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Quotes: "I'm In Charge Of Black Stuff?"

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Pop to Ruby: Quit Circling Vulture, I'm still here!"


Ruby to Pops: "Stop being a jackass, Jackass.".


Pops: "Heifer stole my Vicodin!"


Pops: "Walk it off; you're fine" when Dre wasn't feeling well; when Dre was coughing, and when Pops drops Dre and Dre has broken his leg.

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Bow: There is nothing wrong with old school Father's Day.
Dre: Maybe if you're an old school father who came home, downed a Scotch, beat his kids, and went to sleep.
Pops: I'm so tired of hearing you whine about that.

Zoey: Oh, family meeting. I'll be in my room.
Dre: Hey, hey hey ho ho, where are you going?
Zoey: To my room. I just said that.
Dre: Perfect example. Had you spoken to old school father that way, he would have knocked all your teeth out.
Pops: Wisdom teeth included.

Stevens: You don't understand, Lucy, because you're not a father. So until you have sired two beautiful baby boys, shipped them away at the age of three to a Swiss boarding school, and then bribed a U.S. senator to get them off separate but equally gruesome murder charges, you stand down there, sweet pea.

Resheida: You need to change [Daddy's Day] from Sunday to Monday.
Dre: But that's Columbus Day.
Resheida: And? Everyone knows that Columbus Day is like crazy racist. So you just put Daddy's Day in there and make it a three day weekend. You got your barbeque on Saturday, white linen party on Sunday, and then Monday you get to kick back and get your daddy on.

Pops: All a dad ever wants is the love of his daughter. Frankly speaking, a son is just a disappointing photocopy of yourself.
Dre: He wrote that in my tenth birthday card.

Stevens: We are going to make a fortune. This must be how Jesus felt when he invented Christmas.

Resheida: Yelling is caring.
Dre: Someone finally gets me.

Charlie: Watch out! Baby driver coming through! When you see the police, keep going. Onward to the liquor store!

Ruby: Throw him a little love, he'll do anything for you.
Bow: I know. It's like he'd die for me.
Ruby: Yeah, but the real question is will he kill for you?
Bow: Why would that be the question?
Ruby: There will be a day. There always is.

Dre: We've prepared a pitch. It will appeal to people, mostly men and the people that they make so I guess we can call them kids.
Charlie: I got some focus powder in my office. Just say the word.

Ruby: I remember the first time [Dre] cooked car meat. He got so upset, I let him stay in the bath with me an extra two hours.

Dre: Damn it, boy! You dropped the ribs? Go outside and think about what you just did!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Fixed wonky spacing after forum upgrade
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Diane: "No. Anyone would be a better babysitter than you. I mean, let's just get Justin Bieber. Or his parents."

Charlie: "Between you and me, is your sister a witch?"

Diane: "I heard that."

Charlie: "That was a test. I've been through this before with witches."

Jack: "Who's Dominique?"

Charlie: "The only woman I ever loved. And it never worked out."

Junior: "How come?"

Charlie: "The usual story. She wanted to focus on her lifestyle brand and I impregnated her Cinnabun coworker. Now we just want different things. I want her and she wants a man with a better life, better house, a man who combs his hair forward instead of backwards."

Diane: "So in a nutshell: not you."

Charlie: "Witches. They hear when you're not even talking to them."

Junior: "That could be you. You could be happily settled for."

Charlie: "That's all I ever dreamed of."

Diane: "This is insane."

Junior: What do you have against dreamers, Diane?"

Diane: "I don't even want this rootbeer float anymore. It tastes like the salty tears of foolish men."

Charlie: "How do I look?"

Kids in unison: "Like a middle-aged woman trying to start her life again."

Charlie: "That's what I'm talking about."

Junior: "Remember Nancy Meyers' rule number one."

Charlie: "Talk about your kitchen renovations a lot."

Junior: "Exactly. Start throwing around phrases like 'Been emailing my architect' and 'farmhouse sink'."

Charlie: "Got ya."

Doorbell rings

Charlie: "You're gonna ruin this for me, aren't you?"

Diane: "You don't need me to ruin this plan. It comes pre-ruined."

Charlie: "I love your outfit."

Dominique: "It's actually an original piece from my line. Dominique for Dominique by Dominique."

Charlie: "Well, I'm wearing Neck by Turtle."

