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Caleb Johnson

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In Caleb's case, I think he has benefited from mostly being very consistently more on pitch than most, though he stumbled this week, having a clear grasp of what he is good at and making good use of his strengths, while mostly minimizing his weaknesses, but I think to claim he is "undeniably" and "clearly" better than Jessica (or anyone else) is representing opinion as fact.

Yes, Everything is subjective as I keep harping on.  And a valid point is valid in the owners eyes based on their set of criteria.  What's valid for one is not for another.  




I agree that Caleb is the best singer (technically) out of this bunch, but he is unimpressive by normal Idol standards. The fact that this year's talent is so abysmal is the only reason he seems great.

I have thought this all along.  Put him in another year and he would have been gone by about 8 or 6th spot by now.  Being the best of a not so great group does not a superstar make.  

And I just thought this morning how much he is being discussed and as soon as the show is over, bye bye.  He will go on tour, then tour will end and reality will begin.  We may see him on a cruise ship as entertainment, but I don't think he has the full package (sex appeal, charisma etc) to appeal to the majority.  

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I don't know if I would say the final 4 or 5 from last season are all better than Caleb is. None of them were rockers, for one thing. Janelle was probably the weakest of the Top 5 from last season and Amber really only sounded good when she sang older songs. Candice, Kree, and Angie were all equally good in their respective genres. I would say Caleb is on their level, just based on what we've seen he can do, from a technical standpoint. I don't know if you can really compare Candice to Caleb, for example, since they are both entirely different genres. I would say they're equally good in their respective genres.


I also would not compare Caleb to Alex, for example, because they're polar opposite genres. I'd say they're both good in what they do. Jena and Jessica, on the other hand, are both rockers like Caleb (maybe Jessica is more country-rock) I personally just don't think they're as strong as Caleb is if we're talking about rock music. Even if you'd say it's unfair to compare them because one is male and the others female, then comparing Jena and Jessica I'd say they're both about the same. They each have their technical issues, Jessica often sings through her nose and sounds too nasal and doesn't have good control of her vibrato, and Jena screams too much on the high notes so it sounds like she's straining her voice and she swallows her words. Both execute really poor technique. Just on a purely technically basis, that's why I would say Caleb is better than either one of them. Some people may prefer Jessica or Jena's tone or style over Caleb's and that's fine- but there's no denying he's a technically more skilled singer than they are, for all the reasons I listed above.


Anyway, at this point, I actually don't think Caleb will win. I think he may leave in 3rd place and it will be an Alex/Jena finale, with Alex winning. Which would be fine by me. TPTB get Jena in the finale like they want but she doesn't win, which is what America seems to want. I think many people are rooting for Alex to win, especially now that Sam is gone. Alex has done very well on both the iTunes Pop and overall charts and has done better than any other contestant on these charts. His original song Fairytales was very well received. If he can sell songs during the show, then that probably (and hopefully) means he'll sell after the show as well. He has demonstrated that he can be marketable and fit on today's current radio. I'd like to see him win because I think he could do very well post-Idol and there's never been a winner from the Northeast before. He'd also be the first online auditioner to win. 


It would also be better for Caleb if he didn't win since I don't know what Interscope would do with him after the show. I have the feeling he'd either put out a classic hard rock album that would probably flop on the charts (maybe it would do well on the rock charts though) or he would change his style and be more pop, which I'd hate to see happen and I honestly don't think Caleb would change his style just to sell more. If he doesn't win, then he has more options for record labels, perhaps a rock label would sign him and he'd have more creative freedom. I don't see him being some massive popstar but I think after Idol he will do well in the rock world. People accepted Daughtry and James Durbin, they'll accept Caleb too. I think if anyone has the full package from this season, it's Caleb. He is decent looking, sexy (as noted by Jennifer, so I think she would know), confident, consistent, and charismatic. Some of the other contestants seem awkward onstage or uncomfortable. Alex is not exactly a traditional beauty a la Sam (not that that's important to me or most people, but looks unfortunately do count in the entertainment biz). Jena is probably the only other one I'd say has the "full package" of image, looks, charisma, and artistry. The others, like Jessica and Sam, seem to have confidence issues or look uncomfortable onstage.

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Yeah I saw that video. At first I thought he was going to say "retards" as in the people who just tweet negative stuff to him. But he meant it as people who suggest songs for him to sing on Twitter, which are basically his fans. He should know better by now that nobody uses the word "retard" anymore, especially not to describe stupid people. Second, there's absolutely nothing wrong with fans tweeting suggestions. They may think of something he wouldn't have otherwise ever thought of. "Whether you like it or not I'm going to pick all my songs!" That's fine if that's what he wants to do but don't insult your fans, dude. 


I like Caleb a lot and think he's one of the biggest talents to ever appear on the show but damn he needs PR training. I don't know honestly why people hate so much on what Jena says- sure she makes some ditzy comments every now and again but she's 17. And they're mostly innocent comments that she probably doesn't realize how they come off sounding. Caleb is older and he should know a lot better. The things Jena says aren't half as offensive as the things Caleb says. At least the things Jena says are mostly in reference to her own self, she doesn't go around basically insulting her own fans or using politically incorrect terms. 


That little comment from him really made me like him a lot less. He needs to watch what he says more or else he'll lose all his fans in no time.

He's an idiot, honestly. He probably just bought himself a plane ticket back home. Unless he's trying to lose on purpose because he doesn't want Interscope screwing with him if he won, then he's doing a fantastic job making sure he gets the boot next week.

