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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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So to have a diagnosis of Bipolar 2, you have to have had one depressive episode and then you need to have symptoms like an inflated grandiose mood, increased activity levels, increased energy, plus three or more symptoms from the main bipolar criteria from at least four days,” Dr. Modir continued. “In our case, Kail didn’t meet that criteria.”

Lol well of course she didn't demonstrate increased activity levels and energy! Have we ever seen her do anything besides lay on a couch and yell and scream and complain? She was moody and irritable, which seems to be how she is all of the time. That's not a disorder that's just being an asshole.

Eta: sorry I tried to quote that first part from the article but my phone isn't cooperating today

Edited by poopchute
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Kail the Hulk will be on The Doctors tomorrow. She will discuss how she was misdiagnosed with a mental health disorder.

Yes, because she just HAD to share her experience with others, just in case it might help someone else.  Oh, and after she dried her tears, she summoned up the courage to plug her new children's book.  Applause applause applause.  What a crock of shit.

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So to have a diagnosis of Bipolar 2, you have to have had one depressive episode and then you need to have symptoms like an inflated grandiose mood, increased activity levels, increased energy, plus three or more symptoms from the main bipolar criteria from at least four days,” Dr. Modir continued. “In our case, Kail didn’t meet that criteria.”

Lol well of course she didn't demonstrate increased activity levels and energy! Have we ever seen her do anything besides lay on a couch and yell and scream and complain? She was moody and irritable, which seems to be how she is all of the time. That's not a disorder that's just being an asshole.

Eta: sorry I tried to quote that first part from the article but my phone isn't cooperating today

So total disclosure, I have a diagnosed mental disorder (borderline personality disorder)... At one point my doctor considered bipolar 2, I don't remember the exact criteria... But I remember it being kinda vague and thinking that I'm sure anyone could go through a period of time where they fit that criteria. I didn't see the show, is she claiming she never had a disorder at all, because I call bs on that. Didn't she use bipolar as an excuse for her rage? So now is she just a raging bitch? I probably shouldn't comment until I know what was said...

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Ahhh, thanks... So she was still "bipolar" just not "bipolar 2". I have no idea what she may or may not have, the only reason it annoys me is that in the past she used it as an excuse for her behavior, my impression before watching was that she was trying to say she never had anything, and it annoyed me that she can't have it both ways, that nothing was ever wrong and it was a misdiagnosis, and she was unable to control her rage because she had a mental illness, but I misspoke, because it was just the type she thought was misdiagnosed from what I understood.

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So total disclosure, I have a diagnosed mental disorder (borderline personality disorder)... At one point my doctor considered bipolar 2, I don't remember the exact criteria... But I remember it being kinda vague and thinking that I'm sure anyone could go through a period of time where they fit that criteria. I didn't see the show, is she claiming she never had a disorder at all, because I call bs on that. Didn't she use bipolar as an excuse for her rage? So now is she just a raging bitch? I probably shouldn't comment until I know what was said...

Yes. A big part of the problem with mental health treatment is diagnosis. The treatment for things like Bipolar can really stuff you up if they're not correct

Yes. A big part of the problem with mental health treatment is diagnosis. The treatment for things like Bipolar can really stuff you up if they're not correct

True. With Kail though, a big part of her mental health has to do with her lying about certain things such as her need to paint herself as the constant victim, her anger control issues, and her defiant attitude. and one major thing about Kail is, she hates to be told what to do. Even when a judge tells her what NOT to do, she goes and does it. She can't own up to her faults, her mistakes, and those choices that cause her to later bitch about those choices. A mental health professional can't help Kail properly if she is not up-front about herself. What is that saying? You can't get honest help if you are not honest about yourself. There are issues Kail has going on, I just feel her whole Bipolar reveal was just an excuse for her to not have to own up to her dickish behavior.


By the way, there is a TM marathon on right now. It is the season where Kail ignores the judge's order about not moving until he decides the case.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I didn't realize that the treatment for bipolar vs. bipolar 2 would be so different. Does anyone know how they differ?

