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S25.E18: Power of Veto #6

Message added by Dustbunny,


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I was surprised to find out it was two hours and I wondered why and god help me I got my answer....an interminable competition, kayaks, pigs in their pen all junk that my Fast Forward was able to trim to an hour.

No idea who Josh Duhamel is or care. Screw Buddy Games. All I want even if its over a decade late is Season 2 of KID NATION. That...show...was....awesome!

Cory if you are afraid of mommy and scared to kiss then its time to turn in your cajones and call it a life.

Cameron was playing so good....until he blindly trusted Jared.

Tommorow is so predictable it's almost not worth watching because I'm sure the minute the competition ended Cirie started marshaling the troops to get Felicia out. Its a foregone conclusion...which sucks because I want Izzy out... desperately.

Felicia crying out I'm hot, I'm hot....no America and MeMe are hot.

I guess The Minutemen never heard in some circles that is not a name you want to get tagged with LOL

Two hours and MeMe and Bowie don't speak once unless I missed something. Drop dead editors.

Edited by North of Eden
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Jag is a moron, he isn't trusting Cameron but is trusting all the people downstairs who voted him out and wanted him on the block again this week?  He's an insult to Hitmen. 

You think you can trust Jared, Cameron? Stupid after he played so well with the nomination ceremony. 

Izzy thought it would be great idea to choose someone who put her on the block who doesn't care if she can play for veto? 

Edited by Artsda
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In round 3 of the Veto comp Jag got 17. He has a diary room comment saying he got a low score of 17 but maybe Felicia can get a worse one. Then Josh Duhamel tells Felicia she needs to beat 63 to stay in, she gets 47 and she was out!


How did no one notice that blatant error?

Edited by Cotypubby
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2 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

In round 3 of the Veto comp Jag got 17. He has a diary room comment saying he got a low score of 17 but maybe Felicia can get a worse one. Then Josh Duhamel tells Felicia she needs to beat 63 to stay in, she gets 47 and she was out!


How did no one notice that blatant error?

Yeah I saw that too. If that was the round where she collapsed maybe she withdrew for health reasons??? 

Edited by Skooma
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9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Jag is a moron, he isn't trusting Cameron but is trusting all the people downstairs who voted him out and wanted him on the block again this week?  He's an insult to Hitmen. 

I have a problem with anyone who - after telling us repeatedly how afraid he is of going on the block - passes on the veto and takes the money. 

9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Izzy thought it would be great idea to choose someone who put her on the block who doesn't care if she can play for veto? 

I was wondering if Cam would try to throw the challenge. He should have. Izzy is an idiot. 

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Although I like Josh D., after this introduction to the Buddy Games there is no way I will watch it.  And the never-ending trumpet 'noise.'  After this episode I totally think Matt was a recruit because I just don't see how someone would think they would get to spend the entire week with a celebrity.  But, I will admit, I loved the lightheartedness of 'Josh' being in the house and all of the 'selfies.'

I just don't understand how the houseguests don't see the physical resemblance between Cirie and Jared-I just stare at him thinking how much he looks like his mom (of course, I have seen all of her Survivor appearances so maybe I'm a bit more familiar with how she looks).  It does make me wonder if people are afraid to comment on how similar they look due to potential statements/accusations could be made about that comment.

I really hope the houseguests wake up to the fact that Jared doesn't have their backs unless they are named Cirie.  Some of the houseguests are trying to play the game but I think it's too hard with this unknown mother/son relationship (well, unknown to most of them).

  • Like 8
10 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

Oh....I beg to differ with you. Josh is who made this episode tolerable!! Lol

Are you kidding?  I didn’t know a thing about Josh before this episode of BB (which made all the pre-comp gushing over him all that much more ridiculous), but by the end of this comp I was about ready to beat him to death with that damn bugle.  NO WAY am I sitting through episodes of a show with that crap being a regular feature.

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10 hours ago, Artsda said:

Izzy thought it would be great idea to choose someone who put her on the block who doesn't care if she can play for veto? 

The Piggy comp is really where I started liking Cam more, despite his many negatives.  I watched the last hour of that comp and they'd been at it for 7 hours.  They were exhausted but I never heard him complain about it and he was solicitous of Izzy who was in much worse shape.  I thought maybe they might form a new friendship, but the first thing she did was complain about him to everyone else.  

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Well I was able to zip through these two hours in about 30 minutes once I cut out all the garbage, including the never-ending Veto comp. Good Lord, once I realized it was going to be multiple rounds I skipped straight to the end. I also sped past the obligatory, paint-by-numbers "choose Veto players" segment where I have to listen to everyone tell me why they want to win the Veto. Like, duh.

And then the whole segment of Izzy proclaiming her undying love for Cirie. Good grief. It just speaks to my point about these people prioritizing Cirie over their own game and Izzy takes that to an absurd level. She's nuts. Hell, maybe she and Cirie will be friends for life but if that's more important to her than winning 750K why did she even sign up for this? Presumably she did not know beforehand that Cirie would be there.

Even though people seem to realize Cirie & Co. are running the house they still aren't targeting her. The only reason Cam wanted to put Cirie up as a replacement was to guarantee that Izzy gets voted out because he knows nobody will vote out Cirie. They all think taking out her two closest allies will force her to work with them instead. God these people are idiots.

I want to say Cameron looks like an idiot too, blabbing everything to Jared, but here again is an example of what an unfair advantage Cirie has in this game. 

So Matt says he's a big Josh Duhamel fan, huh? Uh, sure Matt. Let's see him name one movie Josh Duhamel was in. Just one. Ten bucks says he never even heard of the guy before. 

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2 hours ago, Maya said:

I have a problem with anyone who - after telling us repeatedly how afraid [Jag] is of going on the block - passes on the veto and takes the money. 

Frankly I didn’t have a major problem with Jag passing on the PoV and taking the cash, because I think it reflects Jag’s realistic acknowledgment of something we’ve all already known for a while: Jag lacks the alliances, the personal connections, and quite frankly the BB game smarts to make it to F2, much less winning.

I think everybody in the House recognizes nobody except Felicia and (possibly) Izzy had much motivation to change the Block noms, so those noms were pretty much locked once both of them had dropped out of the comp.  To Jag this means he has made it to Jury at least, and I believe he now recognizes this is where his game will end at some point - so as Jag meanders his long and winding course to the JH, he might as well grab whatever he can along the way.

Edited by Nashville
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2 hours ago, Cherry Styles said:

That was a lot! The piggy thing was funny, the josh thing was alright, the kayak looked stupid. 

I like Cam, but I'm not a feed watcher. So Why do they not like him? 

Izzy would stay on the block to save Cirie?! Like what?

Cam refuses to take in any new information and thinks he knows everything. 

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Josh Duhamel?  From “All My Children” (SO HOT and I didn’t even watch that show)?  “Transformers”?  Fergie’s ex-husband (and I think the father of her children)?  No?  Really?

Am I understanding that Cameron is ex-military, or was he just saying he backpacked in Afghanistan.

The cheeky little editors with their music queues had a ball with this episode.  When Cirie and Felicia were trying to get into the DR, but kept getting stuck, and the music screeched to a halt every time?  I found that hilarious.

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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