ShadowHunter Saturday at 12:09 AM Share Saturday at 12:09 AM So in addition to being a gambling addict Doug is also very dumb. Having your debt wiped is red flag number 1 and being handed cash by a guy you just met is not good. To be fair gamblers or addicts don't think rational but still he is a Doctor which shows some intelligence. When certain people fall they really fall. Vanessa was making out with Diego in a bar somebody could have noticed that. I liked the scene with the girls doing the runway strut especially Anita lol. Nice seeing them joking around and having fun. I had a feeling when Jacob was saying on the phone about how much he loved Naomi he was going to arrest Dani. Speaking of Bill and Dani I don't want to jump the gun yet but in 10 episodes they only missed 1. I have a little fear they may end up being on all the time. It could be too early to say that but this is probably just the soap past sneaking up one me lol. GH did it with the unholy trinity and even One Life to Live turned into One Life to Michael Easton in the last few years. I had to stop watching OLTL because of John McBain. I don't want to go through that with Dani and Bill. Week 2 was much easier and flowed better as well. It helps that I have all the names down now lol. 2 Link to comment
drivethroo Saturday at 01:19 AM Share Saturday at 01:19 AM 2 hours ago, Badsamaritan said: I do wonder how crazy Leslie is. I think she's Sheila Carter crazy. Bill is pathetic. He should be on his "Italian honeymoon" with Hayley, yet is plotting to bring Dani down. Plot hole: Fairmont Crest and the country club is supposed to be in Maryland. Jacob works for MPD (Washington DC); how does he have jurisdiction to arrest Dani? I'm glad today was an Ashley free day and Kat didn't blink an eye at Chelsea meeting her new friends (which tells me she does this on a regular basis). I was learning towards Ted not being Eva's father and Leslie being crazy and perhaps making up a whole relationship with someone she's never met. But next week's episodes say Ted actually may know Leslie and he just may be the father. I don't think Nicole will have troubles with Eva, though. Her trouble is going to come from crazy Leslie. The only problem I have is with Eva's age because she should be older than Martin, yet she is being played as if she's the same age as Kat. 1 Link to comment
Irlandesa Saturday at 01:36 AM Share Saturday at 01:36 AM 2 hours ago, AnimeMania said: At first I thought Dana/Leslie was trying to become one of Nicole's patients, Eva probably won't blow her cover, but Mona certainly would, if she saw her. At first I thought it was a smart move to try to get close to Nicole but then some of the logistical issues occurred to me. Like Mona knowing her. That wouldn't even necessarily be a problem except she chose to give Nicole another false name. I think it would have been smarter to make an appointment as herself for treatment. 2 hours ago, wonderwoman said: what i want to know (well, what i would like to see and not be told) is how, and why, their relationship has deteriorated to this point. unfortunately, saddling them with college-aged teenagers, means that the only way viewers will find out with be is a lot of exposition, and maybe some flashbacks (generally not a fan of flashbacks, though the one with dani and bill after naomi’s wedding was well done, and contextualized dani’s behavior). I definitely need flashbacks for them. I don't think their relationship has deteriorated. Smitty still seems like a good husband putting in the effort. But Martin has probably deterioated and become more about him than his family or marriage. I think their marriage is headed for disaster, though, as Smitty keeps getting shut down. Today's episode was kind of boring until the end. Bill was awesomely evil. I wonder why Joey wants Doug to owe him. What kind of power does a cardiac surgeon hold? I was sick of Dani talking about how she's over Bill. It was so predictable she'd get arrested. 3 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Saturday at 02:50 AM Share Saturday at 02:50 AM I think they might be saving the teens and young adults (Doug and Vanessa's twins, Pamela may have a kid or two, etc) to kick off a summer story for them. The country club is a perfect place for that, between the pool/jobs as lifeguards, the gym, and the golf course, there's plenty of teen action to be had there going into summer. It would make sense if we start to see a couple scenes here and there of the various kids in the next few weeks to get them oriented and prep them to kick off their own storylines around May sweeps and the Memorial day holiday. 5 Link to comment
Giuseppe Saturday at 03:50 AM Share Saturday at 03:50 AM I wish they'd stop putting Ted in turtlenecks, lol. I'm liking Eva more and more. She seems like she might be starting to have some regrets about the plan. And I like that she isn't (yet) giving back to Kat as much as Kat is giving to her, and is trying to be diplomatic about Kat's attacks. The actress is gorgeous. There's still something about this show that isn't quite gelling with me, and I still think it's partly both the writing and acting in some cases. I'm finding that lots of the dialogue just doesn't seem natural for these characters. I'm guessing this can only improve. Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 Saturday at 05:15 AM Share Saturday at 05:15 AM After watching two weeks of episodes, I am exhausted by Dani and almost want to fast forward her stuff. I think she's meant to be the main focus, but I think Nicole and her family should be the main focus instead. Instead of Bill and Dani, we could have devoted a bit more focus on the Vanessa/Doug story. I wonder if Joey is targeting Doug because he's the first step into entering the gates. Doug is married to Vanessa, who owns a luxury real estate company so maybe if Joey gets Doug under this thumb, it will allow him access to Vanessa's money/connections and also an inroad to others living within the Gates. I think Leslie flipped out over the video and is partly serious about jumping off the building...and seeing Nicole come up there accomplishes her plan...even though Eva is making inroads already..and is starting to be conflicted. 3 Link to comment
