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The Relationships Thread: The Cardiac Wing

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I have an aversion to all GH couples but I'll play! 


I'd say they were relatively peaceful and Liz free from 2009 to when Guza left. Poor Sam just seemed to fetch beer and soda for Jason's guests. I guess Liz was kinda overshadowing them in the sense that Jasam weren't allowed to have a baby because it would make Jason look bad re: Jake, at least imo. But most of 2009-10 Liz barely saw Jason.


So they had a one year break from her? Well, except for that little Jake cloud and the fact that Sam couldn't carry to term. How nice :)


I don't think Sam fetching beer for Jason's guests was all she did during their time together, I can only remember one time it happened. In 2009 they were involved with Jerry and the Zacharras, it was also when started her PI business and hired Spinelli after he was fired by Sonny. I think she started it before she and Jason got back together but I can't remember. 


It wasn't long after that that they got married. Followed by the honeymoon from hell when she was made to think she was raped. Jason just couldn't wait to tell Liz about it when they got back and the whole crap with Liz started again.


But that one year reprieve was nice.

I meant when I thought they were COMPLETELY free of Liz for one year. :) I don't think they had Liz really hanging over them at all from the time of the Mexico adventure to when ron started writing, and I don't think he hinted at Liz and Jason becoming romantic at all imo. Did they interact with Liz from time to time? Sure but she barely registered and even during the Jake story Jason and Liz barely had anything to do with each other. Heck, Liz barely had anything to do that at all, it was all about Luke and Lucky and Jason. 


I don't remember feeling like Garin Wolf hinted at Liz and Jason becoming romantic at all (although I understand if Liz just being around is irritating), but I could be remembering wrong.



I don't think Sam fetching beer for Jason's guests was all she did during their time together, I can only remember one time it happened. In 2009 they were involved with Jerry and the Zacharras, it was also when started her PI business and hired Spinelli after he was fired by Sonny. I think she started it before she and Jason got back together but I can't remember.



I don't think that was literally all she did, I know she had other stuff going on. I just meant the end of the Guza years were relatively low-key for Jasam, as a couple, even though they had stuff like Jason going to prison for Michael and stuff.  I remember Molly kept insinuating that they should get married, Sam saying "oh we're comfortable like we are" and Jason just being like "who is this tiny person who keeps babbling at us?" and ignoring/not caring about all the hints.

Edited by ulkis
Take this reintroduction for an example. Every time they've had a scene, guess who is in it? Yeah Liz. I mean, she is right there in their faces all. the. time



Considering that "Jake" very clearly wants to be around Liz and has shown no interest in Sam, I don't see how Liz is in their faces.  


As for the Jake issue - I think Liz paid a far higher price having to have her child killed off so that Sam could have Jason's baby than Sam paid in having to go through fertility issues (that pre-dated Jake) before getting her miracle JaSam baby.  

Take this reintroduction for an example. Every time they've had a scene, guess who is in it? Yeah Liz. I mean, she is right there in their faces all. the. time



Considering that "Jake" very clearly wants to be around Liz and has shown no interest in Sam, I don't see how Liz is in their faces.  


As for the Jake issue - I think Liz paid a far higher price having to have her child killed off so that Sam could have Jason's baby than Sam paid in having to go through fertility issues (that pre-dated Jake) before getting her miracle JaSam baby.  

  • Love 4



I don't remember feeling like Garin Wolf hinted at Liz and Jason becoming romantic at all (although I understand if Liz just being around is irritating), but I could be remembering wrong.







I think the closest it got back then, from what I can tell, is when Jason had one of his many HE'S GOING TO DIE OMG!!!!111!!! episodes and Liz was one of three women (along with Sam, Carly and Monica) to have a "What If?" fantasy about him:



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Since Grimm films here, I keep hoping I'll run into Claire Coffee someday so that I can go, "Nadine!" I'm pretty sure most people only know her as her current character, Adalind, so I think she'd be surprised that someone is very familiar with her previous work. I actually really liked her with Nik. However, I apparently can't have nice things (see also: Ethan and Lexi Ainsworth's Kristina).

Edited by Scout Finch
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Since Grimm films here, I keep hoping I'll run into Claire Coffee someday so that I can go, "Nadine!" I'm pretty sure most people only know her as her current character, Adalind, so I think she'd be surprised that someone is very familiar with her previous work. I actually really liked her with Nik. However, I apparently can't have nice things (see also: Ethan and Lexi Ainsworth's Kristina).

