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Season 03


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On 4/5/2021 at 7:03 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Why does Isobell apologize to her boyfriend at the end as he’s walking out with his luggage?  What did she do wrong?

Just my interpretation .. but I think she was apologizing for putting her law enforcement brain ahead of her devoted partner brain.  In her defense, her boyfriend started out by lying to the FBI.  And a law enforcement person trying to have a relationship with a career politician is a train wreck waiting to happen. 
In my experience with relatives in law enforcement, they see a lot a bad behavior and tend to get into the mindset that everyone (besides themselves) is probably a criminal scumbag who hasn't been caught for something .. yet. 
In most of these CBS procedural shows, the main characters always put their job/career above everything else. That is why they are mostly single, workaholics and always act as if their co-workers are their 'family'. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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On 4/7/2021 at 12:47 PM, illdoc said:

Question: Did the robber flag down the cab while still wearing his mask???? If so, why would the cabbie stop (and did he continue wearing it in the cab)? If not, since the robber was facing the camera, wouldn't they have gotten a picture of his face, rather than having to track down the cabbie/tattoo?

The robber had already ditched the mask by the time OA spotted him running down the street. When OA called it in, he described the robber as wearing a green cap, not a mask. Although it kind of seemed like they were checking the camera footage right after the robber got away, actually some time had passed because the cab had already dropped the robber off at his destination. Jubal probably ordered them to check the surrounding cameras right after the robber got away and this was more like a report of what they had found out, although the editing made it seem like they were discovering things in real time. Since they already had downloaded the camera footage from the cab, might as well use that since the other shot was further away and sort of to the side.

On 4/8/2021 at 11:13 AM, shrewd.buddha said:

Just my interpretation .. but I think she was apologizing for putting her law enforcement brain ahead of her devoted partner brain.  In her defense, her boyfriend started out by lying to the FBI.  And a law enforcement person trying to have a relationship with a career politician is a train wreck waiting to happen. 
In my experience with relatives in law enforcement, they see a lot a bad behavior and tend to get into the mindset that everyone (besides themselves) is probably a criminal scumbag who hasn't been caught for something .. yet. 
In most of these CBS procedural shows, the main characters always put their job/career above everything else. That is why they are mostly single, workaholics and always act as if their co-workers are their 'family'. 

Yeah, I HATE the old, my coworkers are my family schtick, they really overplay it, especially on shows like NCIS where Tim & Delilah got married with their NCIS family and said 'their real families understood' or some such nonsense.

But to stay on topic, I think Isobel should have recused herself from interviewing her boyfriend, shouldn't have even been an option for her.  I'm sure that broke a bunch of protocol.

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6 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I don’t like Tiffany.  There, I said it.  She has a chip on her shoulder.  Thinks everyone that doesn’t agree with her is against her

The typical character development arc for this kind of character would be for her to have a life-and-death crisis in which only her new coworkers save her. But I guess all we’re getting is Scola not reporting her former TO covering for his murderous partner? 
BTW, those “full ride scholarships” don’t usually cover housing and other living expenses, so I was wondering if Tiff’s old TO got a kickback for providing an alibi. 

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8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

BTW, those “full ride scholarships” don’t usually cover housing and other living expenses, so I was wondering if Tiff’s old TO got a kickback for providing an alibi. 

I said that very thing when “full ride” to Harvard was mentioned.  A very specific detail like that usually circles back to connect to something.

Edited by MerBearHou
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13 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:
20 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

BTW, those “full ride scholarships” don’t usually cover housing and other living expenses, so I was wondering if Tiff’s old TO got a kickback for providing an alibi. 

I said that very thing when “full ride” to Harvard was mentioned.  A very specific detail like that usually circles back to connect to something.