ByaNose Saturday at 06:58 AM Share Saturday at 06:58 AM I did think it was funny when Kat was talking to Nicole that she called Eva lady locs or something to that affect. In the BTS special Colby Muhammad said this was the first tv job for her. She clearly has fun with the dialogue and wardrobe and has star potential. I guess come this summer her and Tomas will heating up the screens. All in all, the show is off to a roaring start. The lead up, parties, press and finally the premiere week was the fun part. Now the real work begins (actually it has for the past 3 months) and, I guess it’s up to the viewers to say yay or nay. If the early ratings are any indication I could easily see 5 year run without batting an eye. Although, I don’t know what order number (in years) that CBS gave Beyond the Gates. 4 Link to comment
Irlandesa Saturday at 08:18 AM Share Saturday at 08:18 AM (edited) 1 hour ago, ByaNose said: Although, I don’t know what order number (in years) that CBS gave Beyond the Gates. Grain of salt and all but I read online somewhere that it was given a guaranteed 2 year run. But I don't know if that comes from a credible source. It makes sense to me, though. They're going to want to give it some time to build momentum after all they've invested in it. I think it'd have to completely go into a freefall for it to not get two years. Edited Saturday at 08:20 AM by Irlandesa 1 Link to comment
michelec Saturday at 02:57 PM Share Saturday at 02:57 PM 13 hours ago, drivethroo said: I'm glad today was an Ashley free day and Kat didn't blink an eye at Chelsea meeting her new friends (which tells me she does this on a regular basis). And I also suspect Chelsea at the very least does drugs recreationally because when her and tech guy came back to their table in the background of Naomi and Jacob's double date scene she was rubbing her nose. I knew Dani would be arrested as soon as the Duprees started having happy times at the mansion. It would be cool if Eva really was Ted's daughter only for the rivalry with Kat. That has potential to be a classic soap feud. Martin is a pompous, self-important asshat and Smitty deserves so much better. 7 Link to comment
YaddaYadda Saturday at 03:45 PM Share Saturday at 03:45 PM 14 hours ago, drivethroo said: I was learning towards Ted not being Eva's father and Leslie being crazy and perhaps making up a whole relationship with someone she's never met. But next week's episodes say Ted actually may know Leslie and he just may be the father. I don't think Nicole will have troubles with Eva, though. Her trouble is going to come from crazy Leslie. The only problem I have is with Eva's age because she should be older than Martin, yet she is being played as if she's the same age as Kat. It does seem that he knew crazy Leslie, but I kinda wondered if the relationship isn't mainly in Leslie's head. Like a fangirl gone wrong, basically. I also wondered if Eva wasn't conceived with stolen sperm and a turkey baster. 2 1 3 1 Link to comment
AnimeMania Saturday at 06:00 PM Share Saturday at 06:00 PM One Season is 200 episodes. 3 Link to comment
cleo Saturday at 06:19 PM Share Saturday at 06:19 PM I'm ages behind, only just watched the press conference, but this show is growing on me. Re Martin - it'll be much more interesting if the big secret is something with him being angry and acting it out, rather than a drunk driving accident or something like that, which I feel like has been over done. But either way he's an ass. I'm team Smitty. I actually felt bad for Dani in the press conference. She tried to make a healthier choice by leaving town, her parents forced her to stay and attend, and she blew up. Then they come down on her. Gotta wonder how often that happened in their lives. 4 1 Link to comment
KittyQ Saturday at 09:12 PM Share Saturday at 09:12 PM On 2/27/2025 at 6:10 PM, Grinaldi said: This may only make sense to DS9 fans but she's got them Gowron eyes and I am living for it. (My emphasis) I love this comment! Who would expect that DS9 and Beyond the Gates would have something (even a little thing) in common? 2 Link to comment
KittyQ Saturday at 09:20 PM Share Saturday at 09:20 PM On 3/5/2025 at 2:58 PM, Melgaypet said: A presidential campaign does not mesh with a daytime soap. Over on GH, Drew has been elected to Congress, but we've yet to see him do any actual government work, since he's so wrapped up with Willow, etc. I can't imagine anyone running for President and realistically stay involved in the story lines. Hey! Is that Ryan Chamberlain back from the dead, stringing Doug along??? Or maybe it's Kevin, because there aren't enough people who need psych care in Port Charles. 6 Link to comment
ByaNose Sunday at 06:22 AM Share Sunday at 06:22 AM I’m curious where Cady McClain fits in here. Dani already has a bff (the blonde realtor) so I’m not sure what Cady can add. The cast is already bloated enough and it’s only been two weeks. LOL!!!! Link to comment
