Irlandesa Wednesday at 02:00 AM Share Wednesday at 02:00 AM 1 hour ago, Js Nana said: I thought it was hilarious when Bill claimed to the assembled reporters that Dani had caused irreparable damage to Hayley's face, with a cut to Hayley putting her hand up to cover her "scarred-for-life" cheek - - And her face looked gorgeous so I'm sure those reporters were left questioning what the heck he was trying to sell. Speaking of which, I'm surprised no reporter asked the family why they were even at the wedding. 2 1 Link to comment
drivethroo Wednesday at 04:42 AM Share Wednesday at 04:42 AM On 3/1/2025 at 4:04 PM, dubbel zout said: How long is it supposed to have been since Dani and Bill divorced? I can't get any sense of the time here. I think their divorce was extremely recent (like weeks/months) but Hayley & Bill sent Dani the wedding invitation days before the wedding (this was on the first episode). 4 hours ago, Js Nana said: Dear Hayley, showing up for a press conference in your wedding gown makes you look pathetic. Both Bill and Hayley looked pathetic showing up to the press conference (but not to the police station to press charges). I am tired of Exposition Nurse. Dana probably never even met Ted, she was probably a crazy nurse who fantasized being with Dr. Ted, got pregnant with some rando's baby but hoped to seduce Ted at the medical conference to make him think it was his but he met Nicole and stayed glued to her so the plan was foiled. Shades of Sheila. Why didn't she put him on child support? 1 Link to comment
Rodney Wednesday at 10:54 AM Share Wednesday at 10:54 AM First episode I couldn't watch live because I had a doctor's appointment and got called into work almost immediately afterwards. That press conference was FIRE. Lots of raw emotion let out. Although Vernon and Anita tried to spin things in Dani's favor, I appreciated her taking responsibility, even to the point of absolving Chelsea for livestreaming it. She was right that her daughter had no way of knowing that her mother would snap the way that she did. And then, Bill comes in and throws his own weight around. I literally said, "Oh, God" when he showed up. So Naomi is an attorney? Never knew that. Ted is a doctor at the hospital and has a private practice?! Talk about busy! Surprised that Dani got off the hook. But Nicole's right that Dani needs to talk to somebody. Martin really wants Smitty to stay as a househusband. Jerk. Dani's flashback really makes me understand her snapping a lot more. The way that Derek held Ashley in front of Andre screamed marking his territory, and only barely in a subtle way. But wait. He and Ashley don't live together? Sounds like Hayley's getting her first taste of being married to Bill. This marriage is not going to last. So Dani slept with Andre again. After hearing about the wedding, it sounds like he's having second thoughts about sleeping with her any time after this. 10 hours ago, ShadowHunter said: I love the Gossip Nurse. XOXO lol. I need to see her in the background of more scenes just reacting to stuff. Just so everyone knows, her name is Shanice. Don't know if she's a main character or a recurring one, though. Another good episode. 4 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Wednesday at 11:47 AM Share Wednesday at 11:47 AM 48 minutes ago, Rodney said: Martin really wants Smitty to stay as a househusband. Jerk. Martin basically told Smitty to stand there and look pretty. He's a huge jerk and I have a feeling Smitty will have a hand in his secret coming out. And it's what Martin deserves, honestly. He's a terrible husband. 5 3 Link to comment
YaddaYadda Wednesday at 12:28 PM Share Wednesday at 12:28 PM I think that my least favorite character is Martin. He was pretty condescending to Smitty. You can raise our teenagers (that we have yet to meet). They're teenagers, douchebag, not babies, toddlers, or small children. Didn't they say the boy is 17 and the girl 16? Smitty can and should go back to work if that's what he wants. The dialogue does not follow what I'm seeing on screen with Hayley. The slap should have left a gash or something similar on Hayley's cheek. Then when Bill talks about resuming their wedding ceremony, Hayley is all about how her is messed up? And her dress? There wasn't a hair out of place and the dress was fine. She made it sound like she had been in a fist fight with Dani and her mistress bun came off and her dress was torn. Then when Bill talks at the press conference and mentions the injury to her face. Her face is flawless. The girl is beautiful. Maybe makeup should make more of an effort to reflect what's in the script. The dress Dani wore to Naomie's wedding was gorgeous. That color was stunning on KM. The wardrobe of this show has been irreproachable. They make all the other soaps look pedestrian. And then there's Bill. Bill, those