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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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Okay, that house for them looks nice! I didn't get a good glimpse of it during the episode, but I was seriously worried about what would happen to them come winter. I'm in the south, and there are a lot of farms here, but it also seldom gets truly cold. This past winter was very mild, and we barely even had any NIGHTS that were below freezing! South Dakota is COLD, though, so I kind of worried about these animals. I don't know much about them, though; maybe they can take the cold. I have birds, though, and they aren't supposed to have temps under 60 degrees, but then again, their species is originally Australian!

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I know it's hard to understand but Chelsea is not a magical princess, it is entirely possibly her or someone in her family could do something wrong.

And they have. There is snark, judgment, and lots of criticism that has been tossed their way. It is just not noticed under the layers and layers of criticism and snark thrown to her cast mates. That is why her thread is only 28 pages long compared to Jenelle and Kail whose pages number over 120. lol   There is just not a reason to believe a duck was killed. No evidence. Nothing. 

5 hours ago, NannyBails said:

I guess I'm still stuck on the "WHY DID THEY GET CHICKENS AND DUCKS WHEN THEY HAVE A NEWBORN"  issue.  I don't get people wanting to complicate their lives like that, though I guess maybe they got them so they'd have something to film other than Chelsea sitting on the couch with the baby?    I also hope they have another place for all those chicks and ducks to live and that they only put them in that pen during the day.   That pen is not critter-safe at all.

It might be something complicated to you, me, or someone else. These are two married people who decided long ago they wanted a home with some animals. They didn't just decide on a whim to bring home some ducks. Cole made that house for the ducks. That man's building skills has me in awe. It is not as if Chelsea is a single parent and bringing home ducks like some of these yahoos on the show who decide to buy a puppy on a whim. She has a husband who is sharing those responsibilities with her. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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30 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


It might be something complicated to you, me, or someone else. These are two married people who decided long ago they wanted a home with some animals. They didn't just decide on a whim to bring home some ducks. Cole made that house for the ducks. That man's building skills has me in awe. It is not as if Chelsea is a single parent and bringing home ducks like some of these yahoos on the show who decide to buy a puppy on a whim. She has a husband who is sharing those responsibilities with her. 

Yeah,  I'm guilty of lumping her in with the others and that's not fair to her.  Plus, in my defense, I said that not remembering about the nice house Cole built for them even though it was obviously in the clip! (I was too stuck on counting the chickens.) Sorry Chelsea!!! Semi-off-topic, but I'm also a bit sensitive to the whole "let's get an animal because it might be fun" thing because I volunteer at a shelter and hear the reasons people bring pets back.  There was an article in the paper here last year that said the most cited reason for people turning in dogs was that they didn't know how much responsibility they were...   URGH.  

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I think someone else had posted they counted the animals and there were none missing in the scene after that producer tried to ask about the manhandling. 

Aubree showing the camera person the duck has suddenly turned into her having killed it to her growing up to murder people. It reminds me of  the time Princess Diana and her son, Harry, had just arrived at some event. Harry was looking at the photographers through the car window when he suddenly stuck out his tongue at them. The next day, the gossip rags had that photo splattered on their front page with a comment about Harry being out of control, needing to be punished, and so forth. It was later revealed how the photographers had taunted Harry by sticking out their tongues at him and he, being a child, responded. Princess Diana was furious at the press for instigating that moment just to get a photograph of Harry doing something "naughty" in order to sell tabloids. 

I just feel like sometimes the production crew take a scene and try to dramatize it with that stupid music. They are hoping to turn it into that scene that occurred two seasons ago at Cate and Tyler's home where something happened to cause the animals to become loud and distressed, a crashing sound was heard, Non-Carly was heard crying, and then we see Cate on a couch who is very upset and crying, who was later taken to a rehab facility.  Even though we didn't see what happened, something had happened because Cate was visibly upset and was wanting to go get help. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I think she seemed like she didn't know, but I at least appreciated that she was kind when she told the producer she didn't want to talk about it. Kail could take a big page out of that book, and jenelle too! I can understand her not wanting to talk while heading to the hospital to see her sick child, and she managed to do it without screaming and cursing. Still, my gut feeling when he asked the question was like she was in science class and cold called when she hadn't studied, and didn't want to look ignorant. 