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I feel bad if anyone actually got their feelings hurt over the comment, as opposed to the usual internet brand of outrage, but this is hilarious. I mean the producers have to be curled up in a ball gently weeping.

They have been working so very hard to drive the bus over Jessica and prop up Jena and now of the four people left, two (Jena & Alex) publically dissed the show, one just insulted his "fans" and used the "r word".....something fox itself runs ads about with Jane Lynch, leaving only the girl they have worked so hard to bus relatively unscathed.

Who can give J Lo goosies now? Their only saving grace is that a lot of the people watching the show will never see this video unless the main stream media picks it up, which ironically they may not cuz hardly anyone gives two shits about Idol these days.

Bet they are feeling all warm and fuzzy about the days when they only had to worry about peanuts.

Honestly though, and I say this as a person who scoffs and the overblown histrionics of the internet and doesn't think the people with actual reason to be offended will much care about the words of Caleb....if the show had any integrity they'd DQ him just to send a message that, that's not cool. Hell they can even bring boring Sam back.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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Wow. I just looked at the video and it's even worse that I imagined. What is WRONG with him to think that any of that was okay?! To denigrate his 'fans' like that was beyond stupid, since they're the reason he's still there; the use of the 'R' word is totally unacceptable; and his attitude was disgusting. He may have single-handedly just driven the bus over what is left of this show. It should be interesting to see if any of this is addressed on Wednesday. Oh who am I kidding.

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Sorry but I think Caleb just ruined any chance he may have had at a decent career.  Regardless of how well he sings or how forgiving his "fans" are,  he has shown himself to be a walking nightmare for any publicist, manager, agent and record label.  Even in the genre of classic rock, he is a time bomb of foot-in-mouth cliches.  Singers who have "made it" can't just go around saying whatever comes to mind without causing some backlash, much less a contestant on a fledgling TV show.  I would be very surprised (and a little disappointed) if this doesn't cause a problem for him. 

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What a dunce. After trying out for 3 years, he's lucky enough to finally be selected in a mediocre season, where his narrow but undeniable talent gave him frontrunner status. Then he proceeds to undermine himself. He's not charming or good looking enough to make fans overlook his boorish words.


I think if this story does get on TMZ or E, it will affect the vote. If he performs brilliantly next week, he might squeak by, though.


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Well, the mainstream media will pick it up if I have anything to do with it. I've sent it and posted to as many places as I can. I loathe that R word and imo people should be as ballistic about it as, for example, the N word, which is odious and unacceptable and simply not used by normal people. There are innocent special needs people in the world, pediatric stroke victims, the list goes on -  who have it hard enough without some entitled jackass douche throwing the word around as if it were nothing. It's cruel and unacceptable imo.


I hope Caleb crashes and burns.  That's not harsh imo for someone talking out of his ass; He was not in the privacy of his living room shootin' the shit with buddies where he can be as detestable as he chooses to be ...out of the public eye if that's his decision (which would still be bad enough, but different than an interview in the media. ) Words and actions have consequences in private, in life, and even moreso in the media. HE's 23. If he didn't know that before he should learn it, imo.

Edited by ari333
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This article should be titled, imo, "Caleb's Non-apology."




Wow, Caleb still just does not get it. Stunningly unaware. And what a lousy excuse of an "apology."  It's the word itself that is horrid, not to whom he was referring. And even on top of that astonishing lack of insight, he was clearly referring to fans in his initial interview insult rant - fans who sent in song suggestions. And imo he's trying to backpedal and say that he meant "haters."  I don't care who he claims to have meant, the use of that R word is still so many kinds of wrong. If that flies as an apology I'm Mary, Queen of Scots.

Edited by ari333
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I agree what he said was atrocious and that his so-called apology doesn't seem all that sincere- but to intentionally spread this article around, ari, is no better. I know you've always hated him, but I feel like you're only choosing to spread it around because you hate him and this just gives you a reason to hate him even more. The article does not need to be spread around any more than it's already been and people who choose to waste their time sending it out to everyone they can is just pathetic. You could do something more meaningful with your day than spreading some dumb article around. By doing that, you are just as bad as he is. What he said was awful, but he doesn't deserve to have people who are just sitting behind their computers at home making it worse by spreading it to every person they can. That just seems pathetic, to be honest. He will probably get punishment enough by being voted off next week. He has no chance of winning at this point. 


And as 4leafclover said, I can't imagine there is any record label or management agency out there who would want to deal with someone like him who consistently makes offensive, stupid comments that he later ends up having to apologize for. They don't want to have to do damage control 24/7. I think what he'll end up having to deal with for this is punishment enough. What he said was inexcusable but ari, the way you always speak about him in such a nasty and hateful way is absolutely no better, and intentionally making sure more people hear about this is no better than what he did either. He apologized, such as it was, nobody gives a shit about Idol anymore anyway. It's better to just let it blow over and then by next week, he'll probably get voted off anyway. I'm not happy in the least with what he said but I don't think he deserves to have people spread this around even more and just rub salt on the wound- he will receive enough punishment by being voted off and he'll have a hard time winning fans back or getting a record label to want to sign him. 

