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Season 2 Discussion Thread

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The thing I was most impressed with was the machine that made water out of air.  If that technology works, it could change the lives of countless people.  Yes, it had a high price tag ($5,000), but that could come down.  I could see governments and NGOs being hugely interested if it's a real thing.  I was surprised Gordon passed on that (not a great short-term investment, but it could really be a benefit to them as investors as well as those who need water in the long-run.

Not sure what I think about Lisa Vanderwhatever as I have never watched her in anything before.  But, I like that this is filmed in England (so hopefully lots of great sites to see), and I like Gordon.  So, I'm here for now.

What an odd mashup of Shark Tank and … I don’t know, some Gordon Ramsay food show? I thought it was going to be all food entrepreneurs like last season, but we have a miracle water maker, a miracle wine physics changing coaster, and some not so miraculous cutlery.

Most of the contestants seem insufferable.

And this Vanderpump person, no thank you. 

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The "water out of air" looked familiar to me, so I did a quick search. Its been done in a more rudimentary (and cheaper)fashion.

It's basically collecting the Condensation in air. I can't see it working in a dry climate, but it's interesting. 

I wonder how the coaster that makes drinks taste better works. Lisa V was impressed that it was "science", but without an explanation it seems fake.

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12 hours ago, DanaK said:

I’m not quite clear what they are doing here. Will the contestants’ businesses be used in the team challenges or do the pitches just get Gordon and Lisa interested enough to put them on their teams? In the end, do they support the winner’s business and mentor them or just let them use the 250k they win?

From last season the contestants' businesses didn't come up much until the end of the season where the top two made their own little pop-up store.

Those pretzels looked delicious and I'm sad the Magic Middles guy wasn't picked.

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On 5/24/2024 at 12:22 AM, Tango64 said:

The water maker seems like it’s just a dehumidifier. I can get one at Home Depot.

Thank you, I just watched the episode and came here to post the same thing.  I have a dehumidifier.  Big whoop, it's not rocket science and definitely nothing new.  But it always amazes me how it makes a gallon of water in less than a day in the middle of summer on 90 degree days.

So far this show is almost nothing like its first season.  The contestants, concepts and products seem even more crackpot than last year too.  I have no idea why Gordon was enamored with some of them while completely against others.  They all seemed just as bad to me.  I know who Lisa Vanderpump is vaguely but making this a competition between Gordon and her feels a little lame already.

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I was the one who thought the water machine was innovative.  I really did not know or understand about dehumidifiers, so, as always, I learn a lot from other posters.  Therefore, I am changing my opinion-why in the world did Gordon invite him back 'in a year'?  And, why in the world is he charging $5,000 for something one can get at Home Depot? 

Nothing else stands out.  I was surprised that a couple of people with 'dipping' sauces made it through as that market is over satuated (and there have been about a million dipping sauces/marinades presented on Shark Tank).  

Oh well, I'm sure it will be more about the crazy challenges and drama of the participants than who actually has a better idea/product.  Speaking of which, has anyone heard anything about last year's winner?  I haven't.

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16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I was the one who thought the water machine was innovative.  I really did not know or understand about dehumidifiers, so, as always, I learn a lot from other posters.  Therefore, I am changing my opinion-why in the world did Gordon invite him back 'in a year'?  And, why in the world is he charging $5,000 for something one can get at Home Depot? 

Nothing else stands out.  I was surprised that a couple of people with 'dipping' sauces made it through as that market is over satuated (and there have been about a million dipping sauces/marinades presented on Shark Tank).  

Oh well, I'm sure it will be more about the crazy challenges and drama of the participants than who actually has a better idea/product.  Speaking of which, has anyone heard anything about last year's winner?  I haven't.

I thought at first that maybe they found a new way to turn air into water by some kind of chemical process but I just think it works like a dehumidifier in that it pulls the moisture out of the air.  There are two kinds of dehumidifiers, the "dessicating" and the "condensing" kind so I don't get calling the guy in the video posted above some kind of innovator over inventing something that already exists.  He even calls it a "condenser".  Maybe he invented a new way of doing the same thing but still, it already exists.  And what method the guy on this show is pushing is unclear.     