AnimeMania Sunday at 06:43 AM Share Sunday at 06:43 AM 19 minutes ago, ByaNose said: I’m curious where Cady McClain fits in here. Dani already has a bff (the blonde realtor) so I’m not sure what Cady can add. The cast is already bloated enough and it’s only been two weeks. LOL!!!! The blonde realtor (Vanessa McBride) is supposed to be Nicole's BFF, but she lives near Dani. 4 Link to comment
Rodney Sunday at 08:55 AM Share Sunday at 08:55 AM Finally got to see Friday's episode. Kat continues to be suspicious of Eva, and with more good reason. But Nicole still won't listen, even though Kat pointed out that she's been snooping twice. But Nicole even calling her a spoiled brat? Ouch. Ted and Nicole are going to deserve every "I told you so" that they get from Kat once the bomb drops. At least Anita and Vernon regret forcing Dani to go to Bill and Hayley's wedding. It actually was quite lovely to see Dani letting her hair down and enjoying herself. Doug has a gambling problem and has a connection to this guy, Joey, whom Jon Lindstrom will be playing? Mysterious. Is Jon here on contract or recurring? Doug and Vanessa have (very obviously interracial) twins away at college? I wonder if we'll meet them at some point? I really want to hear Anita sing. I wonder what Tamara's singing voice sounds like? Loved the Dupree women's runway show. Too bad the family's fun had to get interrupted by Jacob arresting Dani. Bill is obviously more afraid of Dani than he lets on if he had her arrested. Where is this thing with Nicole and Leslie going to go? Interested in seeing it. Good cliffhanger to head into next week! 3 Link to comment
AnimeMania Sunday at 04:19 PM Share Sunday at 04:19 PM Bill is kind of stupid, instead of letting this go, he is going to miss his honeymoon and have to disclose all of his affairs, including Hayley's, to the public. Bill might win in court, but could lose in the "court of public opinion" and find himself cancelled. The writers might do a reverse, Luigi Mangione situation rocketing Dani back into the spotlight, re-igniting her modeling/social media influencer career, since she has already gone viral and have a ton of followers. If Bill loses everything, so will Hayley, but Bill still has all of his secrets and the favors he is owed. It would be funny if the Duprees could flip Hayley somehow to turn on Bill for ruining her life. 1 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 Sunday at 04:24 PM Share Sunday at 04:24 PM 9 hours ago, ByaNose said: I’m curious where Cady McClain fits in here. Dani already has a bff (the blonde realtor) so I’m not sure what Cady can add. The cast is already bloated enough and it’s only been two weeks. LOL!!!! I almost think Cady and the actress playing Vanessa should have switched roles. I could have seen Cady playing an empty nester that is heavy into real estate being close to Nicole....while the other actress could have played Pamela. However, Cady is known to get bored and bolt so it makes sense to have her play the smaller part instead of the larger part. I always recalled how often AMC and ATWT had to shift things whenever she had the urge to leave. Really diluted her characters when she did that. 4 Link to comment
Sake614 Sunday at 05:06 PM Share Sunday at 05:06 PM When Jacob wrong ‘Hamilton’ on his notepad, I legit forgot that’s Bill’s last name. All I could think was ‘what does the musical have to do with this show? did he buy tickets to Hamilton to surprise Naomi’? 🤣 1 4 Link to comment
ByaNose Sunday at 05:25 PM Share Sunday at 05:25 PM 10 hours ago, AnimeMania said: The blonde realtor (Vanessa McBride) is supposed to be Nicole's BFF, but she lives near Dani. Oh! Okay. I guess I’ve seen her more with Dani thus confusing me. 2 Link to comment
Irlandesa Sunday at 06:42 PM Share Sunday at 06:42 PM 2 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said: However, Cady is known to get bored and bolt so it makes sense to have her play the smaller part instead of the larger part. I always recalled how often AMC and ATWT had to shift things whenever she had the urge to leave. Really diluted her characters when she did that. Plus, I think part of the reason she isn't doing DOOL any longer is because she moved back to NY. Both she and Jon are doing recurring roles which presumably means they are going to be used less than Vanessa is being used. 3 Link to comment
Sake614 Sunday at 07:07 PM Share Sunday at 07:07 PM 23 minutes ago, Irlandesa said: Plus, I think part of the reason she isn't doing DOOL any longer is because she moved back to NY. Both she and Jon are doing recurring roles which presumably means they are going to be used less than Vanessa is being used. BTG tapes in Atlanta so it’s much easier to get there than LA. Also MVJ said they’re ‘regular’ recurring so they'll likely be around fairly often. 1 Link to comment