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I agree what he said was atrocious and that his so-called apology doesn't seem all that sincere- but to intentionally spread this article around, ari, is no better. I know you've always hated him, but I feel like you're only choosing to spread it around because you hate him and this just gives you a reason to hate him even more. The article does not need to be spread around any more than it's already been and people who choose to waste their time sending it out to everyone they can is just pathetic. You could do something more meaningful with your day than spreading some dumb article around. By doing that, you are just as bad as he is. What he said was awful, but he doesn't deserve to have people who are just sitting behind their computers at home making it worse by spreading it to every person they can. That just seems pathetic, to be honest. He will probably get punishment enough by being voted off next week. He has no chance of winning at this point. 


And as 4leafclover said, I can't imagine there is any record label or management agency out there who would want to deal with someone like him who consistently makes offensive, stupid comments that he later ends up having to apologize for. They don't want to have to do damage control 24/7. I think what he'll end up having to deal with for this is punishment enough. What he said was inexcusable but ari, the way you always speak about him in such a nasty and hateful way is absolutely no better, and intentionally making sure more people hear about this is no better than what he did either. He apologized, such as it was, nobody gives a shit about Idol anymore anyway. It's better to just let it blow over and then by next week, he'll probably get voted off anyway. I'm not happy in the least with what he said but I don't think he deserves to have people spread this around even more and just rub salt on the wound- he will receive enough punishment by being voted off and he'll have a hard time winning fans back or getting a record label to want to sign him. 


What I hate is the R word. I would have to care to "hate" Caleb. I think what he said was not only horrible, but as a side note shooting oneself in the foot in a competition is beyond stupid imo. I hate the word, period, and would want attention drawn to the person who is rude enough to use it  regardless of who said it.  Whoever I happen to prefer of any of these people, none would  get a pass from me after saying such  things.  


I haven't liked his attitude from the beginning. His singing is ok imo as long as he's screeching. So ballads are out unless he gets some training and improves on that front, imo. He comes across to me on the show as an egotistical, insensitive ass with a narrow margin of talent. That's my opinion. 


The only performances I've sort of liked at all of Caleb's all season - but not enough to buy them - were the recent Whitesnake one and one of the duets with Jessica.... not the Beast of Burden, the other one.

Edited by ari333
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What I hate is the R word. I would have to care to "hate" Caleb. I think what he said was not only horrible, but as a side note shooting oneself in the foot in a competition is beyond stupid imo. I hate the word, period, and would want attention drawn to the person who is rude enough to use it  regardless of who said it.  Whoever I happen to prefer of any of these people, none would  get a pass from me after saying such  things.  


I haven't liked his attitude from the beginning. His singing is ok imo as long as he's screeching. So ballads are out unless he gets some training and improves on that front, imo. He comes across to me on the show as an egotistical, insensitive ass with a narrow margin of talent. That's my opinion. 


The only performances I've liked at all of Caleb's all season were the recent Whitesnake one and his duets with Jessica.

I don't think anyone is condoning his usage of the word. I've had a physical disability all my life and in preschool I was placed in a class with other kids who had physical or mental disabilities. I knew a few kids in high school who had mental disabilities. There was no excuse for him to use this word, but I have the feeling it was said out of anger over the Aerosmith song that he openly stated he hated, and that he was using it in the same way young people always use words like this ("I raped the replay button on this video", "Dude, you were acting like a retard last night!") Considering this isn't the first stupid and offensive thing he's said, I think it still hasn't clicked with him that everything he says is recorded somewhere and the whole nation sees it. He hasn't realized he needs to watch what he says and how he says it. I wouldn't be surprised if he's always been free with his speech and now he's having a hard time realizing he needs to filter himself more. I believe he used the word because he was angry over what happened with the song choices, I seriously doubt he actually has anything against people with mental disabilities. 


To me, what it sounds like he probably meant to say, is that one thing he hates about social media is "haters" and then a second thing he hates is when people tweet him song suggestions. Sometimes we say something and think we said something different, perhaps this was just an instance where he thought he had made the distinction between the two and then when he wrote his "apology" it seems he didn't remember what he actually said. He should watch the interview back and realize what he said and write a better apology. He made it seem like all along he was referring to "haters" when he never brought that word into the conversation at all. There's definitely no excuse for using that word or for hating on his fans, no matter how angry he might have been, but I think "spreading the article everywhere I can" and "I hope he crashes and burns" is not exactly any better behavior than his. The answer to fighting hate is not with more hate. As I said, I sincerely doubt Caleb has a problem with people who are mentally disabled. It was a poor choice of words in a moment of anger, something which we've all been guilty of doing at one point or another, and nothing more. I think some people are just majorly overreacting about it, acting like he's Hitler because he used the R word and deserves to be taken down in some Internet rampage. I read a comment from MJs Big Blog that someone said their godchild has mental disabilities and they were not really that extremely offended by it, probably because they knew he didn't mean it literally. 


I just think calling him names, insulting him, and trying to spread the negative article around to every person you can is no better than him using the R word and insulting his fans. And it's not just you that I've seen do this, but I've seen others resort to calling him horrible names. As I said, he will have punishment enough when he will probably be voted off next week and he will have a difficult time winning fans back. Frankly, even if the R word hadn't been brought into it, I'd be pissed that he insulted his fans the way that he did. That's a bigger issue to me than because he used the R word. As with every other offensive thing he said, some people found it offensive and took it literally, and others weren't offended or didn't take it as seriously. I don't know if I can support him any longer because I would feel weird purchasing songs and voting for a person who blatantly disregarded his fans the way that he did (not because he used the R word). If he comes up with a better and more sincere apology, then maybe. But for the time being I think I will just no longer support him and that's the end of it for me. I don't really see the need to spread the hate around even more though. I can completely understand people who wish to stop supporting him (I've seen several comments on his Facebook of people saying they don't want to support him anymore after this), but it should just be left at that. Don't like him, don't support him. 

