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S25.E21: Power of Veto #7

Message added by Dustbunny,


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Well, I guess if the Stinkometer wasn't juvenile enough they decided to go back to the well with sweaty feet. It's hard to believe grown people are producing this.

Anyway on a positive note...it only took all summer but we actually got to see MeMe with some game play.

Even better all the fake alliances and sprawling alliances seem to be gone for good and the small factions look genuine and we are seeing final two ride or dies.

Liked genuine Diary Rooms like Blue where we see real stuff and real emotions not scripted junk spoonfed to the houseguests to say because Grodner thinks its funny.

Cameron has been on borrowed time for weeks now...let's get him out and get down to the open warfare in the house. Probably the last 3 or 4 episodes the show is finally delivering but judging by the bare minimum of comments on the board this summer it is too little too late.

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10 minutes ago, mojoween said:

This probably amused only me, but I giggled when Cameron said “Omaha!” while wearing an 18 jersey.  I hope he came up with that his own self and it wasn’t fed to him.

OMAHA! Long live PM! You weren’t alone there. I doubt BB fed him the call though, especially in the middle of a writer’s strike, these are the people who come up with colorful farts and feet sweat.

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Well, crap.  

It's Cam's own damn fault, though.  He had two  chances to rebuild his ties to The Handful (of the core five, only Reilly has left the House) and stop being thought of as a traitor for falling in with Cirie to keep close to his one buddy, Red.  At least if he had listened to Red and gotten rid of Izzy in Week 4, there would be a chance to get back with Jag.  Instead he took the heat for nominating Jag and Blue and was isolated with the A-LIE-ance (Cirie/Felicia/Izzy/Jared), who never had the slightest interest of working with him and took pleasure in destroying his friendship with Red.

Dumb move, bro.  Even last week, it was not enough to "create chaos".  You needed to build a new team.  Let Bowie Jane do the work if you worry you can't start this on your own.

Instead he's making standard pitches to Jared, whom the whole house knows is a stone liar.  What good would even getting Jared's "agreement" be worth.  You snooze, you lose, bro.

So, in Memoriam…

Michael "Red" Utley:  As Stupid As He Looks. (And have you seen how he looks?)

Cameron Hardin, the Space Cowboy.  Yeah, You Know Where It's At.


As Cam will not, it appears, be able to get rid of Jared, or anyone else, perhaps we can spin his helplessness as deliberate pacifism?  One last visit to the Steve Miller Band songbook, if I may.

(OT:  I think I have to aim for the Dec 17th show in Atlanta to get my Steve Miller fix, instead of Greenville as previously discussed.  Apparently you can't get to Greenville without going through Atlanta [or Charlotte] anyhow, and the small hall there is selling out too fast.  Atlanta it is, then.

And then I saw Peter Gabriel's show in Montreal [from last Wednesday] on YT and thought about seeing Peter, but he's too good for the South or something.  No Charlotte/Atlanta/Memphis/Nawlins/Florida on the tour; the closest he comes is tonight, when he is currently performing in DC.  Other than that, the next best is Texas.  Bummer. [/OT])


So perhaps I was wrong about Jared not being Paul's son, after all.  His commanding women to lower their voice certainly brings back less-than-pleasant memories of Bobblebeard.  (Note, this is the unexpurgated version.  Hey, Cody, you answer your C.O. with that mouth?)


Edited by Halting Hex
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 So being on the block makes America horny?  OK, Jane Austin Powers.   Don't let Cory figure that out or he'll end up evicting his showmance. 

 I love that no one is floating back to Cirie.  It's about time these people rubbed two brain cells together.

 I realize Cam is desperate but he needs to give up trying to work with Jared.   No good will come of it and it won't work anyway. 

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7 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

OMG!! what the heck is up with Jared calling Blue..."bro".

SHUT THE HELL UP...BRO...her name is Blu...

Argh!! And "BRO" she wasn't talking to you in a raised voice!!!!

That burnt my taters hearing him talk to her like that!!

I know right? When he started doing that a few episodes it was really bugging me. Jared would be a nothing/nobody without Cirie. Just another jerk.

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37 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

I thought Jared was an A-1 ayehole when he told Blue to stop yelling at him when clearly she wasnt. What a controlling jerk.

