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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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On 1/23/2018 at 0:50 PM, MaggieG said:

I liked the cake and the shirts. Suck it Jennelle!

Can't wait to see Jenelle's photos after she copies this for EndTable's birthday!

Rad t-shirts with amazing details to spell out "one"? (Jenelle will opt for a baseball style too) ✔

Decorate the high chair? ✔

Bunting with baby's name & the occasion? ✔

Cake with baby's "theme" incorporated?✔

Does this mean Ensley's cake will be a square shaped cake with an edible end table made out of sugar as a cake topper OR will it be a spherical shaped cake decorated with Cadbury Chocolate Eggs?

Ignore please!

Posted this before going to Jenelle thread. So thrilled that I forgot how close in age W & E are, yet the other useless crap I can quote from this show won't go away!

(I still think Jenelle will copy Chelsea's ideas from this year for NEXT year's party & lame ass photo shoot.)

Edited by Bridget
I watched some of the You Tube show.
Randy said that Cole works 50-60 hours a week and he does interstate construction- he puts up the big signs etc.
Randy and Chelsea's C&D letter was addressed to both of them and it was written by someone who graduated law school 6 months ago.
Randy regrets that MTV didn't have the Teen Moms meet with an accountant because they were young and didn't understand about 1099. He said they didn't have any guidance.
He said Butch tried to get into Farrah's VIP section but security stopped him.
Edited by druzy
  • Love 10
33 minutes ago, druzy said:
I watched some of the You Tube show.
Randy said that Cole works 50-60 hours a week and he does interstate construction- he puts up the big signs etc.
Randy and Chelsea's C&D letter was addressed to both of them and it was written by someone who graduated law school 6 months ago.
Randy regrets that MTV didn't have the Teen Moms meet with an accountant because they were young and didn't understand about 1099. He said they didn't have any guidance.
He said Butch tried to get into Farrah's VIP section but security stopped him.

The interview starts at 29:06 if you can't stand to listen to the radio guy's voice (his accent made my ears bleed)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, druzy said:
He said Butch tried to get into Farrah's VIP section but security stopped him.

Never change, Butch. Never. Change.

Same for Randy - I love that this highly educated, successful professional is running his mouth like a 13 year old girl. It may not be a good look for a mature professional, but I'm HERE FOR IT. 

  • Love 13
On 1/25/2018 at 11:15 AM, druzy said:
I watched some of the You Tube show.
Randy said that Cole works 50-60 hours a week and he does interstate construction- he puts up the big signs etc.
Randy and Chelsea's C&D letter was addressed to both of them and it was written by someone who graduated law school 6 months ago.
Randy regrets that MTV didn't have the Teen Moms meet with an accountant because they were young and didn't understand about 1099. He said they didn't have any guidance.
He said Butch tried to get into Farrah's VIP section but security stopped him.


Hmm, did he not go to college?  

I agree with everyone else who is saying Watson looks like no one in their family.  I can't judge though because my youngest son looks like no one in mine or my husband's.  

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Hmm, did he not go to college?  

I agree with everyone else who is saying Watson looks like no one in their family.  I can't judge though because my youngest son looks like no one in mine or my husband's.  

Awwww, how nice that Cole works 50-60 hours a week doing construction and still, according to Chelsea's insta, rubs her feet every night. And she spends 50-60 hours a week on the couch. Okay. / sarcasm

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Awwww, how nice that Cole works 50-60 hours a week doing construction and still, according to Chelsea's insta, rubs her feet every night. And she spends 50-60 hours a week on the couch. Okay. / sarcasm

I'm sure Chelsea's couch time is limited chasing around a one year old.  With the MTV money, they can afford having her stay home full time.  I wouldn't be surprised to hear she's expecting. 