Thanks for posting that, @MerBearHou, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I suspect the writers might have mistakenly thought "full ride" meant everything, and it was supposed to be a signal to the viewers and Scola that he was clean.
If so, I wonder if one of those writers will one day have a child who gets a "full ride" to, say, NYU (like one of my daughters) and then realizes they need to take out loans to cover housing and then will think back to this script and have an "oops" moment. I tried to get my daughter to transfer to the college where I started working her freshman year, but no. She's 37 and just paid off her loans last year.
Still, was the TO's lying about the alibi only told to Tiff and Scola and not noted on any report???
Or is that more sloppily edited writing?

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23 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I don’t like Tiffany.  There, I said it.  She has a chip on her shoulder.  Thinks everyone that doesn’t agree with her is against her.  Please bring back the analyst turned field agent, Kristen.  I liked her.  I just didn’t like her being a supposed expert field agent in a few weeks time. 

I feel just the opposite.  While I agree that she has an attitude, I really like her and I love that the show is featuring more of her working with Scola.  I was getting tired of only seeing OA and what's her name.  Damn!  I don't remember her name and she's one of the stars of the show.  ETA:  Maggie!  I just remembered

Last week's episode...............I agree that Isobel should have recused herself immediately.   The opening scene of her with Ethan at home didn't work for me.  She just doesn't seem to be affectionate and obvioiusly doesn't try very hard to be either,    She sure kept her distance from him in that first scene. 

Edited by AnnA
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15 hours ago, AnnA said:

Last week's episode...............I agree that Isobel should have recused herself immediately.   The opening scene of her with Ethan at home didn't work for me.  She just doesn't seem to be affectionate and obvioiusly doesn't try very hard to be either,    She sure kept her distance from him in that first scene. 

I've seen her on other shows, and while I think she's a lovely person and a good actress, she does not do 'affectionate' or 'empathic' well.  She was in 'Forever' and the actor was great, but she was just way too stand-offish.  

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On 2/10/2021 at 2:25 PM, mxc90 said:

How many times was "white" mentioned? Must have set a record.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you.... The New FBI Drinking Game!!!


P.S.  I am very drunk.


On 2/10/2021 at 3:29 PM, Xeliou66 said:

But my main issue was Nestor - he got more screentime than anyone and he annoyed me constantly, and I hope this is the end of him, I do not trust him and I’ve found him smug since the beginning and tonight he seemed borderline controlling with how he signed the lease on the apartment despite Maggie being unsure of whether she wanted to move in with him. I’m hoping Maggie dumps him after this, I don’t like him and he’s taking screentime away from the main characters, all of whom I really like. So please let this be the end of the Nestor show. 


He might have been trying to pull the Epic Grand Gesture and failed terribly, but knowing what we know of him so far, he was just being controlling.... which some women actually like.  They feel like they're 'being taken care of' and this is why those women and girls love bad boys (BARF!).  The controlling men can manipulate the weak woman and make her feel like he's being strong and masculine and doing what men are supposed to do and take care of their woman. 


On 2/11/2021 at 3:30 AM, MerBearHou said:

Cannot stand Nestor and his smug, creepy, I'm so badass, death wish self.  I hope that's the last we've seen of him.  

I understand that the job of an FBI agent is dangerous, but he's trying sooooo hard to be a badass and deliberately reckless.  Like he's a teenage boy who does really dumb and potentially life-threatening shit to impress his mates.  Which pisses me off even more because he has two kids.  WTF are you doing being so fricking reckless and possibly leaving your children fatherless???

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On 4/8/2021 at 2:02 AM, Kelda Feegle said:

I don't know what prices are like in the USA but that coffee and bakery package would have been somewhere between $20and $40 AUD. That's a serious freebie. Scola was completely right to pay. 


On 4/8/2021 at 12:46 AM, Netfoot said:

Personally, I've never liked the idea that cops should always expect free coffee. Four of them. And blueberry muffins. And cheese danishes. From a coffee shop they've never set foot in before, far less patronize regularly. Except, is it patronage when you never pay, and just help yourself to what ever you want, free?

