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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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It was really shitty for MTV and Chelsea to leech on to Ryan's drama and make it about Adam just because she has nothing else to film. She sure was quick to get pissy when the "editing" made her look bad, yet here she is using someone else's bad moment as storyline fodder. While her friend gets Botox. Tres klassy.

Edited by BitterApple
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18 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It was really shitty for MTV and Chelsea to leech on to Ryan's drama and make it about Adam just because she has nothing else to film. She sure was quick to get pissy when the "editing" made her look bad, yet here she is using someone else's bad moment as storyline fodder. While her friend gets Botox. Tres klassy.

In her defense, that seemed totally producer driven. It also put the spotlight on how she has no storyline anymore, which in my opinion is a good thing.

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 She seems to only want to be a SAHM because she has no drive or ambition to do anything else.

She's not a SAHM, though. She's a reality star. Yes, it's a silly profession that probably has no longevity. But it is her profession, and it's a major source of income. It's silly to expect her to do cosmetology when she has a newborn, seems to like being the primary caregiver, and is already making a very solid income. Likewise, I don't see why she's obligated to clean up the house when she probably brings in more income than Cole does and is also working all day with Watson. Personally, I think they should just hire a cleaner since they have the money for it, but maybe the mess doesn't bother them. My house is cluttered because it really doesn't bother us.

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11 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

She's not a SAHM, though. She's a reality star. Yes, it's a silly profession that probably has no longevity. But it is her profession, and it's a major source of income. It's silly to expect her to do cosmetology when she has a newborn, seems to like being the primary caregiver, and is already making a very solid income. Likewise, I don't see why she's obligated to clean up the house when she probably brings in more income than Cole does and is also working all day with Watson. Personally, I think they should just hire a cleaner since they have the money for it, but maybe the mess doesn't bother them. My house is cluttered because it really doesn't bother us.

Eh, you can't exactly put reality star on an application and expect an employer to be impressed. It means next to nothing in the real world, therefore it is a very bad idea to rely on it as a profession and rack up no other relevant work experience. Though that will be more Leah and Jenelle's problem then Chelsea's when TM2 goes away. Being a reality star also doesn't stop any of them from volunteering or doing charity work, actually it would be good pr for their reality careers, but I don't expect much from these chicks overall.

I will never understand why no one seems to hire a house cleaner. I hate cleaning myself so I understand not having the most tidy house. I know I'd invest some of those TM2 checks into it if I could.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Haha I would not judge her at all for hiring a cleaner! I'll judge her for living in filth, though. It would be one thing if it was dishes in the sink, or a couple boxes stacked in the corner, but it is literally treacherous. When you have random crap splattered all over your one staircase, which leads to your first-grade child's room...yeah, I'm gonna judge that. It would totally make sense to take advantage of this income with a cleaner, though. I think they all should do that! My house is very clean, but when compared to professional sets on scripted shows, it would probably fall short on tv. 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Haha I would not judge her at all for hiring a cleaner! I'll judge her for living in filth, though. It would be one thing if it was dishes in the sink, or a couple boxes stacked in the corner, but it is literally treacherous. When you have random crap splattered all over your one staircase, which leads to your first-grade child's room...yeah, I'm gonna judge that. It would totally make sense to take advantage of this income with a cleaner, though. I think they all should do that! My house is very clean, but when compared to professional sets on scripted shows, it would probably fall short on tv. 

This post of yours reminded me of the set on Everybody Loves Raymond. The idea was that there are kids who lived there and that was the reason why toys were all over the place and the home wasn't as people were used to seeing on other family sitcoms where the home is spic and span clean. I get what the show was going for, but it bothered me to see toys all over the shelves, on the staircase, on everything. I think it went too far in trying to depict a home with kids. 

  • Love 4

Haha I know exactly what you mean!!! I think having homes spic and span on shows is a good thing! It's not realistic, but it's aspirational living. Does everyone get fully made up every day? Is everyone's hair and makeup perfect every day? Do people have so many clothes that they never, ever have to repeat an outfit? And that outfit NEVER includes a t-shirt or hoodie, even lounging at home on a Friday night? Does everyone wear shoes in their own home, all the time? All these things happen on scripted shows, so the house being clean is far from the most unrealistic part of it!

  • Love 2

I will fully admit to crap on my stairs. I put it there and would grab it and take it upstairs on the way up. I honestly don't think her house is that messy. Sometimes maybe. But I was specifically looking at it last episode to see if it was a pig sty and I didn't think it was.  Just having a baby means you have a lot of "stuff" around - bouncy chairs, diapers/changing pads, playmats. 

