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Social Media: Whaa?

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Nips will be back. Reading that tweet, you can taste the desperation and manipulation. She is telling Nips she is single - that's a threat to Nips that if he doesn't return, she will have someone else inside of her real quick. Eh, who am I kidding. As if she will wait.


That photo of Leah in that link above, looks like she is struggling to take a shit in the toilet..."PUUUUUUUUSHHHHH!"


Wetpaint has an article about some tweets Kail posted. Apparently her "fans" can look forward to, "books, apps, products..." from her real soon. Does this mean another book? "How to beat your husband behind closed doors":


Edited by SPLAIN
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I can't believe she hasn't learned her lesson by now with how hastily she posts this bs for all the world to see...oh wait, I can totally believe it.

Of course Babs went to Disney World with them. Like they could go more than a day having to take care of a child & baby by themselves.

This response to her necklace from Nathan made me laugh a little too hard!!! 

@PBandJenelley_1 @GroundLevelUp looks like a choke chain for a dog......seems fitting

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Never fear, it looks like they are back on. Nathan even bought her a present. (with her TM2 money of course)




Yeah she posted this on her Facebook page too. I don't think she realizes that every gift Nathan buys for her she's actually paying for herself. Homeboy don't work, and disability doesn't provide all that much. If he's even getting it anymore, because some places have stipulations about receving benefits and making money elsewhere. That could be a huge no-no. But knowing Nipples he has no idea anyway, so keep committing (possible) fraud, Nathan!

Oh and I forgot to add on Facebook Jenelle has comments disabled so I couldn't ask if she paid for it or if Nathan did. I am sure she wouldn't get it though and I'd be just another jellus haterzzzz.

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I love how Janelle and Nathan go on and ON about how "stable" they are and then she then posts crap on social media every time they fight. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.


Next week she'll be all, "Nathan and I are getting along so well". She thinks if you make it a week without having a cops-are-called blow-up or a social media break-up, that must mean you're couple of the year. 

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I don't know whether to post here or on Leah's thread.


I just posted over there, but let me add this here. Who's gonna pay for the horses and the farm, now? LMAO  The good thing about this for Germy is, they haven't been married that long. Usually the courts order spousal support if a couple has been married longer than five years. If a couple is married for ten years, the order will be for half that time. In other words, spousal support will be paid for five years. Of course, I am not familiar with WV family law, but normally that is what happens.


Oh, fuck you Germy and Leah for trying to paint Cory as a bad father when Leah was being a bad mother.

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Barb going to Disneyworld reminds me of how my uncle and his wife used to bring her mother with them when they vacationed at my Grandparents' beach house. It was basically so they could have a nanny to dump their two kids on when they wanted to play golf and do adult stuff. I'm sure Jenelle and Nathan's motives weren't entirely altruistic.


Either that or Barb paid for most of the trip.

Edited by BitterApple
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I truly believe all of these moms cold benefit from counseling and a little self reflection.

None of them are that deep. Not one. The only reflection any of them care about is the one staring back at them from the mirror. They are not introspective or self aware at all. Chelsea is the best of the bunch, but I only believe she got as far as she is with heavy guidance from Randilicious. None of the other girls had that from their families.

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Germy's Twitter possibly hacked?




Well, if it is true she cheated, we all know Leah is going to use her pity card again. She will blame Germy for not being around her enough. Or, she will blame her meds! Yeah, that will be a good one - "I had no idea what was going on when Robbie pulled down his camo shorts. I thought I was with Germy."  Bitch will not take ownership of this. It's everyone else's fault.


I have been wondering if Cory had gotten wind of this situation. It makes me wonder if Cory heard about Robbie and Leah the same way he heard about when Leah cheated on him.

Edited by GreatKazu
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His Twitter was hacked? Who would really go through all that trouble? I don't know, maybe I'm cynical - or maybe it's just her history of cheating.....but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. 

Likely story. He claims he was hacked, then in comes the camera crew to tape it all for season 6 on the sly. They won't let this 'storyline' go unfilmed. And unlike Corey, Germy I am sure will perform like the circus monkey they want him to be. He doesn't have the same composure Corey does to not let Leah push him over the edge. At least in public.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I hope when Germy found out she was cheating he slapped her with an entire pack of bacon. 



Except....I don't really feel sorry for him. He knew what he was getting into. The second (or third, fourth, fifth in some cases) significant others of these girls had the unique privilege of being able to see exactly what they were like via the show. So unless Germy never watched, he should have been well aware that Leah is lazy and entitled and never satisfied, and prone to cheat when she feels you're just not kissing her ass enough. 

  • Love 9

Oh my, highly entertaining.

It's so nice seeing Leah finally reaping all she's sown. Hopefully, this plays out on the next season of Teen Mom 2. I might become more than just a casual watcher.

Sad for the kids, but I don't have much sympathy for, either, Jeremy or Leah. Go Corey, Go.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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I love coming home from work to find all these goodies!!!


Well, Leah did say the truth will come out. HA!  

Leah's response.



Whatever Leah! He wasn't that fired up over believing a rumor.  He read something (text, email), saw something, or someone showed him something.  Though, he was pretty ticked about Corey's shorts.  hahaha



http://starcasm.net/archives/292812   Like I would ever believe Momma Dawn. She lied for Leah to cover up when she cheated on Corey the week before the wedding.  


Leah's facebook page seems to be gone.

Edited by Mkay
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OK needs to get their facts straight. He called her a slut, not a whore. Get the lady-shaming terminology correct OK!

Her family is scrambling. If it weren't for the fact that there are innocent children involved (I do not include Gracie in that statement), this would be highly entertaining. Oh f it, I'm already going to hell!...*small voice* this is highly entertaining.

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I'm going to say that's not the truth Leah wanted to come out?


This is just delicious. I knew something was up. You don't act like that when rumors start unless there's something going on.


Unfortunately for me, Cory is too mature to do it, but Germy gave Cory so much shit for "leaving his family" after Leah acted like..well...Leah, I would like to see Cory return the favor.

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Hee!   Now I'm imagining Germy choosing his bacon like a ninja would choose his blade.   He probably went for the thick sliced center cut this time, packs more of a wallop.   


I think it's true, and I also think that this is a BIG mistake on Leah's part.    Germy doesn't seem like the type to take the high road.  He probably has so much shit on Leah it's crazy.  Also he has a kid with her so it could benefit him to out her because he's going to be her next target to bitch at and drag into court for child support.    He just might try to get custody of Adalynn away from her too.   

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I predict 4 husbands and 5 kids by the time Leah is 30.

I was married had 2 kids and was widowed before I could legally buy alcohol but I stopped there. I put my energy and focus on making sure the kids I already had were taken care of.

I would bet money this is true.

I'm sorry to hear that Maharincess...you're the type of person who should be featured as an example for the masses as opposed to any of these fucksticks (not that you'd want to be...just sayin').

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Can Leah ever get it right?


Personally I think she did, TWICE even, and still screwed things up. I have a lot of respect for Corey. A little less for Jeremy but only because he seemingly pursued her even knowing what he must've known before he got involved. Both seem like very good guys, though. I suppose her "bad boy" won't be available while he's in prison so I wonder who she'll pick next.

  • Love 3

Leah better do all she can to make this right with Jeremy. She had better put a lotta beg in her beg to get him to stay around.

3 kids, 2 divorces, no education, no work skills at all and shitty hair extensions. That's a hard sell right there. The shiny little bit of town celebrity she had is long gone. She had two different men willing to sponsor her ratty ass and she fucked it up.

This is quite a shitty creek she has jumped in to.

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