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America's Got Duct Tape: Fixing the Show/Making it Better

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There have been a number of suggestions in various threads that could make AGT better.  The ones I've seen (and sometimes wrote) are:


1.  A minimum age of 16 or 18.  Put the kids on a seperate show--if no one watched "America's Most Talented Kid", let that be a reminder as to why we don't need AMTK-Lite.  It's easier to sort acts if they don't have to decide if someone is truly talented, or "talented for a kid."  The eliminations are very stressful on adults, and might be worse for kids, and it'll make the pageant parents that much more upset (so added bonus there.)


2.  Singers on their own night, or their own show (The Voice, American Idol, etc.--if America didn't like them there, why do we have to get them again?*), or as part of a band.  Even Emily West, who could be accapella, sounds fine with a backup band.  There's no clear solution here--"band" is a possibility, as is "singers vs. variety" saved for the finals.


3.  Dancers--see singers.


4.  If you have four cameras, and an act is performing, point four cameras at the stage.  Show the judges and the audience after the act is over, unless the judges or audience are part of the act.


5.  Judges get one save each.  If they don't use it to get someone into the quarter-finals, they lose it and it goes to America.  After that, we just vote (and vote once; not voting on who to save.  We already did that; it was called "voting.")


6.  Have someone watching the show via an antenna or cable system (as anyone watching would see it.)  If the sound is really screwed up, pull the plug and give that person a do-over at the end of the night (or the next week, or we take away a judge's save to make room.)  Mistakes happen, but don't call it a save, call it fixing a mistake, and we'll respect that once in a while.


7.  Judges should expect not to be on the show for more than two years (renewable, but by no means automatic.)  There should be a nationwide vote once in a while as which judge we like best, and they get an extra $50K to their favorite charity.  That way there's an incentive to do a great job.


8.  Emily West is someone we can rewrite all the rules for, except this one:  An "experienced performers" or "all stars" round might be interesting; including the former kid acts who have grown up enough to be scored as adults.  This could also be where other reality show finalists could go, so we could find out what happened to whats-her-name from that show.*


I know I've overlooked some good ideas, but this is a start.


* Also the other guy from that other show.  This would be a chance to de-Branson them for a while.

  • Love 4

No sob stories or background info until they have reached the final 24. At that point, I might be interested in learning a bit more about them. Having cancer, being a war veteran, getting voted off previously, being gay and disowned by your family, being the child of a single parent with 8 kids, losing a parent at a young age, etc. etc. - these are all valid stories but are irrelevant to how talented you are.

I want an act voted through because America thinks it has talent (not it's got talent, {{shudder}} bad grammar peeve), not because the voters have pity or admiration for the performer.

And being over 75 or under 15 is not an accomplishment worthy of applause.

Edited by Shermie
  • Love 5

Another one I thought of - enough with the producer pets/singers getting the pimp spot every week. Obviously someone has to perform last - pick the order of the acts out of a hat or something. It's so obvious every week - the first couple of performers (especially #1) are the ones producers want gone and the last few (especially #12) are the ones they want to go through. And it's always a singer who goes last. Who didn't see Miguel getting the pimp spot this week coming from a mile away? Remember how last year Jimmy Rose got it 3 weeks in a row?! Performance order needs to be chosen randomly.


And judges' choice AND Snapple Save? It's too damn much. With both of these in place, the #6 and #7 acts could be put through to the next round while the #5 vote getter gets sent home and that's not right. I say just get rid of the Snapple Save as it's stupid - we ALREADY voted the night before. Just put through whatever act got more votes on Tuesday night.


And for the love of god, stop cutting to a shot of the judges' faces while acrobatic/dance/visual acts are performing. If you want to do it during a singer or even something like Emil & Dariel, okay. Doesn't really matter. But cutting to the judges while an act like AcroArmy or Christian/Scooby are in the middle of doing tricks? WTF?!

  • Love 4


Stop with the "recap"  shows.



No sob stories or background info until they have reached the final 24.


We could do both of these--if they cut the sob stories, more people like me would watch the broadcast, and not the recap (which has less of the sob stories, and less judges' comments.)



And for the love of god, stop cutting to a shot of the judges' faces while acrobatic/dance/visual acts are performing.


