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S5.E5: Whitney Drew And Her Clues

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Although I'm almost afraid to ask what's going on in Mary's house, is her son still married? I feel like that got brought up last season and has never been mentioned again.

I can't take Britani seriously as a person when she's a fully grown adult carrying on a "relationship" that would be beneath the dignity of most middle schoolers.

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So Lisa and not Meredith has started ruuuumors about Whitney’s cheap looking jewelry? It did not sound to me like Angie was talking about Lisa not being a good mother. Lisa is a major drama queen. 
So Jared is the asshole of the Osmond family? Move on Britani, he’s so not worth it. Oh, and please find some self esteem and a different storyline because you’re on and off with Jared is boring. 

Edited by Straycat80
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Britani & Jared’s drama is so stupid. How can she not see the bs he is pulling.she’s a dumb ass too lol.

Is Mary’s son just always high as hell? She kind of hinted at it didn’t she.

Angie & the daughter shit is such a reach. What Lisa said wasn’t even bad. All she’s said was maybe sometimes Angie uses her as an excuse to get off the phone. What Angie said was pretty fucked. That was just being a bitch. Angie is so try hard.

The Adam stuff seemed so set up lol.

Does Whitney really think ppl think of her brand as this deluxe thing.

Jared seems like such a mega douche.

Lisa prob shouldn’t be calling ppls loser boyfriends tho.

Bronwyn’s baby daddy’s parents sound like dbags. They seem to not want questions or criticisms. They were prob just trying to save face in front of Lisa.

Mary liking zip-lining was a surprise.

Britani trying to blame Lisa is a joke. Again she’s a moron & Jared is trying to keep her as one of his fuck buddies. Blaming Lida is such a narc move by him. Britani seems so desperate.

Mary saying to leave her out of the Jared drama cracked me up. The way she said good lol Britani nobody cares about your pathetic relationship. She is the one that kept bringing it up to ppl anyways.

Edited by Marley
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Mary knew they'd hear more about Jared, and we sure did. I think  he likes women  like Britni  hanging  on to him, being  jealous. Brit, kick him to the curb.

I loved the skiing scenes, it reminds me of our rocky mountains, and the ski hills. 

I felt sorry  for Bronwyn,  but her daughter  has a good head on her shoulders. 

I'm not a Lisa fan, but I doubt  she'd  mess with Whitney's  jewelry  line. I'm just not sure why she would. 

I'm still okay with Mary.

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What is Mary’s son on? He looks terrible and it’s tIme for her to cut him off. Does Robert Sr. spend any time with the kid? 
I’m glad Whitney’s crap jewelry was outed. Why should she mislead people when they can get the same stuff much cheaper?  Ha! I love that Lisa Barlow left the piece of junk behind.
I felt bad for Brownyn. Gwen’s dad sounds like he was a weak person, although young and I wonder how he passed. His parents sound awful. How sad that they never reached out to their granddaughter. 
Poor Britini is so desperate that she filmed with Jared Osmond and let him have the final word. He sent her all that crap and then meets with her to tell her to put a pin in it? And she was ready to take his lame ass back? I don’t think Lisa should have grabbed her phone and engaged with him but it’s not her fault that Jared is a douche and Britini has no self esteem. 
Mary has a point about Heather.  While she is doing a good job playing both sides the body positivity stuff made me laugh. It’s true many larger celebs say that crap about loving yourself but in the end they all want to be skinny.


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53 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I really hope Bronwyn’s daughter co-signed having her origin story outed on this terrible (but wonderful) show.

I am guessing yes. She’s pretty, ambitious and ignored by her grandparents. She’s the winner in the story.
I’m surprised Mary allows her son to stumble on camera, out of his room, looking like he hasn’t eaten in days and asking for money for whatever he is taking.

Also what was up with Whitney telling her daughter to set a goal for getting her ears double pierced? Two earrings in the normal piercing area is no big deal. Whitney is such a shitty selfish person.

