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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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Not sure what it is with the whole GED thing constantly being thrown out there. At least the girl accomplished it, as she should. She did it. She moved forward. I can see if she still hadn't completed her GED.  Imagine if Randy threw that in her face every time she told him of something new in her life, "Hey dad, I am now manager of a salon!" Randy: "Yet, it took you how long to get that GED?"  How long before that gets put to rest? If that is the only negative thing that can be thrown out there about Chelsea, then to me, that speaks volumes. It's better than where Jenelle is in life, who after all these years is still claiming to working to get Jace back. That is her child!  I would hate it if every mistake I did as a teen or an 18 year old was constantly brought up or I was reminded of it. Not that Chelsea is being reminded of it, but imagine if she was. As I pointed out, if that is the worst thing that can be mentioned about her. And what does that have to do with her engagement? I sure hope the pastor doesn't mention her GED during the wedding vows.

Edited by GreatKazu
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You know what I like most about Chelsea? Of the 8 girls on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2, she's the only girl (except for maybe Cate) who I think is in a better place because she was on Teen Mom 2. Jenelle, Leah, and Amber were never going places, I don't think, due to either extreme laziness or general dimness, and all I think were predisposed to addiction issues. All TM did was give them the resources to indulge their various addictions. I think TM permanently stunted both Maci and Kail, the two girls who I think were the smartest of the franchise (relatively speaking) and had the most ambition. And Farrah- well I think she is where she was always going to end up (annoying people and trying to cash in on her looks), but Teen Mom enabled her to do it publicly.


Chelsea has training to do some kind of job, a house that is building equity, and a nest egg to fall back on, all while she is 23-24. That is likely not something she would have had without this show. Sure, Randy would have supported her and she might have finished school on her own, but she is the only one who took advantage of her situation to do something for her future.


ALL of these girls were offered a great opportunity to set themselves up for life, and due to immaturity, addictions, and general stupidity all but Chelsea and possibly Cate are totally squandering it.


Could Chelsea be doing more with her life? Sure, but she has in some fashion taken advantage of what she was offered.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 8

You know what I like most about Chelsea? Of the 8 girls on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2, she's the only girl (except for maybe Cate) who I think is in a better place because she was on Teen Mom 2.

I agree she seems to be the only one going forward in life. I'd almost say the same about Kail, but she and Javi blow money on frivolous and unnecessary shit, whereas Chelsea appears to live reasonably. She's able to work part time now because of TM, but can always switch to full time once the show ends. Hopefully Cole is pulling his weight and Randy makes sure they have some sort of prenup.

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I like Chelsea but I don't give her gold stars for having her shit together. She was a spoiled girl from an upper middle class family who always had the cushion of Daddy to fall back on. She really didn't have to overcome the challenges faced by most single moms and it still took her six years to get a freaking GED. Even without Teen Mom she wouldn't have been struggling in terms of money or family help.


But then you compare her to the other spoiled middle class / rich girl and you have Farrah... so.... I think Chelsea still comes out as deserving some praise for finding her path.

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Not to argue but aren't Farrah's parents pretty terrible? I don't watch the first TM but I get the impression that Farrah's family is pretty dysfunctional, despite having some money. So it is no surprise she hasn't turned out well.

I'm certainly proud of Chelsea, especially in how she has matured over the years. She seems like a genuinely sweet girl who truly puts Aubree first. Still, she really lucked out in the family department, and not because they have some money. Randy and her mom seem to be truly caring and nurturing, unlike some of the enabling or absent parents seen in the series. IMO a lot of Chelsea's success comes from having a fairly stable family. I can't help but wonder if Leah, Jenelle, or Kail would've come out better if they had had the same.

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But then you compare her to the other spoiled middle class / rich girl and you have Farrah... so.... I think Chelsea still comes out as deserving some praise for finding her path.


I don't think Chelsea was "spoiled."  She appears to have a good foundation based on a supportive family.  There are always personality traits, mental illness or other factors that can work against a supportive environment.  But Chelsea is pretty basic and barring any of those issues she shouldn't have any problems with the lot given her. 




IMO a lot of Chelsea's success comes from having a fairly stable family. I can't help but wonder if Leah, Jenelle, or Kail would've come out better if they had had the same.


I don't think there's any doubt that they would have done better with more stable role models. There are some people who excel despite a shitty upbringing but they are the minority.

  • Love 5

Had to dust my girls thread off.

I just read an interview with her about her wedding this October. I love that MTV is begging her to let them film it but she's refusing.

She said she wants it kept private and Cole doesn't really like being flimed.

I love that she's found herself a normal, non famewhore, working man. She deserves a good guy.

I'm just waiting for the comments from Adam saying he's glad she found somebody because she wanted him back. I really wish MTV would cut him loose.

