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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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I don't really care how much Chelsea spends...it's her money...but $98 is a lot for see through leggings. I didn't say anything about not liking them; I think they're actually kind of cute. I bet I would have worn them to dance class as a teen, if I could have gotten them cheaper. But no one could possibly call them practical, especially somewhere cold like South Dakota. I don't care if she wants to buy them, but I just find it amusing that she's considered so frugal, and there's no possibility whatsoever that she will ever need to adjust her habits. If it were, say, Leah buying them, I'm sure there would be comments like, "Leah needs $98 sheer leggings? That money's gonna run out one day in the hollar!" Some people defend Chelsea like she's their sister, and it's fine if they identify with her for whatever reason; everyone has the right to admire whomever they'd like. But I just don't see why she's immune to snark to the point where we can't notice if she buys things that are out of the average person's budget, and impractical. The second I stated that fact, people were tripping over themselves to suggest she got them on sale, and then shut down any conversation that she may not always be able to buy such items. No one suggested that Chelsea is a horrible human being because she made a whimsical purchase. Chelsea makes 300K a year and if she wants to make purchases like this, it's fine, but I wouldn't exactly call it "thrifty," even if it doesn't reach the level of ostentatious and idiocy as, say, Jenelle's dumb toys for David, or kail's garish Pinterest perfect household apparel. I think it's fine if we want to merely question the narratives that she's frugal, and set for life. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I don't really care how much Chelsea spends...it's her money...but $98 is a lot for see through leggings. I didn't say anything about not liking them; I think they're actually kind of cute. I bet I would have worn them to dance class as a teen, if I could have gotten them cheaper. But no one could possibly call them practical, especially somewhere cold like South Dakota. I don't care if she wants to buy them, but I just find it amusing that she's considered so frugal, and there's no possibility whatsoever that she will ever need to adjust her habits. If it were, say, Leah buying them, I'm sure there would be comments like, "Leah needs $98 sheer leggings? That money's gonna run out one day in the hollar!" Some people defend Chelsea like she's their sister, and it's fine if they identify with her for whatever reason; everyone has the right to admire whomever they'd like. But I just don't see why she's immune to snark to the point where we can't notice if she buys things that are out of the average person's budget, and impractical. The second I stated that fact, people were tripping over themselves to suggest she got them on sale, and then shut down any conversation that she may not always be able to buy such items. No one suggested that Chelsea is a horrible human being because she made a whimsical purchase. Chelsea makes 300K a year and if she wants to make purchases like this, it's fine, but I wouldn't exactly call it "thrifty," even if it doesn't reach the level of ostentatious and idiocy as, say, Jenelle's dumb toys for David, or kail's garish Pinterest perfect household apparel. I think it's fine if we want to merely question the narratives that she's frugal, and set for life. 

Leah has a new LV Neverfull and wallet. Good for her! 

Chelsea tagged the leggings in some sort of Instagram story and said she received them for free. 

He's so cute:


  • Love 14

@Christina87 You’re referring to them as “see through leggings” etc. so I took that as not liking them, I guess I was wrong in that thought. I’m definitely not defending Chelsea like she’s my sister and I snark her too. It’s just some viewers seem to hate her and everything she does for no reason. We don’t know where she got the leggings or what, if anything, she paid for them. You’re deciding the purchase was whimsical, what she paid for them and also that she makes only $300k a year as if those are all known facts and not just your opinion. We don’t actually know any of those things. She may make $300k from the show but we have no idea what she makes from other deals. Like I mentioned before, she and most other reality tv people and even people who aren’t famous, make a lot of money on instagram, it’s a huge thing now. Plus, Cole has a regular job and salary plus his own TM money too. They make way over $300k, imo.

I’m personally not really one to talk about the cast’s money running out, aside from the ones extremely stupid with money (Amber, especially), because I don’t think it’s going to be a problem for the rest of them for a long while.

I think Leah probably also has enough money to buy a pair of $100 pants if she wants. She has lots of instagram clout too. She probably also gets plenty of things free from sponsors, though. As much as I hate to admit it Jenelle will probably even be fine for awhile after the show ends thanks to social media money. Though she has to get less offers and probably slimier offers than the rest.

Also, I live in a climate even colder than South Dakota (it’s -15 right now, actual temp) and I still wear things like Chelsea is wearing or whatever else I want to that could be seen as impractical for the weather. I’m not hanging out outside for long so it doesn’t really matter and Chelsea was going to be in a concert venue, which actually gets hot due to all the people. I don’t see anyone saying she’s frugal or definitely set for life because we don’t know those things but merely suggesting them as a possibility. You seem to think it’s not possible, I think it is. Okay. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Tights are now considered pants?