silk pjs were awful, awful, awful. Do yourself a favor and burn them. I can't take you seriously when you're wearing that. Although I don't think anyone should take you seriously, you smarmy you. 1 2 1 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 Wednesday at 02:23 PM Share Wednesday at 02:23 PM Team Smitty with specs. He could do so much better than Martin. Dani needs a padded cell and a strait jacket. That flashback was from her perspective so of course, it shows her in a good light. Reality probably differed from her perspective. Can we focus on the Non Duprees for an episode or two? Derek...bad acting or the start of a crazed/obsessed personality coming to the forefront? Too soon to tell. 5 1 Link to comment
TiffanyNichelle Wednesday at 05:21 PM Share Wednesday at 05:21 PM (edited) 6 hours ago, Rodney said: Just so everyone knows, her name is Shanice. Don't know if she's a main character or a recurring one, though. Thank you, I kept missing her name. I was calling her the BTG version of Amy Vining. She's good at her job and I liked how she talked Ashley down from the energy burst she had after delivering the baby, knowing that she should go home. She's an incredible gossip but it's a good way to get some exposition out. Quote Martin basically told Smitty to stand there and look pretty. He's a huge jerk and I have a feeling Smitty will have a hand in his secret coming out. And it's what Martin deserves, honestly. He's a terrible husband. He cares more about optics than how things actually are. He was too busy worrying about the photographer catching Dani with a gun and then later Chelsea accidentally livestreaming the event to think about how clearly his aunt isn't doing so well if she brought a gun to a wedding. He only cares about how it reflects on him and his career. Meanwhile Dani was only forced to go to that wedding because of some secret involving him. Smitty is already aware that Vernon & Anita are hiding something regarding Martin. I hope he figures it out. Edited Wednesday at 05:24 PM by TiffanyNichelle 10 Link to comment
AnimeMania Wednesday at 07:04 PM Share Wednesday at 07:04 PM S01.E08: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Link to comment
Melgaypet Wednesday at 07:18 PM Share Wednesday at 07:18 PM 1 hour ago, TiffanyNichelle said: He cares more about optics than how things actually are. I laughed aloud when he sneered at Bill caring about optics by crashing the press conference. Like, look in the mirror, dude. I said this yesterday, but it's interesting that Martin is so down on Bill, since in many ways he is Bill. Ambitious, selfish, takes his spouse for granted. But Bill is an unapologetic bastard, while Martin is self-righteous. 11 Link to comment
Rodney Wednesday at 07:58 PM Share Wednesday at 07:58 PM After seven straight episodes, Dani finally got a break today. No Anita or Vernon, either. Nicole was the only one of the Big Four in today's episode. So Dana/Leslie has her first bit of panic: the possibility of security footage being pulled. She didn't think about where she'd have Laura's accident happen? And indeed, Jacob found proof that Laura's accident was forced, but no view of Leslie's face. No license plate on the motorcycle, either. Eva is ingratiating herself a little too quickly and too well. As someone genre-savvy about soaps, that should be an early red flag to Nicole. Someone trying to be that helpful that soon . . . usually has very big, very bad plans for you. If nothing else, Kat is already suspicious of her. And very clearly doesn't like her. Of course, Eva gives her Hayley vibes, and rightfully so. But her first meeting with Ted . . . oof. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. I don't think that Vanessa's marriage is open. Her husband, Doug, clearly has no idea of what she's doing. But it sounds like he's a doctor like Ted and Nicole. But also has a huge gambling problem, it seems. He owes favors to a guy named Randy, who works for a guy named Joey. Martin and Smitty actually had a good vibe between them today. At least in the initial part of their scenes. Liked Jan, Mona, and Leslie's scenes. Jan and Leslie rightly enjoyed Dani's stunt and had good points as to why Bill and Hayley deserved it, but Mona had a good point as to why it wasn't funny. How would Eva meeting Ted take Leslie's breath away. But Eva thinks that she knows what he's about after a few minutes of talking to him? I'm starting to think that she's as crazy as her mama. But at least it sounds like she's realizing that Laura really didn't crash on accident, and she was getting there about her mother causing it. In the moment, I forgot that she doesn't know that her mother caused it. And she at least feels guilty about benefiting from her accident. So it gives me the feeling that Eva is a good person deep down. Still, Leslie was good at manipulating her away from those thoughts. So we met Jacob's father today. No clue of his name, though. But I was surprised that he wasn't disappointed in him not arresting Dani. So Tyrell and Samantha are Martin and Smitty's children's names. (And yet . . . we still haven't met them.) I did like Nicole and Smitty's talk. At least someone in the family seems to treat him very well. Liked how she encouraged him to find his purpose. Nice episode. 5 Link to comment