You live in Portland? I grew up there and still visit regularly. I liked Nik and Nadine too; I also liked the idea of Nadine and Matt.

Not sure if it unpopular or not but I am okay with Dante and Lulu being a solid couple. It is nice to have one stable relationship on this show. They are the only current couple who weren't slapped together 5 minutes ago. TJ and Molly are too young to count.

Their angst, which is external, is okay with me as well.  Not all problems within a relationship is about the other man/woman. The interloper roadblock has been done to death. Much to the genre's detriment IMO.



I do admit I'm not that fond of ER's Lulu, so I am way more okay with them breaking up than I would have been before, but at the same time it's nice to have that continuity, like you said. And not that long-term couples don't implode in real life, because they do, but I have a hard time believing Ron would do it any justice and so he'd probably ruin a long-term couple over nothing, and also, he missed his prime window of opportunity to give Lante a split when JMB left imo.


And at times I'd rather they cheat like a normal couple because the story Ron threatened to give them, and is still threatening to give them, is grosser to watch than cheating. Watching cartoon pirate Stavros trying to inseminate Lulu was probably one of the more ridiculous/stupid/embarrassing things I've ever had to watch on this show.


I do agree it's a detriment to the genre to have so many couples not make it long-term; I've seen so many people say "well Lante should split up because that's what soap couples do" and then in the next breath lament that they're never gonna get into another soap couple because they always break up. Imo I think the writers should send couples more often off together, because not only couples but individual characters get stale as well. Look at Sonny; none of his new relationships have reinvigorated his character for the past couple of years. You'd have to go back to Kate 1.0 and maybe this Carly redux. The other relationship that's piqued viewer interest between Kate 1.0 and now? Brenda, his long-term on-and-off pairing. I think it's past time to send Sonny off to Brenda in off-screen ville. I would probably do the same with Lante at this point, just because the cast is so big, and neither of them barely interact with their family anymore and Scrubs, just because they've dangled that string long enough. And certainly Luke and Laura, mostly just to stick in Tony Geary's teeth, heh.


I do think it would help ratings to send more couples off into the sunset - maybe I actually wouldn't do it with Sonny, but other couples yeah. Watching a couple break up for the millionth time is just as stale as watching them be content.

Edited by ulkis
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I don't know if ushering established couples out would help with the ratings. People are invested in them and might quit the show along with them.


The reason characters/couples become stale is not longevity IMO. It it the lack of imagination on the part of the writers and resorting to doing the same thing with them over and over again. Them leaving doesn't mean the show becomes better without them. Their slot would be filed by a different couple doing the same things. If they are newer, it mean less viewer investment.

I don't know if ushering established couples out would help with the ratings. People are invested in them and might quit the show along with them.


The reason characters/couples become stale is not longevity IMO. It it the lack of imagination on the part of the writers and resorting to doing the same thing with them over and over again. Them leaving doesn't mean the show becomes better without them. Their slot would be filed by a different couple doing the same things. If they are newer, it mean less viewer investment.


Not if you establish new couples while the old ones are still doing stuff . . . and you can eventually bring the old ones back (well, hopefully if their portrayals can come back). And yeah, new couples do the same things the old ones did but it feels different with other characters, even if the characters have a lot in common with characters in another pairing.


I know for my part I always usually find a new couple to like as my interest in an old couple is waning . . . after Georgie/Dillon I started getting into Scrubs and after Scrubs, Lante, and then after Lante I got into Ethan/Kristina and then later on Morgan/Ava.


I definitely wouldn't recommend sending off ALL couples once they get married and/or have babies, but they could stand to do it more often. Spinelli was one character who way overstayed his sell-by date imo, and Patrick is probably another. Nikolas and Emily should have been sent off together and avoided a wasteful killing off of a character, especially since they pretty much did absolutely nothing with Nikolas after that except a character-destroying affair. But hindsight is 20/20 I guess.

Edited by ulkis
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I do think it would help ratings to send more couples off into the sunset - maybe I actually wouldn't do it with Sonny, but other couples yeah. Watching a couple break up for the millionth time is just as stale as watching them be content.


But why is contentment boring? In the past, soaps were largely centered around established couples and families as well as friendships and rivalries. What's boring, to me, is the endless CarSon merry-go-round, not to mention Liz and the newest love of her life. It's bad enough that no one dates casually on soaps, or on TV in general, that everything has to be "Destiny!" and Twu Wuv or else the relationship is doomed. I would rather see a happy, if not mega-exciting, couple like Lante than the toxic mess that is Carly and Sonny for the Nth time.