If she gets her feet rubbed once in awhile, good on her, at least she shows her appreciation. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Awwww, how nice that Cole works 50-60 hours a week doing construction and still, according to Chelsea's insta, rubs her feet every night. And she spends 50-60 hours a week on the couch. Okay. / sarcasm

Because he should come home and be the lazy dad and husband that demands to be catered to?  I am sure doing nice things for your wife is probably a better alternative. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Awwww, how nice that Cole works 50-60 hours a week doing construction and still, according to Chelsea's insta, rubs her feet every night. And she spends 50-60 hours a week on the couch. Okay. / sarcasm

@Christina87 I love you dearly but that sounds like such hater-aid!?

It probably serves as a little mating ritual for them. I’m a sucker for a foot rub from a man- sign me up for that!

Im finally getting around to watching “Chelsea and Cole a Love Story”, and I realized Cole has been around a while. If Watson is 1, and it takes almost an entire year for a pregnancy, and they dated for a year before they got engaged/he moved in, yeah it’s been a minute.....I’m getting old time is going by quickly these days!

  • Love 4

Y'all, it was snark! Not serious. I meant for it to come across lighthearted. I don't literally think she sits on the couch 50 hours a week, nor do I think he should do nothing. If anything, I'm just poking fun a little at how she possibly exaggerates her perfect life a little on insta. Not saying she's the only one who does, by a long shot! It was for real not at all serious. I'm glad Cole is a good person, and I think Chelsea is too, even though she is annoying to me sometimes! Literally, I just meant that post as a snarky, lighthearted, silly laugh. You can't tell tone well enough online. 

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Awwww, how nice that Cole works 50-60 hours a week doing construction and still, according to Chelsea's insta, rubs her feet every night. And she spends 50-60 hours a week on the couch. Okay. / sarcasm

Yeah, because we all know that being a stay at home mom is nothing more than sitting on your ads all day watching soaps. That's so offensive. "Snark" or not, it's offensive to stay at home moms. 

15 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Hmm, did he not go to college?  

I agree with everyone else who is saying Watson looks like no one in their family.  I can't judge though because my youngest son looks like no one in mine or my husband's.  

What does it matter if he went to college or not?  College isn't the only road to a successful, fulfilling life. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Yeah, because we all know that being a stay at home mom is nothing more than sitting on your ads all day watching soaps. That's so offensive. "Snark" or not, it's offensive to stay at home moms. 

What does it matter if he went to college or not?  College isn't the only road to a successful, fulfilling life. 


Wasn't trying to be offensive to SAHM's. I have said many, many times that my mom was a SAHM, and I respect her a million percent. She made us dinner from scratch every night, kept our house beautiful, took care of every old or sick relative who needed it, did volunteer work, and was very engaged with us and our activities. She didn't even allow TV during the day, and she certainly didn't sit around and watch anything, or even sit! I can't imagine anyone who has read my posts on the matter would think I disparage SAHM's at all. However, all CHELSEA will allow to be filmed is her sitting on the couch. This season, that was 90% of what we saw, as well as the season before (and she worked that season, but allowed no filming...remember the crying doll?). It's specific to Chelsea; I'm sure during Leah's bad years, if anyone had brought up her frequent day-long naps, no one would have assumed that person though all SAHM's do that. We also know (and we all have our own opinions on this) that Chelsea doesn't spend a lot of time cleaning. This is the last I'm going to say about this. It was literally just a joke. She said, "this happens every night," on this foot rubbing post, and that's a good example of her trying to make her life look "perfect" on Instagram (which lots of other people have commented on). I doubt it happens every night without fail, and she knows lots of people see her life as this "fairytale," and she's feeding into that. I have many acquaintances who also do that, so she's not abnormal or alone, but a lot of people roll their eyes at that kind of thing. I just don't get why people take such offense to snarking on Chelsea (not just here, but everywhere). I have a pretty low opinion of the others in TM2, but I don't hate the duggar girls, for instance, but I snark on them. Same with Chelsea. I don't hate her, but don't find her some amazing role model either. I've been kind of tough on her lately, and this post was supposed to be a little lighter humor. Last thing I wanted was to get into another debate about Chelsea. Sorry it apparently missed the mark, but just to clear it up: Cole is a good guy, Chelsea's a good person, I love SAHM's and aspire to be one someday (but we all know there are bad examples out there, like Leah and jenelle, which is where the bulk of my posting about them has been, comparing them to my mom who did it right), Chelsea is a good mother, Chelsea does not sit on the couch 50 hours a week, Chelsea doesn't film much of interest though, Chelsea buys into the hype that her life is a fairytale, but none of this makes me hate her. 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 17

I take anything Chelsea says with a grain of salt. I'm sure Cole is a great husband, but Chelsea works overtime to sell her relationship as some kind of fairytale. For whatever reason people need to see them as this flawless couple who's life is sunshine and rainbows 24/7. Anyone who questions this narrative is immediately attacked and discredited. 