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For the record,  I don't think a chicken or duck died.   I think Aubree would have been really upset and she did not appear that way to me.  She appeared embarrassed that she was caught doing something she was told not to do.  Probably didn't help that the cameras were there to capture the little lecture on the couch.

That being said, even if one of the chicks/ducks had died, Aubree's energy was not one of serial killer.  (Disclaimer:  I do not knowingly know any serial killers.  I am imagining what serial killer energy would be like.) Aubree just looked a lot like all the little kids I've ever been around ...she was used to bigger animals and didn't quite know what she was doing.    Lesson was learned...

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5 hours ago, NannyBails said:

Probably didn't help that the cameras were there to capture the little lecture on the couch.

Yeah and I think that was part of the reason Chelsea shut the conversation down. Aubree already got lectured in front of the camera - now the producer is prodding Chelsea to lecture her AGAIN for the camera because Cole arrived. Once was enough - anything further didn't have to happen in front of the camera. 

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56 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think Aubree (and some of the other kids on the show) may grow up to develop some real anger and resentment at her mother for continuing to sign her up for this shitshow year after year.

You know, I had never thought of it that way, but you're absolutely right! The parents are getting famous and looked up to (if they make good choices, like Chelsea) and reaping financial reward, yet the kids aren't getting many positives in the long run, and a lot of embarrassment later on. 

If I was, say, a college student choosing my major and intending to work hard for a living, yet any single one of my classmates could find my entire childhood and family baggage online, I might be a tad resentful that my mom chose to keep doing that to me just so she could sit on the couch all day and avoid working herself. Most people have ambitions and goals, and these kids will have to have that, despite the examples they've seen. No one will be padding their young adult lifestyles! I wonder if they will resent the fact that Mommy stayed on the couch their whole childhood and was a venerated celebrity, yet they were also on TV and get no free pass, but DO get a lot of embarrassment. I'm not just talking about Chelsea's kids, but Leah and Jenelle. Kail at least seems to have more drive, but her kids will have a host of other issues that will be even tougher to overcome...plus Isaac has seen Jo not work to bop around on the couch. 

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@Christina87 Jo was working when Kail and Jo were doing their drop-offs. In fact, it was because Jo was working, he ended up stuck in traffic on his way to his mother's residence that Kail decided since he was late for the drop-off she could just leave with Isaac in tow and head back to her friends for dinner instead of leaving him with the Riveras which is where she was at when she was waiting for him. 

What about what Isaac views of his mother who doesn't go to a job herself? One could say her job is being a parent, but Jo himself is a parent to his daughter full-time and going by how Kail drops off her boys, I am sure Jo is watching Isaac most of the time, until school starts for Isaac. Vee works, Jo is the caregiver. We are not at all clear on what Jo could be doing since he keeps much of his life private. Not even Vee made a big deal of her aspirations on the show. I discovered her having completed school on her Instagram account. 

I am not clear what drive Kail has going on. She couldn't even complete college and her grades were bordering on failing. She had to resort to going to summer school. The only drive she has is going on vacation and dick-hopping.  Vee has more of a drive than Kail ever will. 

Since this is the Chelsea thread, I will mention that it remains to be seen how any of the kids will react to their lives being documented. Since the cameras have been in their lives since day one it will be interesting to hear what they each have to say in the future. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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8 hours ago, Christina87 said:

yet any single one of my classmates could find my entire childhood and family baggage online,

I see what you're saying.  To be fair though, most of the classmates will have their whole childhoods and family baggage online as well.  Not Mtv television series levels but still, it will all be out there too.  A few years ago I watched a play-by-play of my niece's birth on Facebook.  Thank God that was before Facebook Live or I'm sure they would have used that.  I'm actually pleasantly surprised my great-niece's birth wasn't broadcast on FB Live a couple of weeks ago.  Lord knows her momma doesn't have any problem posting anything and everything else on it.  (That girl's timeline is very questionable, to say the least.)  Marriages, divorces, births, deaths... all of it.  It's all out there.