DearEvette Sunday at 07:37 PM Share Sunday at 07:37 PM 2 hours ago, AnimeMania said: Bill is kind of stupid, instead of letting this go, he is going to miss his honeymoon and have to disclose all of his affairs, including Hayley's, to the public. Bill might win in court, but could lose in the "court of public opinion" and find himself cancelled. Bill is absolutely stupid. Apparently he is a lawyer/fixer a la Olivia Pope. And he used his fixing skills to cover up whatever Martin did ( killed someone in a rage?) And it looks like he is a lot less discreet than Olivia Pope was because he has no problem showing that he uses the knowledge of what he does for people over their heads. I get that what he does probably has some element of tit for tat for a future unspecified thing, but that tit for tat does not involve not using it as quasi blackmail. This is unsustainable for a guy in his position. One day you are going to try that on someone who won't do the tit for tat but instead do a double tap. In the end his blackmail made things worse. Hayley did not get the wedding of her dreams. Half the guests wore funeral (but incredibly stylish) wear and were absolutely not interested in being there and showed it in their visibly displayed contempt. It became a viral punchilne and she ended up getting married with just two witnesses, an employee and a rent-a-friend, anyway. If the Duprees were smart, they'd neutralize the hold Bill has on them by getting their own ammunition on him. I get the feeling that Vernon might be getting there too based on his convo with Bill after the press conference. The Nurse continues to be a needle scratch. Chelsea and Kat have grown on me, both actresses feel more comfortable and their line readings feel more natural. I am kinda sorta able to tell Andre and Jacob apart because Andre kinda sorta resembles Larenz Tate. I know Dani is a LOT. But I can't lie, I love the chaotic, wild child, loose screw energy she brings. Karla Moseley is so mesmerizing to watch. I wish now that she has done all of her acting out that she let her rage go on a simmer rather than a boil and play the long game to make Bill & Hayley pay. A dish served cold as it were. Speaking of long games, I love the old skool soap scheming of Leslie and Eva. I am hoping Eva isn't Ted's daughter because that would be rather funny to know Leslie lived all that bitterness and infected her daughter with it only for it to be a big lie. On a shallow note, the wardrobe on this show is insane! I especially loved the black dress Dani wore at the wedding, Chelsea's wedding/funeral outfit and her hair ornament, and from the first week that grey tweed coat and skirt Nicole wore. Of the 'rich' set, Hayley (as Bill's fiancee) is the only one whose wardrobe has been kinda tacky. 4 Link to comment
AnimeMania Sunday at 07:44 PM Share Sunday at 07:44 PM 4 minutes ago, DearEvette said: Speaking of long games, I love the old skool soap scheming of Leslie and Eva. I am hoping Eva isn't Ted's daughter because that would be rather funny to know Leslie lived all that bitterness and infected her daughter with it only for it to be a big lie. I was hoping that Eva was Ted's daughter, but crazy Leslie stole Eva as a baby by killing her real mother. 1 4 Link to comment
drivethroo Sunday at 08:15 PM Share Sunday at 08:15 PM On 3/7/2025 at 10:50 PM, Giuseppe said: I'm finding that lots of the dialogue just doesn't seem natural for these characters. I'm guessing this can only improve. Anita calling Bill a "reprobate" is in character. Anita is supposed to be this upper class, wife of a Senator so she would say something like "reprobate." Leslie/Dana saying somebody is "feckless" is out of order lol. On 3/8/2025 at 10:45 AM, YaddaYadda said: I also wondered if Eva wasn't conceived with stolen sperm and a turkey baster. Even if this turns out to be the case, I can see Ted (and Nicole) having a soft spot for Eva and keeping her around, to the chagrin of Kat. 11 hours ago, Rodney said: Doug and Vanessa have (very obviously interracial) twins away at college? I wonder if we'll meet them at some point? I actually hope we don't get to meet them anytime soon (or Martin & Smitty's kids). 24 minutes ago, DearEvette said: Of the 'rich' set, Hayley (as Bill's fiancee) is the only one whose wardrobe has been kinda tacky. Intentional because Hayley is not from the Duprees' world. Hayley is probably from a working class/poor background and grew up wearing thrift store* and Kmart/Sears/Walmart. All of the Dupree women dress very elegantly (even Naomi, who is the least flashy one). Now Hayley is married and has a Black card and access to buy "fashions;" I suspect she will still be tacky, though. I loved Kat's Pilgrim dress, Chelsea's dress and Dani's dress. *Don't sleep on the thrift store (or estate sales), lots of "rich" people in the DC area toss out very nice things and they can be snapped up for a song. 1 Link to comment
Crashcourse Sunday at 09:24 PM Share Sunday at 09:24 PM I only check in occasionally, but I'm tired of batshit crazy looking/acting Dani/Karla Mosley. The show would be much better if she were put on the back burner. 1 Link to comment
DearEvette Sunday at 10:00 PM Share Sunday at 10:00 PM 1 hour ago, drivethroo said: Intentional because Hayley is not from the Duprees' world. Hayley is probably from a working class/poor background and grew up wearing thrift store* and Kmart/Sears/Walmart. All of the Dupree women dress very elegantly (even Naomi, who is the least flashy one). Now Hayley is married and has a Black card and access to buy "fashions;" I suspect she will still be tacky, though. I loved Kat's Pilgrim dress, Chelsea's dress and Dani's dress. 100%. I am sure that is why her fashions are just not quite right. And co-sign on Kat's Pilgrim dress. Her whole outfit was great too, down to the shoes. 1 Link to comment
ByaNose Monday at 04:57 AM Share Monday at 04:57 AM 6 hours ago, DearEvette said: 100%. I am sure that is why her fashions are just not quite right. And co-sign on Kat's Pilgrim dress. Her whole outfit was great too, down to the shoes. I think this must be due to the Beyond The Gates and Kat effect. Sold out! 2 Link to comment
AnimeMania Monday at 06:01 PM Share Monday at 06:01 PM S01.E11: Monday, March 10, 2025 Link to comment