I need to look it up, but I don't believe they are treated hugely differently, I think bipolar 2 is a less severe form, but I'm only gathering that because like I said above my doctor considered it, which confused me because it seems like everyone would have those symptoms at one time or another. In bipolar 1, the hi's and low's are more extreme. The doctor said Kail had bipolar NOS (not otherwise specified) which means her episodes are more sporadic and don't necessarily fall into a pattern like bipolar 1 or 2. While bipolar 1&2 are characterized by periods lasting a certain number of days, NOS kinda comes and goes. Here is a website that has a good explanation of the different forms of bipolar http://www.dbsalliance.org/site/PageServer?pagename=education_bipolar_types

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Ok before I respond to individual comments I am going to say that my husband has Bipolar 1. I have been through the cycle of him being well, becoming unwell, seriously unwell, recovering and well again with him. I know a lot about Bipolar.

With Kail though, a big part of her mental health has to do with her lying about certain things such as her need to paint herself as the constant victim, her anger control issues, and her defiant attitude. and one major thing about Kail is, she hates to be told what to do...A mental health professional can't help Kail properly if she is not up-front about herself. What is that saying? You can't get honest help if you are not honest about yourself. There are issues Kail has going on, I just feel her whole Bipolar reveal was just an excuse for her to not have to own up to her dickish behavior.

All of these things that you are mentioning can be symptoms of Bipolar. It is true that a mental health professional cannot help someone prevent future episodes if they are in denial or refuse to follow the treatment/therapy regime, however, with the aid of medications (such as Lithium) they are able to stabalise (I'm Australian, not American, just for the record) them and 'pull them out' of the episode as such.


I didn't realize that the treatment for bipolar vs. bipolar 2 would be so different. Does anyone know how they differ?

They are very different. Type 2 consists of serious depressive low episodes but only moderate manic (or high) episodes, typically involving fast speech etc but no delusions. Type 1 is both seriously depressive lows and serious manic highs- full-on delusions etc.


I need to look it up, but I don't believe they are treated hugely differently, I think bipolar 2 is a less severe form, but I'm only gathering that because like I said above my doctor considered it, which confused me because it seems like everyone would have those symptoms at one time or another. In bipolar 1, the hi's and low's are more extreme. The doctor said Kail had bipolar NOS (not otherwise specified) which means her episodes are more sporadic and don't necessarily fall into a pattern like bipolar 1 or 2. While bipolar 1&2 are characterized by periods lasting a certain number of days, NOS kinda comes and goes. Here is a website that has a good explanation of the different forms of bipolar http://www.dbsalliance.org/site/PageServer?pagename=education_bipolar_types

You're correct and that is a nice little resource.

Ok, thank you for explaining. I'm just not seeing why it's such a big deal to be diagnosed as bipolar 2 if she's bipolar NOS. In the clip I watched she mentioned what a relief it is to have the correct diagnosis finally and I just don't get it.

Because Bipolar can make your life hell and it is such a relief to finally have an explanation (and potential treatment options) after a period of intense confusion.


Many people spend crazy amounts of money when manic/hypo-manic, many people engage in risk-taking behaviours (again, Australian) when they are having an episode that they would not normally engage in which can put their lives and the lives of others, in addition to professional and personal relationships at risk.

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I agree, I'm not sure why it was necessary for a show appearance and a la dr to differentiate, even with the differences I'm not sure treatment is that different. It just annoys my that she implies how wrong the first diagnosis was, and it's hard to say without seeing the whole discussion with the Doctor, but I think she had more of the behaviors than she admits to now so the first doctor wasn't quite "wrong" she did have some of the erratic behavior, like when she cheated on Jordan with Jo, I have a feeling when she moved out of her moms house we didn't get the whole story there, I'm sure there are more examples I just can't think of them now.

True. With Kail though, a big part of her mental health has to do with her lying about certain things such as her need to paint herself as the constant victim, her anger control issues, and her defiant attitude. and one major thing about Kail is, she hates to be told what to do. Even when a judge tells her what NOT to do, she goes and does it. She can't own up to her faults, her mistakes, and those choices that cause her to later bitch about those choices.