Many of us have posted pictures of our kids here and talked about our lives.  It's just the way things are now.  I have 2 sons, 7 years apart.  My youngest asks why I don't have as many pictures of him as I have of his brother.  Actually, I probably have more.  I just didn't print them all because he is the digital picture child.  His brother is the 35mm kid.  Heck, I have one picture of me on my FB but my youngest has no problem sneaking me onto his snapchat when he intentionally tries to get a rise out of me for laughs.  Lol  

TL;DR:  I don't think these kids are going to be that much different than their counterparts with regards to online exposure.

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11 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think Aubree (and some of the other kids on the show) may grow up to develop some real anger and resentment at her mother for continuing to sign her up for this shitshow year after year.

This got me thinking.  Due to Jackie Coogan's law, the parents of child actors are required to put a certain amount of their paycheck into a trust fund that cannot be accessed by anyone but the child and not until the child is 18.  Also, kids can only be filmed so may hours a day.  I'm wondering if the same or similar laws apply for reality shows.  On the one hand, the kids aren't technically working.  They aren't memorizing lines or working under hot lights with a director yelling at them.  However, they are still being filmed and I'm certain that they have to shoot certain scenes over again.  Are the kids getting any money at all for appearing?  Are they protected by any laws (besides, of course, the normal child abuse laws that people not on television are protected by)?

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@GreatKazu I missed that Jo has a job now, and I'm so glad!!! He is setting a good example for his kids. A lot of guys go through an immature "why should I get a job that I hate" phase, and I'm glad that he is buckling down and getting serious!  Vee is awesome too, and has shown herself to be a go-getter  

I hate Kail, but I will give her credit for having a dental assistant certificate (she was working as one when the show went away for a while), and a bachelor's degree. I'm not saying she is amazing, but Leah couldn't even last a couple months in college. Chelsea couldn't hack a one-year beauty program (I'll be nice and say she chose to switch to esthetician, but either way, she was failing beauty school and only attended about half the time). Jenelle managed to pass a certificate course from a school that will hand a certificate to just about anybody, but never bothered to pass the exam. Even though Kail is a horrible, HORRIBLE person, I will give her credit where it is due. She apparently got that work done and went to summer school, so I will give her credit for that. I think Isaac and Lincoln will at least remember their mother bustling around and going to classes, plus her graduation, where Leah's kids will remember their SAHM not even able to come get them because she needed to "sleep."

It's not totally black and white, but I will give Kail some credit. Jenelle, Chelsea, and Leah don't seem to have any interest in a career, but Kail seems to WANT to work (and I agree she is lazy and sits on her butt arguing a lot, but after the MTV $$ is gone, I see her getting a full-time job without much fuss, while Chelsea will sit at home on the couch, and Leah and Jenelle will go on welfare). We can agree to disagree, but this is just how I see it. 

Edited by Christina87
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3 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

This got me thinking.  Due to Jackie Coogan's law, the parents of child actors are required to put a certain amount of their paycheck into a trust fund that cannot be accessed by anyone but the child and not until the child is 18.  Also, kids can only be filmed so may hours a day.  I'm wondering if the same or similar laws apply for reality shows.  On the one hand, the kids aren't technically working.  They aren't memorizing lines or working under hot lights with a director yelling at them.  However, they are still being filmed and I'm certain that they have to shoot certain scenes over again.  Are the kids getting any money at all for appearing?  Are they protected by any laws (besides, of course, the normal child abuse laws that people not on television are protected by)?

We had a discussion over this a while back. The child labor laws do not apply to parents who are only working as independent contractors. They are not SAG members. The children are not SAG  members. These kind of shows can work around the labor laws that are normally required of other shows. The only time it affects the children is when they film the reunion shows. 

@MissMel you make a good point about the online thing with the kids. I will add, I bet you some kids will see these kids on this show as 'celebs". 

@Christina87 Not sure if Jo has a job now, but he did before. Whether he has a job, is going to school or is a SAHD, he is setting a good example just like any female who stayed at home to be with her children while her partner works. Chelsea is on the couch now because she just had a baby. Just like we will watch Kail with her baby as she sits on the couch. That is the norm. Generally, we have seen Chelsea have an active role in her daughter's life including sports and other activities. Aubree will see her mother as someone who went to school, worked, and tended to her home. Chelsea did all that without Mrs. Marroquin coming over to do all that for her. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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51 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@GreatKazu I literally just LOL'd thinking about Mrs. Marroquin coming over to clean Chelsea's house! That would be strange indeed! Thanks for the lau gh!