Rodney Wednesday at 08:16 PM Share Wednesday at 08:16 PM 5 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said: Can we focus on the Non Duprees for an episode or two? This episode sort of did that. The only Duprees we saw were in Nicole's immediate family. So mainly, we saw the Richardsons, if nothing else. 1 Link to comment
backhometome Wednesday at 09:56 PM Share Wednesday at 09:56 PM I really like this show. Beats watching the repetitive drivel that is B&B. The most annoying characters are Hayley and Martin. The actress for her seems pretty green. Martin seems pretty self absorbed as a husband. All he cares/talks about is his political career. Also his husband doesn't look look old enough to have teenagers lol. It took a week to get all the men straight on the show. A lot of them are really interchangeable to me. Like Andre and Jacob. I bet it wont be long till Dani/Bill are having hate sex. 3 Link to comment
drivethroo Wednesday at 10:21 PM Share Wednesday at 10:21 PM 2 hours ago, Rodney said: Of course, Eva gives her Hayley vibes, and rightfully so. Quite frankly after what happened with Hayley, Nicole SHOULD be suspicious of everyone. 2 hours ago, Rodney said: But her first meeting with Ted . . . oof. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Eva is so pumped up with hatred towards Ted & Nicole and Ted's going to end up not even being Eva's daddy. 2 hours ago, Rodney said: I'm starting to think that she's as crazy as her mama. I don't think Ted has ever met Leslie/Dana before in his life. I think this relationship Ted & Dana had is all in her mind. 2 hours ago, Rodney said: So we met Jacob's father today. No clue of his name, though. But I was surprised that he wasn't disappointed in him not arresting Dani. Because he's the police guy Vernon had/was going to have a chat with from yesterday's episode. 24 minutes ago, backhometome said: The most annoying characters are Hayley and Martin. I kinda like delusional, silly Hayley. Martin is just an asshole and I agree with the person who said Martin & Bill are pretty much the same person. 3 Link to comment
Rodney Wednesday at 10:29 PM Share Wednesday at 10:29 PM 6 minutes ago, drivethroo said: Eva is so pumped up with hatred towards Ted & Nicole and Ted's going to end up not even being Eva's daddy. I don't think Ted has ever met Leslie/Dana before in his life. I think this relationship Ted & Dana had is all in her mind. I think that it was real, or she wouldn't be doing this. And I think that Ted is Eva's father, but despite what Leslie thinks, Ted honestly never knew about her. Link to comment
Melgaypet Wednesday at 10:58 PM Share Wednesday at 10:58 PM 19 minutes ago, Rodney said: I think that it was real, or she wouldn't be doing this. And I think that Ted is Eva's father, but despite what Leslie thinks, Ted honestly never knew about her. I agree. Making Eva not Ted's after all, would render this whole story pointless. At the very least, the drama bomb has to drop. I think Leslie and Ted had a one-night stand that Leslie has built up in her mind or she went stalker-nuts and was institutionalized or something. I don't think Ted ever knew he had another kid. Kat is quite the snobby bitch, and yet she's not wrong. If this show runs for a long time, I see an old-school rivalry between Kat and Eva. So Doug has a gambling addiction. And Vanessa is hot for her trainer, who, I'm sorry, isn't that hot? I can be shallow. I guess they don't have an open marriage after all, which is a shame, because that would be new for a soap. (Though OLTL had one during it's abortive revival.) Running for President? Really? It couldn't be governor or mayor of DC or something less ridiculous? A presidential campaign does not mesh with a daytime soap. 3 Link to comment
ShadowHunter Thursday at 12:19 AM Share Thursday at 12:19 AM Mona likes and watches true crime. We would get along well. I'm actually glad we got a break from Bill/Hayley/Dani drama for the day. I appreciate Eva suspected her Mom because the timing of it all is beyond suspicious but since it's her Mom she believes her. That will blow up on Lesley when Eva learns the truth. Kat was nasty with her but she is right. So Vanessa is just a lonely bored wife who doesn't like that her husband is always working. A trope for sure. Doug having the gambling problem is interesting. Martin does nothing for me. 1 Link to comment