michelec Monday at 07:43 PM Share Monday at 07:43 PM So the affair between Ted/Leslie really did happen and wasn't some delulu fantasy. 👀 I have a feeling Andre is gonna be the BTG community bike. Jacob had to follow through on Bill pressing charges. What was he supposed to do, Naomi? Even Anita saw sense in the end. Dani lives so rent-free in Bill's head that he forgot all about the Italian honeymoon he promised Hayley. Speaking of Dani, girl, go to Costco and buy yourself some self-respect. 5 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Monday at 07:52 PM Share Monday at 07:52 PM God, I love Dani Dupree. Her posing for her mug shots had me weak lol! But please, hunni STAY AWAY FROM BILL. He don't deserve you, even though we all know he still got feelings. Please move on. Someone suggested Sean Blakemore, but I need Dani's new love interest to be able to stand eye-to-eye with Bill. Well, well, look at Ms. Hayley. Tryna stand up. And, they still ain't been on their honeymoon yet? The fuck?? Martin, Imma need you to calm tf down. How did you get elected to Congress with that simmering anger? I do like that Smitty is part of the family, they accept him being there and he's included. Hoping we get some more scenes of him with other Dupree folks. Dammit, Ted!! I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!!! 😩 3 1 Link to comment
drivethroo Monday at 08:24 PM Share Monday at 08:24 PM 38 minutes ago, michelec said: Jacob had to follow through on Bill pressing charges. What was he supposed to do, Naomi? Even Anita saw sense in the end. Dani would've gotten off on those charges on a technicality because Jacob should not have been the one to arrest her. Is Sherry Sheila's sister? 1 1 Link to comment
Irlandesa Monday at 08:28 PM Share Monday at 08:28 PM I feel like all of these marriages have one person I like and one person whose annoying me today. Martin has some anger issues. I hope they follow through on Smitty picking up on the vibes like the nightmares, the simmering anger, the look that passed between Vernon and Anita. I usually like Naomi but the whole Dupree clan getting on Jacob for doing his job was ridiculous. Dani pulled a gun on her ex at his wedding, it was witnessed by a cop and it was livestreamed. Blaming Bill for "pulling strings" to get her arrested is pretty hypocritical given the fact that they pulled strings to try and get her not arrested for something she objectively did. Jacob's right, better him than some other random cop. Andre is a player but so far he does have chemistry with women. Except Eva is probably his cousin assuming Leslie is telling the truth about the fact that Ted is her father. We know she's telling the truth about the affair so one could assume it's true but she also lied about running Laura off the road. I can't help the Hayley actress. She was pathetic for the first two weeks but I hope we keep getting these instances of spine. I like her like that. I wish I knew what it was about Bill that makes both Dani and Hayley cave so often, though. I think Hayley has the right to be worried. Bill might have had an affair but it's clear he's still hung up on Dani as she is with him. I wonder if there's something she did that we don't know about yet that led him to think this affair was worth breaking up his marriage over. 3 minutes ago, drivethroo said: Dani would've gotten off on those charges on a technicality because Jacob should not have been the one to arrest her. I'm not sure why that would get her off. Link to comment
backhometome Monday at 09:10 PM Share Monday at 09:10 PM Poor Jacob. He should join a support group with Smitty. I am bored with this gambling story. Does Marin actually care about his Aunt being arrested or just how it affects his political career. The way Marin speaks to Smitty is maddening. Shut up, about the damn elevator baby already. Naomi was being ridiculous. There was a video of Dani with the gun on Bill/Hayley. Its okay when grandad uses his connections illegally but not Daddy. Oh, Ted. 2 1 Link to comment
ShadowHunter Monday at 10:56 PM Share Monday at 10:56 PM Poor Smitty. Martin is so dismissive of him. Vernon was as well but he didn't take the same tone Martin did. Bill may love Chelsea and Naomi but I don't know if he cares about them. Him telling Chelsea she was the heroine of the story when she was upset and feeling quilty about the video annoyed me. Hayley finally showed a little backbone today. Dani posing for the mugshots was funny. Her wanting Bill back is annoying. So Ted had a affair with Leslie and paid her off. I don't think he knew about Eva. When Andre mentioned the baby I wanted to throw a drink in his face. 1 Link to comment
drivethroo Monday at 11:18 PM Share Monday at 11:18 PM (edited) 2 hours ago, Irlandesa said: I'm not sure why that would get her off. Jacob works for Washington DC police. The crime happened at the country club, in Maryland. Dani was in her house in Maryland so there was no need for Washington DC police to arrest somebody in Maryland for a crime that was committed in Maryland. (If Maryland police wanted to arrest Dani they would certainly have a case but DC police, no). Not sure why Doug is going to this underground casino when Maryland has 3 casinos. He is dumb and he is going to end up broke, behind bars or dead. Even after all of the dust settles and Eva is revealed, Ted and NIcole will still welcome her and Kat is still going to be mad. We now know Ted had an affair with Crazy (and this wasn't a jump off at the medical conference) so that would make Eva younger than Martin and around the same age as Kat. Edited Monday at 11:19 PM by drivethroo 1 Link to comment