Ok, so I'm not a mental health care professional. But in my "professional" opinion as an arm chair psychologist/true crime & trial enthusiast (where actual mental health diagnoses often come into play), what you've just described (correctly, IMO) about Kail and what we know of her from the show matches up pretty closely with Borderline Personaloty Disorder: the angry outbursts, always being the victim, deciding people are always for her or against her (no gray area), loving the drama, etc.

https://outofthefog.net/Disorders/BPD.html --> plenty of the list of traits here scream Kail to me.

One of my in-laws is borderline and it's EXHAUSTING. I'm pretty sure it's also often co-morbid with other diagnoses, probably including bipolar.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Oh I am sure having bipolar disorder can be hell. My confusion is that if you were diagnosed as bipolar 2 and were being treated for it and then later found out you were bipolar NOS would you life change so drastically? Im not trying to be a dick I just legitimately don't see why this is such a dramatic misdiagnosis.

Ah I see. Yes. Hmm. Good point. With Bipolar 2 you are encouraged very strongly to constantly and consistently self-monitor. To note when you are 'up' or 'down', what your symptoms are and how long they persist, to try and get some picture of your pattern so that you are able to learn to curb your extremes/put precautions in place. It is my understanding that since Bipolar NOS does not have a predictable pattern there is less onus on the sufferer to try and find a pattern.


Ok, so I'm not a mental health care professional. But in my "professional" opinion as an arm chair psychologist/true crime & trial enthusiast (where actual mental health diagnoses often come into play), what you've just described (correctly, IMO) about Kail and what we know of her from the show matches up pretty closely with Borderline Personaloty Disorder: the angry outbursts, always being the victim, deciding people are always for her or against her (no gray area), loving the drama, etc.

https://outofthefog.net/Disorders/BPD.html --> plenty of the list of traits here scream Kail to me.

One of my in-laws is borderline and it's EXHAUSTING. I'm pretty sure it's also often co-morbid with other diagnoses, probably including bipolar.

Bipolar, Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder amongst others have a number of symptoms in common. This is part of the challenge when trying to diagnose them!

  • Love 1

All of these things that you are mentioning can be symptoms of Bipolar. It is true that a mental health professional cannot help someone prevent future episodes if they are in denial or refuse to follow the treatment/therapy regime, however, with the aid of medications (such as Lithium) they are able to stabalise (I'm Australian, not American, just for the record) them and 'pull them out' of the episode as such.

First of all, thank you for your input and personal experience.


I watched Kail's segment, but I can't remember much of what she said. I think she said she was on medication, but once she was married and "things fell into place" (whatever the hell that means) she stopped going to therapy and stopped with her medication. Can someone verify for me that is what she said? Since she is now diagnosed with a different form of Bipolar, is she not taking any medication for it? Is that even possible?


This segment was solely for her to plug her new book.




Many people spend crazy amounts of money when manic/hypo-manic, many people engage in risk-taking behaviours (again, Australian) when they are having an episode that they would not normally engage in which can put their lives and the lives of others, in addition to professional and personal relationships at risk.

Now this is what I specifically remember from Kail's segment. When the panel of doctors mentioned the manic spending or engaging in risky types of behaviors, I immediately began to think of how she is out there spending money like it is coming out of their ass. Buying the endless tattoos, Yeezy shoes, vehicle after vehicle after vehicle, going on vacations several times a year, buying a home without knowing what a judge was going to order in her child visitation matter, taking the chance on moving to Texas to be with people she didn't really know, having her boyfriends move in right away without the benefit of dating. There have been so many things Kail has done that just screams impulsive. Of course, she won't tell them she is out there spending money like crazy, and unless they get into her personal life to research this of her, they aren't going to know any of this. They would have to rely on her honesty to tell them she is doing this. In Kail's mind, her spending ways are not a problem so why should she mention it to a therapist?