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I'd be annoyed to find out the hotel staff went trash picking in my hotel room and tattled on me. How cheap is Whitney's jewelry line that the staff, going through the trash, didn't try to palm it?  I'm surprised it got turned in and resulted in a phone call to Whitney. It's not like it was reported missing, it was in the trash can.

I had to laugh at Angie showing up in her Ferrari ,trying to be all cool, announcing to Mary that  her "charity awaits"  Charity, chariot,... close enough

Edited by SweetieDarling
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4 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I'd be annoyed to find out the hotel staff went trash picking in my hotel room and tattled on me. How cheap is Whitney's jewelry line that the staff, going through the trash, didn't try to palm it?  I'm surprised it got turned in and resulted in a phone call to Whitney. It's not like it was reported missing, it was in the trash can.

I had to laugh at Angie showing up in her Ferrari ,trying to be all cool, announcing to Mary that  her "charity awaits"  Charity, chariot,... close enough

I was thinking that maybe someone on the hotel staff watches the show and remembers Lisa's ring being "lost" in the public bathroom wherever they were last year and didn't want to be the cause of another of Lisa's meltdowns?  

Also, maybe Angie considers it "charity" to pick someone up in her Ferrari "chariot"??  🤣

Edited by njbchlover
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3 hours ago, bosawks said:

I really hope Bronwyn’s daughter co-signed having her origin story outed on this terrible (but wonderful) show.

I'm guessing yes, also.  Those grandparents sound awful.  I can understand Gwen having a very natural curiosity about her father, what was he like, what did he like, what were his interests.  I hope there's a way she could contact her bio father's high school friends or cousins or something.  Anything to avoid those grandparents.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I’m still okay with Heather considering herself body positive. She didn’t feel the need to be a size 2 to join a franchise full of skinny women. She still dolled up, put on swimsuits and seemed to love herself. Being body positive doesn’t mean you don’t want to get in better shape. It means being positive about your body no matter the size or shape.

Those grandparents have some nerve saying they hope THEY’RE accepted as if they’re victims. I want to think that’s their way of acknowledging Bronwyn and her daughter have reason not to accept them, but yikes. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I am guessing yes. She’s pretty, ambitious and ignored by her grandparents. She’s the winner in the story.
I’m surprised Mary allows her son to stumble on camera, out of his room, looking like he hasn’t eaten in days and asking for money for whatever he is taking.

Also what was up with Whitney telling her daughter to set a goal for getting her ears double pierced? Two earrings in the normal piercing area is no big deal. Whitney is such a shitty selfish person.

That surprised me too - he looked like he was completely wasted.  She did allude to his "lifestyle" when she mentioned that she supports him and that he couldn't/wouldn't get a job.  

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I am 100% sure that Bronwyn and her daughter discussed having the situation on television extensively.

Bronwyn pretty much stated that she made sure that her daughter heard about the airport thing and the grandparents in a safe place.

I also suspect that Lisa had talked to Bronwyn off camera and so the scene with Lisa occurred after Bronwyn had discussed it with her daughter and Lisa and Bronwyn had probably agreed how Lisa should alert the grandparents to the connection and the show.

I feel sorry for the teenage Bronwyn although it appears that her parents didn't reject her but offered support although obviously they weren't thrilled.

However the adult Bronwyn has really become a strong person. Her daughter appears to be an articulate intelligent woman - with emotional perception. Kudos to Bronwyn.

And it does explain the dynamics of her marriage to some extent.

And then there is Britani - oy vey - the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old. But what can you expect from someone with that name to start who then has the twee spelling. I am surprised she doesn't dot the i's with hearts. 

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16 hours ago, Steph J said:

Although I'm almost afraid to ask what's going on in Mary's house, is her son still married? I feel like that got brought up last season and has never been mentioned again.