I'm happy for Chelsea. She's always been my favorite.

  • Love 11

I also think us getting to see the wedding would automatically make it not as nice as what they want - private, about them not teevee, etc. I think I read somewhere it was going to be fairly small and intimate too (can't find it again so I may be misremembering that). Cameras and production people tripping all over each other to get the story and the shot would ruin that.

Hopefully she'll share pictures and maybe even some of her own video clips later.

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One of the comments in the interview I read said Chelsea was stupid for not letting MTV film it because they'd pay for it and she could have the wedding of her dreams.

It sounds to me like she is having the wedding of her dreams. She wants something small, private and intimate, not every woman wants a circus for a wedding.

I'm happy for her. I hope we at least get pictures.

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I also think it says a lot about Chelsea and Cole that they are forgoing the "perks" of MTV filming in order to have the family and friends only, small event that they want. I wouldn't be surprised if Chelsea would be happy to stop filming. Although I also wouldn't be surprised if she continues, and Aubrey gets a nice college fund or some other "starter" money when she's older.

  • Love 6

I also think it says a lot about Chelsea and Cole that they are forgoing the "perks" of MTV filming in order to have the family and friends only, small event that they want. I wouldn't be surprised if Chelsea would be happy to stop filming. Although I also wouldn't be surprised if she continues, and Aubrey gets a nice college fund or some other "starter" money when she's older.


I would be willing to bet that Randy and Chelsea have put together a pretty detailed budget that involves setting aside a portion of money to pay IRS once a year, first and foremost, an allocation for investments (like some kind of private 401K plan), money in savings, and then Chelsea gets whatever is left, which is why she works part time and lives fairly modestly. I bet they made a significant down payment on that house too, so that once the TM2 money goes, Chelsea still has a pretty manageable mortgage, particularly if they will soon be a two income family.


I don't really think Chelsea is that book smart. But she's mature enough to realize her father has her best interests in mind and she listens to him. She also seems to be pretty wary of people that want to use her for her fame (see how that works, Jenelle, Maci, and Amber?).

  • Love 9


I bet they made a significant down payment on that house too, so that once the TM2 money goes, Chelsea still has a pretty manageable mortgage, particularly if they will soon be a two income family.


I figured that too, that Chelsea put her money to good use and now has a close to paid off house on her hands. I would bet her house, though a decent size and on a decent piece of land, wasn't too expensive. Compared to the money trap McMansion Kail invested in, I think she won't have a hard time keeping up with her house payments once TM2 ends.

  • Love 2

One of the comments in the interview I read said Chelsea was stupid for not letting MTV film it because they'd pay for it and she could have the wedding of her dreams.



I've never watched on "celebrity" or "reality" weddings on TV but I can't imagine that people who do would want to watch Chelsea and her boyfriend's wedding.  Or it would be a very small audience.  I doubt Chelsea got any offers for big money to pay for her wedding.  MTV would probably want to film snippets for the regular show and not pay any extra. 

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I'm not at all surprised that Chelsea and Cole aren't letting MTV in their wedding, just like how I wasn't surprised that Corey and Miranda didn't film theirs. I totally respect that, and I'm sure it will be beautiful. Chelsea has come a long way, and she's now the best mom and most stable wife of the four of them. I'm not saying her job is done, life is a journey and she has a lot of learning and growing left to do. But I'm proud of her, and she's gotten a lot done.

I agree that she's not book smart. A lot of people criticized her for not going to a traditional college because her family has money and her dad's a dentist, but the fact is she's able to make a decent living from learning a trade that is much more suited to her talents. I do think that Chelsea has gotten much more people smart after her experiences with Adam, and it made her growing up a lot, and learn how to decide who she could trust. Cole seems like a really good, genuine guy and I think they have as good of a shot as any couple getting married.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was Chelsea's last season, if not the last season of TM2 altogether. I'm going out onow a limb here, but it wouldn't come as a huge shock to me to hear that Chelsea kind of got pressured into continuing the show for as long as she did by production or the other girls. After the Farrah debacle, I think she might have been guilted into sticking around for the sake of the other three.

  • Love 7

Oh dear the episode where Chelsea is too dumb to get her dog back in the house and calls her dad wailing that the neighbor's dog is chewing on her dog and the neighbor's dog is mean so she doesn't know what to do. And she "kind of feels bad" because the dog wasn't on a leash. I forgot about this totally preventable dog death.

There must have been 2 different versions of that scene because that's not what I remember at all. I just did a rewatch on the first few seasons and just saw the episode.

She didn't call her dad until her dog was already dead. If I was traumatized like she was, I'd have called a parent for comfort too.

And she NEVER said she "kind of" feels bad. I didn't hear that at all, I heard her crying about how horrible it was and how it was "so sad". I didn't her the words "kind of" in the conversation.