We are not the cleanest people but we're certainly not the messiest! But I am resistant to finding a cleaning person. For one thing, good ones are hard to find. Secondly, often you have to clean before they show up. And some people don't like people messing with their stuff. We tried it once and the woman was terrible. She did less and less as time went on. She would throw away things she shouldn't. So I've been very resistant to getting one again even though we could use one and have the funds for one.

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Haha I know exactly what you mean!!! I think having homes spic and span on shows is a good thing! It's not realistic, but it's aspirational living.

But not everybody aspires to live that way. I'm, personally, a very tidy person. I have kids and my house isn't perfect, but I don't allow "stuff" to just gather in the common rooms. I have chores I do daily (sweep and vacuum) and chores I do weekly (mopping, bathroom, dusting, bedding). I'm pretty rigid about it. But I wish I were less so. There are so many more important things to be doing in life! I read this article awhile back on the pressure people feel to keep their homes museum worthy, especially if people are coming over. And how we need to be less judgmental of each other, and be okay with hanging out at each other's house, even if there's a pile of laundry on the living room chair and Cheerio crumbs under the table. 

There's a middle ground, of course. No one should live like a hoarder or have the place so dirty that pests are invading. But we should realize there's a spectrum of "clean" and not feel like we need to prove to everyone we're good people by how great our house looks. I'd rather be outside, exploring with my kids, or reading a book together on the couch - than tidying up my house. I'm lucky. I usually have time for all of that, but some people don't. And, for some people, keeping the house super clean just isn't a priority. I'm okay with that.  Chelsea's definitely looks messy, but I don't think it looks unsafe or unsanitary. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 10

^^ Honestly, I see her place as cluttered more than dirty.  But I'm also untidy enough that I didn't even notice that Chelsea's place would be considered as messy. When I could afford it, I had a cleaner come in twice a month, but I mostly have a high tolerance for clutter. It's just who I am, there's a million things I'd rather be doing rather than tidy up and now I know my future (currently nonexistent) partner needs to have a high tolerance for clutter also. I think there's a real difference between messy and dirty, I'm the former-- and while it's gross to live in a dirty home, messy is more a matter of what you can put up with. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

It looks like it was a fun party and a great chance to celebrate with loved ones. It seems Chelsea does know how to pull of the country chic look well. 

Indeed. She only had the intimate wedding with her family and Cole's family. This was a reception. Time to celebrate with other relatives and friends. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

I thought Chelsea and Kail were friends?  Wonder if she was invited?

I think she was probably invited, but her rag tag group of hangers-on weren't. Since Kail can't take a shit without four people there to hold her hand, she wasn't going to get on a plane with Suds and have to spend the whole weekend taking care of her own kid. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I think she was probably invited, but her rag tag group of hangers-on weren't. Since Kail can't take a shit without four people there to hold her hand, she wasn't going to get on a plane with Suds and have to spend the whole weekend taking care of her own kid. 

I bet you ANYTHING this is the reason! Kail would never be comfortable going anywhere by herself!

  • Love 7
On 10/7/2017 at 8:47 PM, BitterApple said:

Reception a year after the wedding all so Chelsea could be skinny in a wedding dress *eyeroll*

Must be nice to have so much money you can have two weddings. Maybe it's just me but after two kids I'd be throwing a simple party, not a one year "re-wedding". She already had the wedding, even though the guest list was small. It's tacky, but that's just my opinion.

On 10/7/2017 at 11:25 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Those are some klassy wedding tits. Perfect for the pretend wedding/attention grab a year after the actual marriage. #goals

Don't forget gift grab too! Those "#DeBoerFamilyForever signs and other crap from etsy aren't going to magically show up on the doorstep of their castle without at least some free beer and food.

I'm so happy to find some others who don't worship the counter Chelsea stashes her makeup on. She's just always annoyed me.

Edited by JillyMuffin Duggar
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9 minutes ago, JillyMuffin Duggar said:

Must be nice to have so much money you can have two weddings. Maybe it's just me but after two kids I'd be throwing a simple party, not a one year "re-wedding". She already had the wedding, even though the guest list was small. It's tacky, but that's just my opinion.


It wasn't TWO weddings. It was one wedding a year prior and this past weekend it was a reception for those family members and friends who were not there for their wedding. The wedding was only Cole's immediate family and Chelsea's immediate family. There was no celebration for the extended family and friends until this past weekend. 

Wait. Only one post? 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 19
17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

like Chelsea's dress given the rustic theme of the wedding (it fits), but I'm not a fan of her hair....I understand a loose/braided combo but it looks like she just tossed it out of her face to go to target or something. 

I wanted a loose braid up-do for my wedding * and my hair stylist talked me out of it for your same reasoning.  She said that wouldn't photograph well and would just look messy/too casual.   Looking at Chelsea and I see that she was on the mark. 