The coffee shop I used to frequent would occasionally give me a free coffee. Because I was a regular, and a paying customer, and because I always treated the staff with respect. 

Thank you!!!  And it pissed me off how Tiffany referred to the purchase as 'a couple of coffees' - uh, no.  And by the size of the coffees, they were large ones.  AND a Danish.  AND muffins.  In NYC.  That's not $3-4 worth of transaction, that's more like $40.  It's a small business and they're not day-old pastries they're about to throw out.  I know I'm getting heated over something which may not seem like a big deal, but being a small business owner requires you to work 18 hours a day and put in all of your life's savings in order to get started.


It would be different if it's a cop (or a civilian) who stopped a robbery at the café, or saved the life of the owner/owner's family/employee and that person gets free coffee and dessert whenever they come in, but just some random person getting $40 worth of free stuff?  No.



On 4/8/2021 at 12:46 AM, Netfoot said:

Frankly, I don't think she's a good agent. She may have been a good cop - we've been told so but we don't know so, because we never saw her in that role. But whether or not she was a good cop, she definitely isn't a good agent.


On 4/10/2021 at 8:36 AM, mythoughtis said:

I don’t like Tiffany.  There, I said it.  She has a chip on her shoulder.  Thinks everyone that doesn’t agree with her is against her.  Please bring back the analyst turned field agent, Kristen.  I liked her.  I just didn’t like her being a supposed expert field agent in a few weeks time. 

Thank you!  I miss Kristen.  I am so sick of Tiffany and her attitude.  She tells Scola that he's being arrogant when it's actually her who's being arrogant.  I am tired of her above-y'all attitude that a lot of young, inexperienced people have.  Uh, you're younger than all of the other agents and the least experienced.  It doesn't matter if you were a cop before, just like it doesn't matter if you were in the military before you became a cop.  The rules and procedures are different.  You don't know better or more than these agents.  Just stop talking and listen for once, so you can learn.

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I liked Kristen when she was doing technical work in the bullpen but she didn't seem to have whatever it takes to be a field agent.   I think she lacked self confidence.

What I enjoy the most about Tiffany is that they're featuring her with Scola more and that means less OA and Maggie.  I was getting tired of OA and Maggie solving every FBI case in New York.



Edited by AnnA
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The realtor and Maggie know their drug addicts. He knew "Ms. High as a Kite" wouldn't buy the house and Maggie already knew her sister was on drugs from the cigarette smell/weird texts and made arragments for rehab before finding the pills. 

Maggie and OA are wearing FBI jackets and Lasher had to say "You are from the bureau?". That blast must have knocked the "obvious" senses out of him.

Why did the corporate employee leave his car in the middle of the lane next to the delivery truck? Were all parking spaces taken or was he making a statement to his bosses and left it there in defiance?

A serial bomber is on the loose and these agents don't check for bombs when they entered the house in LI. Then they find two active IEDs later. Let me guess: the bomb squad was five minutes away (as ususal) and they couldn't wait for them!

Bomber Richard and his brother are in Times Square and they send 4 FBI agents. Scola should have been in disguise as a cartoon charater. At least for once, OA and Maggie were in front to nab the brother.

I saw more NYPD officers at the corporate building (where the delivery truck exploded) and none in Times Square. Now we know the where the most important places are that needs protection in NYC.

Richard the "bright mathematician/paranoid schizophrenic" fell for the old "come get the cigarette" trick. Way too easy. If that didn't work, Maggie could have shown a ring and tell Richard (the Lord of the Rings fan) to come get "my precious".

Edited by mxc90
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6 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

I had a brief power failure with 5 minutes left, and at first I thought no big deal I watch the end via my DVR, but it glitched.  Anyway, what happened in the last 5 minutes?  I saw Maggie start searching her sisters place for drugs, did she find any?

Yes. She found a few pills in her bag and made arrangements for rehab.