lala2 Thursday at 12:44 AM Share Thursday at 12:44 AM Ted has a dead brother. Could he be a twin? Just putting on my soap cap! 🤣 4 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Thursday at 01:02 AM Share Thursday at 01:02 AM 3 minutes ago, lala2 said: Ted has a dead brother. Could he be a twin? Just putting on my soap cap! 🤣 I was just about to say this, and maybe they weren't even twins, just close in age, and the dead brother used Ted's name instead of his own cuz he figured out Leslie was crazy, and then died without ever telling Ted. I do hope Eva starts to question and doubt her mother's version of her birth story. I also hope Kat continues to be suspicious and agreed, Nicole should be much more wary after Hayley. Gurl, you are a psychiatrist but so far, you're proving to be kinda naive, between not seeing that Dani was on the edge and now trusting this stranger out of the blue. Shouldn't she be worried about her patients and their confidentiality, just letting this person who has no experience have free reign? Also agreed, Martin is just like Bill but self righteous. His fall is gonna be hard, and i think it will happen way before he tries running for president. I could see Vernon maybe trying to talk him out of it, since he's got this big secret hanging over his head. And now Vernon knows Bill will use that secret against them. Leslie is definitely a bunny boiler. 3 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 Thursday at 01:39 AM Share Thursday at 01:39 AM 5 hours ago, Rodney said: This episode sort of did that. The only Duprees we saw were in Nicole's immediate family. So mainly, we saw the Richardsons, if nothing else. I was so happy to see this was more of a Nicole episode. Even the writers disregard her lol She had good 1:1 scenes with Kat, Smitty, and Martin. Kat was a welcome surprise as a potential foil for Eva and 'Leslie'. Nice to see some focus on Vanessa and Doug...and it appears he's hiding a gambling addiction and she's hiding a role play addiction. Jacob's dad has probably helped cover up some past Dupree business. Lastly, nice to get a break from Dani. 2 Link to comment
Irlandesa Thursday at 01:47 AM Share Thursday at 01:47 AM 2 hours ago, Melgaypet said: I agree. Making Eva not Ted's after all, would render this whole story pointless. At the very least, the drama bomb has to drop. I think Leslie and Ted had a one-night stand that Leslie has built up in her mind or she went stalker-nuts and was institutionalized or something. I don't think Ted ever knew he had another kid. Kat is quite the snobby bitch, and yet she's not wrong. If this show runs for a long time, I see an old-school rivalry between Kat and Eva. I was buying into the "Ted's brother was his twin" theory but after today, I have to agree that having Eva be a niece would take out some of the bite of the rivalry being set up between her and Kat. It'd still work with them as cousins but perhaps a touch more with them as sisters. Kat's lipstick color was amazing. It'd look terrible on me but I loved it on her. 1 hour ago, ShadowHunter said: I'm actually glad we got a break from Bill/Hayley/Dani drama for the day. Me too. And from Nurse Ashley. I don't hate any of them but it was time for a breather. Quote So Vanessa is just a lonely bored wife who doesn't like that her husband is always working. A trope for sure. Doug having the gambling problem is interesting. I was bummed about that too. It'd be a nice twist but with the way she was lying to her husband, we know that's not the case. Quote Martin does nothing for me. I actually liked the little scene between him and Smitty at the beginning of the episode where they were being somewhat playful about their basketball game. But it also revealed something Smitty thinks about Martin--that he'd rather walk away than lose. It hints at his need to control and I do not think lurking Martin will be happy with Smitty wanting to go back to work. I wonder if he's discussed his desire to be president with his husband yet. 4 Link to comment
mbluecpa Thursday at 03:47 AM Share Thursday at 03:47 AM (edited) Another good episode. I enjoyed today’s break from the wedding build-up, wedding itself, and aftermath; seeing some movement with the Leslie/Eva story and introduction of Kat into it was good too. Definitely agree with a couple of posters above that Martin and Smitty had a much more natural vibe today than we’ve seen previously. I still think Martin’s being written as an ass, though. 😀 While clearly intentional by the writers, I do like the parallel of Mona, Leslie/Dana, and their third friend (sorry, I’ve got almost all of the characters’ names down!) having breakfast at the diner while the Duprees are at the club. And shallowly, Trisha Mann-Grant is gorgeous and her voice almost hypnotizes me. I did have to laugh at the surveillance footage of the motorcycle/car chase - it looked like it was filmed on a bike path. Edited Thursday at 03:48 AM by mbluecpa 4 1 Link to comment