I'd be happy if they stopped cutting away from the act during ANY act, but especially if visual appeal is part of the act.  Cutting to the judges ONLY makes sense on The Voice, where the gap between what the judges hear and what the viewer can see could matter (and where you can still hear the singing.)  It would be as if during a singing act, they mixed in what audience members were saying to each other. (That was NOT a suggestion, AGT, please just show the act, show only the act, and show the reaction after the act is done.)

All i'm gonna say is a 11 year old won season 1 so it's to little to late to make that change... anyway

1. No solo singers their are like 5 shows they can be on besides Agt 

2. No producer involvement half the time the producer does this it always effects the votes for the act Examples just this year the producers told Dominic (the card throwing kid) to throw cards at nick you can't tell me that didn't cost him any votes. 

3.No judges choice with snapple save i think the snapple save should be a replacement for the judges choice the 6th 7th and 8th place should be the snapple save 

4.Bring back the wild card show it's way more fair than than having the judges choose them maybe have the judges choose witch acts will perform

5. Get rid of Heidi Klum she just put through an act cuz he's "hot" no this is a talent show heidi not a modeling competition

6. stop changing the rules Emily West has already been a professional 

Edited by Grass the lord

While I too hate the sob stories, I think they serve a purpose from a production stand-point in that, at least during the live shows, the intro packages give the crew time to change the stage for the next act. Maybe to replace the sob stories they could take more time for judge commentary and the post-performance interview? Like the act could talk more about where they came up with the concept, what went into creating that specific performance, etc. We'd learn more about the acts themselves as opposed to their personal lives, which I really couldn't care less about.

  • Love 2


While I too hate the sob stories, I think they serve a purpose from a production stand-point in that, at least during the live shows, the intro packages give the crew time to change the stage for the next act.

If a commercial break isn't enough time, they could always run something entertaining. The Gong Show had fake acts and recurring bits like the Unknown Comic doing bad jokes and bantering with the host. The acts could be prerecorded, like the intro packages.

  • Love 2

I agree with most of the above especially:

No singers

No recap shows

30 min results show


I will add that better screening is required,  Sure throw in some characters for entertainment but no acts that take themselves seriously who are TERRIBLE!


Seek talent.  A stage filled with kids in gaudy costumes is not going to make it in Vegas even if their choreographer is homeless with no legs.


Yeah, no sob stories until they have made the final whatever and we need to know them more.  Talent first.  

  • Love 3

Awww, homeless with no legs? Vote! Vote! Vote!

I don't think they need sob stories just to kill time as they set up for the next act. Theatres hold elaborate stage productions all the time and manage to change huge sets while the show goes on. Surely curtains could close while they change sets or equipment and a comedian could do a routine during that time. They don't need that huge stage to tell jokes.

  • Love 1


Surely curtains could close while they change sets or equipment and a comedian could do a routine during that time. They don't need that huge stage to tell jokes.


I've seen this in high school talent shows with a good stage crew, though please don't call me "Shirley."


I like the idea of explaining the act after it's done--kind of like a reverse "Wizard Wars" approach.  Magicians wouldn't have to give away the magic, but they could explain how the concept came to them.  This would also weed out recycled acts, and singers would have to find an excuse to connect to the song.  (Emily West does that well--or at least, seems to on stage, which amounts to the same thing; some of the others could use practice here.)

  • Love 1

If a commercial break isn't enough time, they could always run something entertaining. The Gong Show had fake acts and recurring bits like the Unknown Comic doing bad jokes and bantering with the host. The acts could be prerecorded, like the intro packages.

Don't we already have that with Howie and his bits? I'm thinking people don't want more of that.

Edited by callmebetty


If a commercial break isn't enough time, they could always run something entertaining. The Gong Show had fake acts and recurring bits like the Unknown Comic doing bad jokes and bantering with the host. The acts could be prerecorded, like the intro packages.

Don't we already have that with Howie and his bits? I'm thinking people don't want more of that.

The difference is that they were funny.  Howie is not funny!

  • Love 1

I like these ideas. My vote goes to:

1. Age limit of 18. I couldn't say it any better than marketdoctor in the first post.

2. Three judges, none of whom are Howie Mandel. No more ties! Maybe fewer mediocre acts would advance.

3. No solo singers. Go to one of the other shows that are exclusively for solo singers. Compete against your peers. Bands and ensembles are OK.

4. #3 is unlikely ever to happen, so as a second choice, make solo singers compete head-to-head in their own special bracket. Don't put an adult with a professional singing career under her belt up against a 7-year-old throwing cards.

