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Mama June From Not to Hot: Season 7 Family Crisis

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I watched this for the last few seasons mostly because I think Pumpkin/Josh's kids are so cute. However, at this point, it's become like watching some terrible behavioural modification experiment. They seem determined to ruin their kids' futures.

Also, having seen what these pigs* are up to on SM-nope, not supporting it even for the sake of snark

* ALL of the adults in this clan

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9 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I watched this for the last few seasons mostly because I think Pumpkin/Josh's kids are so cute. However, at this point, it's become like watching some terrible behavioural modification experiment. They seem determined to ruin their kids' futures.

Also, having seen what these pigs* are up to on SM-nope, not supporting it even for the sake of snark

* ALL of the adults in this clan

Haven't watched yet, but will. Alana, surprisingly, has escaped the teen mom role (so far). June, Pumpkin and Anna all had a child by Alana's age. I liked Pumpkin, but 4 kids, no education, no skills, no job other than "influencer" is not a plan. And June is just a bad person.  

What happens when the gravy train pulls out?

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1 hour ago, BAForever said:

What happens when the gravy train pulls out?

The fact that the court gave June, with her deplorable history, custody of Anna's little girl over the guy who had been a stepfather to her or the boyfriend she married makes me want to hurl.  It's not always the blood relative that will provide the best home life.

I have no doubt that June did it for the SSA survivor money - I seriously doubt she gives a flying fuck about any of her children - she proved that when she abandoned an underage Alana to an Uber at an airport so she could go shack up with the guy in Alabama (was he the one she spent tens of thousands of dollars on and who kicked her ample ass to the curb?)

But I no longer have any sympathy for Pumpkin, Josh or any of the others.  You keep letting her sorry ass back in. She sold Jessica's car, she sold Alana's furniture, she sold your home, she appropriated Alana's money and whenever she's confronted about it, all we hear is "it was cuz of muh addickshun."  But you have a session with the fraud with a Ph.D. and all's well and let's all be in the wedding to Toothless Wonder 2.0 and his famewhore family.  

The only one I have sympathy for is Anna - I think she came back solely for the money - maybe to build up some benefit for her daughter knowing she might die.  Wonder if June knows about that and can't wait to get her greedy meaty mitts on that as well.  Hopefully, it's a trust that was set up so that June doesn't get a cent out of it.  


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Alana's school in Denver should be a nice chance for her to get away from her awful mother, and develop a life of her own.   It sounds like a very rigorous program, but if Alana applies herself she can get a BS RN degree, and advance to post graduate programs in NP, or other advanced degrees and qualifications.   

The school she's going to has an excellent reputation.  (I used to live near there). 

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No comments on February 23rd epi? Guess no one is watching- I snoozed through it. A few thoughts- hard to watch Anna, very sad. Alana driving was not funny- if that's how she drives, she shouldn't have a license. Alana's nails are ridiculous. Alana seems too immature to start college. Ella looks a lot like Alana did at 6 or 7. She has a similar over-the-top personality.

Edited by BAForever
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I stopped watching sometime during the Geno days--did he ever get that cyst taken care of?--and hadn't planned to watch any more.  I saw June being given every chance in the world to clean up her life and become a healthy, kind of normal person, and she just couldn't do it.  Or wouldn't do it.  I think June's delight in life was being shocking and horrible, but I think she also genuinely wanted to stop looking like a giant thumb.  (the creatures in Spy Kids 1 or 2?  she wouldn't need a costume)

I chanced by the show on a surf and saw Anna's cancer turban and watched the first ep of the new season.

How the hell did Alana (apparently, via preview) get a $20,000 scholarship to *any* institute of higher learning, much less a well-respected, *genuine* school?  Did she get good grades in high school?  Wasn't she home-schooled for much of her life?

And I'm sorry, but Alana is still fat fat fat.  Pumpkin seems to have taken some weight off, and June's body is heavy but mostly weirdly-shaped, I guess from surgery.

Alana has a boyfriend with legal troubles, but she is being allowed--apparently--to make his location the deciding factor in whether she's going to go to college or not.  Pumpkin at least got her this far without a pregnancy, and if Pumpkin supervised her education to the point where Alana is college-bound, that's a miracle and stars in Pumpkin's crown.

The best thing in the world would be for Alana to go to school, live in a dorm, eat in the school cafeteria, and make friends with classmates instead of living her life as something to be looked at, judged constantly, and made fun of for her looks, her history, her family and her life.  She needs friends who are unaware of her and her mother's histories.  I'm not hopeful but I'm curious, so I'm going to try to watch this season.  God have mercy on my soul.

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I’m not a nurse, but I’ve seen my share of nurses in clinics and hospitals. I think Alana is in for an interesting discussion about those nails if she ever gets to that college to work towards her nursing degree. The nails aren’t going to work in any lab class, much less when she starts working with real patients. I’m not sure how she’s planning to key in term papers, either.

Or, maybe this is my own issue because I really hate her ever-lengthening fake nails!