Her son was so stoned in that scene where she asked him if had eaten, he could barely speak or keep his eyes open, then he asks her for money which she asks if it is for good things...what is it she is not seeing?

Whitney has been caught, her baubles are from Ali Baba, everyone knows it. How will she spin that in the long run? If the whole trip's purpose was to go to some drag show then how did we get what felt like twenty minutes of Lisa curling but thirty seconds of the drag show which included a lame dance off by the HW's?

The only Osmond I want to see on screen is Donny, don't care about the lesser Osmond.  Britani is stupid for putting up with that nonsense from a grown man.

Lisa's interaction with her kid was telling, that kid does exactly what he wants to do whenever he wants to do it. Good luck with that Lisa.

I think the producers had a heavy hand in that necklace in the trashcan bit, it was funny as hell to find out Meredith threw her Whitney Baba necklace away.

I noticed that Brownwyn never really answered the question about her being attracted to her husband but we all know if he was penniless Brownwyn would have never married him let alone talked to him.  There is also another question which Brownwyn didn't answer, why was she dressed as a hot dog/bratwurst at the drag show?





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Angie never said she had no time for friends (eg. Lisa) because of Electra (her daughter) like Heather claimed. She said she couldn't spend hours on the phone with Lisa, and Lisa seemed distant lately. Heather wants to cause trouble. Angie made a comment about Lisa's son playing video games for hours though (the son was shown playing video games, and Lisa bringing him food in the episode).

Is Britani who breaks up with Jared constantly serious? Lisa is harming her relationship?

I think that Heather, on top of losing weight had buccal fat removal. And her cheeks look strange. Did she have another nose job?

And what a surprise, another HW has a friendly relationship with a podcaster/YouTuber (Adam), so that their personal opinions about the show and other HWs get promoted.  The HWs are all "connected", and the podcasters profit from ads, endorsements, and subscriptions. Should I call it a parasitic, or a symbiotic relationship?

Please less facial fillers for everybody (even Lisa has them in confessionals). Britani's eyes almost disappeared. 

Bronwyn was wearing something normal (and I thought nice) during her conversation with Gwen. The women try to imitate her "unique" style, especially in the confessionals (Lisa, Angie).  

Almost no Meredith in this episode, except for the scene with the Rabbi. She was not missed.

Mary enjoys ziplining. Shocker!

Edited by ZettaK
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3 hours ago, amarante said:

And then there is Britani - oy vey - the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old. But what can you expect from someone with that name to start who then has the twee spelling. I am surprised she doesn't dot the i's with hearts. 

She formed a heart with her hands during a FaceTime! She is not revealing her age, but she has two grown daughters, and she is either 38, or 51 according to an internet search!

Does Mary have a husband?  I was thinking her son seemed depressed.  I hadn’t thought of drugs  

The zip lining looked like fun.  Heather must have intentionally left that mud on her lip, right?  I mean, I’m sure someone told her about it. 

Loved the conversation between Bronwyn and Lisa and then Bronwyn and her daughter. What a thing to go through.  She was very strong to do all that on her own. I can’t believe the grandparents wanted nothing to do with their grandchild, even more so once their son died. Assuming they knew how to get in touch and just didn’t. 

Britani’s skin can look so different, depending on the angle or the lighting. 

Good episode all round.

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2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

She formed a heart with her hands during a FaceTime! She is not revealing her age, but she has two grown daughters, and she is either 38, or 51 according to an internet search!

Even with the filler and botox, she doesn’t look near 38 to me. I’m guessing 51 is closer. It was painful watching her talk with Jared, but now I understand why they’ve broken up so many times. He acts like a jerk, she reacts, they split up and then he manipulates her into taking him back. She needs at the very least some online courses about dealing with a narcissist.  

Mary’s son is a mess. It looks like an addiction issue. If that’s the case, I know it’s a difficult situation, but her enabling him is not helping him in the long run. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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57 minutes ago, snarts said:

Astounded Mary was the first to call out Heather's blatant pot stirring. 