Sake614 Tuesday at 12:13 AM Share Tuesday at 12:13 AM Dani needs some serious therapy. Like yesterday. Why is she so needy and pathetic? And why would she even want an ass like Bill? 1 1 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Tuesday at 01:00 AM Share Tuesday at 01:00 AM I keep trying to remember that Dani had been with Bill since she was 19. So he groomed her into the Dani we see now. So far it seems like Bill has been her only love, and she was his doting wife and built her world around him. She doesn't know of anything else except loving him. Of course this is soap opera land but, I can at least see how she could think Bill still loves her - he made it that way. And, she's not wrong, I don't think. But still, I need a better man for her. A Lamman Rucker type. Because Bill is terrible but still fine and he's got that BDE. All the other men so far are always looking up at him. I need an actor that can match that in size and presence for Dani. Because she's too beautiful and fabulous to settle for just getting some maintenance from Andre the community peen every now and again. I want to see her wined and dined by some super wealthy but kind and generous man that makes Bill cause a scene for no good reason lol. Then takes her home and flips her every which way across the whole house 🤭 5 Link to comment
ZaleaBloom Tuesday at 02:04 AM Share Tuesday at 02:04 AM So Ted has now confirmed that he and Dana/Leslie/Sherry (it's been a week and some change since her intro and this woman already has three aliases, what in the hell, lol) had an affair but what kind of affair is he talking about? The kind that means infidelity affair or a love affair? Leslie claims he left her for Nicole but if it was an actual affair, doesn't that mean he was cheating on Leslie with Nicole? Even Leslie threatening to tell Nicole confused me because if you were in front of her, and not after, then what is the threat here? Cheating on someone and breaking up with them and then getting with someone else is two different things. I would simply put it down to Dana aka Leslie aka Sheila-I mean-Sherry Carter (Show got jokes) being batshit crazy but Ted has already paid off her off once and is now offering to again- why? Now, I'm thinking he does know about Eva. Jacob should not have volunteered to arrest Dani. He could have been entirely uninvolved in that situation. He should know his wife and her family better than that for how they would have felt and responded. I feel little sympathy for him sleeping on the couch, he was so hell-bent on helping fix it that he did the exact opposite. Also yes, plot hole a MILE wild having him and his father work for the DC police when Fairmont Crest and any crimes that happen there are in Maryland. There's still time to change out the signage and words to say/read Fairmont Crest PD, Show, we won't say anything. It's been said more than once but Martin is an asshole and a terrible husband. There's been some discussion of Nicole being naive re: Kat's warnings about Eva but I can't even blame her for swallowing Sherry's traumatic backstory, she was that good of an actress, lol. We're gonna need some fleshing out of Derek and Ashley because I am also sick of hearing about the damn elevator baby. Haley was right, Bill is still caught up in having Dani's attention. The problem with men like Bill is that they always want what they can't have, it's not love, it's ego. Now that he has Haley, you can bet that Dani is going to look enticing to him again. I would enjoy Haley getting her just desserts but I hate that Dani doesn't want better for herself than a man who left her for a woman half her age who was their daughter's best friend, twenty-five year marriage or not. She needs some of those psychiatrist references her sister was handing out earlier. Her "mugshots" had me cackling, though. Also good god, every second of Bill's interactions with Naomi and Chelsea continue to be wildly narcissistic, it was nice of Dani to encourage Chelsea to not feel bad about maintaining a relationship with her father, but he's earned all their disrespect and disgust. I'd say Doug was a complete moron but addiction really does hijack folks' cognitive reasoning abilities. It's only a matter of time before Joey asks/orders him to kill someone on the surgical table. 6 Link to comment
Irlandesa Tuesday at 03:25 AM Share Tuesday at 03:25 AM 1 hour ago, ZaleaBloom said: So Ted has now confirmed that he and Dana/Leslie/Sherry (it's been a week and some change since her intro and this woman already has three aliases, what in the hell, lol) had an affair but what kind of affair is he talking about? The kind that means infidelity affair or a love affair? Leslie claims he left her for Nicole but if it was an actual affair, doesn't that mean he was cheating on Leslie with Nicole? I think it has to be during. There's no other reason to offer to pay her off to go away. And Eva doesn't look to be older than Martin. 2 Link to comment