SiouxB Thursday at 04:06 PM Share Thursday at 04:06 PM 12 hours ago, mbluecpa said: Another good episode. I enjoyed today’s break from the wedding build-up, wedding itself, and aftermath; seeing some movement with the Leslie/Eva story and introduction of Kat into it was good too. Definitely agree with a couple of posters above that Martin and Smitty had a much more natural vibe today than we’ve seen previously. I still think Martin’s being written as an ass, though. 😀 While clearly intentional by the writers, I do like the parallel of Mona, Leslie/Dana, and their third friend (sorry, I’ve got almost all of the characters’ names down!) having breakfast at the diner while the Duprees are at the club. And shallowly, Trisha Mann-Grant is gorgeous and her voice almost hypnotizes me. I did have to laugh at the surveillance footage of the motorcycle/car chase - it looked like it was filmed on a bike path. Agree with everything… One question about the third woman at breakfast with the blonde curly hair (whose name I have forgotten as well)……is she Laura‘s mom? Link to comment
Sake614 Thursday at 04:08 PM Share Thursday at 04:08 PM 12 hours ago, mbluecpa said: did have to laugh at the surveillance footage of the motorcycle/car chase - it looked like it was filmed on a bike path. I thought it was a sidewalk lol! And didn’t they say it was in a warehouse district? All I saw were trees. 1 minute ago, SiouxB said: Agree with everything… One question about the third woman at breakfast with the blonde curly hair (whose name I have forgotten as well)……is she Laura‘s mom? I think she’s Ashley’s mom 1 Link to comment
ShadowHunter Thursday at 04:32 PM Share Thursday at 04:32 PM For the few who asked the blonde woman with Leslie and Mona is Ashley's mom. This is actually the 3rd time we have seen her already. I'm surprised she popped up that much lol. Her name is Jan. 2 Link to comment
AnimeMania Thursday at 07:01 PM Share Thursday at 07:01 PM S01.E09: Thursday, March 6, 2025 Link to comment
lala2 Thursday at 07:51 PM Share Thursday at 07:51 PM I cannot stand MartinI He's an abusive jerk! I'm so happy Smitty stood up for himself. I was worried he wouldn't, but I'm glad he called Martin out on being ridiculously selfish. Those kids are practically grown. OMG!!!! The show is still airing . . . if Smitty does not divorce this man . . . I will go ballistic! He's a complete ass! I haven't liked the way Martin has treated his husband since the 2nd episode! I didn't like how he asked Smitty what was for dinner. It was condescending and rude. Smitty needs to wake up. Martin does not love or care about him. He just wants a househusband for his own career goals. Any man will do. I'm so disgusted by that "Am I understood?" Smitty better be calling a lawyer and getting divorce papers. Sorry for the rant. I loved everything Dani said to Fayley. LOL! She told no lies. 4 Link to comment
Rodney Thursday at 07:59 PM Share Thursday at 07:59 PM (edited) They're really pushing how good of a nurse Ashley is way too much, what with the gushing over the elevator birth. Ted and Kat have a good father/daughter vibe. And boy, did Eva's green-eyed monster come out when she heard them together. So Bill wants Hayley to just be a housewife and stay home like Martin wants Smitty to do? At least she put her foot down on that issue. Still, the road to realizing how much this marriage won't work has begun for Hayley. So a fan page was made about Dani's gun-toting antics? Didn't see that coming. So Dani doesn't want it to happen anymore with Andre, yet she . . . does it a third time? Which is it, Dani? Sheesh, Martin. You won't even have a conversation with Smitty about him going back to work? Smitty's right that you are being selfish. But when they both laid out their sides of the issue, I thought that that was a step in the right direction. At least until it became clear that Martin is still only focused on his wants from the relationship, not his. The only redeeming thing is that he at least said that Smitty was a good reporter. First look at the police department, where Jacob works. He needs to stop feeling guilty about Dani. It happened too fast for anyone to see coming. Are there really alerts to someone being at your front door now, like Hayley got on her phone? I like that Kat is still suspicious of Eva. Not good that Nicole isn't listening, and now Ted and Chelsea aren't, either. I forgot that Ashley and Eva are friends. I wonder if they'll still be once she and Leslie fully enact their plan? Elon? Jacob's father's name is Elon? Chelsea's dating a "tech nerd?" I thought that that Tomas guy was supposed to be her love interest. "I'm here to have a long-overdue conversation. Woman to woman. . . . I'll settle for you." Ha! Point to Dani! And I like that Dani's anger on Naomi's behalf as much as she is on her own. What I wish that she would've done is tell Hayley that if Bill cheated on her, then he would do the same to Hayley in the future. I almost mixed up Andre and Jacob since they both look so much alike. I swear that the actors could be brothers. Oh, shit. Does Chelsea like threesomes?! Interesting that Bill seems more shaken by Dani's wedding interruption than he lets on. All right. Another fine episode. Edited Thursday at 08:30 PM by Rodney 7 Link to comment