10 hours ago, Rebecca said:

No but leggings are.

I've been around the "trend" block long enough to have seen leggings as pants before - (more than once, lol.) Done right, proportion-wise, they're cute. Just, for the love of sweet baby jeebus, wear a shirt that covers your buns and bits! I know trend for now is for shorter tops, but the proportions are off - as well as somewhat of a modesty issue.

As for them being $98.00, I grew up in retail. My family owned a clothing/sporting goods store. The markup on high-end clothing is ridiculous. Nothing but the clearance rack for me!

Back on topic. Watson is a very sweet lad. I might have a less-than popular opinion, but I love toddlers. It's my favorite age.

  • Love 12

@Rebecca I see what you're saying. I think both sides are a little ridiculous sometimes when it comes to Chelsea, and I won't deny there are people out there who hate her. Before I started posting on this board, she was my favorite and I liked her, but I just found her immature and annoying. Then I said something like that, and people acted like I'd just murdered their sister. People are more reasonable now, but a few years ago, you couldn't say ANYTHING with a slightly negative tint about Chelsea (around the time she was dating / got engaged to Cole). If you rate how much you like someone at maybe a 6 (while the other cast members are like 2), but everyone else on the forum is a 10+, you'll always be the hater. It made me start to almost dislike her more since I was one of the few not constantly praising her, and defending the position that she could have faults, and a less than perfect life in every way! People have definitely calmed down since then, but there is still a lot of offense taken if you say anything bad about Chelsea, compared to anyone else. She's way better than everyone else, but I don't consider her immune to snark. Most of her snark is lighthearted, like snarking on buying expensive leggings, while snark on Jenelle is heartbreaking and dark. Sometimes it's more fun to laugh at the expensive leggings than think about david abusing everyone on the Land. Just my two cents! People have been insisting for years that she's frugal and set for life, but I personally find that unrealistic, as she's not making millions per season, and is only 26. Only she truly knows, but it's similar to a pro non-star athlete who plays a few years and gets cut; I'd never assume they're set for life either. I don't think she'll end up on the streets, but she might have a middle-class life where buying every luxury she wants isn't practical, and I'd consider that a perfectly pleasant life, like most of us have. Nothing bad about it! We don't know, so we can all agree to disagree, but it takes the fun out of lighthearted snark when you always have to write like 10 long paragraphs explaining what you meant because people are so adamant about Chelsea. Just because someone makes a comment that casts her in a slightly negative light, does not mean we hate her and think she's the worst person ever! I personally give her credit where credit is due, too. I'm very careful to be objective when watching the show, and I always give her praise when she does something good (like I love how she handled the situation with adam on the first episode this season). She's not all good or bad, but it's okay to snark on her, and express opinions that aren't 100% positive!

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, druzy said:

Leah has a new LV Neverfull and wallet. Good for her! 

Chelsea tagged the leggings in some sort of Instagram story and said she received them for free. 

He's so cute:


I look forward to seeing photos of this little shit, he is so damned cute (and I'm not a kid lover, give me an animal). He always seems so happy.

  • Love 9

This is definitely an outlying, unpopular opinion but I’ve always thought Aubree was kind of strange looking, personally. Not ugly but a bit cartoonish looking, I guess I’d call it. I was also never that big of a fan of her personality even though so many have been all along. She’s been growing on me in the last few seasons, though. I think she used to be a bit bratty and she seems to be outgrowing that.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 10
42 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

This is definitely an outlying, unpopular opinion but I’ve always thought Aubree was kind of strange looking, personally. Not ugly but a bit cartoonish looking, I guess I’d call it. I was also never that big of a fan of her personality even though so many have been all along. She’s been growing on me in the last few seasons, though. I think she used to be a bit bratty and she seems to be outgrowing that.

She was a major brat in the early seasons. I think she's learned to play nice now that she's competing with three other people for Chelsea's attention. 

  • Love 5
On 1/29/2019 at 8:54 AM, ghoulina said:

I think Aubree was kind of bratty because she was an only child and Chelsea just gave in all the time, rather than being the "bad guy" and disciplining her. I think that as Chelsea has grown as a person and become a more confident, responsible young woman, it's reflected in Aubree as well. 

Also Aubree is much older now, a part of the change in her personality is just growing up and having more empathy for others.....a natural process. 

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Also Aubree is much older now, a part of the change in her personality is just growing up and having more empathy for others.....a natural process. 