He did a similar thing to Cory.  Corey only slightly raised his voice because he had been subjected to Jared's loud volume for so long, and then Jared tells him to lower his voice.  Definitely a manipulation tactic.  You can be proud, Cirie.

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It seemed to me that in the POV competition that the later contestants had a disadvantage in how wet/slippery the floor became.  It seemed completely dry for America and then like a slip n slide for the later competitors.

Jared cannot leave fast enough for me.  I haven't liked him the entire season (and REALLY don't like the 'surprise' twist of a mother-son pairing), but all of his "bros" and then the totally rude, uncalled for, and sexist move of telling Blue to lower her voice.  No.  Just no.

Okay, I just reread some posts and maybe Jared wasn't being sexist toward Blue because he has used the same "lower your voice" comment to other houseguests as a form of control, but it is unacceptable and manipulative no matter what motivations (other than control/manipulations) he has for saying it.

I really, really, really hope that all reality show producers give him a big "no" to his having a future career in reality shows.  And, I really, really, really hope that this is the last time I see Cirie on a reality show for a LOOOOOONG time.

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

And, I really, really, really hope that this is the last time I see Cirie on a reality show for a LOOOOOONG time.

Oh, I'm sure we'll see Cirie and Jared on an Amazing Race before too long.

Cirie's offering to fall on her sword to save Jared was genuine but pointless. Jared barely knows how to go to the bathroom without Cirie telling him. Whatever alliance she still has would disintegrate thirty seconds after she walked out the door.

Speaking of Jared: I haven't been a Blue fan this season, but his treatment of her was just awful.

Meanwhile, I loved the cutting between America and Cory's DR segments where they each hope the other one is left on the block next to Cameron. They DO make a cute couple and have a legit shot to continue on the outside, but business is business and they both want the $$$.

Cameron continues to be an annoying know-it-all when he should be making alliances and acting at least a little humble. I'll be shocked if the vote tonight is not unanimous, and I'd love to see his reaction when he watches this season and realizes his supposed Ride or Die (post-Red) Jared was laughing at him to his face.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:


I really, really, really hope that all reality show producers give him a big "no" to his having a future career in reality shows.  And, I really, really, really hope that this is the last time I see Cirie on a reality show for a LOOOOOONG time.

I wouldn't count on it. I agree there would be zero shock to me if a future season of THE AMAZING RACE did not feature Jarred and Cirie.

Edited by North of Eden
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10 hours ago, Maverick said:

OK, Jane Austin Powers.

LOL I am ALL over the idea of a Jane Austen Powers flick!  Shag and Shaggability, perhaps?  Pride and Pretty-Juicyness?  Groovy, baby!

12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Jared is disgusting. Wake up, Blue. You can’t change him. And even if you could, he’s not worth the effort. 

To quote The Wisdom of Cordelia Chase:  "You don't change a guy like that.   In fact, most times, you don't change a guy.  Scratch the surface…and there's just more surface."

19 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Cirie's offering to fall on her sword to save Jared was genuine but pointless.

I was cringing at this. because the last thing I needed to see was a "Cirie's Noble Sacrifice" hagiography.  Dickless using the Veto on Danielllllllllle didn't make me loathe him any less.

Besides, she wasn't volunteering to be evicted, just nominated against whomever Cameron left on the block.  They would only need four votes and Jared's tie-breaker to save her, and she already would have Matt and Felicia in the bank.  Get the DR to help Jared woo Blue and Matt to convince his bro, Jag ("America is a real good competitor, bro.  And we can't let her and Cory team up with Cameron") and it would be There She Goes, Miss America before we knew it, with some smirking and cackling by Cirie in the DR next episode as the show gives her the Amazing Comeback edit.

The only sure way to get rid of Cirie is to put her up against her allies.  So as much fun as "Jared tries to pawn his Momma, but oops!" might be, there would be no guarantee of a good outcome there. JMO

Edited by Halting Hex
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24 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

With many of the houseguests being upset with Jared, wouldn't it be great if the more he tried to convince them to vote out Cameron, the more they considered doing the opposite?

Trouble is all the players hate him and especially the younger women he has been creeping out.

But yeah for game play I'd rather see America go.  Watch Cory flounder around with 99% of the brains between the two of them gone.