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Certain this has been discussed on this forum, but did a quick search. The Coogan law does not affect reality child actors. Any money Alana made as Honey Boo Boo is most likely gone.

And as for Alana "needing a house" because all of her fame, not true. At first, other students would probably be interested in her notoriety, but that would fade fast. She'd be on campus and pretty insulated. College life would be good for her.

I detest June. What a selfish worthless person she is. Of course all of Alana's money is gone. 

Shephard's pie looked nasty. 

Edited by BAForever
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Most colleges require you to live on campus for at least the first year, unless you're a commuting student and live locally.    Someone of her age can't sign an apartment lease either.     How will Alana pay for a house?   Or get approved to rent one?    She needs to be in student housing, and emphasize her studies, not live with her boyfriend, or whatever her plan is.   

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On 3/10/2024 at 3:09 AM, BAForever said:

The Coogan law does not affect reality child actors.

The Coogan law is a California law - there is currently no federal law that protects the earnings of child actors as far as I know..  I believe Georgia has no such protections and therefore it's been widely speculated that June (and possibly Sugar Bear) gobbled up Alana's earnings.  Once Pumpkin got custody of her, of course, June no longer had access to the funds currently earned so hopefully Pumpkin has stashed SOME of it away.  

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On 3/10/2024 at 6:09 AM, BAForever said:

And as for Alana "needing a house" because all of her fame, not true. At first, other students would probably be interested in her notoriety, but that would fade fast.

We have a guy that has worked with us for two years who was on a romantic MTV reality show about ten years ago.  During his first days of employment with us he was known as "New Guy That Was on a Reality Show" and he was asked many questions about the experience.  These days it never comes up.  He did say his mother still keeps his professional headshot photo on her fridge.

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14 hours ago, BOOgen3 said:

The Coogan Law possibly covered Alana’s earnings from her appearances on Dancing With the Stars Junior and The Masked Singer, as both were filmed in California 

Two of the key reasons reality tv is so profitable is that the people on it are NOT considered actors so they are nit in the actors guild or protected by it.   It means two things really in this case.  The producers likely went to uneducated poor desperate people and offered them more than minimum wage to make asses of themselves on tv.    The second thing is that children on reality tv are NOT protected by Hollywood child labor laws because they are technically not part of Hollywood so Mama June likely got a check for Alana’s work and put it in her own bank  account and it is completely legal.   

This is one of the many huge reasons I vehemently dislike any reality show based on cute kids.    The kids have zero protection and zero rights.   And worst of all by the time they are adults themselves the money is almost always gone.  

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I remember reading a statement from TLC that their contract with the family required that June set up "accounts" for the children. Many have speculated that they were simply checking accounts that June was free to spend on Alana's behalf. I think we all know how that went.

4 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

This is one of the many huge reasons I vehemently dislike any reality show based on cute kids.    The kids have zero protection and zero rights.  

I believe that some people, such as parents of multiples, conceive the children with a plan to try for a reality TV show, or other income based on the children. It's foul.

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There is no way that Alana can be studying neonatal nursing and be as dumb as she was portrayed here.  She doesn't know what it means to have credit?  Pumpkin and Josh have rented enough places so they surely would have known.

I hope that Pumpkin can someday be able to go to culinary school.  She may have to wait for the twins to get into elementary school but she will still be pretty young then.  Until then, she could be taking an online business course or two if her dream is to one day open a restaurant.

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June continues to be worthless. Alana shoving her suitcase down the stairs? So immature and probably took a chunk out of the wall/baby gate. Guess Pumpkin and Josh don't care about any security deposit on their rent home.

So Alana and Dralin are living together as a couple. She's 18, he's a year or 2 older. That's nuts. For Alana college should be a time for girlfriends and big groups of people having fun. All of the responsibilities of adult life will come soon enough. If they are off-campus, she's missing out on so much. 

These people are so dumb.

Edited by BAForever
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My college had a nursing program, and the first two years were all prerequisites to the nursing program, plus the usual undergrad courses (math, English lit, sociology, psychology, etc.).   If they passed the prerequisites, then they applied for the nursing program.   

They only began the last two years of clinical, and nursing specific courses to start the summer after their second year, and went year round with classroom and clinicals for the last two years.  That's when they took their first national exams too.      The best part of the school Alana was accepted to is that they have advanced Nurse Practitioner, and specialty programs at the same university after the BS RN degree program.   

I don't think Alana will be allowed to live off campus for the first year or two, unless she gets married, or family moves to the local commuting area.   Dorm life could be the best thing that ever happened to her. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My college had a nursing program, and the first two years were all prerequisites to the nursing program, plus the usual undergrad courses (math, English lit, sociology, psychology, etc.).   If they passed the prerequisites, then they applied for the nursing program.   

They only began the last two years of clinical, and nursing specific courses to start the summer after their second year, and went year round with classroom and clinicals for the last two years.  That's when they took their first national exams too.      The best part of the school Alana was accepted to is that they have advanced Nurse Practitioner, and specialty programs at the same university after the BS RN degree program.   