ZaleaBloom Tuesday at 04:48 AM Share Tuesday at 04:48 AM (edited) 1 hour ago, Irlandesa said: I think it has to be during. There's no other reason to offer to pay her off to go away. And Eva doesn't look to be older than Martin. I've just realized you're right about that. Eva is definitely younger than Martin and probably younger than Kat by a little in which case Ted has been hiding a secret love child for twenty years. So much for the 'perfect' marriage. Nicole and Dani are about to have a whole lot more in common, except her husband's misdeeds are about to come with much more baggage. Somewhat related note: I have decided that Martin and Smitty married young and adopted their children when they were mid to upper single digits because neither one of them look older than their early thirties and Nicole has to be in her early fifties at best. I still can't figure out old Dani is. Karla is forty three and Naomi is clearly mid to late twenties which is why weirdly enough Dani would have to be at least 46-47 (really going against the habit of actors playing younger versus older but not by much) for the timeline of her and Bill being married thirty years without it being a underage teenage bride/shotgun wedding situation to work. Edited Tuesday at 04:49 AM by ZaleaBloom Link to comment
ByaNose Tuesday at 04:51 AM Share Tuesday at 04:51 AM So Eva doesn’t like Dana et al acting all crazy. Um, too late for that. I thought for sure Kat was going to come into the bar and spoil all of Eva’s fun but nope. Perhaps another day. Dani’s mug shoot photo session was hysterical. Even Anita had to stifle her laughter. Unfortunately, Dani tells us that she’s really isn’t over Bill. This might be a loooong storyline. LOL!!! Free Smitty! That guy doesn’t have a chance being married to the whole Dupree family. Not a lick of a chance. Also, he’s still boring but the minute he goes loco he could be great. Also, Ashley and her husband are DOA. 1 Link to comment
ByaNose Tuesday at 04:58 AM Share Tuesday at 04:58 AM 3 minutes ago, ZaleaBloom said: I've just realized you're right about that. Eva is definitely younger than Martin and probably younger than Kat by a little in which case Ted has been hiding a secret love child for twenty years. So much for the 'perfect' marriage. Nicole and Dani are about to have a whole lot more in common, except her husband's misdeeds are about to come with much more baggage. Somewhat related note: I have decided that Martin and Smitty married young and adopted their children when they were mid to upper single digits because neither one of them look older than their early thirties and Nicole has to be in her early fifties at best. I still can't figure out old Dani is. Karla is forty three and Naomi is clearly mid to late twenties which is why weirdly enough Dani would have to be at least 46-47 (really going against the habit of actors playing younger versus older but not by much) for the timeline of her and Bill being married thirty years without it being a underage teenage bride/shotgun wedding situation to work. It’s funny but I totally buy Karla being the mother of Chelsea but not Naomi. Arielle Prepetit skews older to me and looks like Dani’s sister and not her daughter. Of course, it’s Soap 101 where all of the actors play older/younger than the other actors playing their parents and kids. If you think about it too much your head will explode. My brain already hurts from it. LOL!!!!! 2 Link to comment
drivethroo Tuesday at 06:37 AM Share Tuesday at 06:37 AM 31 minutes ago, ZaleaBloom said: Somewhat related note: I have decided that Martin and Smitty married young and adopted their children when they were mid to upper single digits because neither one of them look older than their early thirties and Nicole has to be in her early fifties at best. I still can't figure out old Dani is. Karla is forty three and Naomi is clearly mid to late twenties which is why weirdly enough Dani would have to be at least 46-47 (really going against the habit of actors playing younger versus older but not by much) for the timeline of her and Bill being married thirty years without it being a underage teenage bride/shotgun wedding situation to work. The person whose age is throwing everyone off is MARTIN but I'm going to speculate Martin was actually adopted as an older child by Ted & Nicole. If Ted & Nicole met as young doctors in residency (not students) at the medical conference, they were probably at the youngest 26 years old. Martin is planning to announce he's running for President. You have to be at least 35 years old to run for President. Do Ted & Nicole look like they're in their 60s? No, and I think it will come out later Ted & Nicole adopted Martin but he was an older child when they adopted him. If Dani married Bill at 18/19 because he got her pregnant* and they were married for 30 years, that puts Dani at 48/49. Naomi would then be about 28-29 years old. Chelsea and Kat are older than 21 because they are able to go to the bar. I think their kids were probably older kids too when Martin & Smitty adopted them. *The Duprees are very image concious and wouldn't be happy with Dani being a single baby momma so they would've approved reluctantly Dani getting married at 18 or 19 years old. It wouldn't surprise me if Bill targeted a young Dani, seduced her and got her pregnant on purpose to gain entry into the Duprees' world. 1 Link to comment
mbluecpa Tuesday at 11:48 AM Share Tuesday at 11:48 AM Ouch, Dani - wasn’t it just Friday we had the “I’m over Bill” celebration? I do like the twist with Haley being the one to figuratively slap Bill back to reality, but if Karla Mosley is on a 3-4/week minimum then I’d really like to see a non-Bill storyline involving her. But being only 11 episodes in, I’m good to let this percolate a bit longer. I’m glad Ted saw and recognized LeslieDanaSherry, and noticed for the past couple of episodes we’ve gotten the “she’s crazy, y’all” background instrumental music in her scenes. I’m here for it. I guess I’ve seen too much GH in my day, so I sorta hand-waved Jacob arresting his own mother-in-law and the whole jurisdiction mismatch. They got patient privacy and HIPAA right, though, with the added twist of Nicole and Ted being both the involved parties and spouses. Link to comment