She also moved right after it happened because the house didn't have a fenced yard.

Chelsea is the only one of these girls who doesn't get a puppy and then get rid of it when it's not cute anymore. She seems to be a responsible pet owner. It was horrible what happened to her dog but the scene you described isn't the scene I remember.

Edited by Maharincess
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I think someone looked up the house on Zillow once and it was listed at around 250k, which is reasonable for someone in Chelsea's income bracket. I just pray she doesn't add Cole's name to the deed. I know they're getting married and all, but still...


What is her income bracket?  I didn't think these people got paid that much.  Or do they?  Is their MTV income public record?

  • Love 1

What is her income bracket?  I didn't think these people got paid that much.  Or do they?  Is their MTV income public record?


It's been said that the girls make around six figures for one season of the show. A few years ago I want to say it was between $100,000 to $140,000, but it might have gone up. I don't know if there is any official conformation from them or MTV out there, though. 


This article gives some hints about what they make: http://www.mstarz.com/articles/78586/20150809/teen-mom-salary-bombshell-cast-makes-over-half-million-dollars-mtv.htmhttp://www.mstarz.com/articles/78586/20150809/teen-mom-salary-bombshell-cast-makes-over-half-million-dollars-mtv.htm

It sounds like they aren't supposed to talk about it, though it did say Amber was making about $140,000 and then some around 2010, as per her court case back then. Yes, these girls are getting an obscene amount of money and most of all of them have wasted it.

There must have been 2 different versions of that scene because that's not what I remember at all. I just did a rewatch on the first few seasons and just saw the episode.

She didn't call her dad until her dog was already dead. If I was traumatized like she was, I'd have called a parent for comfort too.

And she NEVER said she "kind of" feels bad. I didn't hear that at all, I heard her crying about how horrible it was and how it was "so sad". I didn't her the words "kind of" in the conversation.

She also moved right after it happened because the house didn't have a fenced yard.

Chelsea is the only one of these girls who doesn't get a puppy and then get rid of it when it's not cute anymore. She seems to be a responsible pet owner. It was horrible what happened to her dog but the scene you described isn't the scene I remember.

I was typing as I watched it. She said when the police told her the dog should have been on a leash "it kind of made me feel bad!" When she called her dad he must have asked her to go get the dog or something and that's when she said she couldn't because the dog was chewing on the other dog and he's mean!

I do think the dog was killed while Chelsea was on the phone with Randy. But I don't remember if she called her dad while the dog was being mauled or if Chelsea happened to already have been on the phone when it happened. There was a pretty lengthy discussion on TWoP about what, if anything, she could have done to help her dog. She was alone with Aubree and she couldn't very well bring her into the yard with her, lest Aubree get in the big dog's path, and Aubree was too young to stay in the house unsupervised while Chelsea rescued the dog. I don't remember if she let the dog out without a leash- which wasn't smart- or if the dog got out of the house when Chelsea opened the door. But once the dog got out, I do think Chelsea's options of what to do were limited. That was a disturbing episode though picturing a dog getting mauled to death.

  • Love 2

What is her income bracket?  I didn't think these people got paid that much.  Or do they?  Is their MTV income public record?

Well, Maci had a Tax Lien from 2013 that was almost $80,000.  So you have to figure if her TAX was that much or more, her income was pretty substantial.



It sounds like they aren't supposed to talk about it, though it did say Amber was making about $140,000 and then some around 2010, as per her court case back then. Yes, these girls are getting an obscene amount of money and most of all of them have wasted it.


Yeah I'm sure they're not supposed to talk about it. I also think about all the extra $$ they get from magazines/tabloids, product sponsorship, etc. (although Chelsea isn't as involved in that stuff as some of them are).


I've always been glad Chelsea has Randy to help her with finances because I can see a 19 year old going "OMG $100k I can retire!!!" whereas someone with more life experience would know better.

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She let the dogs out because she had to get ready to go take her GED math test. I don't know why you would let two dogs out off leash if you had no fence and lived next door to a mean dog. One dog was running into the street at one point.


Yeah, that was not very smart. If I recall, the neighbor's mean dog was on a leash in his yard, and the little dog ran into the neighbor's yard and then couldn't get away.

  • Love 1

I am remembering this. I was appalled at her being irresponsible. 


1) She was on her way to her GED. Why would you let your dogs out to pee off leash when you're in a hurry unless you are very certain they don't run off (IIRC, the dog had a history of being hard to capture)

2) She knew the mean dog lived next door.


I think it was irresponsible of her, but once the big dog had her dog, there wasn't much she could do except be upset about it.  It was a real bonehead move to let the dog out to pee when she was in a rush. She was definitely responsible for the death of the dog. 