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Okay, guys. You are free to criticize the contestants as harshly as you like, but it's not kosher to call your fellow posters pathetic or tell them what they should and shouldn't post. You can debate with someone without personally attacking them or telling them what to do. Please be more careful about that in the future.

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Caleb has been my favorite since the Skyfall performance. I've voted like crazy for him and bought most of his songs. I was a bit taken aback by the old ladies cry comment, but I got over it. I follow him on Instagram and prior to this shit hitting the fan, it was crickets on there since he posted a pic of he and Sam from Thursday night. I took notice of this and wasn't entirely shocked when I first read about this interview and what he said. It then clicked for me that he knew this shit storm was coming and had been mostly MIA from social media. His initial comments, terminology and attitude in that interview were offensive enough. But, his non apology made it far worse for me. So dismissive of the fans that have voted to keep him on the show! I am not totally decided on what I will do now, but I'm leaning towards joining team Jess. I have also voted for her, but not to the level I had him. 


The bottom line for me in this whole thing is that I think he's actually annoyed by his "Idol fans" because we are at least in part,  a whole bunch of old ladies (to use his own words). I think he's downright pissed that he doesn't have the throngs of young girls that AI was pushing on Sam. I'm just in disbelief that he tried out THREE times to get on Idol and now has basically thrown it away like a petulant child.

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I feel bad if anyone actually got their feelings hurt over the comment, as opposed to the usual internet brand of outrage, but this is hilarious. I mean the producers have to be curled up in a ball gently weeping.

This is what I'm enjoying, on an unhealthy level. I'm an old one & not too surprised by people anymore. Stupid is stupid & it abounds all around. The conspiracy theorist in me believes plenty of famous people say horrible &/or idiotic things that are handled & massaged away quite often. Caleb isn't yet at a point where that can happen for him & while I personally don't enjoy him & can't imagine him ever being at that point, it's apparent TPTB do. The fact that he upset their apple cart makes me laugh. I wonder if the bus that has been so attracted to Jessica is idling right now trying to decide the proper direction.
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To me, Caleb has always come off less as an authentic singer and more as someone playing the part of a singer in a B movie. But essentially I never cared enough about his on-stage persona to get riled up about it, especially in a fairly lackluster season. But the interview he gave dissing fans who had suggested he sing that "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" song and using the R-word to describe those fans, followed by a half-assed apology that really wasn't an apology: that is the point at which I'm angry enough to do something about it.


I hate that song with the fire of a thousand suns to begin with. I can't stand Diane Warren songs in general and have major issues with Steven Tyler on the best of days. So I have some built-in sympathy for anyone forced to sing that wretched, wretched song. But Caleb is in a singing competition during which he and other contestants will be told to sing songs  they don't like. Other contestants when handed that song have performed it well. So to perform it badly and then rant about the fans who had suggested it? That action was sufficient enough to move me off Team "I Don't Care Who Wins" and onto Team "Anyone But Caleb." So at this point, yes, I'll be voting for any other contestants except Caleb who remain on the show. As noted elsewhere, Caleb has a fairly generic rock voice, but can only perform well when he belts; he's not attractive physically and certainly isn't charming. In short, I don't find him enough of a special snowflake to give him a pass on this issue. I can only imagine what a PR nightmare he would be as the winner.

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In terms of the singing, Caleb has been and still will be probably one of my favorites. Though her enunciation and affectations annoy me, I also like the much maligned Jena. However, if I did vote, which I don't because I don't even watch til the window has closed usually, I probably wouldn't vote for Caleb anymore.

I'm 100% sure, like most people who casually use the term, that Caleb did not mean to insult people with mental disabilities by using the "r word." However, there is no excuse for someone his age to not know that it isn't considered socially acceptable to use it and that there is an active movement to get it out of the common slang usage. Much like "that's so gay" people don't always mean anything by it, but as long as it's A OK to use it to describe something in a negative light, it sends the message that there's something wrong with being what that word actually describes. Simple solution.....pick another word or maybe just don't say whatever insulting thing you were going to say in the first place. For example, he could have said, "I was surprised/upset by how many people I don't know used social media to send me hate messages."

The fact that he didn't even bother to apologize for using the word in a public forum, speaks poorly of him, but it's really the overall attitude of the interview that changes my mind about him as a chronic foot in mouth who means no harm to just plain old jerk.

I'm sure he does get hate messages on social media. Plenty of people say hateful things about him everywhere the show is a topic. The other contestants probably get hate messages as well, because that's just how the internet is. Mentioning it at all runs the risk of him looking whiny at best, but the aggravation is understandable.

Ragging on his fans, and face it, haters are not the ones doing this, for suggesting songs is just petty. The overall impression I get from the video is that he thinks he is too cool for school. When you combine this with the "old ladies" and peanut jokes, it paints a more unflattering picture than any one of those incidents on its own.