It's okay to call Lux ugly and make fun of Ensley's head, but God forbid anyone snark on Chelsea and her "perfect" family. 

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I take anything Chelsea says with a grain of salt. I'm sure Cole is a great husband, but Chelsea works overtime to sell her relationship as some kind of fairytale. For whatever reason people need to see them as this flawless couple who's life is sunshine and rainbows 24/7. Anyone who questions this narrative is immediately attacked and discredited. 

It's okay to call Lux ugly and make fun of Ensley's head, but God forbid anyone snark on Chelsea and her "perfect" family. 

Apparently the narrative is working, and people are fiercely loyal to it. Maybe a good career for Chelsea should she ever need one is PR. ?

7 hours ago, akr said:

He's frequently been described as a college grad.  I had assumed the traffic control thing was a management or quasi-engineering position, but who knows - lots of college grads are in jobs that they didn't need the degree for. 

I'm confused too, because his hours seem to be normal 9-5, like an office job. He's said a lot of times, "thank goodness it's Friday!" and things like that, when it's light outside. Where I live, a lot of interstate construction crews work at night. Maybe he just lucked out enough to be on day shift. 

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I take anything Chelsea says with a grain of salt. I'm sure Cole is a great husband, but Chelsea works overtime to sell her relationship as some kind of fairytale. For whatever reason people need to see them as this flawless couple who's life is sunshine and rainbows 24/7. Anyone who questions this narrative is immediately attacked and discredited. 

It's okay to call Lux ugly and make fun of Ensley's head, but God forbid anyone snark on Chelsea and her "perfect" family. 

Any adult knows that no relationship, even the best or the healthiest is a “fairytale” or “perfect”- especially with an infant in the house. 

Chelsea is not a bad human being by any means but she’s still slightly immature despite being in her mid 20s with two kids under her belt, probably because all of her “big” life mistakes have been cushioned by her support system so she never had to feel the “burn” per se. The most true empathy and awareness I’ve seen from her is when she was crying that she picked Adam as Aubree’s Dad and he was such shit and Aubree deserved way better than that (probably because she loves her babies fiercely and truely- they are the best of her)  

But foot rubs......I’m all about those foot rubs!?

@Christina87 I know you absolutely have the utmost respect for SAHMs! I agree with you, let’s not pretend Chelsea’s life is particularly industrious or difficult by any means. I would never insinuate that she wasn’t taking proper care of Watson, Aubree or her pets but she has a lot of leisure time compared to other people in her age group.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Any adult knows that no relationship, even the best or the healthiest is a “fairytale” or “perfect”- especially with an infant in the house. 

Chelsea is not a bad human being by any means but she’s still slightly immature despite being in her mid 20s with two kids under her belt, probably because all of her “big” life mistakes have been cushioned by her support system so she never had to feel the “burn” per se. The most true empathy and awareness I’ve seen from her is when she was crying that she picked Adam as Aubree’s Dad and he was such shit and Aubree deserved way better than that (probably because she loves her babies fiercely and truely- they are the best of her)  

But foot rubs......I’m all about those foot rubs!?

@Christina87 I know you absolutely have the utmost respect for SAHMs! I agree with you, let’s not pretend Chelsea’s life is particularly industrious or difficult by any means. I would never insinuate that she wasn’t taking proper care of Watson, Aubree or her pets but she has a lot of leisure time compared to other people in her age group.

PREACH. Girl, I agree 100% with every word of this! As usual, you have articulated what I think perfectly!