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I didn’t care for this episode - I felt that there wasn’t much meat on the case, not enough investigation and too much time spent on Maggie’s sister.

The case wasn’t really anything new, they’ve covered similar ground before and the case was extremely similar to the real life Unabomber case with no interesting twists. The perp was identified by the halfway point and the rest of the episode was just rather boring. I just didn’t think there was much meat at all to this episode. And of course they threw in the political extremist stuff at the start, does every episode have to have political elements?

I didn’t care at all about Maggie’s sister and her addiction, and Maggie seemed distracted, she shouldn’t have been the one to take the lead on this case. It was better than seeing douchebag Nestor though, so at least Maggie got a story that didn’t involve him.

Not nearly enough Jubal. Not enough Scola and Tiffany for that matter either.

Overall this just wasn’t my favorite episode, not much to it and it didn’t really hold my interest. 

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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I couldn't watch and my DVR didn't pick it up. 

The same with mine.  Probably because, on the day it was supposed to air, they ran a rerun episode about the theft of the chlorine tank.  However, it was labeled as "My Brother's Keeper", so I'm betting that DVRs catalogued it as already viewed, and didn't record it the second time.  That is, if your DVR, like mine, is set to new only.  Oh well, an episode missed.  Not a cataclysmic event with this series.

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The Serial Bomber's Brother wasn't completely off the mark when he made the remark about how things usually turn out when law enforcement deals with the mentally ill: "We want to help you .. but we kinda want to shoot you, too."

When Serial Bomber's Brother came back to talk to Maggie at the end about how he overlooked all the signs that his brother was going off the rails - because that was easier - - I sort of wish he would have paused and said "You do realize that we're totally talking about you and your sister, right?"
  Maggie could have replied: "I know, I know .. I should have known as soon as I saw those crazy bangs..  That was definitely a crystal meth hairdo."


Edited by shrewd.buddha
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On 4/16/2021 at 4:16 PM, blackwing said:

I haven't really watched much of either FBI or FBI Most Wanted.  I am intrigued with the upcoming FBI International show.  But didn't someone already do this show?  It was called "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" and I thought it was great but apparently viewers didn't think so.  Will be interesting to see what kind of approach FBI International takes to make it different from BB and I think a lot depends on the cast.

Oooooo, didn't hear about that show, and I also liked the other one you mentioned.  Looking forward to it now that you told me about it.  I really like this show, too, but for some reason, most people seem to like the Most Wanted version more.

22 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

The same with mine.  Probably because, on the day it was supposed to air, they ran a rerun episode about the theft of the chlorine tank.  However, it was labeled as "My Brother's Keeper", so I'm betting that DVRs catalogued it as already viewed, and didn't record it the second time.  That is, if your DVR, like mine, is set to new only.  Oh well, an episode missed.  Not a cataclysmic event with this series.

I'll watch it this weekend on demand.   

I don't remember if it was one or both FBI shows but my cable company preempted it with coverage of the Chauvin verdict.  My DVR recorded it, labeled it FBI but it wasn't so I erased it.

Edited by AnnA
2 hours ago, AnnA said:

I'll watch it this weekend on demand.   

I don't remember if it was one or both FBI shows but my cable company preempted it with coverage of the Chauvin verdict.  My DVR recorded it, labeled it FBI but it wasn't so I erased it.

That whole night of new episodes was preempted during the time the coverage was on along with reruns after it was over.

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On 4/30/2021 at 8:56 PM, AnnA said:

I finally got around to watching this week's episode on demand and didn't care for it at all.  The story was boring and the added side story about Maggie's sister was even worse.  I missed Tiffany and Scola.  I think they're more interesting than Maggie and OA.   

Agreed the story wasn’t original and wasn’t very intriguing, and I believe I like Tiffany and Scola better than Maggie and OA as well, while I like Maggie and OA, they can both be a bit self righteous at times, I find Scola and Tiffany more enjoyable a lot of the time, and they weren’t in this episode much. Also there wasn’t nearly enough Jubal or the office analysts. 