I seriously wish MTV would bring Mrs. Marroquin to the reunions. I need to hear from her! lol 

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I have to say, I don't really think Kail WANTS to work, any more than the others. I think she wants to give the ILLUSION of wanting to work. I think she likes the attention and accolades she gets for going to college and obtaining a degree. She thinks it sets her apart. She likes to portray herself as this hardworking "boss bitch". Whether she will actually DO something with any of that remains to be seen. 

Edited by ghoulina
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They are all what, mid twenties? They haven't had a real FT 40 he a week job.  Even if this show goes another yr or two that's a long time to have never held a normal job for a long period of time. When they are going to have to work with the public, or have a job where they aren't the "star" and will have to sweat or get their hands dirty, they are going to freak out. It won't go well. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

I seriously wish MTV would bring Mrs. Marroquin to the reunions. I need to hear from her! lol 

WORD. I am dying to see the Marroquins, and adam's parents! And while they're at it, being Janet and Eddie back!

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

They are all what, mid twenties? They haven't had a real FT 40 he a week job.  Even if this show goes another yr or two that's a long time to have never held a normal job for a long period of time. When they are going to have to work with the public, or have a job where they aren't the "star" and will have to sweat or get their hands dirty, they are going to freak out. It won't go well. 

So true. Not to mention, considering that most of the girls have spotty to almost non-existent work histories, they are going to have a had time breaking into the work force. It doesn't look great to employers when someone gets to their mid-twenties without holding a real job for a significant amount of time. And no, MTV Stah doesn't look good on an application, even for a minimum wage burger flipping job.

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9 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

So true. Not to mention, considering that most of the girls have spotty to almost non-existent work histories, they are going to have a had time breaking into the work force. It doesn't look great to employers when someone gets to their mid-twenties without holding a real job for a significant amount of time. And no, MTV Stah doesn't look good on an application, even for a minimum wage burger flipping job.

Most of these girls have no concept of real life. They've been pampered, flattered, catered to (complete with having MTV gofers furnishing them with Starbucks)for what, seven years now. They have no idea what it's like to show up at a workplace day in and day out. It's going to be a rude awakening. 

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2 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Most of these girls have no concept of real life. They've been pampered, flattered, catered to (complete with having MTV gofers furnishing them with Starbucks)for what, seven years now. They have no idea what it's like to show up at a workplace day in and day out. It's going to be a rude awakening. 

For real. I can't even see Jenelle or Leah actually holding down a job that is going to support them or their kids. Most likely both will live off Welfare, child support, maybe a minimum wage job (big maybe) or they will land men that will be able to support them. 

Chelsea and Kail I see fairing a tad bit better. Chelsea has been rather modest with her money and Cole has a steady job. As long as they keep their modest lifestyles and don't have a boat load a kids, I can see Chelsea being a SAHM that maybe does some part time spa work on the side. Kail will have to downsize a lot, and I'll bet she'll lose a job or two while her ego slowly deflates, but I do think she will hold down a decentish job at some point. Not some big time anchor job like she thinks, but maybe some white collar office job.

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2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

WORD. I am dying to see the Marroquins, and adam's parents! And while they're at it, being Janet and Eddie back!

A very special MTV reunion. lol Just like those special episodes of a sitcom where a serious topic was the highlight of the episode. 

Yes! Eddie and Janet. I miss them. Bring on the Marroquins including the sisters, gotta have their input. Adumb's parents. I need to hear from Grandma Donna 2.0. and special guest star will be Chris Lopez and all of Kail's ex dicks, side dicks and current dicks. MTV is gonna need a bigger couch. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

A very special MTV reunion. lol Just like those special episodes of a sitcom where a serious topic was the highlight of the episode. 

Yes! Eddie and Janet. I miss them. Bring on the Marroquins including the sisters, gotta have their input. Adumb's parents. I need to hear from Grandma Donna 2.0. and special guest star will be Chris Lopez and all of Kail's ex dicks, side dicks and current dicks. MTV is gonna need a bigger couch. 