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Wasn't trying to be offensive to SAHM's. I have said many, many times that my mom was a SAHM, and I respect her a million percent. She made us dinner from scratch every night, kept our house beautiful, took care of every old or sick relative who needed it, did volunteer work, and was very engaged with us and our activities. She didn't even allow TV during the day, and she certainly didn't sit around and watch anything, or even sit! I can't imagine anyone who has read my posts on the matter would think I disparage SAHM's at all. However, all CHELSEA will allow to be filmed is her sitting on the couch. This season, that was 90% of what we saw, as well as the season before (and she worked that season, but allowed no filming...remember the crying doll?). It's specific to Chelsea; I'm sure during Leah's bad years, if anyone had brought up her frequent day-long naps, no one would have assumed that person though all SAHM's do that. We also know (and we all have our own opinions on this) that Chelsea doesn't spend a lot of time cleaning. This is the last I'm going to say about this. It was literally just a joke. She said, "this happens every night," on this foot rubbing post, and that's a good example of her trying to make her life look "perfect" on Instagram (which lots of other people have commented on). I doubt it happens every night without fail, and she knows lots of people see her life as this "fairytale," and she's feeding into that. I have many acquaintances who also do that, so she's not abnormal or alone, but a lot of people roll their eyes at that kind of thing. I just don't get why people take such offense to snarking on Chelsea (not just here, but everywhere). I have a pretty low opinion of the others in TM2, but I don't hate the duggar girls, for instance, but I snark on them. Same with Chelsea. I don't hate her, but don't find her some amazing role model either. I've been kind of tough on her lately, and this post was supposed to be a little lighter humor. Last thing I wanted was to get into another debate about Chelsea. Sorry it apparently missed the mark, but just to clear it up: Cole is a good guy, Chelsea's a good person, I love SAHM's and aspire to be one someday (but we all know there are bad examples out there, like Leah and jenelle, which is where the bulk of my posting about them has been, comparing them to my mom who did it right), Chelsea is a good mother, Chelsea does not sit on the couch 50 hours a week, Chelsea doesn't film much of interest though, Chelsea buys into the hype that her life is a fairytale, but none of this makes me hate her. 

I just feeling like you are jumping to conclusions about Chelsea buying into hype her life is a fairytale.  I think she is simply very happy and grateful right now. Posting some nice things about her life isn’t buying into hype. And feet rubs can be done in one minute so honestly her posting that doesn’t mean every night is extravagant or a fairytale in her mind.  I sense it is more your reaction to her Instagram than it is about what Chelsea is actually thinking. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, alexa said:

I just feeling like you are jumping to conclusions about Chelsea buying into hype her life is a fairytale.  I think she is simply very happy and grateful right now. Posting some nice things about her life isn’t buying into hype. And feet rubs can be done in one minute so honestly her posting that doesn’t mean every night is extravagant or a fairytale in her mind.  I sense it is more your reaction to her Instagram than it is about what Chelsea is actually thinking. 

Well, to be fair, we judge and make all kinds of assumptions about the other moms as well, sometimes based on hard evidence ( because most of them are trashy and tmi) and sometimes based on educated, but not completely founded, guesses. I get that Chelsea is TM2's "Golden Cow", so to speak, with good reason, as she is the most normal, functional of the lot, but that does not mean she above reproach. Chelsea is nice enough and she has matured a great deal, but she is a ditz and somewhat on the shallow side. I can see where people see her as pushing the fairytale narrative, because it is something she was desperate for way back with Adam because of her ditziness/naivety ect. Considering how hard we can all be on the other moms (myself very much included) I don't see the harm in poking a little at Chelsea. I mean, we haven't called her a cunt, psycho, or junkie yet, so she must be doing pretty good overall:)

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 17

I'm confused too, because his hours seem to be normal 9-5, like an office job. He's said a lot of times, "thank goodness it's Friday!" and things like that, when it's light outside. Where I live, a lot of interstate construction crews work at night. Maybe he just lucked out enough to be on day shift. 