JudyObscure Thursday at 08:06 PM Share Thursday at 08:06 PM I just missed the show and was wondering if anyone was doing recaps, but right here is Rodney's fine post. Thanks! 1 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Thursday at 08:10 PM Share Thursday at 08:10 PM Chelsea???? I was NOT expecting THAT lol. Okay, alright. 👀 Martin is an asshole. Their 'kids' are almost college-age, why the fuck would Smitty have to keep being a house-husband? He's very disrespectful and it's obvious he doesn't really see Smitty as his own person, just an extension of himself. Dani told Andre no, then said 'come back' lol. I see you. Oh Hayley. Bill is gonna make you quit working, watch. 1 2 Link to comment
drivethroo Thursday at 08:22 PM Share Thursday at 08:22 PM 18 minutes ago, Rodney said: Not good that Nicole isn't listening, and now Ted and Chelsea aren't, either. There's no reason why Chelsea would or should be concerned...Kat really didn't tell Chelsea why she was suspicious of Eva (i.e. I found her snooping in my mom's desk), just that she was raggedy, busted adn didn't like her. Sounds like looks down on busted people on the regular. 9 minutes ago, Badsamaritan said: Chelsea???? I was NOT expecting THAT lol. Okay, alright. 👀 The whole audience was like 👀 I thought maybe Chelsea's date was going to slip her some date rape drugs and either Andre or Jacob would see him do it and save Chelsea from him. I didn't expect Chelsea to be going to a Diddy party. 12 minutes ago, Badsamaritan said: Dani told Andre no, then said 'come back' lol. I see you. Andre was pressed all up against the window and Dani was like heyyyyyy 1 5 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Thursday at 08:26 PM Share Thursday at 08:26 PM 1 minute ago, drivethroo said: I didn't expect Chelsea to be going to a Diddy party. I just choked on my iced tea, I'm weak! 😭 6 Link to comment
backhometome Thursday at 10:13 PM Share Thursday at 10:13 PM Ashely is too much of a Mary Sue right now. So perfect and everyone loves her. Free Smitty! Martin is such an ass to him. The kids are grown. He doesn't need to stay home with them. Controlling ass. I almost find him worse than Bill. 2 1 2 Link to comment
ShadowHunter Thursday at 11:40 PM Share Thursday at 11:40 PM Martin can go off a cliff. I can't believe the stuff he said to Smitty. His views are ridiculous. Again no real affection between them. So Chelsea likes threesomes. Okay well I was surprised. I'm sick and tired of hearing about this baby already. Kat is right about Eva but she is going about it all wrong. Eva has a nice eye roll though lol 4 Link to comment
Melgaypet Friday at 12:23 AM Share Friday at 12:23 AM (edited) What's up with Chelsea? A threesome? Some kind of sex work? Cocaine? She seemed to be flicking something off her nose when the 4 in the booth were watching her. I'm pretty sure we've seen her leave the bar with that same guy before. I have no words for Martin. My poor Glasses needs to get a lot more angry than he is. Bill is traumatized by the Gunslinger Dani? Not the way I thought they would go, and I mean that in a good way. ETA: Also! Maybe Eva should consider, I don’t know, LOCKING THE DOOR when doing shady shit? Edited Friday at 12:32 AM by Melgaypet 3 1 Link to comment
Sake614 Friday at 01:27 AM Share Friday at 01:27 AM Really liked Hayley’s jacket but WTH with those pleather faux fur cuffed bell bottom pants????? bill certainly wasted no time in trying to get Hayley to stop working and just be a kept woman. Kudos to her for at least initially protester that it would make her more, not less, dependent on him. Of course he then gave her a Bladk credit card with no limit, and all was forgotten as she started googling designer clothes and jewelry Lol! I still don’t like Derek. He just has zero personality. Ashley is equally boring but slightly better. And I’m already beyond tired of everyone telling her how amazing she is. kat may be right about Eva but Chelsea is 100% right that Kat is a snob. Just because someone doesn’t wear designer clothes doesn’t make them a bad person. I’m quite sure Nicole and Ted didn’t raise her that way. martin needs to be smacked—hard. What a complete ass he Is! I hope Smitty walks out the door and doesn’t look back. Then I hope he uncovers Martin’s secret and blows the lid off it. 2 1 Link to comment