Make it a bigger room. In addition to the above, I'd love to hear from UBT's sister Jessica, Jenelle's sister Ashleigh (mother of Gabriel and Atlas) and Kaiser's paternal grandparents. Plus bring back Miranda and Sterling. Then we'd get more of the reality behind reality TV. I'm sure all of these people know plenty that we're not privy to.

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On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 11:26 AM, ghoulina said:

I have to say, I don't really think Kail WANTS to work, any more than the others. I think she wants to give the ILLUSION of wanting to work. I think she likes the attention and accolades she gets for going to college and obtaining a degree. She thinks it sets her apart. She likes to portray herself as this hardworking "boss bitch". Whether she will actually DO something with any of that remains to be seen. 


Kail does the same thing with the "single parent" image. Kail doesn't even have her kids all that often. With school, dick-hopping, visitation schedules, vacations, and miscellaneous drop-off of the boys to their fathers' homes aside from scheduled visitation, Kail is not doing it all on her own. Nothing wrong with a parent needing alone time and having fun, but stop with the façade that she is working hard for her money and that she is doing it all on her own. There are plenty of people taking care of those boys and the household.  At least Chelsea can actually make that claim, although I never heard her come right out and say she is doing it all alone.  Overall, Chelsea has been a single parent and has had Aubree in her care for at least 90 percent of the time. The remainder going to Adumb's parents for visitation. When Chelsea has taken vacations, it was usually with her dad to their cabin or spending it with family and of course, Aubree is there. 

7 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Make it a bigger room. In addition to the above, I'd love to hear from UBT's sister Jessica, Jenelle's sister Ashleigh (mother of Gabriel and Atlas) and Kaiser's paternal grandparents. Plus bring back Miranda and Sterling. Then we'd get more of the reality behind reality TV. I'm sure all of these people know plenty that we're not privy to.

Let's also bring the camera crew from the earlier seasons and hear what they got to say. I want to hear from that camera person who blogged (?) about his experience on the show and let it all out about Leah, Kail, and mentioned Cory being a great dad. 

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@GreatKazu I also think Chelsea is very aware and appreciative of the emotional and finacial support she got from her parents- but they expected her to physically care for Aubrey on her own 90% of the time. Chelsea never complained about that because I think even with her faults she knew that SHE was Aubree's Mom and Adam was due to choices SHE made. Chelsea didn't take a vacation without Aubree until she and Cole were engaged (or right before) and Aubree was almost 6. Not saying grandparents never baby sat or she didn't go to a concert once a season with her friends, but she was actually parenting SOLO- Kailyn never has. From day 1 she has had a co-parent. 

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3 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't Chelsea go to LA on vacation with a friend a few years ago?

I don't recall (of course I could be wrong), she goes to the reunion tapings but before this year Aubree went with her (and Randy often came too). In season 7 she spoke about how this vacation with Cole was her first time being away from aubree. 

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Chelsea and megan went to ca by themselves in 2014 on a last minute vacation using randy's credit card.  


Not that she isn't allowed :)   I grew up in OC and moved to SD for a few years.  Most young people I met wanted to visit CA.  I remember chelsea and Megan being a bit overwhelmed.

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1 minute ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Chelsea and megan went to ca by themselves in 2014 on a last minute vacation using randy's credit card.  


Not that she isn't allowed :)   I grew up in OC and moved to SD for a few years.  Most young people I met wanted to visit CA.  I remember chelsea and Megan being a bit overwhelmed.

Thanks for confirming!

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16 minutes ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Chelsea and megan went to ca by themselves in 2014 on a last minute vacation using randy's credit card.  


Not that she isn't allowed :)   I grew up in OC and moved to SD for a few years.  Most young people I met wanted to visit CA.  I remember chelsea and Megan being a bit overwhelmed.