BTW, I thought the same thing about the sauces.  What an oversaturated market.  Any kind of sauce, not just dipping sauces.  

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Thoughts: Did team Ramsey actually make mexican food with kraft singles? And why sell tacos individually instead of pricing them by 2 or 3 tacos?

"Midday Amore " sounds like having a lunch time hook-up.

I really don't like Jess. And would buy a wine called whiny baby?

There's a little bit of copying from Celebrity Apprentice,  with team challenges and the losing team discussing who goes home. 

Anyone catch the disclaimer at the end? Portions of the program were edited or recreated, and decisions were made by the judges with input from the producers. 

Edited by tinkerbell
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Rose wanted to charge $5/taco but both her team and Gordon stated that was too much, so she should not have been on the 'hot seat' IMO.

Although it was confusing why they had a juggler, I thought the suggestion to have cheerleaders was just as bad.  Why not a Mariachi Band?  Maybe not available as an option.  

So far, the young guy on Lisa's team seems good-he wanted the better bread, streamlined their organization and stayed pat on charging more for the sandwiches.  Jess seems to want all of the attention.

I don't see what marketing had to do with this challenge.  They show a name and a logo, but really didn't do anything else.  And, I wasn't really impressed with either team.  But, I love seeing London (will be there the end of July and I plan on eating in one of Gordon's restaurants [probably the River Room at the Savoy]).

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I missed the first episode, so I'm trying to imagine how bad the other hopefuls must have been for Tyler to be selected to be on the show instead of one of them.

Not sure why, if the goal is to find America's Next Food Star, that they're doing this in London, but I guess why not? is a good a reason as any.

12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Did team Ramsey actually make mexican food with kraft singles?

That was horrifying but funny. I'm surprised Gordon didn't come in and just end the show forever at that point. And I like Kraft Singles, but you don't make tacos and quesadillas with them.

So far, I like the pretzel truck guy and anyone who didn't speak last night.

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All of the chosen cast members have business experience of some kind so it was odd to see so much bungling going on.  I suppose a lot of that was due to so many people who didn't know each other trying to work together but you'd think that all of them would have realized that the most important thing a food truck needs to do (besides having good food) is get whatever they're selling out quickly.  I don't believe that most of the customers standing in line forever were really employees on 30 minute lunch breaks.

Anyhow, I didn't see anyone as bad as Caroline from last season so I guess I'll stick it out.

On 5/25/2024 at 7:28 PM, Yeah No said:

I have no idea why Gordon was enamored with some of them while completely against others. 

He is one of a long list of producers of the show.

I'm sure all the contestants had been pre-selected by a conglomerate of producers before episode 1 was even filmed. It is more than possible that he was overridden (overrode?) on some of his decisions about who should or shouldn't be on the show. It wouldn't surprise me if he was bitter about some of those decisions and doesn't know how to keep it to himself.

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:12 AM, fishcakes said:

That was horrifying but funny. I'm surprised Gordon didn't come in and just end the show forever at that point. And I like Kraft Singles, but you don't make tacos and quesadillas with them.

In 1982, I had nachos for the first time.  It was Doritos, covered in American sliced cheese and Old El Paso "salsa".

And they were good enough to inspire a 43 year old love affair with nachos!  And yes.  I discovered better nachos...

I like Vanderpump, I've seen her with Gordon on a few interviews and thought they were quite funny.  They're a little too scripted on the show...

I'm still going to watch though.


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So far this seems heavily scripted. Even the challenge seemed fake. All the customers had American accents!! I was so confused. I can only assume they filmed this in England to make it easier on Gordon who just completed the Australian Version of this show, and there is also a UK version. Wow, Gordon must be rolling in dough with so many shows on the air in so many countries. 

I am simultaneously watching the Australian version of this which is marginally better as it seems less scripted and the candidates seemed to actually be doing the challenge. It is streaming free here for anyone interested: https://southhemitv.com/?s=food+stars


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What the hell is this show?  It’s a joke, right?  None of these wannabes can be serious business people.  I’m here for LVP and Gordon because I enjoy their repartee and snark.