5. No sob stories until the semifinals. Let the talent speak for itself.

6. No Snapple Saves. No judges picking the last act to go through. It's fake drama and is an insult to the people who bothered to vote. Voting results determine who goes and who stays.

7. Show the act, the whole act, and nothing but the act. Then show the judges. I really don't need to see Howie grinning or Heidi in transports to know how I feel about an act.


If only....

  • Love 4


3. No solo singers. Go to one of the other shows that are exclusively for solo singers. Compete against your peers. Bands and ensembles are OK.

They want singing in the variety act they're putting together. What they need to do is revamp their categories and have some sort of "variety with singing" section for performers whose primary act isn't singing, but include singing in the act (e.g. Terry Fator, who had his puppets sing). Exclude anyone who just sings or makes a lame attempt to be more. Somebody like Prince Poppycock could probably squeak through with emphasis on the showmanship.

  • Love 1


What they need to do is revamp their categories and have some sort of "variety with singing" section for performers whose primary act isn't singing, but include singing in the act...


I would be open to the suggestions of Terry Fator & Prince Poppycock, but also song-and-dance acts.  There's a reason people buy tickets to musicals.  Singing and magic could work.  (Last year, one group tried singing and acrobatics, and the judges didn't like it, but I liked the effort.)


I know Emily West couldn't dance in that dress she wore for her first song--but that's what's wrong with the show, not her (unless it was her idea.)  They take a good act, and try to make it "bigger" in ways it doesn't need.  If it cost her the $1 million, she will have been robbed.

(Last year, one group tried singing and acrobatics, and the judges didn't like it, but I liked the effort.)


What act was this? I don't remember it at all. I'm having flashbacks to that Russian bar trio who suddenly decided to become a horrible singing act in the semifinals, but that was ages ago.

I agree with pretty much everything that's been said before.


For the No Kids rule, I might be willing to lower it to say Age 16; but 18 is a good spot too. There are some highschool groups that might otherwise be left out that can be damn good. (Especially the "Extreme Games" type acts, the skippers, hoopsters, and even some of the dance acts). But if you haven't been through puberty, you can't go on the show.


I might also allow exceptions for basically "Kids used as a prop" acts too, especially if it's just for one round. For example a magician might have a trick where they turn their assistant into a young boy/girl, and then back. 


But the hugest thing in general, I agree with, is the "No Cuts" filming. Plant a camera in front of the judge's table, pointed at the stage (So we see what the judges see) and don't cut for the 90 seconds or so the act goes on. Of course the producer/cameraman will still screw it up by panning too far to a side but at least it'll be closer to a natural experience. This is especially true for 'active' acts that have a lot of moving parts. Singers and Comedians can afford the cut aways but everyone else we want to see what's going on. And for Magician acts, for Houdini's sake, give us a constant shot! Picture in Picture if you have to, but we need to see it all.

  • Love 1


And for Magician acts, for Houdini's sake, give us a constant shot! Picture in Picture if you have to, but we need to see it all.

It's not just needing to see it all; it's also needing not to see things that give away the trick. The Director has blown several tricks over the seasons by switching to a particular camera at the wrong time. Unless the magician is inviting a camera to come "prove" something, it should be one camera from a single viewer's POV.

  • Love 1


I'm having flashbacks to that Russian bar trio


That was them; it was three years ago (there was another Russian Bar Trio act six years ago; thanks YouTube.)  I liked the singer more than most, which was a drawback, but at least it was an ORIGINAL drawback.


And it it explains why more non-singing acts don't add singers, if they don't have a good singer to add.



It's not just needing to see it all; it's also needing not to see things that give away the trick.


This is one of the things I don't get.  Magic takess practice, so having the cameras as part of a practice would solve a lot of problems for a competent camera crew.

Have the first live rounds bundle the various acts by type.  Magicians, group dance, couples dance, acrobat, lyrical (Kenichi/Blue Journey).  Whatever.  Keep the two or three best of each category.  THEN, mix them up in the quarter-finals.


But, the single biggest thing (other than NO MORE SINGERS) - show is the freaking L.A. rounds COMPLETELY.  No pass throughs.  Everyone goes through and we see it, or goes home.