Charlie: "And the quiet one is Diane. She has been a mute ever since her mother perished in a tragic flatscreen mounting accident."

Charlie: "Excuse the kitchen. It's in flux. I've been emailing my architect all day about my farmhouse sink."

Dominique: "Oh my god, I love farmhouse sinks."

Charlie: "I mean, if you can't wash a pig in it don't even show it to me."

Charlie: "Dominique, I have to come clean with you. This isn't my house. And I don't have any kids."

Jack: "One kid."

Charlie: "Oh, that's right. I have one kid. Oh my god, he's home alone. I should Uber him some wings."

Charlie: "Dominique, I thought I'd never see you again. You were so mad."

Dominique: "I was, but then I realized how much I care about you."

Charlie: "Care? Or are you out of money?"

Dominique: "Does it matter?"

Charlie: "No. Let's go to Catalina."

Edited by paulvdb
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Bow: Zoey's out there learning Mandarin while eating a danish.

Dre: What? She's supposed to be learning Danish while eating mandarins.

I think instead of "eating" she said "juggling".  That's why we later saw Zoe juggling those mandarins.

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From "Hope":


Dre, about O.J. Simpson: "Black people were so desperate for a win that we were rooting for this idiot."


Bow, holding two bags, to Ruby: "What's this?" 

Ruby: "Riot cash....silver nickels and charm bracelets from past lovers. Now trust me, precious metals and sexual favors are the only currency in times of civil unrest."

Pops, to Ruby: " Damn, woman-I taught you well."


 Bow, to Dre: I don't want to feel like my kids are living in a world that is so flawed that they can't have hope."

Dre: So you want to talk about 'hope,' Bow? Obama ran on hope. Remember when he got elected and we felt like maybe, just, maybe, we got out of that bad place and got to a good place? That the whole country was ready to turn the corner?  You remember that amazing feeling we had during the Inauguration? I was sitting right next to you. And we were so proud. And then we saw him get out of that limo and and walk along side it and wave to that crowd. Tell me you weren't terrified when you saw that. Tell me you weren't worried that someone was going to snatch that hope away from us like they always do. That is the real world, Bow. And our children need to know that that's the world that they live in." 


  That was the episode's-and one of the series'-best moments. 

Edited by DollEyes
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On 4/7/2016 at 3:51 PM, DollEyes said:

From "Hope":


Dre, about O.J. Simpson: "Black people were so desperate for a win that we were rooting for this idiot."


Bow, holding two bags, to Ruby: "What's this?" 

Ruby: "Riot cash....silver nickels and charm bracelets from past lovers. Now trust me, precious metals and sexual favors are the only currency in times of civil unrest."

Pops, to Ruby: " Damn, woman-I taught you well."


 Bow, to Dre: I don't want to feel like my kids are living in a world that is so flawed that they can't have hope."

Dre: So you want to talk about 'hope,' Bow? Obama ran on hope. Remember when he got elected and we felt like maybe, just, maybe, we got out of that bad place and got to a good place? That the whole country was ready to turn the corner?  You remember that amazing feeling we had during the Inauguration? I was sitting right next to you. And we were so proud. And then we saw him get out of that limo and and walk along side it and wave to that crowd. Tell me you weren't terrified when you saw that. Tell me you weren't worried that someone was going to snatch that hope away from us like they always do. That is the real world, Bow. And our children need to know that that's the world that they live in." 


  That was the episode's-and one of the series'-best moments. 

I know the show is supposed to make me chuckle more than choke me up, but there are a ton of Blackish episodes I haven't seen.  This was one of them, until this past weekend.  The sob that caught in my throat when they showed footage from that post-inaugural walk.   Lawtd.  I hadn't ever told anybody that because I thought it sounded paranoid and huey newtownish and frankly I didn't know anybody else was willing to admit they'd gone there.  That's why I love this show. This is probably my favorite episode so far.

One of my faves comes right after that:

Pops to the fam:  My daddy always told me there are only two things to ever be afraid of - gangsters and the police.    I'm not afraid of gangsters {looks at Ruby} hell, I married one.

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The whole ignorance conversation was gold:

Diane: Who are you voting for

Ruby: Whoever the Democrat is, baby.

Diane: Without even knowing where they stand on the issues?  Seems ignorant.

