing Neph and Jasmine on viewers who have been with the show longer than an unmarried couple who were not married at first sight is insulting to the viewers.

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Production is killing the show.


1) Jamie & Doug are not engaging, and Jamie is irritating to many viewers.

2) Jason's father struggle is a horrible story line

3) Imposing Neph and Jasmine on viewers who have been with the show longer than an unmarried couple who were not married at first sight is insulting to the viewers.


You are right on with all these points. To bad they don't see this and understand what we are all seeing with how the show is at this point. 

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Production is killing the show.


    1) Jamie & Doug are not engaging, and Jamie is irritating to many viewers.

    2) Jason's father struggle is a horrible story line

    3) Imposing Neph and Jasmine on viewers who have been with the show longer than an unmarried couple who were not married at first sight is insulting to the viewers.


There is no more story to Jamie, Doug, Courtney, and Jason.  The truth is now they all have been married way more then a year.  The problem is that none of the season 2 marriages worked out, so they are continuing with the original couples.  The fact that they have to add Neph into the mix ( a guy who was never married at first sight), just shows you how desperate they are.


The only thing left is the inevitable "Jamie will leave Doug in the dust as soon as she realizes the coupling is no longer lucrative for her fame whoring career" special.

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And I don't blame Jason for bringing up the debt. I would be extremely uncomfortable if I married someone with so much debt and then he just announced to me he wanted to open up his own business with no reasonable plan. Where is the common sense here?!?!

I didn't watch much of the first season. I thought Courtney was an office manager or something and now she is a makeup artist. (?)


I assume they are probably getting paid well for doing these shows. Could anyone please explain the debt issues?

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Jesus, Doug, don't work too hard to get that FYI check. Doug couldn't be more checked out if he tried.<br /><br />Still don't care about Neph or Jason's family. Actually I don't think I care about my of these people.

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It's pretty interesting that despite the continual talk about Jamie's ex, no one ever uses his name. Now he doesn't show for a planned meeting. I am guessing that he was approached by the show to participate in this story line and he said no. I think it's pretty clear the ex has moved on from Jamie. Too bad she doesn't seem to have gotten that message.


Doug and Jamie are never gonna have that baby Jamie keeps talking about. (Well I guess it may depend on whether FYI will pay them for a show about having a baby.) Doug is completely checked out, and Jamie's starting to realize that Doug really is lazy and irresponsible. I think the only happiness either of them gets from their marriage is being on TV. Jamie has finally realized her dream of being a D-list celebrity and I think Doug is just as happy as she is about his 'celebrity' status.


It's interesting how great of a guy I thought Doug was in the first season, but now he completely turns me off. I think he never really got over the idea that he was going to be a big league ballplayer. I think he enjoys being on TV just as much as Jamie does, the difference is that she is a type-A person who works her butt off to do hosting and have her jewelry line and publish her book. Doug is enjoying the ride, but really doesn't want to work hard at getting everything he can out of his 15 minutes like Jamie does.

Edited by absolutelyido
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It is funny that FYI thinks Jamie and Doug is their success story.  The true success is Courtney and Jason, but that probably was nothing more then dumb luck.


The first year show is getting really pathetic, because all these people are in their third year of marriage, but since the past two seasons have been nothing but failures...there has not been any new couples to replace the original two.

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Why is Neph stil taking up space on this show?


I do not care about him or anything he is doing. Why are they wasting time on him? Is there seriously nothing else they can use for filler?

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Jamie's Ex now joins Cortney's parents on my list of Favorite People that have anything to do with this show, since, they seem to be very against being on the show in any way. Jason's father doesn't count at all because he's a deadbeat.


Sorry, but, if I bought someone dinner and before the meal ended they were hinting for a material gift, I would walk out in part to ensure they got stiffed with the bill. Maybe that's a flaw of mine, but that bugged the hell out of me and I do believe that was probably a staged thing to say. 


Jamie giving wedding advice? [insert me losing my shit laughing here]


The worst thing about this cluster? I will probably watch the remaining episodes.

Edited by Gigi43
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I hate that she wrote a book and I hate that I will read it the day it comes out.

Can you please review it, I want to know how she could have written a book about her marriage and promote it as inspirational when 6 months ago her husband could not have been more checked out, preferring to drive 5 hours rather than spend a night in a hotel with her.

Much as I hate to side with Jamie, Doug is huge dick. Poor Jamie people were rooting for them as Doug was so patient and seemed a catch now everybody knows that he is a unmotivated douche all while Jamie is trying to maintain the fairytale facade so she can be a z list celebrity.

Cortney also needs to shut up, instead of thanking Jason for showing she was important by changing schedules she used it to bash him about the lack of a ring again, if I was Jason I wouldn't present one to her until she shuts up because as soon as he does she is going to want something else to prove his commitment.

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I don't get the ring-harping either. Didn't they get wedding rings as part of the deal? He showed recommitment to her when they renewed their vows in Vegas, which she thought was a terrible idea, too. I think Cortney is immature and impossible to please.

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I think Jamie and Doug are dunzo because he's not showing much interest in Jamie or her activities. He's totally in 'yes dear' mode. For me all kinds of red flags went off when he wanted to drive 30 minutes back home to get work done rather than continue on the trip with Jamie. Plus going to the game the next day...a family event (especially a wedding) is waaaay more important than a non-family event. Jamie also knew in advance about the game the next day so why did she start laying into him about it at the wedding? That seemed liked fake drama for the show. Either way, Doug doesn't seem to give a hoot anymore.

I don't dislike Jamie at all and kudos to her for working so hard to carve out a career as a celebrity. I hope she does well. But I'm pretty sure all the drama and stress of her chosen industry will destroy the marriage. It usually does in couples that meet on TV and one gets bitten by famedom. Right now she seems to be treating Doug like a stage prop more than a husband. I hope Jamie forgets TV and chooses her marriage. IMO she seemed much happier and grounded as a nurse. I think the TV stuff will be full of hurt and will break her heart, and Doug's. I hope they don't decide to have a kid at this point cuz all the signs are pointing to them not making it much longer.

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