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I didn't mind the latest episode, but I have to say that I've been enjoying Most Wanted more because at least the real story is flanked by the personal stuff instead of having it woven throughout like in FBI. I'm able to skip the first 3 or so minutes and the last 3 or so minutes, so I don't have to watch the personal stuff. I just had to work my FF button a little more this episode. 

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Another week with a main character's personal matter relating a little with the main plot. What's in store for OA next week with his cousin or parents?

Tyler has been vomitting, high fever, eyes blood shot and Samantha didn't seem it was neccessary to call Jubal earlier. Oh! Let's meet at a diner. Before telling Jubal the news, she had a grin as if nothing was wrong.

Can't blame the cab driver. He was already passed them when the Adam hailed him. Was calling him a shmuck neccessary? A true yogi wouldn't behave this way. I don't think Nicole was impressed. 

Did Octavio have intel Nicole was an anesthesiologist or just pick anyone that walked out the door? 

Pedro and Lorenzo couldn't find a better place to meet? If I'm Pedro, I'm getting paid before I'm giving my kidney. I'm not waiting until afterwards and getting a brown paper bag on the sidewalk. Could have been fake bills in there. 

Damn Lorenzo! The truck wasn't big or blue enough to see out of the corner of your eye? I was rooting for your escape too. Take solace in knowing: maybe the truck driver got a ticket for speeding down the street!???

When they mentioned Dr. Nelson was in a car accident, the agents never considered if the abductions and his accident were related in some way.

What was the point of having the agent in disguise on the bike if "FBI" clearly seen on his chest?

Octavio was dumb enough to shoot and lucky none of the return fire hit his son.

When they tossed the phone to Octavio, I thought it would be some flash bomb to distract him and then they could rush in.

Caldwell already made the incision to Tony and he was lying on the table for a long time. Kid could have bled out.

After hearing Octavio's story for getting Tony help, it probabaly crossed Jubal's mind a few times to do the surgery himself.

Credit to Jubal for making that tough decision. 

Caldwell thought it was too risky to bring in another anesthesiologist and had to cancel. I suspect he was too cheap to pay someone else. Too bad he didn't know Nicole before all this. She seemed fine, down to assist the surgery and not traumatized afterwards. A little forgetful to bring the kidney was her only mistake. 

Find good lawyers Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Nelson! When you get out of surgery/coma, it's jail time.


Edited by mxc90
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Pretty good episode although I get a bit sick of how they sometimes tie a personal theme into the case of the week. I always like a Jubal centric episode as he’s probably my favorite character, and I liked how he handled the situation, he did everything he could to get the kidnapper to surrender but he made the difficult but correct call to take him out as he wasn’t going to surrender.

The investigation was good and I liked how they tracked down the abductor.

I wonder how much they will focus on Jubal’s son having leukemia now? I don’t want them to focus on it too much but I hope they don’t forget it, like I say, I like when they give Jubal a meatier role.

I did think the scene of the dude getting hit by the car while running from the FBI was unnecessary, it seems like the show frequently throws in a foot chase that isn’t necessary  for extra drama.

Overall a decent episode and a good feature for Jubal. 

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I'm evil, so I was thinking momentarily that Jubal was the brains behind the abduction to work on his own son.  No one would suspect him.

At least the FBI proved that they don't have to warn the suspect when they're 50' away.  I had a good laugh when Lorenzo ran right through them like a fullback.  He didn't realize that a delivery truck is a lot harder to lose.

1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

What was the point of having the agent in disguise on the bike if "FBI" clearly seen on his chest?

Octavio was dumb enough to shoot and lucky none of the return fire hit his son.

Not to mention putting everyone out there in plain sight, knowing that he was a special ops guy down in Mexico, and, dumbest of all, set up two bright blue shelters and an ambulance in plain sight.