Ok, so I'm not a mental health care professional. But in my "professional" opinion as an arm chair psychologist/true crime & trial enthusiast (where actual mental health diagnoses often come into play), what you've just described (correctly, IMO) about Kail and what we know of her from the show matches up pretty closely with Borderline Personaloty Disorder: the angry outbursts, always being the victim, deciding people are always for her or against her (no gray area), loving the drama, etc.

Now, this is what I agree with. My mind goes to BPD when I see Kail. Of course, that doesn't mean she can't also be Bipolar. This takes me back to my original post where I pointed out that she isn't going to get honest help because I think she will say what she thinks sounds good to a therapist, which is not honest. Kail is not going to sit there and admit she has ever been physically abusive to Javi and Jo. We have watched her lie through her teeth about those matters. When she did admit to having put her hands on Javi, we also heard her put the blame on him because "he should know better".  We have watched her blow her stack over $18 cheap ass earrings. She blamed Javi and his sisters as she had a meltdown. I won't go through all that Kail has ever screamed and bitched about because you all know what she has done. Everything points back to her being the perpetual victim.  I just can't see Kail being properly diagnosed because she is content with being labeled with one disorder in order to justify her erratic, impulsive, and asshole behavior, which IMO, is again  her need to be looked upon as being a victim.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Many people spend crazy amounts of money when manic/hypo-manic, many people engage in risk-taking behaviours (again, Australian) when they are having an episode that they would not normally engage in which can put their lives and the lives of others, in addition to professional and personal relationships at risk.

My husband is bi polar too.  What you wrote above is what he is like when he is I guess on his highs.  His manic episode isn't extreme as far as his mood but he will blow through money and buy all kinds of stuff for himself like it is nothing.  He is low more than anything.  It drives me nutty.  He took Lithium for a while and stopped.  He said he didn't feel any difference and is done with medications.  He also blames his cheating on bipolar.  

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Kail posted a pic on Instagram of her with her friend Mark on Nov. 26. Mark was her friend who was consistently on the show and there for her (and never seemed to give ridiculous advice) until he moved away. He seemed like a good friend to Kail and wasn't all up in her drama creations like Sterling.


  • Love 3

Kail posted a pic on Instagram of her with her friend Mark on Nov. 26. Mark was her friend who was consistently on the show and there for her (and never seemed to give ridiculous advice) until he moved away. He seemed like a good friend to Kail and wasn't all up in her drama creations like Sterling.


Ah, I remember that guy. He seemed pretty cool, and always helped her with her multiple moves. That's a good friend right there.

  • Love 5

Ok, so I'm not a mental health care professional. But in my "professional" opinion as an arm chair psychologist/true crime & trial enthusiast (where actual mental health diagnoses often come into play), what you've just described (correctly, IMO) about Kail and what we know of her from the show matches up pretty closely with Borderline Personality Disorder: the angry outbursts, always being the victim, deciding people are always for her or against her (no gray area), loving the drama, etc.

https://outofthefog.net/Disorders/BPD.html --> plenty of the list of traits here scream Kail to me.

One of my in-laws is borderline and it's EXHAUSTING. I'm pretty sure it's also often co-morbid with other diagnoses, probably including bipolar.

I've had a friend who was diagnosed with borderline (along with bipolar/suicidal) and holy fuck was she emotionally exhausting to deal with. Nevermind all the drama she'd always bring to the table. Every time I saw her I basically would play armchair psychologist because everything in her life was a goddamn huuuuuge crisis. Finally I just started distancing myself from her. I feel bad even to this day, but being friends with her was toxic for my mental well-being. I've had to do the same with other friends, sadly. It sucks.


That borderline diagnosis also describes Kail completely, and I think she even said she's bipolar before, right? It makes so much sense.

Edited by fliptopbox
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I've had a friend who was diagnosed with borderline (along with bipolar/suicidal) and holy fuck was she emotionally exhausting to deal with. Nevermind all the drama she'd always bring to the table. Every time I saw her I basically would play armchair psychologist because everything in her life was a goddamn huuuuuge crisis. Finally I just started distancing myself from her. I feel bad even to this day, but being friends with her was toxic for my mental well-being. I've had to do the same with other friends, sadly. It sucks.