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new couples do the same things the old ones did but it feels different with other characters, even if the characters have a lot in common with characters in another pairing.


Not when Ron is writing, though. He puts everyone through the same problems with the same results. There's no imagination or creativity whatsoever.


It's bad enough that no one dates casually on soaps, or on TV in general, that everything has to be "Destiny!" and Twu Wuv or else the relationship is doomed.


This is a big problem for me, too. It's because Ron doesn't want to write the character beats that get the couple to being serious. Oh, they went on a first date and had a good time? Time to get engaged. Or else they hate each other on sight but get stuck together because of reasons, and then realize they're meant for each other. Zzzz.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I like Ric /Liz. I don't like CarSon crying because AJ was sooo bad he actually died from a murderous gun shot wound. The nerve! How dare he?! I'm bored with TJ and Molly because teens date around. Date, Ron, date. And TRi is wasted. Woefully. Dante has chemistry with everyone but NuLu. Even the chairs. But Micheal dumped Kiki so there's hope!

No, he was painting it way too strong. "That wild, beautiful woman that I loved"? oy. They will do some sort of Johnny/Lulu flirtation to make Dante jealous probably.



I hated OG Johnny/Lulu and their anti-chemistry so much but I'd be more than okay with tossing Johnny to the wolves now. Free Dante tbh.



I'll take it if it leads to some making out with Anna, or Jordan (pipe dream, I know). Maaaybe Maxie. That would have been good if they used this year to set up some kinda flirtation between Maxie and Johnny and both Lulu and Johnny - since BB is willing to come on a limited basis - and then some sort of Johnny/Lulu kiss or something could have led to a Maxie/Dante affair without Dante and especially Maxie looking like a total asshole. As it is there's really no good reason for Maxie to make out with Dante without looking totally utterly awful. It's too bad because she really needs to be free from Nathan imo.


But other than those three I'm really not interested in Dante hooking up with anyone else on this show, and they'd never bring in a new woman for him, at least probably not. The only other woman I think he'd have chemistry with is Lisa Lo Cicero and as we all know, she plays his mom so yeah that's out lol. Oh, maybe Sam. But I find Kelly Monaco to be pretty dull most of the time, to be honest. I would probably be open to trying him out with Liz too if she hadn't already slept with both of his brothers-in-law. It will just make poor Liz look even more pathetic than she does at times if she slept with her supposed-to-be-much-younger de-facto sister-in-law's husband.

Edited by ulkis
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I'll take it if it leads to some making out with Anna, or Jordan (pipe dream, I know). Maaaybe Maxie. That would have been good if they used this year to set up some kinda flirtation between Maxie and Johnny and both Lulu and Johnny - since BB is willing to come on a limited basis - and then some sort of Johnny/Lulu kiss or something could have led to a Maxie/Dante affair without Dante and especially Maxie looking like a total asshole. As it is there's really no good reason for Maxie to make out with Dante without looking totally utterly awful. It's too bad because she really needs to be free from Nathan imo.


That would be the ultimate (Jordan or Anna makeouts, I mean). I do crackship Sam and Dante but it'd never happen. I just need a change even if it's not a serious romance. 

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I'm just pointing out that even I, who thinks ER was miscast, am not down with "anyone but ER" :D And I like most of these ladies and all, but I am not down for Dante with Tracy, Monica, Bobbie, Alice, Carly, Epiphany or Lucy either. Maybe Felicia, but Dante would be lucky if Felicia decided to make out with him.

Edited by ulkis

I noticed you also left out Dr. O (snicker).


That one I forgot. But yeah, no ODante.


Totally. Dante needs someone with more energy. That's why Dante/Lulu worked with JMB.



I think ER has energy, more than JMB had on a day-to-day basis probably. I think what worked for me with the actors was they both had a very down-to-earth vibe about them. And I think they were both very good actors and worked well together. And Lante had very, very good writing in the beginning. They had excellent dialouge. Even when they lost that initial story of Dante's paternity, they still had very good dialogue. I see these writers trying the same thing with Naxie kinda (good-hearted cop with troubled girl), but the dialogue just can't compare. And of course, the screentime. (And RP's acting. I don't really think he ruins the scenes he's in, and he can be charming, but he's just not bringing anything extra to the table most of the time.)