  • Love 1

It's interesting--although some of these changes would require rethinking the audition rounds (no singers/no kids), I really hope they get the easy ones right next year:  drop the pass-throughs, and please POINT THE CAMERA AT THE ACT.  If you have two cameras, POINT BOTH OF THEM ACT THE ACT.  If you have three cameras, REALIZE THAT A RUNNING JOKE CAN GO TOO FAR, point two of them at the act, and then point the third one at a different view of the act.  Thanks.

  • Love 3

Best show on TV. I wasn't sure I would like Howard Stern but he is honest with the talent. I do like Heidi and Mel B together. It's refreshing to see two beautiful successful women who appear to really like one another without any bitchiness. (I.e. As in the horrible season of American Idol with Mariah and Nikki Minaj!). I don't usually agree with Howie but he is nice to everyone and that is a good thing!

  • Love 1

Maybe there's a way to fix one of the problems with kid acts, even if we can't move them to another show entirely:


Put into the contract that any video of the kids is subject to reviewed by the state's child protective services--whether the video is part of the broadcast or not.  (I'd support at $200 fee/kid to help support this, paid to social service workers as overtime to review the footage--this would keep a lot of kids from trying out, which would be a partial victory.)  If the social workers don't approve an act, it doesn't go forward, and child protective services investigates if there's evidence for that need.


This would reduce questions and save some of the kids.  It's not perfect, just (hopefully) better.

  • Love 1

Maybe there's a way to fix one of the problems with kid acts, even if we can't move them to another show entirely:

I bet they've actually considered this, but the example of another franchise trying it--the total crash and burn of "American Juniors" (the version of American Idol "for kids") was probably a big flashing warning sign not to do it.


I do know that The Voice almost had a kid version (and actually DOES in a few countries around the globe).


Then again, Masterchef Junior has been a success (with viewers... that's the only thing that counts) so who knows?


I didn't think everyone else would hate the kids and singers as much as I do. Gotta wonder who exactly keeps voting for them to stay. IMO, AGT is way too varied for singing to fit in properly. Few of the talents have another show to try out for, and singers have/had Idol, X Factor, and The Voice, so I've always seen them on AGT as taking the easy way to victory when auditioning.

One thing I can't stand is how the judges are such attention whores during everyone else's auditions. Sometimes they'll be called up, which happens way too often anyway ("I'll actually need you to help me, Heidi" "duh, who, me?") and other times they'll hijack the stage for themselves. Nick does this the most and it gets so freaking irritating; someone's performing and he'll slide across the floor and yell "TURN THE MUSIC BACK ON" before doing something he thinks is quirky. I don't want to see him dancing 5 times an episode.

Howard's a great judge, Howie's okay although a bit of a doormat. Mel B can be pretty annoying, but Heidi is such a shit-tier judge. What does she add to the show besides being painfully unfunny and embarrassing? Kind of like Jennifer Lopez on Idol, but worse.

Every judge besides Howard constantly lets crappy one hit wonders pass through onto the next rounds, and you'd think they would eventually get better at their jobs and stop doing it every season. Howie's begging "Howard, this lame puppeteer is a million dollar act!" and the women's "heehee B-double-O-T-Y is off da chay-hnnn" becomes extremely bothersome when they're suddenly telling it like it is two weeks later and saying the act was a novelty.

Edited by Neet

Here's something the show is doing WORSE, not better.


I can sort of accept the idea of the Golden Buzzer, even if it's crass and manipulative to create show "moments".


That said Howie was on The Today Show talking about the show and he revealed that not only were the four judges getting Golden Buzzer presses but the GUEST JUDGES are too.


That's insane.  There are four guest judges coming (Neil Patrick Harris, Michael Bublé, Piers Morgan and Marlon Wayans).  And I bet the show will make a big deal of Nick walking off the stage and claiming a press too.  So that would be NINE acts going straight to the final rounds.


Just effin nuts.  Way to ruin things, show.


I didn't think everyone else would hate the kids and singers as much as I do.


It's astounding; I've met a lot of people (online and RL) who have varying degrees of disliking the kid acts--the range is from "don't care but fast-forward" to "here's what social services said when I called..."--but the strongest endorsement of them I've heard is "some of them aren't that bad."  Talented kids are fine, but it's also fine to LET THEM HAVE A CHILDHOOD.  If they need the money to provide food for their families, that's a different kind of tragedy, but this show isn't the place for that conversation.


I think it's nuts we can't vote in the opening stages--the earlier the better.  That would mean a few acts with small but very loyal fan bases would get through, but that might already be happening. 