The reason I think the show should DQ him, rather than just hope his fans stop voting, is because if you assume he gets voted off due to backlash, then he's no worse off and the show gets a chance to send a valuable message about the use of the "r word." If the fans don't vote him off, the show runs the risk of ending up with a PR nightmare winner and looking like they are just fine with his actions. I can't imagine they want this guy as their winner now. The show is in it's death throes either way, but they could at least try to avoid another black eye on the way out. Kind of surprised Idol lets these untrained kids give these types of interviews to begin with.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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I don't think the show wants Caleb as their winner anyway- we all know they have been pushing for Jena. Even if this incident hadn't happened or if Caleb was the nicest guy in the whole world, I don't think Idol wants him to win because they wouldn't know what to do with him. His style is regarded as too outdated. It's been Jena for awhile now, since Majesty left and nobody got onboard the Sam love boat. I will laugh if Jessica wins, the one person TPTB have it for for pretty much no reason. I hope she wins, actually, just because they don't want her to. She's probably as deserving as anybody else is. I'd like to see a Jessica/Alex finale and either one of them could win and I'd be happy for them. I think Caleb will get the boot next week and then Jena may leave in third since people don't seem too keen on her attitude either.

Also, how cool would it be if Jessica and Alex were the final 2 and they got to both reprise their original songs? That'd be a first. And whoever wins could sing their original as their coronation song (although that'd be a weird song for Jessica to do if she won) Maybe they should let the final 2 help write their coronation songs this year, since they are all writers.

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And just what has he been planning on doing with the coronation song if he wins? Tell everyone it's garbage and they shouldn't buy it?

Just what did he think he was competing for, anyway?

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Maybe he never wanted to win. He had a band back home and many people think he's had it waiting in the wings all this time. When he got the exposure he wanted, he'd be out. I'd rather believe he is intentionally trying to lose than that he is just this clueless and dumb. Even so, it's a poor strategy. 

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While I agree that using the "R" word is offensive and he shouldn't have used it. .  I honestly don't think the rest of the interview was that bad. ***dodges flying shoes*** He did sound as if he was very annoyed at the fans and that's obviously not good, but do you ever read what people put on some of those fan blogs? Some of them are really obnoxious and delusional. I haven't seen his page, but I've seen things that people post on other celeb's boards and some of it's really crazy. Caleb does need some training and guidance when dealing with the public. I guess AI doesn't assist the contestants in that kind of thing. But I agree with a lot of what Joystickenvy wrote. - 

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While I agree that using the "R" word is offensive and he shouldn't have used it. .  I honestly don't think the rest of the interview was that bad. ***dodges flying shoes*** He did sound as if he was very annoyed at the fans and that's obviously not good, but do you ever read what people put on some of those fan blogs? Some of them are really obnoxious and delusional. I haven't seen his page, but I've seen things that people post on other celeb's boards and some of it's really crazy. Caleb does need some training and guidance when dealing with the public. I guess AI doesn't assist the contestants in that kind of thing. But I agree with a lot of what Joystickenvy wrote. - 

Where are those spiritual advisors when you need them?

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You have to wonder just what he thinks the music business is about. I mean, even if a label picks up an artist, they don't pay their artists salaries. The music industry is ALL about pleasing your fans, and if he wants to make a living in music, he'd better learn that.

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Thank you to Cranberry for pointing out that we're not here to attack one another. The snarking and bashing is for the shows, not each other. That's what was so great about TWoP; everyone respected everyone else's points of view and the negativity was directed at the shows. That is certainly not always the case on other boards, where it can get pretty hateful, and I am glad to see that respect for fellow posters is valued here. ~ As for Caleb, I can't wait to see how this whole situation will be handled, if at all, by Idol. I totally agree that he would be a PR nightmare if he won, however that possibility seems much less certain now. If he does crash and burn this week, it will be interesting to see who picks up his votes.

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Maybe he never wanted to win. He had a band back home and many people think he's had it waiting in the wings all this time. When he got the exposure he wanted, he'd be out. I'd rather believe he is intentionally trying to lose than that he is just this clueless and dumb. Even so, it's a poor strategy. 


For someone not trying to win, he auditioned three times and finally got in. Interesting.

While I agree that using the "R" word is offensive and he shouldn't have used it. .  I honestly don't think the rest of the interview was that bad. ***dodges flying shoes*** He did sound as if he was very annoyed at the fans and that's obviously not good, but do you ever read what people put on some of those fan blogs? Some of them are really obnoxious and delusional. I haven't seen his page, but I've seen things that people post on other celeb's boards and some of it's really crazy. Caleb does need some training and guidance when dealing with the public. I guess AI doesn't assist the contestants in that kind of thing. But I agree with a lot of what Joystickenvy wrote. - 


Aside from the odious R word, the hookers and cocaine, telling the fans that he will do what he wants to do "whether they like it or not" doesn't really fly because if people don't "like it" they rarely "buy it" and that's the be all for many involved, imo.

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For someone not trying to win, he auditioned three times and finally got in. Interesting.


Aside from the odious R word, the hookers and cocaine, telling the fans that he will do what he wants to do "whether they like it or not" doesn't really fly because if people don't "like it" they rarely "buy it" and that's the be all for many involved, imo.

But most people who do audition probably know they won't win or don't expect to. I auditioned this year but didn't even make it past the first round. Any exposure an artist get from this show is a good thing. The last 2 times he auditioned he only made it to the Vegas rounds. He probably wanted to at least make the tour and from there may not have cared in what place he went home. He built up a fan base and made it to the live shows, that's enough for a record label out there to decide they want him even if he didn't win. We've seen in seasons past you don't have to win this show to make a career. I suspect he'll go out in Daughtry position and then do what Daughtry did, form a band. That's probably what he really wants anyway, not being a solo artist.