This scene kinda says it for it all for me better than any of my words can



I do think the comfort that JMB and DZ showed in that scene added a lot to it, but the writing was a big part of it too and no one on this show is unfortunately getting this kind of writing again. Ron shows flashes of this kind of writing for couples sometimes - the big talk they had in August of 2012 came close, where she talked about how she was afraid to be married for the long haul and he owned up he was jealous of Johnny, and the scenes after Robin's explosion where dream Robin helps Patrick put on his tie - but otherwise he's really tossed aside stuff like that for O. wailing about Cesar and Nina and Franco bonding. 

Edited by ulkis
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The great writing and acting in those scenes make me feel bad I was critical of 2011 GH.  


But then I remember that this story moved on to Lulu in an old-timey bordello dressed like a prostitute and looking for her dad ...  Ahem.  


Although even that is still preferable to Lulu getting kidnapped/frozen/potentially egg-harvested by Stavros.  Blech.  

  • Love 3

The great writing and acting in those scenes make me feel bad I was critical of 2011 GH.  


But then I remember that this story moved on to Lulu in an old-timey bordello dressed like a prostitute and looking for her dad ...  Ahem.  


Although even that is still preferable to Lulu getting kidnapped/frozen/potentially egg-harvested by Stavros.  Blech.  


Oh, that was a definite low point. It was my low point for them for a long time. Horrible, horrible story. I had started drifting off at that point but then Garin Wolf's writing started taking place right after the bordello crap so I tuned back in.  And yeah, even that's preferable now compared to the Stavros clinic stuff. Not by much, mind you, but a little.

Ahhhh, that clip, man. I miss them like whoa.

I do think the writing is a huge part in what makes characters and/or couples successful. And I did like a lot of Dante/Lulu for that reason. But JMB and DZ's awesomeness was what sealed the deal. ER and DZ just don't have it. ER doesn't impress me at all.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I preferred JMB immensely, but poor ER has kind of a thankless role in all this.  Recasts are always hard, but they're especially hard when you have to try and recreate the romantic chemistry of the last actor in the role with your screen partner - this is near impossible, and it isn't helped in this case by the fact that the current writing for Lulu/Dante is bad.  

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I realize I'm one of about five people on Earth, but I honestly think Emme Rylan has been a fine recast; I think the show just has zero fucks to give for Dante and Lulu. I think once Ron realized he wouldn't be allowed to play out Amnesia Teen Jessica from OLTL with Amnesia Teen Lulu last year he lost all interest in the character, like he has so many others when his dream storyline can't be realized. I think if capable writers spent time with her character and that couple they'd do just fine. I think they deliver together and separately every time as well. No, she's not Julie Berman but I think she's solid. And very, very underappreciated by the show. And no, I did not think she was that spectacular on GL and especially not Y&R.


I think Lulu and Dante both have zero direction as characters but I'd rather watch both of them than most of the people on the frontburner right now. I think it was a mistake to give them (and Maxie, and Morgan, and Ava, etc.) a kid so soon, but Ron and Frank are obsessed with babies. I personally have a hard time buying either would stray right now. The time to do that was a year ago after the custody battle and they pulled back.

Edited by jsbt
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Honestly my main beef with ER now is that she looks a bit too old for the role, imo. but we have a decade-younger Jason now too and they had Daniela the magically older sister over on OLTL, so they obviously don't give a shit about stuff like that. 



I preferred JMB immensely, but poor ER has kind of a thankless role in all this.  Recasts are always hard, but they're especially hard when you have to try and recreate the romantic chemistry of the last actor in the role with your screen partner - this is near impossible, and it isn't helped in this case by the fact that the current writing for Lulu/Dante is bad.  


Oh, yeah, no definitely she has a thankless role. They totally have fallen back on Lulu's other main relationship too, with Luke. They've only had a handful of one-on-one scenes together ever since ER started.


I think it was a mistake to give them (and Maxie, and Morgan, and Ava, etc.) a kid so soon, but Ron and Frank are obsessed with babies. I personally have a hard time buying either would stray right now. The time to do that was a year ago after the custody battle and they pulled back.