I can see it. My mom always says that when I was a young child, we'd always have to leave stores because I had tantrums. I even have vague memories that I would always have an epic meltdown on my sister's birthday, because I was jealous of the presents / attention. I remember hating that I was acting that way, and feeling guilty while I was doing it, but I didn't have the tools to act better. Then, by the time I started kindergarten, I grew into the most mannerly child ever! I was really polite, able to control my emotions, and was always the "good one" at school. I was also mature for my age, and could hold a conversation with an adult easily. I doubt anyone would have guessed I was the kid always having tantrums from the way I acted as an older child! Some people are hard to handle as toddlers and then do a complete 180!

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I can see it. My mom always says that when I was a young child, we'd always have to leave stores because I had tantrums. I even have vague memories that I would always have an epic meltdown on my sister's birthday, because I was jealous of the presents / attention. I remember hating that I was acting that way, and feeling guilty while I was doing it, but I didn't have the tools to act better. Then, by the time I started kindergarten, I grew into the most mannerly child ever! I was really polite, able to control my emotions, and was always the "good one" at school. I was also mature for my age, and could hold a conversation with an adult easily. I doubt anyone would have guessed I was the kid always having tantrums from the way I acted as an older child! Some people are hard to handle as toddlers and then do a complete 180!

..this is extremely off-topic.  

I feel like kids are either terrible toddlers or terrible teens!  my boy-child was an absolutely angelic delightful toddler, but when he turned thirteen it was like he was possessed!  (he's great now, we all survived, he has no criminal record, it's fine.)

My nephews were feral toddlers but now they're the most well-mannered young men in the world!  Am I crazy or do others agree?

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, teapot said:

..this is extremely off-topic.  

I feel like kids are either terrible toddlers or terrible teens!  my boy-child was an absolutely angelic delightful toddler, but when he turned thirteen it was like he was possessed!  (he's great now, we all survived, he has no criminal record, it's fine.)

My nephews were feral toddlers but now they're the most well-mannered young men in the world!  Am I crazy or do others agree?

I definitely agree!!! I was a terrible toddler, but an angelic teen. I was the poster girl for being a goody two shoes. I was responsible to a fault, sang classical music, danced, had a couple of Part-time jobs throughout my teens, spent lots of time with my grandparents, never tried a drop of alcohol or had sex, wouldn't say at curse words, wouldn't do...anything. Straight A's, college scholarships...now I look back and laugh, because I wish I'd had a little more fun! Keep in mind I was also under the constant threat of debilitating migraines, so that was a motivator to stay on the straight and narrow. Nothing too crazy, but I definitely would play it less safe if I could go back, and experience more before I went off to college as the most naive person on earth. I probably wouldn't have had my Chelsea / adam relationship either if I'd had more social experience at that point. I had to learn a lot of things in college the hard way!

My sister was the opposite...perfect toddler, but a horrible teenager. She did everything my parents didn't allow, partied constantly, made awful choices, was super belligerent to my parents and treated them disrespectfully, lied all the time, snuck around, tried drugs and drank heavily, couldn't be trusted to do even the smallest little thing, had terrible grades, blew tons of my dad's money on stupid things and refused to get a job, had to be coaxed into doing the few positive things she did, or had ulterior motives (like she did band, which looked good, but only so she could hang with a few of the kids in there who were NOT good role models). 

Now thankfully we're both functioning members of society, but we each definitely had a time period where we drove our parents crazy!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, teapot said:

..this is extremely off-topic.  

I feel like kids are either terrible toddlers or terrible teens!  my boy-child was an absolutely angelic delightful toddler, but when he turned thirteen it was like he was possessed!  (he's great now, we all survived, he has no criminal record, it's fine.)

My nephews were feral toddlers but now they're the most well-mannered young men in the world!  Am I crazy or do others agree?

I was neither, I was the worlds most dutiful daughter and easiest child throughout my development. But my Mom says that God (I am agnostic but she is a cultural Catholic) must've known what she was going to have to go through with my sister (watch a toddler go through puberty- oh my LAWD) and gave her ME to counter balance having to care for a perpetual two year old forever. 


I am not going to hold someone being a bratty toddler against them, but I think teens should know better. My family was old school-disrespectful back talk was not allowed. I think Aubree is turning out just fine, I can tell she loves her little brother and sister a lot. I am proud of the way Chelsea handled the adjustment of "just the two of us" into the DeBoer family. 

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I was neither, I was the worlds most dutiful daughter and easiest child throughout my development. But my Mom says that God (I am agnostic but she is a cultural Catholic) must've known what she was going to have to go through with my sister (watch a toddler go through puberty- oh my LAWD) and gave her ME to counter balance having to care for a perpetual two year old forever. 