I agree with your second point though- the R word, the joke about hookers and cocaine I can get past, but the way he disregarded his fans by saying he's just going to do whatever he wants whether we like it or not is just so disrespectful to us. I spent my money on his songs and spent time voting for him and for him to have such a flippant attitude like what we do for him amounts to nothing is infuriating and hurtful.


And I'm sorry if I called you pathetic before, I didn't mean to say that it was pathetic, but that I don't think it's necessary for people to be spreading this article around. It's sort of been taking care of itself on its own, just today Lyndsey Parker wrote an article on it for Yahoo and it's already gotten nearly 3,000 comments. I understand we all have the right to our opinions here but I don't believe people should be allowed to make such harsh comments that it makes fans of that artist feel uncomfortable. After all, we don't know any of these people in real life and anything people say regarding their personality is just an assumption. I don't really enjoy seeing people make such harsh and judgmental comments about any of the contestants, sometimes it's funny, but other times it's just not funny and it's hurtful and we should respect that there are people here who may be fans of those contestants and that they might feel insulted seeing their favorite being bashed so unfairly. Bash them all you want based on their talent, not for whatever kind of "persona" they're putting on for the show. Because in the end, we don't even know any of them personally and I think if it gets to a point where fans of them are starting to feel upset or uncomfortable, the bashing needs to stop. Nobody should be allowed to just say anything they want, there should be at least some limits to what we are allowed to say here. I don't think any of the people posting here would like it very much if random strangers were making assumptions about THEIR kids, so don't say it about someone else's kid. I just simply don't like seeing that type of stuff here, it's promoting hatred. Snark is fine- snark is funny. Harsh and hateful bashing is not funny and it's mean and shouldn't be allowed on any type of Internet forum.

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I have to say, it tickles me to imagine what Caleb will do on the tour. If he thinks it's hell on earth now just getting tweets from obvested 'retards', wait til some morbidly obese middle aged loon in a puffy paint shirt wants a hug from him after a show. Heh.


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But most people who do audition probably know they won't win or don't expect to. I auditioned this year but didn't even make it past the first round. Any exposure an artist get from this show is a good thing. The last 2 times he auditioned he only made it to the Vegas rounds. He probably wanted to at least make the tour and from there may not have cared in what place he went home. He built up a fan base and made it to the live shows, that's enough for a record label out there to decide they want him even if he didn't win. We've seen in seasons past you don't have to win this show to make a career. I suspect he'll go out in Daughtry position and then do what Daughtry did, form a band. That's probably what he really wants anyway, not being a solo artist.


I agree with your second point though- the R word, the joke about hookers and cocaine I can get past, but the way he disregarded his fans by saying he's just going to do whatever he wants whether we like it or not is just so disrespectful to us. I spent my money on his songs and spent time voting for him and for him to have such a flippant attitude like what we do for him amounts to nothing is infuriating and hurtful.


And I'm sorry if I called you pathetic before, I didn't mean to say that it was pathetic, but that I don't think it's necessary for people to be spreading this article around. It's sort of been taking care of itself on its own, just today Lyndsey Parker wrote an article on it for Yahoo and it's already gotten nearly 3,000 comments. I understand we all have the right to our opinions here but I don't believe people should be allowed to make such harsh comments that it makes fans of that artist feel uncomfortable. After all, we don't know any of these people in real life and anything people say regarding their personality is just an assumption. I don't really enjoy seeing people make such harsh and judgmental comments about any of the contestants, sometimes it's funny, but other times it's just not funny and it's hurtful and we should respect that there are people here who may be fans of those contestants and that they might feel insulted seeing their favorite being bashed so unfairly. Bash them all you want based on their talent, not for whatever kind of "persona" they're putting on for the show. Because in the end, we don't even know any of them personally and I think if it gets to a point where fans of them are starting to feel upset or uncomfortable, the bashing needs to stop. Nobody should be allowed to just say anything they want, there should be at least some limits to what we are allowed to say here. I don't think any of the people posting here would like it very much if random strangers were making assumptions about THEIR kids, so don't say it about someone else's kid. I just simply don't like seeing that type of stuff here, it's promoting hatred. Snark is fine- snark is funny. Harsh and hateful bashing is not funny and it's mean and shouldn't be allowed on any type of Internet forum.



Perhaps I was unclear as to what my intended point was because the R word was the main issue for me. The fact that he insulted his fans is one of the other tangential parts of the interview with which I took issue. I don't feel inclined to, "get past" the R word part since he gave a sloppy excuse of a non-apology imo and I didn't mean to convey that sentiment of "getting past" it.


People who choose to go on national tv shows put themselves out there for public consumption, imo. It goes with the territory. My kid is not on tv or giving interviews or calling innocent, well-meaning people, any people, -  the R word or any other disparaging names in the media. I believe that Caleb knew there was a microphone and a camera in front of him.

Edited by ari333
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Perhaps I was unclear as to what my intended point was because the R word was the main issue for me. The fact that he insulted his fans is one of the other tangential parts of the interview with which I took issue. I don't feel inclined to, "get past" the R word part since he gave a sloppy excuse of a non-apology imo and didn't mean to convey that sentiment.