I don't think they gave them a baby too soon, but I think all of these would have been better options than what the baby story they did give them: giving them a miscarriage when Lulu was first (falsely) pregnant, presented the false pregnancy as the start of disagreements, that Lulu didn't want kids right away and Dante did (I never really bought that Lulu would be so gung-ho to get pregnant so quickly, in a year or so, yes, but not right away), or given them an actual surrogacy storyline with Maxie. But Ron went with talking dogs. Even though I did think that dog was pretty damn cute.


I don't think either would stray right now either but I can see Ron using Johnny to set up some sort of affair down the line, not on Lulu's part but on Dante's. All told in tiny 1 and a half minute scenes for two episodes a week over 6 months.


I realize I'm one of about five people on Earth, but I honestly think Emme Rylan has been a fine recast; I think the show just has zero fucks to give for Dante and Lulu.


I think they realize Dante/DZ has a decent amount of fans, so they do use him more than they probably would otherwise in a lot of this cop stuff, but yeah, they definitely don't care in general. But honestly, given the kind of stories Ron likes to give people on the front burner I can't say I'm too bummed by this.

Edited by ulkis
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Sam and Silas were totally rushed - it never worked for me. Sam and McBain I liked, but I found them a bit rushed too. They had it and they lost it and it doesn't work, AFAIC. To me this looks a lot like the classic Frank Valentini Shuffle for an unwanted actor. Isolate a dude, make him the sap (for Ava, until he learned her secret) and then slowly taper him off. But we'll see.

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I didn't really make myself clear about what I meant, sorry about that.


I was thinking about Lucas and Brad as a couple going about having a child together such as through adoption or surrogacy. Like the gay version of Dante and Lulu but without all the incredible stupid shit they went through.


Oh, I got ya.  Yeah, both Fish and Will's babies were the results of last grasp at straightness one-night stands and Bianca's first was the product of rape (her second daughter was the result of a donor, but it all happened off-screen and it was super icky because the donor was her sister's husband).


So yeah, seeing a gay couple go through adoption or surrogacy could be interesting, but it's way too soon for that with Lucas and Brad.  Like I said, let's see Lucas actually employed at the hospital, that's the first baby step AFAIC.


Sam and Silas were totally rushed


Totally, totally rushed.  Their hate turned to love after like six seconds.  And shouldn't she have been more bothered that looked just like the vampire-tinged serial killer who stalked and tried to bite her?

  • Love 2

Oh, I got ya.  Yeah, both Fish and Will's babies were the results of last grasp at straightness one-night stands and Bianca's first was the product of rape (her second daughter was the result of a donor, but it all happened off-screen and it was super icky because the donor was her sister's husband).


So yeah, seeing a gay couple go through adoption or surrogacy could be interesting, but it's way too soon for that with Lucas and Brad.  Like I said, let's see Lucas actually employed at the hospital, that's the first baby step AFAIC.




That's why I said it was a "what if" thinking ahead sort of thing, because they haven't even said "I love you" to each other, or live together or anything. I wouldn't give them kids now, heh, that'd cut into all the sexy times they still need to have before progressing to the next level.


But I actually like that they don't seem to be a rushed coupling as I feel others have been, more on that below heh, what with falling in love in two seconds, though seriously their lack of screen time currently is ridiculous to me. I feel like every-time they pop up I've missed so much, so much happens off screen between them, it needs to stop.


And Lucas should have found work months ago, it's ridiculous they're painting this grown man as a moocher, living off his sister because he's still supposedly "finding himself".


Even now there's no spoilers I've found that mention either Lucas or Brad by name. If they can't even get a little attention during New Years...




Totally, totally rushed.  Their hate turned to love after like six seconds.  And shouldn't she have been more bothered that looked just like the vampire-tinged serial killer who stalked and tried to bite her?




Silas and Sam could have been handled a bit better, I actually thought the very best way would have been making Silas, or whatever name Michael might have gotten, into someone from Sam's past instead of them being "strangers" yet again just so that it would then make sense for Kelly and Michael to be openly comfortable around each other with nods to past history, etc, but I actually think Patrick and Sam fit into that "rushed couple" category for me.


They're basically skipping over anything and everything that seems like a logical roadblock to their coupling such as Robin's involvement in pretty much everything, Patrick finding out the truth about Victor, Sam finding out the truth about Jason.


They're supposedly so attracted to each other, so into each other but, imo, all that happened was Sam and he shared a few looks, he shaved off his beard and suddenly "love was in the air". Now all this New Years nonsense is happening. Yet again Ron is determined to make something happen merely because he wrote it, not because it actually makes sense or has been something long in the making.