Ruby: Would it seem ignorant if I slapped the taste out of your mouth?

[Diane looks shocked]

Ruby: Oh sweetie, oh sweetie I am so sorry.  Sometimes Grandma forgets she's been saved. Listen honey, ignorance is being unaware of the dangers of the kitten heel.

[cue flashback of Ruby wearing kitten heels, stumbling into a voting booth and mistakenly voting for Pat Buchanan]

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Charlie had some of the best line in the Purge episode.

About Eustace: 

"Always asking me for lunch money. Bugging me for a mattress.  Vaccines.  Shoes that fit.  Love."

In his casket during his "funeral"

Dre: "Hey man, How're you feeling?"

Charlie: "A little emotional.  A lot of people came to say goodbye to me. Don't see my parents though. But in all fairness I didn’t go to theirs either."

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Diane was pretty great too.

At Charlie's "funeral"

Jack: Why are you smiling? You know Charlie's not really dead, right?

Diane: Yeah. But one day. ONE DAY.


During The Purge

Jack: Ok, I'm a little scared.

Diane: Don't be! I was born for this! We're approaching my destiny!


Jack: Oh, I'm gonna go steal those roses to bring to my teacher tomorrow!

Diane: Cool! I'm gonna make those people homeless! *prepares to light molotov cocktail*


After Rainbow's Paintball Assault

Diane: Doesn't it feel good to purge?! It's like...your skin is dancing!

Rainbow: Ok, I am worried about you! Let's go! Let's go home! You stay close to me!

Diane: Can I have the gun?

Rainbow: No, you can't have the gun!

Diane: Can I have the molotov?

Rainbow: No!

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Pops: "Who says the boy [Jack] is going to college anyway? I mean, look at me, I didn't go. My life's pretty great!"

Andre: "You live off us."

Earl: "And that's pretty great!"

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Ruby: *flicks drink droplets onto Diane*

Diane: "Hey!"

Ruby: "That's proof! Satan flinches at Holy Water!"

Zoey: "White Zinfandel isn't holy."

Ruby: "Talk to me after your first divorce!"

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Ruby to Pops: [accusatory tone] "What's all that money for? Answer me, Earl, you better not be selling drugs! Is it marijuana?" 

[in a gentler tone] "You got some marijuana?"

Edited by RedHawk
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Andre: "Does this have anything to do with Junior's new girlfriend?"

Johan: "Junior has a girlfriend? Wow! What a twist!"

Andre: "Hold on, wait a minute, is it because she's white?"

Rainbow: "Dre, you're delusional."

Andre: "So you do see color!"

Rainbow: "Dre, that's not who I am."

Andre: "Or is it, who you are? Please let it be who you are. Look, this is something that we can do together as we grow old. You know, some couples, they have golf? We can mistrust white people together! THIS COULD SAVE OUR MARRIAGE! I'M GETTING SO EMOTIONAL!"

Johan: "I think we should really focus on Junior here. This is a huge moment! It should be celebrated! I mean, wildly, joyously, ferociously celebrated! I'm trynna say, he is not an easy sell! He wears a cape!"

Andre: "Hey! Do not talk about my son's cape, ok?! YOU are a grown man with BANGS!"

Johan: "These are tendrils."

Andre: "Alright, look, Corbin Bleu is right. We should be celebrating this!"

Edited by Dee
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Zoe: A Saudi prince I met on Instagram wants to pay me to model!

Diane: What is it you want? Money? An alibi? Clean urine?

Stevens: So your boy got himself a snowflake - and he didn't even have to become a professional athlete!

Charlie: I wish we were in jail so I could shank you.

Charlie: My friends call me the bunny magnet, Lord Snow, White Walker, Anglo-Saxon Jackson.

Stevens: Charles, let's pretend that I am a white woman walking through the produce section of Trader Joe's. What do you say to get these pants off?
Charlie: Hmmm, I would start by telling you that Aspen got two inches of fresh powder last night. Then I would ask you how close you are to your father.

Ruby to Johan: We're not related, you know.

Johan: I'm mélange.
Johan: It's French for "mix."
Bow: What's French for "stab victim"?

Ruby: Ooh, I dropped my book. Somebody better take his shirt off and help me pick that up.