michelec Tuesday at 01:36 PM Share Tuesday at 01:36 PM 6 hours ago, drivethroo said: The person whose age is throwing everyone off is MARTIN but I'm going to speculate Martin was actually adopted as an older child by Ted & Nicole. If Ted & Nicole met as young doctors in residency (not students) at the medical conference, they were probably at the youngest 26 years old. Martin is planning to announce he's running for President. You have to be at least 35 years old to run for President. Do Ted & Nicole look like they're in their 60s? No, and I think it will come out later Ted & Nicole adopted Martin but he was an older child when they adopted him. If Dani married Bill at 18/19 because he got her pregnant* and they were married for 30 years, that puts Dani at 48/49. Naomi would then be about 28-29 years old. Chelsea and Kat are older than 21 because they are able to go to the bar. I think their kids were probably older kids too when Martin & Smitty adopted them. *The Duprees are very image concious and wouldn't be happy with Dani being a single baby momma so they would've approved reluctantly Dani getting married at 18 or 19 years old. It wouldn't surprise me if Bill targeted a young Dani, seduced her and got her pregnant on purpose to gain entry into the Duprees' world. Chelsea is 23, per Dani doing exposition in the premiere episode. I could buy Martin being adopted as an older child, because he kinda throws everything off agewise. There's no way Nicole and Ted would be in their 60s because then that would mean Anita and Vernon would be in their early to mid 80s. I'm working on handwaving this whole age thing, but it's hard. 1 Link to comment
drivethroo Tuesday at 03:55 PM Share Tuesday at 03:55 PM 8 hours ago, ZaleaBloom said: Eva is definitely younger than Martin and probably younger than Kat by a little I think Eva and Kat are ghetto twins. 1 hour ago, mbluecpa said: Ouch, Dani - wasn’t it just Friday we had the “I’m over Bill” celebration? Dani was never over Bill but she was going to try to get over him because he did go through with marrying Hayley. Him going down to the police to have Dani arrested and then showing up to the police station to gloat about it when he should've been on his honeymoon with Hayley showed Dani that she was still on Bill's mind. 2 hours ago, michelec said: I could buy Martin being adopted as an older child, because he kinda throws everything off agewise. There's no way Nicole and Ted would be in their 60s And if Martin is adopted, who are his bio parents? How old is Bill, anyway?🤔 Link to comment
DearEvette Tuesday at 04:05 PM Share Tuesday at 04:05 PM (edited) I LOVED Dani treating her mug shot like a high fashion photo shoot. IRL her obsession with Bill makes a lot of sense and I think @Badsamaritan breakdown is a good example of why it does. I get it. It is also a classic case of people from the outside seeing something you can't see for yourself. But this is a soap and we want things to move faster. But for all that the narrative has made it seem that Dani is the ine that won't let go, this episode made it clear that Bill is as much an active participant in this drama. I don't know what is going on with him, but he seems to have a real axe to grind with the Duprees and is using Dani as the whetstone. So yeah Martin is a hot head with anger management issues. How long have he and Smitty been married so that Smitty has not seen this side of him before? I am frustrated with Naomi getting so upset with Jacob, instead of realizing he is right. Dani was gonna get arrested no matter what. If someone else had done it it wouldn't have been as respectful as the way he did it. She should know better. Dana/Leslie/Sherry may be crazy but she is also crazy like a fox. I kinda love her actually. I would love to see her and Bill clash. LOL. But it would be smart for Teddy Bear to just confess and take the wind out of her sails. But this is a soap and that just won't happen. But I am liking the cracks already forming between her and Eva. I would feel sorry for Hayley having her new life so hijacked if she weren't so trifling as to sleep with the father of her BFF and the woman who took her in and treated her like family. Oh well. The nurse's storyline and Doug's storyline. Why? What is the engine driving their stories? I can't understand what make them necessary as cutaways? They have no plot line. And they're boring. I will say everybody's coat game was on point this episode! Edited Tuesday at 04:07 PM by DearEvette 5 Link to comment
Kmr Tuesday at 05:08 PM Share Tuesday at 05:08 PM I was on Jacob’s s and feel like the Duprees come off as very entitled. Also think it is pretty hard to be a spouse of one of them. I am wondering if the main reason for Bill leaving Dani was the family. I think that flashback was real and not just Dani slanted. Bill did want to make things better with them but things with the family pushed him away from Dani so that when he had a chance with Hayley he took it. Like I wonder Ted said he paid Leslie off for the affair but was handled by him or did it go through Bill. So you would have the family judging him for his affairs while he was keeping quiet Ted’s. Then there is whatever he covered for Martin. Maybe doing all the dirty work to keep the Duprees clean made him hate being married to one. 3 Link to comment
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