Irlandesa Friday at 04:01 AM Share Friday at 04:01 AM I know Chelsea going to have a threesome was probably supposed to be the jaw dropping moment of the episode but for me, it was almost every word that left Martin's mouth. I especially hated how he came back, thanked Smitty for letting him cool down (although not after accusing him of updating his resume when Smitty was actually helping him), and then basically telling Smitty he couldn't go back to work, conversation over. At least Smitty got to stand up to him. I'm gonna need Smitty to have some people in his corner soon. And Bill's basically trying to do the same thing to Hayley which he also did with Dani except Dani had a rich family she knew she could fall back on. Hayley didn't. I like Ashley but not as much as people on this show seem to like Ashley. Just introduce the character and let us judge. 7 hours ago, drivethroo said: Andre was pressed all up against the window and Dani was like heyyyyyy What was that Body Heat moment? Ha. And I wonder how many "never happening again" agains we're going to get? 3 Link to comment
mbluecpa Friday at 11:44 AM Share Friday at 11:44 AM 9 hours ago, Sake614 said: Really liked Hayley’s jacket but WTH with those pleather faux fur cuffed bell bottom pants????? …and for just hanging around the house at that! I’ll pile on to what everyone else has said about Martin, what a tool. I caught myself about to scream at the TV; I guess that means the writers are doing their jobs and engaging me as a viewer. It’s bordering on uncomfortable to watch but I’m guessing (hopeful) that this leads to a deeper plot line. Normally I’m not a fan of bratty teens/20-somethings (e.g. GH’s Joss) but I’m really liking Kat. Colby Muhammad has really solid chemistry with all of her scene partners. Not seeing the point of Ashley and Derek other than the Andre angle. Speaking of him, Andre and Dani have had sex three times in nine episodes, a pretty high hit rate. 2 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Friday at 12:17 PM Share Friday at 12:17 PM This Ashley praise train needs to derail soon or Imma start calling her Mary Sue. 🤷🏽♀️😑 2 1 Link to comment
Melgaypet Friday at 01:32 PM Share Friday at 01:32 PM They really are overselling Ashley and it's just not necessary. She's likable enough and we saw the elevator birth, we know she handled it well. Soap fans (well, everyone, really) don't want to be told how to feel about someone, as if we're too stupid to make up our own minds. 4 2 Link to comment
Giuseppe Friday at 03:36 PM Share Friday at 03:36 PM The only reason I can see for all the Ashley propping is they're setting her up for a big fall...probably when she cheats on Derek with Andre. I was glad for an episode getting into other stories besides the wedding. I'm getting interested in the Eva/Leslie(Dana) story and I like Kat's introduction into it although she is coming at Eva WAY too hard. I understand now from the last episode, but I must have missed at first that Eva didn't know that her mom is the one who ran down Laura. I thought Eva was in on it, too when it first happened. I'm actually glad she's a little bit in the dark there. Martin can suck it. Not sure what Smitty ever saw in him unless becoming a Congressman has completely gone to his head. Do we know how long he and Smitty have been together/married? Chelsea is the weak link for me, still. I found her scenes with her 'date' to be cringeworthy. 19 hours ago, Rodney said: Elon? Jacob's father's name is Elon? Lol I said the same thing. They really couldn't come up with something...less troublesome? So far I think the character I like best is Mona. Her actress seems so natural. 1 Link to comment
YaddaYadda Friday at 03:59 PM Share Friday at 03:59 PM Bill is a piece of work. Married Dani, told her she should quit her job, married Hayley, told her she should quit her job. A bottomless credit card is not independence, Bill. It makes Hayley wholly dependent if she quits her job, which seems to be what this dude wants. Martin needs to be socked in the mouth. Hard. Who in the hell are his constituents? People with money whose spouse doesn't need to work? Or those people who think a woman's place is in the kitchen raising a bunch of children? I wouldn't even be surprised if the children were adopted to boost his political career. Martin can miss me what that speech. Most households are two income households, dumbass. 2 Link to comment
AnimeMania Friday at 05:17 PM Share Friday at 05:17 PM 1 hour ago, Giuseppe said: So far I think the character I like best is Mona. Her actress seems so natural. I am not sure why Mona isn't in the office watching/training Eva. Eva has been pretty much alone in the office for 2 days straight. Eva even went home for part of the day in the middle of her shift. 7 Link to comment