It's been stated in many places that Cole has a college degree and is employed by the state of South Dakota as a Traffic Control Specialist.  Having known someone with a similar title in another state, it means he manages the road & highway system (bridges, access roads, on/off ramps, signage, etc). Hence the 9-5 (likely with some OT), depending on the time of year and what construction projects they have going on at the time.  

I tend to believe Chelsea is appreciative of her life with Cole (she definitely has perspective based on her time with Adam).  I find her attitude about filming refreshing, especially considering what some of the other moms choose to share.  I get that causes people to speculate but some of the wild ass assumptions people make (e.g. she killed & ate Pete the pig) are rather odd, in my opinion, and negating them doesn't mean I don't ever find fault with her.

  • Love 16

I'd have a lot more respect for Chelsea if she left the show, period, TBH. Her concern about her and her family's privacy rings somewhat hollow to me since she still willingly takes money to appear on the trash heap known as TM2. That goes for the others as well, but I expect less from them then I want to expect from Chelsea.

  • Love 11
58 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I'd have a lot more respect for Chelsea if she left the show, period, TBH. Her concern about her and her family's privacy rings somewhat hollow to me since she still willingly takes money to appear on the trash heap known as TM2. That goes for the others as well, but I expect less from them then I want to expect from Chelsea.

Right? I feel like i judge Chelsea against normal people, and the others against the lowest of the low in the trash heap. Is that totally fair? No. Is it a compliment to Chelsea? Yes! She could be totally normal and functional as a human being if she got off the show and got just a tad of motivation somewhere. Motivation to be the best SAHM she could be (being present for her kids comes naturally, but I don't see her busting her butt to do anything around the house she finds unpleasant), motivation to work full time if she has to after the show, motivation to volunteer somewhere meaningful should she have the time, motivation to complete some kind of project or pursue something she loves other than very publicly being Mrs. Cole DeBoer and having babieeeeees. I think being a wife and mother is the coolest thing ever, and I do like chelsea! I just feel like something is fundamentally missing with her. I really don't think she has ever persevered through something difficult or that doesn't come easily to her all the way through to completion, with a result she could be proud of. She did go to esthetician school and finish, which was great, but that was the route she went after missing too much beauty school. She finished her GED, but remember how much badgering that took? I wish she had been motivated to provide for Aubree and have a nice future.  If I was her mother, I would encourage her to start and finish something...anything...for her personal growth. It could be as little as reducing clutter in her home on a consistent basis, or as big as completing a novel. As someone who provides for myself, keeps a clean home, and does lots of personal projects on the side, there is nothing like that feeling that you have accomplished something big. I think Chelsea is happy, but a kind of happy that comes with strings attached. I don't know if she believes she could make it on her own if she had to, or has much confidence in herself. The truth is, normal people have had to support themselves, or accomplish at least something big because it's a part of life. Chelsea strikes me as someone who wants to put as little effort as possible into life, and while there are lots of people out there like that, they are forced to change after high school. Chelsea has never lived in the real world, however. Believe me, jenelle, Kail, Leah, and bri will never be normal, but Chelsea is sooooo close! I just want to see her be the best version of Chelsea she can be. I'll be very disappointed if in ten years Cole doesn't make enough to support all their babiesssss and she's taking handouts from Randy, with no personal growth at all. 

ETA: my father is very generous with his money, and I appreciate that so much! I'm sure Randy paid for that Disney world trip he took Chelsea and Cole on with the whole family, and likely the Clearwater trip. He has a beautiful mountain cabin they can visit, and that is awesome. I think if Randy wants to give them gifts like that as long as he is able, it's really cool! My dad takes us on family vacations still, and usually gives me a financial gift at Christmas. However, that is a gift. It's different from bankrolling my lifestyle; I support myself and live within my means, and my lifestyle would not change in any significant way if my dad went broke tomorrow. So many fans say, "Chelsea will be fine, between Cole and Randy." I'd like to see Chelsea be fine because she is Chelsea! If Randy wants to be generous and help them out, I'm all for it. I just don't think he should be their main or even secondary source of income so that Chelsea doesn't have to work, or they don't have to cut back on anything, etc 

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 6
On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 3:39 PM, PoshSprinkles said:

Watson looks a lot like Cole. Especially when he smiles. He has Chelsea's eyes. 