I thought the golden buzzer only got them to the semi-finals?  Which is like when you cut the arsenic in your cookies in half:  it's the right direction, but it's still poisoning the show--and adding more of it is NOT helping, even though the guest judges who haven't been on the show before seem like reasonable choices.)  Maybe they're following that pattern from sports, where everyone loves the referees and wants to hear more about what they think, and want the officials to determine the outcome instead of settling it on the field.  (Side fact for the irony-impaired:  even the officials themselves are glad when they don't determine the outcome.)

Most of what I think has been covered.




- I would like it if they just got rid of all the judges and just had a host to introduce the acts.  That way, we would have fewer individuals influencing the outcome of the shows.  Since that would never happen, at least get rid of Heidi.  


- Absolutely no backstories.  The host comes out and introduces the acts.  All he can tell us is where the act comes from.  If an act reaches the final, then we can learn a little more about them.  I don't think acts should advance because of emotions.  That's not fair.  


- If it was totally up to voters, stupid acts like the "professional" cuddler would have never been sent through.


- Get better directors.


- Get better editors.  I don't know why they cut away from the acts to see how astonished the judges are.  It is just another attempt at viewer manipulation anyway.

  • Love 3


Singers on their own night, or their own show (The Voice, American Idol, etc.--if America didn't like them there, why do we have to get them again?*), or as part of a band.  Even Emily West, who could be accapella, sounds fine with a backup band.  There's no clear solution here--"band" is a possibility, as is "singers vs. variety" saved for the finals.

I used to be into Britain's Got Talent. I think I may have watched about 5 seasons of that. Then I got into X Factor and just got over it. I've never had any desire to watch America's Got Talent. One of my biggest problems is I feel like most of the time these are acts that can't compete in their own arenas. This is particularly bad for the singers but it also goes for the musicians, the dancers, the cheerleaders, the magicians. I look at them and what I think is oh, you're not that good and the only reason you seem better than you are is because there aren't as many people in your specific category competing against you. BGT when I watched it gave me more of the feeling that these were people who wouldn't have otherwise had an opportunity whether they weren't conventionally attractive or they were too young or what have you. And also there were plenty of acts that did seem amazingly talented. AGT just hasn't been able to find a lot of people I think are that impressive.

I think that acts requiring nothing but "nerves"  should not be on the show.  My definition of "talent"  does not include wearing a fireproof suit and loading it with fireworks, or crashing school buses into each other.  Those acts remind me of the "Jack Ass"  show.  People that do those stunts seem more passively suicidal ("so what if I die")  than actually talented.


And I think about the two cases on the news of guys doing July 4 stunts and killing themselves with fireworks on their bodies.   Do we call it TALENT when someone lives, but STUPID when another person does the same kind of stunt and dies? 

  • Love 5

The talent is in the imagination and the creation of the apparatus necessary to pull it off.  I fully agree, however, that these danger acts should be outside the realm of the contest.  


I think there is an opportunity, however, for a one-off ep each season showcasing these things.  There would not be a chance for the act to enter the main competition, but there could and should be, say, a $25K prize for the best overall danger presentation in that one ep.  

  • Love 2


I think there is an opportunity, however, for a one-off ep each season showcasing these things.  There would not be a chance for the act to enter the main competition, but there could and should be, say, a $25K prize for the best overall danger presentation in that one ep.


I'd be up for this, and while they have it, do it for all the "one trick pony" acts that wouldn't sustain a long act, but could be interesting to see once or twice. Maybe it could be a mini-series; you could also do an episode of "second chance acts" that wouldn't actually win, but would get a shot at some more cash and/or fame.

  • Love 1

No more singers or acts under the age of 18. People don't go to Vegas to see little kids dance/sing. You can go on Youtube and watch that without paying a shitton of money. Singers need to stick with The Voice because If I go to Vegas I sure as hell am not going to shell out a ton of cash to see an amateur when I could see someone like Celine or Elton John perform. 

  • Love 4

No more singers or acts under the age of 18.

I'll point out that this was an idea expressed before this season even appeared on TV, as did my hatred of the Golden Buzzer (which is directed at the buzzer, not the acts buzzed.)

While the show is on an Olympics break, I want to point out another flaw of child acts:

They don't stay child acts forever.