They said they used Randy's card? LOL 

It was Chelsea's birthday and she wanted to visit California. That was in 2014. Can't say I blame them. I love living here. After five years of doing this show, I am sure Chelsea was able to pay for her trip herself. LOL

1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

@GreatKazu I also think Chelsea is very aware and appreciative of the emotional and finacial support she got from her parents- but they expected her to physically care for Aubrey on her own 90% of the time. Chelsea never complained about that because I think even with her faults she knew that SHE was Aubree's Mom and Adam was due to choices SHE made. Chelsea didn't take a vacation without Aubree until she and Cole were engaged (or right before) and Aubree was almost 6. Not saying grandparents never baby sat or she didn't go to a concert once a season with her friends, but she was actually parenting SOLO- Kailyn never has. From day 1 she has had a co-parent. 

ITA.  That awareness is sorely lacking with Kail. She acts as if people are supposed to be at her disposal and be grateful to be helping her.

Edited by SPLAIN
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12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Hey, isn't it almost time for Chelsea and Cole's large ceremony and reception?

(the one they pushed a year out because Chelsea didn't want to be hugely pregnant at the event)

Watson is 7months now......

She posted a photo on her instagram last week at a bridal boutique with Aubree. I think the planning is well on its way, she's just not talking about it much.

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One thing I haven't seen from any of the girls on the show or most of their partners is work ethic. I haven't seen a real desire or drive to work or study from ANY of them. Kail had a little "get up and go" in her at first, but that's long, long gone. Chelsea/Leah/Jenelle never had any to speak of. The secondary characters don't have much either. The only ones I would truly describe as hard working, regardless of other good or bad traits (I like Jo, for example, but he's never been the hard working type, and Jeremy is a dick but he works hard as hell) are Jeremy, Javi, Barb, Corey and now Brittany as well. 

Edited by Lm2162
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21 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

One thing I haven't seen from any of the girls on the show or most of their partners is work ethic. I haven't seen a real desire or drive to work or study from ANY of them. Kail had a little "get up and go" in her at first, but that's long, long gone. Chelsea/Leah/Jenelle never had any to speak of.

I agree. If Teen Mom had never happened I think Chelsea would be living off of Randy, and Leah and Jenelle would be living off Uncle Sam. Kail is the only one who probably would've gotten a job, but that's because she has no family to help her pick up the slack. They're just all the type of women who do the bare minimum to get by in life.

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

One thing I haven't seen from any of the girls on the show or most of their partners is work ethic. I haven't seen a real desire or drive to work or study from ANY of them. Kail had a little "get up and go" in her at first, but that's long, long gone. Chelsea/Leah/Jenelle never had any to speak of. The secondary characters don't have much either. The only ones I would truly describe as hard working, regardless of other good or bad traits (I like Jo, for example, but he's never been the hard working type, and Jeremy is a dick but he works hard as hell) are Jeremy, Javi, Barb, Corey and now Brittany as well. 

I agree! I remember when Leah would bitch about Jeremy's work schedule, I was like, "girl! His work ethic is his ONE redeeming quality! Do you really want a husband with absolutely nothing going for him?" It's kind of ironic, actually...out of all these lazy couch surfer men, Leah has always had the hard-working type and hated it. 

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On 8/23/2017 at 8:51 AM, Scarlett45 said:

I think Leah has a genuine love and concern for her children (when she's sober), but I don't think Leah is bright at ALL and worst she chooses to remain ignorant of Ali's diagnosis. Corey is just a tad brighter but also chooses to remain ignorant and in denial of what Ali needs to live her fullest life. (It's not falling down all the time and injuring herself, or having difficulty eating her lunch)

In that moment I think that Leah was primiarly concerned for Ali, and wanted to be with her, but also she COULD NOT answer the producers questions because she didn't know. 

There's a woman in my Sib Group who's brother had MD, since we are primarily a group who's siblings have intellectual/cognitive disabilities she brings an different perspective. I think of her when I see Gracie and Addy; I know Corey and Leah would never put Gracie in a SibShop as they cannot even ensure Ali uses her wheelchair. 

Definitely agree on your analysis. She didn't know, but also seemed understandably put off that the producer was asking questions at that moment. And I've always thought Leah's main problem was not that she was ill intentioned, but rather that she is very, very dim. I think at a baseline level, her IQ is just really low. I know that's mean but I think it's the source of a lot of her issues. Corey is maybe a little smarter (though a rocket scientist he is, um, not), but yes, just as in denial. 