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Yeah I don't get why everybody's still against Cam. Guess he didn't do a good job last week setting up this week and beyond. Didn't get at all why Cory and America didn't want him to win the Veto, since he'd be safe and most likely pull one of them down. Found the Omaha call funny too. Obviously Cam is Jarred's main target which is completely understandable after last week. I was hoping Cam would win the Veto, pull down Cory or America and make Jarred put someone else up. Jane and Meme are just floating right now doing nothing and were my choices, but Jarred prob would have put up Jag.

Jarred is def acting kinda like a bully recently. Don't watch the feeds, so don't know if this is new behavior or he's been doing it all along. I bet he calls everyone but him Mom bro, which is why he said it to Blue. Def glad Blue is starting to see the light with him, hope she can take him out.

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2 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

Yeah I don't get why everybody's still against Cam.

Cameron's really arrogant and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Jared has a lot of the same problems, but Cameron doesn't have his mommy in the house running interference for him like Jared does.

Cam's biggest mistake was trusting Jared over Red. He'll be kicking himself for that for a long time.


3 minutes ago, mojoween said:

If Cameron does get voted out (highly likely, and probably unanimous), it bums me out because Izzy is going to gloat about it.  

You're not wrong, but whatever Izzy gloats about from her Loserville apartment does not concern me. She and Cameron deserve each other.

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5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I'm sure we'll see Cirie and Jared on an Amazing Race before too long.

Why would they? Cirie can barely perform on the mild BB comps and could barely form on Survivor comps when she was 15 years younger, there’s no way she could possibly do any of the challenges on TAR. If they show up, they’d be out after the 1st leg and that would be a waste of a team. 
In other news, I’m totally digging the cast of Traitors 2.

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2 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Why would they? Cirie can barely perform on the mild BB comps and could barely form on Survivor comps when she was 15 years younger, there’s no way she could possibly do any of the challenges on TAR. If they show up, they’d be out after the 1st leg and that would be a waste of a team. 
In other news, I’m totally digging the cast of Traitors 2.

I'm loving that Dan Gheesling will be playing, he's a great liar

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Looking back at last week's extended Wednesday ep (gotta clean out that DVR eventually, right?), I can't help but notice that Cam really missed a chance to solidify something with America and Cory.  They weren't in the OG Handful with Matt/Jag/Blue, so they're probably not as mad as the others are about Cameron floating over to Red.  They don't really resent his Week 4 nominations of Jag and Blue, since from their perspective that was Cam keeping the deal he made with America to win the Pressure Cooker.  And America was so excited at the Izzy/Felicia noms, calling them "so cool" and calling Cam "a badass", I don't think it would have been that hard to scoop her up and bring Cory along, especially with his knowledge that Matt/Jag/Blue are aligned without him.

A group of Cameron/Bowie/Cory/America would still have been in trouble as this week has played out, but it would seem to have been a wiser move than the Space Cowboy trying to ride alone.

That said…

…it is very unlikely but IMO not impossible that Cirie could decide to flip this vote and "work with" Cameron through Jared, in order to bust up the showmance couple and thus weaken Cory.  She knows that For Real For Real is as dead as the other fake-liances, and she has never shown any compunction about making this sort of move.  Cirie and Felicia and Matt and Bowie Jane would be enough to bring Jared's tiebreaker into play, and while Jared would completely hate the idea, Mama's Boy does what Mama tells her Boy to do, period.

Well, it took me so long to have this "brainstorm" that the episode is already on, so let me hit that DVR again, and I will see if I was clever…or if this was a never.

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On 9/21/2023 at 4:20 PM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Cameron's really arrogant and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Jared has a lot of the same problems, but Cameron doesn't have his mommy in the house running interference for him like Jared does.

Cam's biggest mistake was trusting Jared over Red. He'll be kicking himself for that for a long time.

Did they show that part? I remember seeing Red not trust Cam cause of what they were spilling him and not giving him a chance. Momma C then tried to explain why they voted him out and Cam didn't buy it.

Don't think I saw too much of Cam being arrogant. Def noticed one time during his HOH week, but didn't have much of a problem with it. Now seems he didn't really game plan ahead for this week which can attribute that to him being arrogant, but I just haven't seem that much of it yet. I'm a Cam fan so maybe I have blinders on haha.

Edited by yanksno1
Momma C
Message added by Dustbunny,


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