Omg. Yes.  I've had a few of those in my lifetime.  There's a difference between sharing what's going on in your lives, and being a total downer, soul-sucker.  Kailyn strikes me as one of those people who is a soul sucker and always wants to bend your ear, but is never there for you when you need her.  That Mark is a saint.  He must be a great listener and all around good person.

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Karl is a vampire who will drain you of every ounce of peace in your life if she is your friend. She will demand that you are there to listen to her bitch for the millionth time how Javi is an asshole (which he is, but Karl married him), how she is so upset because there are no more microwaveable fish sticks in the frozen food section or any other matter that she will seek attention over. People must be there to answer their phones to listen to her, but if the tables were turned, I bet that heifer would let her phone ring.

  • Love 3

The Impulse Queen is at it again. Half-sister?



I know she had one tattoo removed, but it is news to me that she had several others removed. I guess when you aren't working and griping about needing money for your kid's school tuition, getting more tattoos while having others removed, along with Yeezy shoes, is just part of the struggle. Kail's skin is going to look horrible with all that laser work and the endless ugly tattoos.

Edited by SPLAIN
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The Impulse Queen is at it again. Half-sister?





Ugh, she also had these words of wisdom in that article- “My thought is that the only thing that anyone should worry about is the kids,” Kail said. (This is in regards to encouraging Jenelle to work things out with Nathan for Kaiser's sake).


Oh REALLY, Kail? Like you were thinking of Isaac when you falsely accused Jo of domestic violence and as a result, he didn't see his dad for a month? Or like you were thinking of Lincoln any of the times you manhandled Javi? What a hypocrite bitch.

  • Love 5

Oh REALLY, Kail? Like you were thinking of Isaac when you falsely accused Jo of domestic violence and as a result, he didn't see his dad for a month? Or like you were thinking of Lincoln any of the times you manhandled Javi? What a hypocrite bitch.

Preach. In Kail's fat mind, she was thinking about Isaac when she went to demand more money from his dad. She had to go seek more funds because her funds are going to her latest tattoo, her new car, twenty new scarves, and ten new pairs of stretchy pants since the Cross Fit and the junk food don't mix.



Ugh, she also had these words of wisdom in that article- “My thought is that the only thing that anyone should worry about is the kids,” Kail said. (This is in regards to encouraging Jenelle to work things out with Nathan for Kaiser's sake).

What is it with these bitches and their pearls of wisdom? They fail to practice what they preach. A couple of hot shitty messes.

I've started rewatching this from the first season on Hulu. Don't judge! I'm doing a lot of baking and I watch it on my tablet as I bake.

Anyway, Karl has gained a lot of weight. Right after having Issac she only had one chin.

She's always been a rude asshole. She doesn't ask nicely for things she demands them. In one scene Issac needed a towel, instead of asking Jo to get one, she yells "towel" she did the same when she needed a diaper in another scene. She never, ever says please and thank you.

I just watched the episode where she and her friend went shopping for school supplies. Her sad sack "lucky you" when her friend said her parents are paying for her supplies was pathetic.

She's always talking about how her mom sucks but so far I've seen her mom watching Isaac and giving Karl a car. I know Suzy has addiction issues but I've never thought she was as bad as Karl says she is.

Hearing her talk about how broke she is and how she can't afford to live on her own just proves my point about how these girls handle their money. You'd think she would remember those broke, almost homeless times and be smarter with her money to guarantee that it doesn't happen again.

  • Love 6

Hearing her talk about how broke she is and how she can't afford to live on her own just proves my point about how these girls handle their money. You'd think she would remember those broke, almost homeless times and be smarter with her money to guarantee that it doesn't happen again.


She seems to think that money is the only measure of success, so she flaunts it like crazy. New cars! Isaac goes to private school! Expensive shoes! Vacations! Look at me, I'm doing great! My kids have expensive shit and I have ugly tattoos! I'd like to think she's put at least some of it away, but I don't have much faith in these girls....

Edited by Spacecow
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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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