Sake614 Friday at 05:37 PM Share Friday at 05:37 PM 5 hours ago, Badsamaritan said: This Ashley praise train needs to derail soon or Imma start calling her Mary Sue. 🤷🏽♀️😑 I already did lol! 2 Link to comment
nicepebbles Friday at 07:24 PM Share Friday at 07:24 PM I've only seen the 1st episode. I enjoyed it for it being a first episode. Generally speaking, 1st episodes are okay. What I didn't like reminded me why I gave up soaps yet I'm here to support Tunie and Clifton. Thoughts in no particular order. I'm trying to remember them all since I watched a few days ago. - There's something I don't like about Dani. I think it may be the actress. I'm glad though that they gave her those lines about not knowing what she's going to do now that her life plan has been upended. - Homeboy playing Bill is going to get typecast. - Agree with those that think the white couple were boring. They were telegraphing so loud that there will be trouble in paradise. It better not be because of Andre. I'm going to be shallow and say he can do better. - The diner conversation was a bit stilted. - The country club must be like being at home because they were mighty comfortable talking about family business there. - Real estate lady (I don't remember her name) took the commission from Bill and his side-piece though she friends with Dani. I can see this being a recurring theme with her. 3 Link to comment
AnimeMania Friday at 07:41 PM Share Friday at 07:41 PM S01.E10: Friday, March 7, 2025 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu Friday at 08:58 PM Share Friday at 08:58 PM For a minute today I thought the DuPrees were going to do Kendrick's c-walk but then I remembered, they're way too saditty for that. 😏 4 Link to comment
Badsamaritan Friday at 10:20 PM Share Friday at 10:20 PM 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said: For a minute today I thought the DuPrees were going to do Kendrick's c-walk but then I remembered, they're way too saditty for that. 😏 True lol! I did love the family having a little fun and Anita and Vernon cutting up. Bill is not over Dani, Ion give a fuck what he say. His new 'child bride' told him to leave shit alone but does he? Nope, he sure don't. Nicole, Leslie means you harm, hunni. I do wonder how crazy Leslie is. Like, is she Dani crazy? Because I just feel like, Dani would go to war over someone messing with her sister. I don't know that Leslie has thought this through, I don't think she wants to have Dani as an enemy. I was glad to see Eva might actually not be fully into Leslie's plan either. But damn, Ted and Nicole, stop talking about your daughter like that to a girl you just met 5 minutes ago. 😒 2 Link to comment
AnimeMania Friday at 10:31 PM Share Friday at 10:31 PM At first I thought Dana/Leslie was trying to become one of Nicole's patients, Eva probably won't blow her cover, but Mona certainly would, if she saw her. 2 Link to comment
wonderwoman Friday at 10:52 PM Share Friday at 10:52 PM 6 hours ago, Giuseppe said: Martin can suck it. Not sure what Smitty ever saw in him unless becoming a Congressman has completely gone to his head. Do we know how long he and Smitty have been together/married? ‘what did smitty ever see in martin?’ that is the question! unless smitty is some kind of masochist who needs to be dominated and humiliated (and, who knows — there’s already been a three-way:), i cannot believe that martin has always treated him with such contempt and abuse. so. what i want to know (well, what i would like to see and not be told) is how, and why, their relationship has deteriorated to this point. unfortunately, saddling them with college-aged teenagers, means that the only way viewers will find out with be is a lot of exposition, and maybe some flashbacks (generally not a fan of flashbacks, though the one with dani and bill after naomi’s wedding was well done, and contextualized dani’s behavior). now, had they introduced martin and smitty at an earlier point in the relationship, we could have seen how two educated, intelligent, ambitious gay men navigate the challenges and trade-off starting a family entails — who agreed to do what — and then watch has the inevitable conflicts unfold. and — the age questions go away — a win-win! 2 Link to comment
Melgaypet Friday at 11:05 PM Share Friday at 11:05 PM The invisible teenagers irritate me the more I think about them. You'd think Glasses wanting to go back to work would be a thing that happened when the kids became school-aged. They should be younger. It would make more sense and it wouldn't weirdly age everyone up. I mean, imagine some 16/17 year-old - probably played by a 24 year-old - calling Daphneé Duplaix "Grandma." And, yes, I know that happens on soaps. But because of SORAS, this is just...dumb. 1 Link to comment
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