All I see is Ron wanting to make as big of a mess as possible when Jakson is finally exposed. He wants Liz's conflicted, he wants Sam and Patrick probably two steps from the bedroom ready to get it on, he wants Carly having the "feels" for Jake as well

(Seeing them lock lips in the promo...it's a good thing I wasn't eating at the time)

, it's just...to me it isn't just an issue of it all not making a bit of damn sense, it's also the feeling of already having been there, done that, didn't buy the tee-shirt and would still like a refund thanks.


Ron may change out the characters he uses but very little else does change.

Edited by CPP83

Just because Sam/Silas didn't work for either of you doesn't make them rushed.  It didn't not turn from hate to love in six seconds.


No offense, but the same applies to you.  Just because it did work for you doesn't mean it wasn't a rushed story.


And obviously I wasn't being literal, but their feelings for each other turned very fast.  Hell, Silas' closed-off medical dick attitude ("Your baby has cancer...laters!") melting away happened with almost no explanation.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Neither Sam/McBain or Sam/Silas were rushed.  At all.  Both relationships were built up.  Yes, they did the "do I know you?" with Sam and McBain, but other than that they did get to know each other, just like Sam and Silas did.   They took time with the first kiss, and John and Sam didn't sleep together.   And both pairs spent time together, they talked, had conversations, learning about each other, and their lives, their problems, their ups and downs.   They were not rushed.  As a huge fan of both pairings because I love KeMo and ME together, I paid particular attention to them and the writing.  Yes, the writing for Sam/McBain was better than it was for Sam/Silas, but neither were rushed.  Whether one felt that putting KeMo and ME together was annoying because of their past work on PC was at play or not, both pairs had relationships that were not just thrown together when they embarked upon the romance.



I think that what contributed to the "rushed" feel was that we all knew, from pretty much the moment we knew ME was coming over, that we were going to get Sam/McBain (and, later, that we'd be getting Sam/Silas).  When you know that there is almost a 100 percent certainty that two characters will be paired up, it's easy to see every scene as being done in service to them being a couple.  It wasn't organic, it was "we're doing this, and we'll pay lip service to the stops along the way, but make no mistake, this is a pairing."  

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they're basically skipping over anything and everything that seems like a logical roadblock to their coupling such as Robin's involvement in pretty much everything, Patrick finding out the truth about Victor, Sam finding out the truth about Jason.

They're supposedly so attracted to each other, so into each other but, imo, all that happened was Sam and he shared a few looks, he shaved off his beard and suddenly "love was in the air". Now all this New Years nonsense is happening. Yet again Ron is determined to make something happen merely because he wrote it, not because it actually makes sense or has been something long in the making.

All I see is Ron wanting to make as big of a mess as possible when Jakson is finally exposed. He wants Liz's conflicted, he wants Sam and Patrick probably two steps from the bedroom ready to get it on, he wants Carly having the "feels" for Jake as well

(Seeing them lock lips in the promo...it's a good thing I wasn't eating at the time)

, it's just...to me it isn't just an issue of it all not making a bit of damn sense, it's also the feeling of already having been there, done that, didn't buy the tee-shirt and would still like a refund thanks.

Ron may change out the characters he uses but very little else does change.

I will be extremely shocked if Robin and memory-restored Jasus don't together walk in on Samtrick fucking.

I believe Scrubs' house has windows that look into the living room so J&R will probably spy them through the window and Samtrick will be oblivious to them knowing.

And I suspect that's how they'll write Robin off again after her next stint: she and Pat will get into a huge fight and it'll end with her declaring they are over forever. I hope however that they have Robin just off-screen working at a hospital in Beecher's Corner but I treating regularly with Emma, Anna, Maxie, Mac, and Felicia.

Edited by Tiger

I will be extremely shocked if Robin and memory-restored Jasus don't together walk in on Samtrick fucking.

I believe Scrubs' house has windows that look into the living room so J&R will probably spy them through the window and Samtrick will be oblivious to them knowing.

And I suspect that's how they'll write Robin off again after her next stint: she and Pat will get into a huge fight and it'll end with her declaring they are over forever. I hope however that they have Robin just off-screen working at a hospital in Beecher's Corner but I treating regularly with Emma, Anna, Maxie, Mac, and Felicia.


I'll feel like we got off lucky if we don't end up with Sam pregnant and not sure if Jason or Patrick is the father. 

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