I'm talking about in general though. For example, I'm not even a fan of Jena, but when I see comments like "She's such a spoiled brat!", "She is so full of herself!", etc., it makes me feel sad for her. None of us knows what she or any of these people are like in real life. She might come off like a spoiled brat or like she's full of herself, but that's all just perceptions and assumptions we're making from what we're shown on an edited reality show. When people make fun of her pronunciations and onstage antics, that's funny. But calling her a spoiled brat or otherwise judging her personality just seems uncalled for, in my opinion. We should be more respectful that there could be people here who like Jena and probably don't enjoy reading comments like that. I just don't think it's cool at all to judge people you see on some reality show that you don't know in real life. Judge them for their singing and talent and just try to avoid making assumptions about people. I don't care that they are contestants on a reality show- they're still people and I don't think we should be allowed to just say anything we want about them. Again, that just seems like it's promoting hatred to me and I don't like that at all and don't think it should be allowed anywhere. 

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I am wondering whether the show coaches the idols in basic PR fundamentals and he didn't listen or whether they don't give such advice at all.  He needs some help assuming he's willing to take it. 

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I am wondering whether the show coaches the idols in basic PR fundamentals and he didn't listen or whether they don't give such advice at all.  He needs some help assuming he's willing to take it. 


I wondered this too. Maybe the spiritual advisors could come up with some suggestions or have a chat about sensitivity and decorum in the media.... or in life in general.


The "willing to take it" part is up for grabs, imo.

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To some extent I think Caleb suffers from the same flaw that derailed Adam Lambert after the AMAs.....acting like you've already made it. It's one thing for Bono or Mick Jagger or Alice Cooper to act like the rock star stereotype or Madonna or Lady Gaga to put on a risqué performance.....they're already established. Entirely another for someone who's only claim to fame is Idol to do it.

Adam has a decent kinda B or C list career going, but he certainly put himself in a hole. Caleb's miscue wasn't on nearly as big a platform, but I also think he has much less of a following to begin with.

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To some extent I think Caleb suffers from the same flaw that derailed Adam Lambert after the AMAs.....acting like you've already made it. It's one thing for Bono or Mick Jagger or Alice Cooper to act like the rock star stereotype or Madonna or Lady Gaga to put on a risqué performance.....they're already established. Entirely another for someone who's only claim to fame is Idol to do it.

Adam has a decent kinda B or C list career going, but he certainly put himself in a hole. Caleb's miscue wasn't on nearly as big a platform, but I also think he has much less of a following to begin with.


Agreed that Caleb acts like he's already made it and that is off putting for me. Imo, the Adam comparison is apples and oranges. Adam's situation was subjective. Caleb's was just plain bad period. (imo). But I see your point.

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The actions aren't entirely the same, for instance Adam didn't say he hates all the sparkle cows telling him what he should sing, but the attitude that lead to the actions is similar.

Adam thought he was the male Lady Gaga and could get away with a lady Gaga like performance. He wasn't and couldn't and a lot of people who liked him on Idol quit liking him. He compounded it with a number of drunken miscues before he finally toned it down a bit.

Caleb seems to think he's a rock star and he's not, so behavior that he seems to think is part of his rock star persona at best comes off poseurish and at worst makes him look like a jerk. I don't think that's the whole issue....part of it is just his personality, but I think it's part of it. I don't think he's a horrible person, but I do think he's a bit deluded and probably has been enabled his whole life by home town fans that tell him he's the best thing ever. The same ones that are telling him to ignore the "haters" now.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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Whether he cunningly decided to show his "real" side so he won;t be saddled with a win or not, Caleb ensured he won't win.  It's amazing how our sub-conscience ultimately wins out.  He doesn't want to win, or in some deep-seated fashion, he feels unworthy and does not want to win.


I am looking forward to seeing how TPTB, or Caleb, works to retard the fire that has erupted. 

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Where are those spiritual advisors when you need them?

I swear you people are going to have to pay for me to see the ENT doctor because of all the Diet Coke spewing out of my nose!


As for Adam Lambert - I vaguely remember some kind of minor kerfuffle about the sparkle cows back during that time - some comment he made that was overheard (It was many moons ago and social media is light years ahead at this point). Adam hasn't been a massive arena-filling star but he has made a pretty good living for himself (he just got done with a recurring guest role on Glee but ironically Amber Riley - Mercedes on Glee - didn't make it past the producers on Idol).


And if we're talking auditions? Remember William Hung? or The Major ("pants on the ground" dude)? Or the old guy singing "I am your brooooother!"? 


Whatever happens, whether he's planning his own artistic demise or spoke unwisely off-the-cuff (fueled by the anger of having to sing that damn Aerosmith song which apparently seriously pissed him off - of course no excuse for the R word) will be interesting. There's been debacles starting WAY back in the Clay vs Ruben season (apparently a wide collection of Sparkle Cows were enraged because they feel something was wrong with the phone system) and continuing through the years. I guess this season will be no different. 

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Ragging on his fans, and face it, haters are not the ones doing this, for suggesting songs is just petty. The overall impression I get from the video is that he thinks he is too cool for school. When you combine this with the "old ladies" and peanut jokes, it paints a more unflattering picture than any one of those incidents on its own.

To all of this, I would add his obvious disregard for the judge's suggestions.  I don't think the judges are the be all and end all of this show, but he is so dismissive of their suggestions, it is off-putting for this viewer.  


As for "hating" Caleb:  I have stated my opinions about him with the "old ladies" comments.  Let me just say that he has done nothing to change my mind.  Instead, he seems to be running out of feet to stick in his mouth.  What a maroon -- he has yet to realize he's not really above this show and the hoops he needs to jump through to get to the end.