There are certain photos where he resembles a younger Aubree. There was a photo of Chelsea when she was younger and she really resembles Aubree at a young age. I think Cole has that look sometimes. He surely resembles his grandfather with the hairline. lol

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Marley said:

If she can stay on the show tho and control what she puts out and make serious bank why wouldn’t she continue to be on? I mean getting 300K for the little work they do is pretty awesome. 

It's just a matter of opinion, therefore it isn't worth much. I get why the money is attractive to her, but at this point she likely doesn't need it. It's fine if that's what she wants to do, but I just don't think she necessarily deserves a medal, since she is doing the same trashy reality show for easy cash, trading on her family's privacy like the other trash heaps. She's certainly heads and shoulders above the others but that doesn't mean she is without some of the same faults.

Anyway, jmo for the very little it's worth. I still think Chelsea's a good person despite it all and am not here to argue that, just suggest that it isn't wrong if some of us are a little more critical of her.

  • Love 10

Not sure how she doesn't need the money, it's not like they're set for life.  Cole probably makes a decent middle class salary but the reported $300k per season in Teen Mom money won't be around forever.  Think about it, that money can be aside for the kids college education, their retirement income, etc.  I would have a hard time walking away from it too, especially since it allows Chelsea to work from home and focus on the kids.

Randy talked about how MTV threw this money at them but did nothing to prepare them for the financial windfall.  I  definitely think he's helped Chelsea set herself up to save the majority of her salary.  I think she'll be alright when then show ends, I can't say the same for many of the others expect maybe Farrah.

Edited by snarts
  • Love 18
2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

To me, the "work" they do is mostly exploiting their children.

Exactly! Any "helping people" that they do/did happened 5+ years ago. The first several seasons (maybe through season 5 or so) I wouldn't have traded lives with them for anything. I was horrified at the thought of being saddled with a kid so young while trying to make something of myself, and dealing with the drama. Now, at thirty, I envy them tremendously. I would love to already have a child, attract guys out of my league who are ready to settle down, have a large income and be able to afford my own home, and be able to stay home and avoid the pressures of a high-stress job. I tell myself that this is not the typical teen mom life, and that I would be envious of anyone who has had money thrown at them for ten years for minimal work. However, envy is not what you're supposed to feel while watching a show called "teen mom," and anyone living a less than perfect lifestyle (jenelle) did it to themselves. 

But yeah. At this point, they are doing it for the money, plain and simple. No one could argue at this point that they're helping anyone. Chelsea likely fears a lifestyle change more than the others, because they grew up poor, and this will be her first time without a six-figure salary. In my opinion, Aubree's privacy is worth less to Chelsea than living a middle class life. I do think that when she has to cut back, it will be a shock at first, because I doubt she has ever decided between the $100 haircut or concert, for example, but I don't think the lifestyle adjustment will be as bad as she fears. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Exactly! Any "helping people" that they do/did happened 5+ years ago. The first several seasons (maybe through season 5 or so) I wouldn't have traded lives with them for anything. I was horrified at the thought of being saddled with a kid so young while trying to make something of myself, and dealing with the drama. Now, at thirty, I envy them tremendously. I would love to already have a child, attract guys out of my league who are ready to settle down, have a large income and be able to afford my own home, and be able to stay home and avoid the pressures of a high-stress job. I tell myself that this is not the typical teen mom life, and that I would be envious of anyone who has had money thrown at them for ten years for minimal work. However, envy is not what you're supposed to feel while watching a show called "teen mom," and anyone living a less than perfect lifestyle (jenelle) did it to themselves. 

But yeah. At this point, they are doing it for the money, plain and simple. No one could argue at this point that they're helping anyone. Chelsea likely fears a lifestyle change more than the others, because they grew up poor, and this will be her first time without a six-figure salary. In my opinion, Aubree's privacy is worth less to Chelsea than living a middle class life. I do think that when she has to cut back, it will be a shock at first, because I doubt she has ever decided between the $100 haircut or concert, for example, but I don't think the lifestyle adjustment will be as bad as she fears. 