I don't think Alana will be allowed to live off campus for the first year or two, unless she gets married, or family moves to the local commuting area.   Dorm life could be the best thing that ever happened to her. 

She said in the episode that she got permission to live off-campus because of her "fame".

Edited by PupCal
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6 hours ago, BAForever said:

June continues to be worthless. Alana shoving her suitcase down the stairs? So immature and probably took a chunk out of the wall/baby gate. Guess Pumpkin and Josh don't care about any security deposit on their rent home.

So Alana and Dralin are living together as a couple. She's 18, he's a year or 2 older. That's nuts. For Alana college should be a time for girlfriends and big groups of people having fun. All of the responsibilities of adult life will come soon enough. If their off-campus, she's missing out on so much. 

These people are so dumb.

Dralin is actually 4 years older than Alana.

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Seems to me that Alana's best bet would be to strike a deal with We TV if possible, since she is their cash cow (so to speak), to pay her tuition upfront and she can pay them back out of her Coogan account when she turns 21. She is 18, she could sign off on that herself. Just a thought.


And Pumpkin, keep both hands on the wheel, or at least ONE hand on the wheel, when driving. That bugged me.


June keeps saying Alana needs to invest in herself. Well, idiot, Alana landed herself a $21,000 scholarship. She had to work hard to keep her grades up to land that. WTF would you call that if not investing in herself?

Edited by newyawk
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Coogan accounts are only in California (15% of gross earnings).   They're only a small percentage of the child's income, and can be used for their living expenses during their childhood.  Some accounts have been used up this way.    I'm betting Alana's account is very little, and was never a trust account.    I don't understand why Alana is going to a school that is so expensive, without checking on how much money she had first.    Going to in-state schools would have been so much cheaper. 

I wonder how Alana rented a house?  Most rental agencies won't rent to someone of her age.    I'm guessing Dralin is moving in, so if he's a legal tenant he has to pass a background check, that should be interesting.  Unless the production company is renting it for them.   I'm wondering if a spinoff with Alana is coming?  

This was on a Morgan Stanley webiste about Coogan and other trust accounts:

"Laws similar to the Coogan Act of California are in place in New York, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. There are minor differences in their statutes, but all require the establishment of a Coogan Trust before issuing a work permit to a child performer.3 These laws pertain not only to residents of those states, but to any child who renders creative services within the state, including actors, models, singers, authors and athletes.

Who Doesn’t Need a Coogan Account, Yet

Currently, social media stars, or “influencers,” are not subject to child entertainer labor laws and are not mandated to open Coogan accounts in any state.3 This is no small exception. Young celebrities who publish their content on the internet and social media platforms have rapidly become some of the highest-paid children in the entertainment industries."

The legal investments of the funds for these accounts have been tightened up over the past few years, to avoid the trustees from investing in their own sketchy businesses.   It's still not in a lot of states though.  (I personally know of a case from the early 90's, where the grandkids were very successful in commercials, and small acting jobs.  Grandpa and Grandma invested in their MLM business, which went bust, and the grandkids ended up broke except for their continuing residuals.    Coogan accounts also are used to support lessons and training, housing, travel, education expenses, so even with legitimate uses the money can be gone by the time the child is a legal adult and can get their money.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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If Pumpkin was granted sole legal guardianship then she could/would have the authority to  set up an account with Alana's earnings, and help pay for costs of taking care of her  along with the child support she was granted.   I don't know the percentages.

I just hope they all get their shite together and do what's best.

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On 3/16/2024 at 10:17 PM, newyawk said:

Alana landed herself a $21,000 scholarship.

But didn't that cover only PART of the tuition?  I seem to recall the school saying that TOTAL tuition was $40,000 (and I don't know if that was for one year or for all four years).  It also doesn't seem to cover books or living expenses.  

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I bet current tuition for spring and fall semester is more than double that scholarship.   Plus fees, books, housing costs, and general living expenses.   When I lived in Colorado, that school has a fantastic reputation for academics, but also was known for the high costs.  

I'm still wondering about a spin off show. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Unfortunately for Alana the best role models she has seen daily in her life are two people that have had four children by the time they were 21 or 22. I really think they tried their best but probably no conversations were had about finances, how to be a truly functional adult. If this will give her an identity beyond "Honey Boo Boo". I don't care how she gets there but get her there. 

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Alana is in a power position, but she doesn't understand how to use it wisely. She is the primary entertainment draw and the basis for whatever entertainment deals the family is offered.

I'm curious about how her scholarship to this particular school came about. Why CO, and not GA, AL, or some other good southern university? There are nursing schools in the southeast.

Did the school approach her as a means of getting some attention itself? One would not think so, but modern PR mechanisms are all about social media and reality TV.

Also, as a once-poor, rural southerner, she is going to be mocked and probably shunned by the locals. I don't think she will be confortable there.

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Is anyone surprised that June blew Alana’s earnings because of her “a-deek-shun?” She uses that excuse anytime she gets cornered with another of her lies. The question is not why she did it, the question is why does here family keep letting her into their lives. And yes, Justin needs to shed that tacky joory he wears around his neck. He’s no “King.”

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