The bar concepts were dumb, the “business” decisions must have been producer suggestions, and the execution was laughable. Of course they only had 24 hours to do it, but why can’t Fox (or the kabillionaire hosts) pony up some money to make the rooms look complete, and fill in the blank space.

 The Regency period thing was doomed…no one is gonna have time to announce every guest.  And if I’m a customer trying to hangout with friends, do I want to hear “Lord and Lady Snufflington!” variations all night?  None of the contestants were really in Regency period clothes.  Men certainly wouldn’t wear hats indoors. The drinks and food were lacking.

Desert Oasis or whatever had a little better presentation, but it was still a sad ass space. No non-alcoholic option? Just inexcusable. Again I call shenanigans…the belly dancers were probably instructed to really push the R rated gyrations to get a reaction.  


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It's probably just me, but I don't understand the appeal of an 'immersive' bar.  Sure, I appreciate creative cocktails and nice decor, but taking photos?  Putting rocks in a lamp?  Only two drinks available (oh, and water...)?  Maybe I would go/try it once, but Gordon and Lisa kept harping on repeat customers.

I thought that both teams 'lost' the challenge.  But, Gordon's team did have a more cohesive theme and Lisa's team didn't really seem to understand 'Regency' (and, afternoon tea became a thing in the late 1800s not the early 1800s as I recall [but could be wroing...]).  

Although I had never watched any Vanderpump show, I like Lisa and Gordon's interactions, so that is entertaining.  

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I think most of this show is basically phony.  Two groups of Americans in a foreign country who don't even know each other are assigned a task to be completed in 24 hours and they somehow know how to source what they need and even hire belly dancers?!  I don't believe it.  I also don't believe that the guy who was enthusiastic about greeting people at the door and doing so at first was suddenly wandering aimlessly around and didn't even notice that Gordon and Lisa had arrived.  Or that a team let a kid with no experience invent drinks and tend bar.  None of it makes sense.


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18 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

The Regency period thing was doomed…

Why would you assume that British people would want a British-themed immersive experience? I'm sure they all knew a hell of a lot more about the Regency Period than the people who were trying to present them with a Regency Period experience. Know your audience.

If they wanted a historical theme, they should have gone with something more universal world-wide like The Roaring '20s.

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8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

It's probably just me, but I don't understand the appeal of an 'immersive' bar.  Sure, I appreciate creative cocktails and nice decor, but taking photos?  Putting rocks in a lamp? 

Museums have gone the same way. Sometimes, I'm just there to see the exhibits, and other times I do want to do the audience participation stuff but leave it up to me which ones I'm interested in.

Also, never make me do the souvenir photograph upsell. I'm just not interested.

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I think the real point of this show is to see how much embarassment and humiliation these "candidates" are willing to put up with to be on TV and maybe get an investment. Not sure why these owners would risk looking so stupid. Maybe they couldn't get on Shark Tank. I'm quite sure Gordon/LVP chose which company they were going to invest in before the show even began based on that company's potential and financials. 

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On 6/6/2024 at 4:09 AM, mertensia said:

I can't believe no one on Gordon's team thought they should make a non-alcoholic drink. 

Yeah, especially after he TOLD them they should have one.  Seriously?  Would they have completely blown off their own mentor's suggestion without even a comment about it?  I call BS.

On 6/6/2024 at 8:53 AM, seacliffsal said:

It's probably just me, but I don't understand the appeal of an 'immersive' bar.  Sure, I appreciate creative cocktails and nice decor, but taking photos?  Putting rocks in a lamp?  Only two drinks available (oh, and water...)?  Maybe I would go/try it once, but Gordon and Lisa kept harping on repeat customers.

The whole concept of the immersive bar feels like a gimmick that fascinates young people, similar to "glamping" and "tiny houses" a few years ago, or immersive train car dining experiences, or even the escape room thing.  In my opinion it's just more fantasy for people that like to live in a fantasy world over reality. That said, I could find it interesting under certain circumstances and if done right.  The train car dining experience appeals to me because of my romance with trains and their history, food-wise and otherwise.  And an escape room could be fun too with a group.  I just don't hang out in a group, lol.