Mary, for all her many faults, knows bullshit when she sees it. Her lack of awareness about herself is always funny because she does seem to have a very good read on people, a skill you would need if you were running a scammy church.

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7 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

Does Mary have a husband?  I was thinking her son seemed depressed.  I hadn’t thought of drugs  

The zip lining looked like fun.  Heather must have intentionally left that mud on her lip, right?  I mean, I’m sure someone told her about it. 

Loved the conversation between Bronwyn and Lisa and then Bronwyn and her daughter. What a thing to go through.  She was very strong to do all that on her own. I can’t believe the grandparents wanted nothing to do with their grandchild, even more so once their son died. Assuming they knew how to get in touch and just didn’t. 

Britani’s skin can look so different, depending on the angle or the lighting. 

Good episode all round.

Mary married her step-grandfather, after her grandmother passed away.  It was a big storyline on the first season.  Mary's son posted photos of his drug of choice online several years ago- I find it very sad that she seems to be enabling his behavior.  I guess we don't know the whole story.  Hopefully, he will get some help.

With all of the fillers Heather has, she probably can't feel her lips anymore.  

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7 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Mary's son posted photos of his drug of choice online several years ago- I find it very sad that she seems to be enabling his behavior.

He reminds me of my previous neighbor’s son. He was a normal 8-10 boys. Started getting into trouble, drugs, stealing (probably buying drugs) and last time I saw him (10 years or so ago) he was not functioning well. I think drugs really affected his brain.

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First time using a spoiler tag! Mary's son is/was win inpatient drug rehab following these episodes.  I googled it.

I think we've had some discussions in the past seasons acknowledging Whitney as a titan of industry and heading several multinational corporations( 😎) but I'm trying to figure out her whole Alibaba jewelry line.  I googled the site and it looks like one can purchase a lot of cheap jewelry in bulk and then can have it packaged calling the product whatever brand/store you want to.  Is this Whitney's  jewelry line in a nutshell?  If so, why is she up in arms about it? This is her version of "commerce."  As a side note, she didn't even wear her own jewelry line in her after the show segments.

WRT Bronwyn and her daughter's story, I'm always taken aback when these supposed devout Christians openly disregard Christian teachings.  I'm not talking about getting pregnant out of wedlock, I'm specifically thinking about Bronwyn's daughter's grandparents.  They deserve a certain level of forgiveness and pity--nothing more.  The daughter should just keep moving on with her life without them in it.

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8 hours ago, albarino said:
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First time using a spoiler tag! Mary's son is/was win inpatient drug rehab following these episodes.  I googled it.

I think we've had some discussions in the past seasons acknowledging Whitney as a titan of industry and heading several multinational corporations( 😎) but I'm trying to figure out her whole Alibaba jewelry line.  I googled the site and it looks like one can purchase a lot of cheap jewelry in bulk and then can have it packaged calling the product whatever brand/store you want to.  Is this Whitney's  jewelry line in a nutshell?  If so, why is she up in arms about it? This is her version of "commerce."  As a side note, she didn't even wear her own jewelry line in her after the show segments.

WRT Bronwyn and her daughter's story, I'm always taken aback when these supposed devout Christians openly disregard Christian teachings.  I'm not talking about getting pregnant out of wedlock, I'm specifically thinking about Bronwyn's daughter's grandparents.  They deserve a certain level of forgiveness and pity--nothing more.  The daughter should just keep moving on with her life without them in it.

I don't have an issue with Alibaba, but please, don't charge 10 to 20 times more for products you bought from it (or better, the vendors who sell on Alibaba). Whitney is upset she was exposed. It's amusing she doesn't wear jewelry from her line. 

Edited by ZettaK
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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:


Robert tested positive for cocaine fentanyl and THC. This boy is headed for an early grave sadly. You can see the fear on Mary’s face. I truly feel bad for her. Addiction to that level rarely ends well. 