Dre: So you mean to tell me that you have two John Mayer tickets on you at all times.
Charlie: At all times.
Dre: That is amazing! He isn't even touring right now.
Charlie: They tried to offer me Dave Matthews tickets but I don't want a woman that white.
Stevens: You want to know what I say to get white women? "That's my jet." It's that simple.
Josh: We got white chicks down, but what if I want to talk to a black woman?
Stevens: Charles, what is the safest way to talk to a sista?
Charlie: In my experience, I have found that women of color actually love to be addressed by their color. Hey, green eyes. What's up, purple jeans? I see you, white french tips.

Bow: I was so confused.
Johan: Oh, OJ did it.

Stevens: That is not how you pick up a pack of Korean women!
Charlie: First of all, a group of Korean women is called a raft.
Josh: Actually according to this, a raft is a group of otters.

Dre: Some comics can cross over to all audiences and some can't, and I'm Steve Harvey. My material only works on black women.
Stevens: Really? Is that who his material works on?
Dre: Don't you talk about Steve Harvey!  That man is a treasure. He brought us four button suits and brought back giant teeth and the man wig. I will not hear it from you!
Charlie: You watch your mouth.
Stevens: That's a man wig? I totally thought it was real.

Daphne: "How to holla at Mexican women"? "One - remember they love play sudoku." Do you know how stupid this is? First of all, everybody knows the key to Mexican women is the same as it is for Mexican men. Compliment their eyebrows and take them to Benihana.

Charlie: Everyone just remember what Snow J. Pimpson taught you.

Dre: Top of the morning to you, lassie!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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7 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Charlie: In my experience, I have found that women of color actually love to be addressed by their color. Hey, green eyes. What's up, purple jeans? I see you, white french tips.

Josh: "Okay, let me try. Hey, red bloodshot eyes."

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Rainbow: "I'm so proud of her [Zoey]! Aren't we proud of her?!"

Andre: "No! You don't get it do you? The only reason she got promoted is because of me. Because I'm a superstar, alright?! A legend, a wonderbread!"

Rainbow: "I think you mean a wunderkind!"

Andre: "Obviously, they're both great! She doesn't appreciate this. Now she's gonna think this is how the real world works."

Rainbow: "Dre, just give her this one!"

Andre: "Of course you don't get it! You've never had to struggle a day in your life."

Rainbow: "What?! Dre, I'm a Black woman. And I went to medical school. And I have four children by a Man Baby! So do not talk to me about struggle, ok?!"

Edited by Dee
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On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 2:06 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Pops: "And when I say "they" I do mean the White Man, if I wasn't clear."

This had me rolling because he said it twice and it was all in Fishburne's delivery!

So true!  Fishburne is a treasure.

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Pops: "Naw, you never lose 'em. Trust me on that, cause I done tried. The good news is, you got two babies left."

Bow: "The Twins."

Pops: "Mmhmm."

Bow: "Oh. Thanks Pops."

Pops: "That's what I'm here for-to remind you of the two children you forgot you had."

Bow: (laughs, then points to her belly) "Oh well, wait, hold on.  I got this one."

Pops: "And that's just crazy."

Me: ????????


Pops: bawling-"I hate that I love this." As he watches the slideshow Dre made.

Me: ???and Awwwww!!!!

I ?❤️ Pops! He's the BEST PART of this show!

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Junior: I did what [Dre and Pops] told me to.
Bow: WHAT? You told him to hit another kid?
Dre: I told him to get his chain back. I didn't know he was going to hurt anybody.
Pops: I did.

Bow: Valley Glen is hot garbage. Their robotics team is only ranked fourth nationally. 
Dre: Sting's kid doesn't even go there anymore.

Ruby: Why do you think I moved heaven and earth to put Dre into private school when he was a kid?
Pops: You shot me and took my disability check.
Ruby: Yeah, well, the lord works in mysterious ways.

Diane: It's called a confidence induced stroke. Kanye gets them all the time.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Dre: "And what was the reason you sent me to private school?"

Pops: "Because I was afraid of your Mama."

Me: ??????

Pops is Just the best!

When Junior came crying about his "Chaaaain!"

Pops: "What the f*&$'s matter with you, boy?"


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Dre: What's going on? The last time you baked this cake is when you told us to hide the gun you shot Pops with.
Ruby: I said it was the gun I shot Pac with.