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Essentially this comment I found on the article on MJ's Big Blog sums up my feelings pretty accurately:



I've supported Caleb all season, and I had voted, bought his music, and hoped he would win, or come close to winning. But after this I no longer feel this way. Even though I think he has a terrific voice, I don't think he is a good representation of what the American Idol winner should be after the remarks he made. The whole interview put me off for him with the comments about drugs and hookers, the statement about not doing what fans want, doing what he wants, and especially the r word. Even if he meant haters, he shouldn't call them names like that.

Before I also wanted Caleb to win. I think many people thought he would, or that he was the most deserving, talent wise. Even though no matter how shitty an attitude he may have or what he says in interviews, I still think and will always think he has an amazing talent. But he no longer deserves to be the winner. This was not a one-time incident. This was more like the straw that broke the camel's back. He has said various other things in interviews where he acted disrespectfully and he has said other comments that people found offensive. This is not what our "American idol" should be. He could be the winner of The Voice, but not an Idol. The winner should be someone who is kind and caring and someone that our country would be proud of to have representing us.


I don't believe that Caleb is like the most evil person on the planet or anything but he does need a serious attitude adjustment and needs to understand the impact of the things he says. He can't take back his remarks but his opportunity to make it right was with his apology, which it seems he probably wrote in 5 minutes then forgot all about it and went on with his life. He should have shown it to someone in PR to make sure it was okay before sending it out. The dude just seems to have no common sense. The thing that annoys me the most is that he's such a genuine talent, he could have won the entire thing. He auditioned 3 freaking times and finally made it to the lives, smashed it almost every week and never hit the bottom 3. And now he just throws it away because he became careless. He's really talented but he shoots himself in the foot with the way he acts and the things that he says. He could have possibly won and now he's screwed up his own chances. But it's probably for the better anyway, as Interscope would have no clue what to do with him. Any of the contestants this year who don't win will be lucky to score a record contract, since not even Kree from last year got one, the first runner up in Idol history to not receive a recording contract. 


I'll probably still like him for his talent and his performances. But I probably will not vote for him next week or pay money for his iTunes song. It's not because he used the R word. It's because he blatantly disregarded his fans about what they want to hear from him, thinking he knows it all and knows what's best, and smarmily declared that he will do whatever he wants and we just have to roll along with it, whether we like it or not. I can't bring myself to vote for or support a person who acts that way towards their fans. He claims in his apology that he loves his fans and appreciates us, and I'm sure that he does. But the video speaks for itself more than some written words do. Some other media sites are getting wind of this and I hope a PR person catches it quickly and gets Caleb to write a REAL apology. He can't take back what he said, but if he came out with a real, sincere, thoughtful apology and acknowledged that he acted in a way that was not appropriate and that he was sorry for doing so, I could bring myself to support him again. 

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Oh, BogoGog24.  I'm sure this hurt to write, just a little bit.  You have been a passionate advocate for Caleb this season.  While I should be a natural fan for the guy due to my old age /jk/, it is this arrogance that turned me off early on.  Just a little humility and self-awareness would go very far -- not just for you and I, but a lot of  America, I'm sure.


I, for one, will be most interested to see if any of this will be acknowledged next Wednesday.

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Oh, BogoGog24.  I'm sure this hurt to write, just a little bit.  You have been a passionate advocate for Caleb this season.  While I should be a natural fan for the guy due to my old age /jk/, it is this arrogance that turned me off early on.  Just a little humility and self-awareness would go very far -- not just for you and I, but a lot of  America, I'm sure.


I, for one, will be most interested to see if any of this will be acknowledged next Wednesday.

Yeah it sure does suck. Like I said, he's easily one of the most talented contestants left and in my opinion one of the most talented to ever appear on the show. If he just adjusted his freakin' attitude, he could win. It is sad to see someone so talented self-destruct. But unfortunately there is nothing I or any of his fans can really do. He's going to do and say whatever he feels like and hopefully he will learn a lesson in all of this. If he somehow manages to escape elimination next week, he better thank his lucky stars and get his act together. I'll probably always appreciate his talent but I don't think I'll ever be able to see him in the same way. He used to make me excited just to watch the show every week and I always felt something when I watched him perform, when he'd hit all the high notes and just knock it out of the park every week. Now I just see a good performer but I get a pit in my stomach, remembering how rude he was to fans like myself. It's not the same anymore. :/


I'm not sure they will address it directly on the show. They will probably just sweep it under the rug like nothing ever happened and get on with the show. FOX may release some public statement saying they don't condone the use of the R word and leave it at that. If anything will be discussed, it will probably be the usage of the R word but not the rest of his statement regarding hookers or drugs or the way he disrespected his fans. And about the whole "hookers and cocaine" bit, well I think it was a dumb thing to say even in jest, but I tried not to take it that seriously and understand he's joking- even still, it's not the kind of comment a potential American idol should be making. What he lacks in common sense he makes up for with talent I guess. Good Lord someone help this man.

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Have fans been saying anything about this interview on Twitter? I don't follow Caleb, and I am curious of the reaction.


ETA….I just watched the interview. WOW is all I could say.

Using the R word was horrible, but he also insulted his fans by mocking them for giving him song suggestions on Twitter. Dude, these same fans will be your bread and butter!!!

And the first thing that comes to mind about the hometown parade is hookers and cocaine?!

Just go away Caleb……I used to be impressed by your voice, but you need more than a good voice to be a fan of mine.

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rereader2--I think the term "Sparkle Cows" started out as a derogatory term for Adam Lambert's over-40-fans but as I understand it, some women in that group turned it around and embraced it and use it somewhat lovingly and proudly.  But I agree with you, it does sound disrespectful.

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