I am not going to hold someone being a bratty toddler against them, but I think teens should know better. My family was old school-disrespectful back talk was not allowed. I think Aubree is turning out just fine, I can tell she loves her little brother and sister a lot. I am proud of the way Chelsea handled the adjustment of "just the two of us" into the DeBoer family. 

I definitely think your mother needed you!!! Haha we might need to take this over to small talk, but I wonder if you were an awesome teen because you knew (even subconsciously) that your parents didn't need anything else to deal with. That's what happened to my best friend essentially; her whole family has inherited mental illness, and she was showing some of the signs of their behavior as an older kid / young teen, and was heading down a troubling path. Then her mom (a single mother) became an addict, so my friend had to straighten up and be responsible, because she was now basically parenting her mom. Now, she's a wonderful person, and she's actually grateful to have gone through that in a way, because she's one of the few in her family that had stayed out of trouble. She basically had no choice but to step up and be the responsible one. I could see something similar happening with your family dynamic, even if you didn't realize it at the time. No matter what it was, I'm glad you weren't a disrespectful teen! Can't even begin to imagine a toddler going through puberty on top of dealing with your typical sneaky, belligerent teen and keeping them in line! Wow!

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I definitely think your mother needed you!!! Haha we might need to take this over to small talk, but I wonder if you were an awesome teen because you knew (even subconsciously) that your parents didn't need anything else to deal with. That's what happened to my best friend essentially; her whole family has inherited mental illness, and she was showing some of the signs of their behavior as an older kid / young teen, and was heading down a troubling path. Then her mom (a single mother) became an addict, so my friend had to straighten up and be responsible, because she was now basically parenting her mom. Now, she's a wonderful person, and she's actually grateful to have gone through that in a way, because she's one of the few in her family that had stayed out of trouble. She basically had no choice but to step up and be the responsible one. I could see something similar happening with your family dynamic, even if you didn't realize it at the time. No matter what it was, I'm glad you weren't a disrespectful teen! Can't even begin to imagine a toddler going through puberty on top of dealing with your typical sneaky, belligerent teen and keeping them in line! Wow!

taking to small talk.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I can see it. My mom always says that when I was a young child, we'd always have to leave stores because I had tantrums. I even have vague memories that I would always have an epic meltdown on my sister's birthday, because I was jealous of the presents / attention. I remember hating that I was acting that way, and feeling guilty while I was doing it, but I didn't have the tools to act better. Then, by the time I started kindergarten, I grew into the most mannerly child ever! I was really polite, able to control my emotions, and was always the "good one" at school. I was also mature for my age, and could hold a conversation with an adult easily. I doubt anyone would have guessed I was the kid always having tantrums from the way I acted as an older child! Some people are hard to handle as toddlers and then do a complete 180!

This gives me hope for my 2 year old. He is the. WORST. with tantrums. And we're pretty strict and consistent with expectations and redirection. I never saw that with Chelsea and Aubree. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

This gives me hope for my 2 year old. He is the. WORST. with tantrums. And we're pretty strict and consistent with expectations and redirection. I never saw that with Chelsea and Aubree. 

Never fear! My parents were too, and they still talk about how frequently we'd have to leave places because of my tantrums. I'm sure that with your parenting, he will grow up to be an awesome kid!!!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, druzy said:

This a cute photo. Another example of how Aubree is getting to be a bigger girl, dressing up and accessorizing but still remaining age appropriate. This is a great outfit for a 9yrs old to wear to an event like this. She’s dressy but not emulating a high schooler (or even a 13yrs old). 

Shallow but I like it. 

  • Love 16

@Scarlett45 agreed!!! Such a big difference in appropriateness between Aubree and Leah's girls. Also, Aubree is looking so pretty. I bet she will be one of the rare kids who had her awkward stage super early, while everyone else was cute, but grew out of it and became gorgeous. She'll be one of the few middle school kids whose awkward stage is behind her! As a former middle school teacher, I can attest that some kids just sail through it gracefully. Lucky them, and I think that will be Aubree!

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@Scarlett45 agreed!!! Such a big difference in appropriateness between Aubree and Leah's girls. Also, Aubree is looking so pretty. I bet she will be one of the rare kids who had her awkward stage super early, while everyone else was cute, but grew out of it and became gorgeous. She'll be one of the few middle school kids whose awkward stage is behind her! As a former middle school teacher, I can attest that some kids just sail through it gracefully. Lucky them, and I think that will be Aubree!