If I'm Dr. Caldwell, I'm suing the FBI for enough money to fully equip my own concierge practice in a decent office.  That was just plain idiotic to open fire with automatic weapons (without clearance, by the way).  Yeah, Tony and the two doctors could have been dead easy.

I look at that office and wonder how they manage to keep that many analysts busy all the time.  Sure, Jubal's got a few of them running background checks (of dubious legality, but, hey), but there's gotta be 25 other people in that office.  Sometimes it's fun to watch the background characters do whatever they do, instead of the leads.

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Can't blame the cab driver. He was already passed them when the Adam hailed him. Was calling him a shmuck neccessary?

One of the writers got stiffed by a cab and decided to work it into the story, no doubt.

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Well, if you think Jubal really had a hard time managing his emotions and behavior with this case criss-crossing with his personal life, wait until the next episode focused on him, in which someone goes on a murder spree and it all goes back to their life being ruined years ago when some drunk driver killed someone extremely important to them (possibly a child) and kept on going as though nothing had happened.  As they dig into the details at the JOC, lo and behold, that hit-and-run happened on the same day and in the same area Jubal vaguely remembers being wasted behind the wheel.

But oh well!  (Which is the vibe of how they left it when Jubal told Kathleen Munroe earlier.)  Anyway, it would just end up being some other drunk driver on the same day and in the same area, so Jubal is off the hook!

4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I look at that office and wonder how they manage to keep that many analysts busy all the time.  Sure, Jubal's got a few of them running background checks (of dubious legality, but, hey), but there's gotta be 25 other people in that office.  Sometimes it's fun to watch the background characters do whatever they do, instead of the leads.

I believe they share the office with Homeland Security. 

Some of those analyst are busy trying to make sense of the other field office's work/cases (i.e. WTF are the agents doing on "the Blacklist", making sure there aren't any tattoos left on Jane that went unanswered or having to answer phone calls about "little green men" from nervous people who recently viewed Fox Mulder's Youtube video).

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So, you want surgery for your kid, but you can't afford it, and even if you could, he's not eligible for a jump to the top of the list. So, kidnapping, murder, terrorism seems like a good idea for me.

Me, on the other hand, I can't afford that Mercedes, so excuse me while I go and get my AR-15 (with a 30-round magazine! Extremely dangerous! Can be fired on fully semi-automatic!) and demand I be given one!

Jubal is the least valuable, least useful person in the entire FBI. He (The Shouter, Mr. Exposition) only ever stands around at headquarters, telling everyone (in a loud voice) what they all already know. And telling people what to do, to which the response is always "Already on it!" Meaning they know their job and don't need any guidance from him.

Now, suddenly, his kid has leukemia (the curable kind, naturally) and he is pretending -- most believably <snicker> -- to be to be a surgeon (who never once goes near the patient to check on his condition), and getting in the way of the snipers, instead of letting them do their job. Which is to save the hostages who are bleeding out. And, incidentally, the kid who is open on the table in a cobweb-filled factory (no homebrew clean-room for you, little fellow!).

The other buncha dummies standing around ready to make an arrest. "Let's box them in tight before the badges come out!" Sure, but wearing apparel with FBI blazoned across your chest won't be a giveaway. Nooo.

Yeah. Great episode.

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Here is the synopsis for S03.E13, "Short Squeeze", airing May 11, 2021:


When the CEO of a major brokerage firm is shot and killed while surrounded by protesters, the team looks into who had the most to lose from his company’s perceived manipulations. Also, Scola’s previous Wall Street career and the reasons he left come to light as the financial details of the case begin to unfold.


I think this is the first show I have seen  where they end the show by  actually allowing a surgeon to implant a stolen or purchased kidney.  All the rest of these storylines waste the kidney on moral principles. 