Ruby: I was at Sandy Jenkins' funeral, and I realized I have to tell you two things. When I die, I want my ashes sprinkled on Ving Rhames. And two, we need to talk about who's gonna get my rental property.
Dre: When you die? Mama, are you sick?
Ruby: Do I look sick? I had two pregnancy scares last month.

Dre: Mama, I can't believe you made us death cake.
Ruby: Oh, no, baby. This is from Sandy's funeral. Not well attended. Now, at my repass, I want peach cobbler. And a small amount. I want people to fight for it.

Bow: Have you even read the Bible? 
Santamaria: I downloaded it on Audible.

Junior: Are you drinking wine? 
Bow: Yep. 
Junior: It's not even 5:00.
Bow: If you've been up since 4:00, it is.

Junior: I've just got so much to do around here. I still have to finish re-sorting someone's frozen milk. The oldest goes in the front. I still don't know what you don't get about that.

Stevens: I remember telling my father that he was gonna die. He didn't believe me, of course, but, uh history is written by the one who holds the plug.
Connor: You know, his will caused a huge rift between Papa and Uncle Henry.
Stevens: Yeah, it was worth it, though. I mean, brothers come and go, but a brownstone on the island of Manhattan is forever.
Josh: You know, I recently inherited some family assets. Which is cool in theory, but what am I supposed to do with a piece of Hawaii and Earth, Wind & Fire's publishing rights?
Dre: This is ridiculous. White people are constantly inheriting stuff when black families usually have nothing to pass down to each other but debt.
Charlie: I beg to differ, Dre. I inherited a Crown Royal bag full of marbles, a wave cap, and a treasure map that may or may not be a children's menu from Ponderosa, but I'm crewing up and, uh, we'll find out soon.

Santamaria: Did you get me into Roma Downey's bowling night?
Junior: I couldn't. But I did get you into a VIP book burning. And I got you an extra-dry copy of Catcher in the Rye. That thing is gonna light up real nice.

Rhonda: No, you can't eat in [my car].
Dre: That's a rule?
Rhonda: No. You just eat like Cookie Monster.
Dre: I have an underbite. You know damn well Pops gambled away my braces money.

Rhonda: You get [Ruby's] hat collection.
Dre: But I'm a 7 7/8 fitted kind of guy, and she loves snapbacks.

Bow: Why are you in your pajamas? Did you take a nap after school?
Jack: A nap? I'm just waking up from last night. Can I have some cereal? I only have an hour to eat breakfast and lunch before dinner.

Just be smart and lawyer up, okay? Otherwise you're gonna find yourself answering a lot of questions about what you were doing with zoo-grade elephant tranquilizer.

Bow: I need you to give your brother a bath so that I can go to the store and get your sister a glue stick.
Junior: Can't. I'm escorting Santamaria to Mase's Midnight Mass. I'm not allowed in, but she needs me to wait nearby in case she catches the Holy Ghost.
Bow: Okay, that is a no. It's a school night.
Diane: Really? That's the part you have a problem with?

Diane: Okay, Grandma, we need one more thing for our project on how things used to be. So what's something from the past that you miss?
Ruby: Quaaludes. 
Jack: What are quaaludes? 
Bow: Ruby!
Ruby: Um, smoking cigarettes in the hospital.
Bow: Ruby, they're children.
Ruby: Okay, fine. Littering. Fur coats. Butter. Adult cinemas. Making love in a car.

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On 1/11/2018 at 1:56 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Stevens: I remember telling my father that he was gonna die. He didn't believe me, of course, but, uh history is written by the one who holds the plug.
Connor: You know, his will caused a huge rift between Papa and Uncle Henry.
Stevens: Yeah, it was worth it, though. I mean, brothers come and go, but a brownstone on the island of Manhattan is forever.
Josh: You know, I recently inherited some family assets. Which is cool in theory, but what am I supposed to do with a piece of Hawaii and Earth, Wind & Fire's publishing rights?
Dre: This is ridiculous. White people are constantly inheriting stuff when black families usually have nothing to pass down to each other but debt.
Charlie: I beg to differ, Dre. I inherited a Crown Royal bag full of marbles, a wave cap, and a treasure map that may or may not be a children's menu from Ponderosa, but I'm crewing up and, uh, we'll find out soon.

Josh: I'm in

Ruby's list of things she misses was gold, and her calling on Black Jesus will always make me laugh & rewind. 

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