Edited by Lm2162
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11 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

One thing I haven't seen from any of the girls on the show or most of their partners is work ethic. I haven't seen a real desire or drive to work or study from ANY of them. Kail had a little "get up and go" in her at first, but that's long, long gone. Chelsea/Leah/Jenelle never had any to speak of. The secondary characters don't have much either. The only ones I would truly describe as hard working, regardless of other good or bad traits (I like Jo, for example, but he's never been the hard working type, and Jeremy is a dick but he works hard as hell) are Jeremy, Javi, Barb, Corey and now Brittany as well. 

I think it's looking at the population sample. Had these girls really had work ethic they wouldn't have been on 16&P or TM (with few exceptions), combine that with easy money and I'm not surprised. 

I agree with you @BitterApple, had TM not come along Chelsea would've continued to live off of Randy until he put his foot down (maybe when Aubree started school full time) and then she would've been on the hunt for a husband. Kailyn would've gotten a job because unlike Leah I think she needs something to occupy her mind, now she has her "brand", but sitting at home collecting a check (childsupport and from the govt) would've bored her to tears. While I think she does care for her boys she wasn't someone like Chelsea who found fulfillment as a SAHM. Had there been no TM2 money I think Leah would've tried a little harder not to cheat on her husbands, but being the "celebrity" in the relationship with her own income she had no motive to stay faithful. Jenelle is just ugh. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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Jenelle I could see going one of two ways without MTV:

1. Deciding kids are not for her, and barely having contact with jace. Since the public would not be judging her on her mothering skills, I see her taking off and being with keiffer types, not even pretending jace is important. 

2. Maybe her drive to cement a relationship via the "perfect family" / trap baby was stronger than her drive to party, so she could have kept getting into relationships and having spawn. I predict an even larger number of relationships with even worse dudes, because they never would have stayed as long as they did without her money! I still predict that without the public judging her mothering skills, they would have been deposited on barb's doorstep the second things didn't work out with her main squeeze, and then onto the next!

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13 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Jenelle I could see going one of two ways without MTV:

1. Deciding kids are not for her, and barely having contact with jace. Since the public would not be judging her on her mothering skills, I see her taking off and being with keiffer types, not even pretending jace is important. 

2. Maybe her drive to cement a relationship via the "perfect family" / trap baby was stronger than her drive to party, so she could have kept getting into relationships and having spawn. I predict an even larger number of relationships with even worse dudes, because they never would have stayed as long as they did without her money! I still predict that without the public judging her mothering skills, they would have been deposited on barb's doorstep the second things didn't work out with her main squeeze, and then onto the next!

I think one or two are both equally probable. I think if there were no MTV Jenelle would've kept having babies with shit guys, but I think Barb's foot would've stayed down about not raising another- the kids would've been raised by paternal grandparents/aunts/uncles, and she would've moved onto the next relationship. 

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Well.. according to chelseas twitter she isn't happy with how they edited her segments in this episode that airs tonight. Like look.. editing sucks and all that and I'm sure things have to be pieced together for a story but otherwise.. there isn't anything going on in Chelsea's segments. I like her and all but I'm getting real tired of the constant deflecting she's been doing. 

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CHeck out Chelsea's twitter about the episode tonight. I think she is done after this season.  There are a lot of tweets or I'd attach them all but I don't want to flood the board with all my posts.    


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15 minutes ago, Mkay said:

CHeck out Chelsea's twitter about the episode tonight. I think she is done after this season.  There are a lot of tweets or I'd attach them all but I don't want to flood the board with all my posts.    


I read them all and I believe her. Of course MTV doesn't want to show the annoying/boring stuff and need to create a storyline. But I feel for her. She can see how it might impact Aubree in the future and is trying to be her advocate. I think she'll be done too.

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I mean I feel for her, I do but at the same time it's a little annoying to me the constant need to deflect everything. If she had made that one tweet about how she's worried about it affect Aubree and be done with it I'd be cool with it but yeah. I get it. She's angry because she feels upset about the things she filmed and how it's all pieced together but at the same time.. she knows it's a show. So yeah. 

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