On 6/6/2024 at 3:19 PM, mlp said:

I think most of this show is basically phony.  Two groups of Americans in a foreign country who don't even know each other are assigned a task to be completed in 24 hours and they somehow know how to source what they need and even hire belly dancers?!  I don't believe it.  I also don't believe that the guy who was enthusiastic about greeting people at the door and doing so at first was suddenly wandering aimlessly around and didn't even notice that Gordon and Lisa had arrived.  Or that a team let a kid with no experience invent drinks and tend bar.  None of it makes sense.

Yeah, that belly dancer thing didn't get by me.  Plus they were just there as another gimmicky thing, especially acting like they were risqué, LOL.  Come on, they had to have help with this like on "Top Chef" Restaurant Wars with the design and coordination.  I think production wanted the kid on cocktails just to show him being overconfident then crashing and burning.  The whole thing does make no sense.  But I suppose for now I'm finding this entertaining despite that.  And Vanderpump isn't annoying me as much as I thought she would.  I like seeing her and Gordon interact.  I'm not sure if that feeling will last, though.

Edited by Yeah No
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11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yeah, especially after he TOLD them they should have one.  Seriously?  Would they have completely blown off their own mentor's suggestion without even a comment about it?  I call BS.

One of them (I don't remember her name) did give him a BS reason for not including a mocktail. I think it was something to the effect of "people who come in for an immersive experience aren't interested in not getting plowed in the process."

Apparently, no one else on his team has enough of a spine to stand up to her and say "if GR says we need a mocktail, then we need a mocktail."

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Tonight's episode description:


The 12 remaining entrepreneurs partner with Delish to maximize their promotional abilities; Teams Ramsay and Vanderpump create a Fourth of July inspired recipe that can be easily recreated from a 30-minute cook-a-long demonstration.

Right, because there's nothing a group of Brits wants to see more than a Fourth of July cooking demonstration.

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On 5/31/2024 at 6:21 PM, eel2178 said:
On 5/23/2024 at 8:34 PM, Tango64 said:

What an odd mashup of Shark Tank and … I don’t know,

The Apprentice

My thought, exactly! Make the contestants create something "exciting" in 24 hours with little guidance or experience, score them on it, and then "fire" the person on the losing team who may be the least effective. 

My other question was, if this is a contest for Food Stars, why is there so little emphasis on food

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All of these contestants want to be a 'food star' yet it seems like they don't know how to perform or be on camera (especially the woman who proclaimed that she goes live every day and is brilliant at it).  There seems to be a lack of leadership and on Vanderpump's team, a lack of team work (instead they seem to be quick to point fingers [or 'bicker' as Gordon and Lisa put it]).

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I agree the show makes no sense. When the Food Network had a Next Food Star show they had people who cooked and wanted to be on TV. These people have invented products and want to sell them. If they have zero experience with online cooking they are going to fumble. Of course the older woman is out even though her team had no intention of listening to her.

I have no idea why it’s a bigger sin to have trouble making decorative stars than missing two ingredients on a published list.

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This show is almost insulting to viewers. It's so lazy. It doesn't even try to appear unscripted or like a legit competition of some sort. The contestants seem to be following their "drama" cues and not having actual conversations. I wonder if they were told ahead of time that the "challenges" were just for TV, and the winners have already been chosen, but everyone can still get some publicity. They don't seem to be all that engaged. I am not sure why I am still watching. I guess to see just how dumb it will get. 

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3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

 Of course the older woman is out even though her team had no intention of listening to her.

However, her product is so stupid there would be no reason to invest in it, so it was better just to get rid of her at the first opportunity since she was never going to win.

On that note, why is the woman with the half-green hair on this show to begin with if her business is doing so well and not in need of the cash infusion or the mentorship?

I thought the point of the show was to find a fledgling business with a competent CEO who just needed a little help to get things off the ground. Have I misunderstood the whole concept?

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