There is a big difference between the appropriateness of what Leah’s kids wear and what Chelsea has Aubree wear. Not every girl is a Tom-boy (of course there’s nothing wrong with being a Tom-Boy), having a “girly girl” isn’t an excuse to tart your child up.

I think sometimes parents associate an interest in fashion or makeup as “adult” when it doesn’t have to be; and either go the Leah way as in way too mature for their age OR tell the child it’s “bad” or “grown” and shame them for the interest. 

 Now that Chelsea has an older child and two kids close in age I’m interested to see the family photos they do (the outfits I mean). 

  • Love 4

You can just see from those kids' smiles, they are in a stable and happy home.  Compare with some of the other TM's pictures of their kids.  

I think that maybe early on Chelsea spoiled Aubree because she has such a shit for a bio dad.  Aubree lucked out with Cole coming into her life, and she's shrewd enough to realize it.  Smart kid.  I think she's had to do a lot of maturing, even with the happy home, due to the bio dad.  

  • Love 15
17 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

You can just see from those kids' smiles, they are in a stable and happy home.  Compare with some of the other TM's pictures of their kids.  

I think that maybe early on Chelsea spoiled Aubree because she has such a shit for a bio dad.  Aubree lucked out with Cole coming into her life, and she's shrewd enough to realize it.  Smart kid.  I think she's had to do a lot of maturing, even with the happy home, due to the bio dad.  

Are you talking about Aubree maturing or Chelsea?

In regards to Aubree, she is only 9 years old. Of course she’s going to have a greater maturity, empathy for others and ability to express her feelings at 9 than she would at 4 or 5. That’s just a part of growing up- all kids go throw those developmental milestones (excepting a severe cognitive impairment) regardless of if they are from a single parent home or not etc. Sometimes I think people than forget just because a child (or a person with a mental disability) can speak in full sentences that doesn’t mean they have the understanding of interpersonal behaviors and relationships that an adult does. 

In regards to Chelsea, I think that she and Cole are good for each other, but some people really aren’t “adult like” until 25 while others graduate high school on the straight and narrow. Chelsea’s focus on Adam could’ve been a far bigger disaster IF she didn’t have Randy & Doris or it she had a second child with him (imagine how much longer she would’ve stayed stuck in him). She made some mistakes and learned from them, like tons of other young people. She was lucky she had loving family in her corner and she listened to them (on most things). 

  • Love 6
On 2/14/2019 at 12:21 PM, Scarlett45 said:

Are you talking about Aubree maturing or Chelsea?

In regards to Aubree, she is only 9 years old. Of course she’s going to have a greater maturity, empathy for others and ability to express her feelings at 9 than she would at 4 or 5. That’s just a part of growing up- all kids go throw those developmental milestones (excepting a severe cognitive impairment) regardless of if they are from a single parent home or not etc. Sometimes I think people than forget just because a child (or a person with a mental disability) can speak in full sentences that doesn’t mean they have the understanding of interpersonal behaviors and relationships that an adult does. 

In regards to Chelsea, I think that she and Cole are good for each other, but some people really aren’t “adult like” until 25 while others graduate high school on the straight and narrow. Chelsea’s focus on Adam could’ve been a far bigger disaster IF she didn’t have Randy & Doris or it she had a second child with him (imagine how much longer she would’ve stayed stuck in him). She made some mistakes and learned from them, like tons of other young people. She was lucky she had loving family in her corner and she listened to them (on most things). 

I think the fact that she didn't have a second child with him was her saving grace. Can you even imagine Randy's face when she told him she was pregnant with Lind baby #2? Or if she'd had to break up squabbles between the kids, and discipline them both properly, as a single parent? Not to mention how much further behind she would have been with her GED and school. Thank god that never happened, although it easily could have! Scary how close she came to having two kids with adam. I'm sure Chelsea thought at the time that it would be sunshine and rainbows, but we all had dumb ideas when we were young. Sometimes what looks like an unanswered prayer is best for us. 

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

From the Jenelle thread- I dint recall Chelsea taking adderall. 

There were rumors that that's how she lost the weight. I don't think she  necessarily abused it, but I could definitely see her legit having ADHD and that being a good side effect! I rewatched the series a few years ago, and her focus / drive was night and day different after the show took a break. I could definitely see her getting much-needed medication to help her get through school and thrive as a single parent, but I don't think she's pulling a Jenelle and taking someone else's. Chelsea was always so distracted when doing schoolwork, so I can buy that she actually has ADHD and focuses better when she takes it. Not taking away from her weight loss at all, because obviously she has also worked hard. 

Edited by Christina87
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