Well this is sad but not surprising. How old is he?  I wonder what happened to his wife. 

I wonder if we’ll see Mary’s husband this season. 

We’re not seeing much of Whitney’s husband either. He was on camera briefly but didn’t say much. 

I didn’t miss Meredith at all. 

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2 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:


Robert tested positive for cocaine fentanyl and THC. This boy is headed for an early grave sadly. You can see the fear on Mary’s face. I truly feel bad for her. Addiction to that level rarely ends well. 

Omg, my heart goes out Mary and the whole family. And you're right, addiction to that level rarely ends well. A friend of mine overdosed on cocaine with fentanyl. 

The best thing is to obviously not touch drugs, but if any of you have loved ones who struggle with addiction, I highly recommend to keep Narcan around. I think it is easy to obtain and could have saved my friend. I believe they also make testing kits for fentanyl as well. 

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27 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Omg, my heart goes out Mary and the whole family.

I feel like Mary wasn't that involved with her son very much, she let him do whatever under her roof and was rather blase about him staying in bed all day, not motivated to do anything, did he even graduate from high school? Mary never really expected much from her son it seemed. 

My husband's son was an addict, after 10 years he finally got sober and lives a good life now but those were some very dark days, the money spent on rehabs that he was kicked out of was astronomical but eventually something took and he straightened up but there were some very dark days.  Mary is in for the fight of her life, Alanon is a good place to start but a better place is to not have that kid on camera.

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4 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Well this is sad but not surprising. How old is he?  I wonder what happened to his wife. 

I wonder if we’ll see Mary’s husband this season. 

It is sad. He is 21. Mary said in this interview that he (his brain chemistry changed because of the drugs) felt he didn't want to live anymore. She said his marriage was not legal, but he is still with the girl. Mary thinks she is a bad influence. He still lives at home with her, and Robert Sr. Robert Sr doesn't want to film because he didn't like how production treated him in the past. The church was getting renovated and is ready to reopen. 


Edited by ZettaK
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16 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:


Robert tested positive for cocaine fentanyl and THC. This boy is headed for an early grave sadly. You can see the fear on Mary’s face. I truly feel bad for her. Addiction to that level rarely ends well. 

I have a friend whose son overdosed a few years ago. The last text he sent to a friend said, "I'm pretty sure there's fentanyl in this." He was in his 40s with a long history of addiction. 

I hope Robert gets help gets away from those who are contributing to his problem, and doesn't end up like my friend's son. 

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About Whitney: she thinks her "feelings" are more important than facts. She also uses her "healing journey" when the women call her out on something, in order to stop them. 

Using the phrase "I'm a mother" like Lisa did in this episode doesn't make one an exemplary person. The HWs use it quite often. 

Edited by ZettaK
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On 10/17/2024 at 7:17 AM, bosawks said:

I really hope Bronwyn’s daughter co-signed having her origin story outed on this terrible (but wonderful) show.

I was really torn because… I dislike Bronwyn…. But I feel like she’s handling this situation really well…But, wait, she’s handling this sensitive situation with her teen daughter via the platform of reality TV. 

Whole lotta cognitive whiplash. 

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On 10/17/2024 at 4:06 PM, ZettaK said:

She formed a heart with her hands during a FaceTime! 

She did it In front of her Osmond, at the table, 'you're my best friend' Finger heart. Lmao so cringe! But so was Mr Smooth talker.  People who close their eyes for a long time during conversation are shady. I was expecting him to jump up at the end and yell, "Acting!". The whole scene was very soap opera. 

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I can see why Britani is estranged from some kids, frankly. The way she acts on this show in regards to Bottom Shelf Osmond is acting against her own interest. She could've had an entire storyline of the women coming together to get her out of this toxic situation and then maybe start dating someone else or going to therapy. But her eyes are so strictly centered on a man that she will forgo every opportunity, even being on this show, on a hope and a prayer.

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