Terry Fator is still amazing.  Piff the Magic Dragon is still amazing.  Although some former young/child singers are even better (for example, Britney Spears, and some people say 1989 was Taylor Swift's best album), many don't.  For every good child performer who stays very good, but gets overshadowed by people who are even better--you leave them under-equipped for wondering what happened, as they meet people on their way up who have spent more time paying their dues.  

As a general rule, if your genre can't sustain a series of one-off TV specials, it probably won't make it as a Vegas act either.  (Occasionally, there are acts that are more impressive in person, but that's rare.)  I don't hate specific kids--but there's a reason we never got a second season of America's Most Talented Kid or Kid Idol, and probably won't get a So You Think You Can Dance Jrs. II.  Even kid-themed game shows are hard to pull off, but people keep trying--and don't realize you need to quit before it stops being fun.

That said, the Olympics also reminds me that the coverage of AGT could be worse.  ("Instead of showing you the live act, here's an interview from the lounge from people who might be on next week.  If we have time, we'll show you highlights of the acts later.")

  • Love 1

Get rid of Mel B.

I've always been generally ambivalent towards her, though I do appreciate how excited she gets about some of the acts. But the latter half of this season... Either she's taking drugs she shouldn't, or she not taking drugs that she should. She is constantly combative with the two male judges, often being physically violent towards them. I hope TPTB intervened somehow or had a nice, long chat with her after she accosted a section of the audience with a large glass of water -- especially she felt that "I was aiming for Simon!" was somehow a justifiable reason? No. Either she needs to calm down, or get the hell out.

  • Love 2

There's an easy fix for one of the problems:  for the Judge's Cut rounds, just do voting instead of having them pick.  The judges find it hard, and we don't.    The highest vote-getter could get the Golden Buzzer (which was always stupid, so giving it to the first-place winner gives it some meaning.)

  • Love 1
On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:30 AM, marketdoctor said:

for the Judge's Cut rounds, just do voting instead of having them pick.  The judges find it hard, and we don't.    

Problem is, if you believe what you read about behind the scenes, combined with being somewhat cynical as I am, the producers are pulling all the strings and a contract is signed that states that the producers may decide the outcome.  I have read the same thing about the AI contract.  Bottom line:  votes don't really count.  

Edited by Babalooie
1 hour ago, Babalooie said:

Problem is, if you believe what you read about behind the scenes, combined with being somewhat cynical as I am, the producers are pulling all the strings and a contract is signed that states that the producers may decide the outcome.  I have read the same thing about the AI contract.  Bottom line:  votes don't really count.  

Yea this is why Im 99.9% sure Courtney is winning. They definitely have their hands in the pot and the fact she has over 45 million youtube views (4th most all time) I feel like the producers will make sure someone with that kind of numbers makes the finals.

  • Love 1

I don't remember her name - I believe it started with a D and it was kind of unusual - in the Rockstar reality show where Tommy Lee's manufactured band was looking for a lead singer.  The producers were promoting her. She didn't win, but I think they were using her for bait. That's why I don't think Courtney will necessarily win. They are just using her to get people to watch. I think the producers have a few "winners" picked. They just lead the audience to them. It's kind of like a poll. Polls only give you a few choices of preselected answers.  That's what the judges are there to do, lead you to the show's few choices of pre-selected winners.  If voting really counts and is legitimate, the producers can't control that. The can only control who is left to vote for. 

  • Love 1
On 8/12/2018 at 1:40 PM, Commando Cody said:

I don't remember her name - I believe it started with a D and it was kind of unusual - in the Rockstar reality show where Tommy Lee's manufactured band was looking for a lead singer.  The producers were promoting her. She didn't win, but I think they were using her for bait. That's why I don't think Courtney will necessarily win. They are just using her to get people to watch. I think the producers have a few "winners" picked. They just lead the audience to them. It's kind of like a poll. Polls only give you a few choices of preselected answers.  That's what the judges are there to do, lead you to the show's few choices of pre-selected winners.  If voting really counts and is legitimate, the producers can't control that. The can only control who is left to vote for. 

The last two winners have had very large social media followings. The show has been gearing towards that the last two seasons. On top of that national news networks are talking about her and  not talking about the other acts. She was the number 5 trending video on YouTube yesterday. I don't think any of the other acts can compete with that.

Remember Grace and Darcy's finals packages were them commenting on YouTube videos of their fans imitating them. I expect Courtney to go down this same path.

Edited by anthonyd46

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