That upset me as well. I was so sorry a dog had to die.

  • Love 4

I agree that she's not book smart. A lot of people criticized her for not going to a traditional college because her family has money and her dad's a dentist, but the fact is she's able to make a decent living from learning a trade that is much more suited to her talents.



It's a very narrow mind that thinks a traditional college is the only way to go.  People with specific skills or trades do very well.  Chelsea is lucky that she found something she likes to do and gets paid to do it.  A lot of college educated people work in cubicles and hate their jobs.

  • Love 3

I am remembering this. I was appalled at her being irresponsible.

1) She was on her way to her GED. Why would you let your dogs out to pee off leash when you're in a hurry unless you are very certain they don't run off (IIRC, the dog had a history of being hard to capture)

2) She knew the mean dog lived next door.

I think it was irresponsible of her, but once the big dog had her dog, there wasn't much she could do except be upset about it. It was a real bonehead move to let the dog out to pee when she was in a rush. She was definitely responsible for the death of the dog.

That upset me as well. I was so sorry a dog had to die.

Yeah I really don't know what she expected to happen, living next to a "mean" dog with no fence and no leash on her dogs? I don't even understand what she was thinking. I really hate when dumb irresponsible people get animals they aren't able to care for. So sad for the dog who definitely deserved better.

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I like Chelsea, it's probably a lesser or more evil type of thing but for the most part I like her. But the dog incident really pissed me off.

She seems to have matured a lot since then and it looks like she has had the same pets for a while now so hopefully she learned from it.


I'm not sure getting a pet pig is the most mature decision one can make.  Does she still have it?  Because most people give them up when they realize it's a lot of work and the pigs aren't really happy living in a house without other pigs. 

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I saw a picture of them celebrating Pete the pigs one year anniversary with them so she still has him. I remember the episode where they got him and it seemed like they did a lot of research before jumping into it. Pete didn't seem like an impulse purchase.

That's good.  So many times animals become trendy pets and unlike dogs, cats and a few other animals, they just aren't meant to be pets.  Like monkeys. 

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Am I the only one that has to FF or mute the TV whenever Chelsea's Mom is in a scene? She acts like a love-sick Belieber whenever she talks to Chelsea (especially regarding Adam) that I am embarrassed for her.

Unless it is a brand new episode I will listen to her storyline in a white noise fashion (pee break...grabbing a snack from the kitchen...sticking needles in my eyes to stay awake) but when I watch reruns I immediately hit fast forward when I get the first glimpse of Cheetah prints on the segment changing book that shows pictures with their names and something cartoony that relates to them--wow I'm babbling.

I keep thinking back to that episode where it's Aubrees Christmas Recidle? Adam and Cole are in the room for the first time and Chelsea is trying to play it cool, yet, mommy the belieber keeps saying obvious sh!t where Adam is in ear-sight.

Not verbatim:

Oh my god, Adam and Cole are in the same room

Chelsea: yes, ma! I knowwwwwah. Shhh

Have Adam and Cole ever seen eachother until now?

Chelsea: noooooo maaaaa quiETTTA. Play it cool.

Then Chelsea grabs Coles hand really tight in a moment of "it's finally MY turn to have eye candy on my arm and Adams the lonely one!" "I hope Adam will be sooooo crazy jealous when gets a load of my new man I just hope my Cole bear doesn't ruin it all by letting Adam hear his helium voice...."

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 6

I really wish they'd stop filming Adam. I don't understand why they keep giving him his own segments, he's full of shit every time he opens his mouth and I don't know why they keep filming him. He lies and bullshits about what a great dad he is and he tries so hard but Chelsea makes it so difficult for him and blah blah bullshit.

I would bet good money that if they hadn't kept filming and paying him, he'd have been out of Aubree's life a long time ago. I firmly believe that the show is the only reason he's still around.

I often wonder too why Chelsea is still filming. She doesn't seem like a fame whore like many of the others and seems pretty set in her life.

She probably figures she's done it for this long, may as well keep padding her bank account.

I like Chelsea, I can't help it. Yes she was slow to get on track but out of all of the girls on these shows, I think she's got her life together and has planned for the future more than any of the rest. And she just seems like a sweet person.

Aubree is the kid I worry least about.

Edited by Talky Tina
  • Love 9

Oh yeah, that's why I think she keeps filming too, I just think if the show ended tomorrow she wouldn't be in a panic like the others would.

Does Chelsea do the appearance thing? I've never heard of her making the rounds like I hear about the others. I follow her on Twitter and I don't look too closely because I don't care that much but I never see her promoting crap like the others do. The other girls always seem to have an "amazing new product they just tried".

I don't remember a "piss on Aubree" product like Jenelle had the piss on Kaiser thing. Lol.

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