ETA: I think she looks absolutely lovely in any case. Just my opinion on her hair.

*my wedding dress was a  "out of the box" bohemian but elegant dress.  I loved that dress.  I wish I could wear it again.   It was long sleeves and sparkly.

Edited by LBS
trying to be a nicer human
  • Love 5

Maybe so @BitterApple. I won't certainly say it is or isn't. It certainly is different, but not necessarily out of the ordinary. I just see it as celebrating the one year anniversary of their marriage by having their reception that they didn't have when they initially got married especially since her wedding only consisted of immediate family. I knew a couple who were married by court and had a celebration five years later on their anniversary. They got "married" in church and then held the celebration at a hall. It was something that I had never experienced. This was back in 1980. I thought it was sweet and a unique way to celebrate their anniversary especially since we didn't get to celebrate their wedding five years prior. 

Kail did the same thing by having a wedding after her civil ceremony. I didn't care for the aquarium theme, but I sure didn't see anything wrong with having a wedding a year later to have family and friends be a part of it. Her bridezilla attitude was pure hell. Unlike Kail, Chelsea kept it off the show and just shared a few photos. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, JillyMuffin Duggar said:

Must be nice to have so much money you can have two weddings. Maybe it's just me but after two kids I'd be throwing a simple party, not a one year "re-wedding". She already had the wedding, even though the guest list was small. It's tacky, but that's just my opinion.

Don't forget gift grab too! Those "#DeBoerFamilyForever signs and other crap from etsy aren't going to magically show up on the doorstep of their castle without at least some free beer and food.

I'm so happy to find some others who don't worship the counter Chelsea stashes her makeup on. She's just always annoyed me.

Don't worry, you're definitely not alone.

3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It wasn't TWO weddings. It was one wedding a year prior and this past weekend it was a reception for those family members and friends who were not there for their wedding. The wedding was only Cole's immediate family and Chelsea's immediate family. There was no celebration for the extended family and friends until this past weekend. 

Wait. Only one post? 

If not a second wedding, why is she wearing a wedding dress?

  • Love 6

I think they both look great. Sounds like a nice time. I don't have any problem with how they did things. They wanted to be married before the baby came. Chelsea DIDN'T want to be on display like Kail with her 9 month baby bump at the aquarium. She also wanted to be able to cut loose at her reception. So they just did a quick, simple wedding before Watson arrived, then waited until he was old enough to likely be left overnight/not nurse overnight and had a grand time. Good for them. 

  • Love 24
4 hours ago, JillyMuffin Duggar said:

Must be nice to have so much money you can have two weddings. Maybe it's just me but after two kids I'd be throwing a simple party, not a one year "re-wedding". She already had the wedding, even though the guest list was small. It's tacky, but that's just my opinion.

Don't forget gift grab too! Those "#DeBoerFamilyForever signs and other crap from etsy aren't going to magically show up on the doorstep of their castle without at least some free beer and food.

I'm so happy to find some others who don't worship the counter Chelsea stashes her makeup on. She's just always annoyed me.

I agree. They had a bachelorette party, shower, and wedding. She was in a wedding dress, and they had makeup/hair/professional pictures done. It was a real wedding! Chels, sorry you wanted a second chance after you intentionally got pregnant, but I reserve the right to find it extremely tacky! Plus, we know she got s new dress. What happened to the first dress, the one she got before she was pregnant? #spoiled

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, Mkay said:

My understanding is it's the reception dress she had intended to wear last yr for her reception she didn't have.  That's why she was so worried abt being able to still fit in it.  

Then why was she at that bridal store a few weeks ago, thanking them for helping her? Genuinely not trying to be snarky. I hope she is wearing a dress that she had before! That would be way less wasteful!

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I could give two shits less if Chelsea had a wedding a year after her original wedding, or was it just a reception with a wedding dress? I just don't understand why people give a flying fuck about what two adults do with their own time and their own money.

They're happy and SHADOWING over Jenelle's dreary wedding. We should all put our differences aside and share in the awesomeness that is of Chelsea ONCE AGAIN outshining Jenelle. Everyone was all about Watson's birth and not so much Endtable and now there is soooo much positive praise for Chelsea's reception than for Jenelle's wedding of horrors. ??

Jenelle must be FUMING with Jealousy!!! She probably has a special nailed up closet with a shrine of Chelsea with voodoo dolls while she dances inside a blood circle with a red wig on.

...took that too far? ??

If we can comment on how the other girls spend their own money, we can certainly comment on Chelsea. 

Chelsea is in no way a sociopath like Jenelle, but that doesn't mean I like her.

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