I think Chelsea is the least extravagant of them all, and she has always been the one to handle her finances better than all of the girls--she put money away early on, was able to get Aubrey's college squared away, and buy a modest house.  I am not saying this because I have issues with people saying things about Chelsea, but on this topic I would have to strongly disagree.  And how did she grow up poor?  Her dad is a dentist and makes decent money.  I am very confused.  When you are already set like that, even when losing the MTV money, you are good to go as long as you continue to live modestly as she does.  Where she lives, Cole's salary alone would probably be fine along with what she has saved.  

  • Love 12
58 minutes ago, alexa said:

I think Chelsea is the least extravagant of them all, and she has always been the one to handle her finances better than all of the girls--she put money away early on, was able to get Aubrey's college squared away, and buy a modest house.  I am not saying this because I have issues with people saying things about Chelsea, but on this topic I would have to strongly disagree.  And how did she grow up poor?  Her dad is a dentist and makes decent money.  I am very confused.  When you are already set like that, even when losing the MTV money, you are good to go as long as you continue to live modestly as she does.  Where she lives, Cole's salary alone would probably be fine along with what she has saved.  

I said the rest grew up poor, but she had always had a six-figure salary, and therefore probably fears losing it the most. My dad is also a dentist (haha, coincidence!), and in college I was TERRIFIED of the day I would have to cut back big on my lifestyle. I am a teacher, so I am comfortable, but definitely not rolling in the dough. If she is nervous about it, I can relate, but when I did lose that safety net, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I feared! I did have to cut back on some things, but those things really weren't too important. Plus, I didn't have the TIME to go shopping and do lots of fun things every day like I used to! I was surprised to find out that on my salary, I could provide everything I needed and a lot more of what I wanted than I had anticipated. I can only imagine if I'd had a family and been Chelsea's age when faced with great lifestyle change. It would have made me so much more nervous! However, if Chelsea is worried about this and that's at least part of the reason she hasn't quit the show, I bet she will adjust a lot better than she thinks she will, and will be able to do more than she expects. 

  • Love 4

While Chelsea's father is a dentist, she's also a child of divorce.  He remarried, and if they don't have kids together, she has some of her own.  I wouldn't call Chelsea a trust fund baby and I while Randy has always been super supportive of Chelsea, I'm sure she's been living off her own income since the show started airing.  

That said, of course she's doing the show for money.  Why does anyone take or stay in a job?  Why did I get up at the buttcrack of down this morning?  To get paid.   

  • Love 14

I don't think many of us support Jenelle's lifestyle either (drugs and constant vacations without her children), yet we watch the show, which pays for those things. I think we can be morally against some of the consequences of the show, but still enjoy watching it. With all due respect, I don't think we would have made it past the first season with all the abuse, neglect, drug use, etc on the show if we were that selective. The exploitation does bother me a little, and I wouldn't choose it for my hypothetical children, but honestly not enough to stop watching. 

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I don’t watch the show anymore, I refuse to give them ratings. But as long as it is on the air I will look at these boards and watch clips on YouTube. 

With Chelsea, no I don’t find her to be a perfect person and I don’t know if I would ever choose to hang out with her. She seems to be kinda immature and shallow. Some people even speculate that she and Cole are Trump supporters (probably just due to his love of the American flag lol). But she doesn’t have an arrest record, she has been in a healthy relationship with the same man for a while now and most importantly her children seem to be happy and well taken care of. There’s plenty of taste and personality traits I could judge from her but why would I waste my time doing that when the other girls are so much more problematic? We won’t ever have to worry about Aubree (as long as Chelsea doesn’t give in to Adumb or his family which she hasn’t so far), Watson, or any other future babies and that is my main concern with the others. 


With that said, I think it’s obvious that most snark about Chelsea is rather light hearted while my snark on the other girls comes from anger.

Edited by littleB1rdy
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