Jubal needed to take a day off work.  That’s what they make sick, personal, vacation and FMLA days for. Isobel specifically asked him if he was good to work and he said yes.  Ridiculous. Not sure why Jubel needed to be at the scene.  They aren’t a small town with a 10 person field office.   What’s next  - should we call in the the head of the entire FBI to show up at every hostage scene in the country? 

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Scola tried to act calm and cool but he was soaking in that introduction Jubal gave the agents of his stock trading background. Probably wished Jubal did it imitating Michael Buffer's style/voice.

So Scola made a lot of money and still decided to go work for the FBI???!!! Tiffany will make sure he buys all the time now.

Kix Bio must be a great place to work for when the lady won't make an attempt to save her boss' life. If she saves him, he'll fire her!!!!

The girl that talked to Scola and Tiffany is surely fired. She could have been a little more discrete and chatted with them somewhere  far outside. Nope! Let's talk in the office so everyone can see us.

I had to laugh at the 2 guards with their guns out looking confused standing by Tim's body.

Thanks Winters for the lesson learned to never put your picture in your avatar to be easily tracked by the FBI and write a message to watch Tim Davis die that day. Yeah right! You meant his "career" to die.

Plank leaves his apartment angry the night before, his computer has been on all that time placed on the table/chat open/picture of the next target to be read/seen the next day by the FBI, guns are missing and the wife is clueless to what's going on when the FBI arrived. Oh! Now she remembers he lost some money when questioned. Didn't think to call the police earlier?!

Scola is on the gurney, all the police around him and they didn't find out for while that Gold was kidnapped?! Did the witness decide to go home, watch a little TV and then come back out to talk to the police.

Homeless guy goes dumpster diving, finds a Range Rover and Maggie and OA arrives to ruin his day.

Scola and Tiffany got most of the screen time/investigation but it's OA and Maggie that get to make the arrest at the end. Must be in the contract.

Gold must be tired of an agent approach him saying "I'm not here as an FBI agent....."

Kix Bio better not fail Jubal or Jubal will finish what Nick Wilks couldn't!!!!!


Edited by mxc90
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This was a really strong episode IMO, it was time for a good Scola centric episode as he hadn’t had one this season. I liked getting some insight into Scola without it going overboard on the personal info, and I think I enjoy Scola/Tiffany more than Maggie/OA.

It was interesting as there were basically 2 cases - I enjoyed both the murder case and kidnapping case and thought there was good investigation and teamwork to solve both.

I also liked how they tied in Jubal’s situation with his son without it going overboard or being soapy, they didn’t overly focus on it but they didn’t ignore it either, Jubal’s role was good.

I like the Scola/Tiffany partnership and I like that we got a good amount of scenes of them, they are both interesting characters.

Isobel came across as ice cold when she threatened to fire Scola, she can be an ice queen at times. I did like her stepping in at the end to help resolve the hostage situation.

I did think the wife of the killer should’ve called the police when her husband went missing and took his guns with him after losing money. She could’ve possibly prevented the murder.

Overall this was one of the season’s stronger episodes, good cases and investigation plus good roles for each character and I liked getting more focus on Scola.

Edited by Xeliou66
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17 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Isobel came across as ice cold when she threatened to fire Scola, she can be an ice queen at times. I did like her stepping in at the end to help resolve the hostage situation.

How was she ice cold?! I thought she was smart and professional. If Gold had been recording Scola's stupid threat he could have easily made huge problems for both Scola and the FBI. What was she supposed to do? Pat him on the head and give him a sweet?

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1 hour ago, Grrarrggh said:

How was she ice cold?! I thought she was smart and professional. If Gold had been recording Scola's stupid threat he could have easily made huge problems for both Scola and the FBI. What was she supposed to do? Pat him on the head and give him a sweet?

I understood why Isobel reprimanded Scola, but she just came across as an uncaring ice queen. She comes across that way a bit too often IMO.

I did like that Isobel checked in with Jubal about his son and seemed concerned for him.

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